Essay description: My city, where I live. School essay. the place where I live Several interesting essays

Each of us has our own homeland, where we can gain strength for new achievements, where we can take a break from working days, where we are valued, loved and always welcome. No matter how far away the country we are in, we always want to return home, to our Motherland, where our life began, where our most precious and memorable moments remained.

I was born in beautiful country called Russia. I can safely call myself a patriot, because I love my country very much. For me, this is the best place on earth, because this is where my relatives live, my parents who gave me life, I grow and live here. Russia is a great country with endless possibilities. I have a hard time understanding those people who are so eager to leave here, as if everything will be much better in another country. Why do they leave the country if we have everything to realize our plans, career growth and a successful future? There are many beautiful cities in Russia, such as St. Petersburg, fascinating villages and villages, but the most important city in the country is Moscow.

When we go on vacation with my family, I really miss my native streets, I always remember the places where I walked with friends, the green parks that delight with their landscapes. Far from home, you begin to understand how dear your home country is to your heart. It’s so good to come home and feel cozy and warm.

What does Motherland mean? Everyone has their own definition of this word. For some, this is the country where you were born, for others, this is a city or village, where family and closest friends live, where they spent their childhood and the most unique moments associated with it. This is an irreplaceable and the best place on Earth for each of us.

What is the beginning of the Motherland? Everyone will answer this question differently, since everyone has their own, unique answer. I was born and growing up in the best country in the world, which is called Russia. I can call myself a patriot because I adore my country. There is no better place for me than my home, where my family lives, my parents, thanks to whom I live in the world. Russia is a country that opens up a huge number of opportunities for you. I don’t quite understand those who are so eager to travel outside the country, as if life there would be much better.

Our country has beautiful nature with huge forests and fields, beautiful architecture, monuments, history. Even visiting tourists admire the beauty of Russian nature, so we need to take care of everything that surrounds us. The lands of Russia are rich in all kinds of minerals, so many resources are mined here. The people of Russia are very hospitable, and in addition, we are always ready to help anyone in difficult times. Also, our country is a country where many nations and nationalities live. And how many holidays and traditions our people have! Thousands. A National cuisine? What a variety of aromatic and tasty dishes are presented. Our cuisine simply cannot be compared with any other cuisine in the world.

I am really proud of my country, of our people, of traditions and customs. We are an invincible country, we are strong in spirit and always ready to help in difficult times. We must appreciate and protect our Motherland, be proud that we were born and live in this country. After all, my homeland is the place where I live.

On the day of the Holy Trinity, May 27, 1703, Peter founded a fortress on the island, which the Swedes called Merry, and the Finns called Hare. This day is considered the birthday of St. Petersburg. New fortress did not immediately acquire a name. There was no time to think about this - the Swedes could attack. The Emperor consulted with military engineer Joseph Lambertin and drew up a plan. The general design of the fortress corresponded to the shores of Hare Island - an elongated hexagon. The builders of the fortress were recruited from peasants, soldiers and captured Swedes.

The nights were white, and by order of Menshikov, the builders were woken up at four o'clock in the morning by cannon shots. The work turned out to be backbreaking. But a month later, on June 29, on the day of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, the completion of the earthen buildings was solemnly celebrated. On one of the bastions, in special wooden chambers, all working people were treated. On this day, a cathedral was laid inside the fortress, which was called Peter and Paul Cathedral.

WITH Peter and Paul Fortress The construction of the future city began, to which Peter attached great importance and figuratively called paradise. And the king’s heavenly patron, the Apostle Peter, is traditionally considered the keeper of the keys to heaven. This is how the city on the Neva – St. Petersburg – got its name. About 6 million people live in modern St. Petersburg. B summer time The population increases significantly due to tourists who come from different countries. The northern capital changed its name several times over the 300 years of its existence: St. Petersburg, Petrograd, Leningrad. Since 1991, its historical name has been returned. St. Petersburg was the capital of Russia for 206 years: from 1710 to 1918.

Peter really wanted the new city to be like the famous Amsterdam, the capital of Holland, where people did not travel in strollers, but sailed in boats. St. Petersburg was immediately built up according to the tsar’s unified plan, as if by the shot of a cannon. And the king loved everything regular and direct. He drew three straight lines on the map, like rays converging towards the Neva, and called them prospects. These main streets, like wings, stretched towards the river. One prospect later became Nevsky Prospekt. He also divided Vasilyevsky Island with straight lines, like arrows. Amsterdam did not work out from St. Petersburg; even the Grand Canal on Vasilievsky Island was filled up after the death of the Tsar and made into a Grand Avenue. But visitors are still surprised by the straight streets in the city center. In 13 European cities, the historical center usually consists of crooked streets, like illegible handwriting.

In St. Petersburg, monuments are still being erected today, and unusual ones at that. For example, a cast-iron street cat climbed onto the cornice of the second floor like a thief. He is quite small, but very charming. The sculptors placed the kind dog Gavryusha in the courtyard of the house. And so that everyone would know that Gavryusha, although made of metal, is still the kindest dog in the world, a Dream Box was hung above him on the wall of the house. Anyone can describe a dream and put a note in the crack of the box.

