A “haunted mansion” or an abandoned villa with a dark past. Abandoned house with ghosts Ghosts in abandoned buildings

Do you believe in ghosts? No? And they believe in you :) And they invite you to visit them in one of the largest wooden houses in the world. Of course, this house has long been abandoned. And as usual, he has complicated story. Welcome to the orphanage on the largest of the Princes' Islands (Adalar) - Buyukada, near Istanbul.

The history of Büyükada Rum Yetimhanesi (“Greek Shelter”) began in 1899, when one French company decided to build a hotel and casino “Prinkipo Palace” on the top of the hill.


The building turned out to be luxurious: 6 floors, 20,000 square meters, 206 rooms, many utility rooms, more than 100 windows!

But the French plans were not destined to come true - Sultan Abdul Hamid II did not issue permission for operation. The building had to be sold. Its new owner was the wife of a Greek banker. After her death, he transferred the house to the Patriarchate of Constantinople. So it became an orphanage for Greek orphans.

When did the first one begin? world war, the children were resettled, and the house was used by the Turkish military school “Kuleli”.

Then for some time Greek refugees lived in the house, who were sent to the Princes' Islands. Russian refugees also flocked there, seeking salvation from the Bolsheviks. The house accommodated everyone, like a giant Noah's Ark.

Later, the house again became an orphanage and school for 1,000 Greek orphan boys.

The shelter existed until the 60s, when the building, built entirely of wood, began to crumble. The house was occupied and closed.

Since then it has stood abandoned and no one has tried to restore it. Many ceilings have already collapsed, the roof is missing in places, which only accelerates the destruction.

In 2010, the Patriarchate of Constantinople regained ownership of the house and plans to restore it.

But in 8 years, only a fence was erected around the building and security was installed.

A family lives on the territory of the house and makes sure that no one gets in here.

Dogs run around and various village animals graze. It was not possible to get inside.

From the outside you can see the deplorable state of the building.

Even its partial restoration requires huge amounts of money.

There are several more auxiliary wooden buildings on the territory.

The shelter simply amazes the imagination with its scale. The building is somewhat reminiscent of the Titanic, and is, in fact, from the same era of giant structures.

Inside, all the finishing is also made of wood. There are photographs from the 60s, when the shelter was closed. Pay attention to the rich interior - originally there was supposed to be a casino here.

On a bright, sunny day you don’t think about sad things at all, but in inclement weather it should be sad here.

I wonder if the Greek Church will ever pay tribute to a building that has been home to thousands of people deprived of family and shelter for more than half a century?

Although it is probably easier to rebuild a building than to restore an old one.

For those who want to get there,

Do you want to tickle your nerves with quality while going on a trip? On our planet you can find enough places characterized by increased paranormal activity and the presence of ghosts, according to eyewitnesses. So, where can a risky and adventurous tourist who wants to encounter something supernatural go?

1. Eastern State Penitentiary

The maximum security prison in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) has long been the subject of numerous studies paranormal phenomena. The building resembles a well-fortified fortress with towers and powerful gates, and it served as a prison for almost 140 years until the early 1970s. Nowadays it's state museum, and one of the most interesting places in the former prison - this is the solitary cell of Al Capone himself. Abuse and torture led to many prisoners going crazy and dying, which is why today visitors report hearing ominous whispers, crying and even dark silhouettes in the premises.

2. Tower of London

So many executions were carried out in the Tower so often that manifestations of paranormal activity within its walls do not seem surprising at all. Most often, visitors and workers notice the appearance of the ghosts of Queen Anne Boleyn, the executed wife of the king Henry VIII, childish silhouettes of Edward V and his brother Richard, Duke of York, as well as the elderly Countess of Salisbury, whom the executioner managed to behead only the third time.

3. Gettysburg

Gettysburg (Pennsylvania) is one of the most visited historical places in the USA. This is the site of a bloody three-day battle (1863) during civil war, which claimed the lives of about 50 thousand people. It is believed that the battlefield and several nearby buildings, then used as temporary hospitals for the wounded, have forever remained an eternal refuge for the souls of many soldiers, whose ghosts are often observed by tourists who come to these parts.

