Unusual travel for singles. The best countries for people traveling alone. Learn to dine alone

“Solo” travel is a great way to relax, deepen into self-knowledge, expand your comfort zone and, perhaps, find love. This must be done at least once in your life, of course, not forgetting about safety. Let's talk about places where it's not boring to be alone, it's not dangerous, it's beautiful, and there's someone to make friends with.

The capital of a country known for its romance, delicious food, beautiful people and high fashion, Rome appeals to all five senses at once. The bustling streets of the old town are full of surprises and don’t be surprised if you receive a marriage proposal on the first day of your arrival. Try all the gelato flavors, ride a bike, drink clean water from the fountains, pet the cats in Torre Argentina and think about the proposal.

An hour's flight from Bangkok and you are in Chiang Mai, a city in northern Thailand, the cradle of Thai culture and the place to search for “zen”. An abundance of vegetarian dishes, all kinds of yoga styles, more than 300 Buddhist temples- Chiang Mai perfect place for connoisseurs of a healthy lifestyle.

It's safe enough to wander around the back streets looking for a restaurant or a temple. You can go on an elephant ride or visit a village where women with long necks live. And don't forget about night market on Sunday - you can buy local jewelry there.

dotted with palm trees beach town Everlasting summer, Goa receives almost two million tourists a year. Here they have long been accustomed to Europeans and women can safely wear their usual clothes without fear of the disrespectful attitude of local men.

The city has 30 beaches - on any of them you can have a pleasant time, lying on a sun lounger and sipping mango lassi. You can find a group to do yoga, and in the evening you can all have dinner together at a restaurant on the beach, watching the sun set over the ocean.

Melbourne is the informal capital of culture, fine dining, live music, the best shopping in Australia and just... beautiful city.

Using a well-thought-out public transport system, you can be on time everywhere. The tram will take you to the bohemian suburb of St Kilda, where cafes offer great food and good books, before heading to Luna Park or shopping on Chapel Street. Visit the free ones music festivals and watch the Australian Open tennis match.

Tulum is located on the coast Caribbean Sea, a few hours drive from Playa del Carmen. It's a beautiful city, quite safe and quieter than others tourist areas Mexico. Friendly locals assure that a single woman can rent a bungalow on the beach and spend the night there alone. Spend the day by the sea or head into town for cheap, delicious food and live music. Don't forget to visit the ruins of Chechen Itza and swim with turtles on Akumal Beach.

The Hawaiian island, calm and safe, will touch a beautiful woman's heart coastline and a sea of ​​flowers, bright sarong skirts and the famous aroma of blooming frangipani.

The city of Makawao hosts street parties every third Friday of the month that are definitely worth attending. Also, take a trip to the waterfalls and set your alarm so you can get up early and watch the sunrise at Haleakala Crater.


Ubud is surrounded by picturesque rice fields and dense forests and lies almost on the ocean - this real paradise for lovers of solo recreation. Here you can walk everywhere, buy delicious local food for less than $5, and choose quality clothes from local designer boutiques.

Be sure to greet the monkeys in the Sacred Monkey Forest, do not miss the yoga classes and order a relaxing and inexpensive massage to your room.

Santa Monica,

Santa Monica, cozy city on the Pacific Coast of Southern California, offers plenty of fun for women traveling alone. If you're tired of sunbathing on the beach, you can ride your bike to Redondo Beach, jog on the boardwalk or rollerblade, meeting a celebrity along the way. Santa Monica has plenty of cafes and bars serving organic food and drinks, and the famous Cafe Gratitude offers vegan lunches.

The ancient capital of the Incas, the city of Cusco, lying at an altitude of 3.4 kilometers above sea level, has today become a home to expats and an attractive point on the map for tourists. Admire the remains of Incan architecture, walk along ancient cobblestone streets, have lunch in a cozy cafe in the colorful Plaza de Armas, and buy a llama wool scarf at the Mercado. It is worth riding along the horse trail to sacred place Sacsayhuaman (sounds almost like a sexy woman), and then buy souvenirs created by local handicrafts.

Travel is always good. Especially when you don't have to coordinate your plans with other people and look for compromises. It’s even better when you can go on a budget to where you’ve long wanted, without having to explain why you need to go to this particular country or city right now.

Do you know when all this is possible? When you travel alone.

