How to avoid a fine for smoking. Where can you smoke at the airport? Anti-tobacco law in Russia

Smoking ban in public places pleased non-smokers, but made life very difficult for smokers, many of whom need a cigarette every couple of hours, or even more often. In particular, waiting at airports, where smoking rooms have been removed, has become difficult. The problem also affected Sheremetyevo, one of the 20 largest airports in Europe, handling approximately 35 million passengers a year.

Many tourists began to find out if there is a smoking room at Sheremetyevo. Cigarette use is a drug addiction, but the fact is a fact - a huge number of passengers needed to know for sure whether it is possible to smoke in the terminal building, and if not, where smoking is allowed in Sheremetyevo. Considering that you can spend a lot of time in the “clean zone”, they began to try to circumvent the law, for example, many smoked in the toilets. However, such actions entailed not only inconvenience for non-smokers, but also large fines, so the management of the institution found another way out.

A little history

After a law was passed protecting the health of citizens from the negative effects of tobacco smoke and the consequences associated with the use of cigarettes, Sheremetyevo banned smoking in all areas of the building. For people wondering whether it is possible to smoke at the airport, special rooms have been built in terminals D and E, equipped for the needs of smoking passengers.

In 2013, the smoking rooms were dismantled under the pretext that the smell of tobacco smoke from them disturbed other passengers, and the question of where to smoke in Sheremetyevo was again open. After some time, the premises were restored, but they did not function for long. In the spring of 2014, the Khimki City Court of the Moscow Region ordered the liquidation of the “smoking rooms” by the institution itself.

For a long time, the decision of the Khimki court did not enter into legal force, and at that time the management of Sheremetyevo studied the problem in detail in search of solutions. The smoking booths remained open for quite a long time, since it was unclear whether it was worth dismantling the structures or whether it would be possible to file an appeal and have the court decision overturned.

As a result, the smoking rooms of sector D were disbanded, and more new terminal E retained three comfortable smoking areas in the Cosmos business class lounge.

High-tech equipment, powerful hoods and air fresheners were installed there; only non-flammable and low-flammable materials were used to avoid the possibility of accidental fire.

The furnishings of the smoking rooms corresponded to the level of service. Each room had comfortable chairs, working TVs, ashtrays on the tables, and several outlets for charging mobile devices. The smoke and smell, unpleasant for non-smoking travelers, did not extend beyond the smoking areas.

Current situation

In 2016, the administration of Sheremetyevo Airport was forced to close the last smoking rooms in terminal E, since large fines had to be paid regularly and quite often. Of course, such a measure did not solve the problem. Now management is constantly faced with a large number complaints about smoke in toilets.

The CEO believes that airports should have smoking areas, which is understandable. European colleagues have specially equipped “smoking rooms”, since the government understands that bans alone cannot force smokers to give up their harmful addiction.

Recently, there have been active discussions on various tourism forums about where smoking can be done at Sheremetyevo Airport. The conclusions drawn are disappointing – almost nowhere. There are a couple of places for semi-legal smoking, but they are located extremely inconveniently for both smokers themselves and other passengers.

The first option is located outside the building, as prescribed by law, at a distance of approximately 15 meters from the exit.

There are large trash cans in the areas, and there are several signs along the way. However, smoke from such areas still travels quite far, and cigarette butts and ashes are scattered by the wind over a wide area.

The second option, which passengers are sometimes allowed to use, is the space between the gangway platform and the hatch leading into the plane. Flight attendants who have this habit are also forced to smoke there. Despite the cracks through which smoke should theoretically be drawn out well, the smell still remains, and non-smoking travelers with a more acute sense of smell are forced to endure such inconveniences. You won’t be able to smoke anywhere else in Sheremetyevo.

Several years ago, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a law banning smoking in public places. Now passengers who are addicted to nicotine have to look for special places to satisfy their personal needs. In the article we will look at where smoking rooms are located near the airport, whether it is possible to smoke in a sterile zone, and how to find an IQOS smoking lounge area in Vnukovo.

Anti-tobacco law in Russia

In the summer of 2013, a law banning smoking in public places came into force in Russia. This category includes medical, government, educational institutions, hotels, playgrounds, beaches, stadiums, train stations and airports.

But, despite the active fight against smoking, many citizens do not give up the bad habit and find separate areas where they can safely smoke without breaking the law.

