Perch fishing in December. Where to fish and with what? Winter perch fishing in December, January and February Where and when to catch perch in winter

This type of fish is quite loved by many anglers, because perch is very good for biting at any time of the year, especially in winter and December. That’s why be sure to make time for perch fishing in December, you definitely won’t be disappointed!

What’s good about catching perch is that any of your winter gear. Another advantage of catching this fish is that the line intended for fishing is also not difficult to select, because the perch does not have a tendency to tear or bite the line, like, for example, a pike, which can quite easily bite through a thin line. As for the nod, here the approach is more thorough; choose fairly rigid products. Despite the fact that you can fish with almost any gear, very often fishermen choose spoons, because larger perch usually bite on them. And of course, in terms of efficiency, the spinner beats the jig by a wide margin. If you are not a fan of lure fishing, then such fishing options as fishing with a jig or a balancer are also open to you. Nobody limits you here, so choose the gear you like.

Methods and techniques for catching perch in December

There is also an opinion that it is best to fish with the first ice using a vertical spoon with a single hook. As for the December tactics of fishing with a spoon, everything is more or less simple: you need to lower it to the very bottom, and then carefully raise it to a height of no more than five centimeters, after which you will need to make a couple of strokes with a small amplitude and endurance. It is better to make holes for lure fishing not too far from each other - it is enough to drill them about ten meters from each other in order to have a good result. As already mentioned, you can also fish using balancers. By the way, they have a fairly good reputation for fishing in winter. The dimensions of the balancers vary from thirty to seventy millimeters. Fishing with a balancer is much easier, as many anglers believe, because using this technique you only need to make monotonous movements of twenty centimeters. Nice feature balancer is that it is able to attract perch from afar. There are also many fans of jig fishing. Don’t get too hung up on choosing its shape, because the perch is not picky. But what you really need to think about is your game. You will have to make small deflections and twitches.

Choosing a place to catch perch

As for the places where you can find a school of other perch in December, it is important to find them correctly. You need to catch perch in thickets of grass, because that is where it begins to hunt for small fish. You can also try making holes from the beginning of the shore and further along the pond, making them at a distance of about five to ten meters from each other. December is generally a great time for perch fishing. Ice forms off the coast, and perch begins to settle near the shore, or on dumps.

Catching perch is not difficult either in winter, or in summer, or at other times of the year. However, in winter the fish bites well, all because it has a winter feeding in December. So if you go fishing for December perch, then you are guaranteed to catch several individuals, this is a proven fact.

Most ice fishing enthusiasts start the season by fishing for bass. Why does the striped robber become the number one target for fishermen on the first ice? There are two reasons. Firstly, ice cover first appears on lakes and shallow bays, that is, where there is always a large concentration of this predator. Secondly, in December the perch is more active than ever. He greedily takes the offered bait, both artificial and live.

You can catch it on the first ice using any known methods: with a reelless jig, with a simple jig with a bloodworm attached, with balance beams, winter lures and any of their varieties. Big catches in the first week after ice formation are brought by the so-called drachik - a miniature spinner with three soldered hooks. The bastard works great. In general, perch fishing in December is fishing that brings unforgettable pleasure to experienced winter fishermen, and helps beginners gain experience. Everyone is satisfied.

Where to look for the striped predator

It must be said right away that in many reservoirs perch is often caught when catching other fish, for example, roach or bream. Anglers who are not interested in it constantly complain about it. They say they came to catch one fish, but the bait is attacked by another, and there is nowhere to hide from it. In other words, in December perch can bite anywhere, both in shallow coastal waters and in great depths far from the shore. But catching one or two specimens from a hole is a bad indicator for the first month of winter. Therefore, you need to look for a cluster of perch, because it is no secret that they are schooling fish. If you are lucky enough to find a school, with the right approach, on a small patch of ice and just a few holes away, you can catch a decent number of stripers.

Where to look for them? As already mentioned, after the first ice forms, the perch is very active and mobile. It constantly moves in search of food, staying where there is more food. As a rule, these are coastal areas with remains of aquatic vegetation, snags, and places with an abnormally uneven bottom surface. There are a lot of living creatures living in the mud, as well as a lot of fry, for which reed stems, submerged branches and other objects serve as shelter. For perch, such places are a kind of dining room, where you can sometimes drop in to refresh yourself.

