Assassin creed black flag body drawing. Special drawings for improving the ship. Special incendiary projectiles

The Destroyer achievement in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag is unlocked after fully upgrading the Jackdaw with twelve blueprints. All main parts of the ship can be improved in the game. The first levels of upgrades are available by default, the last ones are unlocked only after finding special drawings that are stored in treasure chests throughout the Caribbean. To search for treasures, you need maps with the coordinates of buried treasures. Treasure maps lie among the remains of adventurers who died on the islands, or are brought by the Kenway Fleet from distant lands. Half of the treasures are buried on land, the other is hidden deep underwater. A diving bell, which appears in the story when Blackbeard needs medicine to save Nassau, helps to descend to the wreckage of ships to the bottom of the ocean.

Found drawings are automatically added to the section of the same name in the main menu of the game and become available for purchase in the captain's cabin or from merchants in shops in. Upgrading a ship in AC4 requires money, wood, metal and fabric. Frequent attacks on merchant ships, sea convoys, and raids on warehouses allow you to quickly replenish supplies of building materials. Big ships with rich prey most often appear in southern waters, in the area of ​​forts Serranilla and Navassa. Thanks to the improvements, the Jackdaw will eventually turn into a floating fortress, which will be in no way inferior to either linear or. The achievements “ ”, “ ” and “ ” are associated with finding blueprints for ship improvements.

Location of blueprints for upgrading the Jackdaw in Assassin’s Creed IV:

MapDrawing nameDrawing Location
Special building
(Elite Hull Armor) Hull strength increases to 5000 units.
Wreckage of "San Ignacio"(coordinates: 379,770): The drawing is in a chest inside the hull of a sunken ship in the northwestern part of the bottom. No treasure map needed.
A special set of weapons, or Special guns
(Elite Set of Broadside Cannons) The number of cannons for firing regular and heavy cannonballs increases to 23 on each side.
Blue Abyss(coordinates: 471,170): the drawing is hidden in a chest at the very depths in the northeastern part of the bottom. No treasure map needed.
Special ram
(Elite Ram) Damage from ramming when colliding with enemy ships increases to 4000 units.
The wreckage of La Concepción(coordinates: 181,296): The blueprint is stored in a chest at the bow of the shipwreck in the central part of the bottom. No treasure map needed.
Special kernels
(Elite Round Shot Strength) The power of regular cores increases to 100 units.
Ruins of Kaba(coordinates: 769,145): the drawing lies in the ruins closest to the diving bell in the central part of the bottom. No treasure map needed.
Special mortars
(Elite Mortars) Damage from mortar cannonballs increases to 4000 units.
Wreckage of "Antocha"(coordinates: 630,660): The blueprint is hidden in a chest in the captain's cabin in the shipwreck in the northeastern part of the bottom. No treasure map needed.
Special falconettes
(Elite Swivel Guns Strength) The damage from falconets increases to 500 units.
Devil's Eye Caves(coordinates: 487,357): the drawing is stored in a chest at the exit of the underwater tunnels in the central part of the bottom. No treasure map needed.
Special heavy nuclei
(Elite Heavy Shot Strength) Damage from heavy cannonballs increases to 260 units.
Misterios(coordinates: 307,195): The blueprint is hidden in a chest behind the Mayan temple, near the viewpoint, on top temple complex in the northeastern part of the island. Treasure Map Location: Ambergris Key (55,178). The upper level of the smugglers' base.
Special incendiary projectiles
(Elite Fire Barrel Strength) Damage from fire barrels increases to 600 units.
San Juan(coordinates: 479,487): the drawing is buried in a room near the exit from the smugglers' lair in the southeastern part of the location. Treasure Map Location: Santanilla (217,250). Behind the broken bow of the ship on the northeast coast of the island.
Special compartment for heavy cores
(Elite Heavy Shot Storage) The number of heavy cores increases to 40 pieces.
Petite Cavern(coordinates: 901,263): The drawing is in a chest in the southwestern part of the grotto. Treasure Map Location: Cayman Cove (327,334). On the northeast coast of the island.
Special compartment for mortar cannonballs
(Elite Mortar Storage) The number of mortar cores increases to 20 pieces.
Matanzas(coordinates: 333,650): the drawing is hidden in a chest next to, deep in the jungle, in the eastern part of the island. Treasure Map Location: Tortuga (882,370). Near the boat on the northeast coast of the island.
Special compartment for incendiary shells
(Elite Fire Barrel Storage) The number of incendiary shells increases to 40 pieces.
Providencia(coordinates: 502.44): the drawing is in a chest between three palm trees, opposite the viewpoint, on south coast islands. Treasure Map Location: Eastern Canada. St. John's. We send the Kenway Fleet to complete the Scarlet Fever mission. To obtain a drawing of a special compartment for incendiary cores, you need a licensed version of the game with Internet access or a pirated version from 3DMGAME with additional saves.
Special harpoon
(Elite Harpoon Strength) Harpoon damage increases to 300 units.
Andreas Island(coordinates: 579.720): The drawing can be found among the treasures on the southern coast of the island. Treasure Map Location: Mayaguana Island (880,544). In the stone passage in the center of the island.