Why traveling alone is a great idea

You have five reasons for this:

  1. You can fly away as soon as possible. There is no need to check schedules with friends, trying to find a date when it will definitely be convenient for everyone (in three months, for example). Everything becomes much simpler: you see a promotion and fly away.
  2. Tickets will be cheaper. If tickets are on a promotion, then it can only apply to one seat, and the rest will go at full price. Plus, the larger the company, the less likely it is that you will all fly on the same low-cost flight.
  3. You can choose a trip with the craziest transfers: no one will whine that they want to get to their destination quickly and don’t care about the eight-hour transfer in Prague with the possibility of going into the city.
  4. No shame: if you want to sleep all day in your room, you sleep in your room, without feeling guilty for a “seal” vacation. If you want to have breakfast with tequila and chips, you have every right to do so without judgment from the outside. And you don’t need to prove to anyone the historical importance of the light bulb museum that you’ve been dreaming of visiting since third grade.
  5. If you are traveling somewhere alone, you can find yourself a new company (and hide from it if something happens, and not fight simply because you live in the same room and are a little tired of each other).

How to travel alone and not worry

1. Luggage

It is clear that if you are going for one weekend, then there is no point in taking a huge suitcase with you. But, surprise, even on a two-week trip you don’t really need it. For warm countries(like Israel, Spain or Italy) and summer trips, everything you need will fit into a good backpack. Evaluate your wardrobe and choose universal items that will give you many options for combinations. Sneakers can be worn with anything.

  • Important: if you plan to take alcohol and delicacies with you, it is better to buy return ticket with luggage and choose a stronger backpack.
  • A string bag will fit into the most crowded backpack and will save you from having to lay out all your things over and over again in order to walk around the city.

2. Finance

Look in advance at how things are with plastic cards in the country you plan to travel to. If in Finland cards are accepted almost anywhere, then in Germany there are serious problems with this. Depending on this, determine the amount of cash you will take with you. Be sure to leave a reserve on the card, which can be withdrawn in case of force majeure. It’s better to pay a withdrawal fee than to lose your entire budget at once.

3. Housing

When it comes to renting hotels and apartments when traveling alone, things are the worst. It is clear that for two people you can rent a separate room for the price of a bed in a hostel, and for 3+ people you can rent an apartment on Airbnb for the same price. But solo travelers have an increased chance of staying for free with someone local via Couchsurfing.

  • If you are embarrassed by the prospect of living in an apartment with a single man, just select the “Women Only” filter. It's the same with age.
  • Be sure to read the reviews - this way you can find out whether the owner of the apartment is harassing guests and whether previous travelers have had any “difficulties” with him.
  • It is best to look for accommodation a week or two before your trip. This way, the owner of the apartment will definitely be confident in his plans and will be able to immediately say whether he will accept you.
  • Don't be shy about asking for a tour - locals are usually happy to show off their favorite restaurants and bars to visitors. It's a nice gesture to cook something from national cuisine as a thank you.
  • The maximum length of stay for couchsurfing is three days. You can negotiate for longer, but it won’t be very polite. After all, this is a free stay, not a hotel, so there are certain boundaries.

4. Security

The main rules: do not leave your drinks unattended, use only official taxis and check in advance the areas of the city that are considered disadvantaged.

  • If you are traveling to a religious country, it is better to clarify the dress code rules in advance. You may have to leave the ultra-short shorts at home.
  • In some countries (for example, Georgia), it is better to take a ring with you to wear on your ring finger. Yes, this is not very feminist. But this slightly stupid method can save you from unnecessary questions and actions.
  • Write down the embassy number in case you lose your passport. To do this, you should take photographs of all important documents and save them somewhere away in the cloud (but so that you always have access from any device).
  • In southern Europe, girls are often approached with a request to sign a “petition” or “appeal.” This way you can lose your last big cash or all your contents at once.

We asked three questions to three girls who travel alone for different reasons and in different ways.

  1. Why are you traveling alone?
  2. What life hacks help you? From finding hotels and activities to basic security.
  3. Three ideal places to travel alone?

Anna Polyakova, author of the @ru_girl_travel channel on Telegram.

Travels by car, maximum for one trip - about 25,000 kilometers.

Why are you traveling alone?

Traveling with just yourself is an opportunity to plan your vacation 100% the way you want. Some people like to go to museums in new places, some like architecture, some like zoos, some like food (like me). A single long-distance driving trip is a kind of meditation and an opportunity to sort out your thoughts. While you are busy with mechanical work (driving), and outside the window there are changing beautiful scenery, you can think about what in everyday life you don’t have enough time for in the hustle and bustle. And you don't need a travel companion here.

