Muldashev's theory about the origin of man. The theory of the emergence of humanity according to Muldashev E.R. Awards and honorary titles

The theory of the emergence of humanity according to Muldashev E.R.

Based on the works of Blavatsky, Roerich and Indian mythology.
This theory was finally formed by 2007.
According to this theory, the origin of man from the ape is not recognized.
According to this theory, man arose on earth through the densification of the spirit. People of the first race were still angel-like. They gradually became denser and reached sufficient density in the third race (Lemurians), even greater density in the fourth race (Atlanteans) and the greatest density in the fifth race (our civilization). All events in the Universe and on Earth occur under the control of the Supreme Mind (the Supreme).
Many millions of years ago, due to the densification of the spirit, angel-like creatures appeared on earth, reaching a height of 60 meters or more. These angelic people were still so thin that they could freely pass through walls and other obstacles. Nature (plants, animals) was also loose. Nevertheless, these people already had a loose genetic apparatus, which made it possible to reproduce their own kind through budding and division.
Angelic people lived even more according to the laws of the subtle world and were directly connected with That Light. It was still difficult for them to change or produce anything in a much denser physical world. Therefore, the improvement of the spirit, directly related to human activity, occurred to a small extent.
After further densification of the bodies of ghost-like people, the early Lemurians appeared, who were about 20 meters tall and were four-armed and two-faced. Two hands in front served two eyes that saw in the physical world (light), and two hands behind served the eye that saw in the subtle world. The early Lemurians could no longer walk through walls, but with the help of four hands they could carry out active actions in the physical world. They could fully use the energy of the subtle world (influence on gravity, psycho-impact on animals, etc.), but they could already quite effectively use the energy of the physical world (muscle strength, fire, water, etc.). The formation of their genetic apparatus reached such perfection that they were divided into men and women, and childbearing began.
It appears that the early Lemurians lived during the time of the dinosaurs.
The process of body compaction continued, and therefore the later Lemurians (Lemur-Atlanteans) became smaller (about 10 meters). The third rear eye went into the cavity of the skull, but continued to retain its functions as an organ of tuning to the waves of the Other World. The two back hands that served the real third eye disappeared. Late Lemurians led a semi-aquatic lifestyle; small gills helped them breathe underwater. They built huge cities, achieved the highest level of technology (aircraft, space exploration, etc.), created first-class science, and healed their bodies with internal energy. Their life expectancy reached 1000–2000 years.
The most developed of the Lemurians (who mastered the phenomena of dematerialization and materialization, levitation and transfer in space) understood that God would not allow the long-term destructive effects of negative psychic energy, which “erases the database” of life on earth in the torsion fields of the Other World. They understood that the subtle and physical worlds originated from a single beginning - the Absolute, that the subtle world progressed before the physical and therefore could have a great influence on the Absolute, which would result in a change in the position of cosmic objects (planets, asteroids, etc.) with a subsequent global catastrophe on earth.
Realizing the inevitability of a catastrophe, many of the Lemurians went into caves, entered a state of samadhi and organized the Gene Pool of humanity. The most developed of the Lemurians, using the phenomenon of dematerialization and materialization, also went underground along with their apparatus and mechanisms and organized Shambhala and Agarti in order to preserve and develop the technologies of Lemurian civilization in conditions of underground life and protect the Gene Pool of humanity.
A cosmic catastrophe was not long in coming, resulting in the destruction of the Lemurian civilization on the surface of the earth. Such was the price of changing the cult of knowledge to the cult of power; The Supreme Mind could not allow the complete destruction of the “database” about life on earth in the torsion fields of the Other World. And only Shambhala and Agharti remained as a manifestation of the great Lemurian civilization and still continue to replenish the knowledge of the Other World.