It is important to correctly determine the distance from the shore where the flock is located. To do this, drill a series of holes from the driest grass towards the depth (perpendicular to coastline) at intervals of about a meter and a half, and then they are caught in turn. At the hole where there are bites, you should linger and try, as the fishermen say, to shake it up - to tease the stripers, gather the whole flock at the point, and then, one by one, pull them out onto the ice.

The influence of weather factors on perch fishing

Each individual region of our vast country has its own December. In some places the weather is so warm that it is dangerous to go out on the ice, while in other areas there are raging blizzards with temperatures as low as -20 degrees. How does the perch react to this? Unlike his competitor, he does not like pike perch bad weather and sudden changes in it. This is especially true for atmospheric pressure. If it decreases, you shouldn’t count on good catches. Any fractures, when it’s either frost or thaw outside, also negatively affect the results of fishing.

As in summer, in winter perch is excellently caught on clear, windless days with stable or gradually increasing pressure. December can also please you with prolonged thaws, when the night temperature stays at -1 or -2 degrees, and during the day does not drop below zero. The striped predator makes the most of such moments, feeds from morning to evening, and greedily takes fishermen's bait.

Catching perch with a jig

Successful fishing for perch with a jig is only possible with the use of sensitive gear. It consists of simple elements:

  • a rod equipped with a reel and nod;
  • thin fishing line;
  • nozzle or regular jig.

Some fishermen make such a fishing rod from available materials, others purchase a so-called balalaika with a built-in reel in specialized stores. The tackle received this name due to its external resemblance to the musical instrument of the same name.

The fishing rod must be equipped with a nod, homemade or store-bought. Usually this is a thin strip of lavsan or a material with similar properties with a brightly colored tip. An experienced fisherman always has several nods of different lengths and stiffness in his arsenal from which he can choose suitable option by the weight of a particular jig.

The fishing line used is high quality, suitable for winter conditions. The optimal diameter is 0.10 mm, but if bites from large humpback whales are possible, then it is recommended to set it a little thicker - 0.12 or even 0.14 mm. The supply of fishing line is determined by the maximum depth of the reservoir. That is, it should be enough for fishing from the bottom at the deepest point.

An important point in such fishing is the interaction between the jig and the nod, so it needs to be tested in the store. The easiest way is to hang an artificial bait on a nod that is in a horizontal position. Ideally, it should bend at an angle of 45-50 degrees. For more precise settings, you will need a transparent polyethylene bottle with water in which you can evaluate the game of the jig and its capabilities.

Which jig should you prefer, a reelless jig or a nozzle jig? By and large, they are the same, and the catchability of each individual model depends solely on the skills of the fisherman and the correctness of the wiring. Catching perch in October using a reelless bait can also be done with the addition of a bloodworm, a burdock larva or a small foam ball. This will increase her attractiveness.

The technique of the game is selected depending on the activity of the object being fished. If the perch takes confidently, then it is better to use animation with a high frequency of oscillations, and if it is reluctant, the movements of the bait should be smoother. In practice it looks like this:

  • the bait sinks to the bottom;
  • after a short pause, wiring begins with a slow rise to a height of up to 50 cm;
  • the jig returns to the starting point (with or without play);
  • the wiring is repeated.

If there is a fish under the hole, it will respond on the first 4-5 retrieves. The lack of bites is a reason to move to another hole. Typically, striped robbers are located in the bottom horizon, but sometimes they can be seen higher, so it is worth checking the entire vertical.

The bite of an active perch is difficult to miss. When the nod sharply bends down, it is necessary to hook. Preferably with the hand, and not with a wide stroke, otherwise there is a risk of the line breaking. Especially if a humpback whale sat on the hook.

Catching perch with a spoon

Another interesting and productive way is to catch perch in December using a spoon. The good thing about it is that you don’t have to bother with bloodworms; just drop the spinner into the hole and go to work. To lure, you will need a moderately hard fishing rod, at least 35 cm long, with a built-in or detachable reel. Note that this element in the tackle is only necessary for storing a supply of fishing line. The nod is selected according to the weight of the spinner used. The recommended bending angle under its weight is 30 degrees.

