A train passenger turned on the camera seconds before the collision with the train: video. An electric train passenger turned on the camera seconds before the collision with the train: video Trains delayed at the Moscow Railway will be sent along bypass tracks

On the evening of April 8, a passenger train and a commuter train collided in western Moscow. Several carriages derailed and, as Russian Railways stated, 50 people were injured. Among them are two citizens of Belarus, reported at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of this country. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 12 victims required hospitalization (the names of these people are published on the ministry’s website). There were no casualties. By the morning of April 9, train traffic on this section was restored. According to preliminary data, the collision occurred after a drunk man was crossing the railroad in the wrong place.

"April 8 at 22:16 on the Fili - Kuntsevo-1 section Belarusian direction Moscow railway driver commuter train No. 6919 Moscow-Usovo, in order to prevent a collision with a person, applied emergency braking. Due to an emergency situation, the braking system of the electric train was disrupted, as a result of which it spontaneously moved into reverse side, followed by a collision with passenger train No. 3 standing on the Fili-Kuntsevo section on the Moscow-Brest route.

As a result, two train cars and a section of the locomotive derailed. passenger train, traffic in the area is temporarily suspended.

According to preliminary information, 50 people sought medical help.

"Recovery trains have been dispatched to the scene to eliminate the consequences of the incident."

Press service of Russian Railways

The collision between a train and an electric train in the west of Moscow occurred at low speed, which avoided serious injuries among passengers, the source noted.

According to him, the collision of the Moscow-Brest train with a commuter train occurred not far from the station, when the train was still picking up speed. He added that the train's locomotive was damaged, and one of the train cars was partially derailed.

A source in the region's transport supervision services said that the collision, according to preliminary data, was provoked by a man crossing the tracks in the wrong place.

“According to preliminary data, a man who was intoxicated began to cross the tracks in the wrong place in front of an approaching electric train. The electric train driver applied emergency braking, as a result of which the train, which had slowed down on the rise, rolled back and hit the Moscow-Brest train passing nearby,” the source said agencies


Following a train collision in Moscow long distance and the commuter train, a pre-investigation check has been initiated, based on the results of which a procedural decision will be made. This was reported to Lenta.ru by the official representative of the Moscow Interregional Investigation Department for Transport of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Tatyana Morozova<...>

“At that moment there were 455 passengers and a train crew on the train, and on the train there were a driver, his assistant and 2 controllers,” Morozova said. According to her, 16 people were hospitalized after the accident, including the locomotive crew of the passenger train and 2 controllers of the commuter train.

Artyom Kol tells the chronology of events and provides eyewitness accounts of the collision of two trains that occurred on the night of April 9, 2017.

That night, the street lighting generators of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were the main silence breakers on the 9th kilometer of the Belarusian railway, on which, according to Russian Railways, the Moscow-Brest incident occurred at 22:40.

“At 10:03 we drove off, stopped about 19 minutes later and stood on the Kuntsevo-Fili bridge for a long time, about 15-20 minutes. Because the red light was always on there. After a while we felt a strong blow. The lights went out and smoke started "says a passenger on the Moscow-Brest train named Elena.

Piles of twisted metal and broken electrical wires are the consequences of a collision between two trains. According to preliminary data, as a result of the incident, several carriages of the train derailed, and the locomotive of the long-distance train was severely damaged. After providing first medical aid to the victims, the Moscow-Brest train returned to the Belorussky railway station.

"The train has been towed to the Belorusskaya metro station. Rearrangement will be carried out there, and in the future the train will be sent around Kyiv direction to the destination station Brest,” Ilya Denisov, head of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations in Moscow, comments on the situation.

After the first reports of the collision, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations arrived at the scene and began work on clearing the railway track. Toward nightfall, the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Vladimir Puchkov, also arrived at the site and personally inspected the piles of mangled carriages.

“More than 200 people and 70 pieces of equipment are working in the emergency zone. We are clarifying the schedule for restoring the planned operation of electric trains. It is planned that we will launch all electric trains by morning,” notes the head of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, Vladimir Puchkov.

According to preliminary information, the cause of the collision was a failure of the train's brake system. Passengers of the electric train reported this. First, the train slowed down sharply, and then rolled back.

"A mechanic came and started pulling the stop valve. The stop valve didn't work. Then the driver came and told everyone to get into the first car. They started kicking people out. The driver immediately prepared for a collision, because he knew that there was still a train standing on the tracks behind “recalls an electric train passenger named Ekaterina.

At this moment the collision occurred. Investigators still call the human factor the main cause of the incident.

According to the preliminary version, the incident occurred due to. It is not surprising: after all, the railway is located in a densely populated area of ​​Moscow. There are no fences here. On one side of the railway there is night club, where on Saturdays - a large number of people, and on the other side there are multi-storey residential buildings.

This is the case when they say: “The people’s path will not be overgrown.” Here you can clearly see the path that leads through the garages to the railway track, through which people walk local residents. Someone tried to install fences here, they put up bars with barbed wire. But all this, of course, does not work, and local residents walk freely across the railway.

