Message about Mount Yangantau in Bashkir language. Mount Yangantau (Burning Mountain). Rest in "Yangan-Tau" or visiting the Burning Mountain

 /   / 55.29861; 58.13167Coordinates:
CountryRussia 22x20px Russia
RegionRepublic of Bashkortostan
Mountain systemSouthern Urals
Top height504 m
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Physiographic characteristics

Mount Yangantau stretches from East to West for 2.5 km along the right bank of the river. Yuryuzan. The absolute height of the mountain is 143 meters, the height above the level of the Yuryuzan River is 160m (504 meters above sea level).

The mountain is composed of rocks of the Sakmarian and Artinskian stages of the lower part of the Permian system, crushed into folds. Structurally, the territory of the GNP is located on the southern edge of the Bashkir arch, bounded by a deep fault, along which the river runs its valley. Yuryuzan.

Hot air saturated with water vapor emerges on the slopes of the mountain. The air temperature is from +37 to +150 degrees, and in a well drilled to a depth of 90 meters the temperature reaches 380 degrees.

In the depths of the mountain, oxidative and reduction reactions of bituminous marls occur. At a depth of 60-90 m there are hot spots. The accumulated heat in a limited area is retained for a long time due to the weak heat transfer of the surrounding rocks.


Scientific research on the mountain has been carried out since the 18th century. (P. S. Pallas, 1773; F. N. Chernyshev, 1881; A. Ya. Gordyagin, 1882, 1885; E. M. Yanishevsky, 1902; A. Bikkel, 1932; G. V. Vakhrushev, 1927, 1957 etc.).

Many hypotheses have been put forward about the nature of the thermal phenomena of the mountain: an underground fire from lightning, the reaction of the transition of ferric oxide salts into oxide salts, the combustion of low-bituminous rocks, radioactive heat, mutual friction of g.p. etc. Since the 60s of the 20th century, hypotheses about natural nuclear reactor and a rare meteorite that became a catalyst for thermal processes (S.G. Fattakhutdinov, 1993).

Mount Yangatau is also known for its sulfur, zinc and radon springs, which became the basis for the creation of the balneological resort of Yangantau.

Birch, oak and aspen trees grow on the slopes of the mountain, alternating with meadow glades and petrophytic steppes. The surviving pines indicate primary coniferous forests. On the mountain and its surroundings there are widespread shrub meadow-steppe complexes of steppe cherry, low almond, caragana, rose hips, warty euonymus and feather grass, fescue, and thyme.

The lower slope of the mountain is covered with bird cherry and willow thickets. In 1980, on the basis of Mount Yangantau, a reserve and forestry area were organized on an area of ​​3,600 hectares.

Mount Yangantau has been a natural monument since 1965.

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Bashkir encyclopedia. Ch. ed. M. A. Ilgamov vol. 7. F-Ya. 2011. −624 p.. scientific.. ed. Bashkir encyclopedia, Ufa.

See also

  • Yanardag (mountain) is a burning mountain in Azerbaijan, with torches of natural underground gas.
  • Chimera (mountain) is a burning mountain in Turkey, with torches of natural underground gas.
  • Burning Mountains - smoking mountains made of coal in the Amur region of Russia.
  • Burning Mountain is a mountain in Australia.



Excerpt characterizing Yangantau (mountain)

