Who built the pyramids and why. Great secrets of the world. pyramids. who, why and how built them all over the world? When were the pyramids built

Pyramids, structures scattered throughout the planet - their purpose is one of the great secrets of planet Earth, because scientists still cannot reliably explain the purpose of the pyramids.

Why are pyramids interesting? – many researchers who visited the pyramids located inside these structures of ancient people, long time, note a curious fact - the mind seems to embrace unity with some other mind. It’s as if there is a connection to some alien network, not earthly.

According to researchers, the generally accepted opinion that the pyramids were tombs for ruling dynasties is false. Why build such megalithic structures for burial. As experts note, this could only be done by a highly developed culture - the legacy of which, we can see in the form of pyramids.

And one more curious fact in the history of the pyramids - they appear on our planet in different places almost simultaneously. It’s as if the construction engineers receive the blueprints for building the pyramids at the same time. But how can this be? - after all, at the time of the construction of the pyramids, and this was more than ten thousand years ago, there was no global network. Communication between continents was at a very, very weak level. How could the ancients independently build a single structure without intercontinental contacts?

Many people believe in the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence - maybe in the case of the appearance of the pyramids, there is also the influence of extraterrestrial intelligence? Yes, the researchers think! They believe that building almost identical structures on five continents - 155 in Egypt, 300 in Bolivia, and even 10 thousand pyramids in Central America - this, according to the theory of paleocontact specialists, could not have been accomplished by the ancient inhabitants of the Earth. They were clearly helped by extraterrestrial intelligence specialists.

When building the pyramids, the engineers had the same knowledge in mathematics, astronomy, and also knew well about the geophysical properties of the earth. Despite the fact that the pyramids still have some structural differences, they nevertheless have one very important fact - all the pyramids (from the first) are located in the so-called places of “output of power”.

On the Giza Plateau, in Egypt, lies the Pyramid of Khufu, the most studied and researched pyramid on the planet. But what can scientists say about it? – strange as it may seem, but very little. Only that for about 4,500 years the pyramid was the tallest structure. Why it was erected, what the purpose of such a huge structure is, remains a mystery in our time.

Explorer Christopher Dunn is a 145 meter high structure consisting of 2,500,000 blocks, the heaviest of which weighs 70 tons. Thousands of tons of granite were delivered from a quarry located 800 kilometers from the construction site. An amazing structure, it is impossible to imagine how people could do such work. What kind of technology was used for this. This is a huge scale of work.

According to most archaeologists, the pyramid of Khufu was built around 2500 BC as the tomb of Pharaoh Khufu. That's what the legends say about it. However, the pharaoh's body was not found in the burial chamber of the pyramid. There were no human remains there at all.

Since the beginning of the last century, archaeologists have conducted a thorough study Egyptian pyramids. As a result of research, by 1960, archaeologists noted an interesting fact. Sealed, untouched pyramids are empty, there are no remains of those buried in them - they are empty. But how can this be? – why are the burial chambers empty if they were intended for burial. And the assumption that tomb robbers are to blame turns out to be unfounded - the pyramids studied by scientists were untouched.

As researchers suggest, our ancestors built pyramids for other purposes, and built pyramids according to drawings received from extraterrestrial intelligence. According to fans of the theory of paleocontact, our ancestors, building miracles of engineering, received inspiration from an extraterrestrial source.

Ancient legends speak about this - which came from the ancient Mayans, from the Egyptians - the gods descended from heaven and ordered them to build pyramids. The Egyptian god Thoth, or as he is called the “Creator of the Universe,” as local legends say, it was he who gave the “project” for the creation of the pyramid complex in Giza.

Pharaoh Amenhotep, under whose government the first pyramids were erected, also said that he received the necessary information from the gods. As ancient legends say, the pharaoh discovered a certain source of information from unknown spheres. After which the construction of the great pyramids began.

Now many researchers say that the ancient civilizations that existed on Earth could not independently come to the construction of structures in the form of pyramids. How could ancient cultures that did not communicate with each other develop uniform drawings for the construction of pyramids, with almost the same dimensions? In compliance with all engineering requirements. Carefully maintaining the technology of construction - it was so carefully developed and sustained that the pyramids stand for thousands of years, not being destroyed by time.

According to researchers who support the theory of paleocontact, there is a single pyramid between thousands of pyramids located throughout the planet. This can be proven by looking at the pyramids from the air.

At sunrise and sunset, on the days of the spring and autumn equinox, Great Pyramid an extraordinary mystery was noticed. It turns out that it has not 4 sides, but eight. And this can only be noticed from above - which is what happened in 1940, when a British Air Force pilot flew over the complex at this time of year.

1940 - A British Air Force pilot notices an unusual feature of the Great Pyramid, it does not have 4 sides.

This suggests that our ancestors not only knew about these days and what effect they could have on the sides of the pyramid, but suggests that the engineers had greater knowledge of mathematics. And as experts note, it follows from this that the Great Pyramid of the Giza Plateau stands out from the crowd of similar structures. Her true form can only be seen from above, and only on certain days and times.

How could the ancients create such a form, visible only twice a year on the equinoxes? According to proponents of paleocontact, the pyramid was built in the center of the earth's landmass. And it is almost ideally located on the cardinal points. And the shafts laid out inside the pyramid are aimed at the constellations Orion and Sirius.

