Late snowmelt. Argun Gorge. Itum-Kali, Khacharoy, Veduchi. Photo Where is itum kale

On the fourth day of fighting that followed the invasion of Russia by gangs of mercenaries and Chechen militants from the territory of Georgia, it is possible to outline an approximate chronology of events. According to the testimony of prisoners, Gelayev’s detachments prepared for crossing the border for several months, conducting combat coordination, including classes in fire, tactical training and mine explosives. The militants trained directly at bases in the Pankisi Gorge, where new reinforcements were constantly arriving from among the Chechens recruited in Azerbaijan. Some extremists, including Arab mercenary instructors, were stationed directly in populated areas, such as the villages of Duisi, Omalo and Tsinubani. A headquarters with powerful radio stations, satellite phones, computers, etc. was even deployed in the Pankisi Gorge. These facts, which were repeatedly reported by sources in the Russian special services, were attempted to be hidden in Tbilisi. The Georgian side, pretending not to notice the militants’ preparations, refused to inform Russian representatives about the threat. In the 20th of July, gangs, divided into “tens” and “fives”, under the command of “amirs”, went to the Chechen section of the border with Russia, conducted reconnaissance of the area, and studied possible routes of movement. Georgian forces controlling these areas did not interfere with the warlords' monitoring. Both the Chechen militants and the Georgian military pretended not to notice each other.

It turned out that the movement of gangs was controlled by the Ministry of State Security and the Department of Foreign Intelligence of Georgia. The headquarters of the United Group of Russian Forces in the North Caucasus has information about a certain agreement between the Tbilisi special services and Ruslan Gelayev. One of the conditions for the Gelayevites to enter Russia was the surrender of several mercenaries of Arab origin to the Georgian side. It is possible that they were subsequently transferred to the American military. According to some reports, at the same moment a large sum was transferred to Gelayev. Part of the money was used to seal the “agreement” with the Georgian border guards.

On the night of July 27, militants began to cross the border, clashing with our border guards. Their Georgian colleagues were aware of the movement of Gelayev's detachments, providing them with a corridor. Shepherd Levan Tilidze, who discovered the militants, reported this to the Georgian border guards. The latter advised him to remain silent.

A battle on the border was not part of the plans of the Gelayevites, who were advancing to the Shatoi region of Chechnya, where they were supposed to be supported by the formations of the field commander Doki Umarov. The caravan moved on horses and donkeys. Border guards found traces of pack animals, syringes and medicines. They managed to block the militants in the area of ​​the Kerigo Gorge, which was being attacked by front-line aviation. High-power ammunition was used in the gorge. Having split into groups, the militants tried to get out of the encirclement. Particularly violent clashes occurred at night. Only the border guards managed to destroy 13 bandits. The losses of the FPS forces were 8 killed and 5 wounded, including two officers (the head of the outpost and the commander of the maneuver group).

In total, 39 militants were killed in battles in the Itum-Kalinsky region of Chechnya. 25 of them belong to the special forces of the Ministry of Defense. The body of a woman was found among the corpses of the militants. According to command representatives, she was a communications specialist in the detachment of field commander Hasan.

One of the latest clashes occurred tonight: at 1:40 a.m. MST, a group of special forces discovered a gang of 8 people. After the shootout, the military discovered the corpses of two bandits, while the militants took the rest with them. At the same time, the military takes into account that the main forces of Ruslan Gelayev, who still remain on Georgian territory, did not enter the battle. The headquarters of the United Group of Forces in the North Caucasus does not rule out new attempts to break through the border. New units of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs are being transferred to Itum-Kalinsky, Shatoisky and Vedeno regions.

A fierce battle took place between police officers and internal troops between the villages of Elistanzhi and Eshilkhata in the Vedeno region. As a result of the clash, two militants were killed. According to official data, there were no casualties among military personnel. In the vicinity of the village of Ersenoy, special forces discovered another group of bandits, which was hit by artillery. After the battle, three corpses, a stretcher, bandages and a radio were found at the site.

