Design work "Egyptian pyramids". Our project is called “Egyptian pyramids Project on the topic Egyptian pyramids

We developed a research plan 1. Familiarize yourself with the theories about the construction of the pyramid, which are covered in ancient sources and literature. 2. Determine the dimensions of the pyramid. 3. Analyze the methods of building a pyramid. 4. Draw your own conclusions based on the opinions of experts about how the pyramids were most likely built.

Version 1: Wooden machines According to Herodotus, who was the first to describe in detail the pyramids of Giza, Herodotus’s slaves were at the same time employed in the construction of the pyramid of Cheops. Construction took 20 years.

Having considered all the proposed versions, we made a comparison. Wooden cars Inside out Kites Embankment Pro: A huge number of people simultaneously employed in construction. Pros: “Strange” cavities under the masonry. Pros: Huge heights could be easily overcome without ground lifting devices. For: construction of a stone “serpentine” along the outer perimeter of the Great Pyramid. Against: Herodotus lived in the 5th century BC and was not contemporary with the construction of the pyramids. Staggered construction Cons: Precise calculations would be required. Cons: The weight of the blocks is too gigantic, against a light kite. Unbearable. Cons: such a road will inevitably interfere with calculations and measurements carried out during construction. Conclusions: The Great Pyramid of Cheops was most likely built using an embankment, although this could in many ways interfere with the accuracy of the calculations by the architects. According to our assumptions, ancient architects and builders could compensate for these difficulties with their remarkable skill.

When mentioning the Egyptian pyramids, they usually mean the Great Pyramids located in Giza, near Cairo.

The largest of them is the pyramid of Cheops, the second pharaoh of the IV dynasty. This pyramid still remains the largest architectural creation of human hands. At its base it is a square with a side of 227.5 meters. The height during construction was 146.6 meters, and now the pyramid is 9 meters lower: the top stones fell during earthquakes.

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Pyramid of Cheops

Even in ancient times, the pyramids of Giza were considered one of the seven “wonders of the world.” But even today they are capable of hitting anyone. The largest of them is the pyramid of Cheops, the second pharaoh of the IV dynasty. This pyramid still remains the largest architectural creation of human hands. At its base it is a square with a side of 227.5 meters. The height during construction was 146.6 meters, and now the pyramid is 9 meters lower: the top stones fell during earthquakes. The construction of the pyramid (and it was completed around 2590 BC) took 2.3 million stone blocks weighing two and a half tons each. The total volume of the pyramid is 2.34 million cubic meters. The faces of the pyramid are oriented to the cardinal points, and their angle of inclination to the base is 51o52". The entrance is located on the north side. The individual blocks, according to the Arab historian Abdel Latif (12th century), are so precisely adjusted to each other that it is impossible to push between them knife blade.

There are no inscriptions or decorations inside the Cheops pyramid. There are three burial chambers there. The pharaoh's burial chamber is a room about 11 meters long, five meters wide and almost six meters high. The walls of the tomb are decorated with granite slabs. The red granite sarcophagus is empty. Neither the pharaoh's mummy nor the funeral utensils were found. It is believed that the pyramid was plundered in ancient times.

On the southern side of the pyramid there is a structure shaped like a ship. This is the so-called Solar Boat - one of the five on which Cheops was supposed to go to other world. In 1954, a 43.6 m long boat, disassembled into 1224 parts, was discovered during excavations. It was built of cedar without a single nail and, as evidenced by the traces of silt preserved on it, before the death of Cheops it was still floating on the Nile.

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"Horizon of Khufu" is the name of the Cheops pyramid.

