First test flight of MS 21. He flapped his wing. Latest Russian technologies

TsAGI continues to prepare the aircraft airframe for static tests, but due to a shortage of some structural elements, it cannot yet fully assemble the MS-21 airframe, reports the online publication Zhukovskiye Vesti.

The MS-21 fuselage (without the APU compartment) was delivered to TsAGI on August 17 of this year. According to the press service of the Ulyanovsk Aviastar-SP, at the beginning of October, the AeroComposite - Ulyanovsk enterprise completed the production of composite units of the MS-21 tail unit: stabilizer console, fin fragment, stabilizer caisson. These structural elements of the airliner are going to be sent from Ulyanovsk to Zhukovsky by road before October 25.

The assembly of the airframe of a promising short-medium-haul aircraft should be carried out by specialists from the Irkut Corporation together with employees of enterprises - participants in the cooperation of the MS-21 aircraft project and TsAGI employees.

The resulting production delays may lead to another postponement of the start of static tests of the vehicle and, accordingly, to a shift to the right in the timing of the first flight of the first prototype MS-21-300.

The exact date of the first flight has not yet been announced, but the conversation is approximately March-April 2017. According to unofficial information, static tests of the MS-21 airframe at TsAGI should begin before the end of December this year.

MS-21 fuselage in the TsAGI statistical testing hall / Photo (c) TsAGI press service

During static tests, the ability of the MS-21 airframe structure to withstand applied design loads is tested without collapsing or receiving unacceptable residual deformations.

Later that day The Aviastar-SP press service reported that work has been completed on the manufacture of fuselage panels for the F5 compartment and a set of doors for the third MS-21 aircraft. The main batch of units was sent to the Irkutsk Aviation Plant for further assembly.

Production of sets of fuselage panels for compartments F1 and F2 and doors for the fourth vehicle has begun. The assembly of the door frames is almost complete, preparations are underway for the installation of kinematics. The production of units for the fifth aircraft kit is being prepared.

In addition, the MS-21 assembly shop has completed production of the MS-21 tail units, which were mentioned above. The finished units were sent to Zhukovsky for mating with the fuselage and static testing. Thus, hope remains that the first flight of the MS-21 will take place, as planned, no later than February next year.


November 9, 2016
President of the Irkut Corporation Oleg Demchenko reported on the preparation of the MC-21 for the first flight, Dmitry Rogozin wrote on Twitter.

Moscow, May 28 - "Vesti.Ekonomika". First flight of the new passenger plane MS-21-300 successfully took place on Sunday, May 28, 2017, at the Irkutsk airfield aircraft plant– branch of PJSC Irkut Corporation.

The flight duration was 30 minutes, it took place at an altitude of 1 thousand m at a speed of 300 km/h. The flight plan included checking the aircraft for stability and controllability, as well as engine control.

In accordance with the program, during the flight a simulated approach was carried out, followed by a pass over the runway, a climb and a turn. This technique is typical for the first flight of new types of aircraft.

The aircraft was piloted by a crew consisting of test pilot, Hero of Russia Oleg Kononenko and test pilot, Hero of Russia Roman Taskaev.

Oleg Kononenko stated that “the flight mission was completed in full.” “The flight took place as usual. No problems were identified that would prevent the continuation of testing,” he explained. Roman Taskaev noted: “The characteristics and operating modes of the engines were confirmed, all aircraft systems worked without failures.”

Flight performance characteristics of the MS-21-300 aircraft

Capacity in a two-class layout is 163 seats (16 business + 147 economy), capacity in a dense layout is 211 seats. Maximum take-off weight - 79,250 kg. Maximum commercial load - 22,600 kg.

The maximum flight range is 6 thousand km. The main dimensions are the length of the aircraft - 42.2 m, wingspan - 35.9 m, height - 11.5 m.

The MC-21 flies faster than its competitors and benefits from greater efficiency. According to Irkut's calculations, by using the MC-21, airlines will be able to save up to $3 million a year.

