Holiday home with New Year's program. Recreation centers for the New Year. Rest during the New Year holidays

"How New Year If you meet him, you will see him through,” says a popular saying. Indeed, the mood and emotions received in New Year's Eve, inevitably leave their mark throughout the year. It is all the more important to take a balanced approach to choosing a venue for New Year’s celebrations. In order to retain vivid memories of a colorful meeting of your favorite holiday even after a long time, it is advisable to spend it with your closest people, but in an unusual setting. Many people offer this opportunity. Unique nature, quality service and good company- this is a guarantee of an unforgettable celebration.

Celebrate the New Year in the Moscow region in a fun and original way

In all directions metropolitan region In recent years, a great many hotel and entertainment facilities have been built or modernized. Spending the New Year holidays in nature not far from Moscow and at the same time inexpensively is quite possible. To do this, you just need to worry about early booking. If you have the appropriate budget, it will not be difficult to find luxurious celebration options, for example, with the participation of celebrities or with extraordinary entertainment. Possibility of placement in hotel rooms various categories, and in separate cottages, often equipped with a bathhouse or sauna.

An excellent choice of place to celebrate the long-awaited holiday would be one of the many. The clinking of glasses and the chimes surrounded by a winter forest fairy tale will leave a lasting impression. In such places, it will be especially interesting to celebrate the New Year with children, for whom, as a rule, a whole range of events and separate entertainment program. In an effort to attract customers, the organizers offer discounts for collective customers, which is worth taking advantage of when organizing a New Year's corporate party.

New Year or Christmas is a great reason to change your surroundings, get away from the bustle of the city, devote yourself to active recreation and get a boost of energy for the upcoming work. Our website will help you choose a hotel to your liking, with the necessary list of services and level of comfort, providing detailed information about the best accommodation facilities.

Street noise, queues in supermarkets, exhaust fumes, traffic jams - all these elements are mandatory attributes of city life. In addition, the rapid pace of life of a modern person leaves its negative imprint on our well-being. Therefore, to restore strength and vitality, you need a good rest in an ecologically clean area. In addition, you don’t need to fly anywhere or travel far to do this. The Moscow region offers an excellent opportunity to relax and spend the New Year 2019 in a holiday home.

Holidays in the suburbs are a great opportunity to have fun and interesting time with friends or family, as well as for those who prefer not to go far from home. Therefore, holiday homes in the Moscow region are an ideal option. In addition, it is quite possible to combine entertainment and leisure with work, because the main thing in this situation is to choose the right place.

Holiday home on new year holidays - ideal option for children's holidays, because not all families have grandparents in the village. In addition, this is a great opportunity to spend the holidays with the whole family, and the cost of a trip for the New Year is much cheaper than a tour abroad, because in many boarding houses the accommodation of small children is not paid.

Among guests and residents of Moscow, celebrating the New Year in holiday homes is becoming increasingly popular. This is due to the fact that once outside the city, vacationers are given the opportunity to break away from the boring bustle of the city, find themselves in the real kingdom of Grandfather Frost, surrounded by tall snow-covered fir trees, and holiday homes for the New Year 2019 welcome their guests with a set table, playing music, warm and cozy atmosphere.

Of course, everyone chooses for themselves the type of recreation that is most acceptable to them. But even the most different options for spending a winter vacation have common features and characteristics that distinguish them favorably from types of recreation in summer seasons. When planning your trip, there are a few things you need to consider. Remember that the New Year's rush begins by the end of autumn, and in mid-December it is almost impossible to book a tour for the New Year. Therefore, it is very important to book a holiday home on time. New Year is a great opportunity to have fun and benefit your health. And booking a room in advance will allow you to save some cash, and choose the option that best suits your needs. “Last minute trips” to holiday homes in the Moscow region for New Year and Christmas almost never happen.

Many companies offer cheap New Year's holidays in a holiday home. In addition, the price of the tour includes full board, in some cases, two meals a day. By choosing this way to relax, tourists do not need to worry about preparing a festive table; the price of a New Year's banquet is usually already included in the price of staying in a holiday home.