Scientists believe that the shafts had a functional purpose - ventilation of the pyramid. But there is a different opinion among scientists. They are also called “star mines” - through them it gets to where it came from. And how did they think local residents, through them the soul of the ruler will go straight to the constellation Orion, where it will become a star.

- The Temple of the Moon, the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, have a common definite plan. On one of the plans of the pyramid complex you can see the structure of the solar system. And also among these complexes a single feature can be seen, not only are the complexes similar to each other - they are also located like stars in the constellation Orion, and the Pyramids of Giza correspond to this.

Looking at the pyramids, you come to the conclusion that they had a common engineer. But who was the engineer? - a person of earthly culture? – or is it a representative of alien cultures. Now researchers are increasingly inclined to believe that the pyramids were erected at the behest of an extraterrestrial culture. They served as cosmic beacons, and were once united into a single network.

IN different corners Scattered across our planet are monuments of bygone civilizations that stun the consciousness of the common man: pyramids and other megalithic structures. There are literally hundreds of megaliths and pyramids on Earth of various sizes and styles (See William Saylor's article "Gods Architects") - in Europe (photo 1, photo 2 - Bosnia), Africa, the Middle and Far East, V South-East Asia(photo 3, photo 4 - China) and on the islands Pacific Ocean, in Northern and South America(photo 5 - Mexico), and even on seabed(photo 6, photo 7, photo 8), and in Antarctica (photo 9, photo 10).

The official version about the authors and methods of construction of such structures does not stand up to the slightest criticism and crumbles to dust upon an impartial consideration of the accumulated facts. Despite this, modern “scientists” zealously support the inventions of their predecessors. Why do they support? Some of them do not know the true history of civilization and are sincerely mistaken, some are afraid of losing their regalia and authority, and some are fulfilling order by falsifying history.

Among the majority of supporters of alternative history who are trying to understand the questions raised in the title of this article, there is also no unity, but only a desire to lead those interested true history people away from reality. But to substantiate their half-true theories, they have to show people a small part authentic facts. This is what we will use.

Let's take a closer look at the most famous megaliths: pyramids and other structures ancient egypt. Before you set your sights on the megaliths one countries, we note that megaliths in different parts of the world have very similar"handwriting" of construction technology. The kinship of highly developed civilizations on different continents can be judged by the use of polygonal masonry made from blocks of complex shapes (of course, simpler, rectangular blocks were also used).

Compare for yourself, photo 11 and photo 12 were taken in Sacsayhuaman (Peru), photo 13 in Cusco (Peru), photo 14 in Abydos (Egypt), photo 15, photo 16 Temple of Apollo in Delphi (Greece). About the close connection different cultures we can draw a conclusion if we look at the stylized head of a man carved from a monolith at the foot of the Inca pyramid (photo 17), and a similar head near the pyramid on the ocean floor (photo 18 and photo 19)! The same continuity in stylized stone figures is observed among the Maya Indians (photo 20).

How were megaliths built?

The question of how megaliths were built will be answered by the traces left by tools on processed stone blocks and the blocks themselves - their shape, structure and chemical composition.

Tool marks. There are many traces. Moreover, such traces that cannot be left by a copper tool. The marks on the blocks were preserved for more than 10...12 thousand years and were not erased by precipitation, winds and temperature changes, which suggests that the blocks were either made of very hard stone or high-quality concrete (which will be discussed below). On the site "Alternative History Laboratories" There are plenty of high-quality photographs, by looking at which you can draw interesting conclusions not only about how they were built, but also about who built the ancient, monumental objects.

Look at photo 38, this is a mark from a drill with a cutting edge of 1.5-2 mm! Can a copper drill leave such a mark? No, he can not! It is generally impossible to drill stone with a copper drill! And making tubular drills from copper or bronze is completely impractical... Photo 39 shows a cut made with a circular saw (not copper, of course). Such stone processing is possible only with tools made of carbide steels, the presence of which in the hands of builders indicates the absurdity of the ideas of modern scientists about the low level of development of earthly civilization in the past and its very limited technical capabilities.

The characteristics of the equipment used in the construction of megaliths amaze specialists even today. In Aswan, there is a quarry where gray granite was mined. There was a half-cut block left in it weighing about 1200 tons(photo 40)! If you pay attention to side effects from chopping a block, it immediately becomes obvious high level of technical capabilities quarry developers. When making a block, the surface of the quarry wall (not a block!!!) is very smooth (photo 41), the corner of the quarry is processed with a radius of curvature that is constant in height (photo 42), and the height of the quarry wall is about 5-6 meters...

No one would specifically level the walls of the quarry; this is absolutely unnecessary! In addition, the bottom of the quarry is pierced by numerous pits (photo 43, photo 44) of unknown purpose. Perhaps these are holes for installing equipment, or simply the machine crashed into granite more than the required depth due to the mistake of the person operating it... Such side effects from working in a quarry could only appear when using high tech machines, which easily coped with hard gray granite.

The great technical capabilities of megalith builders are also indicated by the sequence of operations during the construction of the pyramids. On one of the faces of the Menkaure pyramid, traces of face alignment have been preserved after laying blocks photo 45, photo 46. Leveling large surface areas is a complex technical task. If the pyramid had been built using primitive manual technologies, then the sequence of operations would have been reversed: first, the production of finished blocks, and only then their laying.

