Methods for winding line on a spool. How to fix the reel on the rod so that it holds securely Installing the fishing line on a spinning reel

This is a fairly simple action that any beginner can do. Necessary unscrew the mount And insert coil in a special holder on the spinning handle. After that it is necessary tighten the ring so that it presses the base of the coil. Tighten it tightly so that the coil does not hang out.

However, do not apply excessive force so as not to strip the thread, which is made of plastic.

How to wind a fishing line

To do this, you must perform the following steps.

  • Pull the tip of the line through the rings of the spinning rod, starting with the smallest one located at the top of the rod.
  • Fold out the line guide ring and tie the line to the spool. This is best done with a special self-tightening knot.
  • To make it, you need to make a double loop and tighten it on the spool. The protruding tip of the fishing line must be cut off.
  • Next, you need to properly wind the fishing line on the spool. To do this, you need to create a slight tension. It is convenient to wind the line together with a partner who holds the reel of line in his hands and controls the resistance. If there is no assistant, you can do it yourself by putting the coil in your pocket.
  • You can also pass the line through the fingers of the hand with which you hold the spinning rod, and with the other turn the handle of the reel.
  • It is also not worth creating excessive tension, as this is fraught with the formation of knots and uneven winding.
  • It is recommended to wind the fishing line without stopping and constantly monitor the process.
  • The winding process must be completed at the moment when approximately 25-30 millimeters remain to the edge of the spool. This is considered its optimal filling. It is not recommended to reel in more lines, as this can create some problems (the appearance of knots, the line jumping off the spool when casting).

Helpful advice! After the end of fishing, you need to make one idle cast. In it, raise the rod perpendicular to the ground, and slowly rotate the reel handle to wind the line. This will allow it to dry and lay correctly on the spool. A nice bonus in such cases can be a bite, which happens quite often!

How to set up

This is probably the main point in pre-setting your spinning rod. A lot will depend on it.

Correctly tuned coil prevent line breakage And allows you to catch big fish.

Almost all inertialess reels are equipped with a friction brake, which allows you to adjust the force.

At a certain load, the spool begins to scroll and bleed the line. This is necessary to "extinguish" the jerks of large fish.

There are two types of regulator location - on top of the spool and on the bottom of the reel. The second option is practically not used in new models, although it is quite common among spinners.

It is necessary to adjust the friction clutch based on the breaking force of the fishing line. For example, if it can withstand real 7 kilograms, then the friction brake must be adjusted to 4-5 kg. This will allow, in the event of a jerk of a fish with a capacity of 7-8 kilograms, to keep the fishing line safe and play it into the reservoir under the pressure of a predator. To do this, it is necessary to fill the spool completely.

3 ways to increase your fish catch

There are many ways to increase your fish catch, but the most effective ones are the ones. Below, the editors of the site share with you the 3 most effective ways to increase your catch:

  1. . This is a pheromone-based supplement that activates receptors in fish. ATTENTION! Rybnadzor wants to ban this bait!
  2. Less effectively work out any other bait with flavors, it is better if they contain pheromones. But it's best to use novelty 2016 — !
  3. Learning different fishing techniques. For example, it is written about spinning postings.

For adjustment, you can use weights from conventional scales that are hung on the end of the fishing line. Experienced anglers set up the drag a little differently. This can be done while fishing.

  • Fully equip the spinning rod and hang a lure on it.
  • Hook it to a tree or other object.
  • Step back 5-10 meters and pull the spinning in such a way as if you were playing a fish.
  • Apply maximum tension to the tension (the rod should bend into an arc), and gradually release the clutch until the ratchet is activated.
  • Don't pull too hard, as you can break the rod.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in attaching the reel to the rod and setting it up, and any beginner will have to follow these steps.

But, it is very difficult to overestimate their importance, since success in fighting a large trophy may depend on this. Good luck fishing!

How to wind the fishing line on the spool, see the video. Enjoy watching!

Of course, every self-respecting angler should know how to use a spinning reel installed on his rod, what loads it is designed for, what can be expected from it in a given situation and how it needs to be set up for effective operation.

Due to their versatility, they are in high demand among different categories of fishermen, so manufacturers produce different models that can better meet their needs. Consider the most important nuances that need to be considered when operating inertialess.

