Baggage transportation rules for transfer passengers. Transit and transfer - what is it and what is the difference between these concepts? Do I need to receive and collect baggage if I am flying with a transfer? Connection or transfer

A transit flight is any flight made with at least one intermediate transfer or connection at an airport. There are two main options for transit flights: connecting and connecting. What are the fundamental differences for a passenger when transferring at the airport and will you have to pick up your luggage?

A transit flight is called a transfer flight if different sections of the route are served by different airlines.

For a connecting flight, you buy one ticket that includes a transfer. The airline must provide a safe and timely connection. In this case, the duration of the docking does not matter; it can be either one hour or several days. By transit at the airport we mean a transfer to a connecting flight.

A connecting flight is essentially separate tickets for each leg of the journey. Responsibility for planning such a flight lies entirely on the shoulders of the passenger.

Let's look at the main differences between these two options.

Connecting flight
(one transit ticket, but several boarding passes)

Connecting flight
(two or more separate tickets)

Registration Check-in is carried out only once, at the departure airport.Check-in at the airport of departure and at the airport of transfer.
Baggage Rented once at the departure airport. IN transit airport luggage will be accepted and checked in by airline employees.

But there are a number of exceptions, for example, a flight to the USA with a transfer in one of the US cities. You will have to receive, go through security again and check in your luggage.

It is rented at the departure airport, it turns out and is rented out again at the transfer airport.
Passport control During the transfer, passengers do not leave the transit area, so no additional passport control is required.

If you are flying to the USA and have a layover in one of the US cities, you may need to go through additional passport control. You need to clarify with the airline how the transfer will take place.

You may have to go through it several times. During the transfer you will have to leave the transit area in order to get your luggage and check in for the next flight.
Search hand luggage You will have to go through the departure airport and transfer airport.
Time for transfer If you miss your connecting flight due to a delay on the first flight, the airline must provide meals and overnight accommodation if you have to wait overnight for the next flight.Responsibility for transfers lies entirely on the shoulders of the passenger. There will be no refund from the airline if the flight is delayed.
Possibility not to use the second section of the path The ticket becomes invalid if you fail to appear at any part of the route.You can only use the first half of the journey; tickets are separate. But you need to remember that if you didn’t fly in the “there” direction, you won’t be able to fly “back” with this ticket.

What should you do if you have separate tickets with a transfer, but you cannot leave the transit zone?

In this case, you need to contact the airport staff and explain the situation. Check-in for your flight can be done online or inside the transit area, and airport staff will receive your luggage and attach tags with the new destination airport. I had a similar situation at Tokyo airport. There were no difficulties, but it took longer than I expected.

Why buy separate tickets at all if everything is so complicated with them? Here the answer is clear - the price of the ticket and the opportunity to buy a transit ticket as such. In addition, if necessary, it is much easier to return or exchange a ticket for one section of the route if the ticket for it is separate.

I would also like to say that if you yourself are to blame for not being on time for your flight, while the airline provided all the possibilities, then you will have to solve your problems yourself. By the way, your luggage will most likely fly away. So be careful and keep track of the time, regardless of the type of ticket.

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Conditions of transfer transportation (hereinafter referred to as the Conditions) is a local document of Transfer-Aero LLC (hereinafter referred to as the company), establishing and securing the basic conditions for the transportation of passengers and baggage on the company’s transfer flights, also regulating the relationship between the passenger and the company regarding these flights.

1. General provisions

Information about the conditions of transfer transportation, cost of services, and other information about the services of Transfer-Aero LLC can be obtained at sales points travel documents, in the dispatch service and on the company’s website.” Transfer-Aero LLC organizes passenger transportation to/from airports in Moscow, as well as throughout Russia, involving the transportation of passengers by vehicle at the discretion of Transfer-Aero LLC. The company uses comfortable vehicles foreign production (also T.S. produced in Russia under foreign licenses and technologies.

Transfer transportation carried out by Transfer-Aero LLC are divided into two types - group scheduled and individual.

Scheduled group transfer - group passenger transportation to/from Moscow airport, carried out according to an approved schedule, where the place of departure and arrival is fixed.

Individual transfer - passenger transportation to/from Moscow airport or to any address on the territory of Moscow or another city in Russia, carried out by pre-order, in this case, the place of departure and arrival and the time of departure are determined by the passenger himself.

