O.ascension. Ascension Island: history of discovery, location and territorial affiliation Ascension Island in the Atlantic

A housewife in the United States, as always happens by accident, finds an island with the help of a satellite. And on this island, he suddenly sees a large group of strange structures in the shape of Tesla towers. The secret of this island has not yet been revealed.

A little history. While studying medicinal water, I found a person online like Valery Kondratov. While studying the mysteries of Hitler's flying saucers, he studied the works of Viktor Schauberger. Then, suddenly he began to study runes. And then, suddenly, he flew on a trip to various places in the Atlantic. And so, during his flight on the plane, he sees something in the ocean that interested him. And here is a new metamorphosis. Kondratov begins studying the ocean floor. First the Atlantic, and then all the other oceans on Earth. There, in the ocean, Kondratov finds many scientific radio towers. Which leads him to the secret scientific program HAARP. What is this program in the USA? This is a program about how to use waves to control the climate and masses of people anywhere on earth. Let's tell ourselves frankly that we live in a society where the principle of the Animal Mind (Cunning and Cunning, Aggression and Strength) rules. The people call it “Divide and Conquer.” Literally in parallel with Kondratov, a certain Ridgen (Teacher from the East) appears in Kyiv. He creates a society called AlatRA. A few years later, this society writes a report entitled Primordial Physics of AlatRA. This book introduces a new concept of physics - the activity of the influence of the general Septonic field on the human community. What's it like? It is this AlatRA physics that explains to us why we need Nikola Tesla towers. And at the same time, the mistake that Tesla made. The fact is that this Septonic field can control human consciousness! If earlier the Atlanteans knew about this field, now the modern heirs of the Anunaki (or simply the Authority) can introduce mental attitudes beneficial to the authorities for the younger generations of the human race (remember TV and a magician like Kashpirovsky). And if any power has not yet been reversed to Service to Others and it still only has the Animal nature (Service to Self), then it tries to manipulate scientific discoveries to increase fear, hatred and servility. Ancient spiritual legends said: That true spiritual knowledge makes people free, independent from the illusions of the material world, and reveals inner spiritual strength.

However, when religions began to form in human society as institutions of priestly power, spiritual knowledge and power-hungry priests began to transform this knowledge into a convenient form for manipulating people. Recently Valery Kondratov was on an excursion in Egypt. And what did he see there? A whole group of temples that had one purpose to control the people of Egypt using a septonic field (with elements of sound). Today, looking at pictures of Tesla towers on islands in the Atlantic Ocean, we can see how the influence on people’s consciousness occurs. Let me remind you once again, in order to understand the purpose of many Tesla devices and their new varieties, you need to understand information about the origin and structure of elementary particles, about the fundamental principles that make up matter, about the relationship between elementary particles and cosmology in the light of the unified field theory, about electromagnetic and gravitational interactions, about alternative energy sources.
Valery Kondratov begins to notice amazing things in the ocean. For example, the presence of a wall in the ocean. What does this mean? And this wall goes across the entire Atlantic! Kondratov continues to study the ocean floor and finds new signs of the presence of intelligent creatures in the ocean. Posting the resulting photos online. He has already moved to Bermuda Triangle and south to Africa. And at this time a woman from the USA appears. Here's what they write about her online. Researcher "Reverend Michelle Hopkins" (pseudonym) made an amazing discovery. In the southern part Atlantic Ocean she discovered the point from which powerful radiation was emanating. Having established the coordinates, she first discovered an unnamed island, about which nothing is known, and then another one, where, most likely, the base is located naval forces USA. On the island lost in the ocean there is a modern infrastructure, an airport, many buildings, including a residential area, storage facilities for petroleum products, and most importantly, buildings with recognizable installations, very similar to those known in the HAARP system, and are the development of Nikola Tesla's technologies . Based on the direction of the radiation waves, the author of the find suggests that the activity of these installations could be the cause of 2 recent earthquakes. It is also possible that the purpose of the radiation installations on this strange island is to cause massive earthquakes in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge to trigger a giant tsunami capable of hitting both the south and north of the entire east coast America? At least, the area of ​​action of the waves indicates such a possibility. Do you know what is strange and secret about this, just like everything connected with Space? Firstly, the real name of this lady is unknown. At first, just a film appears on the Internet. Like I saw something interesting. 1 year passes. It is unknown who is investing in the project for the development of this information. And the film crew is already beginning to somehow explore this island in the ocean.

A new, more scientific film about this is appearing in the USA and online. mysterious island. Now someone is already shooting in different frequency ranges. And we are all in shock! Rays thousands of kilometers long emanate from the island towards the United States.