Conclusion: megaliths were built using machinery for processing level stone, least, modern civilization.

Block shape. Quite a lot of blocks have a complex geometric shape, which requires precise movement of the processing tool in three planes (photo 47, photo 48). When processed manually achieve such a result impossible, these are clearly “fruits” highly developed civilization, which had at its disposal complex machinery!

Very often, ancient builders used huge blocks (about a thousand tons or more). The question is, why? Do you think that for semi-wild people, as our ancestors are portrayed, it was easier to build from what size blocks: large ones, weighing tens and hundreds of tons, or small ones, weighing tens and hundreds of kilograms? Obviously, relatively light blocks are much easier to both manufacture and move. Even at the current level of development of our civilization, small bricks are very often used.

So For what Do history textbooks diligently support the myth that megaliths were built by primitive people who, like ants, clung to the blocks and moved them with levers and pulled with ropes? Apparently, so that we continue to believe that quite recently our ancestors climbed out of the trees, crawled out of dugouts... And so that we never make the obvious conclusion that only that civilization can use huge blocks for construction, for which production and movement such blocks do NOT pose any special difficulties.

Structure and chemical composition of blocks. During the construction of megaliths, blocks of both natural stone and concrete were used. The use of concrete is confirmed by many facts.

On the upper blocks, which were not eroded by sandstorms, the imprints of the mat left when the blocks were cast are clearly visible (Photo 53). The mat was used as a spacer between the formwork and the cast block. In addition to visible imprints on the blocks, there were also hairs stuck to the surface layer of the blocks. These facts clearly indicate that the blocks are made from concrete. In addition, on the faults of the blocks their layered structure is clearly visible, resulting from the filling of the blocks in parts (photo 54). Chemical analysis of the blocks showed that the ratio of chemical elements in the blocks does not correspond to their natural content in natural stone, which indicates their artificial origin.

The volume of concrete used to build megaliths amounts to millions of tons, and such concrete was made from ground natural stone (and grinding stones is much more difficult than grinding grain). This indicates that in the production of such concrete a special car equipment, and not primitive manual technologies, with the help of which it is fundamentally impossible to do this.

Conclusion: megaliths were built using machinery to prepare concrete and lifting equipment to move large blocks of stone. The level of development of the technology used was not less modern, and some of its characteristics are significantly superior modern analogues.

When were megaliths built?

Megaliths were built for a variety of purposes on virtually all continents and over a very wide time range, spanning tens of millennia. According to the Russian scientist Nikolai Levashov, one of the main purposes of the pyramids, built after the planetary catastrophe that occurred as a result of the fall of fragments of the second moon of Fatta to the Earth and which resulted in a shift of the poles 13 thousand years ago, is to stabilize the Earth’s rotation axis. Various large objects have fallen on the Earth before, such as fragments of the third moon Lelya, destroyed about 113,000 years ago, and large asteroids, so there were enough problems with the movement of continental plates before. They were solved as best they could at that time in the development of civilization. It is worth noting that we cannot resolve such issues today!

The Egyptian pyramids were clearly built during a period of history when there were heavy rains in this area, as indicated by gutters for drainage (photo 55, photo 56, photo 57) and traces of erosion on the Sphinx from flowing rainwater (photo 58, photo 59). This is at least 8-10 thousand years ago. The Slavic-Aryan Vedas indicate a period of 12-13 thousand years ago, that is, after the resettlement of the Antes to the territory of Ancient Egypt:

“...The Gods of the Race will save righteous people and the Heavenly Power will transport them to the east, to the lands of people with skin the color of Darkness... and the Beardless people, with skin the color of the flame of the Holy Fire, will be transported by the Great Power to the boundless lands at the setting of Yarila the Sun.. .

7 (71). People with skin the color of Darkness will honor the descendants of the Heavenly Family as Gods... and will learn many sciences from them. People from the Great Race will build new Cities and Temples, and teach people with skin the color of Darkness to grow grains and vegetables... Four Clans of the Great Race(Four Clans of the Great Race - it has now been scientifically proven that the first four dynasties of the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt were White) replacing each other, they will teach the Ancient Wisdom to new Priests... and build Triran-Tombs, in the form of man-made, tetrahedral Mountains...”

To manufacture a carbide tubular drill, it is necessary to have developed technology for processing such materials and energy level, at least of our civilization, to provide energy for this technology, that is, to use energy much greater than that provided by the muscular strength of humans or animals... and so on.

Such technical devices have not survived to this day or are carefully hidden, but interesting images remain. On one of the vessels of the Mayan Indians there is a curious image of representatives ancient civilization with circular saws (photo 64), and in the temple of Seti I in Abydos there is an image of a helicopter, tank and aircraft (photo 65). There is a temple in Edfu (Egypt) that is famous for the “texts of the builders of Edfu”, a significant part of which is devoted to the description of “the times when the gods ruled Egypt.” Some of the images on the walls of the temple resemble objects of various technical purposes: from electric batteries to “flying saucers” and nuclear bombs(photo 66). In the temple of Dendera, also located in Egypt, there are many images of devices interpreted as electrical photo 67, photo 68, photo 69, photo 70.

