Ice Palace "Zvezda". Krasnaya Presnya Park

At the end of November, almost 200 skating rinks will open in Moscow artificial ice and more than a thousand skating rinks with natural ice. Soon many Muscovites will be asking the question: Where to go ice skating in Moscow? Or where are the best skating rinks in Moscow?

Muscovites have been entertaining themselves in this way in winter for several centuries. Let's remember the very first Moscow skating rinks, see where people skated before the revolution and in Soviet times —>

Like many other innovations, ice skates appeared in Russia thanks to Peter I. While in Holland, the Russian Tsar learned to skate. It was he who brought this “Dutch fun” home. It is believed that it was he who improved skates, having come up with the idea of ​​​​screwing the blades directly to the shoes.

In the 18th century, small skating rinks were poured into the estates of the St. Petersburg and Moscow nobility to entertain guests. The first public skating rink, as history goes, appeared in the capital only in the mid-19th century.
It was the skating rink on Petrovka, 26/9

Skating rink on Petrovka 1901-1903.

Since the 1860s, there has been, as contemporaries wrote, the best skating rink in Moscow, where members of the first sports organization in Moscow, the Imperial River Yacht Club, practiced figure skating.
In 1889, the first speed skating championship in Russia was held at the skating rink. During the 20th century the skating rink also remained popular place recreation for city residents.

Skating rink on Petrovka, 1905

Skating rink on Petrovka, 1908

In pre-revolutionary Moscow, skating rinks were considered the same commercial establishments as, say, taverns. The income received from them was a four-digit figure and reached 7,000 rubles a year.
The city authorities rented out traditional skiing areas. Tenants, at their discretion, appointed high prices for entrance tickets, advertised skating rinks, and attracted the public in every possible way.

The skating rink of the Zoological Garden was famous. The strongest Moscow speed skaters trained there, and at the beginning of the 20th century, speed skating competitions began to be held regularly.

Skating rink in the zoological garden, 1911

Speed ​​skating competition at the skating rink in the Zoological Garden, 1908.

The skating rink on the Patriarch's Ponds was especially popular among students and young people.

Skating rink on the Patriarch's Ponds, 1909
The Central State Historical Archive of Moscow also stores such an interesting document - the report of the commission on the benefits and needs of the public to the City Duma dated October 2, 1895. It addresses the issue of providing benefits to students when using city skating rinks.

At Chistye Prudy, entrepreneurs invited Muscovites to “go skating in the capital’s and European style.” A tea room was built near the skating rink during the winter, and in holidays Entire performances were staged on a specially built stage on the shore of the pond.

Ice skating rink Chistye Prudy. 1900-1910

The first hockey tournaments for the Moscow championship were also held here.


In the first decades of Soviet power, together with the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, skates (and skating rinks) became an integral part of leisure activities in the winter.

New Year's card 1939.

Skating rinks opened in all parks of the capital

Skating rink in Sokolniki, 1935

Skating rink in the park of the Central House of the Red Army, 1939 (now Catherine Square)

Well, the main skating rink in Moscow became the skating rink in Gorky Park.
Interesting fact: even before the opening of the Central Park of Culture and Culture named after. Gorky, in the 1920s, on the ice of the Pionersky Pond (then the pond was called Maly) the legendary bass Fyodor Chaliapin and the star of Soviet cinema, actor Igor Ilyinsky loved to skate.

Skating rink in the Central Park of Culture and Culture named after. Gorky, 1938

Skating rink in the Central Park of Culture and Culture named after. Gorky, 1939

After the war in Moscow, ice rinks began to appear at regional stadiums and in local parks, yes, in almost every Moscow

Young Pioneers Stadium in the Dynamo area, 1947

October Field, 1955

Hockey at Moscow State University, 1959

Garden named after Bauman, 1959-1962

Festival skating rink in Maryina Roshcha, 1972

Bibirevo, 1977

At the skating rink near Fili Stadium, 1983.

Teply Stan, 1984

Winter for Muscovites is the time when they are tempted to grab their skates and go on an active holiday, rushing along the slippery sparkling ice. Let's look at the capital's offers for 2018 for lovers of skates, snow, and ice.

