Scenario birthday on a cruise ship animation. Sea cruise or one day on vacation (day of cultural workers). We do not share your contact information without your consent.

Rivers, lakes, and seas are important tourism resources. They create a favorable microclimate, decorate the landscape, provide tourists with the opportunity to relax on the water, exercise aquatic species sports Cruise travel is travel by river or sea on board special passenger ships, usually calling at ports. Cruises are one of the most comfortable, and therefore most expensive types of vacation. Cruise ships have their own classification of cabins into categories depending on the level of comfort. The level of comfort is a criterion consisting of several components: the number and location of seats in the cabin, the location of the cabin along the length and height of the ship, the area and shape of the cabin, the availability of amenities and sanitary facilities, and the type of lighting. On board the ships the services of restaurants, cafes, bars, gyms and cinemas, shops, etc. are provided.

The duration of classic cruises ranges from several days to several months for round-the-world routes. In addition to port calls and excursion programs outside the ship, the rest of the time, cruise participants are in a beautiful, comfortable, but enclosed space, so the entertainment segment is an important element of a cruise trip, organically included in the organization cruise holiday. Due to limited space during travel, animation on river and sea cruises has its own characteristics. Animation is included in the general package of cruise travel services, with the exception of excursion service V port cities. This should be taken into account by the organizers, as well as the fact that river and sea cruises have their consumers, different in age, interests, and level of income.

The most popular areas for sea cruises are the Caribbean and the Mediterranean Sea. Modern sea cruises are carried out both on relatively small sailing ships, and on huge liners, equipped with the latest technology and designed to accommodate several thousand passengers. Large sea cruise liners have a good material base for organizing animation programs: auditoriums, swimming pools and artificial beaches, areas for sports and dancing, jogging tracks, climbing walls, fitness and gyms, karaoke rooms, casinos, special observation decks with a glass floor to observe the ship's controls. In expensive long-term sea ​​travel Animators, professional dance and vocal groups, and sports coaches are invited. The audience on such cruises is high-status and wealthy, which is why the animation programs are expensive and highly professional. Tourists are also offered entertainment events for the “high society”: receptions, banquets, ceremonies, show performances, carnivals, social salons and parties. The theme for animation events can be the ethnic and recreational features of the cities visited, marine wealth and other topics related to the route of a sea cruise trip.

Traveling along inland waterways (rivers, lakes, canals) is usually called river cruises. River cruises are most developed in European countries, rich in navigable rivers. Popular cruise routes along the Loire, Rhine, Rhone, Seine, Elbe.

River cruises can be carried out in one direction or have a circular route.

Russia has unique opportunities for river travel. Rivers, lakes and canals in the European part of Russia made it possible to connect the Baltic, White, Azov, Black and Caspian Sea, and Moscow became a port of five seas. In addition, the White Sea-Baltic, Volga-Baltic, and Volga-Don canals are used for tourist travel.

When organizing river cruises in Russia, multi-deck motor ships are used. The organizers of river cruises are shipowners, shipping companies, and cruise tour operators. River cruises can vary in duration. For example, Volzhskoe river shipping company operates cruises on the following routes: Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod- Moscow (10 days, with a visit to the cities of Uglich, Myshkin, Kostroma, Plyos, Murom), Moscow - Plyos - Moscow (6 days, with a visit to the cities of Uglich, Myshkin, Yaroslavl, Kostroma). Moscow River Shipping Company operates cruise routes Moscow - Astrakhan - Moscow (20 days), Moscow - Saint Petersburg- Moscow (13 days), Moscow - Yaroslavl - Moscow (5 days), Moscow - Uglich - Moscow (3 days).

River ships are smaller and have a much more modest material base for organizing an animation program. As a rule, on river boats There are reading and music salons, a solarium, a computer games room, a gym, a karaoke bar, children's rooms, a cinema room with a large screen, and a conference room. For the work of animators, various equipment is purchased (badminton, balls, jump ropes, hoops, puzzles, darts, dominoes, cards, chess, table tennis, etc.) and the necessary equipment (piano, button accordion, guitar, radio microphones, computer, projector, screen, light and music equipment, karaoke, video equipment, several consoles, including a DJ).