If you are planning to celebrate the New Year outside the city 2019, the holiday home may not provide medical services for this period. Therefore, if your plans include health improvement, then when booking a room you should definitely check with the administrator of the establishment about the schedule and order in which the medical base of the establishment will work.

New Year is the most magical holiday you can imagine! I want to spend it with fluffy snowdrifts outside the window, a decorated Christmas tree and fun outdoor activities. Moscow, St. Petersburg and others major cities They rarely delight us with truly New Year's weather. Therefore, if you don’t want to spend the first days of 2020 on the sofa with a plate of Olivier, and if you’re already bored with trips to hot countries with crowds of tourists, pay attention to our New Year's tours across Russia. Moreover, we opened on them early booking and now you can inexpensively purchase your favorite tour!

During the New Year holidays, we have prepared exciting and original adventures in the regions of Russia and beyond:

  • Mountain expeditions to Altai, Elbrus, Northern Urals and Adygea;
  • Extreme skiing alpine skiing in Kamchatka or cross-country skiing tours through the forests of the Arkhangelsk region;
  • Races on snowmobiles, ATVs, dog and reindeer sleds in Karelia, Yamal and Kola Peninsula;
  • Excursion tours to Baikal, Kamchatka and Antarctica.

Family holidays for New Year and Christmas

Just imagine the cozy crackling of firewood in the stove, a mug of hot taiga tea that pleasantly warms your hands after the cold outside, and northern lights outside the window. What would you like if you celebrate the New Year in the tent of a real reindeer herder as part of a unique experience?

New Year's tours 2020 in Russia with children

Go on a tour with your children for the New Year holidays, and give them a real fairy tale and a sea of ​​positive emotions for the New Year!

Active holidays for the New Year

We always promise ourselves to start new life right from January, we are planning to make a dream come true or do something unexpected and inspiring in the coming year. Stop procrastinating! 2020 should start with a real adventure. For example, climb Elbrus as part of the 8-day tour "".

You’re not yet ready to rush to Elbrus, but would you be happy to go to the mountains for the holidays? Take a closer look at tours to Altai. Here you will find not only walks along the most beautiful mountain paths, but also breathtaking snowmobiling and ATV rides surrounded by Altai beauty. For those who like to tickle their nerves not only through active recreation, we advise you to go on snowmobiles to the famous and mystical Dyatlov Pass in the Northern Urals and, perhaps, finally discover its secret.

Need even more physical activity? Let's go on ski tours in Arkhangelsk region or ride along the untouched slopes of Kamchatka - where about ski resorts haven't even heard! Well, if you have already been to all these wonderful places, and your soul requires new and original impressions, it’s time to discover the seventh continent with the help of ours.

Everyone's favorite holiday, New Year and fabulous Christmas, are increasingly celebrated today in the Moscow region. Thanks to the early booking program 2020, you can celebrate the New Year in the Moscow region in best hotels and with the greatest benefit.

Freedom of choice

Early booking is possible for apartments located in hotels and all-inclusive hotels, recreation centers or sanatoriums, as well as in individual cottages.

Benefits of early booking

New Year in the Moscow region 2020, early booking of which is available on optimal terms in our company - this is not only an individual approach to each client, affordable prices and pleasant discounts, but also a high level of service in hotels and inns, service not inferior to European.

By cooperating only with trusted counterparties, we guarantee great holiday without having to spend money on flights and visas (which is necessary if you plan to vacation abroad), without acclimatization and overcoming the language barrier.

The cleanest air and winter landscapes familiar from children's fairy tales, cozy apartments and delicious snacks, entertainment that warms the soul and body and vacationers who speak the same language as you - this is an additional advantage of a holiday in the Moscow region.

Staff care

The main task of the staff of hotels, recreation centers and hotels, in addition to ensuring comfort, cleanliness and coziness, is to create a festive atmosphere and directly organize the celebration.

For little guests, a special program is being prepared with the participation of favorite cartoon and fairy tale characters, and, of course, the Snow Maiden and Father Frost.

Freeing their guests from the need to set the table, prepare snacks and come up with entertainment, the staff creates the necessary conditions for complete relaxation and rest.