Details about free Moscow skating rinks for 2018

  1. The territory of Sokolniki ice cover is more than twenty thousand square meters;
  2. Winter advantage active rest in Sokolniki: rental, warm locker room, catering outlets;
  3. The opening hours of the skating rink in Sokolniki are from ten in the morning to eleven in the evening;
  4. On the Patriarch's Ponds, the skating area is 12,000 square meters;
  5. Real ice for skates on the frozen reservoirs of Northern Tushino, Lyublino, as well as the Petrovsky, Raduga, Hermitage parks;
  6. Many discounts apply to visiting the skating rink in Lianozovsky Park;
  7. A half-free skating rink at the Moscow Zoo; after paying for entry, you can skate as much as you like on the frozen ice of the Bolshoi Pond;
  8. Parks “Dubki”, “Fili”, “50th and 60th anniversary of October”, “Nikulino” offer areas with artificial ice for entertainment.

After the showing of the Russian TV show “Stars on Ice”, “Ice Age”, almost the entire country became interested in the winter sport of figure skating. The demand for skates has increased sharply.

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Everyone began to flock to the skating rinks to spend their free time in a fun and healthy way, to get a boost of vivacity, energy, or just to skate for fun.

Muscovites have not lost interest in such recreation even today. Let's see what the capital offers us today for free time ice skating.

Location of free skating rinks for Muscovites in winter 2018

Skating rink in Sokolniki

Not everyone can afford to pay for rest or free time on weekends or holidays, especially when it comes to children who can run around on the street until they turn blue in the face and lose their strength.

IN winter time adults and children can visit the skating rinks, for which you don’t have to pay money. The time for them is not limited, and the number of visitors is also unlimited. Ice can be either real or artificial, made from special reagents, but in practice it is no worse than the first.

Addresses with natural coverage:

  • Sokolniki Park

A large field flooded with water produces real, smooth, strong ice. The territory is more than twenty thousand square meters. It consists of a main large circle for skating and several clearings located nearby.

Winter skating rink at Patriarch's Ponds

There are many catering outlets right next to the skating rink where you can have a snack, drink hot drinks or just relax.

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The following advantages are available:

  1. Opening hours are from 10:00 to 23:00.
  2. Rental availability.
  3. There is a wardrobe.
  4. Proximity to catering outlets with hot food and drinks.
  • Patriarch's Ponds

One of favorite places Muscovites, however, are smaller in area than Sokolniki, only 12,000 square meters. m., but it is quite spacious, cozy, and compact.

The advantage is that the territory is not fenced; you can visit it whenever you want, but only with your own skates. There are no warm rooms or snack bars nearby either, so you need to take everything with you.

You can also visit the following open bodies of water in winter at temperatures below five degrees below zero:

  • Northern Tushino;
  • Lyublino Estate Museum;
  • Ponds of the Rainbow Park;
  • Petrovsky Park.
  • Hermitage Park.

Location of free artificial ice skating rinks in 2018

Moscow is generous with free playgrounds, which are flooded with water in winter. They can be located in neighborhoods, parks, public gardens. Artificial ice is in great demand among residents, guests, and tourists. “Artificial” skating rinks are located in the following parks:

  • "Dubki", Timiryazevskaya metro station;
  • “Northern Oaks”, Keramicheskiy proezd 65-71/1;
  • "Rostokinsky Aqueduct", VDNKh;
  • “Goncharovsky”, Dmitrovskaya metro station, Rustaveli street;
  • “Fili”, Bolshaya Filevskaya street 32;
  • "Nikulino", Vernadsky Avenue 86 "d";
  • “60th anniversary of October”, Andropov Ave. 5, Avtozavodskaya metro station;
  • "50th anniversary of October", st. Udaltsova 22 "a", metro station Prospekt Vernadskogo.

This winter there will be more than 1,500 outdoor and indoor skating rinks in Moscow. FoxTime has collected the TOP 10 ice skating areas.