Irkut has collected 175 firm orders for the MS-21, and another 100 orders are under discussion. Aeroflot will be the first operator of the new aircraft. Deliveries of the MC-21 will begin at the end of 2018 - beginning of 2019. Aeroflot intends to buy 50 aircraft.

The catalog price of the MC-21 will be from $90 million, while the European competitor Airbus A320 will cost $97 million, and the American Boeing 737 new versions will cost $95 million.

MS-21 is an important stage in the formation of a new industrial model in the Russian Federation

The integrators of the main systems of the MS-21 aircraft are Russian enterprises. During the implementation of the MS-21 program, centers of excellence in the development and production of products made from composite materials were created in Russia. In order to introduce new technologies, a radical modernization of the production facilities of the Irkutsk Aviation Plant, a branch of PJSC Irkut Corporation, and a number of aircraft manufacturing enterprises and related industries was carried out.

The main Russian participants in the program: the lead contractor is the Irkut Corporation (part of the UAC), leading UAC enterprises, and the Rostec state corporation.

President of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) PJSC Yuriy Slyusar emphasized that the MS-21 was created in broad cooperation, where, along with Irkut, other UAC enterprises are actively participating: AeroComposite, Ulyanovsk and Voronezh aircraft plants, and the UAC Integration Center.

“According to our estimates, in the next 20 years, global demand in the MC-21 segment will be about 15 thousand new aircraft. I am sure that airlines will highly appreciate our new aircraft. This is not just the flight of a new aircraft, this is the appearance of a new product that will last for the next 50 years will determine the face of Russian civil aircraft industry", said the head of the UAC.

MS-21-300 – a new generation passenger aircraft

MS-21-300 is a new generation passenger aircraft with a capacity of 163 to 211 passengers, aimed at the most popular segment of the air transportation market.

The MS-21 aircraft will provide passengers with quality new level comfort thanks to the largest fuselage diameter in the class of narrow-body aircraft. This solution will significantly expand the personal space of each passenger, allow them to avoid the service trolley and provide airlines with a reduction in turnaround time at airports.

Thanks to the installation of large windows, the natural illumination of the passenger compartment has been increased. The aircraft will maintain comfortable air pressure for passengers and an improved microclimate.

An innovative ergonomic cockpit has been developed for pilots of MC-21 aircraft. High demands on the comfort and economic efficiency of the aircraft required the introduction of advanced technical solutions in the field of aerodynamics, engine engineering and aircraft systems.

In terms of its flight performance and efficiency, the MC-21 aircraft is superior to existing analogues.

The main contribution to improving the aircraft's performance characteristics will be made by a wing made of polymer composite materials, the first in the world created for narrow-body aircraft with a capacity of over 130 passengers. The share of composites in the structure of the MC-21 aircraft - over 30% - is unique for this class of airliners.

For the first time in the history of domestic aircraft manufacturing, the airliner is offered to customers with two types of engines – PW1400G from Pratt & Whitney (USA) and PD-14 from the United Engine Corporation (Russia). New generation engines have reduced fuel consumption and low noise levels and emissions of harmful substances. The MC-21 aircraft meets future environmental protection requirements.

The estimated reduction in direct operating costs when operating the MC-21 aircraft will be 12-15% compared to analogues.

The initial portfolio of firm orders for 175 MS-21 aircraft ensures the utilization of production capacity for the coming years. Advance payments have been received for firm orders.

On May 28, the first flight of the new Russian passenger aircraft MS-21-300 (“Long-Range Aircraft of the 21st Century”) took place at the airfield of the Irkutsk Aviation Plant. This is the first airliner made entirely according to Western standards, taking into account global trends and real market demand. Created without a Soviet foundation, it is the second largest Russian project in the field of civil aviation.

Dmitry Medvedev:“The MS-21 is superior in its technological level to those civilian ships that are currently flying. I’m sure it will be a good car, economical and reliable.”

