Sacred places or geopathogenic zones? Sacred places - anomalous areas ... Anomalous places in the Caucasus


The most mystical sights of the North Caucasus

Lake Proval

This natural monument at the foot of Mashuk has long attracted a lot of researchers and ordinary people. Tunnel to underground lake paved later. At first it could be admired through the collapsed vaults of the cave. Somewhere far below could be seen a spot of a hydrogen sulfide lake of marble blue color. Walking to the Proval was a favorite pastime of the first holidaymakers. In “Princess Mary” Mikhail Lermontov wrote: “In the evening, a large company set off on foot to Proval. According to local scientists, this failure is nothing more than an extinct crater; it is located on the Mashuk slope, a mile from the city. A narrow path between bushes and rocks leads to it.”


Among the first inhabitants of these places there were legends that a terrible fire-breathing snake lived in the lake, which flew out at night and ate people. The lake enjoyed a bad reputation. It happened that the bodies of the dead were thrown into it from above. Later, scientists proved that the hydrogen sulfide water of Proval is saturated with beneficial bacteria. And therefore in late XIX centuries, a small stone font was made here, which was called the “Shameless Baths”. And now many people take them even in winter, because they believe that after several procedures they can be cured of all diseases.

Where is it located: at the foot of Mount Mashuk. We take bus number 1 from railway station Pyatigorsk to the “Proval” stop.

Elsa's dacha

It was built at the beginning of the 20th century in the pseudo-Romanesque style and resembled medieval castle for a hotel for vacationers. Its owner Elizaveta Gukasova, the daughter of a German merchant and the wife of the famous confectioner Alexander Gukasov, rented out furnished rooms on Bernadazzi Brothers Street, and her husband opened a restaurant and coffee shop there. The couple's business was going well, but the building had to be rented. Therefore, in 1903 they bought a plot of land on the outskirts of Pyatigorsk and built a luxurious dacha with a large number rooms. The country hotel was given the romantic name “Elsa”. Comfortable rooms opened within two years. After the revolution, the building was nationalized and a sanatorium building was opened in it.


Now the building of Elsa's Dacha is in a deplorable state. According to one of the popular versions, the ghost of Elizaveta Gukasova herself lives in the mansion, whom the Bolsheviks allegedly shot and walled up in the walls of the building. And now the rebellious spirit of unfortunate Elsa, who, by the way, divorced her husband even before the revolution, wanders through the dilapidated rooms. Some visitors to the dacha are sure that the ghost of the lady is not at all kind, but has a difficult, evil character. She doesn’t like to be disturbed out of curiosity, but if she feels that talent has come to her, she helps her to open up, albeit with an ominous, mystical overtone.

Where is it: Pyatigorsk, Lermontov St., 15. We get from Pyatigorsk railway station to Tsvetnik on trams No. 1, 3, 5 and go towards the Academic Gallery.

Rome-Mount HISTORY

It is located near Kislovodsk in the valley of the Podkumok River. On the slope of Rome Mountain, archaeologists found more than 150 catacomb burials with numerous household items, jewelry, and weapons. It is believed that the catacombs belonged to the Romans. Local residents called the mountain Rim-kale, that is, the fortress of the Rums, or Eastern Romans. It is believed that an ancient trade route ran here. And according to one legend, a detachment of Roman soldiers who died in battle with local residents took refuge in the fortress. Later, archaeologists partly confirmed the assumptions. They established that in the X - XII centuries in the Podkumka valley there was a trading city with impregnable fortress. And in the catacombs where the Romans buried their own, scientists found arrows, spears, jewelry, and dishes.


You can look at the archaeological treasures at the Kislovodsk Fortress Museum. They say that if you are lucky, during the excursion you can find a fragment of ancient ceramics or the remains of a weapon.

Where it is located: 18 km west of Kislovodsk. You can get there by car.

Second entrance to Shambhala


Speleologists told famous local historian Viktor Kotlyarov about the interesting cave. On the slabs that crowned it, they found a German swastika.

The entrance to the underground mine is carefully laid out from huge side slabs. It continues to a depth of several tens of meters and is lined with massive stone blocks,” Viktor Kotlyarov told KP. - This is a shaft about 80 meters long, consisting of several bends with transition chambers from one to another. The first of them, going outside, consists of two solid stone slabs, placed parallel, with the sides laid with neat small stones measuring 134 by 43 cm, so not everyone can squeeze through.

The naked eye can see that the mine is partly man-made. Researchers continue to study it. It is quite possible that, having passed through the next narrow passage, they will stumble upon big cave with interesting artifacts, and maybe an entrance to a parallel world.


According to esotericists, the entrance to other world, where you can acquire the properties of a superman, is located in Tibet. But there are others.