4. Père Lachaise

The atmosphere of the Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris is unique and inimitable; its territory is not similar to any other earthly cemetery, but rather to some special one city ​​of the dead. The ancient tombstones, statues and absolute silence of Père Lachaise make visitors feel as if they are constantly being watched by invisible eyes.

5. Bran Castle

Bran Castle in Transylvania is a real tourist attraction. Of course, people still call it nothing more than Dracula’s Castle. There are no historical records confirming that Vlad the Impaler was his master, but for several months he was kept in this castle as a prisoner. However, imagination is a powerful thing, and Bran Castle forever became the fearsome fortress of Dracula himself.

6. Queen Mary liner

The transatlantic military transport liner Queen Mary is also haunted, according to numerous eyewitnesses. Nowadays, it is permanently laid up in the port of Long Beach (California) and performs many functions: a museum, restaurant, hotel and premises for presentations, exhibitions and conventions. There is even a church and chapel on board for wedding ceremonies. Among the paranormal activity, one can note the appearance of a young man who was crushed by door number 13 in engine room, sounds of splashing water from an empty pool and traces of wet feet and
dancing lady in white in the first class lounge.

7. Mansfield Prison

If you walk into the former Mansfield (Ohio) Penitentiary and Penitentiary, chances are you'll feel very uneasy there. Many terrible and mysterious deaths were recorded in the prison infirmary.

The chapel once housed a torture chamber, and the so-called “Hole” was a terrifying punishment cell. By the way, it was Mansfield Prison that “played the role” of Shawshank Prison in the film “The Shawshank Redemption.”

8. Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle is a very attractive place for tourists, which, of course, is not without its own ghosts, namely the Greyfriars dog Bobby, who guarded the grave of his deceased owner, and a mysterious man in a leather apron. In addition, the sounds of bagpipes can be heard here, since a local bagpiper was once lost forever in the tunnels under the castle, and visitors also note the constant feeling that they are being watched by the invisible inhabitants of the castle.

9. Paris Catacombs

They say that the Parisian catacombs are simply overpopulated with ghosts. And this is quite understandable. The catacombs serve as underground burial chambers for huge quantities of bones removed from the city's overcrowded cemeteries.

The remains were used to create an amazing, but rather ominous ossuary (ossuary) in the form of crosses and imitation walls.

10. St. Louis Cemetery

The St. Louis Cemetery in New Orleans (Louisiana) looks like a real set for some Hollywood horror film. Visitors are also drawn to the tomb of a local voodoo queen named Marie Laveau, who died in the late 19th century.

It is believed that even from underground she continues to fulfill the wishes of those who come to her here for help - most importantly, do not forget to draw three crosses on the wall of her crypt.

Gothic novels about shadows wandering through ancient abbeys appeal to both romantics and convinced materialists. That is why the ghosts of many European castles have become tourist brands. Having studied the rumors around noble nests and their famous owners, we were convinced that Russian ghosts are no less inventive than their foreign “colleagues”. We present five mystical estates in Russia.

Mikhailovka Estate

Petrodvortsovy district, St. Petersburg The abandoned palace, which never recovered from its destruction by the Nazis, remembers a lot. Located in the suburbs of St. Petersburg between Strelnaya and Peterhof, Mikhailovka is named in honor of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich, the son of Emperor Nicholas I. However, the surrounding area knew many owners: since the time of Peter there were country houses of the emperor’s associates - personal physician Robert Areskin, chief cook Johann Felten, shipbuilder Tikhon Lukin and Alexander Menshikov himself (his estate was called ingenuously - “Favorite”). Later there were dachas of Field Marshal Minikh and Hetman Razumovsky (in his honor the area was called Hetman's Manor). In the 1830s, all the plots were united, and a couple of decades later a grand palace Grand Duke. Today, the huge territory is partially occupied by the St. Petersburg State University campus, and the remaining premises, including the ancient palace, are abandoned. The spirits of great figures of the past live here: only their presence can explain the anxiety and even panic that often grips those who are brought here by curiosity.