Creating a liner

Development is carried out by JSC Experimental Design Bureau named after. A.S. Yakovlev" and PJSC "Irkut Corporation" (part of the United Aircraft Corporation, UAC). Based on the unrealized Yak-242 project in the late 1980s. In 2014, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin stated that the production vehicles of the MS-21 project would be called Yak-242.

In 2014, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin stated that the production vehicles of the MS-21 project would be called Yak-242. However, in 2015 it was announced that the aircraft would not receive the designation Yak-242, and would remain the MS-21. First of all, this was due to promotion on the world market: the reputation will grow along with the new aircraft.

Rogozin has repeatedly stated the maximum concentration of efforts and coordinated interaction between the UAC and the United Engine Corporation (UEC) in the creation of the MS-21 aircraft. In his opinion, without this it is impossible to create a competitive product, given that most of the MS-21 components, including its engine, are completely new developments.

Rogozin emphasized that, despite the presence of another new aircraft, the SSJ-100 (the first flight was carried out in 2008, in operation since 2011), the MS-21 developers have a huge responsibility.

Dmitry Rogozin:“Everything here is new and a lot is domestic, and since everything is new, you and I perfectly understand how it all should be adapted to each other, from the black composite wing to the avionics.”

On June 8, 2016, at the ceremony of rolling out the new aircraft, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev assured that Russia would not disappear from the “major league” of the world aircraft industry.

Dmitry Medvedev:“New projects in the aircraft industry, for obvious reasons, are not cheap at all. In general, there are very few countries where aircraft manufacturing is developed. This is called the “major league”. And under no circumstances should we disappear from this “major league.”

He emphasized that Russia is capable of creating aircraft that compete with foreign manufacturers. “The current event confirms that we are capable of creating such machines that will advance our aircraft industry and will compete with other aircraft,” the prime minister said.

Economical, technologically advanced, domestic

Two modifications of the aircraft with a standard two-class layout have been developed: the basic MS-21-300 (163-211 seats) and a shortened version - MS-21-200 (132-165 seats). Certification of the latter is scheduled for 2019-2020.

For each modification, there are versions with normal (3500 km) and increased (5000 km) range. In the future, long-range versions (up to 7000 km) may appear.

The MC-21 differs from the SSJ-100 in its increased flight range (maximum 4578 km versus 6400 km) and a large number seats. The SSJ-100 can accommodate a maximum of 108 passenger seats, and the MS-21 can accommodate up to 211 seats.

The MC-21 will have the highest level of comfort for passengers due to the increased width of the passenger compartment. The increased diameter of the fuselage (4.06 m) provides an increase in the capacity of luggage racks in the passenger compartment and luggage compartments located under its floor.

According to the Wings of the Motherland magazine, the MC-21 has about 27 inches of fuselage cross-section per passenger seat (for Airbus aircraft A330 - 25 inches, - only 24 inches). Width passenger seat increased to 18 inches (for the A330 - 17), and the passage between the seats - to 22.5. This is much more than competitors. Passengers will be able to sit more comfortably on long flights and will be able to move freely around the cabin. In addition, the time for boarding and disembarking passengers is reduced (about 30% better than similar aircraft).

The MS-21 passenger compartment will also receive new system air conditioning, which should have a beneficial effect on the well-being of passengers. It is also planned to use three-season temperature control for convenience.

The first copies of the MC-21 will be equipped with an imported Pratt & Whitney engine, and in the future the engine will be replaced by the domestic PD-14.

This is the basic civil engine of a new generation, which is being created by a wide cooperation of UEC enterprises for the MS-21 airliner. Based on the unified compact gas generator PD-14, it is possible to create a whole family of engines with a thrust of 9-18 tons, intended for short- and medium-haul aircraft, helicopters and industrial gas turbine units. The development of the PD-14 belongs to the Aviadvigatel design bureau, the main manufacturer is the Perm Motor Plant.