Thus, we have come to the clear conclusion that in ancient times there was a highly developed civilization on Earth, the level of development of which in some aspects significantly exceeded the level of development of the current civilization.

It remains to answer the last question: what people created this highly developed civilization on Earth?

To answer this question, it is necessary to look into the depths of centuries through the eyes of people who lived in those distant times, to compare the legends and traditions of various peoples about this or that event, and then we will get a more complete and correct view of historical reality than the view imposed modern "scientists".

If ancient traditions and legends of peoples, seemingly unrelated to each other, tell about some historical events in great detail, and if these details coincide, it means that the event preserved over the centuries is part of true History.

There is an ancient Egyptian legend according to which Ancient Egypt was created by nine White Gods (See the article by Czeslaw Wanger “White Pharaohs”), four of them came from the north, and five from the west from the land that sank into the depths of the Great Waters. The most important of them was called Ra by the Egyptians; he came with his Brother Gods from the northern land. About how White people appeared in Ancient Egypt and about their relationship with local population The Slavic-Aryan Vedas also tell:

“...People with skin the color of darkness will honor the descendants of the Heavenly Family as Gods and will learn from them many sciences. People from the Great Race will build new cities and temples, and teach people with skin the color of darkness to grow cereals and vegetables. Four Clans from the Heavenly Clans, replacing each other, will teach the Ancient Wisdom to new Priests and build Triran-Tombs in the form of Man-Made Mountains, tetrahedral..."

Presence of the white race in China confirmed and archaeological finds- mummies of people of the white race, Tocharians (Photo 71 reconstruction of one of the famous Tocharian mummies (photo 72), known as the “beauty Lulan”). The estimated age of the mummies is 3,500 years. The first mummy of a white man in the Taklamakan desert in China was discovered by accident in 1977, after the sand disappeared, the corpse of a woman was discovered, whose body was badly damaged, presumably during military operations. Excavations around her corpse subsequently revealed 16 mummies, so well preserved by the desert that traces of tears were found on the face of the mummified baby. The bodies found were dressed in Celtic woolen fabrics, leather shoes and jewelry. In one grave, excavators found a saddle cover and a pair of pants with drawings of people on them. On one pant leg there was a face with blue eyes.

The civilization that the Tocharians built consists of big cities, temples, centers of learning and art - they were also the builders of the Great Silk Road - the route for trade between the West and China. The Silk Road was originally thought to have been built by the Chinese, but the discovery of the remains of the region's original inhabitants now reveals that it is the remnant of a great lost White civilization.

In the early 1990s, more than a thousand Tocharian corpses were discovered in the region, but by 1998 the Chinese government banned further archaeological expeditions to the area, quite possibly for fear of exposing Chinese legends. Excavations of the Tocharians prove an unpleasant fact for the Chinese that they were not the discoverers of iron, saddles, they were not the first to domesticate horses, but representatives of the White race...

  • Real chronology

Scattered in different parts of our planet are monuments of bygone civilizations that stun the consciousness of the common man: pyramids and other megalithic structures. There are literally hundreds of megaliths and pyramids of varying sizes and styles on Earth (See article by William Saylor"Gods are the architects" ) - in Europe (photo 1, photo 2 - Bosnia), Africa, the Middle and Far East, Southeast Asia (photo 3, photo 4 - China) and the Pacific Islands, North and South America (photo 5 - Mexico), and even on the seabed (photo 6, photo 7, photo 8), and in Antarctica (photo 9, photo 10).

The official version about the authors and methods of construction of such structures does not stand up to the slightest criticism and crumbles to dust upon an impartial consideration of the accumulated facts. Despite this, modern “scientists” zealously support the inventions of their predecessors. Why do they support? Some of them do not know the true history of civilization and are sincerely mistaken, some are afraid of losing their regalia and authority, and some are fulfilling order by falsifying history.

Among the majority of supporters of alternative history who are trying to understand the questions raised in the title of this article, there is also no unity, but only a desire to lead people interested in true history away from reality. But to substantiate their half-true theories, they have to show people a small part authentic facts. This is what we will use.

Let's take a closer look at the most famous megaliths: the pyramids and other structures of ancient Egypt. Before you set your sights on the megaliths one countries, we note that megaliths in different parts of the world have very similar"handwriting" of construction technology. The kinship of highly developed civilizations on different continents can be judged by the use of polygonal masonry made from blocks of complex shapes (of course, simpler, rectangular blocks were also used).

Compare for yourself, photo 11 and photo 12 were taken in Sacsayhuaman (Peru), photo 13 in Cusco (Peru), photo 14 in Abydos (Egypt), photo 15, photo 16 Temple of Apollo in Delphi (Greece). The close connection between different cultures can be concluded if you look at the stylized head of a man carved from a monolith at the foot of the Inca pyramid (photo 17), and a similar head near the pyramid on the ocean floor (photo 18 and photo 19)! The same continuity in stylized stone figures is observed among the Maya Indians (photo 20).

How were megaliths built?

The question of how megaliths were built will be answered by the traces left by tools on processed stone blocks and the blocks themselves - their shape, structure and chemical composition.