  • I search for all hotels through Booking. Even small hotels in the Amur region are marked there.
  • The site drom.ru and LiveJournal helped me find entertainment. I entered a query, for example, the Irkutsk-Yakutsk road, and from the reports of people who passed this route, one could read not only about the pitfalls of the route, but also about interesting places.
  • If you are planning to go somewhere for the first time, look for the latest reports from other travelers so that you know where a grader will overtake you, which city is better to drive through the bypass, and at what kilometer to make a small detour away from the highway so that wonderful landscapes will open up before you. its beauty of the place.
  1. It’s not at all boring to be alone in Karelia and on Kola Peninsula. The M-18 “Kola” highway is of excellent quality and is easy to drive along. Having passed through it all, you will see endless forests, Lake Onega, Belomorkanal (despite its scary story this is an amazingly beautiful place), ancient wooden churches, waterfalls, raging rivers, marble canyons. And then the taiga will turn into endless tundra before your eyes, you will cross Arctic Circle and you can see the Barents Sea, which flows into the Arctic Ocean. And these places are also very quiet and peaceful. An ideal place to take a break from stress and clear your head.
  2. Incredibly beautiful in Kamchatka. Best option to get there - plane. If you wish, you can rent a car, which is what I did. The federal highway here is short, about 200 kilometers, until it turns into stones, but it is very beautiful. In essence, it doesn’t matter where you are going when incredible hills and volcanoes rise around you on the horizon. You can visit hot springs (including mountain and wild ones, where you can sit in hot water right in the middle snowy peaks completely free). Not far from the City (as Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky is simply called) there is access to Pacific Ocean(Khalaktyrsky beach), Sea of ​​Okhotsk(it is especially beautiful in the village of Oktyabrky). And at the market you can carry buckets of crabs and caviar. IN last days in Kamchatka I ate just bread, because caviar and crabs didn’t work (for six months afterwards, just the thought of them made me sick). By the way, buying a bucket of caviar is actually cheaper than a cafe or regular products.
  3. The third most beautiful place is Altai. Chuyky Trakt is included in the list of 10 most beautiful roads Russia, because in just 800 km you will meet all climatic zones: from the icy taiga to the hot steppe. And here you can try bear, deer, moral, wild boar and hare, buy shampoo made from antlers or deer blood, the most delicious honey or tea. In general, for a gastrotourist it is a paradise, and the landscapes are eye baths. I’m thinking of going there some other time, but most likely I’ll fly to Novosibirsk by plane and rent a car. With this option, the trip may well fit into a weekend tour. The places are beautiful, but the route itself is not long. 2-3 days, depending on your pace.

Sasha Bogino, journalist at Mediazona

Travels around Russia for trials and around the world for fun

I often go on business trips. If you just want to leave somewhere from Moscow and relax, I usually go alone too: mainly because almost all my friends work, and our weekends simply don’t coincide. After the flight Moscow - Abu Dhabi - Melbourne - Hobart (almost a day, taking into account the time waiting for the plane), even a five-hour journey no longer seems so long to me. By the way, on a plane I always try to find a free row so that I can at least lie down - if there are significantly more seats than passengers, no one will forbid you from doing so. Enjoying new places alone is very easy: if the weather permits, all you need to do is take a walk in the company of good music and delicious coffee. Often on business trips I simply don’t have time for museums, bars and local sightseeing, so I try to walk around a lot to get at least some impression of the new city.

2. What life hacks help you? From finding hotels and activities to basic security.

  • As a teenager, I went to Berlin for a couple of weeks: I still remember how I filled my suitcase with clothes, thinking something like this - what if I want to wear not this dress, but another, I’d rather take both. I remember even better how my hands fell off while I was carrying this suitcase with me, so now I don’t take a lot of things with me on trips. I travel everywhere with a small, comfortable suitcase (half empty, so that there is room for some purchases).
  • Before traveling, I buy local currency in Moscow: it’s better to think about this in advance, because the exchange rate locally will obviously be less favorable. I leave about a third of the money saved for the trip on the card, just in case. By the way, many banks ask their clients to inform them about their trip in advance. If you don’t do this, if you try to pay in another country, your card may be blocked (I did this once in Canada before huge queue scraping out the last change to buy myself a coffee, it was unpleasant). I keep cash and cards in different places just in case.
  • Having checked into the hotel, the first thing I do is pester the staff and ask where the nearest pharmacy and grocery store is, and also what is nearby around the clock. In response to such questions, most likely, they will give you a map, draw everything and explain it in detail - you should not neglect this, especially if you do not have mobile Internet during the trip.
  • On the issue of safety: when I travel alone, I only travel by public transport or legal taxi (by the way, you can also find out everything about this at the hotel). In the dark, I avoid city outskirts and all sorts of dark places. In the spring, for example, I was in Krasnodar: my hotel was not very far from the center, but in the evening I still called a taxi because it was a long walk from the stop, and I didn’t really like the area.