What fishing line is used for trolling? The choice of diameter depends on the size of the perch found in the pond. For fishing 200-gram minke whales, monofilament with a thickness of 0.10-0.12 mm is suitable, and if individuals weighing up to half a kilo are caught, then it is better to use 0.14-0.16 mm. In addition, the fishing line is selected to match the general background of the reservoir. It can be brown, greenish, very dark or some other shade. When choosing, you need to take into account the color of the bottom, the presence of vegetation, and water transparency. In muddy water, multicolor fishing line has proven itself well, combining several shades at once.

The activity of perch in December allows you to catch it with any spinners, such as sprat, smelt, triangular, carnation, glider and others. In currents, it is better to use heavier, elongated products, and in still water, lighter models that go far away from the hole to the side during gliding. Depending on the depth and strength of the water flow, the weight of perch spoons ranges from 1 to 20 g.

There are several techniques for fishing perch with a spoon, but the principle is the same for all - the bait should move attractively in the water column. The most common version of the game includes the following actions:

  • first, the spoon is lowered to the ground or stopped 3 cm above the bottom surface;
  • then, by sharply swinging the fishing rod, the bait is thrown up 40 cm and begins to fall along a certain trajectory, attracting fish;
  • at the bottom point there is a pause of 3-5 seconds, after which another swing follows.

Sometimes between lifts it is useful to “tap” the spoon on the bottom to raise a little mud, which a curious predator also approaches. If there is no bite on ten ascents, it means that there is no perch in the chosen place or he does not like the behavior of the bait. In this case, it’s worth experimenting with bait presentation or looking for another promising place.

  • If the hole is “silent”, you don’t need to go far from it. A flock of striped robbers could move to the side by only a meter or one and a half. Therefore, it makes sense to drill a few more holes around the first one at the specified distance and try to swing them.
  • A fantastic perch bite can begin at dusk. True, it usually does not last long, about 15-20 minutes. However, this time is enough for an experienced fisherman to raise a dozen or two decent specimens for years and get unforgettable pleasure.
  • You need to fish out a hooked perch carefully, otherwise you can break the thin fishing line. In most cases, this predator is reliably detected, so there is no need to force the landing.

Catching perch on a balance beam in December video

Perch is one of the most popular trophies caught by Russian fishermen. This striped robber is capable of pecking almost all year round. And winter is no exception. Moreover, in December it is perch fishing that can give the joy of biting and catching to novice anglers. Let's figure out how to catch perch in December, what gear is needed to catch perch from the ice in December, what bait and lures to use.

Where to catch perch in December

Perch fishing in December is what beginner winter fishermen need for several reasons:

  • firstly, first of all, ice binds the shallow waters and bays of reservoirs, and it is these areas that perch choose for hunting and habitat - small perch settles in coastal vegetation, and large perch should be looked for in dumps;
  • secondly, to catch perch in December, you can use both spoons and balancers, as well as jigs with bait (bloodworms, burdock moth larvae, bakaplav, etc.) or non-reeling jigs.

However, successful fishing for perch in December will largely depend on the correct tactics of searching for this predator. Let's get back to where to look for perch in December. Remember that at this time the perch, hunting and chasing fry, in most cases sticks to the border of the reed thickets, so it is worth drilling a couple of holes in the windows of this reed. On an unfamiliar body of water, catching perch in December should begin with drilling holes from the shoreline deep into the body of water, having reached a depth of 2 meters, boldly turn around and move along the shore. The distance between drilled holes when searching for perch in December can reach 10 meters.

What to use to catch perch in December

Almost any winter fishing rod is suitable for catching perch in December. The choice of fishing line will also not be difficult - even a large perch is not a pike and does not tear the fishing line. But the nod should be chosen carefully, taking into account the weight of the bait. When trolling perch in December, a fairly rigid nod is suitable, no more than 6 cm, the bending angle of which under the weight of the spoon should be about 20-30 degrees.

Tackle you can use to catch perch in December winter time on the first ice may be different, but most anglers still prefer trolling, since small perch usually bite on the jig. And fishing for perch with a spoon in December gives you a chance to catch a larger specimen. In addition, lures are an effective tool when searching for fish - a perch is more likely to notice a spoon than a small jig.

Despite the fact that perch fishing in December can be done using spinners, balancers and jigs, often only by fishing can you determine what the perch will be in the mood for and what it will decide to bite on. Therefore, a fisherman should always have various spinners, balancers and jigs in his arsenal. By the way, it is believed that on the first ice, perch can be caught well with vertical spoons up to 5 cm, and at shallow depths with the presence of grass or snags, a medium-sized vertical spoon will be more successful than a balancer. On the first ice it is good to catch perch using elongated spoons with a single hook.

