Quiet shore screensaver from World of Tank. Promotion “World of Tanks Birthday. How to play on the Pacific Coast wot

Hello dear guests and guests of the portal site. We continue to analyze the maps of the game World Of Tanks. And today you will see guide to the wot map Quiet Coast. Relatively new map, which had been gathering dust for a long time in the archives of card makers being processed and was revived in new glory. Well, let's get started with the review. We sincerely hope that the information gleaned from this review will be not only interesting, but also useful for you, and that there will be more smart players in the random pool.

General information.

Picture 1. Minimap.

Map Quiet coast wot was added to the game in update 0.7.5. However, it was not warmly received by the players even in update 0.8.4. was removed from the game and sent for revision (however, as often happens with wargaming). After a fairly serious rework, wot Quiet Coast returned to service in patch 0.8.8. and became available for the only mode of random battles - standard battle.

Quiet coast A very beautiful and bright map, it represents a calm bay on a clear summer day. There is a lot of vegetation, hills and cliffs, and a railway divides the map into two parts. As you already understand, Quiet Coast wot is a summer map (summer camouflage), it has standard dimensions for our game - 1000*1000 meters.

The map's relief is saturated. There are almost all the structural components available in the game: elevation changes, bushes, stones, depressions, high hills (in the area of ​​bases, behind which you can hide from artillery “suitcases”), buildings (both destructible and non-destructible), railway, water surface, bridges. In general, the Quiet Coast map in its current state plays quite well and cheerfully, any classes of tanks can easily find something to do, and “standing” happens here extremely rarely.

Let's lay out the map Quiet coast worldoftanks on main elements and components, so that you can more easily imagine its structure:

Picture 2. Legend.

  1. Upper base(The base is reliably covered by high hills, capable of providing protection from artillery and can be used as the “last line of defense.” However, among the hills there are many through passages, and therefore it is quite difficult to guess which side the opponents will enter from).
  2. "Zelenka"(A part of the map full of elevation changes and many hills. It is more often used by fast and maneuverable medium tanks, since there is practically no cover from artillery, and tank destroyers are also fired here from their positions behind. A breakthrough of the greenery inevitably leads to the destruction of artillery, entry into rear or to capture a base. The most important direction, which is not recommended).
  3. Lowland(Together with the greenery, they form the left flank, limited on the right by the railway. Can be used as an additional direction for attack, supporting the greenery. Also used by light tanks for illuminating and trolling opponents in tank destroyer positions. Does not represent a full-fledged direction, but only plays the role of support attacks).
  4. Town(A densely built-up part of the map, which has both destructible and non-destructible buildings. At the beginning of the battle it is used by light tanks for illumination, and has practically no other use, since it is located in an inconvenient part of the map, from which there are no shots to the main positions. However, the shortest route between the two bases passes through the town).
  5. "Scythe"(On this map, this is its right part, an elongated and arched land surrounded by a water barrier. There are many high stones and cliffs here, which provide some protection from the “suitcases” of artillery, which means it is suitable for slow and heavily armored tanks that can fight here "head-to-head" with enemy tanks. However, it is worth remembering that cover from artillery is not available everywhere, and when breaking through this direction you will inevitably encounter tank destroyers in their positions, but after that the road will be open to you directly. enemy base. Second. important direction, which cannot be thrown).
  6. Lower base(Like the upper base, it is surrounded by high hills and cliffs, providing protection from artillery and bullets, but they have many passages, which makes it quite difficult to predict the enemy’s behavior).

How to play Quiet shore wot?

Let's take a look main directions and positions for all classes of equipment. To do this, look at picture 3:

Picture 3. Positions.

So, which ones can be distinguished? tactics on the Quiet Coast map wot? In fact, everything is simple and clear. There are only two key directions on this map:
  1. Follow the red arrows Fast and maneuverable medium tanks are driving. In the area where the two teams meet, there is a very large, but relatively flat hill, which is not particularly demanding in terms of vertical aiming angles. From this direction the path to the base itself opens. The allies on the “top floor” can be supported by tanks from the lowlands, driving almost to enemy positions, tucking themselves under the hill, thereby creating some kind of encirclement.
  2. Follow the blue arrows Heavy tanks are advancing. In this area (the so-called “spit”) there are quite a lot of relatively high, steep slopes that can provide protection from artillerymen, and numerous terrain folds will cover the lower armor plate. Push through this direction is as important as the direction of medium tanks.
These are the two highest priority parts of the map. This is where the main forces of the teams collide. It is highly not recommended to go anywhere else, do not reinvent the wheel and better help your allies where it is really needed.