But long before the catastrophe, people of smaller stature and different appearance began to be born in Lemurian society. The number of such small people (only 3-5 meters) gradually increased. These were the first representatives of the next race on earth - the Atlanteans. Some of them survived on the surface of the earth after the Lemurian catastrophe and remained in the form of a few tribes.
The Lemurian civilization arose and developed many millions of years ago on the basis of the knowledge of the Universal Information Space. That is, for their development, the Lemurians used the knowledge of the Other World (the subtle world). Therefore, first of all, they mastered the energy of the subtle world. The Lemurian civilization had the longest period of development without war on earth, and therefore developed to the highest degree. Nevertheless, contradictions nevertheless arose in the depths of this highest civilization, which resulted in a war, during which the energy of the subtle world was used. The greatest sin was committed - the divine knowledge of that Light was used not in the name of creation, but in the name of destruction.
Seeing the harbingers of a global catastrophe, the most spiritually advanced of the Lemurians went into caves, entered a deep state of samadhi and organized the Gene Pool of humanity. The best of them, who mastered the phenomenon of dematerialization and materialization of the human body, organized the underground technogenic civilization of the Lemurians in order to preserve and develop the technical achievements of the Lemurian civilization, as well as to protect the created Gene Pool of humanity. The underground Lemurians learned the phenomenon of self-renewal of body cells, so they became practically immortal. This is how Shambhala and Agharti were created.
After the global catastrophe and the death of Lemuria, the Lemurians of Shambhala and Agharti influenced the development of the Atlantean civilization (the appearance of the “Sons of the Gods”). When the spiritual level of the Atlanteans reached a sufficiently high degree, and some of the Atlanteans began to fulfill the Gene Pool of humanity, the Lemurians of Shambhala and Agharti revealed to them the ancient knowledge of Lemuria. On the basis of this knowledge, the Atlantean civilization began to progress rapidly, but could not resist the temptation to resolve its contradictions by military means. Once again the sin of using the divine knowledge of the Other World in the name of evil was committed, which led to the global catastrophe of the Atlantic civilization.
During the period of Lemurian civilization, the Atlanteans relied in everything on the knowledge and technology of their “elder brothers” - the Lemurians, who were considered the Sons of the Gods. It was difficult for Atlanteans to imagine an independent life.
After the death of the Lemurian civilization, the Atlanteans found themselves in conditions of survival: the conditions of life on earth changed unusually and there were no “elder brothers” - the Lemurians. Of the Atlanteans who survived the disaster, only a few were able to continue life by switching to a natural, semi-wild way of existence. The Atlanteans, like the Lemurians, had a well-developed “third eye” and with the help of it they were able to tune into the waves of the Universal Information Space and receive the knowledge of the Lemurians from there. But the knowledge of Lemurian civilization, “recorded” in the torsion fields of the Other World, was in no hurry to reveal itself to the Atlanteans. Therefore, the semi-wild stage in the life of Atlantis lasted a very long time.
Gradually, through the efforts of the Lemurian prophets, in the Atlantean civilization the cult of power was replaced by the cult of knowledge, goodness and love triumphed. Progress has begun. Other types of physical energy were mastered, cities became better and more beautiful, and the Atlantean population grew. But the energy of the subtle world was still beyond the control of the Atlanteans. Shambhala and Agharti, noting the progress of the Atlanteans, informed the control center of the Universal Information Space about the possibility of removing the “SoHm” principle in order to promote even greater progress by mastering the forces of the subtle world. The block on the knowledge of the Other World was removed. For the Atlanteans, a “golden age” began. The great knowledge of the Lemurian civilization became available to them.
The Atlantean civilization sharply took the path of progress. Telepathy, psycho-influence on gravity, the power of mantras (spells) and other types of energy of the subtle world were mastered. Cities began to be built by carrying weights with their gaze, they began to heal their bodies using internal energy, and aeronautics were carried out using the power of mantras. Huge cities were built, flying machines - vimanas - scurried above the ground, beautiful plantations were formed under water, huge monuments (which have survived to our times) testified to the power of the Atlantean civilization. The world lived in red and purple colors.
Anticipating the onset of a global catastrophe, the most progressive of the Atlanteans went into caves and entered the state of samadhi, replenishing the Gene Pool of humanity. One gets the impression that the Atlanteans’ entry into samadhi was relatively widespread, so even now the main part of the gene pool of humanity consists of the Atlanteans.
The catastrophe broke out 850,000 years ago. The Earth's axis changed its position, the poles shifted, and a global flood occurred.
But the Atlantean civilization did not perish immediately. Some of them (yellow Atlanteans) managed to fly on their airships (vimana) to the region of the Himalayas, Tibet and the Gobi Desert - the most elevated regions of the earth that were North Pole. There, on the shores and islands Inland Sea, located on the site of the Gobi Desert, they settled and lived for several tens of thousands of years. But isolation, small numbers, and most importantly - the absence of a “magic wand” in the form of knowledge of the Universal Information Space (the principle “SoHm” was introduced) led to the degradation of society, savagery and death. “Scientific idleness,” which had become a habit, did not allow the Atlanteans to survive.
Another part of the Atlanteans (black Atlanteans) remained alive in the elevated areas of the African continent. But they very quickly, for the same reasons, degraded, went wild and died. According to one hypothesis, these black Atlanteans contributed to the formation of modern blacks.
A third of the Atlanteans survived on the so-called Plato Island, located in the area Atlantic Ocean. This group of Atlanteans turned out to be the most progressive, they were able not to lose their knowledge in the conditions of the impossibility of contacting the Universal Information Space due to the blocking principle of “SoHm”, they could organize scientific research, preserve technology and force people to improve spiritually without the direct support of the Other World .
The Atlanteans of Plato's island were able to assert themselves in the new conditions of the earth and live for a long period from 850,000 to 11,000 years ago. During this time, the water that flooded the Earth after the Flood gradually receded, new lands opened up, where people of the new fifth race (people of our civilization) settled.

