Cold beauty. Exhibition “Wrangel Island: life on the edge of the earth”

The natural landscapes of the Arctic fascinate with their beauty. But, despite the severe frosts, several species of unique animals live there. This amazing combination of cold and beauty is of great interest among travelers and photographers. The Russian Geographical Society organized an outdoor exhibition on the territory of the Sadovniki park.

Everyone can see the exhibition “Wrangel Island: Life at the End of the Earth.” The author of the presented photographs was a traveler, chairman of the jury of the All-Russian photo competition “The Most beautiful country» Sergey Gorshkov.

“Photographers who photograph wild animals have to witness interesting events, occurring in nature, which are hidden from the simple human eye. The main thing is to have time to capture these moments. I noticed that in the Arctic you stop looking at the clock and lose the sense of time, and the body adapts to the desired rhythm. During the polar day, daylight is very hard, but at night the light becomes fantastically soft and transparent. Many animals are more active at night. To get into their element, like nocturnal predators, I slept during the day and worked at night. Taking pictures at night was much more interesting and enjoyable,” said photographer Sergei Gorshkov.

Thus, residents of the Nagatino-Sadovniki district will be able to get closer to the fascinating nature of Wrangel Island and its inhabitants: polar bears, polar owls, wolverines, as well as walruses and Siberian lemmings.

“Since childhood, I have been fascinated by filming wild animals. This is terribly interesting. I really like that each photo is accompanied by a short story. This in itself already arouses interest: you seem to be walking through the park, and here they have opened for you almost an encyclopedia about Wrangel Island and its inhabitants. I would like this exhibition to have a continuation, in the form of a photo story about other parts of the planet and animals,” said Diana Kirillova, a resident of the Nagatino-Sadovniki district.

Let us remind you that the exhibition “Wrangel Island: Life at the End of the Earth” will be open around the clock on Fontannaya Square in Sadovniki Park until the end of February 2017.

For reference

Wrangel Island is located beyond the Arctic Circle on the border of the East Siberian and Chukchi Seas. It is elongated along a parallel, its length is 109 km, and its width is about 30 km. More than half of the territory is occupied by mountain systems, this is one of the most high islands Arctic. The climate here is quite harsh: in February, temperatures can stay below 30 °C for weeks. Summers are cool and there are frosts and snowfalls.

Russian photo exhibitions opened in Sadovniki and Kuzminki parks in Moscow. Geographical Society. In Sadovniki Park you can see an exhibition of works by the chairman of the jury of the Russian Geographical Society "The Most Beautiful Country" photo competition, Sergei Gorshkov, "Wrangel Island: Life at the End of the Earth", in "Kuzminki" - an exhibition of the participant of the photo competition Anton Petrus "Winter Altai".

Winner of many prestigious national and international awards, including 5 from BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Sergey Gorshkov captured the rugged beauty of the snow-capped Wrangel Island in his photographs.

Wrangel Island is located beyond the Arctic Circle on the border of the East Siberian and Chukchi seas. It is elongated along a parallel, its length is 109 km, width is about 30 km. More than half of the territory is occupied by mountain systems; it is one of the highest islands in the Arctic. The climate here is very harsh: in February-March the temperature can stay below −30 °C for weeks. Summers are cool and there are frosts and snowfalls. The area of ​​7,670 square kilometers represents all major types of Arctic landscapes and houses an unprecedented number of representatives of the animal and plant worlds.

The island received its name in honor of the Russian navigator and statesman of the 19th century Ferdinand Wrangel. On at the moment Wrangel Island is part of the reserve of the same name and has been included in the List of objects since 2004 world heritage UNESCO.

Photographer and traveler Anton Petrus dedicated his works to the beauty and grandeur of the Altai Mountains’ nature.

Altai is a mountainous region stretching across Russia, Kazakhstan, China and Mongolia. Many Altai ridges rise to a height of more than 3000–4000 m above sea level, their peaks are covered with snow all year round. Highest point this mountain system– the double-headed mountain Belukha, whose height is 4506 m. Altai is also famous for its lakes. The largest and deepest (more than 325 m) of them is Lake Teletskoye. Altai was not ignored by members of the Russian Geographical Society. The great Russian travelers and explorers Nikolai Przhevalsky, Grigory Grumm-Grzhimailo, Grigory Potanin explored this amazing region as part of their expeditions.

"Mountain Altai in winter is the mighty taiga cedars, buried in snowdrifts; it is the snow sparkling in the sun with myriads of diamond faces, covering mountain peaks; this is crystal clear and surprisingly rich frosty air; This mountain rivers and waterfalls, which have temporarily tamed their violent temper under the breath of winter, bound by ice armor,” says Anton Petrus. You can see this beauty with your own eyes, without leaving Moscow, until February 28, 2017 in Moscow parks.

Address of the park "Sadovniki": Andropova Avenue, 58a, metro station "Kashirskaya".

Address of Kuzminki Park: st. Kuzminsky Park, 1, building 2, metro station "Kuzminki".

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