How to get to kush kaya laspi. Crimea. A walk to Kush-kaya, which is above Batiliman. Route track across Crimea from Kush Kai to the Lost World

Crimea attracts tourists from all over the world. Unique views open from the tops of the mountains. Of course, you can bask in the warm rays of the Crimean sun on the beach for a while, or plunge into the cool waters of the Black Sea, but adventure still beckons its heroes. Mount Falcon is waiting for its conquerors, ready to climb its steep slopes. Travelers are rewarded unique landscape- the endless sea and the Crimean picturesque expanses.

Before you go on vacation, you should study the features of mountain routes. Every adventurer will be interested in learning basic information about Mount Falcon.

general characteristics

Mount Sokol in the New World is known to many tourists who have visited the peninsula. It can be seen from afar. This is an ancient one who now finds himself in the grip of land. In the debris you can see imprints of sea shells and corals.

At the foot majestic mountain the only road to New World. Rocks falling from a huge coral reef are extremely rare. However, drivers are in awe of the overhanging bulk, and they try to pass this section of the road faster.

At the foot of the cliff there are small bays and several large boulders. They are also called Falcons. They seem to take refuge under the power of their protector.

Mount Sokol, whose height above sea level is 474 m, is the largest coral reef on the Crimean peninsula and the oldest in Europe.

Mountain slopes

Mount Sokol (New World) stretches 1 thousand meters in width and 1.2 thousand meters in length. This is its name natural object received due to its northeastern appearance. Previously it sounded like Kush-Kaya. From this side, the mountain resembles a bird spreading its wings. The ancient Romans called her Senator because of her impressive appearance.

The slopes on the south side are steep. If it rains, water rushes down the rock in powerful streams.

At this time, four temporary waterfalls can be observed. They exceed in height even Wuchang-Su. But after the weather stops, the waterfalls immediately disappear.

To climb to the top, you should start from the northeast side. Here the slopes are gentler.

Climbing to the top

Mount Sokol awaits its travelers. Crimea is rich in such objects. But you should definitely conquer Sokol if you are vacationing in these parts. There are many routes for professional climbers and ordinary tourists.

There are about two dozen routes to the top from the south and southwest. They are characterized by five levels of difficulty. For unprepared people, there is a road through the forest coming from the New World. From the highway the path will be more difficult.

The most difficult climbing areas, accessible only to experienced climbers, are located in the center of the southern slope. They are also called “mirrors”. There are no large elements of mountainous terrain here.

The length of the routes ranges from 150 to 400 m. But you need to prepare for the climb responsibly.

If the tourist does not have sufficient experience When climbing to the top, you should not choose difficult routes. Even on the safest trails, there is a chance of injury or even just getting lost. Therefore, travel should be taken very seriously.

Before going on a hike, you need to study the chosen route. Shoes and clothes should be comfortable. Otherwise the climb will seem even harder. Mount Falcon (New World) is known for its unapproachable temperament. Therefore, under no circumstances should you leave the trail or try to climb steep slopes without equipment. Such wrong actions can end tragically.

You should also take water and food with you before climbing. The routes may not be very long, but it doesn’t hurt to be on the safe side.

New trail

Mount Sokol has many trails. One of the most popular for the average tourist is New trail. It starts from highway, going to Sudak, at the place of its sharp turn. Along the way you need to pay attention to the signs.

There are many beautiful trees and plants along the serpentine road. On the paths you can see lizards and birds. Along the way there are even relict trees that grow only in these lands. Birds such as the hawk, falcon, kite and eagle live here.

After an hour (or even more) of moving up, travelers reach the spring. Here you can rest and drink cool spring water. This is the middle of the road. Further on the paths will be more deserted. You need to follow the path so as not to get lost. You can get lost on this part of the path.


Mount Sokol offers a unique view from its top. It is not covered with forest, so exploring the surrounding area from here will not be difficult. From the top of the mountain there is a view of a vast part of the southern Crimean coast.

In the west you can see the New World and its bay. On the opposite side is Sudak. Here you can see Far below the foot of the mountain is washed by the waters of the warm Black Sea. This picture is simply mesmerizing.