Taking into account the double sin, the Supreme Mind introduced a ban on access to the knowledge of the Other World for the fifth race (our civilization). The Lemurians of Shambhala and Agarti, using prophets emerging from the Gene Pool of humanity, tried and are trying to direct the development of our civilization along the path of progress. But we, unlike the Atlanteans, cannot independently enter the Universal Information Space and use the knowledge of the Other World. We are completely dependent on Shambhala and Agharti. As much ancient knowledge as they pass on to us, that’s how much we will have. Our civilization is even more dependent on Shambhala and Agharti than the Atlanteans.
These new people seemed small to the Atlanteans (only 2-3 meters tall), aggressive and stupid. The Atlanteans of Plato's island fought with some of these new people, and with others they were in contact and comradeship. In particular, the Atlanteans of Plato's island had close contacts with the ancient Egyptians, who were taught many of their technologies and built with them Egyptian pyramids, using psychoenergetic effects on gravity to carry heavy objects (stone blocks). The pyramids were built 75-80 thousand years ago. After the completion of the construction of the pyramids, many of the Atlanteans, as well as some representatives of the Egyptians, went into underground dwellings under the pyramids, entered a state of deep samadhi and replenished the gene pool of humanity.
But 11,000 years ago, the Atlantean astronomers of the island of Plato predicted the imminent fall of comet Typhon to Earth. The comet approached and fell in the Atlantic Ocean. The last abode of the Atlanteans - Plato's island - perished, plunging into the depths of the sea. The Atlantean civilization completely ceased to exist.
The Aryans appeared in the depths of the Atlantic civilization about 1 million years ago. Among the Atlanteans, people began to be born smaller, without membranes, with large noses and feet. They were more adapted to a terrestrial lifestyle, and therefore even had some advantages over the Atlanteans.
During the Great Flood (850,000 years ago), most of the first Aryans, like the Atlanteans, died. Only a small number of Atlanteans and Aryans survived on the remaining landmass. Hard times came: houses, technologies, devices were lost. Wildness and a gradual transition to a primitive way of life began.
18,013 years ago, a new prophet appeared in the region of Tibet and the Himalayas. Some called him Manu, others Rama, others Bonpo Buddha. This prophet was enormous growth and unusual appearance. It seems to me that it is his eyes that are depicted on all Tibetan temples.
But a serious test awaited the Aryan civilization - after the Impact of Comet Typhon in the Atlantic Ocean (11,000 years ago), the Earth was shrouded in darkness caused by the release of huge masses of dust (magma, etc.) into the atmosphere. Some authors write that the darkness lasted about 1000-2000 years, others call a much shorter period. It’s hard for me to say what the living conditions on the planet became after that disaster, but we can assume that they were very harsh. In terms of survival, the Aryans who came from Tibet had an advantage as they were more progressive and capable of building houses, heating them, sewing clothes, keeping livestock, and farming. Many semi-wild and savage tribes did not survive and thereby, as it were, cleared the earth and humanity from the regressive touch of savagery. But some semi-wild tribes still survived and have remained at this level to this day.
In this situation, Shambhala and Agharti did not remain indifferent. At the turn of 2000 years ago, a group of prophets appeared (Buddha, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Moses, Ozoaster and others) who began to instill elements of the knowledge of the Other World into humanity. The success of these prophets was obvious - religions were created: Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Jewish and others.