Not a single cruise is complete without animation, since tourists spend most of their time on board the ship. Animation programs on cruise ship are formed taking into account the characteristics of vacationers, the theme and duration of the flight. An important point is the consistency of animation activities with technical schedule of the vessel, in which the moorings and the time spent on them are registered. An example of an animation program on a river cruise ship is presented below (Table 2.6).

Table 2.6

Project of thematic animation program "Family Cruise" on the route Moscow - Konstantinovo - Kasimov - Pavlovo -

Murom - Ryazan - Kolomna - Moscow (9 days/8 nights)


12.00 - start of the cruise. Captain's cocktail (presentation of the tour crew, crew). An entertaining game for children and their parents, “This is my child,” where married couples (with children) compete with each other. Only those parents who know their child best and can guess all his reactions in the competition tasks will be able to win. Parents and children have to solve many riddles and complete tasks to prove that they know and understand each other well. Dating evening “Let me meet you!”


Morning health exercises “A healthy family is a happy family.” Arrival in Konstantinovo, parking from 10.00 to 13.30. Walking tour with a visit literary museum and the parental home of the Yesenin family. Traditional family tea party with a samovar - an attribute of family peace "The tea ceremony is a good family tradition." Heartfelt conversations over a cup of tea with bagels and honey. Introducing vacationers to the family traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia; master class “Secrets of brewing tea”

An outdoor game on the open (boat) deck “Cat and mouse - dad, mom and kids” with elements of recreational gymnastics. Parking in Kasimov from 14.00 to 19.00. A family quest around the city, in which tourists will be able to get acquainted with a private collection of samovars, visit the museum of bells, learn the secret of the Kasimov bride, get acquainted with the charter of the Kasimov family circle, and see wedding dresses of past eras. After dinner - entertaining evening program “All ages are submissive to love”

Family breakfast: themed table setting, a figurine of a house - a symbol of home comfort on each table, a festively decorated treat. Stop in Pavlovo at 15.30. City tour, getting to know local traditional crafts. At 20.00 - departure to Murom. Work of a creative workshop. Thematic exhibition of handicrafts “Swan Fidelity”. White swan - symbol eternal love, devotion and happy marriage. Parents and children make a pair of white swans from salt dough, paint them with gouache, after which each family takes them with them as a symbol of a happy family and memory of the cruise

The ship stops in Murom from 8.00 to 15.00. Excursion to Murom: monument to Ilya Muromets; Holy Trinity Monastery; monument to Peter and Fevronia, monument “Union of Love - Wise Marriage” (launching white doves into the sky). Thematic animation program “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity” in honor of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom


Arrival in Ryazan at 8.00. The stay here will last 8 hours, departure at 16.00. Children's room "Creativity" - the theme of the drawings is "My Family". Each child draws his or her family (without signing the drawing), and in the evening at the entertaining family game “This is My Child,” the parents will have to guess which drawing their child is drawing. Evening competition program “7 tests on the path to family happiness.”

Family-sports morning program “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family.” Stop in Kolomna at 9.00. Bus and walking tour of the city with a visit to the Kolomna Kremlin. Departure to Moscow at 18.00. Evening concert program"In the best family traditions"

Arrival in Moscow (southern river station) at 10.00

A distinctive feature of river cruise animation is isolation and limited space, so the possibility of communication comes to the fore. On the very first day, animators must arrange for cruise participants to get to know each other and the ship’s crew. Further animation program on cruise ships is built by analogy with programs in resort hotel complexes.

Despite the fact that the animation base of each ship has its own characteristics, the following animation events are most often carried out: morning exercises (aerobics), boarding; entertainment for children; evening show animation; concerts (if there are professional vocal and dance groups), film screenings; animation on “green parking lots”. The most traditional forms of cruise thematic animation are “Neptune’s Day”, “Retro Ship”, “Family Cruise”, “The East is a Delicate Business”, “Tournament of Heroes”, “In Russian Traditions”, etc.