It’s strange that this topic has deserved so little attention, because the first 2 minutes of the video are enough to understand that no military base or radar can produce radiation of this magnitude, excuse me, but there is a coverage area of ​​half the Atlantic Ocean. It can be assumed with high probability that, most likely, there is some kind of hidden, secret object located underground, whose it is and why is difficult to understand. If something produces such a signal, it is clearly not those round buildings or any others on the surface of the island. The name of the island also attracts attention; it is clear that it was called that a long time ago, but the word Ascension carries a lot of information for knowledgeable person. Yeah! Sensation. An island unknown to mankind. Ascension Island. During World War II, the US Government, in accordance with an agreement with His Majesty's Government, built the Widewake airstrip on the island. From 1943-45, more than 25,000 American aircraft transited cargo destined for the North African, Middle Eastern and European theaters of war. In 1957, the American presence was re-established and the airborne staging area was enlarged and is now also the US Air Force Southeast Tracking Station. A NASA tracking station was built in 1967, but has since been closed. There is a weekly air service US Air Force between Ascension Island, Antigua and Florida Air Force Base. Ascension Island still remains a stopover for UK flights between the UK and Falkland Islands. So in 1982, during the Falklands conflict, with refueling on Ascension Island, British Nimrod patrol aircraft made several flights into the conflict zone, which became a new record for long-range reconnaissance operations of the Royal Air Force.

One of the five antennas used in the operation of the GPS satellite navigation system is located on the island. The other four are located on Kwajalein Atoll, Diego Garcia, Colorado Springs and Hawaii. In the light of modern knowledge, I can assume that experiments are being conducted in the United States to control new fields that are still secret. And while the news tells us that two planes can shoot down 3 buildings in New York, this island will remain a mystery for you and me.

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Ascension Island ( AscensionIsland)

This is a volcanic island located in the Atlantic Ocean 1600 km west of the African coast.

It is part of the British overseas territory of Saint Helena, from which it is located 1287 kilometers to the northwest. Main city and port - Georgetown (Georgetown).

The island was discovered by the Portuguese Joao de Nova in 1501, but he did not make any descriptions of the island. In 1503, on Ascension Day, the island was rediscovered by the navigator Alfonso d'Albuquerque, who gave the island the name it still bears. Being dry and barren, it was of little interest to the sailors of the East Indian Fleet. The island remained uninhabited until 1815 , when a small British garrison was stationed there. After the death of Napoleon in 1821, the island became a base supplying supplies to ships interfering with the slave trade on the West African coast. From 1922 to 1964, the island was administered by the Eastern Telegraph Company, and from 1964 in connection with the location of the BBC station. -Si decided to appoint an administrator.

There is no local population on the island as such. The inhabitants of the island are mainly employees and military personnel with families. The population in 2005 was 1,100, predominantly from St. Helena, with 150 from the United States and 200 from the United Kingdom.

How to get there

There are two ways to get to Ascension Island:

By plane of the Royal Air Force or Air Atlanta ( Air Atlanta ) to the RAF Brize Norton military airfield near Oxford, UK.

On the Royal Mail Ship St Helena ( Royal Mail Ship "Saint Helena" "), which sails between Cape Town (South Africa) and St. Helena, calling at the bays of Ascension Island and sometimes the Tristan da Cunha Islands. The ship departs once a month and carries 130 passengers.

Oliver, W6NV will be active again from Ascension Island in October - November 2016 as ZD8W.
He will take part in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest on October 29 - 30, 2016 and in the CQ WW DX CW Contest on November 26 - 27, 2016.
Before and after the competition he will operate on the bands 160 - 6m.
QSL via home call sign.
Address for QSL direct:
Oliver Sweningsen, III, PO BOX 90, Orinda, CA 94563, USA.

Ascension Island. ZD8W QSL.

Ascension Island

Island ship opened twice

There are many islands in the Atlantic Ocean that invariably attract the close attention of tourists, but Ascension Island is in no way one of them. Even the most avid travelers, who, traveling around the world, love to visit the most distant and exotic corners of our planet, appear there very rarely. In principle, this is not at all surprising, since, despite the seemingly very advantageous from the point of view of tourism geographical position, it is not very attractive due to its nature, and therefore the tourism industry there is not developed at all.

Ascension Island is located slightly south of the equator, approximately halfway between Africa and South America. His total area is 91 square kilometers, it is home to about 900 people, and administrative center, the largest locality and the port at the same time is the town of Georgetown. In terms of nationality, it is part of the British Overseas Territory of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha. Interestingly, this small and sparsely populated piece of land on the Internet has its own domain.