IN Investigative Committee An investigation into the collision has already begun. It is possible that a criminal case will be initiated. And by morning it had already been restored.

Major train accident! In the west of the capital, a commuter train crashed into a passenger train. During the impact, one carriage folded into an accordion, and three more derailed. There are people injured. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 12 people were taken to hospitals, and by that hour seven had already been sent home.

The reason for the collision is currently being established. Apparently, the accident is exclusively man-made. Eyewitnesses say that there was no panic, the passengers helped each other until the emergency services arrived.

Late evening. Suburban train Moscow-Usovo left the Belorussky railway station. Went on schedule. But between the Kuntsevo and Fili stations it suddenly stopped. The lights went out in the carriages. According to passengers, after 15 minutes the power supply was restored, but the train began to slowly roll back.

“Our brakes don’t work. We’re on the train, and now we’re going to jump off the train, guys,” says one of the passengers.

It was impossible to slow down. The stop valve did not work either. The train had already accelerated when it crashed into the Moscow-Brest train, which had stopped for several minutes.

“We tried to quickly move to the first carriage. When we reached the first carriage, most of the people were already there”, “literally ten seconds, and a sharp push, the lights go out and everyone is on the floor”, “if there had been anyone in the last carriages, no one would have survived there”, - passengers say.

Almost immediately after the accident, the place where the two trains collided was cordoned off. The scale of the destruction is visible - the last carriage of the train literally shrank like an accordion during the collision and fell on its side. Three more cars left the tracks.

The Moscow-Brest train is almost undamaged. Only his locomotive was rammed. The impact also derailed him. Passengers on the train were not injured - the driver, using a loudspeaker, told them to move to the first carriages in order to be as far as possible from the scene of the collision.

But on the train at that moment they were already getting ready for bed and were not ready for a sharp jolt. Many fell from top shelves, they received severe bruises. However, we did not give in to panic. Before the doctors and rescuers arrived, they helped each other.

“Everything fell, mugs, glass. Many hit, some against the wall, some against some ledges. The staff responded quickly to everything that was happening. There were doctors and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the conductors responded immediately,” the girl recalls.

Five people, including the train driver, still remain in hospitals. The rest were provided with medical and psychological assistance right in the carriages. And already at about three in the morning the train was hooked up to another locomotive, and it went to Brest along a bypass route.

The Belarusian direction was completely blocked for several hours. The situation was reported to Vladimir Putin. The President instructed to eliminate the consequences of the accident as soon as possible. Until late at night, passengers who were unable to leave by train were transported by buses. And the schedule of some long-distance trains had to be adjusted.

“The four trains that are now delayed, I set the task for the railway to quickly and efficiently send them along bypass highways, including organizing informing those meeting about the schedule and time of arrival,” said Russian Minister of Emergency Situations Vladimir Puchkov.

A special commission is now establishing the causes of the accident. Meanwhile, trains in the Belarusian direction have been running on schedule for several hours. This information was confirmed by the press service of Russian Railways. All mangled cars were removed from the tracks with the help of emergency recovery trains and cranes. And the first train passed here at 4:40 in the morning.

In the west of the capital, on the Belarusian direction of the Moscow Railway, a long-distance train “Moscow - Brest” and an electric train collided.

As a result, four cars derailed. As a result of the incident, at least 16 people were injured, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 12 were hospitalized, including a child. The department also noted that the accident was caused by emergency braking, which was applied by the electric train driver to avoid hitting a person who was on the tracks. RT collected details of what happened.

Four carriages derailed as a result of a collision between the Moscow-Brest long-distance train and an electric train in the west of the capital. The accident was caused by emergency braking, which was applied by the electric train driver to avoid hitting a person on the tracks.

“According to preliminary information, on the railway tracks, due to the emergency braking applied by the driver because of a person on the tracks, an electric train without passengers “Vyazma - Moscow” collided with a long-distance train “Moscow - Brest”, as a result of which four cars derailed.” , - TASS quotes a statement from the press service of the capital's head office of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Video broadcast of a collision between an electric train and a train in Moscow.


There are people injured

As a result of the collision, 12 people were hospitalized, including a child.

“20 requests for medical assistance were received, 12 people were sent for hospitalization to medical institutions,” the Ministry of Emergency Situations said in a statement.

According to some reports, about 20 more passengers sought medical help on the spot.

They are working on site

The Ministry of Railways reported that an operational headquarters has been created to eliminate the consequences of the incident. Currently, more than 170 people and about 70 pieces of equipment are working on site, including two emergency recovery trains.

The Moscow government has already announced that it will provide assistance to Russian Railways in connection with the train collision.

“The Moscow government will provide all necessary assistance to PJSC Russian Railways - the Moscow Railway in connection with the incident in the Belarusian direction,” the capital’s Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development said on Twitter.

Traffic was blocked

Due to the incident, the movement of electric trains on the Fili-Kuntsevo section was stopped. Instead, compensation buses came on the line.

“For technical reasons, there is no movement of electric trains on the Fili-Kuntsevo section of the Belarusian direction of the Moscow Railway. To ensure the transportation of passengers, by order of OJSC Central PPK, compensation buses have been assigned that will travel from Moscow Belorusskaya station to Odintsovo,” TASS quotes the press service of the Central Passenger Suburban Company.