  • Slide 4

    Pyramid of Khafre

    The second largest pyramid of Giza belongs to Pharaoh Khafre. It was built 40 years later than the first. Sometimes it seems that the pyramid of Khafre is even larger than Cheops. It's actually a little smaller. The side of the square base of the Khafre pyramid is 215 meters. Height - 136 meters. However, in ancient times, like the Cheops pyramid, it was 9 meters higher. The angle of inclination is sharper than that of the first pyramid: 53o8". Here the entire complex of structures, consisting of a temple in the valley, a road, a temple of the dead and the pyramid itself, is more clearly visible. The lower temple, in which 25 statues of the pharaohs once stood, is famous for that here, on the threshold of the kingdom of the dead, Khafre was mummified

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    Pyramid of Mikerin

    The ensemble of the great pyramids of Giza is completed by the pyramid of Mikerin. Its construction was completed in 2505 BC. This pyramid is significantly smaller than its predecessors. The side of the base is 108 meters, the original height is 66.5 meters (today - 62 m), the angle of inclination is 51o. The only burial chamber of the pyramid is carved into its rocky foundation, emphasizing the grandeur of the pyramids of Cheops and Khafre. The latter are not difficult to distinguish from each other: the Pyramid of Khafre near the top has partially preserved white basalt cladding.

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    Letnevskaya high school

    Research project

    "Secrets of the Egyptian Pyramids"

    5th grade students completed:

    Votchinov Vladimir

    Chagovskaya Maria

    Khapugin Danila

    Checked: Vasyutina. E.A

    1.Introduction 3-4

    2. Main part

    2.1. Egyptian pyramids 5-7

    2.2. Mysterious properties of the pyramid 8

    2.3. Pyramid value 9-10

    3. Conclusion 11

    References 12

    1. Introduction

    Ancient Egypt... Land of sands and priceless treasures. This civilization attracts many generations of people, attracts with its power, the wealth of the pharaohs, and the secrets of the pyramids.

    When we started studying the topic “Ancient Egypt” in the history lessons of the ancient world, we realized that the Egyptian pyramids are a real wonder of the world, huge messengers from the past, over which time has no power. Their history is full of mysteries, so we decided to try to figure it out ourselves.

    We started working on the project by dividing into study groups and choosing project topics. The group working on the project “Secrets of the Egyptian Pyramids” includes: Danil Khapugin, Masha Chagovskaya, Vladimir Votchinov. The guys and I distributed problematic issues among ourselves, determined a work plan and deadlines. Each of us did a lot of work searching, collecting and analyzing information and creating the final product of the project - a layout and drawings on the topic.

    The layout of the project was completed by Masha Chagovskaya, Danila Khapugin and Vladimir Votchinov prepared the drawings.

    The project topic we have chosen is relevant, since millions of people around the world are interested and ask questions regarding the Egyptian pyramids. Moreover, by understanding the true meaning of the pyramids, we can understand one of the first civilizations on Earth.

    The goal of the project: to study the history of the pyramids and present information to the children in order to interest them in such a subject as history.

    1. Find out what pyramids are

    2. Study the properties of the pyramid

    3. Reveal the significance of the pyramid for history

    Hypothesis: if you study the history of the Egyptian pyramids, you can understand Ancient Egypt as a world civilization within the framework of world history.

    The ancient pyramids of Egypt contain a great many secrets and mysteries. Until today, scientists have assigned the pyramids only the role of sarcophagi of the pharaohs - the rulers of the country and the Egyptian priests. People, neither in previous times nor now, could understand for what purposes and for whom these gigantic temples were built.

    The subject of our research is the history of the ancient world.

    Research methods:

    1. Analysis of literature and sources

    2. Comparison of scientific facts

    3. Processing of results

    The product of the project is a model of the pyramids and drawings by the children.

    Stages of work on the project:

    1. Defining the topic, clarifying the goals and objectives

    2. Development of an activity plan

    3. Search and collection of information

    4. Project execution

    5. Presentation of projects at the conference

    6. Summing up, analysis, evaluation

    2.1. Egyptian pyramids

    Egyptian pyramids are objects of world historical and cultural heritage.

    The pyramids are rightfully considered business card Egypt. The Pyramids and the Sphinx belong to the most characteristic monumental monuments Ancient Egypt.

    Pyramids were the classic type of royal tomb during the Old Kingdom, and were also built for the pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom. Archaeologists have counted 80 pyramids. Not all of them have survived to this day.