– Do you mean “downstairs”? – Having understood what she was talking about, I immediately asked.
Stella nodded.
– What did you lose there?
“Oh, I didn’t lose it, I found it!” the little girl exclaimed victoriously. “Do you remember how I told you that there were good beings out there, but you didn’t believe me then?”
Frankly speaking, I didn’t really believe it even now, but, not wanting to offend my happy friend, I nodded in agreement.
“Well, now you’ll believe it!” Stella said contentedly. - Went?
This time, apparently having already gained some experience, we easily “slipped” down the “floors”, and I again saw a depressing picture, very similar to those seen before...
Some kind of black, stinking slurry was slurping underfoot, and streams of muddy, reddish water flowed from it... The scarlet sky darkened, blazing with bloody reflections of the glow, and, still hanging very low, drove somewhere a crimson mass of heavy clouds. .. And those, not giving in, hung heavy, swollen, pregnant, threatening to give birth to a terrible, sweeping waterfall... From time to time, a wall of brown-red, opaque water burst out of them with a resounding roar, hitting the ground so hard that it seemed - the sky is collapsing...
The trees stood bare and featureless, lazily moving their drooping, thorny branches. Further behind them stretched the joyless, burnt-out steppe, getting lost in the distance behind a wall of dirty, gray fog... Many gloomy, drooping human beings restlessly wandered back and forth, senselessly looking for something, not paying any attention to the world around them, which, and however, it did not evoke the slightest pleasure so that one would want to look at it... The whole landscape evoked horror and melancholy, seasoned with hopelessness...
“Oh, how scary it is here...” Stella whispered, shuddering. – No matter how many times I come here, I just can’t get used to it... How do these poor things live here?!
– Well, probably these “poor things” were too guilty once if they ended up here. No one sent them here - they just got what they deserved, right? – still not giving up, I said.
“But now you’ll look...” Stella whispered mysteriously.
A cave overgrown with grayish greenery suddenly appeared in front of us. And out of it, squinting, came a tall, stately man who in no way fit into this wretched, soul-chilling landscape...
- Hello, Sad! – Stella greeted the stranger affectionately. - I brought my friend! She doesn't believe what can be found here good people. And I wanted to show you to her... You don’t mind, do you?
“Hello, dear...” the man answered sadly, “But I’m not that good to show off to anyone.” You're wrong...
Oddly enough, I actually immediately liked this sad man for some reason. He exuded strength and warmth, and it was very pleasant to be around him. In any case, he was in no way like those weak-willed, grief-stricken people who surrendered to the mercy of fate, with whom this “floor” was chock-full.
“Tell us your story, sad man...” Stella asked with a bright smile.
“There’s nothing to tell, and there’s nothing particularly to be proud of...” the stranger shook his head. - And what do you need this for?
For some reason, I felt very sorry for him... Without knowing anything about him, I was already almost sure that this man could not have done anything truly bad. Well, I just couldn’t!.. Stela, smiling, followed my thoughts, which she apparently really liked...
Yangan-Tau Resort
Southern Urals
Country Russia Russia
Resort region Bashkortostan Bashkortostan
Nearest city Ufa (200 km)
Year of creation
Focus low-mountain, balneological, multidisciplinary
Area (ha) 73
Capacity 852
Nearest airport Ufa International Airport
More information
Mineral water "Kurgazak"
Climate temperate continental
director Akbashev Alfred Rashitovich
Address Russia, Republic of Bashkortostan, Salavat district, village.  Yangantau, st. Central, 20
Email [email protected]
Official website

State Unitary Enterprise "Sanatorium "Yangan-Tau"" RB- a low-mountain, multi-profile balneological resort in the Salavat region of Bashkortostan, 200 kilometers from Ufa and 45 km. from the Kropachevo railway station.


Natural geothermal phenomena of the unique mountain Yangantau (from the Bashkir “Yangantau” - "burning mountain") were first described in a diary by Peter Simon Pallas on May 26, 1770:

From open cracks (cracks) a thin, hot steam, trembling against the sun, constantly rises, which is impossible to touch with your hand, but the bark or dry chips thrown there in one minute caught fire, in bad weather and on dark nights it seems like a thin red flame or a ball of fire several arshins high...

Traveling through different provinces Russian Empire. P.S. Pallas

In 1907, four guidelines on the therapeutic use of vapors and gases were first published. But local residents Since ancient times, they have used their healing properties - they dug a hole in the ground and treated diseases of bones and joints with the heat emanating from the depths of the mountain.

There is such a legend: they say, a long time ago, in the era of the mythical youth of the world, a dazzling star once fell on Yangantau. It crumbled on the rocks, the trees around it burst into flames and a fire spread along the slopes. Further, further... And just recently, on February 15, 2013, a cosmic body flew over Mount Yangantau like a fiery comet and fell very nearby - into Lake Chebarkul (from the head. “Beautiful Lake”). And thirty years ago, in September 1985, while digging a pit for a swimming pool, workers extracted an unusual object from the bedrock deposits of the “Tandak Formation of Lower Permian age”, which turned out to be part of a rare meteorite. It was so heavy (several hundred kilograms) that it was impossible to get it out entirely. They managed to break off several pieces from the “mother’s body” - sections from one of them were transferred to the USSR Academy of Sciences (Moscow) and to special specialists. Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (Kyiv). Did a fiery messenger from heaven once set the mountain on fire, and the people’s memory preserved this event? The discovery of a meteorite on Mount Yangantau near the mountain's existing thermal core may shed light on the mystery of the mountain's heat. It is possible that the fall of the meteorite and the thermal and impact energy it brought during its fall could have influenced the regime and intensity of thermal processes occurring in the depths of this unique mountain, which gives people its healing warmth.

On April 2, 1937, an experimental balneological hospital with 20 beds was opened here, and in 1944 a sanatorium with 25 beds was created to treat patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system and blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and urinary tract of non-tuberculous etiology . Since 1957, the sanatorium has been open year-round.