The tactics for catching perch with a spoon are as follows: the spoon is lowered to the bottom and raised by 5 cm, followed by a couple of short strokes with a two-second pause (if the bite is weak, the pause can be increased to 15 seconds). Many novice fishermen make a small mistake when trolling, increasing the amplitude of the swing, this should not be done, the swing should be no more than 10cm. Using this technique, you can fish in all layers of water, right down to the hole itself. If there are no perch bites, be sure to change the location.

Now let’s take a closer look at the methods of catching perch in December using a spoon, a balance beam, and a jig.

Fishing for perch in December using lures

The classic of perch fishing is lure fishing. The holes are drilled at a distance of 10 m from each other. Fishing rods for trolling perch are a rod with a reel, a whip 25-30 cm long and a nod made of nipple rubber or a nod made of lavsan. A filly can also be used - a fishing rod for winter fishing with a foam or cork handle and a carbon fiber whip, 35-40 cm long without a nod. This option is very easy. All bites are transmitted to the hand. On fishing rods for catching perch on a spoon, a fishing line is wound, usually 0.12-0.16, depending on the weight of the spoon and the depth of the reservoir. Spoons for catching perch in December are used in small sizes - 30-50 mm. It is better to start with a search spoon - this is a planning spoon of a much larger size compared to a regular one, which attracts perch from a greater distance and, when the strikes on the spoon begin, they switch to a simple one, make swings of the rod up to 20-30 cm, with a pause of a few seconds. When the perch is not very active, it is better to use spoons with a suspended tee, then increase the pause to 5-8 seconds, because lure, from a classical point of view, is a “swing-pause”. There are many options for wiring spinners.

Catching perch in December using balance beams

Recently, catching perch with balance beams has become increasingly popular. For perch fishing in December, it is better to buy balancers from well-known manufacturers ranging in size from 20 to 70 mm. Fishing with them is easier than with a spinner, because there are not many fishing options. Basically, catching perch with balance beams involves monotonous movements of 20-30 cm, with pauses of up to 8 seconds. When the perch has discovered itself, you can change the height of the jerk. A balance beam, like a spoon, attracts fish from a considerable distance, so when searching for perch, holes are drilled in the same way as when fishing with a spoon. You need to start fishing from the bottom and fish all horizons. It is better to catch large active perch using balancers No. 7 in order to cut off small things. Small and inactive perch are caught using smaller balancers.

Catching perch in December with a jig

Fishing for perch with a jig is no less popular than fishing with a spoon. It is important to know that for perch it is not so much the shape of the jig that is important, but how it plays with it - jumps with minimal deviation from the main vertical axis. The bait is gently twitched and lifted from the bottom. On a muddy bottom, move the jig slightly to stir up the water - this will attract the attention of an adult perch. The less oxygen, the more finicky the fish. The bait practically stands still, or moves weakly. Then there is a chance that catching perch with a jig in December will result in a catch. For this case, choose a spherical, spherical, rectangular or cylindrical large jig, but in the horizontal plane it should not be longer than 5-7 mm, and do not forget about the copper or brass upper part.

No matter how the December perch is caught, it is necessary to immediately lower the bait to the same depth where the bite was, because the fish, standing in the hole, see off their fellows who were hooked while fishing. And the perch bites voraciously in December. Several dozen fish can be caught from one hole. The main thing is that novice fishermen always listen to the advice of experienced ones.

Perch fishing - video

Perch fishing in December is possible in open water and from ice. It all depends on climatic conditions region. In the southern regions, in the first half of December, above-zero temperatures are possible, which helps to free water bodies from thin ice. In open water, perch is caught using a spinning rod and a float rod, which is baited with live bait. To catch small perch (100-200 grams), you can use gear with “summer” bait. For ice fishing, a winter perch fishing rod is used.

But winter is gradually coming into its own, and small lakes, ponds and small rivers are covered with safe water. winter fishing ice. On big rivers and reservoirs, freeze-up in December first occurs in the coastal zone. It is in such areas that the fattening striped robber is found. Large individuals look for food in dumps and in bottom depressions, into which small fish tend before hibernation, which constitute the main prey of the predator, weighing from 0.8-1.0 kilograms or more.

