High turbulence. What is turbulence and how does it occur? How turbulence affects passengers

Many people do not like to use a vehicle such as an airplane. Everyone has their own opinion on this matter, but they usually have one thing in common. What? Of course, fear. It can occur for a variety of reasons. Some people are afraid of crashing, others hate being in turbulence. In addition, many people consider this method of transportation too expensive.

What is turbulence?

And yet there are people who love to fly. When they enter areas of turbulence, the question usually arises as to whether it is harmful. Enjoying the flight, feeling the adrenaline during takeoff or landing is one thing, but when the body shakes (and not always lightly and safely), various arguments and assumptions arise. So, what is turbulence and how does it affect human health?

Turbulence is often popularly called “turbulence”. In simple words, these are various types of aircraft vibrations that arise as a result of vortex wind flows, downward and upward. In addition, a small area of ​​turbulence may occur due to some Generally, the aircraft can withstand such loads, and passengers may only feel a slight sway.

What are the dangers of turbulence?

Every pilot cares about his plane and passengers. Therefore he tries to avoid the slightest danger. So, the pilot avoids the cloud area. But there are times when the plane gets caught in such air currents that can throw it at supercritical angles of attack. As a consequence, everything vehicle may be at risk. This is why a pilot would never knowingly fly into thunderclouds. Such objects are clearly visible on the locator and warn of possible obstacles.

Thus, the turbulence zone is a phenomenon that cannot be predicted. It is caused by congestion and may sometimes not be visible on the pilot's locator. As a result, no one is immune from this.

Safety first!

It is impossible to say for sure whether turbulence is dangerous. It all depends on the air flow. It is worth noting that before the start of the flight, each pilot undergoes special training. During it, he gets acquainted with the weather and chooses the optimal route.

But there are also situations when it is impossible to plan or predict a route. When you fly on a plane for more than eight hours, it is simply impossible to predict weather changes. Then you should rely only on the excellent skills and attentiveness of the pilot. In addition, special equipment that will soften the bumpiness can protect the aircraft from troubles.

Other causes of turbulence

Note that one of the possible reasons for the formation of a turbulence zone can be jet currents. Their essence lies in the fact that they can change very quickly and in different directions, that is, in horizontal or vertical directions. The peculiarity of such currents is that they can stretch for several hundred thousand kilometers. They are most often found in the eastern United States.

Thanks to dense traffic in the sky, the aircraft can avoid one or another turbulence zone. In other cases, the phenomenon can negatively affect a person and the vehicle as a whole. It is very important that passing aircraft maintain a certain distance between each other. Firstly, this is necessary to prevent them from colliding, and secondly, it helps reduce the risk of getting into a turbulence zone.

Many people believe that bumpiness occurs as a result of pilot error or lack of professionalism. This is a completely wrong assumption! The aircraft very often flies on autopilot, and the commander's main task is to monitor the locators in the cockpit and other instruments. This function is disabled in case of strong shaking, which occurs when entering a turbulence zone. Then the pilot controls the plane manually. And how much the aircraft will shake depends only on itself. The greater the mass of the aircraft, the more noticeable the shocks will be.

In addition to the above reasons, there is another one. For example, while descending, the plane may encounter a strong vortex or gust of wind. But you shouldn’t worry too much about this either, since in our time special standards and flight parameters have been developed during the bumpy period, which allow you to avoid troubles. If they do not help, then it is the pilot's responsibility to land the aircraft at the nearest emergency airfield.

No matter what areas of turbulence passengers encounter along the way, they should never panic prematurely. Yes, we will not deny that such a phenomenon should not be underestimated. At best, before a flight, each person needs to prepare a little by listening to the recommendations of professionals and reading the necessary literature.

But one question still interests all passengers: “What is the danger of turbulence?” Let us hasten to reassure all people who suffer from aerophobia: turbulence can be a little scary, but in 120 years of aviation history there has not been a single accident that was or could be caused by turbulence. This is because pilots know very well how to react and behave in such situations. And today there are a lot of parameters, standards, techniques that help avoid an unfavorable situation.

Turbulence: danger or fear?

There are many reasons for this phenomenal phenomenon: turbulence from the ends of the wings, uneven heating of the air, meeting of air masses whose temperatures vary, and much more. But these are only minor factors that can lead to chatter. One way or another, avoiding it is much easier than getting into the epicenter of events. Rest assured, no pilot will fly his plane into dangerous place! A slight shaking should not be taken as a warning sign or a threat to safe flight. The harm of turbulence is just a myth, which in the context of development advanced technologies cannot harm a person.