Children's animation is often based on the type of group work. Each child will be able to do what he loves and knows how to do: sing, play, sculpt, assemble puzzles, compose, create models from construction sets, draw. Young creators and artists will be able to organize their exhibitions during the cruise.

During the cruise, special attention is paid to evening animation events, which can be held both on the open deck and in the premises of the ship. Evening on board the ship is something special: river (sea) air, starry sky, moonlight- all this creates a romantic mood. For those who want to meet friends over a cup of coffee or a glass of champagne, an evening party has been prepared entertainment program, which will take place in the bars and restaurants of the ship, where guest artists perform and pop and dance music sounds. For those who like to spend evenings in front of the movie screen, a wide variety of films are shown. For those who like to spend time in the cabins, radio and television programs are offered.

Thus, a cruise is a trip to water transport provided with entertainment on board cruise ships and excursion program at stopping places along the route. Cruise tourism is traditionally one of the most popular types of recreation. As a result, the number of cruise ships is constantly increasing, new cruise routes are being developed, and the possibilities of animation activities on board modern liners are increasing. The concentration of entertainment in a confined space is the main distinguishing feature of cruise travel, therefore, on a cruise, due to the limited space, the tourist's vacation must be carefully planned.

Prom script “Cruise on the ship “Dream” around the school continent”


(an airplane signal sounds at the airport, the presenter comes out and announces)

Leading: Registration of tickets for flight No. 9a9b 2014 on the “Dream” liner is announced.

Flight control is assumed by the crew consisting of:

First pilot (full name)________________________________________

Co-pilot (full name)________________________________________

Flight attendants (full name)_____________________________________________

Stewardess: Attention! Graduates of 2014, graduation No. 9a and 9b are invited to the first salon

(The presenters - the crew, take turns reading out the names of the graduates, who, to the accompaniment of music, come out in pairs and take their places)

Stewardess: We are pleased to welcome on board the ship the birthday people of today’s celebration, our graduates,

1 in: dear guests, dear teachers

2 in: and beloved parents of our graduates.

Stewardess: Dear passengers! We ask you to loosen your belts and belts and sit more comfortably.

1 in: Our liner "Dream" is setting off on a cruise around the school continent.

2 in: Today we will make our flight, the duration of which is 9 years school life.

Stewardess: During the flight, it is prohibited to: get bored, eject from the plane before landing,

1c: refuse the opportunity to spin in a whirlwind of dance.

2c: Tell others anything other than compliments and praise.

Stewardess: During the flight you are allowed to: congratulate each other on successfully graduating from school;

1c: take an active part during the entire flight, charge everyone with a good mood;

2 in: give gifts, confess your love to the school, teachers, parents and each other! (sound of an airplane)

1c: Have a nice flight! And to brighten up our flight, we offer you to watch a video, memories of school accumulated over 9 years.

2c: Our flight takes place at a dizzying height. The temperature outside is 25 degrees above zero, on board 35-37 degrees above zero. What kind of weather do senior weather forecasters predict?

1 led. The head teacher for educational work Olga Ivanovna Shatalova will tell us about this. (music, word by O.I. Shatalova)

Presents certificates_______________________________________________________________


1c: Dear passengers! Our liner is approaching Children's Bay.

We begin to descend (sound signal)

2c: Let's see what our graduates were like in their distant childhood. And our graduates will be reminded of this by dance.

(9th graders and elementary school students) (song + video)(2.36)

(sound of an airplane)

Stewardess: Our liner is heading upward again. From the height of our flight, it is very clearly visible that during 9 years of school life, our graduates have mastered a huge school continent that is impossible to forget.

1c: Look out the porthole window! Ahead is the “Unknown Island”, where our first graders first set foot on this earth.

2c: And they were immediately surrounded with attention, care and love by the first inhabitants of the island - the first teacher: Tuzhilina Vera Stepanovna and Nechaeva Galina Evgenievna

1c: We are landing.

The graduates want to say words of gratitude and deep gratitude to their first teacher.