Perch is highly active in December, but this does not mean that catching it is easy and simple. You need to be prepared for a long search for a striped predator. Fishing areas should begin from the boundaries of reed thickets or near islands of other emergent vegetation.

Perch in December with a winter fishing rod

A winter fishing rod is perfect for catching perch on the first ice. Its use allows you to test the reaction of a predator to various baits. To quickly replace them, it is advisable to use carabiners.

Technique for catching perch with a winter fishing rod

About 10 holes are prepared in advance near the reed thickets, which are drilled at a distance of 10-15 steps from each other. They are caught one at a time with one bait, followed by experimentation with other baits. If there are no bites, you should prepare the same number of holes and start fishing from the very first hole. After determining what the perch bites on on the day of fishing, this bait or bait becomes a priority.

To use or not to use complementary foods is the personal desire of the fisherman. But given the activity of perch in December, attractive bait can attract it to the fishing spot. Chopped worms, small bloodworms or maggots flavored with flavorings usually attract perch to the fishing site. If there is a shortage of small fish that have gone to winter, the predator does not neglect any suitable food. The bait “works” well in stagnant reservoirs and small rivers. The prepared bait is lowered into the prepared holes, and if there is a current, it is necessary to prepare special holes for bait upstream.

While fishing, you should periodically change the way you play with the bait: make swings at different heights, increase or decrease pauses, or perform horizontal wiring in the bottom layer.

Perch in December on the girder

If there is no pike or pike perch in the reservoir, then a winter girder is used to catch large perch in December. This tackle is highly catchable, but with the onset of winter it becomes more difficult to catch small fish that are suitable as live bait. Fishing for live bait in winter is carried out using “kerchief” gear or using homemade traps made from plastic bottles.

For perch in December, gizzards “charge” near coastal vegetation or its islands at depth. The optimal number of gear is 8-10 pieces. If there is no bite for a long time, the girders alternately move to another area, covered with reliable first ice.

Perch is a voracious predator and its food preferences do not change and do not depend on the time of year. Undoubtedly, it is easier to catch a trophy perch in winter using live bait, but catching it or preparing it in advance requires special gear or suitable equipment for storing it at home.

Spinner baits have been used successfully throughout the year. Models of oscillating and rotating spinners measuring 3-5 cm are selected. Oscillating versions of spinners are suitable for fishing from ice. For vertical trolling, balancers no longer than 5 cm are ideal.

Jigs are successfully used for perch. They are suitable for vertical fishing in winter from ice or from a boat when fishing in open water. Unattached jigs are used that imitate the behavior of aquatic insects, or these baits can be used with fixed bait: a worm, caddis larva, bloodworms or maggots. Silicone analogues of baits work great. They are convenient for catching perch from ice.

Fishing for perch in winter on a baldu is noted to be highly effective. This equipment is suitable for vertical and open water fishing.

When fishing for perch, it is advisable to stock up on various baits and lures. Even during periods of high activity, it is impossible to predict what the perch will bite on.

Perch fishing in December is a very popular activity. And this is no coincidence, since at this time the first ice binds the shallow waters and bays of reservoirs. It is in these places that you should look for a minke predator.

Moreover, in December it is perch fishing that can give the joy of regular bites and catches to novice anglers. Read about where and when to catch perch in December, as well as what gear to use.

Choosing a place and time for December fishing

Where to fish?

In December you should look for perch in the following places:

  • Small individuals - in shallow areas and in bays of reservoirs where thickets are present
  • Large individuals live on dumps.

For successful fishing you need the right tactics to find this striped robber. In December, perch are usually dispersed throughout the reservoir. Therefore, to search for it, you should actively move on the ice,

So, it’s worth drilling a couple of holes near the reed thickets, along the coastline, where the depth is no more than two meters. The distance between the drilled holes reaches about ten meters.

When to catch?

The first ice season is the most promising in December. This month, the striped predator lives near coastal vegetation and on dumps. At this time, it can be successfully caught using spoons, balancers, jigs - with a nozzle and without a reel.

For successful perch fishing in December, sunny and windless weather with slight frost (optimally - up to minus five degrees) is suitable.

Unfortunately, in recent years, the month of December often does not justify anglers’ hopes for good bites. This is explained by weather anomalies, due to which reservoirs are covered with ice only at the end of the month, when the dead winter already sets in.

