Beautiful description of a lake in the forest. Colorful lakes of Kelimutu in Indonesia. Havasu Falls in the Grand Canyon

Geographical objects are everything that surrounds us, that is, they are stable or relatively stable objects with a specific location on Earth that can be described. Our article will tell you how to describe a lake.

Standard plan for describing geographical objects

Before making a plan for describing the lake, you should briefly make a plan for the story about any geographical object. So, we can describe it:

  • population in a certain territory;
  • journey;
  • natural resources of the country;
  • geographical location of the continent;
  • relief of the territory;
  • climate;
  • natural area/areas;
  • country;
  • Agriculture;
  • description of the political map.

As can be seen from the list above, anything can be described and each object has its own plan. But if you don’t know it, then you can describe the object according to a standard plan, which is the following:

  1. Define a map, which can be political, physical, textual, or complex.
  2. Determine the scale.
  3. Get acquainted with the legend, i.e. determine what objects, conventional images, units of measurement are to express quantitative indicators.
  4. Find a given territory or object and describe it using a legend.
  5. It happens that one map is not enough to describe it, so it’s worth using several to get the full picture.

Lake description plan: where to start

As mentioned above, there are standard types of description, and each object has its own plan, including a water body such as a lake. First you need to make a brief plan, and then describe it in more detail.

Lake description plan:

  1. Name.
  2. Location of the reservoir.
  3. Basin type.
  4. Greatest depth.
  5. Salinity.
  6. Definition of drainage or drainage lake.
  7. Description of the shores.

In this plan for describing the lake, you can also add a division of salt lakes according to their chemical composition, which are divided into carbonate, sulfate and chloride. Lakes can also be divided according to nutrients:

  • oligotrophic, i.e. low amount of nutrients;
  • eutrophic, i.e. where is it kept a large number of nutrients;
  • dystrophic, i.e. poor in nutrients, mainly refers to swampy lakes.

Plan for describing basic information

The description of lakes can be done following the plan described above. It is universal and suitable for characterizing any body of water. But first, it’s worth giving a definition.

A lake is a naturally occurring body of water that is filled with water within the lake bowl and has no connection with the sea or ocean.

On planet Earth today there are more than 40 largest lakes, which have an area of ​​more than 4 thousand km 2. The largest are the Caspian Sea, Huron, Victoria, Superior and Michigan.

The description of the lake should begin with its name. For example, this is where the story of Lake Huron can begin. It is located in North America on the territory of two countries: Canada and the USA. It occupies an area of ​​59 thousand 600 kilometers and has a depth of up to 229 meters.

Next, it is necessary to determine the type of basin, which are divided by origin into tectonic (i.e., formed in places of a fault or shift in the earth's crust); glacial (when the basin was formed by plowing a glacier); river; seaside; failures (formed where frozen soils began to thaw); underground; volcanic; artificial.

It should be clarified that Lake Huron is freshwater and was formed due to tectonic processes.

Other lakes should be described according to the same plan, for example, the largest in Russia and one of the largest among freshwater lakes - Lake Baikal. Let's look at a few examples.

Lake Baikal

It is worth starting the description of Lake Baikal according to the plan with its location. It is located in Central Asia, V Irkutsk region Russia. This is one of the largest lakes in the world, which ranks seventh in area and is the deepest among freshwater lakes. Its depth is 1637 meters.

Lake of tectonic origin. Scientists are still arguing about its origin, since they cannot fully establish the exact date. It stretches for 600 kilometers, and in some places its width can reach 80 kilometers. The area of ​​the reservoir is 31 thousand km 2, such as the area of ​​Belgium or Denmark. The coastline stretches for 2,100 kilometers, in the west the coast is rocky and steep, and in the east it is flatter.

Lake Baikal is a drainage lake, more than 300 rivers and streams flow into it, the largest are Snezhnaya, Barguzin, Sarma, and only the Angara River flows out.

The description of Lake Baikal according to the plan can be completed by clarifying the volume of water. They are huge, and account for 19% of all fresh water reserves, second only to the Caspian Sea. The lake is home to more than 2 thousand species of plants and animals, 2/3 of which are endemic, that is, living organisms that are found only in this reservoir. This abundance is explained by the high oxygen content throughout the water column.

Lake Victoria

The plan for describing Lake Victoria should begin with the fact that it is located in East Africa on the territory of three states, such as Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. In terms of area, it ranks first on the mainland and third in the whole world and is 68 thousand km 2, the maximum depth is 80 meters, and the length coastline stretches for 7 thousand kilometers.

The lake is a drainage lake, the Kagera River flows into it, and the Victoria and Nile flow out, but the main source of nutrition is precipitation, and not its tributaries.

The shores of the lake are mostly flat and low, heavily indented and swampy.

Lake Victoria is one of the largest freshwater lakes, which ranks third in area. It is home to more than 200 species of fish, on which many animals feed.