The Yangan-Tau resort has been repeatedly recognized as the best health resort in the USSR and Russia.

In 1973, with the assistance of the Bashkir branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the first documentary film about the Yangan-Tau resort was shot. Author - Rashit Akbashev, cameraman and director - Azat Imanaev. In 1987, 1997 and 2012, film director Renat Nurullin shot a popular science film (for the Central Television and Radio of the USSR) and two documentaries about the Yangan-Tau resort (authors: Akbashev, Rashit Shagabutdinovich, Khuramshin, Ishtimer Shagaleevich and Nurullin, Renat Kham atovich ).

In 2014, the Yangan-Tau sanatorium received a Government Prize Russian Federation in the field of management and quality of service delivery. In the rating of “50 best health resorts in Russia” according to visitor reviews, the Yangan-Tau sanatorium takes first place.


The resort includes: 7 comfortable buildings on the main territory, as well as health, tourism, equestrian and hotel and service complexes; diagnostic and treatment complex; medical and health complex; museum; steam-air and dry-air hospitals. The latter include hot vapors and gases released from the cracks of the mountain, containing carbon dioxide and more than 30 microelements, used for steam and dry air baths (in cabins); bicarbonate calcium-magnesium spring Kurgazak, the water of which is used for internal and external use.

The resort is famous for its unique therapeutic factors, landscape parks, well-groomed territory and terenkur - “ golden ring Yangan-Tau."

Physiographic characteristics

Mount Yangantau stretches from East to West for 2.5 km along the right bank of the river. Yuryuzan. The absolute height of the mountain is 143 meters, the height above the level of the Yuryuzan River is 160m (504 meters above sea level).

The mountain is composed of rocks of the Sakmarian and Artinskian stages of the lower part of the Permian system, crushed into folds. Structurally, the territory of the GNP is located on the southern edge of the Bashkir arch, limited by a deep fault, along which the Yuryuzan River laid its valley.

Hot air saturated with water vapor emerges on the slopes of the mountain. The air temperature is from +37 to +150 degrees, and in a well drilled to a depth of 90 meters the temperature reaches 380 degrees.

In the depths of the mountain, oxidative and reduction reactions of bituminous marls occur. At a depth of 60-90 m there are hot spots. The accumulated heat in a limited area is retained for a long time due to the weak heat transfer of the surrounding rocks.


Scientific research on the mountain has been carried out since the 18th century. (P. S. Pallas, 1773; F. N. Chernyshev, 1881; A. Ya. Gordyagin, 1882, 1885; E. M. Yanishevsky, 1902; A. Bikkel, 1932; G. V. Vakhrushev, 1927, 1957 etc.)

Many hypotheses have been put forward about the nature of the thermal phenomena of the mountain: an underground fire from lightning, the reaction of the transition of ferric oxide salts into oxide salts, the combustion of low-bituminous rocks, radioactive heat, mutual friction of g.p. etc. Since the 60s of the 20th century, hypotheses about a natural nuclear reactor and a rare meteorite that became a catalyst for thermal processes have been considered (S.G. Fattakhutdinov, 1993).

Mount Yangatau is also known for its sulfur, zinc and radon springs, which became the basis for the creation of the balneological resort of Yangantau.

Birch, oak and aspen trees grow on the slopes of the mountain, alternating with meadow glades and petrophytic steppes. The surviving pines indicate primary coniferous forests. On the mountain and its surroundings there are widespread shrub meadow-steppe complexes of steppe cherry, low almond, caragana, rose hips, warty euonymus and feather grass, fescue, and thyme.

The lower slope of the mountain is covered with bird cherry and willow thickets. In 1980, on the basis of Mount Yangantau, a reserve and forestry area were organized on an area of ​​3,600 hectares.

Mount Yangantau has been a natural monument since 1965.

Yangantau is one of the most unique and famous places Republic of Bashkortostan. The word “Yangantau” is translated from Bashkir as “burnt mountain” and this is not without reason. The fact is that this mysterious mountain has actually been burning for several centuries!

The height of Mount Yangantau is low - only 504 meters above sea level. It became famous for the fact that hot streams of steam always come out of the cracks at the top of the mountain. Hot gases rise to the surface through cracks in the mountain, the outlet temperature of which ranges from +37 to +150 degrees, and in a well drilled to a depth of 90 meters the temperature reaches 380 degrees! In total, five “hot” spots were found on the mountain. Researchers have found that the highest temperatures are on the southern slope of the mountain. This is despite the fact that there is no volcanic activity in these places. There are still no scientists consensus, explaining the phenomenon mysterious mountain Yangantau.