3. Three ideal places to travel alone?

  1. Berlin is good at any time of the year (although if you are not a fan of the heat, then take a closer look at the local weather forecast for mid-summer).
  2. Budapest, and especially in spring!
  3. It’s also cool to travel around Russia. Of course, sometimes a plane ticket to New York is cheaper than to Kamchatka, but you don’t have to travel that far to see something new. Think about the last time you traveled further than 50-100 kilometers from the city where you live. Surely even within the region there are plenty of interesting places.

Maria Sokolova, digital nomad, translator, author of the @marisokolova channel on Telegram

Manages to work in a dozen countries in a year

1. Why are you traveling alone?

I travel alone for several reasons, but there are two main ones. First, I often find it better, more comfortable and more interesting to travel alone than with the wrong company. Second, my lifestyle and travel do not match the lifestyle of most of my friends. I like to come somewhere for a month or two, I definitely need to devote at least two to three hours a day to work, and it’s not necessary to see everything at once, so it’s quite difficult with those who go on vacation. The paradox is that when I travel alone, I am rarely alone. I have many friends all over the world, I rarely come to places where I don’t know anyone at all, and it’s easier to meet new people alone, be it neighbors in a hostel or that same dating app.

2. What life hacks help you? From finding hotels and activities to basic security.

  • To find travel companions and companions for lunch and dinner in unfamiliar city I sometimes use the Hangouts function in the couchsurfing app, sometimes Tinder (no, it’s not just for sex, you can also just meet different people, including the same gender). Sometimes specialized groups on Facebook help (I search using the keywords digital nomads/expats in...).
  • By the way, in such Facebook groups you can often find accommodation for a couple of months and a million different events.
  • In general, I try to find out in advance what popular routes for tourists exist in the country, keep an eye on my drinks at the bar, use Uber wherever I can, and check online reviews of the places where I’m going to stay. Well, I go on dates in crowded places :)

3. Three ideal places to travel alone?

  1. If I had to choose, in terms of the level of comfort for singles, I would choose Thailand and Southeast Asia in general, where you feel safe, you can always meet a bunch of the same solo travelers, and where it’s cheap enough to rent a house alone.
  2. I also like to travel alone around the Balkans (this is one of my favorite regions in the world), because it’s more interesting - stories start happening to you as soon as you leave the house.
  3. The south of Europe, where it’s just good, and if you don’t have company, you still feel good.

This is a truth known to many, invented by Hemingway. However, sometimes it is better not to test the strength of friendship.

There was an incident in my life, after which I decided that if possible I would travel alone. We went with a close friend to a not very distant country. However, trouble began from the very beginning. She wanted to live in an expensive hotel on the resort embankment, and I wanted to live in a modest room in quiet corner. She liked restaurants, and I liked cafeterias. She signed up for expensive individual excursions, and I loved just walking along the historical streets. As a result, we returned to our homeland and stopped communicating until all the grievances were forgotten by both of us.

I also have many friends who deny themselves a well-deserved break, even if they have a travel-tested partner. And it is for those who are afraid to go on vacation alone and don’t know where to go for a “solo” vacation that I decided to prepare today’s newsletter.

In fact, there are many options for solo holidays. Although sometimes the easiest, fastest and most economical way to “jump” out of the work routine is to go to your usual All Inclusive. In addition, here you don’t have to be afraid of getting lost - they will meet you, take you, accommodate you and understand your Russian or broken English.

Half the success is the right attitude. Just think - this is a real journey, full of new impressions! Some will call it an adventure. But we understand that this someone is just jealous of you 😉

Girls to the left

The ideal holiday for the average woman is the warm sea, beautiful hotel, SPA treatments and unobtrusive attention of handsome men. First, you need to decide what you expect from the service. If you are interested in luxury in everything and relaxed service, you should go to Turkey or Egypt, but only in good hotels 5 stars. If you are not picky when it comes to food and agree to a modest room and no hotel area, then Europe will suit you perfectly.

