Sedovo central beach. Does it make sense to go to Sedovo? How to contact family

Sedovo is far from the best best place for a holiday at sea. Vacationers often choose this resort only because they have no other alternative. Those who have visited here once rarely return again. Previously, Sedovo also attracted people with its low prices, but now this is impossible to say, the cost of vacation has increased significantly (there are both economic and political reasons for this) and this resort has become unaffordable for many.

The resort has a sufficient number of boarding houses different levels, but the most popular is the inexpensive private sector with a minimum of services provided. For groceries, it is best to go to the central market (you need to do this in the morning), which is located near the bus station. In the market you can buy almost everything that you can find in big cities, except that there may be problems with meat. But there is good choice ready-made food: cutlets, dumplings, pilaf, various salads and much more. Such food costs a little less than in local cafes, but is in no way inferior in quality, and sometimes even superior. In addition to the market, there are many shops in Sedovo, but it is best to shop in those located further from the beach, prices there are at least 30% lower.

There is no good entertainment in Sedovo; there are several discos and clubs where dubious people gather. If you go on vacation with children, then this is not bad, but if you want to have a blast or at least just dance in a normal establishment, then there may be problems.

Sedovo's biggest problem is the beaches. The fact is that the water is washing away the shore and because of this, local authorities were forced to install concrete barriers (slabs) that prevent this process. In most cases, you can only go down to the sea by stairs. There are places where beach strip is present, but it is very narrow and periodically floods it with water. The sand is dirty even on the beaches owned by hotels, and besides the fact that tourists themselves don’t really care about cleanliness, the owners of the beaches don’t really clean either. But on the beaches there are changing rooms and even showers, which is a pleasant surprise, although it does not save the situation. Beach activities standard: bananas, pills, jet skis, nothing new. The cleanliness of the sea is the same as everywhere else; if you have previously vacationed on the Sea of ​​Azov, then you understand what we are talking about.

Who will like this place are fishing enthusiasts who regularly gather on the embankment with spinning rods in the hope of catching something.

In addition to the dirty beaches, a certain unsanitary condition of the entire village is striking. It’s clean only where the hotel staff monitors it, but otherwise the garbage cans are always overflowing, the wind carries garbage throughout the village, there’s a lot of dust, it’s not very pleasant to watch such a picture.

Of course, you can relax in Sedovo, but it won’t give you much pleasure, so if there are alternative options, consider them first or choose for a vacation good hotels with swimming pools and various entertainment.

The only seaside resort of the DPR, the village of Sedovo on the Sea of ​​Azov, is again filled with visitors.


Prices at food counters in Sedovo are high, as throughout the “republic”. The most expensive are meat, fish, and alcohol. Therefore, visitors try to bring with them fresh meat, sausages and alcohol from neighboring cities not controlled by the Ukrainian authorities in order to reduce the cost of their vacation.

IN local stores They are trying to control the cost of products for the so-called social group of goods: flour, cereals, pasta, bread, milk, sugar, salt. Therefore, the price of flour, cereals and dairy products does not differ much from Donetsk. These products are more affordable, and the difference can be from 2 to 5 rubles. (1- 2 UAH at the rate of the “Central Republican Bank of the DPR” ), sometimes even higher. Visitors note that the markup is insignificant. But other products are approximately 20% more expensive. The highest prices for the pocket of the average tourist are felt in the market.

In general, the cost of bread in Sedovo stores starts from 16 to 20 rubles. (7-9 UAH), the price of sugar reaches 52 rubles/kg (23 UAH), for 1.5 liters of milk on the market they ask for 50-60 rubles. (22-27 UAH).

During the period of June, the cost of vegetables and fruits in the markets fell slightly:

  • cherry - 75-100 rub./kg (33-44 UAH);
  • potatoes - 60 rub./kg (27 UAH);
  • cucumbers - 50-60 rub./kg (22-27 UAH);
  • tomatoes - 100-120 rub./kg (44-53 UAH);
  • apples - 110 rub./kg (49 UAH);
  • strawberry - from 100-130 rub./kg (44-58 UAH).

Although you can find tomatoes locally for 70 rubles/kg (31 UAH), and new potatoes from 40 rubles/kg (18 UAH).