The type of vehicle for transportation, both group and individual transfer, is determined by Transfer-Aero LLC in accordance with the number of passengers on the flight (passenger car, minibus, bus).

2. Transportation of passengers:

Transportation of passengers is carried out on the basis of travel documents, which are documents confirming the conclusion of a contract of carriage between the passenger and Transfer-Aero LLC and include:

  1. Passenger information;
  2. Vehicle route
  3. Transportation deadlines;
  4. Cost of the service provided;
  5. Contact details of Transfer-Aero LLC;
  6. Other information
  7. Landing locations in departure cities and airports in Moscow, etc.

When receiving travel documents, the passenger must check the accuracy of the personal data indicated in them (full name, date of birth, place of birth, telephone number, etc.), flight information (date, time of departure and arrival, route, etc.); read the other information and sign in the indicated boxes.

The passenger is responsible for the accuracy of personal information and the correctness of the flight data indicated in the travel documents.

It is prohibited to travel using travel documents issued in the name of another person, including those issued in the name of the passenger’s relatives.

Purchasing a travel document for another person in his absence is possible only if he provides the passport data of this person, or the details of another document proving the identity of the specified person.

The passenger is obliged to ensure that information is constantly received at the telephone number indicated on the boarding pass before and during transportation.

The passenger will be informed in advance of departure to the destination by the dispatcher of Transfer-Aero LLC, via a phone call and/or SMS message, about the make, color and number of the vehicle. In cases where the necessary information has not been received in a timely manner, or it is technically impossible to receive the information at the telephone number specified in the travel documents, you should contact the company's dispatch service at the telephone numbers specified in the travel documents.

To ensure timely notification of the make, color and number of the vehicle, as well as other flight data, upon arrival at the airport, the passenger should notify the dispatcher of Transfer-Aero LLC about his arrival using a phone call and/or SMS message to telephone numbers specified in travel documents.

The passenger's trip begins from the place of departure (landing) indicated in the travel documents. When boarding a vehicle, you must have a full set of travel documents, as well as an identity document. The passenger's trip ends at the place of arrival (disembarkation) after the passenger exits the vehicle and unloads luggage and hand luggage.

Places of departure (landing) and places of arrival (disembarkation) are fixed by the company in populated areas and airports, the addresses of these places are indicated in travel documents.

Boarding and disembarking of passengers of a group transfer is carried out only in these fixed places, as well as in populated areas along the route of the vehicle that do not have fixed pick-up/disembarkation points, in places where stopping and boarding a passenger does not contradict the Rules traffic Russian Federation.

Boarding and disembarking of individual transfer passengers at airports is carried out only in places fixed by the company. Boarding and disembarking of passengers of an individual transfer in populated areas is carried out in any places at the request of passengers, where stopping and boarding a passenger does not contradict the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation.

During a transfer flight, both group and individual, there is one sanitary stop lasting 20 minutes.

Transfer-Aero LLC has the right to transfer group transfer passengers to another vehicle no more than twice per flight. This need is justified by the reduction in travel time when delivering passengers to/from airports, as well as the cost-effectiveness of the flight logistics scheme.

In accordance with the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation, the number of people in the cabin of a car or bus transporting intercity route, should not exceed the number of seats equipped. Thus, transportation of children of any age is carried out in a separate seat, which is subject to payment in accordance with the current prices for the company’s services.

When transporting children under 12 years of age on a group transfer, special child restraint devices are provided free of charge, at individual transfer- for a fee.

Persons for health reasons or other reasons requiring special conditions transportation, the company provides services only within the framework of an individual transfer. If it is impossible to organize the required conditions of transportation, the company has the right to refuse to provide the service to the passenger.

If a flight is rescheduled, the passenger must notify Transfer-Aero LLC in advance about canceling the flight or transferring it to another flight. If a flight is late or arrives earlier than planned at a Moscow airport, Transfer-Aero LLC, at its discretion, can provide the passenger with a seat on the next group transfer flight.

In the company's vehicles, smoking, drinking alcohol, being intoxicated, behavior that causes inconvenience for other passengers, actions that interfere with the operation of the vehicle, damage and contamination of the vehicle interior are prohibited. If a passenger violates this prohibition, company employees have the right to drop off the passenger at the nearest police post or hand him over to police representatives. In this situation, the transfer service is considered to be provided - the funds paid for the service are non-refundable.

In the event of damage, including contamination of the vehicle, due to the fault of the passenger, the passenger is obliged to compensate the company for the funds necessary to eliminate this damage.