The Moscow government ordered dedicated buses to run “until last passenger».

“Compensation buses will run until the last passenger.” Such an order was received by Mosgortrans from the Moscow Government,” the statement says.

Now on the route along which trains travel to the region, the contact network has been dismantled.

Car traffic in the area of ​​the train collision - along Gerasim Kurin Street - was also blocked. The police are turning around all cars heading in that direction.

Versions of a train collision in Moscow have been announced

As they explained to passengers, the train's brakes failed, so it crashed into standing train.
According to preliminary data, a head-on collision between a train and an electric train in Moscow could have occurred due to two reasons - a switch and a faulty brake.

After the collision, passengers on the Moscow-Brest train were gathered by conductors and explained what had happened.

We left the Belorussky station, then stopped and let trains pass, four trains let us through, the fifth crashed into us, the impact was so strong that everyone flew out of their seats,” one of the passengers told Life. - They explained to us that the brakes of that train failed, so it crashed into our stationary train. They also said about the switch that the mechanism worked incorrectly.

Now the train with passengers is being coupled with an auxiliary train to return it back to the Belorussky station.

We don’t know what will happen next, they ask us to be patient, they give us free tea,” the passenger continued. - Now they will drag us to the Belorussky station, after which the train will continue its journey, it is not yet known whether we will travel on it or on another train.

It is reported that on Belorussky railway station Buses are provided for passengers.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations named the cause of the collision between a train and an electric train in the west of Moscow

The collision between a long-distance train and an electric train in the west of Moscow occurred due to the fact that the electric train urgently braked when a man was crossing the tracks, RIA Novosti was told at the capital's head office of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Earlier it became known that on Sunday night a long-distance train and an electric train collided in the west of Moscow. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, two train cars and two electric train cars derailed, four people were hospitalized.

According to the capital's headquarters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Vyazma-Moscow electric train and the Moscow-Brest long-distance train collided. According to the department, rescuers are inspecting the carriages for victims.

Ministry of Emergency Situations: in the west of Moscow, traffic was restored at the site of the train collision

Train traffic on the section in the west of Moscow, where an electric train and a long-distance train collided, has been restored, the press service of the Moscow State Emergency Situations Directorate told RIA Novosti.

“Train traffic has been restored,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

According to him, in the near future the first electric train will go through the area where the collision occurred.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations has published a list of those hospitalized after a train accident in Moscow

The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations published on its website a list of 12 people hospitalized as a result of a collision between a passenger train and an electric train in the west of Moscow.

List of passengers of train No. 3 “Moscow - Brest” hospitalized in Moscow hospitals:

Vaityul Tatyana Valerievna, 30 years old (GBUZ “City Clinical Hospital No. 71”);

Voloznev Roman Leonidovich, 20 years old (N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine)

Zotov Sergey Aleksandrovich, 28 years old (City Clinical Hospital No. 67);

Zryanova Svetlana Olegovna, 55 years old (City Clinical Hospital No. 67);

Nikitina Victoria Aleksandrovna, 36 years old (State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “State Clinical Hospital named after S.P. Botkin”);

Parezhka Diana Andreevna, 26 years old (First City Hospital named after N.I. Pirogov);

Svetlana Viktorovna Podanina, 54 years old (City Clinical Hospital No. 67);

Selezneva Vlada Igorevna, 45 years old (N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine)

Shishikina Natalya Sergeevna, 61 years old (First City Hospital named after N.I. Pirogov);

Yudenko Elena Vladimirovna, 50 years old (City Clinical Hospital No. 67).

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, two teenagers are also on the list of hospitalized people; they are in the Children's City Clinical Hospital No. 9. The Ministry of Emergency Situations clarifies that the condition of 10 hospitalized people is of moderate severity, and the condition of two is being clarified.

According to Russian Railways, on April 8 at 22.16 on the Fili-Kuntsevo-1 stretch, the driver of the Moscow-Usovo commuter train applied emergency braking to prevent a collision with a pedestrian. As reported, due to an emergency situation, the braking system of the electric train was disrupted, as a result of which it spontaneously moved in the opposite direction, and then collided with a Moscow-Brest passenger train standing on the Fili-Kuntsevo section.


The President of Russian Railways interrupted his vacation due to a train collision in Moscow

Russian Railways President Oleg Belozerov interrupted his vacation and headed the company’s operational headquarters, created in connection with the collision between a train and an electric train, the company told RIA Novosti.

On Saturday at 22.16 on the Fili - Kuntsevo section of the Belarusian direction of the Moscow Railway, the driver of the Moscow - Usovo electric train applied emergency braking to avoid hitting a person. Due to an emergency situation, the braking system was disrupted, the train spontaneously moved in the opposite direction, and it collided with passenger train No. 3 Moscow – Brest standing on the Fili-Kuntsevo section.

As a result of the train collision, two train cars and a section of the locomotive of a passenger train derailed, and traffic on the section was temporarily suspended. 50 people sought medical help.