Photos of beautiful women over 40 on a yacht. What to do with seven girls on board a luxury yacht in the Maldives? What is yachting

Model Charlie Smith, 29, and her fiancé, 'The Captain', 34, were renovating houses in the Channel Islands when they decided to uproot their lives and take to the high seas.
The couple postponed their wedding, quit their jobs and bought a yacht.

“We had been thinking about traveling for years while working and renovating,” she says. - The prospect of carrying backpacks around the world and sleeping in hostels didn’t seem like what we wanted at all. The idea of ​​sailing was a way of traveling in which you could take your nest with you.”

After completing a sailing course, the novice sailors said goodbye to their relatives and in May set off to explore the world on a yacht. They have already been to France, Spain, Italy, Elba, Corsica, Sardinia, Balearic Islands and in Barcelona - carefully documenting his journey.

This is Charlie Smith. She is a 29-year-old model and television presenter from New Zealand.

This is her 34-year-old British fiancé, known as "The Captain". The couple had been renovating a home in Jersey, Channel Islands, before quitting their jobs and setting sail.

The couple were engaged in 2013, but "wedding plans were put on hold as we spent our wedding budget on a yacht!" says Charlie.

Today the couple lives and travels on this 12-meter sailing yacht Dufour, which they called "Silver Paws". On the way, they take a lot of photographs of each other.

The couple talks about their adventures in a blog called “Captain and Charlie.” Their slogan reads: "See you later, bricks and mortar... We sold the house and bought a houseboat so we could follow the winds ourselves, explore the seas, have fun."

“Neither of us had lived on a yacht before. We knew we didn't have sufficient experience handling sails for such a feat, but we did it anyway,” says Charlie. - Sometimes you shouldn’t wait to be completely “ready” - you just have to rush in without looking back and learn along the way. We each completed RYA yacht captain, sea survival and first aid courses before setting off on our voyage.”

The couple spends the night in the cozy salon of the yacht.

Well, during the day they explore the open sea.

So far, the couple has visited France, Spain, Italy, Elba, Corsica, Sardinia and the Balearic Islands.

Over the past month they have also visited Barcelona, ​​but are now returning home to see relatives for the Christmas holidays.

The couple continues to go sightseeing.

"Every day is aquatic view sports, because every day we are on a yacht,” says Charlie.

"If we don't sail..."

“... then we, having dropped anchor somewhere, enjoy the sea.”

“Most days we paddleboard and swim.”

"Every few days we go ashore to explore new city or stock up on fresh produce,” Charlie says. “Everything doesn’t always go according to plan; once we spent several nights at anchor, where the wind unexpectedly overtook us.”

Sometimes friends even come to visit the couple.

They also have enough time to read books.

The "captain" even installed a hammock.

Charlie takes plenty of air baths.

But the girl especially likes “days at anchor, in a beautiful bay with a transparent warm water with breathtaking blues and greens."

“We wanted to clean up our lives, simplify our lives, and get rid of things that accumulate over time,” says Charlie.

Not a bad life, isn't it?

If you've got a couple of million in the bank (or you just like to dream about it), you'll be interested in this list of superyachts with retractable deck pools, underwater karaoke cabins, personal submarines and even supercars that come as a "free bonus" when purchasing similar yachts. Or it’s quite possible that you’ll like it better huge yacht, which is also a private artificial island with a desalination system.

Yacht-Orsos Island (ORSOS Island Yacht)

If you have $6.5 million to spare, you can buy your own floating artificial island, which can be moored anywhere in the world. Orsos is a superyacht with 1,000 square meters of living space, including a bedroom for 12 people, an underwater karaoke cabin, a jacuzzi, sun loungers, a dining room and an aquarium. While it is equipped with two small diesel engines for short-distance travel, for long-distance travel it will have to be towed.

A superyacht that comes with a free supercar bonus

When you're paying $25 million for a state-of-the-art superyacht powered by twin Rolls-Royce engines, it might not be so far-fetched to expect the bonus of a free hand-built supercar. The Strand Craft 122, designed by Gray Design, features an Art Deco interior, four double rooms, four large staterooms, a reception area and crew quarters. The yacht can travel at speeds of up to 50 knots, while the unnamed supercar reaches a speed of 370 kilometers per hour.

Submarine Yacht

The U-101 Undersea Yacht is actually a recreational submarine, with two levels of terraces with sun loungers and a grand interior, not to mention two jet skis, each for one person, and a smaller submersible. boat for underwater exploration.