Behind both directions there are quite convenient positions for tank destroyers. They are marked green marker. In addition to opening up gunfire, these positions provide an opportunity to hide behind rocks or folds in the terrain in time from return fire.

Brown areas Picture 3 shows the most popular positions occupied by artillerymen. In general, from these positions there are excellent shots across almost the entire map. The only thing to be wary of is that enemy light tanks do not pass through the center (which happens quite often), and you also need to leave in time if any flank is crushed. Be that as it may, on this map it is especially important to monitor the minimap and be aware of the developing situation on the map in order to change the flank in time, get away from opponents, and support allies where it is required.

Yellow arrows Approximate movement patterns for fireflies are indicated. Briefly:

  • move to the area railway, defending the center of the map from enemy fireflies that can slip here to the rear of your team; illuminate the positions of enemy tank destroyers and troll enemies; however, first of all it is necessary to deal with the enemies who came here.
  • arrows leading from the upper base to the town area will provide your team with information about the movement of enemy heavy tanks, and perhaps someone will even go to the hangar; positions for initial illumination.
  • the yellow arrow leading to the “spit” is the backlight of enemy fireflies in the town; also useful only at the beginning of the battle.
You should not take the above as the only correct behavior on the Quiet Coast map. These are just the most standard tactics and directions that do not end the battle. This means that you will have to make your own decisions after the middle of the battle, but at the beginning of the battle you should choose exactly these directions that I described.

In conclusion.

Map Quiet coast is quite diverse and easy to learn, but at the same time requires constant monitoring and analysis of the minimap and the current situation on the map. It is equally suitable for all classes of vehicles: you are unlikely to be able to show off your tank to the fullest on this map, but you won’t have to remain idle here either. “Stoyalovo” does happen on the Tikhoy Coast, but it’s extremely rare. As a rule, the game here is played vigorously and cheerfully.

Successful battles and strong armor to you, dear readers of our portal. See you soon!

Hello everyone, today I want to teach you how to play correctly on the Quiet Coast map, which causes a lot of hatred from World of Tanks players.

Lower respawn

The green arrow indicates the ST path if there are more than 2 and 1 lt (amx1390, t71) in the team. You take this position and wait until all the opponents come at you. Your TT, PT, Artillery SPGs will help you (shoot them). Of course, all the opponents will want to kill you, they come to you, you deal damage, your allies help shoot the opponents. In this situation, the battle ends within 5 minutes.

The red arrow indicates all opponents who will come at you from these directions.

The blue arrow indicates the direction of the ST when you have inexperienced players on the team and do not understand what the most best option do it according to scheme 1. You stand on a mountain in the bushes and play positionally, fire a shot and roll back. If all the players from the enemy team have already rushed (rush breakthrough) onto our hill and successfully merged, then you can go forward and break through to their stones

Purple arrows indicate the path of TTs who must def (def-defend) the passage to the base, it is advisable not to get out under the shot and play positionally, if the opponents rush, then they need to be taken with a good def. If you accepted them, then you can rush to their base and help ST.

Upper respawn

The green arrow indicates the path of the ST, who must take a position and accept others; if no one is going, then we go up, if they don’t have anyone shining and they don’t shoot at you, then we go forward to their hill, if yours have cleared the center, then we go and rush the mountain.

The blue arrow indicates the TT path, everything is easy here. We occupy the stones or stand behind the houses. We play a positional position, if they are moving we shoot at them. If no one is shining, we stand and wait for them; if they don’t come, then we wait until the mountain is covered. In two cases we further rush.

The yellow arrow indicates the PT path. We stand there stupidly and shoot at our opponents.