Many passengers get scared when the plane begins to shake in the air, that is, when, for one reason or another, “churning” or turbulence appears, to put it scientifically.

Turbulence is a natural phenomenon in aviation, just like rocking in the sea or shaking a car on an uneven or bumpy road.

If you can see waves in the sea, patches or holes on the roads, then in the sky you can often see nothing of this, but in fact it is also not at all uniform.

What's going on in the sky?

There are many different processes constantly happening in the air - different air currents and jet streams are moving, the speed of which can sometimes reach up to 300 km/h, or even more. Zones of different atmospheric pressure are formed. Some air masses are replaced by others, meteorological fronts arise - from cold, warm to mixed.

Every day the temperature and pressure in the atmosphere changes. Usually, with increasing height, both should decrease, but it happens the other way around. The strength and direction of the wind also varies constantly. Sometimes you can see clouds at different heights moving in opposite directions.

All this as a whole makes the atmosphere either stable or unstable, creating conditions for the appearance of various weather phenomena, including turbulence.

Photo: ©Alina Arkhipova / This is how we see on the weather radar where you can fly and where the danger zones are. The principle is like a traffic light: green - normal, you can fly; yellow color - be careful, anything can happen, including turbulence; red - don't go, it's dangerous! There is another color: magenta - lilac-violet - it is very dangerous! But I saw him very rarely.

Sometimes pilots may be aware of possible turbulence on their route from meteorological maps and weather reports, which they check before each flight. And if turbulence appears in a flight where it was not marked on the maps, then the pilots report this to the dispatcher, and he, in turn, then warns other aircraft entering this sector.

Causes of "bumpiness"

1) Beautiful fluffy clouds, cumulus (cumulus) and especially cumulonimbus (cumulunimbus CB) are turbulent due to the ascending and descending currents that form in them. During thunderstorms, the air is filled with CB thunderclouds.

But not all clouds are turbulent. Unlike fluffy, beautiful clouds that can “chatter” in and around them, low stratus clouds are usually calm.

Photo: ©Alina Arkhipova / In the background there are turbulent clouds that pilots always avoid. These clouds have updrafts and downdrafts, so there will be strong turbulence.

2) But shaking is not always caused by clouds alone. There is also clear air turbulence (CAT), when there is not a single cloud in the air, it is sunny and beautiful, but the atmosphere is unstable, and the plane suddenly begins to shake.

3) Also, turbulence often occurs in mountainous area, and the closer to the mountains, the stronger.

4) There are also thermal currents (rising currents) in the warm season, formed from the heating of the earth's surface. Therefore, in warm spring and summer, even in good clear weather, the plane on landing can “chatter” quite a lot precisely because of them, especially when flying over different surfaces (since they warm up differently). For example, when a wooded area gives way to a field or valley, or when flying coastline from sea to land.

5) There is artificial turbulence - this is if the plane accidentally gets into a wake ahead of the flying or taking off plane. This is quite dangerous. That is why dispatchers must ensure, and pilots must maintain a certain distance - the interval between the sides of aircraft, both during takeoffs/landings and at other stages of the flight.

Although accidents still sometimes happen, for example, due to the wind, when it delays the wake of a passing aircraft or blows it directly onto the aircraft behind it. In such cases, the plane can sway violently from side to side until the automation switches off spontaneously, and you need to react very quickly.

I've had this happen several times, and it's not a pleasant feeling. But in order for pilots to be prepared for such surprises and know how to act, such situations must be worked out in simulators.

Photo: ©Alina Arkhipova

6) And, for example, our Boeing can shake when we fly with spoilers (interceptors) extended, if we urgently need to descend or quickly reduce speed. Spoilers are plates on the upper surface of the wing that rise vertically when released.

That is, during flight there are many natural causes of aircraft shaking.

How dangerous is turbulence?