In Spain, you will be enchanted by the beaches, the capital itself, and affordable shopping. IN beach holiday close to entertainment centers you will find in Rimini. And in Cyprus, a party room is suitable for singlesAyia Napa, between May and September.

IN Thailand or on the island of Bali There are a lot of Russian, open and active guys in Indonesia. Yes, here the atmosphere itself is conducive to making acquaintances and long intimate conversations at sunset. Move closer to the sea, there you will meet many surfers, kite surfers (especially in winter, when big waves) and simply nature lovers who will be happy to show you good cafes on the shore, you will be taken to a steep slope with a breathtaking view. In general, by meeting local downshifters, you will learn much more than a guide could tell you. And not so much about the resort, but about life in general.

Read also: Best excursion destinations. Asia.

Do you want to get one of the best SPA services in the world at an affordable price? Travel to Tunisia between October and May. As soon as the sea begins to cool, all prices for accommodation and hotel services drop sharply. Not to mention the fact that holidays in Tunisia are already budget-friendly.

Do you want to enjoy a mild climate, try delicious Mediterranean cuisine, and at the same time meet young people and possibly single (and smart) guys? Off to Malta. There are many language schools here, and the chances of meeting a cheerful group of compatriots aged 18+ are very high.

And if you want to go on a weekend for a special occasion - to celebrate your birthday, to celebrate a promotion at work, to dreamily begin " new life", then romantic Paris, Rome or Lisbon would be perfect.

Even if you haven’t found the tour you want on our website, you can book a trip to anywhere in the world and get advice by phone with the help of our tourism specialist.

Boys to the right

Young single boys choose disco resorts, and the rooms and hotels are the cheapest - after all, clubs cost money. And in the hotels themselves you rarely find a good disco with a large number people, or rather young girls. Marmaris in Turkey, Ibiza and Mallorca in Spain, and Amsterdam in the Netherlands are suitable for party-goers. But remember that in some hotels in Turkey it is prohibited for several men to share one room.

Resort capitals are also in demand, where there is always entertainment - Barcelona, ​​Rome, Madrid. For young “extreme-seekers” there is a lot of entertainment even in Turkey - for example, paragliding over the azure Ölüdeniz lagoon in Fethiye.

It’s no longer boys, but “husbands” who are more likely to be interested in relaxing holiday with the opportunity to meet local people, leisurely stroll along the beautiful streets, have a hearty meal and, perhaps, go to a concert of your favorite band, which does not favor visiting Russia.

An old European town with numerous sausage shops and signature beer bars, which can only be tasted here and nowhere else, is perfect. For example, the Belgian city of Bruges with gingerbread houses or picturesque Prague and the city of Pilsen - the center of Czech brewing an hour's drive from the capital.

Read also: Alcohol Guide. Where to go and what to drink there?

Recently, hospitable and cozy style has become popular among the inquisitive stronger half.Georgia. Girls are afraid to come here alone (and it seems that they are right), but guys have the most freedom - large portions of delicious meat, homemade Caucasian wine, strong handshakes and inaccessible mountains. And then adjika, satsivi, Kindzmarauli, khachapuri, Lezginka, Borjomi and the beloved and dear black Black Sea.

For nature lovers

Separately, it is worth mentioning those lucky ones who prefer conscious solitude and are not afraid of the lack of communication throughout the entire vacation. They are more attracted to dialogue with nature. They are hunting for the most beautiful places of our planet. It’s better, of course, that it’s also accessible.

Tourism in Serbia is gaining momentum this year. Entry is visa-free, prices are low, the beauty is incredible, and Balkan music excites the heart and soul. However, there is no sea. But you can improve your health, go fishing and skiing in winter (even at night!).

Active and rich in culinary delights Montenegro or relaxed-calmCroatiawill also amaze the imagination of the inexperienced seeker natural beauty and interesting coloring of the area. Don't forget about your family Russia . Crimea, Baikal, Altai region, Karelia - here they organize excursions, group rafting and mountain climbing, horseback riding, fishing and much more.

Bike tours

If you don’t have time to plan a vacation route, but want to see as many beauties as possible, and also improve your physical fitness, cycling tours are for you! These include picnics by a picturesque lake, descents along serpentine roads, and even hidden paths to “secret” waterfalls.

How does this happen? You are checked into a hotel, given a bicycle, and you, together with a guide and a group, set off on a journey to the first point of the route. In the meantime, your luggage is transported by transfer to your next hotel. And so on according to plan. It's very convenient, inexpensive and extremely exciting! On average a bike tour, for example, Italian province will come out at 600€.