(graduates read poetry)

1. “Thank you!” for what you taught us
2. “Thank you!” for putting up with our class,
3. “Thank you!” over the years that you were with us,
4. “Thank you!” for loving us!
5. “Thank you!” for putting up with mischief,
6. “Thank you!” for being able to deal with us.
7. “Thank you!” for justice, sorry for the nerves
8. “Thank you!” for everything, our first teacher!

V.S. and G.E. present certificates ______________________________________________



(airplane sound again)

2c: And again we are on the road. In front of you is a mountain range, behind which our graduates always felt protected from stormy winds, snowfalls, storms, and blizzards. These are your class teachers! Medvedeva Natalia Yurievna and Shulepova Valentina Konstantinovna.

1c: We land right at the foot of this mountain range.

Words from class teachers

Certificates are presented ____________________________________________________________



(sound of an airplane)

2c: Our plane is flying rapidly forward. From the height of our flight, we can see all corners of our vast, beloved school continent.

1c: Let's try to look into every corner of it, which left its indelible mark on the souls of our graduates, taught us a lot, and most importantly, taught us to believe in ourselves, choose a goal in life and strive for it.

2c: Our respected teachers play an important role in choosing the right route across our continent. And the students want to say THANK YOU to all their teachers with this song.

Song for teachers(music sounds, teacher on screen)

(sound of an airplane)

1c: Attention! We are approaching a huge, most beautiful corner of our continent, which is called “Paradise”.

2c: Where our graduates are always welcome, always understood and forgiven, set on the right path, beautifully dressed and fed deliciously.

1c: Because for the residents of this corner, their children are the most beautiful, the smartest, the most talented and desirable.

2c: If the son is first everywhere,

There are easily enough stars from the sky -

It's all parental nerves

The heavens are moving towards him.

1c: If a daughter grows up for the joy of others,

Smart girl, athlete and artist,

So it was my mother who tried -

She was also a mentor and close friend.

2c: How many sleepless nights and days

Given for daughters and sons!

How many difficult and long years

Given for daughters and sons!

Stewardess: And now, dear parents, listen, your children want to tell you the same thing.

(graduates read poetry.)

We love you, we appreciate you, we adore you.
You are our everything! We adore you heartily...
And we say all this from the heart.

Now we will shout loudly for the whole world to hear
Such kind and gentle words!!!
We love you, parents!!!
-I can’t hear...
We love you! According to the script: “YOUR BABY!”

Parents' words.

Presentation of certificates to parents.

1 led. The crew commander just reported that we were caught in a vortex flow. There is an emergency on board. What are we going to do?

2 ved. Don't panic! We urgently need to come up with a distracting maneuver. The passengers will be distracted, and in the meantime we will fix the problem.

1 led. I understand that our broadcast continues.

2 ved. Our alumni are in touch.

(Song “About Love”)

2 ved. Then now is the time to offer the “Hits of the Season” video program.

1 led. There is a video clip on your screens.

(Song “Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked”) (2.45)

1 led. We have all the artists on board. Not a flight, but a concert.

2 ved. Do you know that the emotional overload of artists is comparable only to the overload of pilots?

1 led. Our flight is going well. This is all thanks to the company's sponsors.

2 ved. Attention! Passengers, can you hear me?

Passengers: Great!

1 led. Great!!! As always, great!!! Familiar voices!!! We invite to the stage graduates who are not afraid of any overload, who for 9 years have been persistently, step by step, approaching their today's victory.

    Venevitina Anastasia

    Dyachenko Oksana

    Malyutina Olga

    Margoshvili Milana

    Sotnikova Margarita

    Stoyanova Elena

    Paporova Yana

    Ishkova Christina

1 led. The director of school No. 20 and concurrently the director of our company “Twentieth Airline” is invited to present certificates with honors - Krugov Sergey Nikolaevich.

2nd Our cruise around the school continent has come to an end. We invite all passengers to the stage.

1 led.

Here they believe in magic, here they are friends with miracles,
All fairy tales in reality come to visit themselves.

2 ved.

The clouds are not visible here, It’s crowded here with smiles.
The planet “Childhood” is flying on the “Dream” liner!