How did people appear? It would seem that today everyone knows the answer to this question - scientists provide significant evidence of the theory of evolution, according to which man descended from apes. However, there are other hypotheses about the origin of man . They usually have no evidence, but the ideas themselves are interesting at least for their boldness.

Basic theories of human origins

For many centuries, the question of where people came from was successfully answered by religion. The idea that man was created by God, like any other religious ideas, did not need proof, but required only faith. Science in the old days was not very developed, and people were not very well educated for the most part, so the idea of ​​​​divine origin suited everyone quite well.

However, over time, the theological theory of human origin ceased to be the only one - it had competitors. The first statements that man could have descended from a monkey caused protest in society. But when Charles Darwin published his famous work on the origin of species, creationism (ideas of divine origin) had a serious competitor.

According to Darwin and his followers, man evolved from an ancient ape (the so-called “common ancestor” of modern apes and modern humans) as a result of natural selection. For a more or less comfortable existence, human ancestors needed to be smarter and more cunning than other species. Only by cunning could primitive people defeat predators, since they did not have sufficiently impressive teeth, nor sharp enough claws, nor the ability to run fast enough.

Primitive people were forced to compensate for their own imperfections using various tools and cunning. Accordingly, man became the first biological species where not the toothiest and fastest survived, but the smartest and most cunning. This led to the active development of the human brain - the emergence of Homo Sapiens, Homo sapiens.

Today, the theory of evolution is known to everyone, young and old. But this does not mean that the question of human origins is completely closed. Some people are not completely satisfied with the theory of evolution, and alternative hypotheses are put forward to explain the emergence of the human race.

Alien messengers

One of the most popular alternative hypotheses for the origin of people is “cosmic”. Its supporters believe that humanity owes its life on earth to aliens. At the same time, there are different versions as to exactly how alien guests contributed to the development of humanity.

Some believe that humans are direct descendants of aliens. Perhaps they accidentally ended up on Earth and were unable to leave it, or perhaps they came specifically because of some kind of catastrophe on their home planet. According to others, people were created by aliens in one way or another - either out of boredom, for fun, or as pets, or as slaves. Later, for some reason, the aliens have lost interest in the humanity they created, or maybe they are waiting for people to reach a certain level of development and be capable of alien contacts.

Theories of extraterrestrial origin appeared relatively recently - when people began to think about interstellar travel, and when some hypotheses appeared that humanity is not alone in the universe. There is no evidence for such theories, at least until there is no opportunity to study aliens or at least ask their opinion on this matter.

Some “cosmic” theories are closely related to the theory of evolution. According to them, microorganisms were brought to Earth from other planets, which subsequently adapted to life on the planet, gradually changing until small mammals, monkeys and humans arose. At the same time, there is a widespread hypothesis that man was brought to Earth in a “ready-made” form, and did not change in any way after that. This theory is already close to creationism, that is, the idea of ​​​​creating a person by some higher powers. Since creationism implies that something like this has never happened again, the theory cannot be tested in principle.

The next intelligent beings

There is an opinion that people are not at all the first intelligent beings on the planet. According to the theory of Ernst Muldashev, different intelligent races lived on Earth at different times, with one civilization replacing another. Humans are the fifth intelligent race on the planet. Ernst Muldashev is an ophthalmologist, but he became famous precisely for this theory of human origin . The idea that other intelligent races existed on Earth before humans explains many previously unexplained facts, for example, ancient structures that people of that time could not build due to insufficiently developed technology. If these technologies were inherited from previous intelligent races, then this explains a lot.

Ernst Muldashev's writings are very convincing, and many who read them become big fans of the professor of medicine, who decided to devote himself to anthropology. The idea that the mighty Atlanteans were the ancestors of modern humanity seems to many to be much more attractive than the traditional theory of ancestry with monkeys. However, as for the evidence for this theory, things are not so good with them. None of the expeditions in which Ernst Muldashev participated could find confirmation of his theory.