As experts note, with characteristics comparable to the American engine, the PD-14 engine will also become the founder of a whole line of aircraft engines. Its more powerful modifications based on a gas generator, but with a gear fan (PD-18R) will be used on the Tu-214, Il-96-300 and Il-96-400T. A lower power version of the PD-10 engine is used on SSJ-100 aircraft.

Another advantage. For the first time in the domestic aircraft industry, composite materials are widely used in the design of an airliner - about 40%. The use of carbon fiber reinforced plastics has made it possible to increase the wing span, and composites are also used in the tail of aircraft. Future promising complex long-range aviation(PAK DA) is designed taking into account the experience of creating the MS-21.

Another innovation of the MS-21, according to the specialized aviation publication “Wings of the Motherland,” is a special system for reducing and managing loads. It is expected that by reducing the weight of the aircraft's structure, combined with its high thrust-to-weight ratio, it will reduce the MC-21's takeoff run by almost 300 m, as well as increase its service ceiling by almost 600 m compared to the newest analogues from Airbus and Boeing.

The MC-21 cockpit was created taking into account the most modern requirements for its ergonomics, which should simplify piloting the vehicle and reduce the load on the crew.
The Radioelectronic Technologies Concern (KRET) developed more than 70% of the MS-21 avionics, and actively used the principle of modular electronics.

First prototype

The assembly of the MS-21-300 prototype, equipped with Pratt & Whitney engines, was completed at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant on June 6, 2016, the official presentation (the first rollout from the workshop) took place on June 8, 2016.

Flight tests of the prototype, originally scheduled for the second quarter of 2016, were postponed to 2017. Obtaining a Russian type certificate and the first delivery of MS-21-300 aircraft to the customer are planned for the end of 2018.

On April 28, the first flight prototype left the final assembly shop in preparation for its first flight. On May 15, at the airfield of the Irkutsk Aviation Plant, the MC-21-300-0001 aircraft performed taxiing, various aircraft systems were also checked, and ground launches of the main and auxiliary power units were practiced. As Irkut noted, all preparations took place in accordance with the approved schedule.

Orders for the liner

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said that the package of advanced orders for the new MS-21 amounts to 185 vehicles. On at the moment The order portfolio is 285 aircraft.

The first operator will be Aeroflot. It is planned that it will receive the first aircraft in the configuration for 175 seats in the fourth quarter of 2018. In total, the airline's fleet will operate 50 MS-21s. The leasing company Aviacapital-Service will finance the supply. A firm supply contract was signed in 2011. Aeroflot CEO Vitaly Savelyev stated that deliveries of the first three aircraft are expected in 2019.

In 2015-2016, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and UAC top managers reported that Indonesia was showing interest in the aircraft, Saudi Arabia, Tanzania, Iran and a number of other countries. However, not a single firm contract for the supply of MS-21 abroad is known yet. There is only a preliminary agreement for the supply of 10 aircraft (4 of them are optional) with the Egyptian Cairo Aviation. The catalog price of MS-21 is from $85 million.

In February, the Vedomosti newspaper reported that the airline would become one of the largest customers for the aircraft. “Red Wings have a preliminary agreement with the leasing company Ilyushin Finance Co. to lease 10 MS-21s. If the operation of MS-21 is effective, then their number can be increased to 15-16″, the head of the leasing company Alexander Rubtsov told the publication.

According to him, when MS-21s begin to arrive in 2019, they will gradually replace them in the fleet Airbus airlines and Tu. Currently, the Red Wings fleet has seven Tu-204 and Tu-214 aircraft.
Time will tell to what extent all these plans will be implemented, but we can already say with confidence that this is a landmark and significant order for the Russian aircraft manufacturer.

Based on materials

Did you know that in recent years the aviation industry has not designed or assembled new models? passenger aircraft(not counting long-haul ones), limiting ourselves to the modernization of old ones. Boeing and Airbus not long ago began making the curved ends of their wings, which are shown in the photo. This design allowed saving 1-1.5% of fuel. A gearbox with interesting design inventions was also invented, which made it possible to reduce the weight of the engine and also save 15% of fuel during operation.

