Saltworks Nekrasovskoe. The museum is open daily. Interactive programs - RUR per person

The museum is open daily

from 10.00 to 18.00.

Tours are available by appointment. You can sign up for a tour of the museum by calling: 8(920)117-34-08

Entrance ticket to the museum with an individual excursion - 150 rubles

The landscape and ethnographic “Saltworks Museum” is a whole complex, which is a reconstruction of a 13th-century brewery yard. It is located on the territory, in the depths of which there is still a huge multilayer deposit of rock, potassium and magnesium salts. Until the end of the 17th century, salt mining in these places was the main source of income for the local population.

In our museum you will see how brine was extracted from special wells, how valuable salt was evaporated using simple devices, and you will be able to take part in its production yourself.

In the salt barn you will learn about the various ways of using salt in Rus'. We will not only tell you about the intricacies of making cooperage utensils for pickling food for the winter, but also about their benefits for the body, but we will also offer you to taste our own pickles according to ancient recipes. Plus, you'll discover some very creative ways to use salt.

The exhibition in the Russian upper room is dedicated to the meaning of salt in Russian culture: signs, proverbs, sayings, rituals that have become part of our everyday life since the 13th century. Here is a unique collection of salt shakers: from ancient birch bark ones, which were a symbol of prosperity, to modern ones that stand on our tables. We will also offer you to try and purchase healing Thursday salt, and we will tell you how our ancestors made it on the night before Easter.

Prices until 09/01/2018

Price list

(Nekrasovskoe village)
(Dedicated to Russian salt production on the land of Yaroslavl...)

Excursion program on Salt Island (visit to the only landscape-ethnographic “Saltworks Museum” in Russia (on Klevensky meadow):
“Oh, you, guest-guests, welcome, welcome and long-awaited, you have found yourself in distant, distant and fabulous lands - in the Great Salt, in the land of clear waters, deep salty rivers, where fish are caught in the salt of weak and strong, and on the ridges grow pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. And on the island, in the middle of the Solonitsa River, a little thing is waiting for you, not simple, not free - a salt shaker, full of wealth and happiness!”

Salty history of the Yaroslavl-Kostroma mountain road (Great Salt Road); the development of salt production (starting from the Permian period) - the main and long-forgotten industry of our ancestors (“The plowman and the salt worker are the main people in Rus',” says the proverb); the origins of salt pans in Rus';
- salt making industry in Bolshiye Soli settlement - a 17th-century brewery yard (Tsarskaya salt brewhouse, brine well); the secrets of finding the most salty places, improving the technology of brine evaporation;
- the Solonitsa River, replete with brackish springs and springs, is a natural monument in which brackish-water microorganisms are found that are not found in ordinary rivers middle zone Russia;
- a fascinating tour of the Salt Shakers Museum in the Russian Upper Room (a collection of salt shakers, the “cleanest” and healthiest salt - Black, - prepared according to an old Russian recipe + tasting);
- a visit to the salt barn, where you will learn about the ancient secrets of preserving food for future use.

Individual excursion - rub. per person (pensioners and children - rub. per person)

Interactive programs - RUB per person.

Interactive programs of the Great Salt Museum (for groups)

1. "One day at the Salt Varnitsa" 1,5 hour.

Program cost:

2. Adult entertainment"Tea in Russian" 1 hour .

Program cost:

3. Children's entertainment program (quest game) "Search for treasure on Salt Island" 1,5 hour

Program cost:

4. Holiday programs: “Visiting Grandfather Solemoz”, “Peasant Maslenitsa”, “Easter Week in Big Salt Posad”

Program cost:

External excursions (for groups)

1. Visit to the Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God(1700) – unique frescoes, blessed salt as a symbol of Bolshiye Soli Posad – rub./gr.; duration – 40 min.

2. Visit to the Nekrasovsky Museum of Local Lore (“Tea Room”, “Golden Room” and other exhibitions) – rub./person. (adult), rub./person (children) - entry tickets, rub./gr. – excursion service(up to 25 people), rub./g. – over 25 people.

3. Sightseeing tour By historical center Nekrasovskoye settlement (Bolshiye Soli settlement of the 19th century) – rub./gr.; duration – 40 min.

4. Visit to the temple of Soothing my sorrows (list from the icon of Soothing my sorrows, wooden “airy” iconostasis) – rub./gr. + master class on bell ringing – rub./g.; duration – 40 min.

5. Visit to the Nikolo-Babaevsky Monastery on the Volga - rub./gr.; duration – 1 hour.
A visit to the mineral salty consecrated spring (have a container for healing mineral water) – included in the price of visiting the Nikolo-Babaevsky Monastery.

6. Rural estate “Museum of the Rural Worker” in the village of Alferovo (secrets of organizing an apiary and breeding bees; treatment with bee products (propolis, API and lithotherapy, pollen, royal jelly);

Master classes (for groups)

1. Master class on working with clay from the Romanov family of folk craftsmen (making salt shakers) rub./person; duration – 1.5 hours.

2. Master class on making a talisman doll “Bolshesolka” (Material: thread and salt. Cost RUB per person; duration - 1 hour).

3. Club "Equiterra" Excursion to the stables, dressage, horse riding.

4. Art Gallery Master class - panels made from natural materials.

At the master classes, you will be invited to make amazing souvenirs and crafts with your own hands from improvised and natural materials.

Cost: Excursion - rub. Excursion + master class - rub.