Its device and important parameters

In order to better understand how to use a fishing reel, it is useful to know what it consists of, its structure and the main differences from other types of reels. You need to know that they are of three main types:

  1. (the most simple and reliable mechanism).
  2. This is a more complex mechanism that has much in common with inertial coils, but stands apart.

At the same time, it is important to learn that if you know well, for example, how to properly use a multiplier reel, or a standard inertial one, this does not mean that you will work just as well with an inertialess one.

Each spinner consists of the following main parts:

  1. Frame, made in one piece with the mounting foot. Usually it is made of aluminum alloys or high quality plastic. It houses the elements of the main mechanism.
  2. Rotor with a shackle of the line-laying device and a mechanism for its automatic folding. The main function is to wind the line on the spool.
  3. Spool, where the volume of the fishing line is located. They are also made of aluminum alloys or high-quality abrasion-resistant plastic.
  4. Rotating handle. With its help, the angler sets in motion the entire mechanism of the reel. Thanks to her, this type of coils is often called "meat grinders" by the people. They really do have a distant resemblance.

In addition, one can single out friction brake, which serves to regulate the load sufficient to rotate the rotor when hooking a large fish or when hooking. The adjusting screw of this mechanism on an inertialess reel can be located in front - from the end of the spool, or behind.

Expert opinion

Knipovich Nikolai Mikhailovich

Attention! You need to be very careful when initially winding the fishing line (braided cord) onto the spool of a spinning reel. The fishing line should lie evenly, without overlaps and mixing of layers, which often happens when it is excessively tensioned. This will allow you to produce better casts and wiring baits.

The main difference between this type of coils and inertial coils is that:

  1. Main axis, on which the drum is fixed, in working condition is located parallel to the axis of the rod. For inertial coils and for multipliers - perpendicularly.
  2. When casting bait line descends freely from the end of the fixed spool. There is no rotation of the drum, which means that there is no inertia force that usually occurs during rotation.

In addition to understanding the device and the principle of operation of the coil, it is important to know its main quality parameters, according to which the consumer features of each model are evaluated. They must be taken into account both when purchasing it in a store, and directly, when equipping and catching it. These options include:

  1. mechanism. This parameter indicates the number of revolutions of the rotor during one full revolution of the handle. It is applied in the form of a ratio of certain numbers to the case, for example: 4.6:1, 5.3:1.
  2. Number of bearings involved in the mechanism. The more of them, the more smoothly and stably the coil works.
  3. Spool capacity. This characteristic is also indicated on the body and shows the amount of fishing line of a certain section for which it is designed. For example, the number 1500 indicates that this reel will place 100 m of 1.5 mm line on its spool.
  4. The material from which the spool is made. In more expensive, professional models, these tend to be more durable and practical aluminum alloys.
  5. Dimensions and weight of the coil.

It is important to know that according to the number indicating the capacity of the spool you can compare the power of different mechanisms. So, the reel with the designation 3500 is more powerful than the reel with the designation 3000, which means that it is designed for heavier tackle and catching stronger fish.

When fishing with spinning, this characteristic determines which rod it should be placed on for greater efficiency and harmony of tackle, light or heavier, and how to use the spinning reel.

Advantages and disadvantages of inertialess models

This type of fishing reel is rightfully considered the most common and easiest to operate, but they, like almost every mechanical design, have their strengths and weaknesses. Their strengths include the following:

  1. Versatility. With the right selection of such a reel, you can effectively catch both the lightest and rather heavy lures.
  2. Opportunity perform slow and fast wiring, quickly changing, if necessary, the pace.
  3. High sensitivity. A properly tuned coil will allow you to react in time to any bite.
  4. The presence of an adjustable friction brake. This in some cases allows you to save the tackle from the cliff.

The negative properties of such a mechanism include the following:

  1. Enough complex structure requiring careful handling.
  2. Perceptible line wear due to its intense friction on the sides of the spool during casting.
  3. Significant price some models.

It should be noted that in recent years the quality and functionality of these coils has increased markedly, especially in the expensive segment.