    Three Great Pyramids were built at Giza, positioned in exact alignment with the three stars in Orion's Belt. The Egyptians believed that this constellation was a harbinger of a great event - the summer solstice. In other words, the appearance of Orion in the sky was a sign of the beginning of the rebirth of nature, the rebirth of Egypt.

    The most famous three great pyramids: pyramids of Pharaoh Cheops, his son Khafre and his grandson Mekerin. The largest of them was built first - the Cheops Pyramid. Initially, it rose to 147 m, but due to the advance of sands, its height decreased to 137 m. The Pyramid of Cheops is almost solid masonry.

    The pyramid consists of two million three hundred thousand cubic blocks of limestone with smoothly polished sides. It is estimated that each block weighs basically 2.5 tons, and the heaviest one weighs 15 tons. The total weight of the pyramid is about 5.7 million tons. Its stones are held together by their own weight - there is no binding material. Despite this, the blocks are so carefully fitted to one another that the gap between them is no more than five millimeters.

    How were the pyramids built?

    It is now believed that the vast majority of the blocks of the large Egyptian pyramids are made of concrete. After many centuries, it becomes difficult to distinguish concrete blocks from those cut from the same rock, since they collapse, weather and take on the appearance of “natural stones”.

    In the 80s XX century French chemist, professor at the University of Bern Joseph Davidovich, analyzing the chemical composition of the “monoliths” that made up the pyramids, suggested that “they are made of concrete.” Davidovich identified 13 components from which concrete could be prepared. The theory of making blocks for building pyramids as presented by Davidovich looks like this. Workers ground soft rock using primitive millstones or graters. Then it was dried, poured into baskets and transported to the construction site. Several porters were lifting baskets of powder. At the top, wooden formwork was prepared and filled with a powder mixture. Add water and stir the solution. After the block hardened, the formwork was removed. On to the next one. This is how the pyramid grew. Moreover, when making giant blocks it was not at all necessary to make them entirely from a solidifying liquid solution.

    2.2. Mysterious properties of the pyramid

    The shape of the pyramid has miraculous properties. In particular, it was revealed that not only the shape of the pyramid is important, but also its proportions, as well as the orientation of the pyramid to the cardinal points. As numerous studies show, the maximum effects occur at the geometric center of the pyramid and above its top.

    Note that the geometric center of the Great Pyramid ends Large gallery- one of the most impressive and carefully executed “details” of the pyramid. Here begins the horizontal passage into the so-called “king’s chamber”, replete with numerous incomprehensible details: height differences, grooves in the walls, granite lintel. On the other hand, it was at the top of the Great Pyramid, according to Egyptian mythology, that its most important element was located - the Ben-Ben stone.

    There are scientific hypotheses that if you build a pyramid in a certain ratio of its elements, it will have unique properties.

    2.3. The meaning of the pyramid

    Pyramids - "Houses of Eternity". In 1922-1923 The tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun was opened, it was not looted. The king died when he was 18 years old. The storage rooms were filled with various things of the pharaoh. The entrance was guarded by statues of the pharaoh, the wall was entirely lined with gold, and the sarcophagus occupied almost the entire room.

    According to legend, the tombs of these pharaohs were destroyed by their people. The residents were tired of exhausting labor and plundered the burials themselves. Many papyri tell us about various uprisings of artisans, peasants, and stonemasons. They destroyed rich estates and temples.

    The pyramids are a tomb only for the pharaoh. Even the richest nobleman could not build such a tomb for himself. Their tombs were usually built near the pyramids. The nobles wanted to be closer to the king even after death.

    Inside the pyramid there is a burial chamber, to which passages lead from different sides. The walls of the passages were usually painted with religious texts.


    The Egyptian pyramids, the oldest building structures, have been occupying their places of honor for centuries and glorifying the talent of their creators, thanks to whom it was possible to make eternal monuments.

    Through our research, we have learned historical monuments Ancient Egypt - pyramids.

    Amazing things were created in Egypt, and the greatness of the pyramids and their mysteries and secrets arouse genuine interest and a desire to continue the study of ancient history.