Final song (2.50)

Voice-over:(call signs) The plane “9A-9B”, flying flight 2014 along the route “Childhood-Youth,” landed. Passengers, representatives of the school airline, sponsors and guests are asked to go to the waiting area to continue along the “Luck and Victories” route.

Scenario of the anniversary evening

“Cruise on the Yubileiny liner around the school continent” 2017



Presentation “Happy Anniversary, school!”

(an airplane signal sounds at the airport, the presenter comes out and announces)

Stewardess 1 : Dear passengers!Boarding for the flight 07.10.2017 is announced, passengers are asked to proceed board and take your seats.


Slide 1 “Happy Anniversary, School!”

Flight Attendant 1: To the second business class cabin right side airliners are invited guests.

Stewardess 2 : Teachers and school staff are invited to the second business class cabin on the left side of the aircraft (guest accommodation)

Slide 2 (image of a flying plane)

The song “Small Plane” by Valery sounds

Flight Attendant 1: We are pleased to welcome on board our ship the birthday people of today's celebration, a large team from our school

Stewardess 2: Honorable and respected guests!

Flight Attendant 1:

On a cruise for all of you on the Anniversary
Today they invited me.
So that no one is late,
They asked a lot.
Flight Attendant 2;

And here you are, the hall is decorated,
Faces are warmed with warmth.
It's time to open the banquet.
Let's have fun. (Applause.)
Flight Attendant 1: Dear passengers! (with sign language translation) We ask you to fasten your seat belts and sit comfortably. And stay in your seats until you reach full height.

Stewardess 2: Our liner "Yubileiny" is setting off on a cruise around the school continent.

Stewardess 1: Flight Control charter flight takes over the crew consisting of:

ship captain Lysenkova E.E. (hand over the cap)

Stewardesses : Ivanova O.V. and Gulova O.G.

Stewardess 1: Today we will make our flight, the duration of which is 40 years of school life.Flight time is more than 4 hours.

Stewardess 2 : And now we will introduce you all to the rules that must be followed during our entire flight:
- during takeoff and landing, everyone must fasten their seat belts,

During the flight, you are allowed to unbutton for a generous meal,
- during takeoff and landing, bring the backs of the chairs to a vertical position; during the entire flight, you are allowed to tilt your chair towards your neighbor with his permission, but not 90 degrees,
- there is no call button for the flight attendant, so please contact us with all questions verbally and in writing,
- the doors of emergency and main exits are located in the same place as the entrance

toilet rooms are located at the tail of our ship near the exit,
- getting up and going home during the flight is allowed only with the permission of the ship’s commander,
- During the entire flight you will be offered soft drinks, cold snacks and a hot dinner.

Stewardess 2 During the flight, it is prohibited to: get bored, eject from the plane before landing,

Stewardess 1: refuse the opportunity to spin in a whirlwind of dance,

Stewardess 2: Tell others anything other than compliments and praise.

Flight Attendant 1: During the flight you are allowed to: congratulate each other on the school anniversary;

Stewardess 2: take an active part during the entire flight, charge everyone with a good mood;

Flight Attendant 1: give compliments, confess your love to the school, teachers, and each other!

Stewardess 2: The ship's commander and crew wish youHave a nice flight!

Stewardess 1 :

Today we have a great opportunity
Gather everyone at the festive table
After all, a school anniversary is a compelling argument,
Let's fill the glass with sparkling wine!

Stewardess 2:

School is an expensive word,

There is warmth and light in that word.

And the director of this school

A ray of light between planets

Stewardess 1 : While our airliner is gaining the required altitude, the floor is given to the commander of our crew, E.E. Lysenkova.(Music. Guests fill their glasses.)

Stewardess 2:

Every teacher is a great dreamer and inventor. And we invite you to compose a story in a chain that happened at school, the main characters of which are teachers and students. And it begins like this... “The autumn sun timidly made its way through the morning fog and looked into the school window. The morning began as usual..." We continue...

Stewardess 2:

And let it be with love and excitement
For you, heroes of the celebration,
Congratulations sound today
And just kind words

Stewardess 2:

Our school is a friendly home,

Many good people lives in it.