For example, not far from Elbrus - the sacred mountain of the Aryans. In the Northern Elbrus region there is a plateau, which is popularly called the “German airfield”. Some researchers believe that the Germans found a mysterious mystical place with high energy, prayed for since ancient times, and they set up an occult laboratory there. They brought Tibetan lamas there for meditation in order to comprehend and perhaps change the future.

North Caucasus- a graphic and mystical point at which the beginning and end of present humanity are united. The meeting place of positive and negative forces, the axis of the world, says Viktor Kotlyarov. - It is quite obvious that Hitler perceived reaching the top of Elbrus as a harbinger of the last battle between the forces of good and evil.

Location: Baksan district of Kabardino-Balkaria.

City of the Dead


One of the most mysterious archaeological sites, which is located in North Ossetia near the village of Dargavs, in the valley of the Midagrabindon River. The burial complex consists of 99 above-ground crypts.

Scientists attribute it to the XIV - XVIII centuries. It was then that family tombs for collective burials were built in North Ossetia. The Ossetian tradition of burial in such structures was associated with the cult of ancestors, who were buried in full clothing, with small household items. The deceased were placed on special wooden beds or in wooden boats. Scientists are still arguing where such a tradition came from in the mountains. From Mount Rabinaragh, where the City of the Dead is located, you can admire the surrounding peaks. The monument is located in a very beautiful place.


Ossetians are sure that the souls of their ancestors are immortal and there is a constant connection with the dead. Visiting a mystical place affects everyone differently. Someone says that you can see a ghost dressed as a prince there. After a visit, someone sees prophetic dreams. The main thing is to come to the tombs with pure thoughts and behave calmly and judiciously.

Where is it located: in the Suburban region of Northern Oestia - Alania, near the village of Dargavs. There is a daily bus to the village from central station Vladikavkaz, located near the central market.

Ahnenerbe Elbrus. Secret unit of German troops Ahnenerbe, created for the purpose of searching for mystical places and artifacts, also visited the Caucasus, Mount Elbrus. They tried to find a "mental gate" into the mystical and mysterious city Fenugreek

Seventy years ago, on February 13, 1943, fascist symbols were dropped from the top of Elbrus, and four days later the state flag of the USSR was hoisted on it.

These facts are well known. It is much less known that one of Hitler’s most closed and secret organizations, the Ahnenerbe, and the no less secret department of the NKVD had a direct connection to these two military operations, as well as to the mystical events that took place here.

On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, between the USSR and Germany, or more precisely, between the leadership of these states, in addition to the political, there was another area of ​​confrontation - the struggle for... help from supernatural forces. It is no secret that both Stalin and Hitler were prone to mysticism and devoted a lot of attention and resources to the study of the occult sciences.

The Germans had a top-secret institute doing this. "Ahnenerbe". Himmler personally patronized him; Reichsmarks were allocated for his work, perhaps even more than for the creation of the FAU and the atomic bomb. The Soviet special services, which were part of the structure of the Cheka-OGPU-NKVD, were also active in this direction. These studies were supervised by the head of the special department of the Cheka, Gleb Bokiy.

Among other things, his employees searched not only for traces of ancient civilizations, but also for a mysterious country Shambhala.

Shambhala for all esotericists- a mystical place, entering which you can become a superman. Main entrance it is located in Tibet. But there are also “side gates” into this other world through which you can connect with Shambhala on a mental level.

According to German occultists, there are such on Elbrus. It is no coincidence that they called it the mountain of the Aryans. Here are other parallels. On Tibetan banners, the entrance to Shambhala is depicted as a flat top, as if sticking out of the water. Do you have any analogy with Atlantis? But with Elbrus there is such a thing. For example, Kalitsky Peak. This peak, sticking out from the middle of a huge ice lake, was named after a climber who visited here in the 30s of the last century.

But in Tibet there is sacred mountain Greater Kailash. It is believed that somewhere on it is the entrance to Shambhala, which Hitler was so eager to get into. Doesn't this parallel also bother you? After this, is it any wonder that in August 1942, in the midst of the battle for the Caucasus, when the Nazis were rushing to Tuapse, Georgia and oil-bearing Azerbaijan, in the midst of the battles for Ordzhonikidze (Vladikavkaz), the capture of which opened the way to Transcaucasia, German the command suddenly made a strange maneuver: it removed 4 divisions from the front - more than 40 thousand people - and threw them (including the pride of the Wehrmacht - the Edelweiss mountain division) to Elbrus, which was useless to anyone in a strategic sense.

However, there was much that was incomprehensible in the behavior of the Soviet command in relation to this area. General Shtemenko, who was more than knowledgeable in military secrets, drew attention to this. During the war, he headed the Operations Directorate of the General Staff, after the war he was chief of the General Staff for several years, then headed the Main Intelligence Directorate.