Basic principles of using the coil

Before you start actively exploiting your coil, you need to do the following three steps:

  1. Install it on the rod. It is important that after installation it is held as securely and tightly as possible, without play.
  2. It is important that the top layer of the wound line does not reach the top edge of the spool bead by 1.5-2 mm, this will provide a more efficient, without delay, its coming off during casting.
  3. Adjust friction brake mechanism. It should work before the line breaks.

After that, it can be used, making long-range and accurate casts, high-quality wiring of baits and reliable retention of hooked trophies on the hook.

After mastering the theoretical knowledge on how to use this type of spinning reel, you need to move on to practice as soon as possible. Particular importance at the initial stage should be given to the technique of correctly casting baits. The remaining elements of working with it (wiring technique, hooking, fish withdrawal) are learned later.

Expert opinion

Knipovich Nikolai Mikhailovich

Zoologist, hydrobiologist. I am a professional fisherman.

Attention! With any cast, you need to make sure that there are no strangers near you, whom you can harm with sharp hooks or fishing line. It is also very important to avoid when casting a hook on the surrounding trees, shrubs, etc.

Casting bait using coils of this type can be carried out in the following ways:

  1. Over my head(vertically). This is the most amplitude, requiring a lot of free space above your head, method.
  2. Horizontally, from the convenient side.
  3. Rolling(pendulum).

Some anglers are still mastering the casting method according to the principle catapults, with a preliminary bend of the rod, but it is quite complex and not in demand.

The most popular is vertical casting.. It is both the most long-range and the most accurate, provided that the angler has mastered the technique of its implementation well enough. The algorithm for its implementation is as follows:

  1. By turning the handle of the reel, you need to lower the bait 0.7 - 1.2 m from the tip of the rod.
  2. We fold back the line laying bail and immediately fix the line with the index finger, pressing it to the rod in a convenient place next to the handle.
  3. Next - carefully wind the rod behind your back.
  4. We make a throw of the bait forward with the simultaneous release of the fishing line from fixation with a finger.

At the final stage of the cast, while the bait is flying towards the target, the tip of the rod should be in the right direction, preferably in line with the line. After landing the bait, you need to turn the handle of the reel to automatically return the line stacker to its working position.

Horizontal (side) casting it is done in almost the same way, but the retraction of the rod behind the back is carried out not in a vertical, but in a horizontal plane. This is necessary if, for example, tree branches are located on top, and there is free space on the side for the necessary manipulations.

pendulum casting often needed when fishing from a steep bank or from the side of a boat. It is done as follows:

  1. We release the bait at 1 - 1.4 m from the tip of the rod, depending on its total length, the availability of free space and the required casting distance.
  2. We recline the line stacker and fix the fishing line with your finger.
  3. We swing the bait with a fishing rod and cast it, releasing the fixed fishing line in the upper part of its amplitude.

The bait with such a cast at the initial stage flies upwards, which allows experienced anglers, if necessary, to throw minor obstacles in its path.

After casting the bait, by rotating the handle of the reel in a certain rhythm, its wiring is carried out. At the same time, to give it the right game, the rod is manipulated.

When fishing on a spinning rod, the combination of the necessary wiring with different manipulations of the rod allows you to make very high-quality, effective wiring of lures.

Useful video

Below we will watch a video on how to cast spinning lures:

A spinning reel deserves to be treated with respect. Even a very simple, budget model can, with proper handling, significantly expand your ability to catch different types of fish, both near the shore and at long distances, both from the shore and from the boat.

Knipovich Nikolai Mikhailovich

Zoologist, hydrobiologist. Graduated from Leningrad State University named after Zhdanov, Faculty of Biology and Soil. I am a professional fisherman.

Proper spinning equipment and gear management is a big contributor to the success of your spinning fishing. About how to manage the tackle and make the right equipment - further.

Spinning transportation rules

First of all, for the safety of your spinning - use a special tube. Most models of spinning rods consist of two sections, the length of which is more than a meter. The tube will reliably protect the spinning from the possibility of breakage of the rod tip, besides, it is a very convenient way of transportation.

Make sure you buy a spinning tube with a reel, as this option is much more convenient than a rod-only tube.