The professor himself claims that the absence of evidence does not mean that a particular theory does not correspond to the truth - evidence of the theory of relativity too little, which did not prevent it from becoming the basis of many scientific researches. But the world of science categorically disagrees with this, so the theory about the origin modern man from other, more advanced earthly races, is not taken seriously by scientists.

Maria Bykova

Photo from open sources

ON THE PAGES of our weekly magazine materials about the expeditions of Professor Ernst MULDASHEV to the Himalayas, Tibet and Egypt have been repeatedly published. Now the restless traveler is hitting the road again, this time on mysterious island Easter. And according to the established good tradition, AiF readers will be the first to learn about new research and discoveries of scientists from a series of reports. And today he told Nikolai ZYATKOV about the goals and objectives of the expedition.

Dangerous "six" sign

ERNST Rifgatovich! As far as I know, you have already postponed this expedition three times. And this time you won't put it aside? What were the reasons for the previous cancellations?

There were two reasons. Firstly, shortly before setting off on the expedition I suddenly began to realize that from a scientific point of view we still had to “ripen”. And it took time to “ripen”.

Secondly, I would like to point out that an expedition to Easter Island will be very dangerous. And it turned out that this expedition in a row (three in the Himalayas, one in Tibet and one in Egypt) was supposed to be the sixth. And, to be honest, I didn’t really want to go on this difficult expedition under the sign of the “six”.

What could be dangerous on Easter Island? This is a small island in the Pacific Ocean, on which there are stone idols. (website)

Photos from open sources

The fact is that the entire Easter Island, measuring just over 20 km in diameter, is penetrated by a network of artificial underground passages that form a labyrinth. According to existing legends, underground labyrinth has several branches, each of which leads... to the center of the Earth.

You are about to go through this maze. For what purpose?

On the opposite side of the globe from Easter Island is the sacred Mount Kailash, around which is located the legendary City of the Gods, consisting of numerous huge and very ancient pyramids. This City of the Gods is described in detail and shown in the latest book - “In Search of the City of the Gods. Volume 3. In the arms of Shambhala.” There, in the Tibetan City of the Gods, we found the legendary Door to Shambhala, leading, as legends say, to a huge underground city - the capital of underground Shambhala.

City of the Gods

Photos from open sources

I CANNOT exclude the possibility that on the opposite side of the globe, that is, in the area of ​​Easter Island, there was also a City of the Gods... even more ancient city Gods, who has now sunk in the ocean. And, logically, there should be an underground city there. The entrance to it is located, possibly, in the underground labyrinth of Easter Island.

When you say “City of the Gods”, willy-nilly you want to ask: what is it?

This question is difficult to answer briefly. This will be the subject of my next book - “In Search of the City of the Gods. Matrix of Life on Earth." The point is that when we made a schematic map of the City of the Gods, it turned out that it was very similar to the spatial structure of DNA. The famous Russian molecular biologist Pyotr Petrovich Garyaev noted this.

Huge stone...DNA?

Yes. We get the impression that the City of the Gods is where God created man on Earth, creating DNA first of all.

What about Darwin's theory?

Now this is already funny.

You said that there are two City of Gods...

I think the first City of the Gods was the sunken City of the Gods near Easter Island, and the second was the City near Mount Kailash in Tibet. We will not be able to find the first City of the Gods - it sank in the depths of the Pacific Ocean...

Read about the legendary Shantamani stone and other secrets of Tibet in the next issue.

"Arguments and Facts"

, ufology, wave genome

Science Date of Birth Place of Birth

Verkhne-Sermenevo, Bashkir ASSR, RSFSR, USSR


USSR, Russia


Ernst Rifgatovich Muldashev(Ernest Rifqat ulı Muldaşev) (b. January 1, 1948 in the village of Verkhne-Sermenevo, Beloretsky district of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) - author of a number of scandalous books and newspaper publications on mystical topics, written by him in connection with expeditions to Tibet and Egypt, Russian ophthalmologist , surgeon of the highest category, organizer and director of the eye microsurgery center in Ufa.

He studied at school in the city of Salavat. 1972-1982 - researcher, head of the department of reconstructive and plastic surgery of the Ufa Research Institute of Eye Diseases; 1982-1988 - ophthalmologist at the eye department of hospital No. 10, Medical Unit OLUNPZ; 1988-1990 - head. Laboratory of Transplants for Ophthalmic Surgery MNTK "Eye Microsurgery"; since 1990 - Director of the All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery (Ufa). In 1990-1993 - People's Deputy of Russia.