Tool marks. There are many traces. Moreover, such traces that cannot be left by a copper tool. The marks on the blocks were preserved for more than 10...12 thousand years and were not erased by precipitation, winds and temperature changes, which suggests that the blocks were either made of very hard stone or high-quality concrete (which will be discussed below). On the site "Alternative History Laboratories" There are plenty of high-quality photographs, by looking at which you can draw interesting conclusions not only about how they were built, but also about who built the ancient, monumental objects.

Look at photo 38, this is a mark from a drill with a cutting edge of 1.5-2 mm! Can a copper drill leave such a mark? No, he can not! It is generally impossible to drill stone with a copper drill! And making tubular drills from copper or bronze is completely impractical... Photo 39 shows a cut made with a circular saw (not copper, of course). Such stone processing is possible only with tools made of carbide steels, the presence of which in the hands of builders indicates the absurdity of the ideas of modern scientists about the low level of development of earthly civilization in the past and its very limited technical capabilities.

The characteristics of the equipment used in the construction of megaliths amaze specialists even today. In Aswan, there is a quarry where gray granite was mined. There was a half-cut block left in it weighing about 1200 tons(photo 40)! If you pay attention to side effects from chopping a block, it immediately becomes obvious high level of technical capabilities quarry developers. When making a block, the surface of the quarry wall (not a block!!!) is very smooth (photo 41), the corner of the quarry is processed with a radius of curvature that is constant in height (photo 42), and the height of the quarry wall is about 5-6 meters...

No one would specifically level the walls of the quarry; this is absolutely unnecessary! In addition, the bottom of the quarry is pierced by numerous pits (photo 43, photo 44) of unknown purpose. Perhaps these are holes for installing equipment, or simply the machine crashed into granite more than the required depth due to the mistake of the person operating it... Such side effects from working in a quarry could only appear when using high tech machines, which easily coped with hard gray granite.

The great technical capabilities of megalith builders are also indicated by the sequence of operations during the construction of the pyramids. On one of the faces of the Menkaure pyramid, traces of face alignment have been preserved after laying blocks photo 45, photo 46. Leveling large surface areas is a complex technical task. If the pyramid had been built using primitive manual technologies, then the sequence of operations would have been reversed: first, the production of finished blocks, and only then their laying.

Conclusion: megaliths were built using machinery for processing level stone, least, modern civilization.

Block shape. Quite a lot of blocks have a complex geometric shape, which requires precise movement of the processing tool in three planes (photo 47, photo 48). When processed manually achieve such a result impossible, these are clearly the “fruits” of a highly developed civilization that had at its disposal complex machinery!

Very often, ancient builders used huge blocks (about a thousand tons or more). The question is, why? Do you think that for semi-wild people, as our ancestors are portrayed, it was easier to build from what size blocks: large ones, weighing tens and hundreds of tons, or small ones, weighing tens and hundreds of kilograms? Obviously, relatively light blocks are much easier to both manufacture and move. Even at the current level of development of our civilization, small bricks are very often used.

So For what Do history textbooks diligently support the myth that megaliths were built by primitive people who, like ants, clung to the blocks and moved them with levers and pulled with ropes? Apparently, so that we continue to believe that quite recently our ancestors climbed out of the trees, crawled out of dugouts... And so that we never make the obvious conclusion that only that civilization can use huge blocks for construction, for which production and movement such blocks do NOT pose any special difficulties.

Structure and chemical composition of blocks. During the construction of megaliths, blocks of both natural stone and concrete were used. The use of concrete is confirmed by many facts.

On the upper blocks, which were not eroded by sandstorms, the imprints of the mat left when the blocks were cast are clearly visible (Photo 53). The mat was used as a spacer between the formwork and the cast block. In addition to visible imprints on the blocks, there were also hairs stuck to the surface layer of the blocks. These facts clearly indicate that the blocks are made from concrete. In addition, on the faults of the blocks their layered structure is clearly visible, resulting from the filling of the blocks in parts (photo 54). Chemical analysis of the blocks showed that the ratio of chemical elements in the blocks does not correspond to their natural content in natural stone, which indicates their artificial origin.

The volume of concrete used to build megaliths amounts to millions of tons, and such concrete was made from ground natural stone (and grinding stones is much more difficult than grinding grain). This indicates that in the production of such concrete a special car equipment, and not primitive manual technologies, with the help of which it is fundamentally impossible to do this.

Conclusion: megaliths were built using machinery to prepare concrete and lifting equipment to move large blocks of stone. The level of development of the technology used was not less modern, and some of its characteristics are significantly superior modern analogues.

When were megaliths built?

Megaliths were built for a variety of purposes on virtually all continents and over a very wide time range, spanning tens of millennia. According to the Russian scientistNikolay Levashov , one of the main purposes of the pyramids, built after the planetary catastrophe that occurred as a result of the fall of fragments of the second moon of Fatta to the Earth and which led to the displacement of the poles 13 thousand years ago, is to stabilize the Earth’s rotation axis. Various large objects have fallen on the Earth before, such as fragments of the third moon Lelya, destroyed about 113,000 years ago, and large asteroids, so there were enough problems with the movement of continental plates before. They were solved as best they could at that time in the development of civilization. It is worth noting that we cannot resolve such issues today!