According to the most common hypothesis, bituminous shale is oxidizing inside the mountain. The chemical reaction that occurs releases heat, which heats the water, which then rises in the form of hot steam to the surface of the mountain. The Bashkirs explain the phenomenon of the mountain in their own way. According to legend, several centuries ago a tree on the top of a mountain was struck by lightning. The tree burned completely, then the fire spread along the roots deep into the mountain. Since then, an unquenchable fire has been burning inside her. The Bashkirs considered the fire inside the mountain sacred, divine.

According to another legend, one autumn, a wet and chilled shepherd, exhausted, took refuge from the rain on the mountainside in a hole at the root of an old tree. The tired shepherd fell fast asleep, and when he woke up, he noticed that warm steam was rising from the bottom of the pit. Subsequently, the middle-aged shepherd came here more than once. Soon his painful joints stopped tormenting him and his strength noticeably increased...

Currently, Mount Yangantau has the status of a natural monument. The Yuryuzan River, popular for tourist rafting, flows under the mountain. It is widely known for its picturesque cliffs, caves, archaeological finds. This river is associated with the Bashkir national hero Salavat Yulaev.

The famous balneological resort "Yangantau" is located on the mountain - the largest in Bashkiria. The sanatorium has water and heat treatment facilities that use natural medicinal properties burning inside the mountain. For treatment, hot vapors and gases released through cracks from the depths of the mountain are used. Water vapor from the depths of the mountain contains resins, phenols and ammonia. In this case, the gases may not even be noticed - they have neither color nor odor.

Directions: Mount Yangantau is located in the Salavat region of the Republic of Bashkortostan. By car you need to drive along the Chelyabinsk - Ufa highway, then turn onto Kropachevo. Pass Karatavly, Maloyaz, Komsomol (the Kurgazak spring is located there). Next, after crossing the bridge over the Yuryuzan River in the village of Chulpan, turn right and climb up the mountain, which will be Yangantau.

Types of transport:

Bus, Car

Description of how to get there:

Mount Yangantau is located in the Salavat region of the Republic of Bashkortostan. By car you need to drive along the Chelyabinsk - Ufa highway, then turn onto Kropachevo. Pass Karatavly, Maloyaz, Komsomol (the Kurgazak spring is located there). Next, after crossing the bridge over the Yuryuzan River in the village of Chulpan, turn right and climb up the mountain, which will be Yangantau. By bus from Ufa (from the Northern Bus Station), Yekaterinburg or Chelyabinsk. By train to Kropachevo station, then by taxi or bus to the Yangan-Tau sanatorium. GPS coordinates: Yangantau: N 55°17"55"; E 58°07"54" Kurgazak: N 55°16"28"; E 58°08"09"

Distance from major cities:

Ufa - 180 km, Chelyabinsk - 320 km, Ekaterinburg - 430 km, Perm - 400 km, Tyumen - 750 km, Kurgan - 585 km

Minimum possible duration:

One day

Accommodation options:

Sanatorium, Hotel


3 kilometers away south of the sanatorium in the village of Komsomol there is a famous mineral spring Kurgazak. The mineral water of the source rises along a tectonic fault from a depth of 600-800 meters. All year round, the water coming to the surface has the same temperature: +16 degrees. The water is slightly mineralized and there is almost no taste. Nevertheless, water contains many microelements so necessary for the body, such as iron, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, copper, titanium, beryllium, molybdenum, chromium, silicon and others. Kurgazak water cleanses and strengthens the body, removes toxins, salts and even stones.

Types of recreation/entertainment:


Place value:

Good place for a photo, Natural

“Yangantau” is translated from Bashkir as “burnt mountain,” and this is not without reason. The fact is that this mysterious mountain has actually been burning for several centuries!

The height of Mount Yangantau is low - only 504 meters above sea level. It became famous for the fact that hot streams of steam always come out of the cracks at the top of the mountain. Hot gases rise to the surface through cracks in the mountain, the temperature at the outlet ranges from +37 to +150 degrees, and in a well drilled to a depth of 90 meters the temperature reaches 380 degrees! In total, five “hot” spots were found on the mountain. Researchers have found that the highest temperatures are on the southern slope of the mountain. This is despite the fact that there is no volcanic activity in these places. There is still no consensus among scientists to explain the phenomenon of the mysterious Yangantau Mountain.

In April 1937, the first clinical station was opened here.

Natural thermal baths have a multifaceted analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect on the entire body, improve muscle tone, help increase the range of motion in the joints, and have a positive effect on the microcirculation of internal organs.