The benefits of holidaying alone

You will always act the way you want! And do not change plans in order to reach a compromise with a fellow traveler. You are the master of your society - you will get to know people, and when you want to be alone, politely say goodbye to them.

It is known that on vacation people make contact much easier. Want to make a new friend? Ask him to take a photo of you or help you carry your suitcase. You don’t have to wear makeup at all and not think about what others will think of you (girls will understand me).

It’s easy to find new acquaintances with similar interests - you’ve chosen one resort or excursion, which means you already have something in common.

Traveling alone is another reason to be proud of yourself!

There is such a phenomenon in psychology - hunger for recognition, that is, a person in an unfamiliar environment can become sad if he does not meet people with whom he has known for a long time. Therefore, it is better to plan a trip alone for no more than 7-10 days. And such hunger torments introverts much more than extroverts (who would have thought?).

After all, remember the phrase of the avid bachelor Schopenhauer: “In solitude, everyone sees in himself what he really is.” It will be fun to get to know the real you 😉

Traveling alone for 3-7 days is a new fashion trend that has replaced “outings” with a crowded, cheerful company. You can just go for a walk alone, or you can arrange themed trip– for example, “a tour of Italian food”, “a route to the best coffee shops in Greece” or “a voyage to the places of famous emigrant writers”. And sometimes a trip alone is needed in order to step back a little from a confusing everyday situation and think about it, as if “from a distance.”

Pros of solo travel:

  • You decide what time to wake up, where to go (or not to go), what to eat and what to do;
  • Tickets for one are cheaper than, for example, for a family;
  • You can stay inexpensively in hostels;
  • You choose which impressions to share and which to keep to yourself.


  • Renting a car or renting an apartment alone is more expensive than sharing with friends;
  • Sometimes it can be scary to visit some dark places alone;

Where can you go in splendid isolation, and why?

An excellent option for 3-4 days for those who want to “switch.” Formats of lonely relaxation in one of the oldest and the most beautiful cities There are a lot of Europe. For example, you can arrange a “medieval trip” for yourself - take a long dress (men can also upgrade their wardrobe in a knightly manner), settle in the Mustek metro area or on the other side of the Vltava - in the Letenska street area, preferably in an apartment in an old building (the average price of small apartments here start from 35 euros per day) and spend your leisure time walking and taking pictures in the medieval streets of the Old Town. With no less success, you can arrange an individual gastronomic journey– sausage, dumplings and, of course, beer. You can create a mystical route for yourself by combining the works of Kafka and local legends about the Golem of Prague. Or you can do a park tour - better in spring or in the summer, when luxurious gardens and parks bloom in abundance in the capital of the Czech Republic.

One of the key advantages of Prague is the high level of safety in the city. The risk of getting into trouble or being robbed in this city is minimal.

The best option for instantly moving from winter to summer, without visas and in just 3.5 hours. As you may have guessed, the tradition of traveling around Israel in splendid isolation has been around for over two thousand years. You can fly here for just two days, but return as a completely different person. Of course, you can visit Jerusalem if you need to think about your life and touch the history of the world's main religions. You can feed off the energy of modernity by living for a few days in the noisy and cheerful Tel Aviv. Or you can simply relax on the shores of the Dead or Red Sea and gain strength for a new breakthrough in life.

It is worth knowing that Israel is a rather expensive country. This applies to hotels, cafes, and supermarkets. The average cost of a modest lunch without alcohol is at least 20 euros.

A romantic and crazy port city on the coast Mediterranean Sea. Not as prim and obliging as Paris or Nice, Marseille is perhaps best choice for “licking wounds” after an unsuccessful romance, as well as for sea romantics. It is most profitable to stay in small guesthouses in the houses closest to the Old Port (go deeper from main square for 2-3 blocks and look for signs with room prices - as a rule, they start from 25 euros per night). And then go for a walk - to numerous seaside restaurants (there, be sure to eat the most famous Marseille fish soup - bouillabaisse soup), climb the mountain to the Cathedral of Our Lady Guardian of Sailors (with observation deck offers a unique view of the city, the port and the famous Prison If, standing in the middle of the sea).

But you shouldn’t walk alone in the evenings through remote neighborhoods far from the tourist streets: several hundred refugees from North Africa live in Marseille, including illegally, and they are sometimes not very friendly to lonely travelers.