Vadim Razumov

Glinka Estate

Shchelkovsky district, Moscow region The owner of this estate was the famous scientist and statesman Jacob Bruce, who was called a warlock during his lifetime. Contemporaries recalled that Bruce loved to show guests various “devilish things.” For example, he could freeze a pond in the middle of summer or melt it in the harsh winter. According to rumors, giant dolls walked and flew around the estate iron birds. It was alleged that Bruce organized a huge network of underground passages in Glinka for practicing witchcraft. In addition, many visitors notice that the creepy masks that decorate main house, smile and wink at everyone who looks at them for a long time.

Vadim Razumov

Bakery manor Filippov

Moscow region The fabulous and solemn appearance of the mansion is very deceptive. The son of a famous baker, Dmitry Filippov, hid one of the main secrets of life in this estate - his extramarital affair, the gypsy Aza. Here she led a solitary life, content with rare meetings with her beloved. Realizing that Dmitry Ivanovich had stopped loving her, the girl decided to take her own life and jumped out of the estate tower. Local residents and patients of the medical center, which was located in the estate for a long time, admit that they have repeatedly seen the ghost of the unfortunate gypsy in the park.

Vadim Razumov

Oldenburg Palace

Village Ramon, Voronezh region It is believed that the palace in Ramoni was cursed by a powerful sorcerer many centuries ago. So he took revenge on the owner of the estate, Evgenia Maximilianovna Oldenburgskaya, for his rejected feelings. Since then, strange events began to occur in the estate. That's not all: the son of the Oldenburg couple Peter was feared in society and considered, to put it mildly, unusual - allegedly in the dungeons of the palace he conducted experiments on people, and in its vicinity he was looking for traces ancient egyptian civilization. It is believed that three ghosts have lived in the estate for over a hundred years. But the most amazing event happened in Ramon quite recently, when museum staff discovered that the plaster had collapsed in the “bad” basement. The crumbled fragment formed a female silhouette on the wall, in which many recognized the first owner of the estate, Evgenia Maximilianovna Oldenburgskaya.

Vadim Razumov

Estate Vasilievskoe

Smolensk region The Povalishin estate can safely be called an encyclopedia of Russian Freemasonry. The layout of the alleys, the location of the buildings, the decoration of the facades of the main house - everything in this estate is associated with the symbolism of the “free masons”. The most notable objects of the estate are two earthen pyramids, a classic one and an inverted one. It is believed that the owners, who were prone to mysticism, wanted to leave hidden messages for their descendants, which they encrypted in Masonic signs. Leading experts in the field of symbol studies and cultural studies still cannot unravel these signs. And among local residents The Vasilyevskoye estate is notorious - they say that uninvited guests begin to feel unwell from the first minutes of their stay.

Abandoned houses are fraught with many mysteries, but American photographer Seph Loveless is not looking for answers to questions, he simply photographs these houses and recognizes them sad stories. Next, we will introduce you to the most mysterious haunted houses that are empty to this day.

In 1941 this house was a brothel. Years later, several bodies were found in the basement, each of which had all its organs marked out in perfect circles.

According to history, a family with four children lived in this house. After their parents committed double suicide, the children grew up alone in this house for 10 years.

Another family drama played out in this house in the mid-20th century. A certain Benjamin Albright first killed his son, and then his wife and himself. Since 1958, the house has stood untouched, preserving the history and all the family's personal details.

In the 70s, the mansion was a small hotel and became known for several very strange deaths.

The Milan mansion was notorious in the area. It is said that a practicing witch lived there, and neighbors were afraid of the place. Rumor has it that after her death the witch was buried right in the house.

The Doll's House from Philadelphia got its name from its very strange interior. There is no furniture or other evidence of life, but the entire house is filled with dolls and metal racks containing saws and other tools.

This house was home to serial killer Michael Madison, who used the basement as a place to kill his victims.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the family who lived in this house mysteriously disappeared. The investigation yielded nothing, but they say that residents then repeatedly saw the silhouettes of the residents in the windows of the house.