This is what he wrote in his memoirs:

“The main Caucasus ridge was not included in the zone of action of either the Black Sea or Northern groups.

A special body was formed at the front headquarters, called the headquarters of the defense forces of the Caucasus ridge.

It was headed by General G. Petrov from the NKVD. In fact, this headquarters replaced the Directorate of the 46th Army.

For what?" What the NKVD was doing in that area in those years is unknown. One can only assume that his employees were watching something. And there was something to watch here. Elbrus has long been surrounded by numerous legends. In one of them he is called "mountain of happiness" and they report that the one who, despite all the dangers, reaches its peak will be filled with miraculous power.

Hitler perceived reaching the top of Elbrus as a harbinger of the Last Battle of the Forces of Good and Evil, and in general the Caucasus as the Axis of the World, in which the beginning and end of humanity converge, the meeting place of positive and negative forces. German astrologers, seeing the Fuhrer’s special affection for Elbrus, predicted that as soon as the flags of the Reich flew over this “roof of Europe,” the Land of the Soviets would collapse under the crushing blows of the Wehrmacht.

Therefore, when on August 21, 1942, the group commander "Edelweiss" Bavarian captain Heinz Groot stuck a German flag into the top of Elbrus, Goebbels's propaganda machine trumpeted this ascent to the whole world. Under the photographs there was a caption:

“Under the feet of Captain Groot is defeated Europe!” And Groot himself was awarded the Knight's Cross.

There were many legends about the presence of the Germans in the Elbrus region among local residents at one time. Climbers who visited here much later said, for example, that the Germans had found here a mysterious mystical place with high energy - the “gate” to Shambhala that we have already mentioned - and set up an occult laboratory.

They allegedly once even brought a group of Tibetan lamas into it, who conducted meditative sessions there, trying to comprehend and perhaps change the future. They were brought there on a Focke-Wulf, having equipped a small secret airfield on one of the plateaus for this purpose.

But something unexpected happened. According to one version, during meditation (it took place during the Battle of Stalingrad), the lamas saw not the upcoming triumph of the Fuhrer, but Soviet tanks on the streets of Berlin. The Tibetan predictors, naturally, were immediately liquidated and buried, while performing some mysterious ritual.

Another fact is significant. At the very beginning of the war, a group of Soviet mountaineering athletes approached the General Staff with a proposal to use them to train fighters in units stationed in mountainous areas. Among them was the young scientist Alexander Gusev. He soon received an appointment and became responsible for the mountain training of soldiers of the 9th Mountain Division.

In January 1943, Captain Gusev, who was in Tbilisi for treatment in those days after an unsuccessful parachute jump, received an order from the front headquarters. It said: “With a group... go along the route Tbilisi - Ordzhonikidze - Nalchik - Terskol to carry out a special task in the Elbrus area to... remove fascist pennants from the peaks and establish national flags USSR".

A squad of the country's best climbers was formed more than quickly. My old friend told me many times what Elbrus is like in winter.

Master of sports in tourism, an experienced mountain climber who has conquered almost all the peaks of the country, instructor at one of the Sochi military sanatoriums Victor Marvani.

He climbed Elbrus both in summer and winter. “In February, this is the Caucasian Antarctica with frost down to minus 50 degrees, hurricane winds and kilometers of steep icy slopes polished by it,”

He told. Captain Gusev himself confirms this in his memoirs. "Shelter of Eleven" was damaged by bombs, he writes.

The weather station has been destroyed. There is snow and damaged firing points everywhere. Hurricane winds raged for almost a week. We were running out of food."

But, despite this, on February 13, 1943, six climbers under the command of Lieutenant N. Gusak dropped fascist banners from the western peak of Elbrus, and four days later - on February 17 - a group under the command of Gusev himself hoisted the USSR flag on the steepest one - the eastern one.

Years have passed. After the war, Heinz Groot worked in Germany as a civil judge and even compiled a guide to the Alps. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Alexander Mikhailovich Gusev headed the department at the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University and headed the Institute of Applied Geophysics.

At one time, they were separated by ideology, education, and the front line. They were connected by one thing - climbing Elbrus during the war. They never met, but they knew about each other and even corresponded. And they both died in the same year - 1994.

After the war in this area of ​​the Elbrus region, judging by various sources, not everything was clear either. Soviet troops They cleared the territory, removed the German antennas that stood here and until the 60s declared it a restricted zone; even local shepherds with their flocks were not allowed in everywhere. But gradually the severity weakened.

Participants in one of the expeditions, led by Vyacheslav Tokarev, walked from the village of Verkhniy Baksan through mountain gorges through the Chatkara pass at an altitude of more than 4 thousand meters and... ended up, as the climbers later recalled, in the Lost World.