Lake Chad

The plan for describing Lake Chad needs to start with the fact that it is located in Central Africa on the territory of several states, more precisely the Republic of Chad, Nigeria, Niger and Cameroon.

The lake is in twelfth position among the largest lakes in the whole world and covers an area of ​​26 thousand km 2. It is impossible to clearly indicate the area, because during rains it floods and the area increases to 50 thousand km 2, and during drought the area decreases to 11 thousand km 2. The maximum depth reaches 12 meters.

In the south, the Shari River, which is one of the food sources, flows into the lake, in the west the Komadugu-Vaube River, in the east Bar el-Ghazali.

This summer August turned out to be hot and muggy. On the day off, mom suggested that dad and I go to the lake for a swim. We really liked the offer. We quickly collected everything we needed and hit the road.

It took us a long time to get there, because the distance from our village to the lake is long.

It was hot, the windows in the car were open all the time. I looked out the window the whole way, and I didn’t get bored at all.

I looked at the yellowing fields and green meadows, at the river with lonely fishermen in the reeds, at the blue sky with white clouds that seemed to float after the car, not lagging behind or overtaking it.

The road wound through corn fields, sometimes surrounded by walnut groves. Several times our path passed through villages and small towns. The streets were quiet and somehow strangely thoughtful. Someone else's life flashed past, very interesting, bright, and sometimes

and mysterious. I watched, with bated breath, someone else’s life, revealed for a second in fleeting pictures, as if in film frames: a girl came out and started playing with a ball. Before you have time to think about who she is, what she thinks and dreams about, a new picture opens: a woman takes off her underwear from a line stretched next to the porch of the house. Here

There’s a truck standing at a railroad crossing, and the driver is saying something to the old railroad worker, waving his arms, and it’s unclear whether they’re swearing or laughing.

It is interesting to observe the diversity of life from the car window.

Here is the lake! It looked like the sea, only a narrow strip of the opposite shore was visible. Low waves splashed lazily at our feet. I wanted to stroke their cool “back.” I bent down to dip my hand into the depths, slipped and... Plop!

It’s good that it wasn’t deep, because I’m not swimming well yet.
Then there was everything: swimming in clean water, barbecue, baked potatoes in the coals. And also the evening sky with huge stars.

Late in the evening, when it was already dark, we left for home, but there were many impressions left for a long time. Just enough until next summer!

Top 10 most beautiful lakes in the world! Lakes are one of the earliest formations. Formed according to “the wishes of Mother Nature herself,” these treasures are hidden in the most beautiful places peace. The most beautiful lakes in the world photos and descriptions - look! Below we present to you ten lakes that are famous all over the world, attracting tourists from all over the world with their majestic charm.

The most beautiful lakes in the world photo and description

1. Peyto Lake, Alberta, Canada.

Located in national park Banff, Peyto Lake is one of the most beautiful lakes in the world. What makes it truly beautiful is its turquoise color, and what makes it even more attractive is its placement in Canadian Rocky Mountains. The lake is named after explorer Bill Peyto. It is located at an altitude of 1860 meters.

2. Lake Argentino, Argentina.

Located in Patagonia (a province of Argentina), Lake Argentino is truly one of nature's most alluring wonders. It is located in Los Glaciares National Park, which is a World Heritage UNESCO. Surrounded by glaciers and snow-capped mountains, the lake offers fantastic scenery. The maximum depth of the lake is 500 m, this is the largest freshwater lake in Argentina.

Entrance fee: ranges from $15-20, depending on the season. Excursions within the park are more expensive.

Best time to visit: December to March, end of November.

3. Lake Baikal, Russia

The oldest and most deep lake in the world. Baikal measures a whopping 395 miles long and 49 miles wide. It contains more water than America's five Great Lakes combined, making it the largest freshwater lake on the entire planet. tabe. Meaning Nature Lake, it truly allows us to watch nature at its best. The lake is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is fed by 330 rivers and has 27 islands. It is not for nothing that it is called the “Pearl of Siberia”.

Entry cost: since the lake is not located in a protected area, entry is free.

Best time to visit: March-April.

4. Yamdrok Tso, Tibet.

Located in the Shannan district, 68 miles from Lhasa, Yamdrok Tso is one of the three sacred lakes of Tibet. This is a freshwater lake. Locals they say that if the water in this lake dries up, Tibet will no longer be habitable. The lake is located at an altitude of 4,441 m above sea level and reaches 45 miles in length. They say that just looking at this lake can bring a person into a state of nirvana. The lake freezes completely in winter, and this is not surprising, because it is located in the Land of Snows.

Best time to visit: May to September.

5. Riffelsee, Switzerland.

Alpine lake in Valais. Riffelsee is part of a fairyland. Situated at an altitude of 2,757 m, the lake is located between some of the most beautiful mountains. Everyone should truly see this beauty!