Discovery and settlement of Ascension Island

Historians competently claim that Ascension Island was, in fact, discovered twice. In 1501, during his voyage to India, the Portuguese traveler Joao da Nova came across it, and he simply reflected this fact in the ship’s log, but did not examine it. Two years later, just on the eve of the Christian church holiday of the Ascension of the Lord, another famous Portuguese, Alphonse d’Albuquerque, visited this island, who gave it its current name.

Another famous historical figure who visited Ascension Island was William Dampier, a British pirate and explorer who was shipwrecked nearby. It was he who found a source of fresh water on the island, which was used until the early sixties of the last century.

The first inhabitants on Ascension Island appeared only in 1815, when the British authorities decided to place a small garrison on it. However, one serious obstacle arose in the implementation of this event: there was simply no money in the treasury for this. Then the witty and resourceful British simply renamed the island "Her Majesty's Ship Ascension", which is constantly moored, and funding came from the "naval" budget item.

In the 20s of the 19th century, a base was founded on Ascension Island, which served to supply warships that prevented the transport of slaves from Africa to South America, and in late XIX centuries, a telephone cable was laid through it, which connected Great Britain and South Africa. At the end of the last century, a spacecraft tracking base was located on Ascension Island, and it is the service personnel of this facility that now make up all local population.

Nature and climate of Ascension Island

This island is located in a tropical climate zone, and throughout the year the air temperature there fluctuates within +25 °C. There is no rainy season as such, and tropical hurricanes bypass it.

Ascension Island has volcanic origin, and the last powerful eruption there took place about 500 years ago. The highest point is Green Mountain (about 800 meters above sea level). As for the flora and fauna, they are extremely poor on this island: quite lush tropical vegetation is found only on the slopes of Green Mountain, and among animals there are only a few species of small turtles, earth crabs and several species of insects (almost all of them are, by the way, , endemic, that is, they are not found anywhere else on the planet.

What to do on Ascension Island?

Due to the fact that several military installations and a space tracking station are located on Ascension Island, tourist access to it is limited and is possible only in small groups with special permission from the authorities. Most travelers come to it from the USA, and they are attracted by its very ascetic, but practically untouched by any economic activity human nature, as well as magnificent “wild” beaches, located mainly on south coast. Among lovers and connoisseurs of technology, unique in their design and very beautiful in appearance are of considerable interest. appearance space antennas, as well as the British Covenanter cruiser tank, mounted on a small pedestal next to the local military museum. By the way, even specialist historians still don’t know anything reliably about how exactly he got to this island.

Video Ascension Island

Ascension Island cannot be called a favorite tourist route. It would be more correct to say that tourists on this small piece of land are rare. Even lovers of “wild” holidays who don’t like expensive hotels and crowded beaches don’t come here. This will seem strange to many, because geographical location The islands are very interesting. But the nature of the island is simple and unpretentious; there is simply no riot of colors and exotic plants here. Tourist infrastructure is not developed. So what should tourists do there? And anyway, what do we know about this place?

Island location

Ascension Island is volcanic. Location: South Atlantic Ocean. On the maps you can see that it is located approximately halfway from South America to Africa. From Ascension Island to the West African coast is about 1600 km.

The area of ​​the island is not at all large, it is about 91 km. The coastline is without strong breaks, but with big amount small bays and bays. There are many shallows along the coast.

The story that began with the discovery

What is so interesting about Ascension Island? The history of its discovery began in 1501. It was then that the Portuguese Joao da Nova discovered an unknown land on his way. The traveler was sailing to India and did not want to waste time on research. The only thing he did was display his find in the ship's logbook.

In 1503 desert island found himself on the path of another Portuguese, Alfonso d'Albuquerque. The “discoverer” turned out to be more curious. He landed on a new island, examined its territory and gave its name in honor of the Christian Lord.

For several centuries after its discovery, Ascension Island remained officially uninhabited. Pirates sometimes came here to replenish their supplies of fresh water. By the way, the source was found precisely by robbers who crashed not far from the island. This was the ship of the famous British pirate William Dampier.

Settlement of the island

Permanent residents appeared on the island in 1815. During this period, Great Britain decided to equip Ascension Island with a small military outpost. It was assumed that the garrison would be very small, but even with it financial problems arose. There was simply no money in the corresponding budget item. Then the British resorted to a trick. In documents they began to refer to the island as “Her Majesty's Ship Ascension,” and funding for the garrison flowed from another budget item.