Improvement of ship characteristics:

Special set of guns(coordinates: 471 170). We descend into the Blue Abyss, where we look for shipwrecks on the northern part of the bottom. The drawing is below them.

Special mortars(coordinates: 630 660). North-eastern part of the bottom, we are looking for the remains of “Antocha”, there is a chest in them under the deck.

Special falconettes(coordinates: 487 357). We descend into the Devil's Eye, find caves, swim to the very end and find a chest with a drawing.

Special kernels(coordinates: 769 145). In the central part of the bottom we are looking for a temple, which is closest to the starting point. There will be a chest with a drawing in it.

Special incendiary projectiles(coordinates: 479.487). Map in the north of Santanilla, behind the bow of the wrecked ship. In the tunnels under San Juan we are looking for the lair of smugglers, the treasure is in the very first room.

Special heavy nuclei(coordinates: 307 195). We are looking for a treasure map on the top floor of the smugglers' lair in Ambergris Key. Then we sail to Misteriosa, the largest Mayan temple. We are looking for a viewpoint behind the temple, a treasure is buried behind it.

Compartment for special heavy cores(coordinates: 901 263). We are looking for a map in the north of Cayman Bay. Treasure in the southwestern part of the grotto in Petite Cavern.

Special compartment for mortar cannonballs(coordinates: 333 650). In the northeast of Tortuga we look for a treasure map, then we sail to the east of Matanzas and dig up the treasure.

Special compartment for incendiary shells(coordinates: 502.44). The blueprint is obtained by a fleet ship during the Scarlet Fever mission in Eastern Canada. The chest is located on the southern coast of Providencia next to the shipwreck.

Special building(coordinates: 379 770). In the northwestern part of the bottom we are looking for the remains of “San Ignacio”, a drawing inside.

Special ram(coordinates: 181 296). In the central part of the bottom we are looking for the remains of “La Concepcion”; the chest we need is right on the upper deck.

Special harpoon(coordinates: 579 720). We are looking for a map in one of the passages in the center of Mayaguana. Then we dig up the treasure by going to the southwestern part of Andreas Island.

Ship decorations

Figurehead from Queen Anne's Revenge(coordinates: 240 607). We find the treasure map in the north of Havana by searching the corpse next to the cathedral. Then in the same Havana we look for a chest, it’s not at all difficult.

Snake figurehead(coordinates: 749 625). We are looking for the map on Abaco Island, the drawing itself is in a chest in the Salty Lagoon.

Aquila's helm(coordinates: 335 469). We are looking for a map on the southeast coast of Cumberland Bay, a drawing - on Pinos Island next to the viewpoint on the pyramid.

Ebony steering wheel(coordinates: 623 172). Map on Mysterios, middle floor of the destroyed pyramid in the center of the island. Drawing in east Kingston, shore, next to three wooden boxes.

Gray sails(coordinates: 633 784). Map in a cave in the northwest of Greater Inagua. The drawing itself is in the pirates' lair on Nassau, north of the estate.

Floral sails(coordinates: 215 449). We are looking for shipwrecks on the southern part of the bottom.

Hello friends! In the game Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag there are 22 treasure maps and, accordingly, the same number of buried chests. Before looking for treasure, you need a map, without it the “dig” mark does not appear, I checked it personally. So I started looking for a map, and then a place. In addition to the fact that by opening the chests you get a good amount of money, they also contain drawings for the “Jackdaw” in most of them.

Three treasure maps can only be obtained by completing quests in the Kenway fleet. See below.

If you don’t need money, then you can determine whether there are drawings in the chest or not if you look at the card itself, at the top it will be written which drawing you can get if you find the chest. If it’s not there, then you’ll just get paid for it.