If the weather is good, you can try to see the distant peaks of Kara-Dag. To the southwest is the highest plateau of these lands - Babugan-Yaylu. It rises majestically here highest mountain Crimea Roman-Kosh.

The adventure that Mount Sokol gives its guests will leave a lot of positive impressions. The gorgeous Crimean nature and winding serpentine paths will not leave any tourist indifferent. The view from the mountain is worth the time and effort spent on the climb.

In addition to lovers of beaches and cultural attractions, Crimean peninsula It has long been a favorite of climbers. There are no Everests or Mont Blancs here, but the peaks here are very diverse, so they allow you to train in almost any conditions. Mount Kush-Kaya in Crimea belongs precisely to the list of such. Fans of mountain walks who do not have special sports training will be able to conquer it along fairly convenient paths.

Where is Kush-Kaya located in Crimea?

It would seem that it would be easier to indicate the location of the rock. But the task will not seem elementary to a person, okay to those who know Crimea. Mount Kush-Kaya is located there in three places at the same time. Today we will talk about everything, but we will dwell in detail on visiting the one near.

Object on the map of Crimea

Features of the origin of the name

The answer to the fact that finding a peak can be difficult is quite prosaic. The fact is that the namesake peaks in Crimea are quite common. “Kush-Kaya” means “Bird Mountain”. This name is given to three different hills, quite distant from each other.

The most picturesque of them is the one located in, not far from Sudak. It is often captured in photographs and is considered a symbol of the village. Her Russian name– . The dimensions are more than usual - 446 m above sea level.

The highest is Kush-Kaya on. Her “height” is 1339 m. In appearance, she looks like an ear listening to the sound of the waves. You can get here through a path that is accessible to tourists without mountaineering training.

The most famous mountain is Kush-Kaya near, and we will talk about visiting it today. Its height is average - 664 m, but there is a steep wall facing the sea, where training and mountaineering competitions take place.

Crimean conspiracy theory

In 2013, this hill was shrouded in a veil of ominous mystery - there were reports of the disappearance of a certain tourist on its slopes. Her body was not found. Everyone familiar with the news tried their best to invent different versions of what happened. It involved both aliens and certain criminal Internet communities, who gave the girl an impossible task as a dedication - to climb.

The missing person’s phone was also present in the case, where something was taken. There were stories about her strange behavior and imbalance.

However, more experienced mountain tourists They reasonably stated that there was no need to look for aliens in places where there were slippery rocks, a large incline and unsuitable beach shoes. Unfortunately, accidents with such would-be climbers happen in any mountains. But no body - no business. Over time, the “mystery of Kush-Kai” lost its relevance, but everyone who came up with their own version of its solution remained unconvinced.

Excursions and routes to Mount Kush-Kaya

For lovers mountain tourism Kush-Kaya near Laspi provides many opportunities. Because there are trails here different levels complexity (according to professional classification - from 1B to 5B), all potential conquerors choose routes according to their capabilities and plans. In total, 18 different routes lead here, some of which are not even worth attempting without good climbing equipment and climber training.

Rock of the lower mountain belt - favorite place training and competitions for experienced climbers. But they are a special brethren, resolving organizational issues and security problems “among themselves.” Unprepared tourists usually get to the top along the so-called Great Sevastopol Trail. It is a very long excursion section, where Kush-Kaya is only one of its elements.

The trail starts in, but you can get to it in order to get to Kush-Kaya from the Laspi pass. The path here is well marked, with numerous signposts - it’s difficult to get lost. But even this “simple” route requires comfortable sportswear, good shoes (to avoid slipping) and decent physical shape (the climb is steep and difficult,
although quite accessible to non-professionals).

The trail passes by a corral for wild animals - a kind of hunting ground. Locals joke that the answer to the question of who is protected from whom by a high mesh fence is ambiguous. On the way up you will see some ruins where a wooden cross is installed. The official version says that the ruins are the remains of the Cathedral of St. Elias, which stood here in the late Middle Ages. That is why the cross was erected. But there are skeptics who claim that the condition of the stones and the composition of the mortar that holds them together, the technology of this period is little consistent with this period, and the ruins are the remains of a naval outpost.

