Entertainment for children of senior preschool age “What did the mountains tell you?” Riddles of the mountain Riddles about plains and mountains

“Conquering Everest” is the dream of adventure lovers. Thousands of travelers stop at the foot of the most high mountain on the planet. Everyone is eager to add their name to the small list of people who have conquered a unique manifestation of nature. But it's not that simple. Even the most resilient, strong people, adapted to mountain hiking, stop halfway and turn back. Romance dissipates when it comes to deaths. There are many more travelers frozen in the snows of Everest than those who triumphantly raised their flag to the top and came back down. About two hundred brave men are considered missing. And the saddest thing is that no one will ever know the secret of their death.

Time travel

It is no secret that in non-standard conditions a person’s psyche is disturbed and he may experience various hallucinations. This is exactly what the same inveterate skeptics say. But hallucinations did not only occur at critical altitudes. Climbers claim that this also happened at lower levels, where there are no prerequisites for a change in the psyche. The effect of time travel was described in more detail by Nick Escot in 1975. When the climber climbed the mountain, he felt that someone was moving behind him. Turning around, he saw a man behind him. The pursuing traveler did not leave any traces behind him. Experts suggested that climber Nick Escot saw another time stream in which another person made exactly the same ascent to Everest. The mystery remained unresolved.

Ghosts of the Mountain

Travelers who every time try to conquer the mountain, take over nature, and become the ruler of Everest itself, have more than once encountered an amazing phenomenon. It is difficult for an ordinary person to believe in him. From stories we know that in the silence of the white snow, voices, whispers are often heard, shadows are seen. This strikes fear into even the most inveterate skeptics. It is believed that these are the souls of people who remained forever on the top of the mountain.

Where did things go?

Continuing the theme of mystical shadows. There are testimonies from climbers about sudden disappearances of items of equipment. Warm clothes also disappear. Why do shadows need real physical objects? The question remains a mystery. The count of missing people has been going on since the 20s. Then an expedition was carried out, the goal of which was to conquer the inaccessible peak of Mahalangur Himal. Members of the group went missing under unusual circumstances. It is very difficult to remove the bodies of the dead from the mountain. Things got crazy. Climbers thereby mark points on the ascent route. For example, “green boots” is an altitude level named after the outfit of a frozen Indian rock climber.

Time passes, the climber’s uniform improves, and new equipment appears that can work in critical conditions. But Everest is still big mystery for the world.

Even on our first trip in June 2015, we realized that Vottovaara is not just a mountain, that there are a lot of secrets and mysteries there. And you should definitely come back here for more long term, and explore some of the questions that arose at that time.

We have compiled a sample list of questions for Mount Vottovaara.

  • Trees that are twisted in the most unimaginable ways.
  • Seids are huge boulders standing on three or more legs and on stands, arranged in circles and other unusual ways.
  • Boulders - hanging on slopes, or lying at a large angle on surfaces, in violation of the laws of geometry.
  • Drawings on stones.
  • Traces of depressed soles on boulders.
  • Cut parts out of boulders as if with a laser.
  • Cutting huge boulders in two ways:
    • laser with a sharp edge.
    • with a swollen top edge.
  • Stairway to Heaven - 13 steps leading to nowhere, ending in a cliff.
  • Stairs in the amphitheater.
  • Pyramids - free-standing and embedded in a block.
  • Circles around the sacrificial lake and plants growing in circles around it.
  • The energy of the mountain is the “Zone of Unintentional Happiness.” Portal to other worlds.
  • A tunnel, approximately 1 km long, from the amphitheater to Lake Belye.
  • Circles made of stones.
  • Stone balls.
  • Boulder - similar to a pier with steps on White Lake.
  • Polygonal masonry of boulders in the amphitheater.
  • The fortress is an amphitheater. Walls. The well is a collapsed wall.
  • Ahnenerbe - elite units of the Wehrmacht, what did they need on Vottovaara?
  • Boulders on the top of a mountain, sawn into streets.