Russia shocked the aviation industry by announcing a successful test flight of the new MC-21 medium-range passenger aircraft, according to the world's leading business television channel CNBC. On Sunday, the new Russian passenger aircraft MS-21 made its first test flight in Irkutsk. The flight duration was 30 minutes, it took place at an altitude of 1000 m at a speed of 300 km/h. The airliner was flown by test pilots, heroes of Russia Oleg Kononenko and Roman Taskaev.

“The flight mission was completed completely. The flight went as usual. “No comments were identified that would prevent the continuation of the tests,” the Irkut press service quotes Kononenko as saying.

As CNBC notes, the Russian aircraft, with a capacity of 163 to 211 passengers and a maximum flight range of 6,000 km, will try to compete with the Boeing 737 and Airbus A320. The TV channel also quotes the Russian manufacturer as saying that the new aircraft is superior to existing competitors.

In particular, the widespread use of polymer composite materials and a new generation engine, which reduces fuel consumption, is emphasized. Direct operating costs will be 12-15% lower than those of direct competitors.

Irkut already has an initial portfolio of 175 “firm orders” that will support production capacity “in the coming years,” the TV channel notes.

It is no secret that the MS-21, due to a fortunate combination of circumstances, is noticeably superior to its Western competitors in almost all respects. technical specifications. And all because five years ago the giants of the world aircraft industry - Airbus and Boeing - did not dare to develop fundamentally new aircraft and limited themselves to deep modernization of existing models.

This is how the projects of the Airbus A320NEO and Boeing 737MAX families appeared. More recently, these aircraft have begun to enter airline fleets. Their main difference from their predecessors is the new PurePower series engines from Pratt & Whitney and the Leap-X series from CFM International (owned by GE and Snecma). These motors are almost 15% more economical than all others power plants, including those that stand on the current Airbus families A320 and Boeing 737. Their developers managed to achieve such indicators through the use of a number of revolutionary technologies in the design of new engines. For example, in the case of Pratt & Whitney, these are special gearboxes that enable turbines to spin faster and fans to spin slower. This innovation made it possible to reduce the number of blades by about one and a half thousand and dramatically reduce the weight of the new engines, which, in turn, made them less noisy. True, engines are only one, albeit a very important aspect. Improved European and American airliners also received new wingtips in the form of shark fins, which can reduce fuel consumption by another 1–1.5%.

Thus, the total fuel savings when operating modernized Western aircraft will be about 16%. But for MS-21 this figure will almost certainly exceed 22%. And this is not only a matter of a specially created modification of the Pratt & Whitney engines that power the MC-21. Much more important is that the airframe of our new airliner consists of almost 40% composite materials, and the wings are almost 100%. The so-called black wings are a revolutionary innovation for narrow-body aircraft. Their use significantly reduces the total weight of the aircraft structure and promises truly fantastic benefits during operation.

Now the technologies for manufacturing all-composite wings are from Boeing, the Canadian Bombardier and our UAC. But since Airbus and Boeing did not make completely composite wings for their NEO and MAX families, but decided to leave aluminum ones, their next programs to create new narrow-body aircraft using this technology will not be launched earlier than in ten to fifteen years.

First flight of MS-21

Marina Lystseva writes:

On May 28, 2017, at the airfield of the Irkutsk Aviation Plant, a branch of PJSC Irkut Corporation (part of the UAC), the first flight of the new MS-21-300 passenger aircraft took place.

The flight duration was 30 minutes, it took place at an altitude of 1000 meters at a speed of 300 km/h.

We arrived the day before yesterday morning and immediately rushed to the plant. The MS-21 was being prepared for taxiing.


The weather was just right for #lyscing.


The plane ran along the runway, at the end of which technicians ran up to it and inspected the landing gear.


We went for a run and looked, everything was fine.


He turned around and drove back to the hangar.


By the way, while we were standing and waiting for the run, it began to rain, under which everyone got pretty wet.