3. Carriage of hand luggage:

Standards for the carriage of baggage and hand luggage in vehicles provided for the carriage of passengers are established by Transfer-Aero LLC.

Baggage - cargo packaged for dispatch by transport and transported separately from the passenger.

Hand luggage - cargo that the passenger takes with him into the vehicle without handing it over to luggage compartment, and meets the standards for transporting cargo as hand luggage.

Passengers have the right to free transportation one piece of hand luggage measuring no more than 55x40x20 cm, weighing no more than 5 kg and one piece of baggage measuring no more than 100x50x30 cm, weighing no more than 30 kg.

In case of transportation more baggage, including if the baggage exceeds the established requirements for at least one indicator, additional baggage pieces are paid separately and in advance, no less than 24 hours before the transfer. TO extra luggage requirements are similar to standard luggage - one piece of luggage measuring no more than 100x50x30 cm, weighing no more than 30 kg.

Hand luggage is placed in the compartment above passenger seat, either under the seat in front or on the passenger's lap. If the cargo does not meet the dimensions and weight allowed for carriage as hand luggage, the cargo is considered baggage.

The company has the right to refuse to accept baggage and hand luggage for transportation if the norms allowed for transportation are exceeded, and additional pieces of luggage have not been paid for in advance, and the transportation of excess cargo will cause inconvenience for other passengers and will not comply with the requirements for the transportation of cargo of the Road Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation .

Transfer-Aero LLC has the right to refuse to accept baggage for transportation or carry-on luggage if the properties or packaging of the items included in the baggage and hand luggage do not meet safety requirements. Foul-smelling and dangerous (flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive and other) substances, bladed weapons and firearms without covers and packaging, as well as things (objects) that contaminate vehicles or passengers’ clothing are not allowed to be carried as baggage or as part of hand luggage.

Transportation of small pets, dogs and birds is allowed in excess of the established carry-on and baggage allowance for a fee and only on an individual transfer. When transporting these animals, a veterinary certificate is required. Animals are transported in boxes, baskets, cages, and containers. During transportation, owners or accompanying persons must observe sanitary and hygienic conditions. Transport of large breeds of dogs and wild animals is not permitted.

4. Refund of funds due for unused travel documents:

Return cash for unused travel documents is carried out upon presentation of a complete set of travel documents and a document proving the identity of the passenger. An application for the return of funds due for unused travel documents must be submitted in writing. The passenger has the right to submit an application at the place where travel documents were purchased, or at the office of Transfer-Aero LLC.

Transfer-Aero LLC sets a period for consideration of a passenger's application for the return of funds due for unused travel documents - up to 3 working days. At the end of this period from the moment of registration of the request, the passenger is provided with a written response containing the decision of Transfer-Aero LLC on the amount of funds to be returned.

The actual refund of funds is carried out at the place of purchase of travel documents after receiving a written response to the application for the return of funds due for unused travel documents.

The amount of funds to be returned is determined based on the conditions for early cancellation of the service:

    Cancellation more than 24 hours before the departure indicated on the ticket will receive a full refund;

    If you cancel the trip less than 24 hours, but no later than 12 hours before departure, 70% of the cost of the service is paid!!!

    If you cancel the trip less than 12 hours, but no later than 4 hours before the transfer departure, 50% of the cost of the service is paid!

    If you cancel the trip less than 4 hours before the transfer departure, you will be paid 20% of the cost of the service!!!

If a passenger refuses the service for reasons beyond his control (cancellation, rescheduling of a flight), regardless of the advance notice of the refusal, the passenger will be refunded the full cost of the transfer. In this case, the passenger’s refusal to travel must be recorded by the dispatcher before the vehicle departs. The dispatcher also has the right to offer the passenger an alternative travel option.

5. Procedure for filing claims and statements

If circumstances arise that constitute the basis for the liability of Transfer-Aero LLC, the passenger has the right to contact Transfer-Aero LLC with a claim filed in the prescribed manner. The passenger has the right to submit an application at the place where travel documents were purchased, or at the office of Transfer-Aero LLC.

A passenger can submit a claim application to Transfer-Aero LLC only if he has a full set of travel documents and presents an identification document. The application-claim is made in writing with detailed description cheap bridesmaid dress events that occurred and a clear indication of the requirements. To ensure ease of processing and speedy consideration, the claim application must be filled out legibly by hand or using a printing device.