    In our opinion, we managed to achieve the goal of the project - we got the guys interested in our project. We studied literature and sources, realized how majestic these buildings are - this is a memory of the great work of the people of Ancient Egypt, the first civilization on Earth.

    This is an architectural monument, a great art of engineering.

    The pyramids are oriented to the cardinal points, which indicates the deep knowledge of the Egyptians and their belief in the afterlife. The priests protected knowledge from mere mortals so that the secrets of the gods were not known.

    A certain Arab writer said that everything on Earth is afraid of time, but time is afraid of the pyramids.


    2.History Ancient world: textbook for 5th grade. A.A.Vigasin, G.I.Goder, I.S.Sventsitskaya. - M., Enlightenment. - 2000

    3. Encyclopedia for children. T.7. Art. Part 1/Aksenova., M. - 1998

    Project work on the history of a 6th grade student of the Shumerlinskaya Secondary School, Sergei Nikolaev. The Great Pyramids of Egypt and the equally famous pyramids of America and Asia... They amaze with their majesty and durability, overwhelm with their massiveness, surprise with their simple and harmonious forms, directed into space. They attract to themselves, they beckon... So what is the secret of the pyramids? What is the secret of their attractiveness? The pyramids are silent... Maybe we just don’t hear them, just as we didn’t hear the voices of fish until recently? Who was the first of his contemporaries to understand and respond to the call of the pyramids coming from the depths of the Galaxy? 3 “These are mountains of stone, built on mountains of stone,” said the Greek philosopher. “Everything is afraid of time, and the time of the pyramids,” the Arabs proclaimed. afraid “Standing in front of the pyramids, you pull your coat tightly around you because you are trembling and cannot utter a word,” wrote Gustave Flaubert. “Soldiers! Forty centuries are looking at you,” Napoleon exclaimed before the famous battle with the Mamluks on the Giza plateau. 4 Purpose of the project work: To study the pyramids as a historical artifact, an architectural structure, and their semantic purpose. 1. 2. 3. 4. Research objectives: Study the literature, sources on the research problem. Systematize existing knowledge about pyramids. Determine the purpose of the pyramids. Formation of research skills. The object of the study is pyramids as a historical artifact, architectural structures that have a specific semantic purpose. Means of achieving the goal - literature, sources on the research problem, theoretical (logical) research methods Hypothesis of the information project: Based on the studied literature, various sources, knowledge gained in the school history course and during self-education, it can be assumed that the pyramids are a unique object and architectural structure, the purpose of which remains unclear. In the world of pyramids there are a lot of 7 - as a geometric shape - perhaps one of the most perfect in nature. Matter, trying to preserve itself in the eternal struggle with time, is looking for the safest, most stable, energetically comfortable forms. The pyramid is a brilliant discovery of nature; the space in it is folded in a special way, creating a unique energy structure. Let's look at specific and accessible examples to see what kind of wonderful thing this is - a pyramid. 8 Egypt The pyramids are rightfully considered the hallmark of Egypt. They are located along the left, western bank of the Nile in small groups, not far from the place where the capital of the country, Memphis, was located during the era of the Old Kingdom. In Giza, there are three great pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin. Archaeologists have counted 80 pyramids. But not all10 of them have survived to this day. The oldest - the pyramid of Pharaoh Djoser - was erected about five thousand years ago. Its height is 60 meters. The builder of the first pyramid, Imhotep, was an architect, physician, astronomer, writer, advisor to the pharaoh, and for many centuries was considered the greatest sage of antiquity. The pyramids served the pharaohs, according to their religion, as a ladder along which they ascended to heaven. Therefore, the most ancient pyramids were stepped, shaped like stairs, and only the later ones had smooth walls. 11 the largest stone structure in the world height - 146.6 m base side - 225.7 m 12 ...And the ruler appointed one guard to each pyramid, ready to pounce on anyone who approached, wrap their arms around his neck, strangle him, they could knock him down and kill any person, and then return to his refuge... 