Yesterday morning we arrived at eight o'clock in the morning, but still did not have time to remove the rollout from the hangar.
The film crew was rehearsing how they would film the pilots' exit to the Irkut flight, and the photographers ran around the plane for a bit.


Tokunaga flew in for one day from Japan with a transfer in Khabarovsk.





Heel to protect the fuselage from tail-strike (literally “tail strike”).




Why 51? I have no idea.


For the first time in the history of domestic aircraft manufacturing, the airliner is offered to customers with two types of engines – PW1400G from Pratt & Whitney (USA) and PD-14 ODK (Russia).


New generation engines have reduced fuel consumption and low noise levels and emissions of harmful substances.


The PD-14 is not ready yet, so the first flight took place with American engines.


The flight was scheduled for 11 am, 2 hours before we were taken to a field so as not to interfere with the plane.


The Yak-130 escort plane was the first to take off.


And at 11:15 the MS-21 soared into the sky.


Yeah.... I thought... I should have taken a point in the middle of the strip, and not at the end...


If you estimate visually, the MS-21 takeoff run was about 900 meters..


The Yak-130 was flying parallel at the moment of takeoff, and video was being filmed from it.


The flight plan included checking the aircraft for stability and controllability, as well as engine control.


In accordance with the program, during the flight a simulated approach was performed, followed by a pass over the runway, a climb and a turn. This technique is typical for the first flight of new types of aircraft.


The first test flight always takes place with the landing gear extended.


After takeoff, we jump on the bus and rush to the hangar in order to have time to climb onto it. Along the way we see people outside the area.


We go up to the hangar.


Everyone is waiting to pass.


Two days before, there was a fly-by rehearsal, but instead of the MC-21, an An-12 Irkut flew over the runway.


I came in low, I had already decided that there would be a landing.


But no, I gained altitude again.



And beautifully passes us by...


At this time, applause can be heard from all sides...


How do you like the cabin glazing?






Turned around for landing approach.


A few more minutes of waiting...


There is a video circulating online of someone filming the takeoff from those warehouses there.













It arrived, and we ran down from the hangar in order to have time to film the pilots leaving.




Spectators are not yet allowed onto the plane, only a few photographers and video cameras.



And here it is, the exciting moment. The door opened.


And to thunderous applause, the test pilots walk out onto the ramp.
The plane was piloted by test pilots, Heroes of Russia Oleg Kononenko and Roman Taskaev.


Report to the President of the Irkut Corporation Oleg Demchenko.
Oleg Kononenko: “The flight mission was completed in full. The flight took place as usual. No comments were identified that would prevent the continuation of testing.”


And the unofficial part began.


Yuri Slyusar, head of the UAC.


The pilots took off into the sky several more times.



Deputy Chief Designer Vitaly Naryshkin was also torn from the ground.




Roman Taskaev: “The characteristics and operating modes of the engines were confirmed, all aircraft systems worked without failures.”


Oleg Demchenko: “Today is a historic day for our team and the entire large team working on the creation of MS-21.”


“We have invested in our aircraft the most advanced technical solutions that will provide increased comfort to passengers and attractive economic characteristics to airlines. And today I am happy to announce that the first flight of the MC-21 was successful! I congratulate all program participants on our common holiday!”


President of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) Yuri Slyusar:
“The MS-21 was created in broad cooperation, where, along with Irkut, other UAC enterprises are actively involved: AeroComposite, Ulyanovsk and Voronezh aircraft factories, UAC Integration Center. This is an important stage in the formation of a new industrial model of the UAC.


“According to our estimates, in the next 20 years, global demand in the MC-21 segment will be about 15,000 new aircraft. I am confident that airlines will highly appreciate our new aircraft.”











MS-21-300 is a new generation passenger aircraft with a capacity of 163 to 211 passengers, aimed at the most popular segment of the air transportation market.


The MC-21 aircraft will provide passengers with a qualitatively new level of comfort thanks to the largest fuselage diameter in the class of narrow-body aircraft. This solution will significantly expand the personal space of each passenger, allow them to avoid the service trolley and provide airlines with a reduction in turnaround time at airports.