The process of winding fishing line on a spool

The winding of the fishing line on the reel is carried out as follows:

  1. Put the reel on the spinning rod and pass the end of the fishing line through all the rings, starting with the smallest one, gradually reaching the reel itself.
  2. Fold the bail of the line stacker (in this state of the reel, the fishing line can easily both enter the reel and unwind from it.
  3. There is a special fastening on the spool for the end of the fishing line (a stopper, usually in the form of a triangle), fix the fishing line (or make a regular knot by wrapping the reel drum, but the first option is preferable.
  4. After that, you can fold the line handle back to its original position and start winding the line onto the spool by rotating the spool handle.

It is necessary to wind almost to the edge of the spool, leaving 1-1.5 millimeters. This will allow you to easily drop the line during the cast and at the same time will not allow the line to fly off the spool on its own creating unnecessary loops and knots.

How to use a spinning reel

Before casting - press the line with your finger and tip the line handle

There is nothing complicated in handling a spinning reel with a spinning reel:

  1. Before casting, make sure the lure is tied tightly to the end of the line or to the swivel that connects the line and the lure. It allows the line not to twist, thereby the bait behaves more naturally during the wiring.
  2. By lowering the fishing line from the spool, or winding the reel by turning the handle, ensure that the bait is about 1-1.5 meters from the tip of the spinning rod.
  3. Now, with your index finger, press the fishing line that goes from the reel to the first ring and fold back the line handle. Now the spool is in a free state, if you release your finger, the line will begin to reel.
  4. Make a swing, not necessarily strong, just take the tip of the rod behind your back or to the side. Now bitingly (for the first time not necessarily strong) wave the rod forward, pointing with the tip where the bait needs to fly and at the very last moment release the finger that holds the line.
  5. The line will start to come off the spool, and the bait will fly to the place where you cast.
  6. Immediately after the bait lands in the water, fold the line handle to the standard position so that the line does not continue to leave the spool and a “beard” does not form.

You need to reel in the line by rotating the reel, depending on the type of your wiring. If you want to fish along the bottom, wait for the bait to fall to the bottom, holding the line in tension, after falling to the bottom, the line will sag a little, at this moment you need to start wiring.

If you want to fish from above, you need to start wiring immediately after the bait falls into the water and quickly reel in.

When casting, be sure to keep an eye on where your bait is before the final swing so that you don’t inadvertently hook your fishing mates, for example in a boat where there is not much room to swing.

Use a swivel

A swivel (anti-twist) is a miniature device that will allow your fishing line not to twist from the rotation of spinners, spinners, devons, oscillating lures and other spinning lures.

Also, the swivel often has a convenient clasp, thanks to which you can easily change the bait without unnecessary line breaks and another tying.

Use a leash to guard against pike teeth

A leash for fishing on spinning often plays the role of a stronger section of fishing line at the lure attachment. It is designed to prevent the possibility of biting the fishing line with the sharp teeth of a predator.

The leash should be made of durable material, stronger than the main line and at the same time it is desirable that it be less noticeable in the water.

In the case of catching asp and other predators that are not able to boast of sharp teeth, you can not use a leash, especially if your main line is not very noticeable in the water. But when catching toothy pike, zander and other hunters, it is extremely important to use a leash, otherwise you will sooner or later be left without bait and fish.

Rigid leashes can spoil the game of light lures (for fishing with a wobbler, popper and other light baits, it is advisable to use special elastic leashes).

Spinning is one of the simplest gear at first glance. It's really easy to set it up. But the level of your resourcefulness while fishing will depend on your skills. The correct wiring of baits and the correct choice of them greatly increase the chances of catching freshwater predators.

Winding the fishing line on the reel is one of the main guarantees of successful fishing, since if the winding system is incorrect, the line fiber will become tangled or broken. It is for this reason that it is required to know the correct winding systematics, as well as be able to use special devices that can facilitate this task.

Winding profile

Different models of coils have certain profile shapes or profiles. There are several profile forms:

  • cylindrical profile shape;
  • reverse conical shape, having an extension in the direction of the front bobbin side;
  • a straight conical shape having a narrowing in the direction of the front bobbin side;
  • a chaotic profile form, which is available on almost all Chinese coils that have a cheap price.

Adjusting the profile is quite easy if you follow the correct order, and also know all the intricacies of adjusting the coil profile. Typically, a cylindrical or reverse conical profile shape is used for spinning. On the example of these species, we will consider the systematics of adjustment.