The application to the claim must contain copies of all documents confirming the information specified in the application.

Transfer-Aero LLC sets a period for consideration of a passenger's claim - 14 calendar days. At the end of this period from the moment of registration of the request, the passenger is provided with a written response containing the decision of Transfer-Aero LLC regarding the current situation.

At the company's office, passengers have the opportunity to fill out a statement in the book of reviews and suggestions. This document can contain any feedback and suggestions regarding the company’s services, including information about the performance of specific flights, the quality of passenger service by specific company employees and other information regarding the company’s services.

Such concepts as “transfer flight” or “transit flight” will not be new or unfamiliar to anyone. Most of these words are used as synonyms. But! Friends, there is a difference between them :) Let’s look at it using the example of two of my travels: the first is a transfer from Tyumen to Volgograd via Moscow. The second is transit from Volgograd to Surgut via Yekaterinburg.


Let's start with the fact that your ticket indicates 2 flights. In my case these are UT454 and UT385. At the airport of departure (Tyumen) they give me two boarding passes and ask about the need to pick up your luggage in Moscow. I don’t need him in the capital for nothing. Accordingly, I will receive my luggage at the final destination, Volgograd.

1. We are starting flight 454 to Moscow

2. Get used to the plane, the cabin and seat It’s not worth it: there will be another airliner to Volgograd.


I need to spend about 3 hours at the capital's airport before the next flight. This is quite the optimal docking time. I do not recommend choosing a shorter time, so that there is a time reserve in case of delay. Don't forget that if you miss your connecting flight due to a delay on your first flight, the fault lies with the carrier. This will not happen in the case of simply purchasing two flights separately. By the way, the transfer does not have to be carried out by one airline. These can be partner companies or airlines - members of the same alliance.

There is no need to register - I was registered in Tyumen. Very convenient to choose convenient place in the cabin because Passengers flying from Vnukovo to Volgograd will start checking in for their flight later than me. Accordingly, the empty salon is at your disposal :)

4. And now we are going to the plane that will take us to the hero city of Volgograd. Wow, this is a Yak :) A rare bird

5. Sit back and enjoy the flight!




After arrival, we collect our luggage - the flight is over!


If you are a transit passenger, then your ticket indicates one flight. I have 7R 417.
The route also consists of several points (Volgograd-Ekaterinburg-Surgut), but, unlike a transfer, the middle link is an intermediate landing site. The flight is operated on one aircraft.

9. So you can safely settle in place - from Ekb we will fly on it


11. Arriving in Yekaterinburg


Those for whom this is already their final destination enter ECB. We, who continue our journey, are in the storage tank. We are given Priority cards, which give us the right to be the first to board the plane and take our seats. Passengers who are boarded at Koltsovo are seated in empty seats.
It’s a very unusual feeling when you return to the same plane again, as if to your home))

13. Priority card

We spend literally 20 minutes at the airport, and we are called to board together with new passengers from the capital of the Urals.

14. Arriving at the final destination - Surgut

In Surgut we get our suitcases - the flight is over!

So, a short summary: a transfer is a connecting flight on different flights of the same airline or partner companies.

Transit is a flight within one flight, but with an intermediate landing.

A situation often arises when your journey by air needs to be divided into at least two parts: with transfers and waiting at the airport.
In this case, the question always arises: what to do with the luggage?

When deciding which route to choose, weigh the pros and cons. The information in this article will help you plan your flight correctly.

Who will transport it from one plane to another? You need to think about this at the moment when you have made the final decision on choosing the final option for your route.

Option 1.
So, you are flying from point N V M, then at point M you transfer to another plane of one or another airline and arrive at point P.

You have two tickets in your hands from N to M and from M to P. In this case, you independently pick up your luggage at the point M, and then at point M check your luggage again for another flight and arrive at your destination P.

In this case, always pay attention to the airports and departure and arrival terminals at the point of transfer.
It often happens that these airports are quite a long distance from each other, so the connection time must be selected so that there is enough time to receive luggage, travel to another airport and time to check in luggage again, go through check-in and control.

Option 2.
Route from N to P, with a transfer at the point M and you have one ticket in your hands, with departure and point N and arrival at the point P.

In this case, your baggage is handled by the carrier's airline, without your participation. You can choose one airline, or you can fly with different ones, the only condition is that the airlines must be partners in processing transfer passengers.