Entrance fee: admission is free.

Best time to visit: July to October.

6. Lake Como, Italy

It is considered one of the most beautiful lakes in Europe. Lake Como has been attracting tourists since Roman times. Located in Lombardy, Como is one of the most deep lakes in Europe, and the third largest after Garda and Maggiore.

Entrance fee: admission is free.

Best time to visit: July and September.

7. Moraine Lake, Canada

Another stunning lake located in Banff National Park. It is located at an altitude of approximately 1885 m in the Valley of the Ten Peaks. The lake is so beautiful that it has been featured on the Canadian dollar bill twenty-two times, in 1969 and 1979. The lake gets its distinctive color from the refraction of light from the mountain peaks.

Admission: $9.80 for adults, $8.30 for students, $4.90 for children and $19.60 family admission (as of 2013).

Best time to visit: July, August and September.

8. Mono Lake, California

One of the oldest lakes in North America. The lake has no access to the ocean, which leads to high salt levels. Formed approximately 760,000 years ago, the lake lies at an altitude of approximately 1,945 m.

Entrance fee: $3 per person.

Best time to visit: June to October.

9. Five Flower Lake, China

Located in the Jiuzhaigou Valley (also called the Valley of Nine Villages), Five Flower Lake is unique. The lake is located at an altitude of 2472 m, in the southern part mountain range Ming Shan. Since it is very shallow, you will be able to see ancient fallen tree trunks lying on the bottom.

Admission: High Season (April 1-November 15): Adult $36, Students $18. Admission is free for people over 70 years of age.

Best time to visit: September, October and November.

10. Emerald Lake, Canada

Located in Yoho National Park, British Columbia, Emerald Lake is the largest of the park's 61 lakes. Due to the stunning scenery, it beautiful lake is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country. The lake freezes between November and June.

Admission: $9.80 for adults, $8.30 for students, $4.90 for children and $19.60 family admission (as of 2013).

Best time to visit: July, August and September.

Sketch of Forest Lake for 3rd grade

One day my parents and I decided to go to the forest. In the forest you can relax from the bustle of the city, enjoy nature and breathe fresh air. We took our things with us, got on the bus and went to the forest. We walked through the forest for a couple of hours and came out to a forest lake of magnificent beauty.

The lake was crystal clear clean water, big amount trees around and a very beautiful clearing near the lake.

The breeze was blowing. The sun shone brightly. More beautiful landscape hard to imagine. We took many photographs near this lake. Dad even swam in the lake. The water was surprisingly warm.

We liked the forest lake so much that we decided to go on vacation here several times this summer.

Essay on the topic Forest Lake 3rd grade

Summer is a wonderful time of year. In summer you can take a long walk and enjoy the beauty of nature. This is exactly what our camp did. Our counselors organized a train ride for us into the forest to the lake.

The road lay through picturesque fields. Arriving in the forest, we began to enjoy the beautiful scenery. The trees were very tall, the grass smelled delicious, and various insects were flying in the sky. You won’t see such a landscape in the city, you won’t enjoy such beauty at home on your computer.

Our large group, in friendly formation, went to a forest clearing, near which there was a lake. Along the way we took pictures, had fun and joked.

Once at our destination, we saw a medium-sized lake. One side of the lake was overgrown. This side is overgrown with reeds. The other side had a small beach and an entrance to the water. There were fish swimming in the lake, which could be seen if you stood near the water for a long time.

Dense grass grew around the lake. Among this grass were wildflowers. The girls collected flowers and created whole beautiful bouquets. A tall spruce tree grew near the lake. The spruce was old and had a lot of cones on it. On the spruce tree we saw a squirrel actively running along the branches.

We set up tents in the clearing and began collecting firewood to light a fire. According to the plan, we had outdoor games near the lake and cooking kulesh.

We also had fishing rods with us, and we went closer to the shore in order to catch fish. We brought worms with us, so we started fishing. Fishing was poor, probably due to the fact that it was very noisy near the water.

The day at the lake was a lot of fun. Everyone had good impressions. Everyone wanted to stay overnight, but it was getting dark and we had to leave.

Everyone remembers this train to the lake. Everyone cherishes the beautiful landscape in their hearts and dreams of returning to the lake next summer.

Essay sketch for grade 3 Lake in the forest

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Geographical objects are everything that surrounds us, that is, they are stable or relatively stable objects with a specific location on Earth that can be described. Our article will tell you how to describe a lake.

Standard plan for describing geographical objects

Before making a plan for describing a lake, you should briefly make a plan for a story about any geographical feature. So, you can describe it:

  • population in a certain territory;
  • journey;
  • natural resources of the country;
  • geographical location of the continent;
  • relief of the territory;
  • climate;
  • natural area/areas;
  • country;
  • Agriculture;
  • description of the political map.