At the already mentioned Kalitsky peak, one of the three peaks was clearly artificial and surprisingly resembled the figure of a man bending over a stone book. The climbers discovered the sites of cult sanctuaries, a place similar to an altar, an altar, and several clearly man-made pillars resembling the figure of a warrior in a helmet.

But on the southern slope of the peak, climbers came across many cave cavities filled with flammable volcanic gas. It is these gases, and not the height of the mountain or technical difficulties, that, according to experts, become the main obstacle on the way to the peaks of Elbrus for some climbers who are sensitive to their effects.

How can one not recall the ancient Greek Delphic oracles. Judging by historical sources, it was after inhaling the gases coming out of the ground that they plunged into a narcotic trance and began to predict the future.

Maybe this is precisely the reason why Ahnenerbe employees brought fortune teller lamas here from Tibet? In any case, they learned the truth from them: a year and a half later, just as the lamas saw, Soviet tanks marched victoriously through the streets of Berlin.

I received news from Volgograd from Svetozara:




We are at 11-00 o'clock. in Moscow we are joining the work of the M&R station! So , as for meeting Elbrus. We leave 17.01- by Chelyabinsk train. Charge!

Mystical Caucasus

There are many places on the planet that are interesting in all respects. One of them is the Caucasus. Everything is different here and everything is different. Gray Mountains and high peaks preserved the memory of distant events that took place in past times on Earth.

And all because this place is mystical. Numerous legends tell about giants who once lived in this territory, having divine origin, as narrated in the Nart tales.

Everything that the people's memory has preserved - epic legends and dances, coats of arms of cities and republics, republican flags, names of ancient capitals - everything suggests that this is not an ordinary place.

It is not for nothing that there was a struggle for this territory for many years and the last great Patriotic War no exception. Hitler developed a plan to seize the Caucasus with beautiful name Edelweiss. Edelweiss is the name of a flower that grows high on the alpine slopes; it is often called noble and white. But Hitler's plans were not like that.

According to Nazi mystics, Valhalla was located in the North Caucasus - the resting place of the souls of Nordic heroes. The Fuhrer believed that the centers of extinct civilizations have a strong impact on modern world, and their revival will help him in victory. However, Hitler, according to a number of authors, realized his mistake late - it was not Elbrus that had to be conquered (conquered), but the sacred and mysterious Ossetian mountain Bursamdzel, called in occultist circles Little Elbrus. It was here, according to legends, including local ones, that the souls of the saints (according to some legends, Nart heroes) found their rest. However, time was lost, Germany was retreating on all fronts, and Bursamdzel, no matter how the Fuhrer went on a rampage, had to be forgotten.

Hitler was not the only one interested in the Caucasus. The Greeks believed that Prometheus was crucified in the Caucasus, whose liver, by order of Zeus, was devoured by an eagle, and in Blavatsky we find exactly what mountain Prometheus was chained to - this is Mount Kazbek, located on the border of the two previously indivisible Republics of Ossetia, North and South. Now one is in Russia, the other is in Georgia, it so happens that they find themselves on opposite sides of the border.

In the Caucasus, the Great GOD is still revered; not a single celebration begins without His blessing, although the Christian and Muslim religions are considered the main ones in the Caucasus.

So why did they always strive to ensure that the Caucasus was under the control of certain forces? What is the reason that throughout the history of the planet, people fought for it and tried to conquer it? Doesn't the reason lie in the knowledge, long lost, but preserved at the cellular level, of those who live here?

Return to MOTHER

The greatest discovery of the 21st century will be and will be firmly entrenched in the hearts and consciousness of most people that humanity not only has a Heavenly Father, but there is and has always been and will be a MOTHER - the Great UNITED GODDESS. As always, the Heavenly Parents MOTHER and FATHER were and will be in Heaven.

“... There is no secret, there is no doubt,

The secret is in ourselves, and this secret is

The soul in which, together with the Heavenly FATHER

there is a place for the Great MOTHER


What is below must also be above.

Without MOTHER there is no continuation of life

Neither on the planet nor in Heaven


Truth is one, and Truth lives in It.

A FATHER without a MOTHER is no strength,

And the power of the MOTHER is Love,

Which is capable of inducing it in others.

Only after this it became possible

Revive the Rays and Notes of the Heavenly Mysteries,

For notes and rays can make a song,

Which only Love can unite.

Let with equal strength

FATHER and MOTHER will be your protection,

Sun - MOTHER, FATHER - Moon,

So that, moving forward, children do not make mistakes..."

Myths and tales of many peoples mention the MOTHER GODDESS. How could it be otherwise? Without a woman, a man cannot be born. Thus, without the Divine MOTHER, the human soul is not born, and without GOD, the spirit is not born.