Additional bonuses include SPA complexes, swimming pools, saunas, gyms and relaxation rooms for children, located in many hotels.

Don't forget about active recreation: skiing, skating, sledding and snowball fights, walks through the snowy forest also become an integral part New Year's holiday in the Moscow region.

Greatest benefit

Tempting offers and promotions that have been in effect since September allow you to plan a New Year's celebration in the Moscow region without damaging the family budget.

By submitting your application right now, you leave us more time to select interesting options for youth or family vacations, as well as for a romantic weekend for the New Year in the Moscow region, receiving a tour without unnecessary markups and unreasonable markups.

Many departments and recreation centers offer small but very pleasant discounts for partial or full prepayment of the tour, and provide other compliments for their guests.

New Year in the Moscow region means traditional Russian pastimes that have been loved since childhood, unbridled fun, the opportunity to combine relaxation with sports and a visit to the spa, as well as comfort and safety.

So familiar and near Moscow region every year reveals to us new facets of its splendor and truly limitless opportunities for relaxation and treatment. The Moscow region was formed on January 14, 1929 and is located in the center of the European part of Russia, between 54 and 57 s. w. and between 35 and 40 centuries. d. Area (excluding Moscow area) 46 thousand km2. Population (as of January 1, 2004) - 6,622 thousand people (4.6% of the Russian population). The Moscow region borders in the west with Smolensk, in the northwest and north with Tverskaya, in the northeast with Yaroslavl, in the east with Vladimir, in the southeast with Ryazan, in the south with Tula, in the southwest with Kaluga regions. Administrative center Moscow region - Moscow. Geographical location The territory of the Moscow region is determined by the generally flat nature of the relief with alternating hilly hills and flat lowlands.

The poet William Blake argued that the whole world can be seen in one flower bud. In the Moscow region, many generations of Russians collected and painstakingly preserved the best artifacts of world culture, repeated famous historical landscapes, and copied world-famous palaces and castles. Here you can visit the holy land without leaving the expanses of our northern Motherland. In the 17th century, the banks of the Istra River, with their bends, miraculously repeated the bends of the Jordan River, and our Moscow region Jerusalem was reflected in its waters. Mounts Zion, Tabor, Eleon and Galgotha ​​grew. For its beauty and genuine luxury, the Arkhangelskoye estate has been turned into a “Versailles” near Moscow, and in the south of the Moscow region, in the steppes of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve, real bison graze freely. And if you like the overseas exoticism of a tropical hotel, the hospitable and zealous Moscow region will offer it to you. Because the Moscow region is one of the most developed regions of the Russian tourism industry. Scroll resort complexes exceeds 1000 items and is able to provide any level of comfort. Health resorts, known for their unique medical facilities and highly qualified medical staff, will help you restore and improve your health. How much active entertainment in boarding houses and recreation centers near Moscow! The outskirts of the capital are famous for rare natural beauty. The land of brooding forests, ancient rivers, magical lakes and even man-made mountains will provide you with a rich selection of spring entertainment, summer holiday and rest on


The climate of the Moscow region is temperate continental. The warm period (average daily air temperature above 0°C), starting in early April and ending in early November, lasts 205-215 days. The warmest month is July ( average temperature from 16.5 C in the northwest to 18.5 C in the southeast). The absolute maximum temperature - 39 C was recorded in Kashira and Zaraysk. The annual precipitation in the region varies from 450 to 650 mm.

Natural healing factors and treatment profiles

The basis of the resort resources of the Moscow region, along with the climate, is mineral waters drinking value and brines that are used for baths. Many sanatoriums near Moscow, such as Mozhaisky, Dorokhovo and Erino, have their own pump rooms. In the Moscow region there are several deposits of medicinal peat mud, which are effectively used for treatment in sanatoriums. The possibility of carrying out sanatorium-resort treatment and recreation in the Moscow region is determined by the following factors: lack of acclimatization, adaptation and re-adaptation reaction for residents middle zone Russia; all-season; developed recreational and medical-diagnostic infrastructure of sanatoriums near Moscow; proximity to leading medical centers.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, nervous system, digestive system, musculoskeletal system, gynecological diseases, metabolic disorders.