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There are many places in the world that people's rumors have attributed to the presence of evil spirits. But it’s one thing when there are rumors that voices, footsteps and strange shadows are wandering in the house, and another thing when otherworldly entities can be captured.
website made a selection of the most famous buildings in which visitors were able to take photographs of ghosts. These photographs have been examined by professionals who have concluded that the photographs are genuine.

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland, UK

This gloomy castle holds the record for the number of ghosts living there. The ghost of a bagpiper who got lost in the labyrinths of the castle, never leaving it before his death, the spirit of a drummer from Oliver Cromwell's army, the ghost of a dog walking through the local cemetery, the spirits of French prisoners, townspeople who died from the plague.

In addition to these “known” ghosts, visitors also meet other unidentified entities, hear groans, footsteps, and many experience a deterioration in their health.

Myrtle Plantation, Louisiana, USA

This is one of the most famous haunted houses in the United States. The ghost of a dark-skinned slave, Chloe, haunts the plantation. According to legend, the owner caught Chloe listening at the door and cut off her ear. Offended, Chloe baked a poisoned pie for the owner, which was accidentally eaten by his wife and three daughters. The owner, in desperation, unleashed his wrath on all the slaves of the estate, executing anyone who, in his opinion, was under suspicion. The slaves, in turn, carried out lynching of Chloe and lynched her.

Since then, the dark ghost of the tortured slave has repeatedly made itself known and attracted paranormal researchers and ordinary tourists to the estate.

Queens House, Greenwich, London, UK

This white house, decorated with ebony, was the place of imprisonment of Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard (fifth wife of Henry VIII), Lady Jane Gray, Queen Elizabeth I. To this day, the ghost of the Lady in Gray walks along the tulip stairs of Queens House (who exactly is this from prisoners, has not been established).

In 1966, photographer Ralph Hardy managed to capture a silhouette walking up the stairs. Kodak experts have determined that the photo is genuine. In addition to the Gray Lady, there are other anomalies in Queens House: children's choir singing, the ghost of a woman wiping blood from the floor.

Newby Church, North Yorkshire, UK

Newby Church has not been known to be haunted since its construction, but in 1963, the Reverend C. F. Lord took a photograph of the altar, and when the film was developed, it revealed the outline of an eerie phantom measuring 9 feet (275 cm).

The ghost in the photo turned out to be so clear that the authenticity of the photo was questioned, but experts, having studied it, came to the conclusion that this was not a double exposure or some other photo trick. I wonder if this photo inspired the creators of Scream?

Port Arthur Prison, Tasmania, Australia

In the 19th century, Port Arthur was a prison where people died large number prisoners unable to withstand harsh living and working conditions. Now the old prison building is dilapidated, and no one lives in it permanently. Nobody but ghosts. At night, footsteps are heard here, old doors creak, and lights flicker in the windows every now and then. Port Arthur has become a real Mecca for all lovers of the supernatural.

Winchester House, San Jose, California, USA

The California home was purchased by Sarah Winchester, daughter-in-law of gunsmith Oliver Winchester, in 1884. After the death of her child and then her husband, Sarah went to a medium who told her that the misfortunes in the family were due to spirits killed by weapons created by Winchester.

To prevent vengeful ghosts from reaching her, Sarah rebuilt the house according to her own design, making it incredibly intricate and huge (there are about 10,000 windows alone).

After Sarah's death, strange phenomena began in the mansion: shadows in the mirrors, doors slamming, objects moving. According to the mystical version, these spirits are still looking for Sarah, wandering through the endless corridors of her house. Rumors of ghosts attract crowds of tourists to this house; it is called the most extravagant attraction in California.

Berry Pomeroy Castle, Devon, UK

Visitors to this castle, for no reason, begin to experience despondency, fear and irritation on its territory. The reason for this, according to many, is the ghost of the White Lady, who was repeatedly encountered within these gloomy walls. Locals say that this is the soul of Margaret Pomeroy, whom her sister Eleanor, out of envy, imprisoned in the tower and starved for 20 days until the unfortunate woman died. Most often, the translucent ghost is seen silently hovering above St. Margaret's Tower.

St David's Cathedral, Wales, UK