Where can you smoke in Vnukovo

Vnukovo airport used to have special smoking areas. These are two smoking rooms located near the gates numbered 24 and 31. The smoking rooms for passengers fully complied with all the requirements of sanitary standards and were equipped with high-quality ventilation equipment and powerful hoods. But, with the introduction of the anti-tobacco law, these areas were closed to smokers.

Today you can smoke on the territory of the airport terminal, at a distance of more than 15 meters from the parking lot and the building. By decree of the administration, special places for smokers on the street were allocated and equipped. You can find them by signs indicating the location of the smoking area. Also on the territory of the airport you can see many signs indicating that smoking is prohibited in a particular place.

As is known, for violation of the anti-tobacco law a fine of 500-1500 rubles is provided for individuals.

On at the moment The Vnukovo administration is deciding on the opening of smoking rooms in the airport building. This could solve the problem with active smokers who are dissatisfied with this ban and non-smokers who often complain about passengers smoking in the wrong places.

Useful information on the topic of Vnukovo:

Where to smoke at the airport after check-in

Smoking at Vnukovo Airport is allowed only outdoors in specially designated areas. Many citizens who have passed try to satisfy their desire and smoke in the toilets or even in the changing room for babies.

But we do not recommend taking such risks, since smoke detectors are installed in all areas of the airport terminal, which instantly respond in the event of smoke. Thus, the smoker will have unpleasant problems with law enforcement agencies and a fine to pay for breaking the law.

IQOS smoking area in Vnukovo

IQOS is an unusual electronic cigarette, consisting of a body and a replaceable cartridge containing high-quality shredded tobacco. When heated, the device does not emit foul smoke or leave ash. Today, a new product - IQOS is recognized as an excellent alternative to conventional cigarettes, and this device can be used in public places, in specially designated areas.

Recently, an IQOS smoking lounge opened at Vnukovo Airport. The company boutique is located in the area international departures near exit No. 25. Here is a selection of IQOS products. Passengers can try out the innovative device, recharge and clean their devices. Additional services are available for an additional fee.

Today, IQOS branded lounge areas are also open in and. In these establishments you can smoke exclusively IQOS electronic cigarettes - without odor, smoke or ash. But for fans of regular vaping, it’s better to look for other places to vape. Violators will have to pay a fine, which is provided by the airport administration.

In the winter of 2013, deputies of the State Duma adopted a law prohibiting the use of tobacco products in public places. Since terminal buildings and airport territory also fall under this definition, many travelers, when getting ready for a trip, try to find out where the smoking area is located.

Of course, this ban for those who do not smoke did not bring any negative experiences at all; rather, on the contrary, it helped them to be calm inside the terminal building. But for some passengers, the question of where you can smoke at Domodedovo Airport has become almost the main one, because penalties are provided for violation of this bill.

About the smoking room in Domodedovo

People are still asking on the forums whether there is a smoking room in Domodedovo. Before the introduction of this regulation, smoking travelers could indulge in their habit inside special rooms with constant ventilation and air exchange. But according to the new decision, all smokers must move at least 15 meters away from the airport building and from bus stops and other crowded places before registering, or use the transit zone.

Of course, one of the main airports in the country strictly complies with this requirement. The smoking room in Domodedovo, that is, a special room, was initially located on the first and later on the third floor. They looked modern and quite spacious, although passengers often noted the poor quality of the hood. Today, in accordance with the requirement of Federal Law No. 15, they are all closed.

This is what the smoking room looked like at Domodedovo airport

Where you can't smoke in Domodedovo

There is no designated smoking area inside Domodedovo, since smoking is not allowed at all on the territory of the passenger terminal. If this prohibition is violated, violators will be held administratively liable and must pay a fine of up to 2,000 rubles.

Of course, there are many signs indicating this information on the territory and inside the airport restrooms, and there are also large number smoke detectors, and police and security officers carefully monitor compliance with this rule.

Official smoking areas in the Moscow airport terminal

For convenience, a smoking area at Domodedovo Airport is specially organized near each entrance. Finding them is not difficult using clear signs.

Fulfilling the requirement of the bill, the management of many Russian airports is trying to return smoking rooms, because their closure provokes a violation of the established rules inside toilets and other places that are absolutely not intended for this. But the Domodedovo administration refrained from these calls, explaining its position by complying with the law and caring for passengers.