All these questions indicate that Vottovaara needs to be studied, and it is necessary to start with the amphitheater, because scientists raise the question only about seids - whether there was an ancient Sami sanctuary on Vottovaara or not. But seids are a secondary issue, and whether they are man-made or a natural formation is not so important. We won't prove this.

Our task is an ancient megalithic structure, all of its walls lying at one angle in the amphitheater, where tourists walk, and scientists present all this as a product of glacier activity.

And in the summer of 2015, we bought a quadcopter and went to study to become a pilot and copter operator. We learned and took tickets to Vottovaara.

Our expedition in September 2015 was organized at a much higher level - this included high-quality equipment and a new guide. And a whole week of work on Vottovaara.

We already knew exactly where we wanted to film, what we wanted to see - more seids, new places and to film from above, from a bird's eye view, the whole of Vottovaara, specifically the amphitheater and the ancient fortress.

We worked purposefully, but we really lacked the knowledge with which scientists approach the study of megalithic objects.

Nevertheless, we did everything we could.

Raising the quadcopter into the sky, we immediately saw that the whole of Vottovaara was cut into straight lines, like a laser into the streets, we saw huge straight foundation blocks, megalithic walls lying at an angle with tightly fitted blocks, and stairs on the walls. A grandiose picture of traces of the activities of a bygone civilization opened before us.

Natalia Afonina

Entertainment for older children preschool age .

Prepared and carried out: Afonina Natalia Valentinovna, teacher of the 1st qualification category of MBDOU « Kindergarten No. 54 Crane" Cheboksary



1. Continue getting acquainted children with inanimate nature,give basic information about the mountains: what are there mountains who lives in the mountains, what grows, what they are made of mountains;

2. Continue introducing children with the properties of stones (strong, hard, smooth, etc.);

3. Develop cognitive interest, the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, and draw simple conclusions;

4. Improve the ability to compose small story about stones using a table;

5. Clarify knowledge children about the use of stones (construction of buildings, bridges, roads);

6. Show children products made from precious stones;

7. Develop fine motor skills of hands;

8.Nurture aesthetic feelings: teach to see the beauty of the mountains and teach to admire it;

9. Learn to find the right solution in a problem situation.

10. Show children experience "Volcano".


1. Introduce children with a new word - geologist;

2. Activate the dictionary children through words: rough, low, flat, steep, snowy.


Globe, "Box of Feelings",stones for each child, illustrations of a volcano, candies in the form of multi-colored stones, a collection of stones, a letter in an envelope from Mistress Copper mountains, riddles about stones and the globe, music recording: Edvard Grieg "In the Cave of the Mountain King", "Wind in the Mountains".

for experience:

1. Plastic bottle 0.5 l;

2. A4 cardboard;

3. Plasticine, brown;

4. Tinted water red;

5. Soda 4 tsp. ;

6. Vinegar 2 tbsp. l. ;

7. Liquid soap;


- examination stones in class and in free time; - collecting a collection of stones;

Reading Bazhov's tales "Mistress of Copper mountains» ;

- "Silver Hoof" etc.

- conversations on topics: “What kinds of stones are there?”, "What's happened mountains, "How Man Uses Stones";

- holding games: "Remember the fairy tale", "What's missing?", "Find your stone";

Listening to Grieg's music "Procession of Dwarves", "In the Cave of the Mountain King".

The teacher and the children enter the hall.

The teacher asks a riddle:

Stands on one leg

Twists, turns his head,

Shows us countries

Mountains, rivers, oceans.

What is this? (Globe).


Right. Let's come over and consider the globe. Why is the globe painted in different colors? (Brown is mountains, blue - seas, rivers, green - forests, fields, yellow - deserts).

That's right, well done. Who will show us mountains on the globe? (The child points to the globe mountains) .

And tell me mountains can they give us anything tell about yourself? (Answers children) .

Today you and I will find out what they can do for us tell the mountains. And poets, writers, composers will help us with this. Which one of you will name mountains? (Ural, Caucasus).

Educator:- Well done, and there are also the Himalayas, Altai, Alps. Guys, mountains always attracted people to themselves. Poets composed poems, artists painted pictures, composers wrote music, writers composed fairy tales.

