Sandy Cape. Yandex map. Vladivostok - Sandy Peninsula - funnyshots Sandy Cape

Today we will take a boat trip from berth 36 of the port of Vladivostok to the Peschany Peninsula.
In the warm season, boats of the Nakhodkinsky Rabochiy type: Yakov Butakov, Vladimir Rodik and Tourist sail along this route three times a week. Travel time is about an hour and twenty minutes. It takes so long because the ship has to go around the Shkot (Egerschöld) peninsula. If the boat operated from the pier on the Embankment, the duration of the voyage would be reduced by at least half.

Almost always, when I wait for a ferry or boat in the morning, the weather is not pleasant. It’s either drizzling or everything is covered in fog. But towards noon the bright Sun appears.

Let's set sail.

At the pier best city Land costs:

  • Hydrofoil "Kometa-29"
  • 3-deck VIP class ship "Hamadori"
  • Motor ship "Lotos"
  • Motor ship "Monsoon"
  • Motor ship "Storm"
  • Ferry "Brigadier Rishko"
  • Ferry "Ussuriysky Bay"

First you have to walk through the dirty and smelly Golden Horn Bay.

In 15 minutes we go around Cape Tokarevsky and head for Peschany. It's already quite clean here.

The expanses of the Amur Bay. I can’t even believe that in winter the sea in this place is covered with ice.

We pass near the beautiful "Nadezhda".

On the left is Cape Ugolny, in the center of the frame is the valley of the Razdolnaya (Suifuna) River, and on the right is the outskirts of Tavrichanka.

We approach Cape Peschany.


There are a lot of vacationers in summer. Sometimes someone doesn't have enough space on board.
The boats themselves are pleasant inside, so the trip leaves only good impressions. If the sea is rough and the ship is rocking, the feeling is the same as flying an airplane in a turbulent atmosphere. In short, sheer pleasure. :-)=

The photographs were taken between 2007 and 2011.
Soon there will be reports on the blog about how I walked from here, first to Kraskino, and then to Ussuriysk.

You can have a great rest on the Peschany Peninsula of the Primorsky Territory, at prices affordable to everyone, at the recreation center “Plesy Peschany”. The comfortable and convenient base, located on the shore of the Amur Bay, warmly welcomes guests. There is everything a person who dreams of spending a weekend in an ecologically clean area needs:

  • convenient parking;
  • security;
  • banquet hall for 40 people;
  • football field and volleyball court;
  • table tennis;
  • children's playground with trampoline;
  • absence of other bases providing peace and quiet;
  • fishing tackle and sports equipment for rent;
  • boats and fishing;
  • bathhouse, sauna and barbecue grill.

In addition, the management of the base recommends spending a holiday on the Peschany Peninsula in 2019, and reviews from visitors confirm that the weekend will be unforgettable. The services of the base "Peschany Reach" can be ordered without the need to reside on site. Before you plan unforgettable vacation on the Peschany Peninsula, the prices of which will appeal to everyone, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the price list of services:

Heated houses with 30 beds. 250 per person

Rooms in the "Southern" building, 4 beds. from 2200.00 to 2500 rub. per room

Rooms in the "Southern" building, 4 beds. from 2500.00 to 2700 rub. per room

Rooms in the "Southern" building, 5 beds. from 2600.00 to 2800 rub. per room

House-tent from 700 to 1000 rubles. per room

Wooden houses of the “Lux” type for 3 persons. from 2500 to 3500 rub. per room

Wooden houses of the "Economy" type for 3 persons. from 1600 to 2100 rub. per room

From the comments of visitors to the base "Plesy Peschany" and those who vacationed on the Peschany Peninsula, it is clear that the reviews about the base were the most positive.

Prices, photos and reviews about holidays on Peschany 2019

Today, holidays on the Peschany Peninsula of the Primorsky Territory are available to everyone, but prices vary depending on the season. So, on average, a vacation on the Peschany Peninsula costs, on average, about 500 rubles. per person. The cost of a holiday on the Peschany Peninsula in 2019, according to reviews of people planning winter trip, will remain unchanged. Summer holidays on the Peschany Peninsula of the Primorsky Territory, according to visitors’ reviews, on average, cost a little less than in the region.

Reviews of the holiday spent on the Peschany Peninsula, Primorsky Territory, are mostly positive. For example:

Egor (Vladivostok): We sometimes go on vacation with our parents. I have loved this place since childhood. We come for the weekend, check into “Plesy” - you can relax inexpensively and calmly.

Olga: The S-75 anti-aircraft missile division once operated here. Now all that remains are abandoned two eight-apartment buildings and the walls of the barracks.

Tatiana: Interesting place. Should appeal to lovers of sea air and beautiful scenery. I vacationed last year with my boyfriend. I liked it.

Here are more reviews about holidays on the Peschanny Peninsula:

Vasily: I was there in the winter with friends. We stayed in a wooden house. There's wood heating - I've never seen that before. We had a great time.

Egor (Vladivostok): I need to invite a girl, she loves romance with me.

The most popular holiday destinations

The most popular places for relaxation on the Peschany Peninsula:

  • The coast of the Amur Bay, giving vacationers a fresh breeze and enjoyment of the sea.
  • Peschanaya Bay. Ideal place for fans of fishing.
  • Northern Bay. Also perfect for fans of fishing.
  • Cape Chikhareva. The wildlife of the ecologically clean zone will not leave anyone indifferent.
  • Cape Sandy. Amazing beaches giving real relaxation a tired person.

The Sandy Peninsula is ideal for both a Sunday and a longer holiday. Swimming in the warm sea in the summer, mushroom hunting in the fall, budding greenery in the spring and excellent fishing in the winter - all this makes this unique corner nature is indispensable for those who want to relax their souls.

Distance from Vladivostok by road, km: 126

Distance by water, km: 15

The Peschany Peninsula is located west of Vladivostok across the Amur Bay.
According to one version, the name of the peninsula comes from the translation into Russian of its name Sandi with English map, which means sandy. This name is completely true due to its sandy shores without rocky capes and cliffs.
It is separated in the west from the mainland by a narrow isthmus. It is washed from the south by Melkovodnaya Bay, from the north by Peschanaya Bay, and from the east by Amur Bay. Height up to 177 m. On the peninsula there are populated areas Beregovoe and Peschany. Three capes stand out: Chikhacheva (in the northeast), Peschany (in the east) and Ogranovicha (in the south).
Due to its close proximity to the city, the peninsula is favorite place recreation for citizens.
In summer you can get here by regular boat or by car.

Summer in Primorye on the Peschany Peninsula will give you affectionate sea ​​water, numerous mushrooms, beautiful evening views of Vladivostok.

The Peschany Peninsula is surrounded from the south by Peschanaya Bay, and from the north by Severnaya Bay. These bays are favorite places fishing in Primorye: in summer they are teeming with rudd, mullet and garfish, and in winter navaga and flounder are caught here.

Peschany Peninsula - great place for Sunday rest. Mushroom picking, swimming in the warm sea, catchy fishing, sitting around the fire overlooking the lights of Vladivostok.


Boat trips, excursions, diving, photography.

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Sandy Cape. Yandex map.

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Sandy Cape - online map with satellite view: streets, houses, areas and other objects.

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Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region- Ugra - Sandy Cape: interactive map from Yandex. Vector diagram and satellite photo - with streets and houses, roads, address search and routing, measuring distances, the ability to get a link to a selected object on the map - to send to the recipient or post on the website.