The pyramids in North and South America were built no later than 13 thousand years ago (the Pyramids of America are oriented towards the old position of the Earth's poles (unlike other pyramids)), i.e. even before the start of the world war between Antlania and Great Asia, before the destruction of Atlantis and the subsequent resettlement of the Antes who lost the war to other continents (Read about the causes of the war between Asia and Antlania in the book of Academician N.V. Levashov"Russia in distorting mirrors" ).

The Egyptian pyramids were clearly built during a period of history when there were heavy rains in this area, as indicated by gutters for drainage (photo 55, photo 56, photo 57) and traces of erosion on the Sphinx from flowing rainwater (photo 58, photo 59). This is at least 8-10 thousand years ago. The Slavic-Aryan Vedas indicate a period of 12-13 thousand years ago, that is, after the resettlement of the Antes to the territory of Ancient Egypt:

“...The Gods of the Race will save righteous people and the Heavenly Power will transport them to the east, to the lands of people with skin the color of Darkness... and the Beardless people, with skin the color of the flame of the Holy Fire, will be transferred by the Great Power to the boundless lands at the setting of Yarila the Sun lying...

7 (71). People with skin the color of Darkness will honor the descendants of the Heavenly Family as Gods... and will learn many sciences from them. People from the Great Race will build new Cities and Temples, and teach people with skin the color of Darkness to grow grains and vegetables... Four Clans of the Great Race(Four Clans of the Great Race - it has now been scientifically proven that the first four dynasties of the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt were White) replacing each other, they will teach the Ancient Wisdom to new Priests... and build Triran-Tombs, in the form of man-made, tetrahedral Mountains...”

("Slavic-Aryan Vedas" , Santiy Veda Perun, santiya 5)

The last planetary catastrophe 13 thousand years ago dealt an irreparable blow to the civilization that existed at that time. Most of the technology was lost along with the infrastructure of civilization. The remaining machines were used to build megaliths, but over time they too became a thing of the past. Therefore, most megaliths have a megalithic core and a primitive superstructure made using manual technologies (photo 60, photo 61).

The bases of many Egyptian pyramids are made of blocks with smooth planes, corners and edges, that is, they are made well and clearly using machine technology. The superstructure, on the contrary, is made of either unfired clay bricks or curved stones with clay mortar. Blocks from earlier buildings were often used for construction. This is indicated by the shape of the blocks with “architectural excesses” captured in photo 62, photo 63. With a high probability it can be argued that the loss of technology did not last for millennia, but much less. From this follows the conclusion: most megalithic structures were built before the tenth millennium BC.

Who built the megaliths

Let's first determine where the builders who were engaged in the construction of megaliths could have come from? Were they from the civilization of earthlings or from the civilization of some other planet?

Megalithic structures there are several hundred on Earth (and these are only those that have survived to this day), volume construction work such number of megaliths huge. To create a clearer picture of the amount of work spent on the construction of megaliths, let's make some rough calculations for one pyramids of Cheops (Egypt).

The Cheops Pyramid consists of approximately 2 million blocks with an average weight of 2.5 tons each. A cubic block with a side of 1 meter will have this weight. We get a block surface of 6 square meters. We multiply the surface of one block by the number of blocks, and we get 12 million square meters of surface. The area is huge! The highway area is 12 meters wide and 1000 kilometers long!

If the pyramid was built from stone, how long would it take to cut the edges of the blocks? And if the blocks were made from geopolymer concrete, how much energy and time would it take to crush 5 million tons of stone to produce cement? If we assume that the megalith builders came from another planet, then we will get a “construction team” with a staff comparable to the population of not the smallest country. In addition, alien "guest workers" must have been visiting Earth for thousands of years. The question is, why? Other civilizations do not need megaliths on our planet!

Built megaliths and used them earth civilization.

Now let’s answer the question: what level of development did ancient civilization have?

As mentioned above, the builders of megaliths left obvious evidence of the high technical level of development of their civilization - traces of machine processing of stone blocks. Let's think about what, for example, the mark of a tubular drill with a cutting edge of less than 2 mm indicates? It would seem a trifle, but thanks to this trifle, one can understand at what level of development the civilization that built the megaliths was.

Before making a carbide tubular drill, civilization had to go through a long development path, build a complex social organism, and accumulate a huge amount of knowledge in almost all areas of science and technology. To accumulate and transmit scientific knowledge from generation to generation, an education system is needed from primary school to higher education institutions...

To manufacture a carbide tubular drill, it is necessary to have developed technology for processing such materials and energy level, at least of our civilization, to provide energy for this technology, that is, to use energy much greater than that provided by the muscular strength of humans or animals... and so on.

Such technical devices have not survived to this day or are carefully hidden, but interesting images remain. One of the vessels of the Mayan Indians preserves a curious image of representatives of an ancient civilization with circular saws (photo 64), and in the Temple of Seti I in Abydos there is an image of a helicopter, a tank and aircraft (photo 65). There is a temple in Edfu (Egypt) that is famous for the “texts of the builders of Edfu”, a significant part of which is devoted to the description of “the times when the gods ruled Egypt.” Some of the images on the walls of the temple resemble objects of various technical purposes: from electric batteries to “flying saucers” and nuclear bombs (photo 66). In the temple of Dendera, also located in Egypt, there are many images of devices interpreted as electrical photo 67, photo 68, photo 69, photo 70.