Selection and features of gear for catching perch in December

Winter fishing rod

Almost any winter fishing rod is suitable for striper fishing in December. There will also be no difficulties with the selection of fishing line - perch, as a rule, does not tear it.

Meanwhile, you should especially carefully choose a nod, while taking into account the weight of the bait. So, when trolling, a fairly rigid nod may be suitable, no more than 6 centimeters, in which the bending angle under the weight of the lure is about twenty to thirty degrees.

How to catch more fish?

For 13 years of classes active fishing I found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:
  1. Bite activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It's a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Read the appropriate manuals for your specific gear type on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures based pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

Most often, despite the variety of gear, anglers prefer to catch perch on the first ice. Thus, you can catch a large minke whale, sometimes even a trophy one. In addition, according to anglers, the striped robber is more likely to notice a spinner than a small jig.

At the same time, I advise experienced fishermen to take a variety of baits:

  • spinners,
  • balancers,
  • jigs.

This is due to the fact that sometimes only during fishing can you determine which of these baits will appeal to the perch more. Let's look at each of them in more detail.


Lure fishing is a classic of perch fishing. Experienced fishermen advise drilling holes at a distance of ten meters from each other. perch are a fishing rod with a reel, a whip two to five to thirty centimeters long and a nod made of nipple rubber or a nod made of lavsan.

In addition, it is possible to use the “filly” - winter fishing rod without a nod, with a foam or cork handle and a carbon fiber whip, 35-40 centimeters long

We wind 0.12-0.16 fishing line on these fishing rods - it all depends on the depth in this place, as well as how much the bait weighs. Spoons for catching perch on the first ice should be small - thirty to fifty millimeters in size.


Catching perch using balance beams is very popular, including in winter. On the first ice, baits ranging in size from twenty to seventy millimeters are suitable.


The jig is also one of the most popular. At the same time, the fish reacts not so much to the shape of the jig, but to the play with it.

The jig should be small or medium. The shape of this bait can be as follows:

  • spherical,
  • spherical,
  • rectangular,
  • large cylindrical.

In the horizontal plane, the jig should not be longer than five to seven millimeters.

The best attachments for jigs are:

  • burdock moth larva,
  • small maggot.

If you fish without baits, then the game should be very fast, up to 300 vibrations per minute. But even in this case, it is recommended to wear a dark or bright cambric on the shank of the hook for successful fishing.

Features and tactics of fishing

Let's jump ahead a little and talk about fishing. Fishing for perch must be done extremely carefully. Experienced fishermen recommend not to rush, otherwise the perch may break the line (although this rarely happens). You should carefully bring the minke whale to the hole, press the gills with your fingers, and then throw it out of the water.
And the features of fishing tactics with various baits are as follows.

For the spinner

Spinnering is as follows: lower the spinner to the bottom and lift it five centimeters. Then we make a couple of short strokes, with a two-second pause between them (you can increase the pause if the bites are weak).

Some novice anglers increase the amplitude of the stroke, thereby making a mistake. This is wrong - the swing should be no more than ten centimeters.

Using this tactic, you can catch striper in all layers of water, right up to the hole. If there are no bites, just change the place.

If the minke whale does not show great activity, you can use spinners with a suspended tee.
In general, there are many options for rigging spinners.

To the balancer

According to fishermen, fishing with balance beams is easier than with a spoon, because there are not many fishing options.
Holes are drilled at a distance of up to ten meters. Fishing starts from the bottom.

Basically, anglers make monotonous movements, with short pauses of up to eight seconds.
When the perch has discovered itself, you can change the height of the jerk.

Another tip: large perch should be caught using balancers No. 7. This is necessary in order to cut off smaller individuals. If the perch is smaller or not very active, you need to use smaller balancers.

On the jig

As already mentioned, playing with a jig means even more than the shape of the bait itself. These should be jumps with minimal deviation from the main vertical axis. The bait should be twitched slightly and lifted from the bottom.

If you're fishing in areas with muddy bottoms, move the jig to stir up the water and attract the attention of large adult bass.

Reviews from fishermen about perch fishing in December

I prefer to conduct reconnaissance not with a jig, but with a balancer. In our region, reservoirs are usually deep. Therefore, a jig (especially in strong wind conditions) is usually of little use.