13 The pyramid mountain Kailash rises in absolute solitude, not surrounded by other peaks; its rounded top is symmetrical, has distinct horizontal and vertical grooves, which is why its other name is “Swastika Mountain”, height 6,714 m. Mount Kailash is considered sacred and is mentioned in the Ramayana. It is believed that the pyramid and mirror mountain was built "using the power of the five elements. Some believe that these are not artificial pyramids, but mountains. The pyramid complexes in Teotihuacan have a number of inexplicable parallels with the pyramids on the Giza plateau. Firstly, they are located in the same way in plan (that is, when viewed from above). The Pyramid of the Moon corresponds then. Great Pyramid, the pyramid of the Sun - to the pyramid of Khafre, and the Citadel - to the so-called pyramid of Mikerin. And both complexes reflect the location in the sky of three bright stars from Orion’s belt. Secondly, in both complexes the tops of the two largest pyramids (the Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon in the Valley of Mexico and the Pyramids of Cheops and Khafre in Egypt) are on the same level, although their heights are different. Thirdly, as far as the reconstruction of the dimensions of the pyramids allows one to judge, in both cases the tallest pyramid of the complex in its proportions expresses the number π through the ratio of the height and the perimeter of its base. 15 Surprisingly, the world's largest pyramid is located in Mexico. It is dedicated to the god Quetzcalcoatl and was built around 100 AD. The pyramid is built from sun-dried bricks and earth. Although its height is 53.9 m, it occupies an area of ​​18.2 hectares. 16 China – fairyland . Any miracles are possible there. But what US Air Force pilot James Gausman discovered one day (namely in 1945) goes beyond all probability theory. 17 In total, 8 pyramids and one mountain similar to a pyramid are known in Greece - Taygetos. The best preserved and least studied is the 9-meter pyramid in Crete in the area of ​​Chania. Pyramid near the village of Hellenikon (ca. 2700 BC) Over 10,000 years old. They were destroyed in the 20th century. The height of the Brother and Sister pyramids is about 300 m. The pyramids were destroyed under strange circumstances. There is an entrance on the west side. Nuraghes are structures that have a pyramidal shape and are made of huge stone blocks without any mortar, the height reaches 20 and the width - 30 m. The date of construction is 1700 BC. Destination unknown. On the same island there is an underground sanctuary in Santa Cristina di Paulilatino. An underground tower with a pool of sacred water, water is collected in a few hours. The room is consecrated through an opening at the top: “Only on the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes, a sheaf of sunlight falling on the surface of the water reflected the image of a person not upright, but upside down. Apparently, the ancient builders were well aware of this optical effect.” Funeral structures of the Nuraghi, also called the tombs of giants: about 700 have survived in total. “Some are impressive-sized tombs built from giant blocks, others are high, vertically standing flat stones, similar to steles... At the base of the pyramid is a mastaba. Not all pyramids have a regular geometric shape. The most ancient form is the stepped pyramid in Saqqara, which was ordered to be erected by Pharaoh Djoser. Its dimensions are very impressive: the base is a rectangle with sides 125 X 115 m, a height of about 60 m. Its age, according to archaeologists, is from 4600 to. 4800 years 21 The first “explorers” of the pyramids were... robbers. They did not stand on ceremony with the stone giants. Penetrating inside, they gutted the contents and for many years brought so much confusion into the knowledge of the pyramids that historians still cannot figure out what was what. They still have not been able to discover the secret of the ancient pyramids... Scientists came for the robbers - historians and archaeologists. Mathematicians and physicists became interested in the pyramids later, but they also made discoveries 24 25 Many years of research by scientists showed how the pyramids were created. 26 The most popular hypothesis states that the huge structure, similar to the petrified ray of the life-giving Egyptian sun, was created in twenty years. Thousands of slaves, shuddering from the blows of the whip and exhausted from fatigue, slowly erected giant mountain. Thousands of slaves, many of whom fell and were unable to rise, remained forever at its base. Such a pitiful and terrible picture has firmly established itself in almost all history textbooks. Well, every view has the right to exist. “Whoever can believe this legend is his business,” Herodotus liked to say in his time. 27 Proposed method of transporting and installing stone blocks. Devices for moving stone blocks Tools of Egyptian masons and workers To lift the blocks, the Egyptians built an inclined embankment from brick and stone with an elevation angle of about 150. As the pyramid was built, the embankment was lengthened. The stone was dragged along these embankments on wooden sleds; to reduce friction, the track was constantly moistened with water, so that the runners easily slid through the mud. The blocks were then pulled into place using wooden levers. When construction was largely completed, the inclined embankment was leveled, and the surface of the pyramid was covered with lined blocks. The construction of the pyramid required 2,590,000 m2 of blocks of stone, piled on a surface measuring about 54,000 m2. The lining of its outer walls was apparently covered with a dense layer of plaster, and it is with this that the Arabic name “painted pyramid” is associated. 