In the religious and cult ideas of the Caucasus, the world Tree is represented in this way: the crown of the Tree is GOD THE FATHER, depicted as a divine solar horseman, and the roots of the Tree were warmed and nourished by the MOTHER, the divine Earth. Today in the Caucasus all this knowledge about the role of the MOTHER GODDESS has been lost; here, as well as everywhere else, there is a cult of the Great, or as they rarely say, the One God. But in deep memory, in traditions coming from high civilizations, knowledge about MOTHER is preserved.

Since ancient times, the custom of blood feud has existed in the Caucasus. But if the persecuted bloodline manages to enter the house of his enemies, falls to his knees and begs for mercy from the eldest woman of the clan, and if she allows him to touch her breasts with his lips, all enmity immediately ceases, and the enemies become foster brothers.

Every woman on the planet feeds her child with milk, which contains all the information about Life and the structure of the entire Cosmos. It is possible that this custom came from those times when all of humanity knew that Milk Energy is Life itself, and it is given by the One MOTHER for the continuation of the One Life, and no one has the right to deprive another of life.

There is another custom in the Caucasus: if a woman appeared on the battlefield, took a scarf from her head and threw it between the combatants, a truce would come. The cover is a purely feminine attire, but rather a Maternal one. In a broad Esoteric sense, the Veil personifies the Creative Mother Energy, which is alien to manifestations of hatred, enmity, anger, and destruction. This is the primary energy of pure Motherly Love addressed to children.

The Caucasus is a place where in the depths of their souls people remember the Great Role of the MOTHER. Some peoples of the Caucasus still have a rule that no matter what decision the men in the family make on any issue, it is not taken into action until the eldest woman in the house approves of it.

A change in the inclination of the planet's axis, changes on the planet and in each person, in the Cosmos will occur according to the Plan of the Heavenly Parents. The appearance of the planet will change - in some places continental plates will sink under water, and in other places rested continents will rise to the surface. “The LORD says: “There is always a way out for those who are able to think and pray to the MOTHER every day, at any time of the day.” . She will always hear them and will not leave a single request unattended. The MOTHER has the greatest power in the Cosmos. This means that there is a way out of any situation if a person holds the image of the MOTHER in his soul and protects the Ray that connects him to Her.”

In the “Book of the Future” by V.V. Kuznetsova, it is said that this is indeed the case: “The Caucasus mountains will play a big role in the near future. Nine billion years ago, highly developed life first appeared there, coming from Zaraiya. Initially, a black ball of milky energy of the GODDESS was laid in the mountains, which until now fed the planet, and which turned into black jet. They came out of the ball like tears and hardened. These are the bitter tears of a MOTHER, crying for children who have lost their orientation in space and time.”

Why the bitter tears of MOTHER? Yes, because once upon a time there was a heyday of the Golden Age on Earth, there were powerful civilizations such as Hyperborea, Atlantis, Lemuria - to which the Caucasus is directly related. At that time, there were high dimensions on the planet, from 5 to 11. People living in these civilizations had high divine qualities, they flew like birds in the sky and swam like fish in water. But the loss of morality, pride and violation of Divine Laws led to the fact that the high dimensions left the planet, and humanity fell into the 3-dimensional world.How to revive the people of the Earth the Golden Age and a happy long life, where there is simply no death? It is necessary to return to the high level of spirituality and faith that our ancestors once possessed.The return to the planet of the Golden Age begins with the return of the memory of the One MOTHER GODDESS, Who gives Life from Her Life.

The history of the Caucasus is covered in legends. It was there, according to Greek myths, that the ancient country of Colchis was located. If we believe modern “mythology”, then Caucasus Mountains completely populated by aliens, Bigfoot people and even... gods. Well, you won’t surprise anyone with aliens and monsters these days, but living spirits and deities that help people are still exotic.

Healing tears of Mashuk

Place of Lermontov's duel

Russian poets have repeatedly sung the Caucasus, admiring its beauty and grandeur. One of them was M.Yu. Lermontov, killed in a duel at the foot of Mount Mashuk. But it is much more famous for its healing waters. The origin of its name is connected with them. According to legend, a long time ago there lived in these places a blue-eyed beauty named Mashuko, who loved a young horseman. Her lover died in battle, and Mashuko's grief was so strong that she petrified and turned into a mountain. And the tears that the unfortunate girl shed came out of the ground in the form of keys. And they have miraculous powers...

Information about the healing springs of Mashuk really goes back to very ancient times. The Arab traveler Ibn Battuta in the 14th century reported about five mountains and the springs located in them hot water, in which the Turks bathed. One of the heights next to Mashuk was called Beshtau (“Pyatigorye”). Rumors about the local Nart-Sane, the “hero-water,” spread far beyond the borders of the region.