Map 749.625

Where to look for the chest: Near a large stone on the island

Reward: 3000 R, Snake figurehead

Map coordinates (where to look for the map): 606.835 Abaco Island

Map 633,784

Where to look for the chest: swamp with crocodiles
Reward: 3000 R, Gray sails
Map coordinates: 845.468 Greater Inagua

Map 479,487

Where to look for the chest: we go down to the sunken ship San Juan. We swim out to the smugglers' lair, knock them down and immediately look for a closed chest.
Reward: 3000 R, special incendiary shells

Map coordinates: 221.247 Santanilla

Map 992.422

Where to look for the chest: We climb onto the building from which we can see the “Jackdaw” on the left side, the bow of a sunken ship in the bay. We jump down to the area in front of the sea.
Reward: 4000 R
Map coordinates: 621.277 Anotto Bay

Map 623.173

Where to look for the chest: moving a little away from the boat to move to the ship, we look for a littered fence
Reward: 3000 R, ebony steering wheel
Map coordinates: 303,199 Mysterios.

Map 333,650

Where to look for the chest: Next to the Mayan riddle
Reward: 3000 R, compartment for special mortars
Map coordinates: 882.337 Tortuga

Map 307.195

Where to look for the chest: We don’t jump off the synchronization point, but walk a little backwards, moving along the running stream. From the statue of a lion and a stream runs, we look next to it
Reward: 3000 R, special heavy cores
Coordinates: maps 58,184 Ambergris Key

Map 565,539

Where to look for the chest: Next to the boat for moving to the ship, we see another overturned boat, behind it we look
Reward: 4000 R
Map coordinates: 843.139 Ile-a-Vash

Map 525.253

Where to look for the chest: Not far from the synchronization point next to the shacks, between two bushes.
Reward: 4000 R
Map coordinates: 498.58 Providencia

Map 442.118

Where to look for the chest: next to the mill
Reward: 4000 R
Map coordinates: 754.632 Salty Lagoon

Map 335,469

Where to look for the chest: landmark - a tree that lies between the ruins.
Reward: 3000 R, Aquila helm
Map coordinates: 679.371 Cumberland Bay

Map 70.405

Where to look for the chest: between the boat and the synchronization point, under a huge tree
Reward: 4000 R
Map coordinates: 893.262 pirate cave Petit Cavern

Map 327,334

Where to look for the chest: At the very edge of the island by the water
Reward: 4000 R
Map coordinates: 338,480 Pinos

Map 579,720

Where to look for the chest: landmark - the boat we run across from it to a small island
Reward: 3000 R, Special harpoon
Map coordinates: 877.539 Mayaguana

Map 606.835

Where to look for the chest: Big ship on the island a little to the right of it
Reward: 4000 R
Map coordinates: 574.718 Andreas Island

Map 901.263

Where to look for the chest: Next to a small wooden bridge
Reward: 3000 R, Compartment for special heavy cores
Map coordinates: 335.335 Cayman Cove

Map 240.607

Where to look for the chest: under the wall of the fort prison in Havana very close to the water
Reward: 3000 R, figurehead from Queen Anne's Revenge
Map coordinates: 240,607 Havana

Map 55.178

Where to look for the chest: small dry place(depression) next to water
Reward: 4000 R
Map coordinates: 42.267 Corozal

Map 179,593

Where to look for the chest: in a small depression
Reward: 1500 R
Map coordinates: 179.593 Cape Bonavista

"Kenway's Fleet"

Map 679.381

Where to look for the chest: on the seashore in the sand
Reward: 4000 R
Map coordinates: completed the mission “Empty Cellars” in the Kenway fleet

Drawing Special ram
Location: La Concepción (181,296)
The blueprint for an elite ram is located on a sunken ship in the La Concepción area. One of the lightest chests, which is located inside a sunken ship. The only danger is from swimming sharks. A special ram will allow the Jackdaw to cause devastating damage to ships.

Drawing Special Corps
Location: San Ignacio (379,770)
A special body will protect the Jackdaw from destructive damage.

Elite Round Shot Strength
Location: Kabah Ruins (769,145)

Blueprint: Elite Broadside Cannons
Location: Blue hole- The Blue Hole (471,170)
twenty-three broadside guns on each side, with devastating firepower.

Drawing Special Mortars
Location: Antocha (630,660)
Once at the shipwreck from the corridor northeast of the bow of the wreck, swim through the small opening to find it. These golden mortars allow the Jackdaw to inflict devastating damage over a large area from a great distance.