Price of fish products:

  • dry ram - from 250-350 rub./kg (111-155 UAH);
  • a bunch of fish - from 150 to 250 rubles. (67-111 UAH);
  • pike perch - from 400 rub./kg (178 UAH);
  • a bunch of bull calves 10 pieces from 50 rubles (22 UAH);
  • 100 grams of shrimp - 70 rub. (31 UAH).

Pork meat will cost 250-350 rubles/kg (111-155 UAH). You can buy a cold frozen chicken carcass from 150-160 rubles/kg (67-71 UAH), chicken fillet - 269 rubles/kg (119 UAH). In uncontrolled cities, chicken meat can be bought much cheaper.

Visitors who count on budget holiday, go shopping at the local supermarket next to the bazaar. The More supermarket resembles the ATB chain of stores. Here you can buy cheaper products, alcohol, vegetables and fruits. Therefore, there is usually a long line of customers at the store checkouts.

Also in the village, a popular Alkomarket store was opened in the uncontrolled territory. The cost of alcoholic drinks in the resort Sedovo is noticeably higher than in the “republic”. The price of 2.5 liters of beer starts from 120 rubles. (53 UAH), and a bottle of vodka will cost vacationers 160-165 rubles. (71-73 UAH) for 0, 5 l.


Except high prices for housing and food; visitors cite the lack of clean and well-groomed beaches as another disadvantage of a holiday in Sedovo. As a rule, central beaches are dirtier and inconvenient for swimming.

To relax in a well-groomed and clean sea ​​coast, visitors have to take a bus to the Spit area. Every day a bus leaves from the center of Sedovo, which takes tourists to a clean, remote beach along the Obryv route- Scythe. The bus runs every 30 minutes. Fare- 10 rub. (4.44 UAH) per person one way.

The journey by bus takes about 5 minutes, but walking the nearest beach can take up to 25 minutes. ways and more. With a small child, such a daily route is not always acceptable, so vacationers swim at the nearest beaches.

Cash out

In the "republic" Ukrainian banks and ATMs have been absent for more than three years. Opening in cities branches of the “central republican bank of the DPR”, but a few of its ATMs are installed only in some cities. For three years in Sedovo they were able to open only one branch of the “CRH” in the building of the village council. To withdraw cash from bank cards at the checkout, vacationers have to cover a fairly long distance. At the same time, ATMs on site resort village are absent at all.


There is also a communication problem in Sedovo. The Ukrainian mobile operator MTS is completely blocked here. Although locals say that in some places you can still find weak access points for Ukrainian communications.

Therefore, the only option to talk with relatives is to buy cards from local mobile operators “Phoenix” (“DPR”) or “Lugak” (“LPR”) in advance.

You can also find a boarding house with working Wi-Fi, but there are often problems with Internet access in the village. And visitors are essentially left without communication.


There is also no nightlife in the village of Sedovo. On seaside resort none of them work nightclub or a disco for young people, because as throughout The “republic” is under a “curfew” . The only place to relax is the Miami club, which operated the year before last,- stands behind a thick layer of dust.

To diversify summer season and to somehow make money from visitors, some local boarding houses plan open-air discos for vacationers.

There are also several local cafes in the center with hookah, alcoholic drinks and music. Starting at 21:00, military patrols begin checking tourists' passports. And after 22:00 all entertainment venues in the village are closed.

With the onset of the curfew (after 23:00), life in the seaside resort of Sedovo completely dies out until the next morning, and the streets are patrolled by people with weapons.

The only seaside resort of the DPR, the village of Sedovo on the Sea of ​​Azov, is again filled with visitors.


Prices at food counters in Sedovo are high, as throughout the “republic”. The most expensive are meat, fish, and alcohol. Therefore, visitors try to bring with them fresh meat, sausages and alcohol from neighboring cities not controlled by the Ukrainian authorities in order to reduce the cost of their vacation.