Soldiers from the Konstantinovskaya fortress, built at the foot of the mountain in 1780, were among the first to appreciate the merits of the Mashuk springs. Bathing in hot springs replaced servicemen's baths. Rheumatic and skin diseases disappeared from such “sanitation”. Pilgrims from all over Russia flocked to Hot Waters, as the town that arose here began to be called (later it was renamed Pyatigorsk). In 1803, Alexander I issued the highest decree “on the recognition Caucasian waters healing area of ​​national importance." To this day, people come here, hoping to improve their health and be healed of illnesses, and maybe, like the king in Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse,” and find a second youth after swimming in living water.

Stone Tenderness

This is what one of the Caucasian dolmens looks like

And those who need not physical, but mental healing, can turn for help to one of the main sacred attractions of the Caucasus - dolmens. Quite a few of them are found at the confluence of the Pshada and Doguab rivers, about forty kilometers from Gelendzhik beyond the Mikhailovsky Pass. The structures are in the form of large boxes covered with flat slabs, built 2000-4000 years ago.

And in total there are about 2.5 thousand of them! Along the Black Sea coast you can find tiled dolmens, entirely carved out of the rock, structures from a combination stone slabs and blocks placed in two or more rows.
Each dolmen has its own appearance and even name. They say that each of them carries a special energy charge. Dolmen Khan, for example, improves health and mobilizes the body's defenses. Dolmen Tenderness is considered feminine.

His spirit helps in everything related to motherhood and children. The May Dolmen will protect you from unrequited love, give you happiness in marriage, and help attract the heart of your loved one. Dolmen Tor focuses on achieving the goal of your path.

God's Hut

Pagan sanctuary Rekom, located in the Tseysky Gorge

However, even local population cannot confidently answer the question about the purpose of dolmens. There are others in the Caucasus ancient monuments who are revered. For example, the pagan sanctuary Rekom, located in the Tseyskoye Gorge. Here people have long worshiped and made sacrifices to the god Uastirdzhi, the patron saint of men. Women, as a rule, were not allowed here.
A log house made of pine logs was built without a single nail, using the traditional ancient method - oblo (each subsequent log was adjusted to fit the notch in the previous one). Decorative finials with pagan symbols rise on the roof. Inside on the wall there is a shelf with skulls of sacrificial animals: deer, rams, aurochs. There is also a wooden bowl with coins and paper money.
Tradition says that Uastirdzhi decided to build a sanctuary for the Ossetians from the “eternal tree” - larch. She grew up at the other end of the mountain range. Then God ordered his oxen to cross the glacier and bring trees. They say that they themselves fell into the carts. And upon arrival at the place, the carts themselves emptied themselves, and miraculously a log house grew in the clearing.
Ossetian warriors once left broken arrows and tips in the sanctuary; beer was brewed in copper cauldrons for festive feasts and honoring mountain spirits. Before the battle, the warriors performed the rite of fraternization - they broke two arrows, after which they became blood brothers.
It was believed that a personal item left in Recom would bring its owner the favor of the gods. This tradition continues to this day. Nowadays, the holy place is usually visited on major Ossetian holidays, for example, on the day of men born in a year - Kakhtsgenen. And young people go up to Rekom before joining the army. They say that many dreams come true.
Unfortunately, in 1995 ancient building burned by lightning strike. There was talk that this was no accident: the modern generation had forgotten its gods and spirits and was mired in sins.
A team of enthusiasts set about restoring the sanctuary according to the surviving drawings. Before construction began, they fasted for a whole week, and began every day with prayer. Ancient technology was complied with, however, the structure had to be built from pine - larch is almost never found in the mountains today.
To this day, in order to soften the anger of Uastirdzhi, Ossetians annually hold a holiday dedicated to this deity in the area of ​​the sanctuary. They brew beer, slaughter sacrificial animals, have fun and compete in dancing, singing, horse racing, archery, and hand-to-hand wrestling. And priests, appointed from each village, go around the ranks of pilgrims and collect offerings.
Researchers argue about the dating of the monument. Some attribute it to the Koban culture, which existed about a thousand years BC. But according to lichenometric analysis (i.e., determining age by the size of lichen spots on stone blocks or wooden frames), Rekom could not have been built earlier than the 12th century.