IN. (Music sounds) suggests sitting on the carpet and closing your eyes.

Imagine that a time machine took us back to the Stone Age. This is a very distant time, you and I are ancient people. We wanted to light a fire. What stone should we take?

D. Kremen (explain why).

Q. The spark carved by this stone looks like dry moss. So our fire caught fire. Thanks to the stone?

Q. Ancient people needed to hide from animals, rain, and thunderstorms. What comfortable home will we find for ourselves?

D. Cave (children's reasoning) .

B. Correct, stone cave became the first human habitation. Ancient people now have a home - a cave, but they also need food, so you and I are going to the forest. But you can’t just take the beast with your hands. And what do you think primitive man picked up?

D. Stones (reasoning) .

B. Of course it’s a stone. Thrown with a strong and dexterous hand, it can kill the beast outright. So the stone became an extension of the human hand.

While the men were hunting, the women of the tribe collected plant seeds. They needed to make flour to bake bread. And again the stone came to the rescue. (They ground the grains between two stones).Later, men made stone millstones. Thanks to the stone?

B. Eating requires utensils. What do you think the first dishes were made from?

D. Made from baked clay.

V. Stone means.

Now we have visited the Stone Age. Now let's stand, hug each other closely and imagine that we are a mountain.

Physical education minute:

There is a mountain - old lady, (raise hands up)

To the top of the sky (stretch on tiptoes)

The wind blows around her (fans themselves with their hands)

The rain pours down on her (shakes hands)

The mountain stands, suffers, loses stones (attach palms to the cheeks and shake their head)

And every day and every night (the teacher touches several children, which should represent pebbles).

The pebbles are rolling and rolling away. (Part children step aside)

(The game continues until all the “pebbles” roll to the sides. “Rolled pebbles” continue reading the text and moving along with the others, remaining in their place).

The pebbles rolled, and from that moment on

There's nothing left of ours mountains! (with both hands pointing to an empty space).

Children's riddles with answers about mountains, about a mountain river, about an avalanche, about a glacier...

Have we stayed in the lowlands? You can remember the peaks! How big he is, There is a mountain peak in a white cap. And at any time of the year the weather is cold here. (Glacier) I'm taller than all my neighbors mountain peaks. Snow avalanches are not at all rare for me. (Peak)

Oh, the river fell down from a steep cliff! There is no hiding from the splashes here. What kind of place is this? (Waterfall)

…. My source is not at the stream - I run from the glacier. Very very fast, Fresh and clean. (Mountain river)

The wind touched the pebble and it rolled. He did a lot of things while he came down from the mountains. and that stone was tiny, it caught the brothers. And there was a roar in the mountains - We need to run away! (Rockfall)

A snowflake fell from the sky and caught a ball of snow. Together they roll, the mighty one grows. You better not go hiking these days! (Snow avalanche)

This area is all in the peaks, For timid people. Here tourists are interested in walking up the path. (Mountains)

Beware of the mountain pit, It’s scary to fall here! And it's easy to fall down, like with high tower. (Abyss)

Here is a mountain, it is bare, as if made of dark glass. Unfortunately, neither bush nor grass grows on it. And besides, it is vertical. Tell me this place. (Rock)

He doesn't follow the path - he climbs the rocks. He has crampon boots, a lot of equipment - an ice ax, and an alpenstock, and a belay skein. (Climber)

If I just want to, I’ll jump over the snowy rocks and jump down from the Pamirs. I love slalom! (Skier)

But the composers saw and depicted in their own way mountains. Sit down on the carpet. Now you will hear music written by composer Edvard Grieg. It's called "In the Cave of the Mountain King". Close your eyes and think about what you can imagine while listening to this music.

After listening, the children stand up and tell their thoughts.


Well done, what visionaries you are. And I have one surprise for you.

The teacher shows the children a letter and says:

You know, I was given a letter today, but how can I find out who it is addressed to?


You need to look at the address written on the envelope.


Right. Who knows the address of our kindergarten?