What about those who cannot stand more than 3 hours without a cigarette? In this case, they will help you.

If you don’t smoke, then you’re probably wildly irritated by the smoke from the yoke in airport toilets: you went in to powder your nose and instantly stank of someone’s Belomor.

If you smoke, then there’s nothing to say: you can’t leave the terminal, you can’t smoke on the plane either, and if the flight is delayed, then good luck. Withdrawal, darkening of the eyes, shaking yellow fingers...

In general, now it will be good for both ours and yours: they want to allow smoking at airports again. The corresponding bill has been submitted to the State Duma.

“Based on ... analysis and four years of practice, the proposed measure to create designated smoking areas currently appears to be more effective in protecting non-smoking visitors and airport employees than the existing ineffective ban,” the explanatory note to the bill says. In this regard, it is proposed to expand the list of exceptions provided for in the law “On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption,” where smoking is allowed by decision of the owner, to “areas of airports intended for the presence of registered passengers, airport employees and airlines.” .

The purpose of the ban on smoking rooms in 2013 was to protect citizens at the airport from exposure to tobacco smoke, plus the idea was that the smoker should suffer, which would encourage him to quit smoking. But smokers turned out to be more cunning. But, according to a survey by VTsIOM, 37% of passengers personally encountered violators of the smoking ban on airport premises. It turns out that the ban does not protect against smoke (the smoking room stinks, but non-smokers do not go there), but, on the contrary, leads to non-smokers breathing smoke. Of course, you can put a policeman in each toilet stall, but why is he needed at all?

Airports support the bill. As the press service of Pulkovo Airport commented, the return of smoking rooms will effectively solve the problem of unauthorized smoking in the terminal building: “We support the return of smoking areas to airports, provided that such areas will be specially equipped to be comfortable for smokers and not create inconvenience for non-smokers passengers. The presence of special smoking areas equipped with appropriate ventilation is a common global practice in all largest airports peace.
In this way, it will be possible to maintain a balance between the interests of passengers and avoid the inconvenience that smokers inevitably face now. In addition, this will effectively solve the problem of unauthorized smoking in toilets. Pulkovo is now equipped with outdoor smoking areas at a distance of 15 m from the entrance to the terminal, as required by law. If legislative framework changes, we will adapt the airport infrastructure.”

The first among Russian airports to come up with a proposal to return smoking rooms to closed areas of the airport for the benefit of all categories of passengers was Sheremetyevo Airport, which back in May 2015 initiated public hearings on the basis of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation with the involvement of experts from the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Transport, representatives of anti-tobacco and tobacco coalitions. During the same period, an all-Russian study was conducted by VTsIOM, the results of which showed that “the overwhelming majority of air passengers surveyed (84%) agree that Russian airports special smoking areas should be organized.”

“We share the concern of society, support the measures taken by the state to combat smoking and strive to protect non-smokers and, especially the younger generation, women and children, from tobacco smoke. But! The fight against smoking in public places should be carried out taking into account the provision of equivalent comfortable conditions for all categories of citizens. Airports are a specific object transport infrastructure, in which passengers, having gone through the necessary pre-flight formalities, find themselves in the so-called. “clean zone”, from which they are not able to leave before the flight. Transit and transfer passengers, for whom, in some cases, staying in the “clean zone” of the airport turns out to be many hours and there is no alternative. Flying and waiting for a flight is an increased stress for the passenger. Due to this discomfort, a number of passengers commit violations and use toilets intended for other purposes for smoking. We daily record cases of smoke in toilets and mother and child rooms, and notify the police authorities. This not only makes staying in these rooms unbearable for non-smoking passengers and women with children, but is also related to fire safety. As a result, we record thousands of complaints from passengers about smoke in the toilets and discomfort,” comments Anna Zakharenkova, Director of Public Relations at Sheremetyevo Airport.

Sheremetyevo Airport has already presented the concept and standards of smoking rooms in “clean zones”. According to the project, smoking rooms must be isolated from all areas associated with serving passengers, have opaque walls, and be equipped with modern powerful ventilation systems. It is also important to include information about the dangers of this habit and the possibilities of rehabilitation.

However, the fact that a bill has been introduced does not mean anything. Similar initiatives have already taken place before, but none of them has yet been supported by the State Duma.