Thus, we have come to the clear conclusion that in ancient times there was a highly developed civilization on Earth, the level of development of which in some aspects significantly exceeded the level of development of the current civilization.

It remains to answer the last question: what people created this highly developed civilization on Earth?

To answer this question, it is necessary to look into the depths of centuries through the eyes of people who lived in those distant times, to compare the legends and traditions of various peoples about this or that event, and then we will get a more complete and correct view of historical reality than the view imposed modern "scientists".

If ancient traditions and legends of peoples, seemingly unrelated to each other, tell about some historical events in great detail, and if these details coincide, it means that the event preserved over the centuries is part of true History.

There is an ancient Egyptian legend, according to which Ancient Egypt was created by nine White Gods (See article by Czeslaw Vanger"White Pharaohs" ), four of them came from the north, and five from the west from the land that sank into the depths of the Great Waters. The most important of them was called Ra by the Egyptians; he came with his Brother Gods from the northern land. The Slavic-Aryan Vedas also tell about how White people appeared in Ancient Egypt and about their relationships with the local population:

“...People with skin the color of darkness will honor the descendants of the Heavenly Family as Gods and will learn from them many sciences. People from the Great Race will build new cities and temples, and teach people with skin the color of darkness to grow cereals and vegetables. Four Clans from the Heavenly Clans, replacing each other, will teach the Ancient Wisdom to new Priests and build Triran-Tombs in the form of Man-Made Mountains, tetrahedral..."

Alexander Khodilov in the article"Why Libraries Burned" gives a lot interesting information about the birth of Chinese civilization:

“...According to Chinese (not mine) legend, Chinese civilization began with the White God named Huang Di flying to them from the north on a heavenly chariot, who taught them everything: from cultivating rice fields and building dams on rivers to hieroglyphic writing. It turns out that the hieroglyphs were transmitted by a representative of a highly developed civilization located north of Ancient China. Now for some clarification. Juan is an old Aryan name that is still quite widespread in Spanish-speaking countries. Di - tribes of the white race who lived north of Ancient China. The Di-Dinlin tribes were well known to the inhabitants of Ancient China. The difficulty of pronouncing the word “dinlin” for the Chinese led to its abbreviated version “di”.

There are many references to the Di tribes in old Chinese chronicles. Back in the 3rd millennium BC. Di tribes in Chinese chronicles were noted as indigenous people of the country. For three thousand years, one part of the Dinlins was exterminated, as often happened in those extremely cruel times, the other fled, and the third mixed with the Chinese. By the way, the last style of Kaishu writing, which has survived to this day without any major changes, was finally formed during the Three Kingdoms period (220-280 AD) almost at the same time when the Di tribes were erased from the “book of life”. Three thousand years of wars have done their job, the very memory of the Dinlins was destroyed..."

Presence of the white race in China is also confirmed by archaeological finds - mummies of people of the white race, Tocharians (Photo 71 reconstruction of one of the famous Tocharian mummies (photo 72), known as the “beauty Lulan”). The estimated age of the mummies is 3,500 years. The first mummy of a white man in the Taklamakan desert in China was discovered by accident in 1977, after the sand disappeared, the corpse of a woman was discovered, whose body was badly damaged, presumably during military operations. Excavations around her corpse subsequently revealed 16 mummies, so well preserved by the desert that traces of tears were found on the face of the mummified baby. The bodies found were dressed in Celtic woolen fabrics, leather shoes and jewelry. In one grave, excavators found a saddle cover and a pair of pants with drawings of people on them. On one pant leg there was a face with blue eyes.

The civilization that the Tocharians built consists of large cities, temples, centers of learning and art - they were also the builders of the Great Silk Road - the route for trade between the West and China. The Silk Road was originally thought to have been built by the Chinese, but the discovery of the remains of the region's original inhabitants now reveals that it is the remnant of a great lost White civilization.

In the early 1990s, more than a thousand Tocharian corpses were discovered in the region, but by 1998 the Chinese government banned further archaeological expeditions to the area, quite possibly for fear of exposing Chinese legends. Excavations of the Tocharians prove an unpleasant fact for the Chinese that they were not the discoverers of iron, saddles, they were not the first to domesticate horses, but representatives of the White race...

Photos from open sources

Of all the pyramids built by people of different eras and cultures on our planet, the most famous are the pyramids of Ancient Egypt. The reason for this is the titanic size of the three most famous Egyptian pyramids - Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin (Menkaure). The Pyramid of Cheops is the largest pyramid in the world, nearly one and a half hundred meters high, and was included in the ancient Greek list of “Seven Wonders of the World.” Ironically, it is the oldest building on this list and at the same time the only one that has survived to this day.

Egyptian pyramids are quite numerous. Today, about a hundred Egyptian pyramids are known, in varying degrees of preservation and located in different regions of Egypt. But, despite the more than two-century history of these studies, not all pyramids have been discovered. In February 2013, Belgian archaeologists found a previously unknown pyramid of the vizier Ramses II. The location of some of the small Egyptian pyramids, covered by desert sands, is known only through infrared images from space, so scientists have yet to explore them.

Photos from open sources

Versions about the construction of the Egyptian pyramids by the legendary Atlanteans or representatives extraterrestrial civilizations hardly worth taking seriously. The history of their construction clearly shows engineering evolution. The oldest pyramids, the Habs and Djoser, have a round (layered) and stepped shape, respectively. Sneferu's broken pyramid has a non-standard angle of inclination of the edges of the upper part.