29 Egyptologists are still trying to figure out the purpose of the Pyramid. Back in the tenth century, the Arab historian Masudi argued that it was not only a repository of the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians in astronomy, art and religion, but also contained “historical and prophetic predictions.” And in 1865, Robert Menzies suggested that if we take the sacred inch of the Egyptians as a basis and measure the length of the internal chambers of the Cheops pyramid, we can find the chronological dates of the most important events of the past 30 and future. . It is unlikely that they were made only. Narrow shafts laid in the walls of the tombs and machined with the precision of a cannon barrel also pose a mystery for ventilation, as some Egyptologists claim. The shafts rise from the pyramid at a certain angle. German engineer Rudolf Gantenbring explored southern part Queen's tomb with the help of a small modern robotic camera and determined that the mine was blocked by stone doors with metal parts. These doors have never been opened. Other shafts lead straight to the top without obstacles. In the 60s, astronomers proved that the mines were directed to the stars with amazing accuracy. In the last decade, people with radio engineering education, including specialists in antenna technology, have joined in uncovering the secrets of the pyramid. They propose to look at the pyramid as an antenna used to communicate with space. The fact that pyramid antennas are terrestrial and extraterrestrial is said, for example, in the book by V.P. Babanin “Secrets of the Great Pyramids,” published in 1999. There is also a comparison of the pyramid with a dielectric antenna. The word "pyramid" comes from the word "pir" - fire, meaning a symbol of the Divine flame, the life of all creatures. The pyramid can be used to treat. Almost any pyramid similar in proportions to the Egyptian ones has healing properties, but these properties are concentrated only inside the pyramid, and only in its upper third. And another two-thirds? They, oddly enough, can cause harm to health. And here everyone who wants to heal himself, with the help of a pyramid, faces a dilemma: either build a pyramid the size of a country house, or treat something, and cripple something. Pyramid and health With the help of a pyramid, it is easy to obtain so-called charged water, which is useful for washing with problem skin and drinking for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With its help, you can normalize sleep and blood pressure, and restore many body functions. Fractures heal faster, as do postoperative sutures. In one and a half months you can get rid of osteochondrosis, received about twenty-five years ago. Treatment with pyramids can be carried out using the following methods: Place the patient under a large pyramid. Place the diseased organ (arm, leg) under the pyramid. Charge aluminum foil under the pyramid for a day or more and bandage it to the sore spot for several hours. Place 1-4 pyramids under the patient’s bed so that at least one is located with its peak 2 cm “below” the patient’s navel (towards the legs). Place the patient on a chair with a back, and place a pyramid under the chair (north-south orientation is required). Charge water in a closed bottle under the pyramid (1–14 days). Water should be charged in the lower third of the pyramid (conditionally dead water) and separately above the lower third of the pyramid (conditionally living water). When charging, water should not account for more than 10% of the volume of the pyramid. Pyramids of modern times 36 37 Everything will pass away, like pouring water, Cities will disappear over the centuries, Walls and vaults will collapse, Tribes and peoples will pass by; But our covenant will sound through the hosts of restless years! What is in us is forever unchanged, Everything is illusory, mortal and perishable, The song of the lyre, the creation of a chisel. But we will stand to the end, Like truth under the veil of Isis, Only we, the pyramids... V. Bryusov Literature and sources 1. Babanin V.P. Secrets of the great pyramids. Series "The World of Culture, History and Philosophy". St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Lan", 1999. 512 p. 2. V. Babanin “Pyramids - terrestrial and extraterrestrial antennas”, etc. posted on the website: International Club of Scientists). 3. Verzhbitsky A.F. Pyramid antennas of the Earth. Part 1. Purpose and principle of action / A.F. Verzhbitsky. - St. Petersburg, 2006. - 128 p. 4. Andrey Verzhbitsky. Pyramid antennas of the Earth. 5. Timofeeva A.A. Could the Cheops pyramid serve to communicate with space? Telecommunications, No. 1, 2007. 6. Alexander Makhov. The end of the mystery of the Egyptian pyramids? (