All the inhabitants of this glorious house

Welcome loved ones - guests of the area.(congratulations to distinguished guests)




Flight Attendant 1:

We hope that your flight will be comfortable and your communication pleasant.
Listen to the announcement:
“On the anniversary flight today there is a video salon and a radio center, to which you can send requests and musical congratulations in honor of today’s celebration. During the trip, you will also be offered drinking songs, games, and entertainment that will pass the time on the way.”

Stewardess 2 : On the eve of the Anniversary, we conducted a survey among the school’s teachers and present you with the results.

Slide 3 (diagram based on the results of the questionnaire)

Average school portrait This is one humorous study of the “face of school.” (results)

Flight Attendant 1:

Let this day go down in history forever,
Will bring success and joy to our school
And let the guests have fun carelessly,
I hope no one leaves the anniversary sad.
Stewardess 2: Well, guests, I’ll ask everyone to stand up,
Raise your glasses full,
Let us wish each other happiness,
Let’s say it three times in unison…..Congratulations!!!
Let's drink a hearty toast to the dregs,
And for the School - three times....Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!

(sound of an airplane)
Flight Attendant 1: Dear passengers! Our liner is approaching "Memory Alley"

We begin to decline(beep)

Slide 4 "Memory Alley"

Stewardess 2:

Memory Lane is magical -

Thoughts and dreams are evident here.

The memory lane is soulful -

Here you will find everything you remember.

Stewardess 1:

We are pleased to introduce you to our very dear and important guests, not even guests, but the CELEBRITIES of the occasion.

The floor is given to the 1st director of our school Zhuk_____________________________________________

Stewardess 2: time covers the wounds left in the memory by those who will never come here again... We

We remember those who, unfortunately, are no longer with us.

VIDEO (Against the background of the song, photographs of teachers who have passed away are shown, comments L.A. Troshchinina)

Stewardess 1: As we fly down memory lane, let's remember the fun moments of those past years The floor is given to the 2nd director of our school, Antonina Nikolaevna Dmitrieva

Stewardess 2: Dear passengers! The ship's crew informs you that our airliner has reached its maximum altitude. The evening continues, you can unfasten your seat belts, you are allowed to stand up, but not everyone at once, you are allowed to walkyes, but no further than the captain of the liner

Stewardess 1: 40 let's be big term

How many events happened during this period!

Something has been forgotten, but much remains

in our memory and has become history

Stewardess 2:

“Where did it all begin?” -

We will ask you questions

"The Day That Happened" Quiz.
The host of the corporate party names various memorable events in the life of the company and asks those present to remember the exact date when these events took place. For each correct answer, the participant (team) receives five bonus points.

Competition "Who, where, when".
The host of the corporate party turns on the projector (or slide projector) and shows guests photographs, videos or slides. For each episode, guests must answer the following questions:
1. Who is this or what is this?
2. Where does this happen?
3. When (exact day, year) does this happen?
Each correct answer is awarded five points.

(After this, the results of the competitions are summed up and the winners receive prizes. )

Stewardess 1: And we gain altitude again, our flight continues and we fly further in the direction"Islands of Congratulations"

Stewardess 2: Dear friends, our flight continues, the temperature inside the aircraft is gradually rising. There are guests on board our ship, the floor is given to our guests_______________________________________________________________________________ (former graduates and teachers)

Stewardess 1:

What could be more wonderful
When love melts
Congratulations to the school
Colleagues and friends!

Slide 5 “Islands of Congratulations”

Stewardess 2: The crew also decided that it was time to present a few more small gifts to our school from our colleagues. We are descending, fasten your seat belts before us."Island of Congratulations" (speeches by teachers)
Stewardess 1:

The harvest is rich according to wishes,
Guests have a large supply of them,
Congratulate our school on its anniversary
They are ready right here, now.





Stewardess 1: Dear passengers! So, take your seats, we'll take off again and head to the bottom "Mountain Range"

Stewardess 2: What does an ordinary passenger usually do until his plane arrives at its destination?