Local stores are trying to control the cost of products for the so-called social group of goods: flour, cereals, pasta, bread, milk, sugar, salt. Therefore, the price of flour, cereals and dairy products does not differ much from Donetsk. These products are more affordable, and the difference can be from 2 to 5 rubles. (1 - 2 UAH at the rate of the “central republican bank of the DPR”), sometimes higher. Visitors note that the markup is insignificant. But other products are approximately 20% more expensive. The highest prices for the pocket of the average tourist are felt in the market.

In general, the cost of bread in Sedovo stores starts from 16 to 20 rubles. (7-9 UAH), the price of sugar reaches 52 rubles/kg (23 UAH), for 1.5 liters of milk on the market they ask for 50-60 rubles. (22-27 UAH).

During the period of June, the cost of vegetables and fruits in the markets fell slightly:

  • cherries - 75-100 rubles/kg (33-44 UAH);
  • potatoes - 60 rub./kg (27 UAH);
  • cucumbers - 50-60 rub./kg (22-27 UAH);
  • tomatoes - 100-120 rub./kg (44-53 UAH);
  • apples - 110 rub./kg (49 UAH);
  • strawberries - from 100-130 rubles/kg (44-58 UAH).

Although you can find tomatoes locally for 70 rubles/kg (31 UAH), and new potatoes from 40 rubles/kg (18 UAH).

Price of fish products:

  • dry ram - from 250-350 rub./kg (111-155 UAH);
  • a bunch of fish - from 150 to 250 rubles. (67-111 UAH);
  • pike perch - from 400 rub./kg (178 UAH);
  • a bunch of bull calves 10 pieces from 50 rubles (22 UAH);
  • 100 grams of shrimp - 70 rub. (31 UAH).

Pork meat will cost 250-350 rubles/kg (111-155 UAH). You can buy a cold frozen chicken carcass from 150-160 rubles/kg (67-71 UAH), chicken fillet - 269 rubles/kg (119 UAH). In uncontrolled cities, chicken meat can be bought much cheaper.

Visitors who are looking for a budget holiday go shopping at the local supermarket next to the bazaar. The More supermarket resembles the ATB chain of stores. Here you can buy cheaper products, alcohol, vegetables and fruits. Therefore, there is usually a long line of customers at the store checkouts.

Also in the village, a popular Alkomarket store was opened in the uncontrolled territory. The cost of alcoholic drinks in the resort Sedovo is noticeably higher than in the “republic”. The price of 2.5 liters of beer starts from 120 rubles. (53 UAH), and a bottle of vodka will cost vacationers 160-165 rubles. (71-73 UAH) for 0.5 l.


In addition to high prices for housing and food, visitors cite the lack of clean and well-groomed beaches as another disadvantage of holidays in Sedovo. As a rule, central beaches are dirtier and inconvenient for swimming.

To relax on a well-groomed and clean sea coast, visitors have to take a bus to the Spit area. Every day a bus leaves from the center of Sedovo, which takes tourists to a clean, remote beach along the Obryv - Kosa route. The bus runs every 30 minutes. The fare is 10 rubles. (4.44 UAH) per person one way.

The journey by bus takes approximately 5 minutes, but a walk to the nearest beach can take up to 25 minutes. ways and more. With a small child, such a daily route is not always acceptable, so vacationers swim at the nearest beaches.

Cash out

There have been no Ukrainian banks or ATMs in the “republic” for more than three years. Branches of the “central republican bank of the DPR” are opening in cities, but a few of its ATMs are installed only in some cities. For three years in Sedovo they were able to open only one branch of the “CRH” in the building of the village council. To withdraw cash from bank cards at the checkout, vacationers have to travel a fairly long distance. At the same time, there are no ATMs on the territory of the resort village at all.


There is also a communication problem in Sedovo. The Ukrainian mobile operator MTS is completely blocked here. Although locals say that in some places you can still find weak access points for Ukrainian communications.

Therefore, the only option to talk with relatives is to buy cards from local mobile operators “Phoenix” (“DPR”) or “Lugak” (“LPR”) in advance.

You can also find a boarding house with working Wi-Fi, but there are often problems with Internet access in the village. And visitors are essentially left without communication.


There is also no nightlife in the village of Sedovo. There is not a single nightclub or disco for young people at the seaside resort, because... as throughout the “republic” there is a “curfew”. The only place to rest - the Miami club, which operated the year before last - stands behind a thick layer of dust.