    Our project is called "Egyptian Pyramids"

    We chose this project because in history lessons we had already read about the famous Egyptian pyramids and the nature of Egypt, and in the classes of the “Visual” geometry course we studied the topic “Geometry around us”

    We were attracted by the mystery and significance of these structures; it is not for nothing that they are classified as the Wonders of the World. And we decided to touch on the history of Ancient Egypt and create a model using pyramid models.

    Thus, project goal: creating a model of the Egyptian pyramids using do-it-yourself geometric models

    Tasks: a) collect material about the pyramids of Egypt

    b) learn everything about pyramids and make models of pyramids

    c) design a layout

    We worked according to plan:

    Ø Determined the purpose and objectives of the work.

    Ø Distributed responsibilities.

    Ø Collected information on this topic in encyclopedias and the Internet

    Ø Calculated and made developments and glued models.

    Ø Designed the layout.

    Ø We collected everything we found into the project folder

    Ø Prepared for defense.

    While working on the project, we learned a lot of interesting things about pyramids.

    Now we will tell you about the Egyptian pyramids

    1 slideThe pyramids are rightfully considered the hallmark of Egypt. The Pyramids and the Sphinx belong to the most characteristic monumental monuments of Ancient Egypt.

    Pyramids were the classic type of royal tomb during the Old Kingdom, and were also built for the pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom.

    Archaeologists have counted 80 pyramids. Not all of them have survived to this day.

    3 SLIDE All early pyramids were built of stone, but most kings used special brick for their tombs, which does not collapse over time. The outside was covered with limestone slabs. The pyramids were built using mounds, although there are different theories about how they were built.

    The oldest - Pyramid of Pharaoh Djoser - erected about five thousand years ago. Its height is 60 meters. The builder of the first pyramid, Imhotep, was an architect, physician, astronomer, writer, advisor to the pharaoh, and for many centuries was considered the greatest sage of antiquity.

    The pyramids served the pharaohs, according to their religion, as a ladder along which they ascended to heaven. Therefore, the most ancient pyramids were stepped, shaped like stairs, and only the later ones had smooth walls.

    4 SLIDE Most the famous three great pyramids near Giza: the pyramids of the pharaoh Cheops, his son Khafre and his grandson Mekerina. The largest of them was built first - this Cheops pyramid. Initially, it rose to 147 m, but due to the advance of sands, its height decreased to 137 m. Each side of the square base of the pyramid is 233 m. The area of ​​the pyramid is more than 50,000 m2. The Pyramid of Cheops is almost solid masonry. Its internal premises occupy a very small volume - no more than 3 - 4%.

    The pyramid consists of two million three hundred thousand cubic blocks of limestone with smoothly polished sides. It is estimated that each block weighs basically 2.5 tons, and the heaviest one weighs 15 tons. The total weight of the pyramid is about 5.7 million tons. Its stones are held together by their own weight - there is no binding material. Despite this, the blocks are so carefully fitted to one another that the gap between them is no more than five millimeters

    5 SLIDE The pyramids are located as shown on the plan.

    Three Great Pyramids were built at Giza, positioned in exact alignment with the three stars in Orion's Belt. The Egyptians believed that this constellation was a harbinger of a great event - the summer solstice. In other words, the appearance of Orion in the sky was a sign of the beginning of the rebirth of nature, the rebirth of Egypt.