Stewardess 1: I know! Firstly, he sleeps, secondly, he communicates with fellow travelers, thirdly, he drinks and eats, fourthly, he looks for himself interesting entertainment. But today we have an unusual flight, an anniversary one, and our passengers are not ordinary people, but friends, colleagues, in a word - dear and honored guests. What should our passengers do now?

Stewardess 2:
While our plane is gaining altitude, I suggest..."

Remember the different professions that exist and guess who might get drunk. Do you know how, for example, a carpenter gets drunk? (on the board).

Glazier - to pieces

The cab driver goes into the arc

Firefighter - in the haze

Shoemaker - insole

Tailor - in rags

Undertaker - to death

Pig farm - until the pig squeals

Football player - out

Hunter - into the snipe

Railroad worker - in the handcar

Cook - into the sausage

Cooper - in a barrel

The forester is in trouble

Musician - to the tune

Electrician - passed out

Sportsman - lying down

Medic - until he loses his pulse

Physicist - until resistance is lost

Journalist - to the point

Chemist - before precipitation

Writer - to the touch

Astronomer - to the stars from the eyes

Now let's remember who loves how?

Fireman - fiery

Cook - hot

Photographer – instantly

Confectioner - sweet

Watchmaker - every minute

Lawyer - eloquently

Bath attendant - it's hot

Fisherman - coolly

Accountant - prudently

Student - platonic

Doctor - deadly

Crazy - crazy

(airplane sound again)


Stewardess1: And again a stop.Our airliner landed at the airport to refuel, and you all have the opportunity to refuel a little and warm up.

( dance break).

STEWARDESS 1: In front of you "Mountain range",

Stewardess 2: We land right at the foot of this mountain range (photo on the screen of all the school teachers) behind which our children always feel protected from storm winds, snowfalls, storms, and blizzards. These are our teachers and educators. Patience to you all and good health for many years to come.

Stewardess1: The students of our school have prepared a video of congratulations for you. Attention to the screen.

Stewardess 1: The good mood grows along with the speed of our liner. I ask the guests to raise their glasses so that all the troubles in our school will fly away at the speed of a jet airliner, and its future will be filled with the light of joyful happiness.

Stewardess 2:

What's so special about an anniversary?

The fact that the house is full of friends.

A sea of ​​toasts, games and laughter...

There's more fun for you

Continuing the fun

We all play the lottery.


Flight Attendant 1: Our plane is flying rapidly forward. From the height of our flight, we can see all corners of our vast, beloved school continent.

Stewardess: Let's try to look into every corner of it, which left its indelible mark on the soul, taught us a lot, and most importantly taught us to believe in ourselves, on our way "entertainment island" from here we will stay for a long time to refuel our liner

Stewardess 1: Dear passengers, we are descending, look through the eluminators, in front of us is the “Island of Entertainment”, first let’s warm up a little


Stewardess 2:

And now I ask you,
Everyone should start dancing now.
Let's dance together
Have fun, light up.

(dance break)

Stewardess 1 : After the dance break, it seems to me that you have gained a second wind, and I propose to perform collective songs


Stewardess:2 Dear guests! Today at this hour in this room there is a collection of extraordinary things on display. These are favorite items or necessary supplies for teachers and school staff.

Things are invisible and your task is to guess these things and their owners.

1. Exhibit number one. A sheet that hangs on a board, painted with red and black arrows. reflective glorious journey armies and states, but most importantly our Mother Russia. What kind of sheet is it and who is the teacher who owns it?

2. Exhibit number two. This is an item that not a single day can go without. To compile it, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. All the lessons are written in this thing.

What is this thing and who makes it up?

3. Third exhibit. The exhibit is bipedal, but each leg has its own purpose. When one leg stands with its head buried in the surface, the other dances around it in a circle.

The owner of this exhibit has a number of other necessary objects for working on the board, but she can do without them, depicting all sorts of figures on the board with a sweeping movement of her hand. What are these things and who owns them?

4. Fourth exhibit An object for beating with hands, feet, head and all parts of the body. It is especially often attacked by a tall person, after training with whom all parts of this body hurt. What is this item and who owns it?