Drawing Special copper falconets
Location: Devil's Eye Caverns (488,353)
These golden falconets allow the Jackdaw to deal devastating targeted damage. Swim through the underwater tunnel to an air pocket where you need to replenish your oxygen supplies, then swim to the cave, but beware of poisonous jellyfish.

Drawing Special Heavy Cores
Location: Mysterios Island (307,195)
These cannonballs deal devastating damage when hit from a short distance. Also, one reload allows you to fire 2 shots.

Drawing of Special Incendiary Projectiles
Location: San Juan (479,487)
These incendiary rounds deal devastating damage upon impact and expose enemy weaknesses. You will need a map from Santanillas, then proceed to the smugglers' lair on San Juan, where you will find a drawing by breaking the boards.

Drawing of a Special Compartment for Heavy Nuclei
Location: Petite Cavern (901,263)
This compartment allows the Jackdaw to transport a gigantic amount of heavy cores. You'll have to go to Cayman Sound to get the map, and the drawing itself will be in a buried chest in the Petite Caverne restricted area.

Drawing of a Special Compartment for Mortar Cannonballs
Location: Matanzas (333,650)
This compartment allows the Jackdaw to transport a gigantic number of mortar cannonballs. Follow the map to Tortuga, and then follow the chest itself to Matanzas to the ruins.

Drawing of a Special Compartment for Incendiary Projectiles
Location: Providencia (502.44)
This compartment allows the Jackdaw to transport a gigantic amount of incendiary shells. To get the map you need to send the Kenway Fleet to Eastern Canada and complete the Scarlet Fever task. The drawing itself is in the south of Providencia Island near the shipwreck.

Drawing Special Harpoon
Location: Andreas Island (579,720)
This harpoon deals devastating damage to its victim. The map is on Mariguana Island, and the treasure itself with a drawing is on the south of Andreas Island.

Since Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag is more than full of naval battles, upgrading the ship seems to be a vital necessity. To do this, we will definitely need drawings and resources to bring these drawings to life.

If everything is clear with resources - they attacked another ship, defeated it, received a bunch of goods that you can send to yourself for spare parts, then with the drawings everything is much more complicated - there are already eighteen of them, and not all of them are immediately available.

In the store you can buy only a third of all the drawings, while you will have to look for a good dozen. This is what we will help you with here, by providing a list of drawings and coordinates where these same drawings should be looked for.

So, Improvement "special ram" - coordinates where you can find: 181.296 (this is La Concepcion). Nothing complicated - the drawings are on a sunken ship; in order to get to the chest, you will need to overcome the resistance of a herd of sharks.

Improvement "special building" - coordinates where you can find: 379.770 (this is San Ignacio). The drawing allows you to make the body more perfect and durable.

Improvement "throw power" - coordinates where you can find: 769.145 (this is the Kabah Ruins).

Improvement "set of elite guns" - coordinates where you can find: 471.170 (this is the Blue Hole). The modification allows you to add twenty-three cannons to each side of the ship, which is why it is an extremely important “must have” update.

Improvement "mortars" - coordinates where you can find: 630.660 (this is Antokha). This drawing, like the previous one, is extremely important, because you will significantly increase your firing range and its area.

Improvement "copper falconets" - coordinates where you can find: 488.353 (these are the Devil's Eye Caves). With this drawing you can significantly improve the accuracy of your shots.
Improvement "heavy cores" - coordinates where you can find: 307.195 (this is the island of Mysterios). It is a useful blueprint that will give your ship decent firepower in close-range combat.

Improvement "incendiary shells" - coordinates where you can find: 479.487 (this is San Juan). As you already understood from the name, using such a drawing, you get incendiary shells at your disposal. Extremely useful thing, which quickly reveals weak sides on enemy ships.

Improvement "compartment for heavy cores" - coordinates where you can find: 901.263 (this is the Petit Cave). Of course, you will be able to load more heavy cores onto your ship, increasing its overall combat effectiveness due to more ammunition, which sometimes tends to run out at the most inopportune moment.

Improvement "compartment for mortar cores" - coordinates where you can find: 333.650 (this is Matanzas). Like the previous update, it increases your combat effectiveness by expanding the maximum ammunition. Only this time not heavy nuclei, but charges for mortars.

Improvement "compartment for incendiary shells" - coordinates where you can find: 502.44 (this is Providencia). The essence of the update for the ship is the same - increase the maximum possible ammunition of incendiary shells.

Improvement "elite harpoon" - coordinates where you can find: 579.720 (this is Andreas Island). An extremely important modification if you are going to fight with legendary ships. A harpoon appears in your ship's arsenal, causing very significant damage to its target.