Quiet Shore is a map of difficult fate - it was first added in the World of Tanks 0.7.5 update and from the very first days in random battles it was distinguished by a magnificent and cheerful tank stand with a minimum amount of common sense among the players of both teams. In update 0.8.4, Wargaming realized that “something went wrong” and removed the card for rework. She returned to us in update 8.8, prettier and more dynamic. Let's look at the tactics of fighting on the Quiet Coast, but first, standard information.
Map type - summer, map size 1000 x 1000 meters, battle levels from 3 to 12, battle type - standard only.
A railway runs from north to south across the entire map, and it conventionally divides the map into two zones - western hilly (active areas “slope”, “hill” and “lowland”) and eastern urban/mountainous (active areas “city” “island” "bridge")
The terrain of the map dictates three possible directions of attack - through the hills, through the city, across the island. It is recommended to support at least two adjacent directions, for example, hills-city or city-island, in order to have cover on at least one flank.

There is no and cannot be a classic route scheme - 3 directions dictate at least 3 options for the development of events. Let's take a closer look at the tactics of fighting on the Quiet Coast map.
The standard travel of a tank destroyer from the first respawn is control of the center from the base of the hill (square F1) and the island, respectively, for the second respawn, control of the center is carried out from positions in square B2, and the move to the island is controlled from it and from square E7 (a very convenient pebble at the base bridge). By the way, you can get to the island from the second spawn in two ways - through the bridge with the risk of initial exposure from the enemy’s nimble light tanks and through the ford along the 9th line - slowly, risky, but the chances of exposure are minimal.
Artillery on the “Quiet Coast” is in moderate demand - the map’s terrain is not very flat and there are areas that are not covered by fire (for example, the city and the area behind the mountains of spawn bases), but many convenient positions (J2 is a classic for the first team) make the game on an ART self-propelled gun it’s at least comfortable and not nervous. In general, the first team has much more positions for artillery - take at least J7 - an open but remote area from which it is very convenient to fire. The second team is practically deprived of such positions - the forest on A7 is frankly sparse and frail, clearance is possible immediately.
Medium tanks on this map usually support heavy tanks in one of the attack directions, although their main task is to break through the island. The thing is that previously the island was separated from the first base by water, but now a land isthmus has appeared, moreover, not open, but with a number of hills that successfully hide the attacking group from enemy tank destroyers in almost the entire attack area - literally 2 are shot through -3 positions.
Medium tanks also feel comfortable when attacking the hill-slope direction on the first and second lines. The map's relief has been significantly smoothed out, making it more convenient to shoot from the center, but many pebbles make it possible to develop an attack in this direction, sometimes quite successfully. If things don’t go well at all and the attack runs into a well-organized defense, then there is always the opportunity to fall into the lowlands and try to push through the central direction.
By the way, it is through the center (and more precisely, through the direction of the stones-city) that they play this map most heavy tank drivers. The shortest path to the enemy base, however, without reliable flank cover from at least one, it will become a direct road to the hangar.
Light tanks feel great on this map in World of Tanks - there are plenty of opportunities for active or passive light. Among the representatives of the first team, it is considered the highest chic to take the island with a fast light tank before the tank destroyer of the second - such adventurers do not live long, but it is interesting, and in addition they manage to receive the “Scout” badge, posthumously.

Quiet Shore is a map of difficult fate - it was first added in the World of Tanks update and from the very first days in random battles it was distinguished by a magnificent and cheerful tank stand with a minimum amount of common sense among the players of both teams. In update, Wargaming realized that “something went wrong” and removed the card for rework. She returned to us in update 8.8, prettier and more dynamic. Let's look at the tactics of fighting on the Quiet Coast, but first, standard information.

Map type - summer, map size 1000 x 1000 meters, battle levels from 3 to 12, battle type - standard only.

A railway runs from north to south across the entire map, and it conventionally divides the map into two zones - western hilly (active areas “slope”, “hill” and “lowland”) and eastern urban/mountainous (active areas “city” “island” "bridge")

The terrain of the map dictates three possible directions of attack - through the hills, through the city, across the island. It is recommended to support at least two adjacent directions, for example, hills-city or city-island, in order to have cover on at least one flank.

There is no and cannot be a classic route scheme - 3 directions dictate at least 3 options for the development of events. Let's take a closer look at the tactics of fighting on the Quiet Coast map.