In addition, alarming messages are coming from other regions of Chechnya. In the Shali region of the republic, on the Shali-Germenchuk road, a car with Tomsk policemen was fired upon. Major Oleg Dvoretsky and Lieutenant Alexey Kosovsky were injured. Militants carried out a series of attacks in the capital of Chechnya. As the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Chechen Republic reported, extremists threw grenades at the building of the Chechen tax inspectorate; Police officer Lecha Tuntaev was wounded.

In the Staropromyslovsky district of Grozny, militants, according to one scenario, attacked three Chechen police officers. Tonight, unknown masked men armed with machine guns with silencers and night vision devices broke into the house of the head of the regional police department, Osman Astamirov. Using his brother and nephews as cover, the criminals took possession of a service pistol, a machine gun and a service ID. Lieutenant Viskhan Elmurzaev and employee of the Leninsky District Department of Internal Affairs Said-Ali Abubakarov were similarly disarmed.

Village Tazbichi Itum- Kalinsky district located V three kilometers To east from district center, on most alpine V Chechnya road Itum- Calais - Sharoy. Thisperfect place For short-range walks from upper reaches Argun in neighboring, lateral gorge. TOak And described village, itSame called Tazbichi. The story about him will go in two parts: first we will get there, and then - just as leisurely - we will walk.)

Get there getting here from Grozny is simple and short. Whether you're hitchhiking, taxi, bus or minibus, the shortest route is through the Argun Gorge, which stretches for almost 120 kilometers along the Argun River - from the Bear Cross Pass (Georgian Datvis Jvari) in northeast Georgia to the Black Mountains and the Chechen Plain .

Along with Daryal, the route from Russia to Transcaucasia and Asia Minor passed through the Argun Gorge; Since ancient times, it has been the most important transit road from Chechnya to Georgia, Dagestan and Ossetia. The times when it was possible to walk through the entire gorge are a thing of the past along with the USSR, and then with “independent Ichkeria”. In December 1999, the Russian military blocked the Chechen section of the state border. Open checkpoints, even for local residents, here, in are not going to in the foreseeable future.

On Argun you can see natural beauty Chechnya and mountainous Georgia, and many surviving monuments of ancient architecture of the Vainakhs and Khevsurs, and traces of two Chechen wars. The only documents you need to have are an internal Russian passport for Chechnya (if your route does not include the border zone, south of the regional center Itum-Kale) and a foreign passport for Georgia. The journey through the gorge will have to be divided into two parts - the Chechen and Georgian

From Grozny bus station "Minutka"(not far from the square with the same name) buses and minibuses go to the village of Shatoy on the northern outskirts of the Argun Gorge. To the village of Itum-Kale - the southernmost regional center of Chechnya - the only minibus of the day leaves around noon .


From Grozny approximately to the village of Varanda the route goes along the plain. In the village of Starye Atagi the mountains are just beginning to approach, in Varanda it already seems that you can reach them with your hand, and further, somewhere in the Shatoi region, you will find yourself among forested peaks, above an abyss with a raging river.


In the vicinity of the village Yaryshmards(behind the village of Chishki) on the side of the road there is a wooden Orthodox cross one and a half human height, at the foot of the cross lies a bullet-ridden soldier’s helmet. At this place, on April 16, 1996, the “black Arab” Khattab destroyed a column of the 245th motorized rifle regiment of the Russian army, killing about 100 people.


Photo from 2007.

At the entrance to the regional center Shatoy, fifty kilometers from the Chechen capital, there is a 22-meter battle tower with a pyramidal-stepped roof and machicolations characteristic of the Vainakhs - balconies for shooting. You can get to it by making a detour through the entire Shatoi, moving to the opposite bank of the Argun and turning onto the dirt road towards the village of Bolshie Varanda. Inside the tower, the stairs and floors have been restored, so... well, you get the idea. ;-)





On the northern outskirts of the village Ushkaloy, in the narrowest part of the gorge, the traveler will be met by two watchtowers, as if soldered into a rocky niche. The towers were built in the XIV-XVI centuries, and in 1944 one of them (the one on the left) was destroyed. The second one was badly damaged during the shelling of the Second Chechen, but one and a half to two years ago it was restored, and the first one was completely rebuilt.