In 1821, the military base on Ascension Island was expanded, and British ships began to come here. In addition, patrol ships replenished supplies here, which prevented slave traders from delivering “live goods.”

In the last century, a space observation base was installed on the territory of Ascension Island. Today, the personnel of this base make up the population of the island. The average number, according to data from ten years ago, is slightly more than 1,000 people who service one of the antennas of the satellite navigation system.

Territorial affiliation

In fact, Ascension Island is part of This term appeared in 2002 and replaced the term "British Dependencies". This overseas territory unites Ascension and the Tristan da Cunha archipelago. Education is subject to the authority of the British Crown, but has self-government and broad autonomy.

The administrative center of the overseas territory is located on the island of St. Helena. The autonomy is so broad that each member of the entity has its own coats of arms and flags. Ascension Island and nearby territories (St. Helena and Tristan da Cunha) are not officially part of Great Britain. However, this country is their main economic partner. And education owes its development entirely to the resourcefulness of the British government. All symbols of the overseas territories are approved and approved by the British Crown.

Description: coat of arms of Ascension Island, flag

Until 2012, Ascension Island used symbols of the United Kingdom when necessary. Although one part of this formation, namely the island of St. Helena, had a flag and coat of arms appearing in 1984. Tristan da Cunha got its official coat of arms in 2002.

Since 2012, the flag of Ascension Island has been considered to be a blue cloth, at the pole of which is depicted the coat of arms of Ascension Island in the opposite corner. It is an image of one of the island's attractions - Green Mountain. On the sides there are two green turtles holding a shield with images of three albatrosses against the backdrop of the ocean and sky. The design of the coat of arms was developed taking into account the wishes of the inhabitants of the island. In honor of the approval of the flag and coat of arms, the British Mint minted a commemorative coin “New Coat of Arms of Ascension Island”.

Note to tourists: climate and nature

Despite military base and the lack of tourist infrastructure, visitors to the island will find something to see. The main attraction is the space tracking station. Small tourist groups are allowed here by special order. The rest of the guests admire the majestic antennas from afar. There is a small military museum on the island, worthy of attention tourists.

Guests reach the island by plane once a week and by Royal Mail ship once a month. The main flow of tourists are private yachts coming to replenish supplies.

On the island you can climb the most high point- Green Mountain. Here, despite the volcanic rocks, flowers and ferns grew. Many of the plants and insects are found only in this part of the world, which may be of interest to connoisseurs. The coast is inhabited by large green sea turtles and birds.

Illustration copyright Alamy Image caption Ascension Island is located in the South Atlantic, between Brazil and Africa

Ascension Island is a small green dot in the South Atlantic Ocean, a volcanic outpost of an empire that is both cold and hot, writes Matthew Taylor.

This piece of British territory, lost in the tropical waters of the Atlantic somewhere between Brazil and Africa, never ceases to amaze with its oddities.

Officially there is no population here. British authorities do not provide 800 local residents rights to permanent residence on the island, despite the fact that some have lived here for decades. As a result, they all have temporary guest status.

To come here, you need written permission from the queen's representative on the island, whose position is called very prosaically - administrator.

Airport, runway which was once the longest in the world, is designed so that it can accommodate the American space shuttle.

The airport is operated by the US Air Force. From here, NASA experts watched the Apollo spacecraft land on the Moon.

The European Space Agency monitors the launch of rockets into space from here.

The tops of the hills here are lined with satellite dishes of various modifications. But no one here is eager to talk about who and what is listening with their help.

The nature and location of Ascension Island create ideal conditions for such unusual activities.

Top of the volcano

One hot afternoon I was driving past Wideawake airfield, which, according to legend, was so named because it was where RAF planes between Britain and the Falklands refueled at night.

Descending to the shore, I came face to face with the real reason for its name - hundreds of thousands of sooty terns. These seabirds are also known as wideawakes for their 24/7 buzz.

From a geological point of view, Ascension Island is very young. This is the tip of an underwater volcano that rose above the surface of the ocean only about a million years ago. Last eruption This volcano probably occurred as recently as the 16th century.

The inexorable waves of the Atlantic have just begun to wash away the twisted, coal-black hardened lava flows that encircle the island along its coastline. They look like they only cooled yesterday.

Image caption From a geological point of view, Ascension Island is very young

It is approximately the size of the island of Guernsey, and its main territory is scorched desert. The island was uninhabited until the British landed on it in 1815.

The largest living creatures that lived on the island were crabs. The ships did not stay here.

However, sailors who landed here in 1726 discovered a tent and a diary on the island.

These items belonged to the Dutch sailor Leendert Hasenbosch, who was left on the island as punishment for his homosexuality.