Infinitas from Schöpfer Yachts

With its unusually carved stern, superyacht Infinitas, designed by luxury yacht builder Schöpfer Yachts, looks like a bird's skull skimming the surface of the sea. The yacht's design is actually inspired by the infinity symbol, which can be seen in the two large "eye sockets" when viewed from above. This 91 meter long superyacht includes a pool deck, built-in elevator, helicopter landing pad and glass-floored bridge.

Adastra Trimaran Yacht

Designed specifically for a billionaire couple with extensive ocean cruising experience and their family, the Adastra yacht uses an incredibly small amount of fuel to cover a distance of 6,437 kilometers. The three-hull trimaran yacht resembles a spaceship in its appearance. It can be controlled remotely with just a touch of the iPad. And such a yacht costs 15 million dollars.

Unique Circle Yachts by Zaha Hadid

Architect Zaha Hadil applied her innate sense of aesthetics to create “Unique Round Yachts,” a series of five custom 90-meter yachts that were built by boatbuilder Blohm + Voss. The design of these yachts is inspired by “flowing dynamics and underwater ecosystems, and hydrodynamic research was carried out to inform the hull design. Hadid says: “The exoskeleton-like structure that sits in the upper section is a woven network of supports that vary in thickness and impart a natural aesthetic to the yacht's appearance, reminiscent of the organic structural systems of natural sea formations and connecting the various levels and decks of the vessel seamlessly. with the help of expressive diagonals."

Oculus Yacht

There is something comical about the Oculus yacht - the vessel looks like a huge white fish, swimming to the surface to catch food with its open mouth. This 76 meter long range cruising yacht, designed by Schöpfer Yachts, can accommodate 14 people in five-star comfort, with a three-level interior and 3.6 meter high ceilings.

Atreides Yacht by Vuk Dragovic

A fully retractable shallow-water pool extends from the stern of the Vuk Dragovic-designed Atreida yacht, providing a safe, covered place for swimming. While many yachts have pools that can be dropped into the water, none of the other designs feature a retractable pool of this type. Panels solar panels on the roof are also a nice addition.

Voronoi Lacework Yacht

The complex lace hull gives the megayacht Voronoi its extremely unusual appearance. This hull lets in fresh air and sun while protecting the yacht's guests with a honeycomb-shaped structure. Designed by yacht enthusiast Hyun-Seok Kim, the yacht is designed for entertainment purposes and includes an indoor garden, golf course, jacuzzi and swimming pool.

Floating City Yacht

Four platforms equipped with traction devices keep this island yacht stable, even in extreme conditions. weather conditions. While Project Utopia doesn't look like a yacht in the conventional sense, the 13-story circular structure can travel at low speeds. “Utopia is not a voyage vessel, it is a holiday destination, an island created for any person who has the broad vision to appreciate this place,” says the designer.

Sustainable Hybrid Yacht

Supposedly the most self-sufficient yacht in the world, the Columbus Sport 130-foot Hybrid has been designed to have the least possible impact on the environment. The ship can turn off its main engines and run on generators alone, and while this will cause it to travel at a low speed, this system greatly reduces the need for fuel consumption. The aluminum hull reduces the weight of the vessel to further reduce fuel costs, and the yacht is recyclable. This yacht, which is on at the moment is under production in Italy, can travel distances of up to 5,000 nautical miles.

Dreamboat Yacht

Another yacht that challenges the norms of modern yacht design. This vessel, designed by Heun-Seok Kim, won the "Dream Boat" award at the Millennium Yacht Design Award in 2011. Huge glass panels create transparent walls on three sides of the vessel, while the rest of the vessel is made of plastic and fiberglass to achieve light weight.

A yacht whose design is inspired by Rolls Royce (Rolls Royce Inspired Yacht)

This yacht design was created after designer Stefan Munro completed an internship at the Rolls-Royce factory. The design of this yacht was inspired by the Rolls-Royce Phantom. The vessel is a mixture of the chic aesthetics of the legendary automaker and the functionality required for sailing. Both inside and out, this yacht is as stylish and luxurious as you would expect a Rolls-Royce to be.

Chronos Wavy Wooden Yacht

The organic curved wood certainly makes Kronos stand out from all the other luxury vessels in any marina. The yacht is made from compressed waste bamboo and is powered by wind turbines and solar panels. It is probably so environmentally friendly and safe for environment, as far as possible for the yacht. Even its engine compartment is lined with halite, a material that absorbs 15 percent of the heat in the room and turns it into electricity for the battery.

Flying Yacht Concept

Once you've stuffed a luxury yacht with every luxury luxury yacht possible, the "next level" is flying - at least according to this crazy concept from designer Phil Pauley. The seven-star Cruiser series boats can fly, dive deep, or extend forward to add another deck. The Flying Cruiser theoretically spreads its wings at the touch of a button, lifts off the surface of the water and flies at 100 knots, but it is still unclear what technology will actually enable such a transformation.