View one

  • The adjusting washer of the coil with the brake friction system of the front type is located on the axis, having a mount for the bobbin mechanism, as well as above the ratchet sprocket device;
  • The reel kit includes from two to six washers of various thicknesses;
  • Increasing the size of the washer, the profile winding ratio changes in the direction of a straight conical shape., and with a decrease in the size of the washers, the change occurs to the shape of an inverse conical type.
  • Unscrew the bobbin mechanism, while the friction clutch must rotate counterclockwise;
  • The bobbin mechanism is removed from axial location;
  • Install or remove the required number of washers, while it is possible to remove the star-ratchet device, since there is a need for an ideal geometric position.

Second view

  • Adjusting washer with rear friction brake at the usual location, it should be in the bobbin device itself;
  • Adjustment is reverse to the front brake system, that is, with an increase in the size of the washer, a movement is made towards the reverse conical shape, and with a decrease - towards the straight conical shape.

Installing or removing a washer requires:

  • the bobbin mechanism is removed;
  • the special nut is unscrewed in the foreground of the bobbin device;
  • the locking mechanism of the adjusting washer is removed;
  • the required number of washers is removed or installed.

The reel set includes from two to six washers of various thicknesses

Backing application

The backing device is a layer-by-layer imposition of some material on the base, on which the fishing line is subsequently wound. It is required to increase the spool diametrical section, and this saves fishing line, since numerous turns are not required.

Backing is necessary due to the fact that the volume of the bobbin device cannot be suitable for all types of line fibers. Thus, with a volume of fishing line that is less than a capacious bobbin size, a winding device for a line base in the form of a backing is used.

Several materials are used as backing:

  • braided cord;
  • kapron thread;
  • strong duct tape.

A common use of backing is to add wind up to the required level, after which further rewinding continues.

Winding is carried out with increased density so that a failure does not form in the forest base. For fastening to the fiber, several forms of nodes are used:

  • blood ties;
  • grinner;
  • Peter Minenko's knot.

Winding is carried out with increased density so that a failure does not form in the forest base.

How to tie line to a spool

Tying a backing device or line fiber to the spool device is mandatory, as this avoids the disruption of a large fish specimen, as well as the scrolling of the line fiber on the spool device when winding or fishing fish. Additionally, an electrical tape or a regular piece of plaster is glued in the direction of the winding.

Binding is carried out:

  • with a self-tightening double loop;
  • with the help of a clinch;
  • using similar knots, but the first two types of knot shape are the best options.

Winding fishing line: do it right

The winding of the forest fiber must be carried out subject to certain rules. In addition, it is required to observe the correct order of winding systematics:

  1. A reel device is installed on the first-knee spinning part, while the bobbin mechanism is removed. The main fishing line is threaded into a ring spinning shape and tied to the bobbin mechanism. It is required to open the line-laying shackle before the bobbin installation, while the line passes through the roller line-laying device. If there is a spare spool to determine the volumetric value of the backing form and the initial profile form, these actions are carried out on it;
  2. The line spool is equipped with a central hole, which makes it easy to put it on a pencil or pen rod. To avoid scrolling, the fishing line spins the latter when descending from the reel, since the line cannot be pulled from a fixed reel. The second person must hold the reel on the pencil base, if it is absent, then the pencil rod is clamped with the knees. For unwinding fishing line from a reel, special purchased units are often used, which can also adjust the winding forces of the line fiber on the bobbin mechanism;
  3. The clamp of the line fiber is made with a gloved hand (so as not to cut your fingers) higher than the first ring is. This hand will be engaged in adjusting the winding forces of the line fiber on the bobbin device, while the other hand turns the reel lever slowly and measuredly;
  4. The volumetric size of the winding fiber should not reach the bobbin collar by two to three millimeters. In the absence of the required line size, a backing device is tied to the line, after which winding continues to the required limits. The fishing line is not wound up to the very edge, since the loops in the form of a “beard” later come off;
  5. At the end of the winding of the fishing line fiber and the backing device to the required bar, rewinding is performed from the spare bobbin device to the main one. If the profile does not meet the requirements, then adjustment is made using shims. In the absence of a spare bobbin device, it is required to rewind the line fiber to a secondary spool, which is a reserve, or to a reel, since the line fiber is required to be turned over. Drills are often used as a rewinder, on the spindles of which it is possible to fix the bobbin;
  6. At the end of the winding of the fishing line fiber on the bobbin device, the end of the fishing line is attached to the clip ledge, which is located on the side of the bobbin device.