Each of them has only three walls, the fourth is rock (in photo 10 - on the left side).


Photo welran

From the road through the river is laid strong pedestrian bridge, along which it is possible to reach the towers.



Photo welran

At the entrance to Itum-Kale, 75 kilometers from Grozny, the mountains part again, giving people a small valley. The main street in the village is named after Magomed Uzuev, an Itum-Kali resident, hero of the defense Brest Fortress. All houses private sector, mostly red brick, all new. The former, local residents say, were bombed during the war.




These are the tops chimneys, made of painted tin. Tin jewelry is one of the characteristic features any Chechen or Ingush house, because every owner wants his home to be elegant.

On the southern, most ancient outskirts of Itum-Kale there is a mosque and a small medieval Pakoc Castle. In August 2007, when I came here for the first time, the military had recently left the fortress, leaving behind brickwork for firing points, rotten sandbags and rust-touched barbed wire. wire.


The battle tower next door stood dilapidated from time and war.


A couple of years ago, perfectionist restorers gave A the lobe has an almost European gloss, and at the same time the mosque was rebuilt beyond recognition.)) Now they look stern and at the same time dapper:


Now the castle houses a very nice local history museum named after Khusein Isaev - the famous fellow countryman, associate of Akhmat Kadyrov, who died with him in the explosion at the Grozny Dynamo stadium on May 9, 2004 of the year.



U castle museumwill fork. D oroga straight through bridge to the right of the tower, will lead V village Veduchi (8 km, There is pointer), Where With Martha 2012 of the year coming construction ski complex. Doroga to the left, between the hives and the house with green roof, goes to Tazbichi And Sharoy. Yes, we are almost there!


( By the way, from photos 17, 19 and 21 it is clearly visible that the tower next to the castle also experienced a rebirth - decades or even centuries later the top was added to it. The masonry intricately combines ancient stones darkened with time and light gray new ones. ... It's like a family reunion after a long separation.)

Mobile connection. Starting from the village of Ushkaloy, Itum-Kalinsky district, the signal on Moscow SIM cards is lost. In Ushkaloy and Itum-Kale only Chechen SIM cards are caught, and after the Khacharoi checkpoint (where the border zone begins) mobile communications not at all.

Assalamu Alaikum!
I present to your attention photos taken during a trip along the mountain route Grozny->Shatoi->Itum-Kali->Khacharoy->Vedu chi. It is along this route (as planned by the construction organizers ski resort Veduchi) there will be tourists passing by for whom a helicopter will not be affordable :-)

Before reaching Shatoy, on the side of the road springs with spring water, different in taste, gush out in a row. The most popular and delicious water flows from this spring:

I didn’t take photos of Shatoy, since you saw its panorama in previous posts, so I’ll go straight to Itum-Kali:
Itum-Kali is mainly inhabited by representatives of the Ch1antii teip, distinguished by their tall stature, red hair and light eye color. On the southern outskirts of the village there are ancient ruins of an old village. Since 1967, the Argun Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve has been operating here. At the beginning of April 2011, during the entire history of the existence of this mountain village, gas was installed here. People from Itum-Kali are: Hero of Russia Magomed Uzuev (the border post stationed here bears his name), who died along with A-Kh. Kadyrov, Hussein Isaev, Chairman of the State Council of Chechnya, as well as Russian banker Abubakar Arsamakov

From Itum-Kali upstream the Orga (Argun) River there is a road to Georgia, which was actively built under Maskhadov and which has now been frozen (part of the “Georgian” road is visible on the right):

We turned left from the Georgian road and went up:

Towards Veduchi:

Veduchi, a small mountain village belonging to the numerous teip Khacharoi (Khyacharoy), from which are: businessman: Ruslan Baysarov, mayor of Grozny Muslim Khuchiev and my friend and just a good guy Alan Magomadov :-). As we saw, in Veduchi itself, construction of a $500 million ski resort is not underway, but according to local residents, construction is going on “there it is!”:

As I later understood, the construction will proceed from the other side.
Pay attention to the ruins of the village with a tower standing at the cliff, where people somehow restored their homes and live in them:

It is very difficult to live in the mountains, there is practically no money and people earn their living through: beekeeping (the honey is excellent), farming, and raising livestock. But you forget about all the difficulties when you see such beauty around you, clean air and amazing spring water from glaciers:
Those who have the opportunity to build houses using natural stone on their ancestral lands:

At the very “end of geography” there are the ruins of the village of Ati-Bov (Ati-B1ovda), this is the small homeland of the Chechen blogger wild_che

This was the end of the trip, the next trip was planned to Hildeharoy and Sharoy...

P.S. Please do not judge professionals strictly on the quality of photographs; photographs are for informational purposes only.

Itum-Kali (Chechen Republic, Russia) - description, history, location, reviews, photos and videos.

  • Last minute tours in Russia

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Any of those who were lucky enough to once visit Itum-Kali, come into contact with the historical past of the village, get acquainted with the customs and way of life of the local inhabitants, will confirm: this place is not just another mark on the map Russian Federation, A real paradise for connoisseurs of virgin nature, ancient architectural monuments and original culture. This originality is felt everywhere, be it architectural complex Phakoch with Museum of Local Lore them. Khusein Isaev, rural mosque, ancient cemetery or one of the many local apiaries. Whatever your interests in life, in Itum-Kali you will certainly find something that will enrich your life experience and make your heart beat faster. Thousands of gastronomic tourists from all over the world have already appreciated the quality and taste of local honey - the amber mixture, saturated with sunlight and the aroma of rare flowers, melts in the mouth, leaving behind an incomparable aftertaste.

Photographers - both professionals and amateurs - appreciate Itum-Kali for its luxurious landscape, and lovers of flora and fauna - for the opportunity to observe the behavior of rare animals and plants in natural environment a habitat.

Fans of ancient buildings will enjoy discovering unique architectural monuments, while avid travelers who prefer to get to know the area through communication with local residents enjoy the opportunity to immerse themselves in the study of local traditions and customs under the sensitive guidance of the hospitable village inhabitants.

What to see

For a relatively small village, Itum-Kali is unusually rich in attractions, and some of them are located outside settlement- on the road connecting the village with Grozny.

The first thing that catches your eye on the road to Itum-Kali is the spring on the way to Shatoy. A huge white man-made wall, embedded in the rock, is made in the shape of a mountain range.

On the wall there is a relief composition depicting two young men with horses paired with two girls at a spring. The stream of water gushing from under the feet of young men and girls, skillfully shaped by mountain stones, beckons you to drink your fill of the cool moisture - believe me, no one will judge you if you succumb to temptation, so drink to your health.

Having quenched our thirst and thoroughly enjoyed the iridescent murmur of crystal streams, we continue our journey further. Next stop is the Ushkaloy Twin Towers, which are at least 900 years old. To reach them, you need to cross a narrow suspension bridge across the Argun River. The picture that opens is amazing: you won’t see anything like this in any movie.

With a heart filled with reverence for the greatness of Mother Nature, who created such a miracle, we resume our journey to Itum-Kali. Finally, here it is - a place of pilgrimage for tourists from different corners our homeland and from abroad. Where should you go first? There are different options here.

If you visited Itum-Kali on a weekday, then you should pay attention to Phakoch Castle - an ancient architectural complex dating back to the 14th-16th centuries AD. e. The first floor is occupied by a local history museum, where you can get acquainted with ancient tools, household items, handicrafts, and a unique collection of weapons and jewelry. On the second floor there is a Museum named after. Khusein Isaev. Here you can see the certificates of honor, lifetime and posthumous awards of this famous political figure, as well as visit the office recreated with scrupulous accuracy. A little hint: when leaving the museum, take a closer look at the outer walls of the castle and adjacent buildings - there are petroglyphs and ancient drawings that have survived to this day.