The standard travel of a tank destroyer from the first respawn is control of the center from the base of the hill (square F1) and the island, respectively, for the second respawn, control of the center is carried out from positions in square B2, and the move to the island is controlled from it and from square E7 (a very convenient pebble at the base bridge). By the way, you can get to the island from the second spawn in two ways - through the bridge with the risk of initial exposure from the enemy’s nimble light tanks and through the ford along the 9th line - slowly, risky, but the chances of exposure are minimal.

Artillery on the “Quiet Coast” is in moderate demand - the map’s terrain is not very flat and there are areas that are not covered by fire (for example, the city and the area behind the mountains of spawn bases), but many convenient positions (J2 is a classic for the first team) make the game on an ART self-propelled gun it’s at least comfortable and not nervous. In general, the first team has much more positions for artillery - take at least J7 - an open but remote area from which it is very convenient to fire. The second team is practically deprived of such positions - the forest on A7 is frankly sparse and frail, clearance is possible immediately.

Medium tanks on this map usually support heavy tanks in one of the attack directions, although their main task is to break through the island. The thing is that previously the island was separated from the first base by water, but now a land isthmus has appeared, moreover, not open, but with a number of hills that successfully hide the attacking group from enemy tank destroyers in almost the entire attack area - literally 2 are shot through -3 positions.

Medium tanks also feel comfortable when attacking the hill-slope direction on the first and second lines. The map's relief has been significantly smoothed out, making it more convenient to shoot from the center, but many pebbles make it possible to develop an attack in this direction, sometimes quite successfully. If things don’t go well at all and the attack runs into a well-organized defense, then there is always the opportunity to fall into the lowlands and try to push through the central direction.

By the way, it is through the center (and more precisely, through the direction stones-city) that most heavy tank drivers play this map. The shortest path to the enemy base, however, without reliable flank cover from at least one, it will become a direct road to the hangar.

Light tanks feel great on this map in World of Tanks - there are plenty of opportunities for active or passive light. Among the representatives of the first team, it is considered the highest chic to take the island with a fast light tank before the tank destroyer of the second - such adventurers do not live long, but it is interesting, and in addition they manage to receive the “Scout” badge, posthumously.

Hello dear guests and guests of the portal site. We continue to analyze the maps of the game World Of Tanks. And today you will see guide to the wot map Quiet Coast. A relatively new map, which had been gathering dust for a long time in the archives of card makers being processed and was reborn in new glory. Well, let's get started with the review. We sincerely hope that the information gleaned from this review will be not only interesting, but also useful for you, and that there will be more smart players in the random pool.

General information.

Picture 1. Minimap.

Map Quiet coast wot was added to the game in update 0.7.5. However, it was not warmly received by the players even in update 0.8.4. was removed from the game and sent for revision (however, as often happens with wargaming). After a fairly serious rework, wot Quiet Coast returned to service in patch 0.8.8. and became available for the only mode of random battles - standard battle.

Quiet coast A very beautiful and bright map, it represents a calm bay on a clear summer day. There is a lot of vegetation, hills and cliffs, and a railway divides the map into two parts. As you already understand, Quiet Coast wot is a summer map (summer camouflage), it has standard dimensions for our game - 1000*1000 meters.

The map's relief is saturated. There are almost all the structural components available in the game: elevation changes, bushes, stones, depressions, high hills (in the area of ​​bases, behind which you can hide from artillery “suitcases”), buildings (both destructible and non-destructible), railway, water surface, bridges. In general, the Quiet Coast map in its current state plays quite well and cheerfully, any classes of tanks can easily find something to do, and “standing” happens here extremely rarely.

Let's lay out the map Quiet coast worldoftanks on main elements and components, so that you can more easily imagine its structure:

Picture 2. Legend.