To diversify the summer season and somehow make money from visitors, some local boarding houses plan open-air discos for vacationers.

There are also several local cafes in the center with hookah, alcoholic drinks and music. Starting at 21:00, military patrols begin checking tourists' passports. And after 22:00 all entertainment venues in the village are closed.

With the onset of the curfew (after 23:00), life in the seaside resort of Sedovo completely dies out until the next morning, and the streets are patrolled by people with weapons.

Typically, the high season on the Sea of ​​Azov is in July. But Sedovo, the only resort village in the Republic, is an exception to the rule. Here the boarding houses were filled with vacationers already in mid-June. Thousands of residents of the two Donbass republics and guests from Russia came to a small piece of the coast.

Many of them began to talk on social networks not only about the wonderful sea, but also about the shortcomings of the vacation. And, frankly speaking, there are not so few of them. Some did not like the prices for food, others did not like the situation with closed passages to the beaches, and others did not like the checkpoint at the entrance to the village.

To understand all this, our correspondents went on a two-day vacation.

The queues at the checkpoint have not disappeared

We leave Donetsk by car at two o'clock in the afternoon. Already at the very beginning of the journey we are exhausted from the heat. I would like to swim in the sea soon.

The road is much better now,” notes Pasha. - The year before last we had to go around huge holes.

Indeed, the roadway has been repaired - and this is a big plus. Yes, there are still bad sections, and the driver has to snake through them (especially before and after Telmanovo). But it still cannot be compared with the previous situation.

We approach the checkpoint at the entrance to Sedovo. Anyone heading to the coast must register. The process itself is simple: the police enter the vacationer’s passport data and mobile phone ID into the computer.

Last year this caused great inconvenience. We had to stand in line for several hours. Now for improvement bandwidth increased the number of computers from three to six. But so far, for some reason, they only work on three. In addition, the Internet disappears every now and then. So you have to wait even longer.

Forty minutes later it’s our turn. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs enter our data into the computer. It takes about five minutes. At this time, the puppies are fiddling around near us, and their mother is watching from the side.

Will you take the puppies? – the policeman asks us, suddenly changing his stern appearance.

No, thank you, we have enough animals.

We still can’t distribute our replenishment. They even put up an ad asking us to give it to good hands, but no one wants to take it. “So we’re taking care of them for now,” the policeman says and pours water into a bowl. “It’s good for them here: we feed them on a schedule, and vacationers always play with them.”

Take food with you on weekends

We check into the Yubileiny boarding house. The room was reserved for us long before the trip. There are no vacancies in the two-story building on the seashore. Children who were injured during the fighting were accommodated in all rooms. Children relax with their parents.

On the last day of our business trip, we decide to organize for the kids sweet table(read about this in the next issues of the newspaper and on the website website).

In the morning we go to “inspect” the prices. The market has a large selection of vegetables and fruits. Prices are higher than in Donetsk. If in the capital tomatoes cost 60 rubles, here they ask for 100. New potatoes - 50 rubles, pork - 250, sausage - 300-350, a bottle of homemade adjika - 50. Fresh fish can be bought early in the morning, and by lunchtime only dried fish is left , dried and smoked - there is a whole range on the market dedicated to it. Dried pike perch - 350 rubles per kilogram, ram - on average 250.

The local supermarket helps bring down prices for some products. It is located right next to the market. Here you can buy whatever your heart desires.

Prices compared to other resorts are not gigantic, but still high, says vacationer Sergei Efimov. - We came here for the weekend, in our own car. So we took it with us necessary supplies: meat, alcohol, drinks. Here we buy mainly vegetables, fish and bread.

Homemade wine is offered at every step

The aromas of ready-made dishes waft through the market.

Would you like to eat? - local businesswoman Svetlana offers us.

Every morning a woman brings home-cooked food to the market. For those who do not like to cook on vacation or do not have such an opportunity, this ideal option. Meals will cost less than in a cafe. You can buy food for breakfast, lunch and dinner from Svetlana and other sellers.