Inventor of the surgical biomaterial “alloplant”, with the help of which it became possible (according to Muldashev himself) to treat some diseases considered “hopeless”. However, no official confirmation of this is provided on this moment not yet.

There is a known case of the famous animal trainer Teresa Durova’s treatment of what was considered a hopeless illness, after which, according to the patient herself, she regained the ability to see.

He also became famous worldwide for transplanting an eye to a woman, after which she allegedly began to see with it. However, ophthalmologists deny the reality of eye transplant surgery, due to the fundamental impossibility of restoring the optic nerve. However, Muldashev himself talks about transplanting only some parts of the eye and confirms the impossibility of transplanting the entire eye.

Statements from other ophthalmologists about Muldashev

Professor Hristo Takhchidi, General Director of the Eye Microsurgery Institute named after. acad. S. N. Fedorova:

Now we enter the eye through a puncture of one and a half to two millimeters, remove the lens, install a new one and restore vision. We can reconstruct the entire eye, we can transplant the cornea, weld the detached retina, we can work in the posterior segments of the eye - at the junction with the tissues of the optic nerve. But we are not able to restore the dead nervous tissue.

Question:- Bashkir doctor Ernst Muldashev seems to be curing blindness, and is undertaking to transplant eyes. His most famous patient is a famous singer.

I’m not afraid to say harshly: such treatment is quackery. At the same time, Muldashev is a truly knowledgeable ophthalmologist, a professor, who was engaged in plastic surgery. But at some point he got carried away and began to “shamanize.” We have been discussing with him for a long time. After all, he did not show a patient with an eye transplant to any professional doctor. Alas, today such a transplant is impossible.

Professor Valery Eckhardt, head of the Chelyabinsk Ophthalmo-Endocrinology Center, member of the board of the All-Russian Society of Ophthalmologists

Question:- But legends tell about the Ufa ophthalmologist Ernst Muldashev. Is it true that he was the first in the world to have an eye transplant?

Ernst Rifgatovich and I a good relationship. And I never cease to be amazed at the versatility and originality of this personality. He is interested in alternative medicine, walks in the Himalayas, and meets lamas. He has his own theory of the origin of man from Tibet (our predecessors were the three-eyed Atlanteans). He writes poetry and books. Perhaps all this allows him to maintain a certain direction in ophthalmology at a high level. He is the only one in the country engaged in the use of human tissue for reconstructive operations. But no one in the world has been able to regenerate the retina of the eye - the eye transplanted to a woman does not see. The ophthalmological community was very indignant about this.

Non-academic research


E. Muldashev and his associates conducted an experiment where people were given photographs of the faces of famous people, cut into three parts - lower (mouth), middle (eyes), upper (forehead, hair). Identification was successful only based on the “eye part” of the face. Based on the results obtained, it was suggested that the eye, as a scanning beam, reads twenty-two parameters. As a result, a computer program was created with which it was possible to reconstruct a person’s appearance from the eyes.

By scanning photographs of the eyes of representatives of all races of the globe, it was calculated what the average eye might look like; According to the assumption made, such an eye belongs to representatives of the Tibetan race. By mathematical approximation, the location of the eyes of the peoples of all races of the world was made - the final result was four hypothetical routes of human migration around the globe, the sources of which led to the regions of Tibet.

Also, using ophthalmogeometry, a portrait of the creature whose eyes belong to the temples in Tibet was compiled.

Gene pool of humanity

The gene pool of humanity, according to Muldashev, is a hypothetical formation, which is a collection of samadhi caves, located mainly in the Himalayas, in which people of previous civilizations are in a “preserved” state (state of samadhi or samadhi).

According to Muldashev, the purpose of the Gene Pool is to revive humanity again in the event of its death as a result of war, man-made disaster, global cataclysm, etc.

Alien portals on Crete

According to Muldashev, the famous Cretan Labyrinth is actually an alien “portal” that “opens” from time to time, allowing people inside.