In aviation, turbulence is divided into three categories based on intensity:

  • Weak - it may cause a little discomfort due to the fact that it shakes all the time, but it does not at all disturb the normal flow of flight.
  • The middle one is more uncomfortable and does not allow you to eat in peace; the glass may move slightly or even spill. In addition, it becomes difficult to walk around the cabin: you can hit something, get a bump, or even get dislocated. Just like on a bus during sudden braking or turning. To ensure that no one gets accidentally hurt, the captain turns on the “Fasten seat belts” signal. If there is moderate turbulence, we will also ask the flight attendants to sit down.
  • Severe is the only category of turbulence that can be considered dangerous, as there is a possibility of temporary loss of control.

But I’ll say right away that we do everything to ensure that the plane never ends up in an area with strong turbulence. Strong turbulence just doesn’t happen on its own. In most cases, it appears in the area of ​​thunderstorms and large accumulations of thunderclouds. And this can be predicted by studying weather maps and tracking it using radar. Pilots always avoid such areas if possible. And if it’s impossible, then they go to alternate airfields. Moreover, there are restrictions on how far away it is safe to bypass dangerous sectors, both from the side and in height.

If for some reason the plane accidentally ends up in an area with severe turbulence, then the pilots must immediately get out of there, even if this requires turning 180 degrees (in other words, turning back).

What you encounter sometimes in flight is usually mild to moderate turbulence, and only in rare cases can it be severe. The aircraft is designed to withstand even intense turbulence.

When you're driving on cobblestones, you can slow down to avoid shaking so much. On an airplane, you cannot reduce the speed much, because this is one of the main components of the airplane’s lifting force. And even reducing the speed in the air will not greatly save you from bumpiness, since the processes in the air are still more complex than broken asphalt on the road.

The bumpiness in the air will be felt less on heavier aircraft, but small and light ones will shake more strongly. For example, the Boeing shakes less compared to the Bombardier Q400.

In any case, turbulence is a natural and inherent phenomenon in aviation. Except that it is not always possible for passengers to completely avoid discomfort from it.

That is why, when flying as a passenger and in your seats, always wear your seat belts. It’s better not to walk around the salon again, but only if necessary.

And, by the way, pilots always wear seat belts throughout the flight.

Today, turbulence is a very pressing problem for aircraft, while humans, unfortunately, cannot control the vortex chaotic wind flows. As a rule, turbulence poses a serious danger to aircraft, however, for the most part, any negative consequences for aircraft can be avoided, but passengers often suffer, receiving a number of injuries and injuries due to the strong shaking of aircraft.

Turbulence after.

It is still possible to reduce the threat to the life and health of passengers by applying in practice very interesting idea, based on a number of laws of hydrodynamics. The idea is quite simple and is that passenger seats, available in the aircraft cabin must be provided with hydraulic dampers, which will operate at the slightest vibration of the passenger airliner, thereby reducing inertia and saving hundreds of passengers from injuries and possible injuries.

Schematic diagram of the operation of a damping passenger aircraft seat

As is known, liquid is an incompressible medium, and the use of a hydraulic damper built into the passenger seat will avoid shaking of the passenger seats if the aircraft enters even a zone of strong turbulence. The chaotic movements of the aircraft will be dampened by the hydraulic medium, that is, if the plane swings sharply down, then according to the laws of physics, the passenger in the seat must remain for moments at the point from which the plane deviated, and vice versa, with a sharp rise, the passenger will begin to squeeze into the seat. The two cases considered are rather particular, however, given the chaotic movement of the aircraft during turbulence, strong vibration will be created, during which a person may be injured. The use of a hydraulic damper will dampen these vibrations, thereby minimizing any possible harm, creating safe conditions for passengers.

Among other things, the current development has another very interesting purpose - passenger seats equipped with damping elements are extremely effective in the event of forced or emergency landing, for example, when the landing gear fails, when the aircraft lands on unprepared terrain, etc. Hypothetically, the seats used will also make it possible to protect passengers in the event of a plane crash, however, only in a situation where there is no subsequent fire, explosion, etc.

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Atmospheric turbulence

The speed of movement of air and particles suspended in it changes in space and time. Ordered and turbulent movements of air masses differ primarily in scale. Large-scale motion is considered orderly, while small-scale motion is considered turbulent. It is impossible to draw a clear boundary between them: it is conditional and depends on the task and measurement methods.