Holidaymakers strive to climb to the top of Kush-Kaya for the views that open from there. From above you can admire the nature reserve in Laspi Bay. These landscapes are rightly ranked among the most beautiful in Crimea. People often come here for several days with tents. At the foot of the campsite there is a campsite for vacationers, where it is easier both with firewood and with drinking water. But some “savages” manage to find accommodation outside this housing complex.

How to get there (get there)?

As already mentioned, you can get to Mount Kush-Kaya different ways, but tourists often choose the route along the Bolshaya Sevastopol road. If yours starts in the Laspinsky Pass area, then this is what the further path looks like:

Note to tourists

  • Address: Orlinovsky municipal district, Sevastopol, Crimea, Russia.
  • GPS coordinates: 44.425131, 33.679880.

If it occurs to someone to test the loyalty of their friend using Vysotsky’s method, it is not necessary to go to the Caucasus - they can go to Crimea. Mount Kush-Kaya is perfect for such a check, and the friendly Crimean cities and the villages will then help to adequately celebrate the common victory! In conclusion, we offer a video report about the hike to the hill.

In Crimea there are three mountains with the same name - Kush-Kaya. One is located in the New World, the second is on Babugan-yayla, and the third is above Laspi. I suggest you go to the last peak - one of the most picturesque - this coming weekend. This mountain has many advantages: it is not high, the climb is relatively easy, and the view from the mountain is unforgettable.

Kush-Kaya is translated from Crimean Tatar as “bird mountain”. The peak is at a bird's eye height - 664 meters. Kush-Kaya seems to hang over Batiliman and protects it from cold winds and creates a special microclimate. They say that the air temperature under the mountain is always a couple of degrees higher than throughout the entire South Coast.

It should be noted right away that climbing Kush-Kaya is still more hiking trip than a normal walk. Therefore, I recommend that you prepare - wear comfortable clothes and shoes, take food and plenty of water with you. If you take these nuances into account, the hike will be quite comfortable and uncomplicated. The ascent will take about two hours, the descent - much less.

The path to the top will not be boring. You will see the ruins of the Church of St. Elijah from the 11th to 15th centuries, old trees, as well as dozens of species of Crimean herbs and flowers. Now the flowering season is beginning, so the walk will be incredibly beautiful.

By the way, the trail passes by an enclosure for wild animals. Deer, roe deer and wild boar live here. The area of ​​the hunting area is almost 500 hectares and anyone can enter the territory. If you're lucky, you'll meet animals. The foresters say they are friendly. We were only able to see deer that were kept in quarantine in a small pen.

Most of the way to Kush-Kai runs through the forest. Only at the end of the climb the road becomes steep. In several areas it is very difficult to walk due to the large angle of inclination. Many people have the idea of ​​turning off the path and giving up the idea of ​​going on a hike. But I assure you that all the difficulties will be worth the view from the top of Kush-Kaya. And remember - the descent will be much easier.

The trail leads out to a rocky plateau with incredible views. From a bird's eye view you can see the Baydar Valley, Laspi Bay and Cape Aya.

One of the attractions of the Kush-Kaya peak is the ledge directly above the cliff. The bravest tourists climb to its edge to take a couple of photos. However, I do not recommend following their example. In recent years, the metal structure has deteriorated greatly and become unreliable. In addition, strong winds often blow at the top.

To conquer Kush-Kai, you must first get to the Laspi pass by car or by any bus going to Yalta. Travel time from Sevastopol is about half an hour. You can park your car near the Laspi Observation Deck stop. From there you need to walk along the highway 100-200 meters towards Sevastopol until you turn onto a dirt road with a green barrier and enter the Great Sevastopol Trail. Next, follow these orange signs.

These landmarks will not let you go astray and will always tell you how many kilometers and time are left to your goal. I wish you a great weekend! Conquer new heights!