The diary tells of Hasenbosch's desperate search for water and food. As a result, he had to drink first the blood of turtles and seabirds, and, eventually, his own urine.

Nothing is known about the death of the sailor: his skeleton was not found.


Almost 80 years later, a British garrison appeared on Ascension Island.

He was stationed here so that the French would not try to save Napoleon, who was exiled to the closest piece of land to Ascension Island - the island of St. Helena, located 700 miles to the southeast.

The British also could not find fresh water on the island.

“Nothing grows near the shore,” wrote Charles Darwin, who visited Ascension Island. “The island is completely devoid of trees.”

Darwin discussed with his friend Joseph Hooker the possibilities of making the island more suitable for human life.

Joseph Hooker, who later became director of the Royal Botanic Gardens in London and visited the island in 1843, developed the plan.

He decided to plant trees on the top of the 859-meter Green Mountain, the highest point on the island. The foliage was supposed to retain moisture brought by the constantly blowing southeast wind. This moisture would have collected below and would have been enough to supply the garrison with water.

Hooker also decided to create pastures for livestock and areas suitable for growing vegetables.

"As you can see from the vegetation around us, this plan has been surprisingly successful," says biologist Sam Weber, with whom we stand in the forest of ficus trees, bamboo, ginger and guava that now cover Green Mountain.

Devastating consequences

We're just a few minutes' drive from the hot lava plain, but it's cool and windy up here.

"Whether he was right or not is another matter. By today's standards, many scientists would call his project a complete disaster. From the outside, it all looks like a tropical paradise: it's humid, there's a lot of vegetation. But if you dig deeper, there's not much going on here. There's no a trace of the complex ecosystem typical of a true tropical cloud forest, and all the vegetation that used to exist here is dying out,” he says.

Image caption It's now a completely uncontrollable chaotic mass of invasive species, says biologist Sam Weber

Among these species, which grew here before the arrival of Homo sapiens on the island, are several types of grass, including a tiny fern as tall as a little finger.

For a long time this plant was considered extinct, but in 2009 it was again discovered on the slope of Green Mountain. After careful breeding in London botanical garden, it was planted here again.

Hooker, admittedly, understood that his plantings would be replaced by endemic ferns. Perhaps he did not realize how devastating the consequences of this process would be for the ecology of the island.

"I don't think we'll ever be able to call Green Mountain a fully functioning ecosystem. At least not anytime soon. It will take thousands of years," Weber says.

"Now it is an absolutely uncontrollable chaotic mass of invasive species. Some are beginning to dominate, others are dying. They are overgrowing the trails, and this makes the mountain less attractive for walking," the scientist says.

Mexican thorn

The BBC has contributed to the destruction of the island's natural ecology.

Its engineers arrived in the mid-1960s to install transmitters to broadcast BBC World Service programs to Africa and South America.

They built new village a few kilometers from the sleepy capital, Georgetown, and planted a mesquite shrub known as Mexican thorn to shore up the parched soil.

Now dry and prickly, low-growing mesquites have grown over large areas of Ascension Island.

“By the most conservative estimate, there are now 398 thousand of these bushes,” says Weber.

“It is very difficult to physically control its growth; the roots of the bush go 20-30 meters underground. Therefore, we resort to biological control methods, using pests that are specific to this plant in its natural habitat,” says the scientist.

All this, as well as Weber's work to preserve the ficus trees, which have become a makeshift habitat for ferns, makes the nature of Ascension Island even more unusual.

The situation has gone too far to try to restore the destroyed ecosystem of the island.

Weber's plan is to use the invasive species as part of a broader strategy to, over the next hundred or two hundred years, at least partially restore the island from the destruction initiated by Darwin and Hooker.


This long-term project also extends to the marine ecosystem. For most of the last 500 years that man has visited this island, turtles have served as his lunch.

Illustration copyright Alamy Image caption It wasn't until the 1970s that the turtle population on the island began to grow.

Sailors usually caught these animals, which weighed up to 250 kg, lifted them onto the ship and turned them over on their backs. They lay there like that, sometimes remaining alive for weeks before they were used to make soup.

Turtle trapping ceased in the 1930s. But it took decades for the turtle offspring to reach maturity and return to the island to lay their eggs.

The turtle population on Ascension Island only began to increase in the 1970s.

“Since then we have seen an incredible recovery in turtle numbers,” says Ascension Island Conservation Director Nicola Weber. “We have seen the positive impact of stopping the trapping.”

In this context, I perceived the sand that one of the local turtles showered me with, carelessly moving its flippers, as a great honor.