Turbulent movement of air masses is characterized by disorder of the velocity field in time and space, the presence of inhomogeneities or turbulent vortices that affect the behavior of the aircraft. A spectrum of vortices of different sizes (scales) is created. The reciprocal of the scale is called the spatial frequency, similar to how the circular frequency w in radio engineering is the reciprocal of the oscillation period. The distribution of turbulent energy over spatial frequencies, which is called the turbulence spectrum, is its fairly complete characteristic. The value of e, as a dimensional parameter of the turbulence spectrum, characterizes its intensity.

The nature of turbulent motion in the atmosphere is such that the energy of large-scale vortices is transferred to smaller-scale vortices - the vortices seem to be crushed. This continues until the vortices become so small that their kinetic energy is entirely used to overcome the viscosity of the air and turns into heat. This process of turbulent motion occurs continuously as long as large-scale vortices are replenished with energy from atmospheric energy sources associated with differences in temperature and pressure. The conversion of turbulence kinetic energy into heat is called turbulence kinetic energy dissipation (TKED). The quantity e, in its physical content, is the rate at which the kinetic energy of turbulence of minimal scale is converted into heat. The higher the v, the higher the intensity of the turbulence.

Turbulence is not observed throughout the entire atmosphere at the same time and not at all altitudes. It occurs under the influence of thermal and dynamic factors. Therefore, it is customary to distinguish between thermal and dynamic turbulence.

Thermal turbulence occurs as a result of uneven heating of the earth's surface and large vertical temperature gradients. This type of turbulence is typical for the lower half of the troposphere (up to 3-4 km). Its intensity depends on the time of year, the period of day and the stability of the atmosphere. Greatest intensity is observed during the day in the warm season in cold unstable air masses, as well as in a blurred pressure field - in saddles and cyclones.

With thermal turbulence in the atmosphere, both disordered and ordered ascending and descending air movements occur, creating cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds, modocumulus and cumulonimbus clouds.

Dynamic turbulence is created due to the friction of moving air against the rough relief of the earth's surface and the heterogeneity of air flows in speed and direction.

The friction of air against the earth's surface in flat and mountainous areas causes the occurrence of dynamic turbulence mainly in the lower layer of the troposphere (up to 1-1.5 km). In mountainous areas it can spread much higher (up to 7-9 km).

Dynamic turbulence occurs in layers of the free atmosphere with great variability in wind characteristics and is observed more often where there is convergence or divergence of air flows, curvature of their direction, as well as in areas of jet streams. It can also occur in the form of ascending and descending flows as a result of wave movements at the boundary of the inversion and isothermal layers. Its intensity depends on the speed of vertical and horizontal wind shears.

Although thermal and dynamic turbulence are created as a result of the action of different factors, they can influence the nature of air flows both separately and simultaneously, increasing the intensity of the turbulent state of the atmosphere.

Turbulence causes the vertical transfer of heat, water vapor and solid particles in the atmosphere, and wind gustiness. Turbulent exchange significantly influences the conditions of formation, evolution and microstructure of clouds, precipitation and fogs, which create difficult meteorological conditions for flights.

Intense turbulence occurs under clear and cloudy skies. Since it is one of the cloud-forming factors, let us consider its physical characteristics in a clear sky (“turbulent field”).

There are several types of clear air turbulence:

    1) mechanical turbulence, caused by the influence of unevenness of the earth's surface on air currents and sometimes enhanced by its unequal heating;

    2) mountain waves, which by origin are a special form of turbulence of the first type (due to the specific impact on aircraft flights, mountain waves are considered separately);

    3) turbulence of jet streams;

    4) turbulence in the layers internal to the free atmosphere.

Turbulence in a clear sky is a meteorological phenomenon dangerous for aviation due to its sudden impact on the aircraft. Some aviation accidents occurred as a result of aircraft entering zones of dangerous turbulence under cloudless skies.

Turbulization of air flows in a clear sky is associated with the existence in the atmosphere of layers with significant vertical and horizontal gradients of wind speed and air temperature.

Under conditions of stable temperature stratification, the occurrence of TJN can be explained by the loss of stability (increase in amplitude and subsequent destruction) of gravity or gravity-shear waves (over mountains - mountain waves) and the transfer of energy from wave movements to turbulent ones.

In the troposphere, the probability of an aircraft hitting a nuclear power plant is quite high; it depends on geographical latitude. In the middle and upper troposphere of temperate latitudes, this parameter is approximately 10% of the total aircraft flight time, in southern latitudes - 15-20%. In the stratosphere, this probability is much lower and in the 10-20 km layer is approximately 1%.