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Lopatina Sophia. Polytechnic boarding school, Yoshkar-Ola, Republic of Mari El, Russia
Essay in English with translation. Nomination My world.

The Place I Live in

If you look at the map of our country you will see a small region just in the center of its European part, in the middle flow of the Volga River. It is the Republic of Mari El with its capital Yoshkar-Ola. Although it is only four hundred kilometers away from Nizhny Novgorod, about two hundred kilometers away from Kazan it is not as widely known as these cities. Of course, there are many other beautiful places in our country which are famous for their picturesque landscapes, distinguished traditions and interesting places to visit. Nevertheless, the Republic of Mari El is a popular destination for tourists who enjoy nature because it is one of the most ecologically clean areas of the European part of Russia with over two hundred lakes, 476 rivers, diverse flora and fauna and forests which cover 57 % of republic's territory. It has become a lot more popular in recent years since people are more and more interested in ecotourism

One of the most popular places to visit is State Natural National Park Marii Chodra which was established in 1985. This national park is located in the Ilet valley 80 km from Yoshkar-Ola with an area of ​​366 kilometers which is used in environmental, educational, scientific or cultural purposes as well as for regulated tourism. There are fourteen tourist routes in the park; the most popular attractions are such lakes as Yalchik, Glukhoye, and Kichiyer. There is also one place here which has a historical background The Maple Mountain, with Pugachov`s Oak. According to the legend it is the place where Pugachev who led the peasant war in the XIX century, going back to the republic of Mari after the defeat in the battle of Kazan had some rest with his people under the oak. Pugachov personally watched the burning of Kazan from this oak. There are more than fourteen tourist centers in Mariy Chodra There visitors can enjoy such activities as horse riding, rafting on the Ilet and Yushut Rivers boating, fishing, and mushrooming.

Another National Reserve is the Bolshaya Kokshaga, where visitors can find virgin forests and observe local wildlife. Nowadays many Russian and foreign scientists carry out different researches studying the unique nature of the Bolshaya Kokshaga. It was established in 1993. The history of the Bolshaya Kokshaga started with the reserve area which was completely destroyed by the fire in 1972. Despite the fact that there were plenty of swamps this drought was a reason of fire. In this nature reserve famous oaks grow. In recent years in Western Europe oak groves began to disappeare quickly whole forests dried out. The reason for this phenomenon is not established yet, and on this background oak groves of Mari El seem like real oasis. In this regard, Mari forests are under the security of scientists and environmentalists, including foreign ones. That is why any kind of work is forbidden here even trees which fall because of old age or after a storm are not removed as it is against the rules of the nature environment. These two places are not the only places to visit but they are probably the most famous ones.

One more place which is located in the southwestern part of Mari El on the left bank of the great and beautiful river Volga between the ancient cities Kozmodemyansk and Vasilsursk is called Yurino. It is a small settlement where your attention can be attracted by a castle with towers, windows of colored stained glass and a winter garden, above which you can see a glass dome on a huge ring with 7 columns. There are almost 100 apartments in the castle, among them "Picture gallery", "Orient cabinet", "Oak room", "Skobelevsky hall". The castle is an amazing part of the landscape with a green park of pine trees and curly birches. It is Sheremetevo Castle which has a long and exciting past and that is why it is a very popular tourist attraction today. In the past, the village Yurino was called Archangel Village. During the war with Napoleon Yurino together with surrounding land was bought by the richest landowner of Nizhny Novgorod region Vasily Sergeyevich Sheremetyev who was a nephew of the famous Marshal Boris

Petrovich Sheremetyev. Since the designers who worked here were mostly from Germany, it looks like a European medieval castle with some traits of Gothic, Orient, Romanesque and Ancient Russian styles. The owners of the castle bought unique and antique French and Vinetskii furniture abroad, different statues, a collection of rare books and paintings made by great artists from all over the world. The castle was being built for many years. Now it takes an area of ​​60 hectares. Sheremetevo Castle is a very interesting historical site and definitely well worth a visit. It is one place you must not miss if you get the chance to go to the Republic of Mari El. The castle is the place where you can see how Russians landowners, landlords and rich people lived at the end of XIX and at the beginning of XX centuries. Like many other castles it has its own myths and legends. Some tourists and a lot of local people say what they have seen the ghost which lives here. It is also a great way to have a rest from a usual boring life and dream about living in a big castle like this.

Whatever the reason for your visit to our republic is, it will certainly be memorable. You will find many more interesting places and things to see if you come here.

If you look at the map of our country, you can see a small region in the center of the European part, in the middle reaches of the Volga River. This is the Republic of Mari El with its capital city of Yoshkar-Ola. Although Nizhny Novgorod is only about four hundred kilometers away, and Kazan is about two hundred kilometers away, the republic is not as widely known as these cities. Of course, there are many other beautiful places in our country that are famous for their picturesque landscapes, unusual traditions and interesting places to visit. However, the Mari El Republic is a popular destination for tourists who love nature because it is one of the most environmentally friendly regions of European Russia with more than two hundred lakes, 476 rivers, a variety of flora and fauna and forests that cover 57% of the territory republics. It has become much more popular in recent years as more and more people are interested in eco-tourism.