Not the best budget travel, and you will have to tinker with a visa, but this city is definitely worth it. New York is, literally, a time machine in which the glamorous 1950s, the hippie 1960s, the disco 1980s and all other eras of the last hundred years coexist at the same time. This means that you can “infiltrate” a time that is especially close and interesting to you. If there is no such task, then just indulge in shopping (all major department stores have discounts and promotions all year round), walks around Manhattan, sit with a liter glass of coffee on the steps opposite “Carrie Bradshaw’s house” ( exact address– 64 Perry Street, just south of the fork between 8th Avenue and Greenwich Avenue), take a walk in Battery Park and climb the unique soaring Highline Park. Notice how many people are alone among the people walking!

Even though New York isn't too cheap city, there is one great free activity here: the ferry to and from Staten Island. A ferry departs every 20 minutes from South Ferry, which is very easy to get to: it is the final station of metro line 1. The ferries sail past the Statue of Liberty, and you can ride back and forth for the whole day to photograph the famous monument from all angles.

The main advantage of the capital Spanish Catalonia– it’s very easy to get to. Almost three dozen flights fly from Moscow to Barcelona every day, more than ten of which are direct. Traveling around Barcelona alone is a great pleasure. It is only important to plan your trip correctly. First of all, I sincerely do not advise you to stay in local hostels, especially those remote from the central tourist areas. Most of them are quite unhygienic and attract a suspicious crowd. Moreover, for almost the same money (from 30 euros per day) you can rent an apartment with a kitchen, where you can cook for yourself using amazing products bought in the morning at the Boqueria market. If you don’t want to cook, don’t, the city is full of cafes for every taste and budget. I wouldn’t recommend eating it on the Rambla and the streets adjacent to it: it’s expensive and tasteless. It is better to go deep into the Gothic Quarter and look for a cafe there. There is a third option: go to one of the large supermarkets (there is one on the Rambla) and buy yourself ready-made salads, sandwiches and wine: an excellent fresh dinner will cost you 7–10 euros.

Important point: Do not use dirty street ATMs without a specific bank logo to withdraw cash. Find any local bank branch and withdraw money from there. This is much safer and will not compromise your card.

If you want you, a lonely wanderer, to be accepted as family, generously fed, showered with compliments and helped in every possible way - go to Yerevan. You don’t need a visa to Armenia, the flight from Moscow is about two hours, and you are in beautiful, green (if not in deep winter) and kind Yerevan. It’s very pleasant and cheap to relax here: a room with its own bathroom in private hotel near the city center can cost less than 600 Russian rubles per day. Lunch (oh, what food there is in Armenia!) in a decent restaurant, accompanied by local wine or famous cognac - from 500 rubles, a cup of excellent coffee brewed in a cezve on the sand - from 30 rubles. In general, Yerevan is worth moving in splendid isolation between small home restaurants and coffee shops. But there is one “but” - they won’t let you feel truly lonely: wherever you go, you will be taken care of, like your own grandmothers.

I advise you to choose housing between Republic Square, Northern Avenue and the area opera house(to Moskovyan street). These are comfortable and completely safe neighborhoods where you can safely walk at any time of the day.

A city where you will definitely feel good alone. It is impossible to visit all its attractions even in two weeks, so decide what exactly you are going there for. One of best ideas– arrange a date with yourself in Istanbul. Take a walk along the embankment along the Golden Horn. Go down from Taksim to the Galata Bridge along narrow ancient alleys. Drink Turkish tea in Sultanahmet Square. Eat fried anchovy and fiery adana kebab at any “local” eatery. It is best to stay in small hotels in the Sultanahmet area - here a decent room in an ancient building will cost from 15 euros per night, including breakfast!

Advice for single female travelers - be careful. Despite the fact that Turkey is a secular state, there are neighborhoods in Istanbul whose residents adhere to traditional views. There may well be purely “male” cafes and shops that do not serve women. It's a shame, of course, but you have to take this rule into account.

Traveling alone may seem like a scary idea, but it's an adventure everyone should try at least once. This helps you understand yourself and pay more attention to what is happening. Here is a list of thirty places to travel alone that are interesting, unusual and completely safe.


This place is considered one of the safest for single women in Southeast Asia. IN largest cities country, you will enjoy a calm and impressive atmosphere, especially memorable in local markets. For connoisseurs of Eastern culture, such a trip is the best choice.


The first place to visit is Vienna - it is perfect for solo travelers. Enjoy a moment to yourself in one of the city's upscale cafés, stroll the incredibly beautiful streets, or explore historical sites including imperial palaces.