When entering the PTZ zone, aircraft are most often exposed to weak and moderate bumpiness, the integral frequency of which in the troposphere is 95%, and only in 5% of cases can strong bumpiness be observed.

Turbulence video

The horizontal dimensions of the nuclear power plants vary within fairly wide limits, especially in the troposphere, reaching in some cases several hundred kilometers. However, for 80% of cases in the upper troposphere of temperate latitudes, the length of turbulent zones does not exceed 140 km. In the stratosphere, TN zones have significantly smaller horizontal dimensions. At an altitude of 10-20 km, the horizontal length of turbulent zones (80% of cases) in the temperate latitudes of the CIS territory is less than 80 km, and in the lower stratosphere over the USA - up to 40 km. This means that when a supersonic aircraft crosses PTZ zones in cruising mode, bumpiness is observed for several seconds or tens of seconds.

TN zones can be continuous (solid) and in the form of separate intermittent cells with quite sharp boundaries. Continuous zones of TAN have greater repeatability.

The thickness of the TAN zones, as well as the horizontal dimensions, fluctuates within significant ranges depending on the geographic latitude, altitude and aerosynoptic conditions. In the middle and high latitudes of the CIS (85-90% of cases), the thickness of turbulent zones in the troposphere does not exceed 1000 m, and in the stratosphere - 350 m, therefore, the TNT zones have a pronounced spatial anisotropy. These are flat formations, the coefficient of spatial anisotropy of which (the ratio of the thickness of the turbulent zone to its horizontal length) with an 80% integral repeatability is for the upper troposphere of mid-latitudes.

Turbulence video 2

The topic of turbulence inevitably comes up when talking about various flows of gases, liquids or plasma. Most movements of matter are turbulent in nature.

So what is turbulence? Turbulence is the definition of disordered, nonlinear motion. The concept of “turbulence” does not have a clear and unambiguous definition. In general, this is the vortex movement of flows caused by an increase in their speed.

When calculating other types of aircraft, a flow is considered to be turbulent if the value of the Reynolds hydrodynamic similarity criterion, derived from the Novier-Stokes equation, is more than 2320. Reynolds in his studies indicated the factors influencing the movement of the fluid: the flow becomes turbulent with an increase in the linear speed and density of the flow, diameter holes (tubes) and reducing the dynamic viscosity of matter.

An example of a turbulent flow is air flows, which are vortices of various sizes that arise when the wind direction abruptly changes: from vertical to horizontal and vice versa. Atmospheric turbulence leads to intermittency of wind, various vertical transfers of vapor, condensation nuclei and other particles with mass and shape, as well as energy in the form of heat from one layer of the atmosphere to another.

Turbulence in aviation

Turbulence is of particular importance during aircraft flights. Not everyone knows what turbulence is on an airplane. When vortices overlap each other, airplanes are exposed to multidirectional winds, resulting in changes in lift and angles of attack of the wings. A similar situation overboard leads to shaking and vibration - the so-called “blank”.

There are moderate and strong blanks. During the first shock, changes in flight altitude and rocking of the aircraft are not so significant, and pilots do not experience difficulty in controlling the aircraft.

A strong bump is a more serious situation involving frequent rolls and yaws, accompanied by deterioration of controllability and stability in flight, as well as distortion of on-board instrument readings. Such a phenomenon, if appropriate measures are not taken, can create stress in parts and individual components, leading to significant breakdowns and deformations of equipment and air sickness among crew members and passengers.

When encountering turbulence, passengers often worry whether the pilot will be able to handle the situation. However, the qualifications and skills of the pilot can only be useful in the case of a very strong blank. In other cases, the turbulence zone does not have a strong influence on the flight - it is carried out on autopilot.

What are turbulence zones? As a rule, this is a space where the probability of getting into long-term turbulence reaches 100%.

Nowadays, almost any passenger can determine when and where the ship will shake during the flight. This became possible as a result of the creation of turbulence maps, where calmer zones are marked with lighter colors and vice versa. The online turbulence map is designed to reduce anxiety for passengers and crew, allowing you to predict and prepare if the plane encounters turbulence.

Is turbulence dangerous for an airplane? Of course, such a phenomenon causes concern and fear, and, if possible, it is avoided. As a rule, atmospheric instability is not dangerous for the aircraft itself, since its design provides for such overloads. Most often, in 30% of cases, flight attendants are injured because they did not have time to fasten their seat belts in time.