(1948-01-01 ) (71 years old) Place of Birth Verkhne-Sermenevo, Beloretsky district, Bashkir ASSR, RSFSR, USSR A country Scientific field ophthalmology Place of work FSBI "All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Ufa Alma mater (1972) Academic degree Doctor of Medicine (1995) Awards and prizes

In addition, he became famous as the author of a number of esoteric books, newspaper publications and films on mystical themes related to expeditions to Crete, Egypt and Tibet to study ancient civilizations.


Ernst Muldashev was born on January 1, 1948 in the village of Verkhne-Sermenevo, Beloretsky District, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, into a simple family. He is the son of the Bashkir Rifgat Iskandarovich Muldashev and the Ukrainian Valentina Kirsanovna Makhini, the brother of Albert Rifgatovich Muldashev and Eduard Rifgatovich Muldashev.

From 1955 to 1965, Muldashev studied at school (First Lyceum) in the city of Salavat.

From 1972 to 1982 he worked as a research fellow and head of the department of reconstructive and plastic surgery.

From 1982 to 1988, Muldashev worked as an ophthalmologist in the eye department of Hospital No. 10, Medical Unit OLUNPZ.

From 1988 to 1990, he held the position of head of the laboratory of transplants for ophthalmic surgery at the Eye Microsurgery International Scientific and Research Center.

Since 1990, he has been the director of the All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery (Ufa).

  • Staphylomas of the sclera, 2000,
  • Surgery of the liver and biliary tract, 2005,
  • Complicated glaucoma, 2005,
  • Social and medical-biological aspects of tissue transplantation, 2007,
  • Revelations of a surgeon. How I did the world's first eye transplant, 2010,
  • Are we operating on glaucoma correctly, 2013,
  • Regenerative medicine. Alloplant biomaterials in ophthalmic surgery, 2014

Ernst Muldashev is the author of many books about his expeditions to different countries of the world. He himself visited Greece (the island of Crete), India (the Himalaya mountains), China (the Tibet mountains) and dozens of other countries.

Personal life

Wife - Tatyana Muldasheva.


Inventor of the surgical biomaterial “alloplant” Alloplant, with the help of which it allegedly became possible (according to Muldashev himself) to treat some diseases considered “hopeless”.

There is a known case of the alleged cure of the famous animal trainer Teresa Durova, who was considered a hopeless disease, after which, according to the patient herself, the ability to see returned to her.

According to media reports, he transplanted a donor eye and restored the patient's vision. Ophthalmologists deny the reality of the effectiveness of eye transplant surgery to restore vision, due to the fundamental impossibility of restoring the optic nerve. Commenting on the situation, Muldashev himself said that he had undergone a cornea and retina transplant.

Statements from other ophthalmologists about Muldashev

Now we enter the eye through a puncture of one and a half to two millimeters, remove the lens, install a new one and restore vision. We can reconstruct the entire eye, we can transplant the cornea, weld the detached retina, we can work in the posterior segments of the eye - at the junction with the tissues of the optic nerve. But we are not able to restore the dead nervous tissue.

Question:- Bashkir doctor Ernst Muldashev seems to be curing blindness, and is undertaking to transplant eyes. His most famous patient is a famous singer.

I’m not afraid to say harshly: such treatment is quackery. At the same time, Muldashev is a truly knowledgeable ophthalmologist, a professor, who was engaged in plastic surgery. But at some point he got carried away and began to “shamanize.” We have been discussing with him for a long time. After all, he did not show a patient with an eye transplant to any professional doctor. Alas, today such a transplant is impossible.

Professor Valery Eckhardt, head of the Chelyabinsk Ophthalmo-Endocrinology Center, member of the board of the All-Russian Society of Ophthalmologists:

Question:- But legends tell about the Ufa ophthalmologist Ernst Muldashev. Is it true that he was the first in the world to have an eye transplant?

Ernst Rifgatovich and I have a good relationship. And I never cease to be amazed at the versatility and originality of this personality. He is interested in alternative medicine, walks in the Himalayas, and meets lamas. He has his own theory of the origin of man from Tibet (our predecessors were the three-eyed Lemurians and Atlanteans). He writes poetry and books. Perhaps all this allows him to maintain a certain direction in ophthalmology at a high level. He is the only one in the country engaged in the use of human tissue for reconstructive operations. But no one in the world has been able to regenerate the retina of the eye - the eye transplanted to a woman does not see. The ophthalmological community was very indignant about this.

Non-academic research