(Answers children) .

The teacher reads the address on the envelope aloud:

Cheboksary city, M, Pavlova street, building 6 "A", Kindergarten No. 54 "Crane". That's right, the letter was written for us.

The teacher opens the letter and reads it aloud:

- “Hello, dear children. I know you love to explore, so I'm sending you a package. I know that the package was delivered to you, you need to find it. Mistress of Copper mountains" Who is the Mistress of Copper? mountains? (She lives in the mountain, protects mountains and protects them. She is from a fairy tale).


Yes, guys. The Mistress of Copper gave us a task mountains. Well, we need to look for the package.

The children find the package and give it to the teacher.


And here's another note.


Yes, guys. There's another note here.

- “You can open the parcel, if you guess the riddle:

It burns with fire in my mother’s earrings.

It lies useless in the dust on the road.

It changes shape, it changes color,

And in construction it is good for a thousand years.

Heavy, big - can’t be lifted by one,

Or maybe it’s easy - in lie on your palm.

Who, children, guessed my riddle?

Who recognized this object by signs?”


This is a stone, different stones.


Let's check if you guessed the riddle correctly.

The teacher opens the box:

Look, there are stones here. This means we guessed the riddle correctly. Thanks to the Mistress of Copper mountains. This is a gift. Guys, do you know where there are a lot of stones? (In the mountains).


Of course, most of the stones are in the mountains. After all mountains are made of rocks.


Guys, who looks for stones and examines them? (Geologists).

That's right, now we will turn into geologists for a few minutes and examine the stones. Take a pebble each.

Stones are being examined


Well done, are you done? Who wants tell us about your stone?

Story by 2-3 children.


What conclusion can we draw? What have we learned about stones? (There are big and small, smooth and rough, light and heavy, different colors, but they are all stones).

Poetry: It’s interesting for you children to know,

Are there different stones in the world?

Whether the children know or not,

What is called magical

Is every stone a gem?

The one who loves amethyst,

Faithful to friendship, pure in heart.

Who is the strongman and the hero,

He wears a sapphire stone.

Who knows how to keep a secret,

Who is mysteriously silent

He will always be able to understand

Stone of lizards and snakes -

Dark-eyed malachite.

Red gemstone,

Like a slice of ham

This is the main stone - jasper -

The heart of a fairyland.

Red jasper pattern -

The beauty of the Ural Mountains,

As if in a bowl, in this jasper

The waters of the lakes are clean.

A pomegranate looks like a sunset,

Agate looks like sunrise

These stones are in necklaces

The power of the sun is melting.


Guys, do you know that scientists can learn a lot about mountains from rocks: what are they made of? mountains when will the volcano erupt, when were they formed mountains and what destroys them. Do you know what destroys mountains? (Rain, wind).

About the volcano for children: experience

A volcano is a fracture in the earth’s crust from which magma flows onto the surface of the earth, forming lava, volcanic gases, and stones. When a volcano erupts, a lot of ash, gases, and stones are released into the atmosphere.

Word "Volcano" comes from the name ancient roman god fire of Vulcan.

The structure of the volcano is shown below in the picture.

The most large volcanoes on the planet:

volcano name location altitude region

Ojos del Salado Chilean Andes 6893 South America

Llullaillaco Chilean Andes 6725 South America

San Pedro Central Andes 6159 South America

Cotopaxi Equatorial Andes 5897 South America

Kilimanjaro Masai Plateau 5895 Africa

Misti Central Andes 5821 South America

Orizaba Mexican Highlands 5700 North and Central America

Elbrus North Caucasus 5642 Europe

Experience: volcano at home This experience will help kids clearly understand and reinforce the concepts of volcano and volcanic eruption.

We make a cone out of cardboard, the sharp edge of which is cut off so that it fits onto a plastic bottle. Secure the cone with tape or a stapler (no matter what he unfolded during the experiment) . We cover a cut cardboard cone with plasticine.

Using a watering can, pour colored water into the bottle (10-15 cm not topping up to the edge of the bottle). Add baking soda and stir well until dissolved. Add a couple of drops of liquid soap or shampoo.