It is difficult to get lost in the capital of Croatia; travelers will find exciting walks, historical sights and beaches with stunning views of the city walls and old town. Loneliness will definitely not bother you, and only the most vivid memories will remain.


The charming coastal villages of Cinqueterre live in slow motion. Stroll along the steep cobbled paths by yourself. The views from them are memorable for a lifetime.

New Zealand

There are plenty of opportunities for every traveler - bungee jumping, boat excursions, bike rides and hiking. You won’t even remember that you arrived alone; your every day will be filled with impressions.


Charming fjords and a high level of security make the country an ideal choice. There is practically no crime here! Nature amazes with its wild beauty, and Norwegian cities are also worthy of attention.


Despite its small territory, Switzerland deserves attention. Great scenery, clean public transport- you can easily explore the surrounding area and enjoy both the architecture and mountain views.

Costa Rica

This country ranks first in terms of happiness. Things to do here aquatic species sports or just a walk in nature. An unforgettable vacation is guaranteed to you, no matter whether you come with or without company.


Enjoy the tranquility of Ubud and be sure to pamper yourself with a visit to the upscale spa resorts. This is an ideal place to spend time alone and experience peace and comfort.


Almost everyone you meet in Lagos, a city in southern Portugal, speaks English and is extremely friendly. You probably won't be the only person traveling alone, so there's absolutely nothing to fear.


A young city with a diverse population, Vancouver has vibrant colors and plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation.


Travel to Kyoto, the imperial capital for over a thousand years. There are many majestic temples, beautiful gardens and picturesque parks. Quiet walks among breathtaking landscapes are a vivid experience that is definitely worth giving yourself.

South Africa

It's best to head to national park Kruger. Go on a safari and see wild animals in their habitat. You won’t see this almost anywhere on the planet!


The best way to get to know the Alhambra, the palace and castle complex from the Middle Ages, is to walk on your own, accompanied by an audio guide with headphones. However, not only Granada, famous for its Moorish architecture, is suitable for solo travel, but also other Spanish cities.


Angkor Wat was recently ranked as the number one tourist attraction in the world. This place is definitely worth seeing, and it's ideal to do it on your own. This way you can experience the majestic tranquility of this unique place as deeply as possible.


Walk among the ruins of blue and white buildings that give Greek islands special charm. You can also relax on the beach or go on a boat excursion, or just stroll along the small picturesque streets.


There's so much to see in Taipei that you won't even have to think about a travel companion. At night, you can explore the city at the market - a great way to experience culture and local food.


You can enjoy ski holiday and at the same time look at the bustling life of the city. Be sure to visit Santiago and untouched nature Patagonia. You will get a unique experience.


Stay in a cozy Irish bed and breakfast and enjoy the friendliness of the locals, pubs, walking tours and charming nature with green hills and coastal cliffs. You won't be bored, even if you don't usually like to travel alone.


Incredible landscapes with glaciers, national parks and waterfalls are perfect for quiet reflection. You can also visit the world famous geothermal resort called " Blue Lagoon" - it is so popular that it is simply impossible to feel lonely there.


The port city of Marseille is full of historical attractions, from cathedrals to forts. Take a walk along the coast and watch the boats move and enjoy local cuisine and picturesque architecture.


You can explore the shops, museums and markets of Helsinki, take a day trip to the coastline of Hanko, or stroll through eccentric Espoo. There are holiday options for every taste.


This country combines beautiful beaches, coastal bars, tropical forests and even the ruins of the Mayan civilization - everything for amazing holiday alone with yourself.


Stockholm is a quaint, compact city that's easy to get around by bike. Everyone should definitely get to know him.


You'll meet lots of friendly locals and travelers from all over the world, so you'll never feel lonely.


This is one of the most relaxed and democratic countries in Europe. Explore the streets of Amsterdam on foot or by bike, enjoying the picturesque canals and colorful houses.


The strict laws of this country make its streets safe, clean and orderly. Take a walk around botanical garden and orchid garden, and then go shopping.


If you like adventure, head to Panama - it's easy to leave the capital for a day to explore the local nature.


Visit Berlin, which is so easy to travel by metro, and enjoy chatting with polite people local residents and a variety of attractions.

United Kingdom

England has attracted travelers for centuries. York and Cambridge are as beloved by tourists as London, with its eclectic markets and theatrical performances. You can also visit Manchester, famous for its counterculture scene.