One of the most popular places for visiting it is considered a state natural national park Mari Chodra, which was created in 1985. This national park is located in the valley of the Ilet River, 80 km from Yoshkar-Ola, its area is 366 kilometers, which is used for environmental, educational, scientific and cultural purposes, as well as for regulated tourism. There are fourteen in the park tourist routes, and the most popular attractions are lakes Yalchik, Glukhoe, and Kichier. There is also a place here that has historical roots - this is Maple Mountain and the Pugachev Oak. According to legend, this is the place where Pugachev, who led a peasant uprising in the 19th century, returning to the Republic of Mari after defeat at the Battle of Kazan, stopped to rest with his men under an oak tree. Pugachev personally observed the burning of Kazan from this oak tree. There are more than fourteen tourist centers in Mari Chodra, where visitors can ride a horse, go boating on the Ilet and Yushut rivers, go fishing and look for mushrooms.

Another national reserve is Bolshaya Kokshaga, where visitors can find virgin forests and watch wildlife. Currently, many Russian and foreign scientists are conducting various studies to study the unique nature of Bolshaya Kokshaga. The park was created in 1993. The history of Bolshaya Kokshagi began with the reserve, which was completely destroyed by fire in 1972. Despite the fact that there were many swamps in the vicinity of the reserve, drought caused the fire. The famous oak trees grow in this reserve. In recent years, oak groves in Western Europe have begun to rapidly disappear, and entire forests have dried out. The reason for this phenomenon has not yet been established, and against this background the oak groves of Mari El seem like a real oasis. In this regard, the Mari forests are under the protection of scientists and ecologists, including foreign ones. That is why any work is prohibited here, even trees that fall due to their age or after a hurricane are not removed, since this is contrary to the rules of the natural environment. These two places are not the only places to visit, but are probably some of the most famous in our republic.

A place that is located in the southwestern part of the Mari El Republic, on the left bank of the great and beautiful river The Volga between the ancient cities of Kozmodemyansk and Vasilsursk is called Yurino. This is a small village where your attention can be attracted by the castle with towers, stained glass windows, winter garden, above which you can see a glass dome on a huge ring with seven columns. The castle has almost 100 rooms, among them an art gallery, an eastern office, an oak room, and Skobelev’s office. The castle is part of an amazing landscape with a green park of pine trees and curly birches. This is Sheremetyevo Castle, which has a long and interesting history, and that is why it is a very popular tourist attraction today. In the past Yurino was called Arkhangelsk village. During the war with Napoleon, Yurino, along with the surrounding lands, was purchased by the richest landowner of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Vasily Sergeevich Sheremetev, who was the nephew of the famous Marshal Boris Petrovich Sheremetev. Since the designers who worked here were mainly from Germany, the building looks like a European medieval castle with characteristic features of Gothic, Oriental, Romanesque and Old Russian styles. The owners of the castle bought unique and antique furniture from France and Venice, various statues, collections of rare books and paintings made by great artists from all over the world. The castle was built over many years. Now it covers an area of ​​60 hectares. Sheremetyevsky Castle is very interesting historical monument and is definitely worth a visit. This is one of the places you should not miss if you get the chance to travel to the Mari El Republic. The castle is a place where you can see how Russian landowners, landowners and rich people lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Like many other castles, it has its own myths and legends. Some tourists and many local residents they say they saw a ghost who lives here. It's also a great way to take a break from your usual boring life and dream of living in a big castle like this one.

Whatever the reason for your visit to our republic, it will certainly be memorable. You will find many more interesting places and things to see if you come here.

I live in a large and spacious private house. We have our own yard, which my dad, mom and I equipped according to our wishes. But despite this, I am always interested in going out and meeting my friends.

It so happened historically that in every house on our street there are children, also my peers. Therefore, when we all go out together, there are about 20 of us. Imagine how much fun we have. We don't have to be bored.

Our street is long and not very wide and it can offer us a lot of entertainment. On one side there is an unfinished and abandoned building. It has a roof and walls. We equipped this building as our headquarters, surrounded it with a fence, and put things in order inside. Each of the guys brought something interesting from home. I was able to take the telescope. We installed it in convenient location, and every evening we look at the starry sky.

Our dads helped us build a large wooden table, at which we often have tea. The abandoned building is overgrown with large and mighty trees on all sides, so they protect us from the wind and extreme heat.

There is also a large playground on our street. Recently, the mayor of our city came and opened it, cutting the red ribbon. Oh, how happy we were all. The new playground has slides, swings, and a variety of spinners on which we can ride until we get dizzy.

Walking a little further along the street, we can see a large green area. This is a garden with fruit trees. The guys and I decided that we would look after him. And he, in gratitude, brings us magnificent fruits - sweet and juicy pears, apples and plums. There are several trees with peaches. There are many bushes with grapes in the garden. So, this outdoor garden feeds us vitamins and tasty treats every year.

How I love my street, where so many good people and my true friends live.