Thanks to the installation of large windows, the natural illumination of the passenger compartment has been increased. The aircraft will maintain comfortable air pressure for passengers and an improved microclimate.



An innovative ergonomic cockpit has been developed for pilots of MC-21 aircraft.




High demands on the comfort and economic efficiency of the aircraft required the introduction of advanced technical solutions in the field of aerodynamics, engine engineering and aircraft systems.




In terms of its flight performance and efficiency, the MC-21 aircraft is superior to existing analogues.
The main contribution to improving the aircraft's performance characteristics will be made by a wing made of polymer composite materials, the first in the world created for narrow-body aircraft with a capacity of over 130 passengers. The share of composites in the structure of the MC-21 aircraft - over 30% - is unique for this class of airliners.


The MC-21 aircraft meets future environmental protection requirements.


The estimated reduction in direct operating costs when operating the MC-21 aircraft will be 12-15% compared to analogues.


The initial portfolio of firm orders for 175 MS-21 aircraft ensures the utilization of production capacity for the coming years. Advance payments have been received for firm orders.


The main Russian participants in the program: the main contractor is the Irkut Corporation (part of the UAC), leading enterprises of the UAC, and the Rostec State Corporation.


Flight characteristics of MS-21-300
Capacity in a two-class layout: 163 seats (16 business + 147 economy)
Capacity in a dense arrangement of 211 seats
Maximum take-off weight 79,250 kg
Maximum payload 22,600 kg
Maximum flight range 6,000 km
Main Dimensions
Aircraft length 42.2 m
Wingspan 35.9 m
Height 11.5 m













This is such beauty.

On May 28, the new Russian narrow-body aircraft MS-21 made its first flight at the IAZ airfield in Irkutsk.

The flight duration was 30 minutes, it took place at an altitude of 1000 meters at a speed of 300 km/h. The flight plan included checking the aircraft for stability and controllability, as well as engine controllability. In accordance with the program, during the flight a simulated approach was performed, followed by a pass over the runway, a climb and a turn. This technique is typical for the first flight of new types of aircraft.

President of PJSC Irkut Corporation Oleg Demchenko said: “Today is a historic day for our team and the entire large team working on the creation of MS-21. We have invested in our aircraft the most advanced technical solutions that will provide increased comfort for passengers and attractive economic characteristics for airlines. And today I am happy to announce that the first flight of the MS-21 was successful! Congratulations to all program participants on our common holiday!”

President of PJSC United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) Yuri Slyusar emphasized: “MS-21 was created in broad cooperation, where, along with Irkut, other UAC enterprises are actively involved: AeroComposite, Ulyanovsk and Voronezh aircraft plants, UAC Integration Center. This is an important stage in the formation of a new industrial model of the UAC. According to our estimates, in the next 20 years, global demand in the MC-21 segment will be about 15,000 new aircraft. I am sure that airlines will highly appreciate our new aircraft. This is not just the flight of a new aircraft, this is the appearance of a new product that will determine the shape of the Russian civil aircraft industry for the next 50 years.”

The plane was piloted by a crew consisting of test pilot, Hero of Russia Oleg Kononenko and test pilot, Hero of Russia Roman Taskaev / Photo (c) Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

Oleg Kononenko stated: “The flight mission was completed in full. The flight went as usual. “No comments were identified that would prevent the continuation of testing.”

Roman Taskaev noted: “The characteristics and operating modes of the engines were confirmed, all aircraft systems worked without failures.”

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin informed the head of state about the successful first flight of the MS-21.

“Vladimir Putin congratulated the President of the Irkut Corporation, General Director - General Designer of the OKB im. A. S. Yakovlev" Oleg Demchenko, the team of the manufacturing enterprise and all industry workers with this significant event," noted the press service of the President of the Russian Federation.

First flight full version, provided (c) by Irkut Corporation:

First flight, amateur filming:

Photo (c) Andrey Zakharchenko (