Elbrus Prometheus

Statue of Prometheus in Sochi in the place where, according to legend, Zeus ordered him to be chained to a rock

Elbrus is famous for the fact that none other than the famous ancient Greek god Prometheus lives there. How is this possible?
The name of the mountain comes from the Persian “Alborz”, which is mentioned in the sacred Avesta. Some researchers also believe that this is Mount Alatyr from the Russian sacred tradition, the “hero mountain”. Only the ancients called it in their own way - Alatavr, and “taurus”, as you know, means “bull” in Greek. For Slavic pagans, the bull symbolized the god Veles. The Slavic-Russian tribes believed that Alatyr Mountain is an altar at the throne of the Almighty. And on its slopes there are earthly paradise and hell (in Slavic - Iriy and Peklo). By the way, Elbrus corresponds to the description of the mountain, at the foot of which, according to legend, Prince Kiy, the son of Arius (the ancestor of the Aryans) and the grandson of the solar god Yar, founded the ancient city of Kyiv (Kiyar), even before the “mother of Russian cities.” In Slavic myths, Kiyar is a holy city, the spiritual capital of the world, something like the Himalayan Shambhala.
On the same mountain, according to legend, the Fire God (who gave fire to people) was crucified. The Russians called him Veles, Simargl and Finist, the Iranians called him the Firefeathered Simurgh, the Indians called him Agni Promati (“the one who warms”), and the ancient Greeks called him Prometheus. But the most common legend is about a god who appears in the guise of a huge bird (among the Slavs it is Finist - the Clear Falcon, well known to us from Russian folk tales; among the Persians it is the divine bird Simurgh). As for Prometheus, Aeschylus reports that this titan was chained to a rock in the mountains of Scythia. And Cicero attributes to the hero the words that his blood oozes “on the rocks of the Caucasus.”
Does Elbrus have anything to do with Greek mythology, it’s difficult to judge. However, in 1838, Russian historian V.V. Passek wrote in “Essays on Russia”: “Almost all of our mountain peoples believe in mountain spirits. The Abkhazians say that on the top of Mount Elbrus there is a terrible abyss, in which groans are heard and the sounds of chains are heard; there lies a chained giant...” And N. Dubrovin, a specialist in the history of the Caucasus, published a study based on folklore records. It says: “On a high snowy mountain, at its very top, there is a huge spherical stone, on which sits an old man with a beard long to his feet, his whole body is overgrown with gray hair, the nails on his feet and hands are very long and look like eagle claws. His red eyes burn like hot coals. On the neck, in the middle of the body, on the arms and legs, there is a heavy chain with which he has been chained since time immemorial...”
There is another legend - about the hero Samo, the ancestor of the Caucasian peoples, who defeated the monster Zahhak. Let's remember another Greek myth - about Theseus and the Minotaur. “Tavr” again!
Nowadays, the mountain is notable for the fact that saucers constantly circle around it. So, in the period from February 18 to February 22, 1989, many people observed luminous objects of various shapes rising from Elbrus. Head of the Electrodynamics Laboratory of Kabardino-Balkarian State University V.I. Altukhov even put forward the version that one of the “UFO bases” is located on the mountain. Attempts have been made to find landing sites, but so far they have all been unsuccessful.

List of attractions that are definitely worth visiting in the North Caucasus. Top list of natural and man-made miracles North Caucasus.

Mount Elbrus

North Caucasus. Mount Elbrus

Mount Elbrus is the most high point Russia. It is located on the border of the Kabardino-Balkarian and Karachay-Cherkess Republics. In the powerful glaciers of Elbrus, rivers originate, which form the Kuban River - the most big river in the North Caucasus. Today the Elbrus region is one of the largest centers of skiing, mountaineering and tourism. And at an altitude of 3500 m, on the territory of the Mir station, you can visit the highest mountain museum in the world - the Museum of Military Glory of the Defenders of Elbrus and the Caucasian Passes during the Great Patriotic War.

Naryn-Kala Fortress

North Caucasus, Naryn-Kala Fortress

The Naryn-Kala fortress is the most ancient fortress in Russia, located in Derbent (Republic of Dagestan). She is 1600 years old. The fortress was built as a powerful defensive complex that blocked an important trade route - the Great Silk Road, for which there was constantly a fierce struggle. Currently, structures from different eras have been preserved within the walls of Naryn-Kala: a cross-domed temple, the ruins of the khan’s palace, the khan’s office and even an ancient underground prison. And if you climb the wall, you can admire beautiful view to the old town.

North Caucasus. Mosque named after Akhmat-Hadzhi Kadyrov

The Akhmat-Hadzhi Kadyrov Mosque is the largest mosque in Russia. It is located in Grozny, on the banks of the Sunzha River. The mosque was built in the classical Ottoman style and was named after the first president of the Chechen Republic. More than 10,000 people can be in it at the same time. This mosque is also called the “Heart of Chechnya”. It is the center of the Islamic complex, which includes the Russian Islamic University named after Kunta-Hadji and the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic.