Optimal use of gear and ensuring smooth operation is possible when the entire system is carried out in the correct order, as well as the use of certain rules and schemes, that is:

  • backing application;
  • the correct amount of effort;
  • correct profile shape;
  • correctly selected volumetric winding size.

In the absence of a spare bobbin device, it is required to rewind the line fiber to a secondary spool, which is a reserve, or to a reel, since the line fiber needs to be turned over

Winding features

Coils can be different, as there are several types of coil types, and this changes the nature of the winding. For example:

  • Cartoon reel type can't change bobbin, when filling the forest fiber or backing, which are made in advance;
  • The inertial type is distinguished by the difference in possible bobbin devices, and this leads to the fact that the operation to change also fails;
  • Spinning type easy to change spools with braids or fishing line.

Thus, winding on a spinning reel is simple, while the other two types have differences.

The inertial type of the coil has a number of features:

  • A conventional coil has a volumetric size one hundred meters of wood fiber;
  • Spinning or feeder with through-type rings, have a feature in winding the fishing line on the assembled rod;
  • On the unfolded spinning, the line fiber is passed through each access ring, starting with the smallest one, while the line laying bow is bent, after which the line fiber is attached to the spool device using a knot or by a locking device. A certain number of turns are made in a measured slow form by hand, after which the lever or handle is scrolled, while the line fiber will go into winding.
  • With the correct form of winding, the forest fiber should lie down according to the example thread spool, that is, without gaps and in a dense format.

The multiplier type of coil has only one feature. The line fiber must have a diametrical section that is intended for the model in question.

The spinning reel also has a list of features in direct use:

  • The size of the forest thickness should be equal to that, which is indicated on the reel mechanism, since with a different diametrical section of the forest fiber there will be difficulties with refueling;
  • Each inertialess spool shape is created for a specific fiber diameter, besides, the volume size of the backing is also limited;
  • All coil parameters are indicated in the passport data, with each manufacturer corresponding to different data;
  • Line winding on the inertialess type of coil is made in tight turns to each other or in a cruciform way.

There are a number of rules for the correct winding of fishing line fiber on the base of the coil, in addition, there are some useful tips that will help facilitate this process:

  • Determination of the depth or volume of the unwound fiber can be measured with a counter, which is installed in the cartoon type of the reel format, without a counter, you can simply mark the fishing line with a special marker every meter or two;
  • There are a few simple rules for good winding: there should not be a large nodular shape, it is impossible to loosen during line winding (the same force throughout the line effort), the first turn is the most important, since the entire further winding path will depend on its position;
  • Buying cheap line or reel warp may not be justified, since the line form of the fiber may vary in quality, and the coil may turn out to be defective, that is, it is worth buying gear with good quality, since this, on the contrary, will save money and nerves;
  • There is a trapezoidal coil profile, it uses the principle of the reverse cone type, that is, the winding goes on different sides in the shape of a cone.

Predatory fish are mainly caught on spinning. And in addition, spinning fishing involves constant movement and change of lures, which makes it more exciting. Therefore, spinning fishing is preferred by most anglers.

Those who are just beginning to learn the intricacies of this art do not always know how to properly equip a spinning rod so that fishing brings not only pleasure, but also good prey. Indeed, despite the simplicity, such fishing has many nuances that you need to know.

What is spinning

Among the main elements of spinning are such as:

  • Directly a spinning rod equipped with access rings;
  • a reel for fixing the fishing line (there are inertia-free or multiplier);
  • fishing line (also use a braided cord);
  • · leash;
  • artificial bait.

All these details have their own functions, which, one way or another, affect the reliability and functionality of the tackle in general.

Main characteristics

High quality spinning gear and, accordingly, fishing depends on the following characteristics: test load, length and action (or response to load). Also, not a key, but an important role is played by the material from which the rod and the design of the handle are made.