As can be seen from the list above, anything can be described and each object has its own plan. But if you don’t know it, then you can describe the object according to a standard plan, which is the following:

  1. Define a map, which can be political, physical, textual, or complex.
  2. Determine the scale.
  3. Get acquainted with the legend, i.e. determine what objects, conventional images, units of measurement are to express quantitative indicators.
  4. Find a given territory or object and describe it using a legend.
  5. It happens that one map is not enough to describe it, so it’s worth using several to get the full picture.

Lake description plan: where to start

As mentioned above, there are standard types of description, and each object has its own plan, including such a lake. First you need to make a brief plan, and then describe it in more detail.

Lake description plan:

  1. Name.
  2. Location of the reservoir.
  3. Basin type.
  4. Greatest depth.
  5. Salinity.
  6. Definition of drainage or drainage lake.
  7. Description of the shores.

In this plan for describing the lake, you can also add a division of salt lakes according to their chemical composition, which are divided into carbonate, sulfate and chloride. Lakes can also be divided according to nutrients:

  • oligotrophic, i.e. low amount of nutrients;
  • eutrophic, i.e. where there is a large amount of nutrients;
  • dystrophic, i.e. poor in nutrients, mainly refers to swampy lakes.

Plan for describing basic information

The description of lakes can be done following the plan described above. It is universal and suitable for characterizing any body of water. But first, it’s worth giving a definition.

A lake is a naturally occurring body of water that is filled with water within the lake bowl and has no connection with the sea or ocean.

On planet Earth today there are more than 40 largest lakes, which have an area of ​​more than 4 thousand km 2. The largest are the Caspian Sea, Huron, Victoria, Superior and Michigan.

The description of the lake should begin with its name. For example, this is where the story of Lake Huron can begin. It is located in North America in two countries: Canada and the USA. It occupies an area of ​​59 thousand 600 kilometers and has a depth of up to 229 meters.

Next, it is necessary to determine the type of basin, which are divided by origin into tectonic (i.e., formed in places of a fault or shift in the earth's crust); glacial (when the basin was formed by plowing a glacier); river; seaside; failures (formed where frozen soils began to thaw); underground; volcanic; artificial.

It should be clarified that it is freshwater and was formed due to tectonic processes.

Other lakes should be described according to the same plan, for example, the largest in Russia and one of the largest among freshwater lakes - Lake Baikal. Let's look at a few examples.

Lake Baikal

It is worth starting the description of Lake Baikal according to the plan with its location. It is located in Central Asia, in the Irkutsk region of Russia. This is one of the largest lakes in the world, which ranks seventh in area and is the deepest among freshwater lakes. Its depth is 1637 meters.

Origin. Scientists are still arguing about its origin, since they cannot fully establish the exact date. It stretches for 600 kilometers, and in some places its width can reach 80 kilometers. The area of ​​the reservoir is 31 thousand km 2, such as the area of ​​Belgium or Denmark. The coastline stretches for 2,100 kilometers, in the west the coast is rocky and steep, and in the east it is flatter.

Lake Baikal is a drainage lake, more than 300 rivers and streams flow into it, the largest are Snezhnaya, Barguzin, Sarma, and only the Angara River flows out.

The description of Lake Baikal according to the plan can be completed by clarifying the volume of water. They are huge, and account for 19% of all fresh water reserves, second only to the Caspian Sea. The lake is home to more than 2 thousand species of plants and animals, 2/3 of which are endemic, that is, living organisms that are found only in this reservoir. This abundance is explained by the high oxygen content throughout the water column.

Lake Victoria

The plan for describing Lake Victoria should begin with the fact that it is located in East Africa on the territory of three states, such as Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. In terms of area, it ranks first on the mainland and third in the whole world and is 68 thousand km 2, the maximum depth is 80 meters, and the length of the coastline stretches for 7 thousand kilometers.

The lake is a drainage lake, the Kagera River flows into it, and the Victoria and Nile flow out, but the main source of nutrition is precipitation, and not its tributaries.

The shores of the lake are mostly flat and low, heavily indented and swampy.

Lake Victoria is one of the largest freshwater lakes, which ranks third in area. It is home to more than 200 species of fish, on which many animals feed.

Lake Chad

The plan for describing Lake Chad needs to start with the fact that it is located in Central Africa on the territory of several states, more precisely Nigeria, Niger and Cameroon.

The lake is in twelfth position among the largest lakes in the whole world and covers an area of ​​26 thousand km 2. It is impossible to clearly indicate the area, because during rains it floods and the area increases to 50 thousand km 2, and during drought the area decreases to 11 thousand km 2. The maximum depth reaches 12 meters.

In the south, the lake flows into the lake, which is one of the sources of food, in the west, the Komadugu-Vaube River, in the east, Bar el-Ghazali.