Famous pyramids exist in other parts of the world. First of all, we should mention the Mesoamerican pyramids, built by the Aztecs, Mayans and other civilizations of the new world. Unlike the Egyptian pyramids, which were used as tombs, the Mesoamerican pyramids were temples. Their predominantly stepped shape and flat tops served a practical purpose. The flat platforms on the tops were used as stages for religious ceremonies (including human sacrifices), to which the priests ascended stairs located on the outside of the pyramids.

Pyramids - tombs numbering about a hundred are located in the vicinity of the Chinese city of Xi'an. However, scientists do not have access to them, since Chinese laws prohibit opening imperial burials. The six step pyramids of Guimar are located on the island of Tenerife ( Canary Islands), and on the Indian island of Java is located the unique Buddhist pyramid of Borobudur. Etemenaki - a ziggurat (temple) of ancient Babylon, considered the prototype of the biblical Tower of Babel, also had the shape of a stepped pyramid.

Underwater pyramids

Probably not all pyramids should be found on earth. In areas where developed human civilizations existed in the past, which due to geological reasons were flooded by seas, the pyramids could well have ended up under water. In 1986, the so-called underwater pyramids were discovered in Japan off the island of Yonaguni, but the dispute between supporters of the natural and artificial origin of these objects is still ongoing.

Photos from open sources

Pyramid energy

Some esotericists believe that there is a beneficial energy of the pyramids that acts on the people inside them. According to the project of the Russian engineer Alexander Golod, many energy pyramids were built in Russia and some foreign countries(Ukraine, Georgia). Official science does not recognize the healing properties of the pyramids, and explains the improvement in the condition of some patients after visiting the pyramids as a placebo effect.

Photos from open sources

Perhaps, main secret pyramids lies not even in the design features, but also in the nature of the religious and practical purposes for which the pyramids were used at different times. It seems mysterious to many that architectural structures so similar in design were built by people so different countries and eras. In fact, with the level of construction technology ancient world the pyramidal shape was most suitable for creating large buildings.

The Pyramid of Cheops- the tallest pyramid in Egypt, at the same time it is the most mysterious and majestic structure in the world. This is the only remaining miracle from oldest list seven wonders of the world, a masterpiece of engineering and architectural art, not only because of its gigantic size (its height is 150 meters, area - 4000 square meters, gigantic stones are stacked in 200 rows).

The Pyramid of Cheops was built around 2550 year BC. It seems that it is simply not subject to time, and, by the way, it is already at least 5 thousand years old. Who built them, and even so skillfully, is a question that has no answer.

It is believed that the Cheops pyramid weighs 6,3 million tons, and contains more building material than all the cathedrals, churches and chapels of England! The pyramid was faced with white polished limestone until the 13th century. But after an earthquake in the 13th century, which loosened some of the casing stones, the Arabs began using casing to build and restore Cairo's mosques and palaces (including the Sultan Hassan Mosque).

Historians claim that the construction of the pyramid lasted 14 - 20 years, and their architect was Hemiun- Vizier of Cheops. Books about the history of ancient Egypt show pictures of pyramid construction, where Egyptian workers use cranes made from palm fronds to build the pyramid - how naive that is! Not long ago, a team of Egyptological scientists conducted a small experiment - they tried to build a miniature pyramid 10 meters high using cranes made from palm branches, simulating the construction conditions of that time. The result was disastrous; the palm cranes simply could not withstand the weight of the stones, so the scientists soon had to stop their attempts.

The Pyramid of Cheops is the only pyramid with ascending and descending passages. It is impossible not to highlight the huge descent present in its design, called the “large gallery”. At its end there is a narrow passage that leads to the “king’s room”, where the walls are decorated with polished granite. Scientists believe that the "king's room" was a triumph of Egyptian geometry because, according to their calculations, it was built according to the golden ratio. The sarcophagus is made of a monolith of red granite, and its dimensions are even larger than the entrance to the room itself. The sarcophagus was first discovered open and no valuables were found in it. Nowadays, no one knows whether it was intended for the body of the pharaoh.

In the very center is the smallest room - the “Queen's Room”. The eastern wall of the Cheops pyramid has a niche where, according to Egyptologists, there was a statue of the pharaoh's wife. The third room has an unfinished appearance and is located underground at a depth of 27.5 meters. It is decorated crudely, without the luxury of the other two rooms. There is an opinion among Egyptologists that this particular room was supposed to serve as a burial chamber for the pharaoh, but Cheops changed his mind and ordered it to be built higher.

Some constructive facts testify to the deep astronomical and mathematical knowledge of the priests who supervised the construction of the Cheops pyramid. For example, adding up the four sides of the base of this pyramid and dividing the resulting number by its height, we get 3.1416 - the well-known number “Pi”. And the next feature is simply amazing - the height of the Cheops pyramid exactly coincides with a billionth of the distance from the Earth to the Sun! It turns out that the Egyptians already 5000 years ago possessed the knowledge that even the scientists of Newton’s era did not have. It is not surprising that these days there are a wide variety of assumptions about how the Cheops pyramid was built, including hypotheses about the intervention of aliens in this process.

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