Test load

According to this characteristic, the weight range of lures is determined, which is recommended for a particular rod. . Spinning rods are divided according to this characteristic into several types:

There is also several not so common types of rods according to the test load:

  1. Ultra Light, or ultra-light class allows a load of no more than 10 grams.
  2. Medium Light (medium light class) - the load level ranges from 5 to 25 grams.
  3. Medium Heavy, or medium-heavy class - the allowable weight of artificial bait is from 15 to 40 grams.

Professionals recommend choosing a rod with a test load of 12 to 15 grams, if a light bait is used, then the rod test can be 8 - 10 grams. In this case, you should not go beyond the test load. If you use a heavier bait, then the rod may break, and it will be much harder to drive such a bait. If the bait is too light, it will be difficult to cast it for a considerable distance.

This is also an important characteristic on which the results of fishing depend. Measured mostly in meters, it is also possible to meet inches or feet. The length is calculated depending on the fishing conditions, the required casting distance and other factors. Wherein there are several types of spinning based on this feature:

Types of building

Action is the ability to bend a rod relative to the resulting load or resistance. There are fast (when loaded, only the upper part of the rod bends), medium (during the load, the rod bends up to half) and slow action (most of the rod is loaded).

This characteristic is selected depending on the needs. For example, for perch fishing, light rods are often used - in order to cast the bait much further. But mainly rods with a medium action are used, as they are more versatile.

Material for manufacturing

They make spinning rods in most cases from various materials, including the following:

The choice of material from which the rod is made should be made based on the conditions and purpose of fishing.

Spinning handle

The handle is also an important part of spinning., which is made mainly from natural cork, leather and rubber.

There are two types of handles: solid and spaced apart (there are gaps throughout the handle design designed to lighten the rod). There are also single-handed and two-handed handles.

The type of handle does not have a big role in catching fish, but the long handle makes it easier to cope with the most crucial moment of fishing - playing.

At the bottom of the handle, with the help of a holder, a coil is attached.

How to choose the right coil

There are two types of reels for winding fishing line: inertialess (during the cast, the spool does not move at all) and multiplier (the spool rotates during the casting of the fishing line). Professional anglers recommend using the first option, as they have greater sensitivity and casting distance. They are also much cheaper than cartoons.

Among the characteristics are the following:

Having dealt with all the characteristics, you can understand how to properly use the inertialess coil.

Spinning line

For fishing with spinning, braided or monofilament line is usually wound on the reel. Among the advantages of monofilament fishing line it is worth noting the following:

  • It is very conveniently laid in the spool;
  • extremely rarely twists;
  • very soft and elastic, which has a bad effect on the sensitivity of the bite.

This type of fishing line also has its drawbacks., which sometimes do not allow spinning to work normally:

  • not strong enough, so it often breaks under heavy loads;
  • Due to its elasticity, its service life is rather short.

Experienced anglers prefer braided line, despite the fact that it is much more expensive than monofilament. This is because the braid is much stronger and less stretchy, making it more susceptible to bites.

The scheme for winding fishing line on a reel is very simple. And it consists of just a few steps that answer all the questions of novice anglers about how to properly wind the line on the spinning reel.

First of all, you need to know how much line to put on the reel. Experienced anglers recommend to put on the line almost to the very end of the reel, leaving only a couple of millimeters. Further directly about the winding process itself:

These steps will help you figure out how to properly wind the line on a spinning reel. With multipliers, the situation is a little more complicated, therefore, in order to do everything right, it is better to watch video tutorials.

Leash for fishing line

Fishing with a spinning rod in itself implies hunting for a predator. Therefore, in order to fully equip the spinning, it is necessary to attach a leash to the fishing line. This is done so that the predator could not bite the main fishing line with sharp teeth.

Three types of leashes are made:

The leash is attached to the fishing line using a conventional fishing knot which can be done by following the instructions below:

  • you need to wind the fishing line onto the swivel using the rotation of the eye;
  • the free end of the fishing line is threaded into the resulting loop;
  • tighten the finished knot.

The choice of bait must be made taking into account that each bait is selected for a certain type of fish and fishing conditions. Below are most popular bait.

Types of rigs

If you know all types of equipment, then even a novice angler will be able to correctly assemble a spinning rod for fishing.

All these types of equipment are used for catching predatory fish. At the same time, a different type of spinning, equipment and bait is used for each fish. Knowing all these nuances, even a beginner in spinning fishing will be able to properly equip spinning.

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