My previous travels: Chufut-Kale and the ancient Karaite cemetery ,

On Kush-kaya - the mountain that is nearby
with the famous Laspi Bay,
Valery Viktorovich, my friend and photo travel partner, and I decided to run away for the night,
in order to capture in the photo the rising of the full moon over the rocks of Ilyas-Kaya.
In addition, Valera wanted to photograph this sunrise using the
Time-lapse photography is Valerino’s new hobby.
We were almost lucky with the weather - the day before all the clouds had cleared and
It even got a little warmer. We drove a little further
Laspinsky observation deck and...

and a little further - four hundred meters - from the exit of the old Batiliman road. Leaving the car at the barrier,
We moved along the path, past the pine forest. The entrance to this trail is barely visible.
The path along it will be longer than from Batilimanka, but it suited us with a relatively gentle ascent angle,
as well as the opportunity to leisurely admire the beauty of spring mountain forest flowers.

Valera always takes with her a bunch of equipment for photo and video shooting, and also all sorts of camping gear.
Sometimes it packs up to 40 kilos. Valera easily solved this problem. His “know how” is visible in the picture.
While we were walking, we came up with a couple more solutions for carrying backpacks from one point to another. We will implement...
True, some additional financial resources will be needed. If anyone wants to help, we will not refuse.

It's still not easy...

I had to stop to catch my breath...

5. and admire the forest flowers.


Forest peonies.


No matter how much the path winds, it will always run into something. Here the path met a large forest
road and the intersection is marked with small tours.

To the right of the road is a fence. This is to protect the numerous inhabitants of the local forests - a busy highway passes nearby.

We watched the next one observation deck for filming.

We go to the left - to the top of Kush-kai. The path on the right led to Kokiya-kaya and further - following the markers - to Balaklava.

Finally on the "bald head" of Kush-kai


Local rock flora...

and fauna.



Gorgeous views of the sea, Ilyas Kaya. Below, below us is Batiliman.

Here, below us, is also Batiliman and we can see the unfinished construction of the dacha of someone who did not complete his term of office.
fourth president of Ukraine. The scale of the building resembles the famous Foros dacha. God,
some kind of fatal inevitability in four words: Crimea, president, dacha, end. You guys, be careful with dachas in Crimea...

Opposite, to the east is the Donguz Orun ridge. On the left is Orlinoe. And under the clouds, in the distance, the Ai-Petrin “balls” are visible.

21. Laspi Bay. The water here is the clearest.

While Valera was preparing the equipment for further work, I decided to walk to Kokiya-kaya and further - to Cape Aya - to take photographs from above " lost World"

There were fellow travelers. Wonderful guys, tourists from Simferopol - Oksana and Vadim. We shared our impressions all the way
about past wanderings around the Crimea, admiring the surrounding views and forest flowers along the way.

Those structures are the goal of my easy walk. Just 2.5 km up and down and up. And then the same way back.

And again peonies in the forest. I have never seen so many forest peonies at once in my life....


We reached the place. There are some dilapidated buildings. Similar to caponiers. Apparently they were used before
to protect against uninvited guests. Behind Sevastopol, Balaklava.

We wandered around the entire viewing area.



31. Cape Fiolent.

32. Sevastopol. The balaclava is hidden, as the military says, behind the folds of the terrain.


The same "Lost World". It is located in such a way that it can only be seen from above, from the rocks, or by swimming
to him on a boat. It is impossible to get to this beautiful natural beach along the shore - there are no paths to it, unless
that you can go down the rope from above.


It's time to say goodbye. Vadim and Oksana headed towards Balaklava, and I turned onto the path towards my Kush-kaya.


On the way I came across this peony bud.

Valera is already completely ready for shooting - the equipment is uncovered and aimed at the object.

While we were having lunch, the Sun rushed behind Fiolent, highlighting Cape Sarych.

There was time left before the moon rose, so I decided to take a nap in the tent...

But not for long - Valera called and said that Luna had “gone.” We started filming.

But after a few moments I wanted to express myself indecently - the Moon disappeared behind the unexpectedly appeared clouds.

Thank God, she slipped out of the dark cloudy clutches.



Here is Valerino’s time-lapse video about the evening with a view of Ilyas-Kaya and the moon rising above it. You can watch it later.

48. The next day...

We climbed Kush-kaya for a long time long road, but it turns out there is another shortcut, damn it!
We calmed down after we remembered the saying about a smart person who will not go straight uphill...


A couple of last pictures.


With a feeling of a gloriously fulfilled duty - down the hill, to the car and home.