"Ice" in Sokolniki

Thanks to special ice growth technology, the skating rink on Festivalnaya Square in Sokolniki Park begins to operate long before severe frosts. There are two skate rental points on site, and the sides of the skating rink are illuminated with neon lights. “Ice” is open daily from 10.00 to 00.00, there are subscriptions for 10 and 20 visits.

Sokolniki Park, Sokolnichesky Val Street, 1, building 1

Daily 10.00-00.00

Ticket 300-400 rubles

Skating rink "Factory of Happy People" in Gorky Park

The writer H.G. Wells dubbed Gorky Park a “factory of happy people” during his visit in 1934. This year the park celebrates its 90th anniversary, and on November 22 at 19.00 the second largest skating rink in Moscow will turn into a real factory with a neon conveyor and an industrial-style chimney. Among the features: some women's pairs of skates will be equipped with neon laces, a real fireplace will appear in the center, and a neon forest will appear around it.

Gorky Park, Krymsky Val street, 9

Ticket 550-650 rubles

“City of Winter” at VDNKh

As part of the New Year's project "City of Winter", two skating rinks will open at VDNKh: "Flower Garden" for 1,200 people, decorated in the style of glass balls from large spheres, and "Rocket" around the Vostok launch vehicle for 2,400 visitors. Nearby you can play curling and ride cheesecakes on a tubing slide.

VDNKh, Prospekt Mira street, 119

Ticket 250-400 rubles

GUM skating rink on Red Square

On winter season In 2018-2019, the design theme for the country's central skating rink will be Soviet cartoon characters, and a Christmas market will traditionally be located nearby. The skating rink will open on November 29 with a fragment of Tatyana Navka’s musical “The Scarlet Flower.” In February, the GUM skating rink will host a stage of the world curling tour.

Red Square, 3

Ticket 400-500 rubles

"Silver Ice" in Izmailovsky Park

The skating rink in Izmailovo combines natural ice and a skating rink with refrigerated support, so you can skate in any weather. There are 9 shopping pavilions on the territory where you can warm up and have a snack.

Izmailovsky Park, Narodny Avenue, 17

Mon-Fri 12.00-22.00, Sat-Sun 11.00-22.00

Ticket 250-350 rubles

Skating rink in the Hermitage garden

The skating rink at the Hermitage also combines artificial and natural ice to work even during a thaw. Each of the skating rinks is equipped with a warm pavilion with rentals and stands with hot drinks and snacks.

Hermitage Garden, Karetny Ryad Street, 3

Mon 14.00-21.00, Tue-Fri 12.00-21.00, Sat-Sun 10.00-22.00

Ticket 250-350 rubles

Skating rink in Bauman Garden

A small and very cozy skating rink for 2000 guests in the Bauman Garden will open on November 24 at 18.00. This year, the site is turning into Moscow’s first “KinoKatok”, where you can not only skate, but also watch classic films in the fresh air.

Garden named after Bauman, Staraya Basmannaya street, 15

Ticket 200-300 rubles

Skating rink in Tagansky Park

On November 24, Tagansky Park will open outdoor skating rink: The festival program includes a brass band, an ice theater performance, a cover band and an ice disco.

Tagansky Park, Taganskaya Street, 40

Ticket 300-350 rubles

“Everyone on the ice!” in the park "Angarsk Ponds"

On November 24 at 14.00 the winter season will open in the Angarsk Ponds park with an 1800 sq.m. skating rink. For figure skating and hockey. The opening program includes a cryo show, master classes from figure skaters and animated performances.

Park "Angarsk Ponds", Sofya Kovalevskaya street, 1, building 8

For free

"Metelitsa" in Babushkinsky Park

Works in Babushkinsky Park ice rink with an area of ​​1300 sq.m. with artificially cooled coating. Every Tuesday, admission to the skating rink is free for pensioners, students, veterans and children from large families.

Babushkinsky Park, Menzhinsky Street, 6, building 3

Every day 11.00-22.00, break 15.00-15.30, 18.00-18.30

Ticket 250-300 rubles

Text // Anastasia Dorogova

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