The dimensions of the aircraft play an important role in the feeling of shaking during turbulence. The larger the plane, the less inconvenience it will be. Everyone sooner or later wonders where on the plane it shakes the least during turbulence? When choosing a place, you should be guided by the intensity of shaking in the cabin: the strongest is in the tail section.

Causes of turbulence

The following causes of turbulence are distinguished:

  • thermal convection (due to uneven surface heating or mixing of cold and warm air with significant vertical temperature changes);
  • due to friction of moving air currents on rough terrain;
  • due to the heterogeneity of the nature of air flows in direction and speed, wave movements on inversion and isothermal layers (there are alternating downward and upward flows).

An example of thermal convection is the formation of cumulus clouds.

Before each flight, the crew and the pilot himself familiarize themselves with weather reports for the near future in order to choose the safest route. Particular attention is paid to the presence of cumulus clouds.

Cumulus clouds are dense atmospheric formations, most often separately located, with a lower boundary height of up to 1200 m and a length of up to several hundred meters. They are formed as a result of powerful vertical flows and have internal upward flows of up to 10-15 m/s.

From a flight safety point of view, it is prohibited for a ship to enter such clouds, as well as to fly under them. Cumulonimbus clouds are especially dangerous because, due to the presence of water particles, heavy precipitation and electrical discharges form in them. Therefore, it is recommended to lay a route at a distance of 10 km from thunderclouds at an altitude of more than 1 km above them. The flight is complicated not only by the high turbulence in the plane, which causes bumpiness, but also by poor visibility - up to 45m.

Zones of overlap between ascending and descending flows can extend over thousands of kilometers. Most cases recorded Most cases recorded in eastern shores USA.

Clear sky turbulence

The absence of any clouds in the sky does not mean that there will be no turbulence. At altitudes above 5000 m, so-called clear-air turbulence can occur. This phenomenon is typical for mountainous areas on the leeward side of the slope. When flowing around mountains, the air flow deviates from the straight direction, becomes deformed and forms zones of increased turbulence. The distribution of zones varies in height: in the lower and upper parts it is maximum, and in the middle it is minimum.

If it is not possible to change the flight course, aircraft must strictly maintain a certain distance to avoid a collision.

Can a plane crash due to turbulence? Over the entire period, due to clear sky turbulence, five major plane crashes. In conditions of complete absence of clouds, a plane flying from Tokyo to Hong Kong was destroyed. Experts have determined that the death of all passengers on the flight and crew was due to unusually high turbulence on the slopes of Mount Fuji.

Another example is the crash of an airliner landing at an airport in Alaska. The version of the tragedy due to turbulence was not immediately considered, since it contradicted the forecasts of the hydrometeorological center. However, subsequently an outflow of Arctic masses was recorded, which led to the formation of an anomalous air wave and a zone of turbulence.

On May 1, 2017, all domestic news channels reported that a Boeing 737 on a flight from Moscow to Thailand entered a clear-sky turbulence zone. It was impossible to establish the fact of the approaching air pocket and avoid the ship from falling into it, since not a single instrument recorded it. As a result of the Boeing's sudden jump of 200 m, passengers received multiple injuries and fractures.

According to statistics, on average about 1000 cases of precedents arise per year related to atmospheric instability in clear skies. They mainly lead to flight delays, which cause great material damage to airline carriers.

Actions of pilots when entering a turbulence zone

According to Captain Chesley Sallenburg, who landed a passenger plane on the Hudson, when a turbulent zone is encountered in the cockpit, one of two decisions is made: to go beyond the limits of instability by reducing altitude, or to enter cloudless space by gaining it.

In case the aircraft encounters turbulence, a set of rules and recommendations has been developed for the cockpit and crew. You need to run the following commands:

  1. Switch the autopilot to manual control.
  2. Enable the “Tighten belts” command.
  3. Adjust speed to 340 km/h.
  4. Don't allow sharp drop altitude, aircraft roll more than 10°.

If it is impossible to avoid the heavy bump zone, the crew commander is obliged to return the aircraft to the original or nearest airfield.

Thus, the phenomenon of turbulence in the sky does not pose a strong threat to the aircraft. Like imperfections on highways (bumps, stones), turbulence in the air requires only excessive attention from the aircraft commander.