I cook everything: potatoes, pilaf, meatballs, cutlets, chops, a variety of salads - all of your choice. People are taking it apart with a bang. Then they come a second, third time. They say it’s very tasty,” the woman shares with us.

Having tasted the treats, we move on. At every step you are offered to try homemade wine. But we refuse. Firstly, at work, and secondly, we don’t understand how local residents It is possible to prepare so much natural wine that there is enough for sale for the entire season. Perhaps the wine here is really good, but we decided not to risk it.

“Strangers don’t roam here”

We go to boarding houses to find out how they are doing with vacationers.

“We don’t have any places, everything is booked almost until the end of summer,” answer the owners of many boarding houses. – Go to the private sector, to mini-hotels.

We are trying to get to the beach through a private boarding house - we really want to freshen up. But we come across a closed gate.

Where are you going, huh?! Do you live with us? - the guard shouts to us.

No, we want to go to the beach.

Go to the public one. We have a beach only for our vacationers. Strangers don't roam here.

How so? The passage was opened last year.

Go to the public beach!

There are only two public beaches in the center of the village. Two more are on the outskirts. Fortunately, a bus was launched in the village last year. It runs along the coast along Komsomolskaya Street every half hour. The fare costs 10 rubles.

Here's your vacation: if you settled on the second line, be so kind as to walk a kilometer, or even more, to swim in the sea. Or wait in the heat for a bus. As a result, public beaches are already crowded. And in July, most likely, you won’t be able to squeeze through them at all.

They say that the owners of some boarding houses on the second line have agreed with those who have their own beach on the first line so that vacationers can go to the coast, the cotton candy seller tells us. “You come up to the gate and say, I’m from such and such a boarding house - I came to swim.” The security or administrator writes down your passport details and lets you through.

Housing prices are consistently high

After swimming, we continue to visit private boarding houses. Pricing policy, compared to last year, has not changed much. Private sector with shower and toilet outside from 200 rubles per person and above. Vacationers are satisfied with this price.

We vacationed here before the war. Prices were lower and there were fewer people. But now we don’t particularly complain. Our amenities are on the street. And for relaxation we have enough beds, a bedside table and a wardrobe in the room. We come here to swim in the sea,” says Irina Khomenko, who rents a room in the private sector.

But the cost of living in a room with amenities, a private bathroom, a kettle and air conditioning starts from 500 rubles per person. Some owners have raised prices.

Last year such a number cost you 1000 rubles, but this year 1300. Isn't it too much? – we ask the administrator of the boarding house.

Those who want can settle in, and those who don’t – there are other boarding houses. “We don’t have any problems with vacationers,” the woman answers us.

Yes... For that kind of money you can relax in Anapa and Crimea. In addition, the bridge opened, travel became easier and more comfortable. We decide to discuss problematic issues with the head village administration Peter Svyatovets. Komsomolskaya Pravda has already introduced it to its readers.

Come in the morning, and we’ll discuss everything,” Pyotr Alekseevich cordially answers our request to meet.

Read the interview with the head of the resort village in one of the upcoming issues and on the website.


Evening fun ends quickly

In the evening, another Sedovo appears before us - full of entertainment and night lights. Music can be heard from every cafe, which merges into a cacophony on the main street. Families with children, couples, young people... there is entertainment for everyone. Children are attracted to the amusement park. For adults there are extreme carousels and a shooting gallery. For those who like to sit with a glass of beer, there are street cafes. For those who want to dance, there are bars. They even have their own mini DonMak - the prices are Donetsk.

But all this works until ten o'clock in the evening. After that, in just one hour, everything falls silent and, like a frozen picture on a monitor screen, freezes until the morning. As throughout the Republic, there is a curfew here - from 23:00 to 5:00.

On the way to the boarding house, the police stop us.

Checking documents, says the man in uniform. - Show your passports. – They ask us where we are from and where we are going, after which they wish us a good journey.

It brings people back to reality. It becomes clear: there is still no peace under our skies, the war continues, the situation is tense again... Night walks along the coast are not about Sedovo. But if you live in a boarding house with private beach, no one forbids sitting on the seashore, which, in fact, is what we do too. Here you have a huge starry sky, a fresh sea breeze, and distant lights flickering from Russian territory...