Barkhan Sarykum

North Caucasus. Barkhan Sarykum

A unique sand mountain with a special climatic zone is located near the village of Korkmaskaly in Dagestan, at the foot of the Kumtorkalinsky ridge. Its height is 250-260 meters. The area of ​​the dune is three times larger than the territory of Monaco. The mountain consists of fine-grained sand of golden color. The nature of origin of Sarykum is unknown. It is interesting that during strong winds, the shape of the dune “walks” and can change before our eyes.

Dargavsky necropolis

North Caucasus. Dargavsky necropolis

The Dargavsky necropolis is often compared to the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. This site is included in the UNESCO list. It is located in North Ossetia near the town of Dargavs. The Dargavsky necropolis has about a hundred stone above-ground and underground crypts, which served as family tombs for the ancestors of the Ossetians. An interesting fact is that the bodies of the deceased were placed in wooden boats, although there is no sea nearby. The microclimate of the gorge promotes the natural mummification of bodies.

Lotus Valley

North Caucasus. Lotus Valley

The North Caucasus also has its own lotus valley. Sounds strange since we have heard about lotuses in Thailand, Vietnam and other countries Southeast Asia. It is located on Taman Peninsula Krasnodar region. The Lotus Valley is located on the site of an ancient solar estuary. In the nineteenth century local residents desalinated the reservoir, the estuary became shallow and various types fish and plants. The lotus was introduced by biologists and quickly spread.

Lake Proval

North Caucasus. Lake Proval

Lake Proval is located at the foot of Mount Mashuk in Pyatigorsk. Previously, it was possible to admire the beauty of the lakes only through holes in the rock, but later a tunnel was built through which you can go down to the healing spring. The lake is full mineral water turquoise color. The water is healing thanks to the hydrogen sulfide springs located under the lake. At the entrance to the Proval there are two stone lions, guarding the entrance to the cave.

Dzheyrakh Gorge

North Caucasus. Dzheyrakh Gorge

The Dzheirakh Gorge is located in one of the regions of Ingushetia. It is part of the complex of the Dzheirakh-Assinsky State Historical, Architectural and Natural Museum-Reserve. This ancient settlements Egikal, Khamkhi and Targim, the Christian temple of Thaba-Erdy, located near the village of Khairakh. This museum-reserve is one of the largest in Russia. It covers an area of ​​64,000 hectares, its length from north to south is more than 50 km, from west to east - over 70 km.

Blue Lakes

North Caucasus. Blue Lakes

Five amazing karst lakes are located between the rocks in Kabardino-Balkaria. Their waters contain hidden mysteries of nature that man has not yet fully unraveled. Not a single river or stream flows into one of them, the Lower Lake, although it loses up to 70 million liters of water every day, but its volume and depth do not change at all. The lower lake, or Tserik-Kol, is one of the deepest in the area. It is one of deepest lakes Europe. It is best to admire them, especially Tserik-Kol, in clear sunny weather, when the water there is really pale blue. This is due to the hydrogen sulfide content in it. During the day, the lake can change color up to 16 times - from azure to emerald. But the water temperature in it is constant: no more than +9 ºС - both in winter and in summer.

Ancestral watchtowers are a striking example of the original mountain culture in the North Caucasus. They are located on the slopes of the Main Caucasus Range: in the territory of Ossetia, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Chechnya and Kabardino-Balkaria. The towers served both a residential and defensive function, which is why they most often served as clan guards. Due to enemy invasions, most of these structures were not preserved. Some of the towers were family ones. According to custom, the tower should have been built no more than a year, otherwise the family could be considered dysfunctional; It was usually built near a settlement. These towers symbolize the honor of the clan, unity and courage, being the pinnacle of construction and architectural skill of the highlanders of the North Caucasus.

Dolmens are structures constructed from large stone blocks, presumably of a cultic nature. There are about three thousand of them preserved in the Caucasus.

Tiled dolmens usually include four walls, a lid and a floor consisting of one large or several smaller slabs. The chamber is rectangular or trapezoidal. The plates have grooves, due to which they are all tightly connected. The front plate forms a portal. Composite dolmens are partially or completely assembled from individual small blocks. They have a complex geometric connection. The shape of the chamber is varied: rectangular, trapezoidal, horseshoe-shaped, round and multifaceted. Trough-shaped dolmens were carved into the thickness of the stone, and then covered with a slab on top. Dolmen-monoliths are entirely hewn out of one block of stone or into the rock.

North Caucasus. Mud volcanoes of Taman

One of the most mysterious places Black Sea coastmud volcanoes. They are located in Taman. Total in this region There are about thirty places where you can take therapeutic mud baths. The most famous and beautiful volcano is Karabetova hill with a crater size of 1380x860 meters. In all places where therapeutic mud bathing is permitted, special pontoons have been built, thanks to which you can take mud baths completely safely. These places are very popular among tourists, especially in the summer season.