They love water and everything connected with it. On Fisherman's Day, the site introduces beauties who can safely be called fishermen! You can vote for the girl you like on the third page.

Alexandra Sturova, 29 years old


Where and when was the photo taken? In the summer of 2015 on one of the secluded islands of the Volga.

The love for water themes is caused by a feeling of calm at the moment and the acquisition of the power of further achievements. Only water is strong in the harmony of contradictions - both in nature and in what it does to humans.

Regarding relationships, I can say one thing: there will be no Gray, no Scarlet Sails, if you don’t live life to the fullest day after day, don’t feel with every cell and at the same time, dear ladies, you definitely need to turn on your brain. Because success in everything is 80% luck and only 20% hard work. Mind you, persistent. And perhaps you will still be able to hold the steering wheel, but first you need to stand behind it.

Ksenia Borzenko

The ideological inspirer of humanity for beauty.

Where and when was the photo taken? Made by sea ​​coast to the melodious accompaniment of waves and exclamations of passing men.

Why do you like relaxing by the water, ships? Water is an element with the power of destruction, daring disposition and bewitching beauty.

Certainly. During the launching period of yachts, “Grays” literally swarm in the waters of the Volga.

I drowned your shoes. Black olives have been discontinued. All these comedies and dramas were not written by Shakespeare.

Honey, I think I lost my wallet in your car. You cook much better than at the Cheval Blanc restaurant. You are the greatest gift from the Universe that I have ever received.

Elena Kucherenko

Where and when was the photo taken? The photo was taken on the Volga on 08/25/12.

Why do you like relaxing by the water, ships? I love water, yachts, walks on the surface of the water... Why? I don't know why!

Three phrases from a loved one that can make you cry. 1. What a pity that I didn’t meet you earlier. 2. How wise you are. 3. I envy myself.

Do you believe in Scarlet Sails and Gray? I don't believe in miracles of this kind. I would like to believe, of course... And maybe, somewhere in the depths of my soul, very deep, there is this desire...

Three phrases from your loved one that will make you grow wings and make you ready for anything. I don’t even know what to say... They seem to have grown for me, and that’s it... they don’t grow anymore.

Daria Rudenko, 21 years old

RANEPA student.

Where and when was the photo taken? May this year, Sochi and Adler. August 2015, Crete island.

Why do you love relaxing by the water, ships?? I love traveling, including trips to the sea, to the ocean. Because what is a vacation without swimming?

Do you believe in Scarlet Sails and Gray? No.

Agata Shadrina, 21 years old

Coach (choreographer).

Where and when were the photos taken? Photos were taken in Crimea (2015−2016). In a pink dress - Angarsk Pond (2016).

Why do you like relaxing by the water, ships? I really love relaxing by the water. I prefer to sit on the seashore or ocean and just look at the water, watching the waves sway. At such moments I feel calm and peaceful. I sailed in Crimea several times by motor ship. Definitely a very beautiful boat trip.

I believe in this wonderful story which my mother told me. The love story of Assol and Gray is touching and so interesting.

Three phrases from a loved one that can make you cry. At the wedding, the husband said with wet eyes: “I am so proud that you are my wife!” This is the only phrase, when I remember it, I react very emotionally.

Three phrases from your loved one that will make you grow wings and make you ready for anything. First phrase: “From the first minute I realized that you are a very good girl.” Second: “Decide for yourself, you have great taste.” And the third: “When you wake up sleepy, you are beautiful.”

Natalya Kuzmenkova, 26 years old

Why do you like relaxing by the water, ships? I love relaxing near the water and on the water... well, because it’s romantic: the starry sky, a fire, songs with a guitar and water nearby... night swimming... And in the morning - in the Volgograd summer, nothing is as refreshing as swimming!

You can look at the water endlessly... dream, remember, just admire... recharge with energy

Do you believe Scarlet Sails and Gray? I really love the fairy tale “Scarlet Sails”. I believe that everyone is rewarded according to their faith

Three phrases from a loved one that can make you cry. 1. You are my closest and dearest person. 2. I want to spend my old age with you and raise our grandchildren and great-grandchildren. 3. I love you!

Three phrases from your loved one that will make you grow wings and make you ready for anything. 1. You are the best! 2. I know that you will succeed, because you are very talented! 3. We will do this together!

Victoria Kardashova, 21 years old

Call center manager.

Where and when the photo was taken. May Bay Island, Thailand, Indian Ocean and our Black Sea

Why do you love relaxing by the water? I think beach holiday the best. sea ​​water and sea air are very beneficial.

Do you believe Scarlet Sails and Gray? I believe unconditionally! And I know that I will wait.