Not far from the museum is the Itum-Kali mosque - they say that the prayed walls cleanse the soul and heart from many temptations. It is difficult to disagree with this statement - the peace and tranquility found within the walls of an ancient mosque accompanies a person long after he has left the sacred building.

In the vicinity of Itum-Kali there are many medieval buildings - burial crypts, watchtowers. You are even allowed to enter one of these towers. From the upper platform there is an amazing view of the surrounding area: houses made of simple rough stone, apiaries with buzzing bees and, of course, the Argun Gorge.

Has a long and busy day taken away all your strength? Take a leisurely stroll through the shops with unique cozy atmosphere or treat yourself to dishes local cuisine- believe me, the treat will not disappoint you, because it is prepared from natural, environmentally friendly products, which are rarely found anywhere these days. Food for the elite has never been so affordable!

Practical information

You can get to Itum-Kali from Grozny. A taxi from the Minutka bus station will cost 1000 RUB if you travel alone, and 250 RUB per person if you travel in a group of 4 people. You can also go to Itum-Kali on minibus: fare - 150 RUB.

Museum named after Khusein Isaev is located at the address: Itum-Kalinsky district, c. Itum-Kali, st. Khuseina Isaeva, 14. It is open daily from 9:00 to 18:00. Web site

Price entrance ticket for adults - 30 RUB, for children - 20 RUB. Prices on the page are as of November 2018.

Assalamu Alaikum!
I present to your attention photos taken during a trip along the mountain route Grozny->Shatoi->Itum-Kali->Khacharoy->Vedu chi. It is along this route (as planned by the organizers of the construction of the Veduchi ski resort) that tourists for whom a helicopter will not be able to afford :-) will travel

Before reaching Shatoy, on the side of the road springs with spring water, different in taste, gush out in a row. The most popular and delicious water flows from this spring:

I didn’t take photos of Shatoy, since you saw its panorama in previous posts, so I’ll go straight to Itum-Kali:
Itum-Kali is mainly inhabited by representatives of the Ch1antii teip, distinguished by their tall stature, red hair and light eye color. On the southern outskirts of the village there are ancient ruins of an old village. Since 1967, the Argun Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve has been operating here. At the beginning of April 2011, during the entire history of the existence of this mountain village, gas was installed here. People from Itum-Kali are: Hero of Russia Magomed Uzuev (the border post stationed here bears his name), who died along with A-Kh. Kadyrov, Hussein Isaev, Chairman of the State Council of Chechnya, as well as Russian banker Abubakar Arsamakov

From Itum-Kali, upstream the Orga (Argun) River, there is a road to Georgia, which was actively built under Maskhadov and which has now been frozen (part of the “Georgian” road is visible on the right):

We turned left from the Georgian road and went up:

Towards Veduchi:

Veduchi, a small mountain village belonging to the numerous teip Khacharoi (Khyacharoy), from which are: businessman: Ruslan Baysarov, mayor of Grozny Muslim Khuchiev and my friend and just a good guy Alan Magomadov :-). As we saw, in Veduchi itself, construction of a $500 million ski resort is not underway, but according to local residents, construction is going on “there it is!”:

As I later understood, the construction will proceed from the other side.
Pay attention to the ruins of the village with a tower standing at the cliff, where people somehow restored their homes and live in them:

It is very difficult to live in the mountains, there is practically no money and people earn their living through: beekeeping (the honey is excellent), farming, and raising livestock. But you forget about all the difficulties when you see such beauty around you, clean air and amazing spring water from glaciers:
Those who have the opportunity to build houses using natural stone on their ancestral lands:

At the very “end of geography” there are the ruins of the village of Ati-Bov (Ati-B1ovda), this is the small homeland of the Chechen blogger wild_che

This was the end of the trip, the next trip was planned to Hildeharoy and Sharoy...

P.S. Please do not judge professionals strictly on the quality of photographs; photographs are for informational purposes only. (