This will be clarified when purchasing a ticket. You check your luggage at the point N and receive it at the point R.

Make sure your baggage receipt shows your baggage to your final destination. P.

Attention! You will have to pick up your luggage at the transfer point and check it in again if you have one ticket, if you have items in your luggage that must be declared or the technical capabilities of the airport do not provide for direct transfer, even for planes of the same company (this is specified when purchasing a ticket).

We remind you that in the case of different airlines, you need to check in advance the carry-on baggage allowance with each airline, so that at the transfer point you do not have to pay extra or throw away some of the things that you took with you on the trip.

In all major airports There are airline representatives who meet trans passengers and there are always special counters for transfer/transit passengers, where you can get any information on all issues, and most importantly, they will explain further actions to you.

You need to move around the airport following traffic signs for transfer/transit passengers.

A transit passenger differs from a transfer passenger in that he continues his journey on the plane on which he arrived at the transfer point, under the same flight number.

Once you receive your baggage tag, check how many pieces you checked in and how many are recorded, and whether the weight of your luggage is recorded correctly! This is the only document that confirms that you have luggage.

We will be very grateful if you add your impressions of connecting flights.

The plane landed at an intermediate airport - a standard situation. If the passenger continues the journey further on the same board (with the same number) – this is transit.

Transfer- this is if the passenger changes the flight, that is, transfers to another plane for the flight.

Subject to visa-free transfer/transit, a foreign passenger has the right to stay at an intermediate point for a limited time (from 24 to 96 hours - depends on the legislation separate state), without leaving the special area.

What happens to passenger luggage?, where does it go during a transit flight? Do I need to receive property? This depends on the tickets purchased.

Flight with one airline on one ticket– baggage is checked in immediately to the final destination (an employee will clarify this point during check-in).

Flight with different carriers on one ticket– also, no difficulties will arise if there are no technical or legislative obstacles to this (employees will warn you about them in advance).

Flight various airlines with multiple tickets– and you need to do it yourself when you transfer.

Baggage in transit (transit flights) remains in the “care” of the carrier’s employees.

Connection or transfer?

These two concepts are different, which every air traveler should know.

By transplantation we mean independent purchase of several tickets, taking into account personal preferences. They do this in order to save money.

A travel document for direct flights costs more. In this case, you need to take into account the time between planes in order to transfer without haste.

Docking is purchasing one ticket, which includes a transfer. Usually, when purchasing online, the search engine site offers options to choose from - a direct flight, a flight with one or more transfers.

Routes with one connection are very popular due to their comfort and economy. At the same time, the passenger has only one ticket in his hands.

The main difference between a connection and a transfer consists of purchasing 1 ticket, including a transfer, or several travel documents. In the latter case, the issue of transfer times is decided by the passenger himself.

Connecting flight: luggage

If you are flying with a connecting flight, be prepared to collect your luggage yourself upon arrival at the intermediate airport and check it in when boarding your next flight.

When purchasing travel documents, you should immediately calculate the time(at least 3 hours between planes), based on the following nuances:

  • unloading luggage from the plane takes a lot of time - you will have to spend at least 40 minutes to pick up the bags;
  • check-in for the next flight ends an hour before departure, so this procedure will also take time;
  • The distance between terminals can be significant, not to mention the case when you need to go to another airport.

When planning such a trip, try so that flights belong to the same airport. It is much more convenient and economical.

Possible troubles

If tickets are purchased on different planes, you should take into account, that the requirements will be different.

It’s worth studying them in advance so you don’t have to. And putting things out before boarding is not a very pleasant situation.

According to statistics, Suitcases are more often lost during connecting flights. This is due to the fact that large airports are heavily loaded and staff do not have time to load them onto the connecting board.

If so, don't panic. You need to leave a corresponding missing person report. Most likely, you will receive the property on the next plane.

Take it on board necessary items. This will allow you to hold out until your suitcases are returned.

Also exceptions should be taken into account:

  • Some carriers have rules for carrying luggage that differ from standard provisions;
  • not all airports are technically equipped to reload bags from one flight to another;
  • if your suitcases contain items that require mandatory declaration, you must receive and return the items yourself;
  • if there is no corresponding agreement between partner companies.

When planning a flight with a connection, check with your chosen airline about the issue of baggage - how your suitcases will be reloaded from one side to another.

If you planned the transfer yourself, calculate the time to catch the next flight.