  1. Upper base(The base is reliably covered by high hills, capable of providing protection from artillery and can be used as the “last line of defense.” However, among the hills there are many through passages, and therefore it is quite difficult to guess which side the opponents will enter from).
  2. "Zelenka"(A part of the map full of elevation changes and many hills. It is more often used by fast and maneuverable medium tanks, since there is practically no cover from artillery, and tank destroyers are also fired here from their positions behind. A breakthrough of the greenery inevitably leads to the destruction of artillery, entry into rear or to capture a base. The most important direction, which is not recommended).
  3. Lowland(Together with the greenery, they form the left flank, limited on the right by the railway. Can be used as an additional direction for attack, supporting the greenery. Also used by light tanks for illuminating and trolling opponents in tank destroyer positions. Does not represent a full-fledged direction, but only plays the role of support attacks).
  4. Town(A densely built-up part of the map, which has both destructible and non-destructible buildings. At the beginning of the battle it is used by light tanks for illumination, and has practically no other use, since it is located in an inconvenient part of the map, from which there are no shots to the main positions. However, the shortest route between the two bases passes through the town).
  5. "Scythe"(On this map, this is its right part, an elongated and arched land surrounded by a water barrier. There are many high stones and cliffs here, which provide some protection from the “suitcases” of artillery, which means it is suitable for slow and heavily armored tanks that can fight here "head-to-head" with enemy tanks. However, it is worth remembering that cover from artillery is not available everywhere, and when breaking through this direction you will inevitably encounter tank destroyers in their positions, but after that the road will be open to you directly. enemy base. The second important direction that cannot be thrown).
  6. Lower base(Like the upper base, it is surrounded by high hills and cliffs, providing protection from artillery and bullets, but they have many passages, which makes it quite difficult to predict the enemy’s behavior).

How to play on the Pacific Coast wot?

Let's take a look main directions and positions for all classes of equipment. To do this, look at picture 3:

Picture 3. Positions.

So, which ones can be distinguished? tactics on the Quiet Coast map wot? In fact, everything is simple and clear. There are only two key directions on this map:
  1. Follow the red arrows Fast and maneuverable medium tanks are driving. In the area where the two teams meet, there is a very large, but relatively flat hill, which is not particularly demanding in terms of vertical aiming angles. From this direction the path to the base itself opens. The allies on the “top floor” can be supported by tanks from the lowlands, driving almost to enemy positions, tucking themselves under the hill, thereby creating some kind of encirclement.
  2. Follow the blue arrows Heavy tanks are advancing. In this area (the so-called “spit”) there are quite a lot of relatively high, steep slopes that can provide protection from artillerymen, and numerous terrain folds will cover the lower armor plate. Pushing this direction is as important as the direction of medium tanks.
These are the two highest priority parts of the map. This is where the main forces of the teams collide. It is highly not recommended to go anywhere else, do not reinvent the wheel and better help your allies where it is really needed.

Behind both directions there are quite convenient positions for tank destroyers. They are marked green marker. In addition to opening up gunfire, these positions provide an opportunity to hide behind rocks or folds in the terrain in time from return fire.

Brown areas Picture 3 shows the most popular positions occupied by artillerymen. In general, from these positions there are excellent shots across almost the entire map. The only thing to be wary of is that enemy light tanks do not pass through the center (which happens quite often), and you also need to leave in time if any flank is crushed. Be that as it may, on this map it is especially important to monitor the minimap and be aware of the developing situation on the map in order to change the flank in time, get away from opponents, and support allies where it is required.

Yellow arrows Approximate movement patterns for fireflies are indicated. Briefly:

  • move to the railway area, defending the center of the map from enemy fireflies that can sneak into the rear of your team; illuminate the positions of enemy tank destroyers and troll enemies; however, first of all it is necessary to deal with the enemies who came here.
  • arrows leading from the upper base to the town area will provide your team with information about the movement of enemy heavy tanks, and perhaps someone will even go to the hangar; positions for initial illumination.
  • the yellow arrow leading to the “spit” is the backlight of enemy fireflies in the town; also useful only at the beginning of the battle.
You should not take the above as the only correct behavior on the Quiet Coast map. These are just the most standard tactics and directions that do not end the battle. This means that you will have to make your own decisions after the middle of the battle, but at the beginning of the battle you should choose exactly these directions that I described.

In conclusion.

Map Quiet coast is quite diverse and easy to learn, but at the same time requires constant monitoring and analysis of the minimap and the current situation on the map. It is equally suitable for all classes of vehicles: you are unlikely to be able to show off your tank to the fullest on this map, but you won’t have to remain idle here either. “Stoyalovo” does happen on the Tikhoy Coast, but it’s extremely rare. As a rule, the game here is played vigorously and cheerfully.

Successful battles and strong armor to you, dear readers of our portal. See you soon!