Veronika Ivolzhatova 27 years old


Where and when were the photos taken? Photos were taken in Volgograd, September 2016.

Why do you like relaxing by the water, ships? Relaxing by the water allows you to relax and refresh.

Do you believe in Gray and Scarlet Sails? I believe in the power of dreams, but not in the prince.

Three phrases from your loved one that will make you grow wings and make you ready for anything.“Today I’m cooking,” “Choose what you want,” “You have a new hairstyle.”

Three phrases from a loved one that can make you cry.“You are the best”, “You will succeed”, “I am with you”.

Natalia Bezrukova

Social work specialist.

Why do you like relaxing by the water, ships? My husband really loves fishing. I would say obsessed. And I love the atmosphere of water: the sound, the smell, the sight... So we each get our own pleasures near the same water.

Three phrases from a loved one that can make you cry. Tears are not about me at all. Although... I can cry just from a bad mood...

Three phrases from your loved one that will make you grow wings and make you ready for anything. Wings also depend on my emotional state. My husband already carries me in his arms, so wings are not necessary. Spoiled, coddled. Maybe I have wings all the time, I’m just used to it and don’t notice.

Tatyana Brylina, 39 years old

Why do you like relaxing by the water, ships? I love water. She gives me a feeling of peace, pleasure, peace, joy. The agitated sea shows its strength and power and does not always accept the swimmer into its arms... The view of the ocean stretching into the distance, beyond the horizon, gives strength, an understanding of infinity and mystery, what we simply call “water”.

The beauty of the sea, its shades different weather, at different times of the day, now bright turquoise, now dark gray, now soft pink in blue, now transparent blue, now dark deep blue, anthracite colors, black and blue shades, show the indescribability and constant changeability of life, peace.

And a mountain river, running down the rocks like a small stream, merging with its friends, pure, transparent, murmuring, like a girl’s choir, whispering, chirping, ringing, magical, enchanting?

The waterfall, with its beauty, strength, power, and unbridledness, resembles an Amazon or a mother protecting her child, alarmed and furious. And sometimes a small waterfall fascinates and caresses with a stream of falling water, allows you to plunge into the kind streams, inviting you to refresh yourself, wash away fatigue and anxiety, leave the past in the past and be filled with a bright, energetic breath, one, two... The water seems to pass through me, washing, cleansing, liberating .

And such freshness after water... any! We'll drink or take a dip, or just admire. Have you seen photographs of rivers, seas, oceans, lakes? Is it possible to take your eyes off this enchanting, mesmerizing depth and purity?

Do you believe Scarlet Sails and Gray? Yes, I believe in miracles and Scarlet Sails. If you believe, everything comes, everything happens.

Three phrases from a loved one that can make you cry. Three phrases from your loved one that will make you grow wings and make you ready for anything. Rather, they consist not of words, but of the depth of what is spoken. After all, you can say “I love you”: the words seem to be good, but what if there is no sincerity? What if it's said dishonestly? Can I feel all their true power? Unfortunately, we are weaned off, and we allow this to happen; the words are not given their true meaning, they are pronounced automatically, without having time to think about what the word means, without feeling it.

And therefore the word does not fill, but impoverishes both the speaker and the hearer. This is why misunderstandings occur between people.

Ekaterina Sokolova, 34 years old

Master of tea ceremonies.

Where and when was the photo taken? This is the Volga in Volgograd, the shore of the lake in Gomel, Chistye Prudy in Moscow and Astrakhan.

Why do you like relaxing by the water, ships? I love relaxing by the water because it is beautiful, powerful, diverse and amazing.

Do you believe Scarlet Sails and Gray? I believe... Yesterday I saw the frigate "Chersonese" and realized that I definitely believe it!

Three phrases from a loved one that can make you cry. Honestly, I can either cry from the look, or just be happy... exactly when the words are spoken from the bottom of my heart and from the soul. For example: “I just love you!”, “Show me the place where you are happy!”, “Tell me how to make you happy, this is important to me!”

Three phrases from your loved one that will make you grow wings and make you ready for anything.“I’m happy that I finally found/found you!”, “Yes, I see women around me and I know that you are the best!”, “Our happiness is important to me, let’s create it together!”

You can vote for your favorite girl on page three!

Congratulations to the winners!

For first place- certificate for the “Aquatornado” procedure at the Eva Health and Beauty Center received by Ekaterina Sokolova.

For second place– stylish decoration from designer Olga Smirnova received by Elena Kucherenko.

For third place– a certificate for evening makeup from makeup artist Anastasia Shatrykina is taken by Tatyana Brylina.

To pick up your gift, contact our brand manager Maria. (social networks.