    6 SLIDE

    Until the end of the 19th century. The Pyramid of Cheops remained the tallest building in the world.

    If the pyramid were hollow, it would include the entire site with the launch tower for the space rocket or the Roman Basilica of St. Peter's.

    Until the 50s of the 20th century, the weight of the pyramid exceeded the tonnage of the entire US navy, including aircraft carriers, and its stone blocks would have been enough to build a city with a hundred thousand population or enclose the whole of France with a three-meter-high wall.

    Scientists believe that even an atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima could not destroy the creation of Cheops.

    7 SLIDE The Pyramid of Cheops is built in the shape of a regular pyramid with a square at the base.

    1. The sides of the base are 230.35 meters long (b=230.35 m).

    2. Height of the Cheops pyramid: 146.71 meters (h=146.71 m).

    3. Total triangular faces 4

    4. The pyramid is made of cubic limestone blocks, the largest of which has an edge length of 1.5 meters.

    5. Probably, initially, 210 steps led to the top of the pyramid.

    8-11 SLIDE Inside the pyramid they represent is a complex structure. The slides show the passages, shafts, and ventilation structures where the pyramid walker robot passed through.

    12 SLIDE

    Most popular hypothesis states that a huge structure, similar to a petrified ray of the life-giving Egyptian sun, was created in twenty years.

    The ancient Greek scientist Herodotus claims that 100 thousand people worked continuously on the construction of the pyramid every three months.

    14-15 SLIDE Speaking about the pyramids of Egypt, one cannot help but touch on the riddle of the Great Sphinx

    And the ruler appointed one guard to each pyramid, ready to pounce on anyone who approached, wrap their arms around his neck, strangle him, they could knock down and kill any person, and then return to their refuge...

    Famous soothsayer Edgar Cayce argued that the Sphinx was created at approximately the same time as the Pyramid of Cheops. “The Sphinx faces exactly that point in the sky,” he said, where around 10,450 BC three stars from Orion’s belt shone at a strictly defined place above the horizon.

    So what is the purpose of the sphinx? The same Edgar Cayce wrote: “The most important information for modern humanity should be found in the base of the left front paw of the Sphinx, but not in underground tunnels underneath it. The information is embedded in the cornerstone of the base of this paw. The tunnels under the sphinx, not yet known to you, also carry an information load in their configurations. However, the capsule with a message to descendants is under the left front paw..."

    There's a lot of talk these days about secrets famous pyramids.There are scientific hypotheses that if you build a pyramid in a certain ratio of its elements, it will have unique properties.

    Now let's move on to our layout

    On our model you see 3 pyramids and the Sphinx, as well as a caravan of camels walking along the sands of Egypt to the city of Giza. We made all the pyramids from paper, making preliminary developments and then gluing them together. The pyramids are regular quadrangular, with a square at the base, and the side faces are isosceles triangles. We didn’t succeed right away; we had to redo the pyramids, they didn’t stick together. But gradually everything began to work out, and we came up with the idea of ​​adding first the Sphinx, and then a caravan of camels, in order to better represent the nature and originality of Egypt.

    In conclusion We would like to present a portfolio of our project, where we have included the project passport, all the collected information, developments, sketches and materials for the presentation.

    And one more thing.

    We decided to donate our project to the mathematics classroom in order to use it as a visual aid.

    She's not wearing rags, not chlamys, but eternal stone outfit.
    She stands here not tired, even though many centuries have passed,
    She reached with her head to the very gray clouds.
    What did she save for people?
    Great stones forgotten?
    Yellow Nile's pupils lazily look at her.
    Who sleeps in this ancient tomb?
    Will the stones tell us
    How they were all salted with tears and then crumbled with blood.
    There is a pyramid on the ground, and the Gods are talking about it.
    She is not wearing rags, not a mantle, but an outfit of eternal stone