Cover the table with oilcloth, or put it all in a large bowl. So that during the experiment you don’t flood everything around. Attention! We take the child 2-3 meters away from the table with a simulated volcano. Carefully pour vinegar into our mixture in the bottle (this is done exclusively by adults).

And that’s it, enjoy the volcanic eruption!

The science that studies volcanoes is volcanology. So today we were all a bit of a volcanologist!

Who can tell me which writer wrote fairy tales about mountains? (Bazhov)

That's right, Pavel Bazhov. He wrote stories. What are tales? (Fairy tale and truth).

That’s right, a skaz is both a fairy tale and a true story. What mountains did Bazhov write about? (About the Ural,

Right. Let's remember which tales of Bazhov you know? (Stone Flower, Malachite Box, Silver Hoof, Mistress of Copper mountains).

Quiz based on Bazhov's tales

1. Remember the story "Copper Mountain Mistress» . When the hostess cried, what did her tears turn into?

(Copper Mountain Mistress. Her tears turned into a rare stone - copper emerald)

2. What inheritance was left after Stepan’s death? Who is the main character of the fairy tale? "Malachite Box" and what does she do?

(Malachite Box. Stepan’s inheritance is a malachite box “with every feminine device”. The main character of the fairy tale is Tanyusha, and she embroidered with silk)

3. What was the stone flower made of that Danila so wanted to see?

(Stone flower. Made of malachite)

4. Why did the Mistress set Danil free and what did she wish for him in the story? "Mining Master"?

(Mining foreman. The owner released Danila because he could not forget people and freedom, firmness and daring. Danila’s fiancee freed him from captivity. The hostess wished him: so that everything he learned in grief would remain in his memory, but Danila must forget the way to the Mistress)

7.Which fairy tale is the following excerpt from?: “I ran into a stone in the same place, and it fell on Andryukha... There the staircase opened up, and was well laid out, just like in a new manor house. Andryukha stepped onto the first step, and both lizards scurried forward, as if showing the way..." (Two lizards)

10. Why did Tayutka go to the mines with her father and what did she find in the fairy tale? "Tayutka's mirror"?

(Tayutka’s mirror. Tayutka went to the mines with her father, because her mother died and there was no godfather to leave her at home. Tayutka found “a piece of ore with a polished section, some smooth coal. It shines like a mirror...”)

12. Who is Ognevushka-Jumping and what does she indicate in the fairy tale? "Ognevushka-Jumping"?

(Fire Jumping. Such a sign for gold is like a little girl who is dancing. Where such a Jumping Fire appears, there will be gold)

13. In the tale "Sinyushkin Well" Grandmother Lukerya, dying, gave her grandson the last order so that he would not allow "bad thoughts". What did she mean?

(Sinyushkin's well. These are thoughts about gold and wealth - “there are none worse” that make a person greedy)

14. What were the names of the cat and granddaughter of grandfather Kokovani in the fairy tale? "Silver Hoof"?

(Silver hoof. The cat’s name was Muryonka, and the granddaughter’s name was Daryonka)

15. What is the name of the groom of Golden Hair in a fairy tale? "Golden Hair"? And who is he?

(Golden hair. His name is Ailyn “And, they say, there was only one hunter among the Bashkirs. He was not there anymore.”.)

What are we talking about? the mountains told? (Mountains are different: high and low, steep and flat, with snowy peaks and with green forests, various animals and birds live in the mountains; there are rivers and lakes in the mountains; in the mountains there is very clean air and clean water).

Guys, today we talked a lot about mountains. Do you know that mountains do not forgive a person for inattention and carelessness. Can you tell me how to behave in the mountains? (Do not make noise, otherwise there may be a collapse and be covered with stones; look carefully to see if there is a cliff and whether it is possible to walk along the path; if a fire is lit, it must be extinguished; do not litter).

Well done. Today you learned a lot of new things and remembered what you knew. The magic package contains another gift for you, magic edible stones. Here they are. Help yourself to candy stones.

The children leave the hall.