5. Fifth exhibit. Item. which we will talk about is very important, it contains all the information about the students. where they live, who the parents are, and most importantly, it contains numbers from 1 to five. What is this item?

6. Sixth exhibit. The item is round in shape, but is not used in the gym. Motley. spins, with the help of this item you can travel without having dollars, camels and jeeps. What is this item and who is its owner?

7. Seventh exhibit. Or rather, not an exhibit, but an exhibition of exhibits, which you will see when you come to one office of our school. There is everything for life, and most importantly, for preparing food that is so delicious. This is the most delicious office in our school. What kind of office is this and who owns it?

Stewardess . 2: School you should know this!

Stewardess 1: Our school is our cozy home

Where children are always waiting for us

Where we are greeted only with kindness

Where no one will be bored

All the stars lit up in the darkness

Above our school

Doesn't happen anywhere

Life is so fun

We all love you

Happy Birthday school! (fill glasses)

Stewardess 1:

Let the glasses clink, let the wine sparkle,
Let the night starfall knock on your window.
On this moonlit night you can’t live without smiles,
Pain and sorrow - away! Happy Anniversary, friends!

(fill glasses)

Stewardess 2: Dance break announced

Stewardess 1: We offer one more entertainment for you, dear passengers.

Stewardess 2:

We say thank you to everyone

For your hard work!

For what you're on there is light,

Why are you working here? (we pour glasses and drink to our union)

Presenter 1:

It’s very difficult to stay on the level!
But if you try, it’s possible!
Everyone has their own level, I know
And this is what I offer you now:
Raise glasses to chest level,

Forgetting now for a while my scales
And everyone will drink on the same scale,
After all, we need to level all levels!
And a common understanding
Will have a beneficial effect
For all processes in your body
And you will have no place in pessimism!
Dance break


Let's drink together to success,
May he accompany everyone in life!
So that you never know barriers in your dreams
And in good noble endeavors!

And in order to securely consolidate success,
We'll drink to him all evening
And may our holiday be successful!
With success and may you be lucky in everything

Stewardess 1 : Our cruise around the school continent has come to an end.Thank you for the pleasant communication!

Stewardess 2:

Today all earthly sounds

We are intertwined into a single choir

And there is no place for melancholy and boredom,

After all, school is our life!

Presenter 1:

Live, school, for many, many years,

Let restless hearts beat.

We wish you light and victories

And we are with you forever, until the end!


11.00 Loading, setting up equipment, meeting guests.

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen! We are pleased to welcome you on board our cruise ship Aurora on a journey dedicated to the ninth anniversary of Avalon Trade! Today we will have an exciting entertainment program, many competitions, games, sweepstakes and unexpected discoveries. I mean that you and I will open bottles, fill glasses and drink to the bottom so as not to fall to the bottom ourselves. And since we have already set sail from the pier, according to the old maritime custom, it’s time to drink to the successful start of the journey. And according to the same maritime custom, the first solemn word is given to the General Director of the Avalon Trade company, Vladimir Konstantinovich Bannikov!!!

11.10 - Vladimir Konstantinovich gives a speech, everyone drinks and has a snack, light music plays.

Just before sailing, I was told that in one company the general and commercial director gathered the employees of their company, put them on a ship branded as a cruise, and then dropped everyone off on a desert island and sailed away. In this elegant way they decided to downsize. There were no conversations about staff reductions in your company before sailing? Will this not happen to us, Vladimir Konstantinovich?

By the way, a joke about desert island. One businessman says to another, I’m going to go on vacation to a desert island this year; I haven’t been there for five years. And the second one asks - how does your wife feel about this idea? And the first one answers him - he’s happy, you can probably imagine how much she missed me over these five years there!

But let us, dear ladies and gentlemen, not forget that you and I are not just idly riding around on our wonderful ship, drinking and snacking, admiring the passing landscapes, but at the same time we are also celebrating the birthday of the company in which you work. Who knows how old Avalon Trade is?

Yes, for a child nine years is the age of formation and learning, but for a company, in my opinion, this is the age of adolescence. Or am I mistaken and nine years is the age of stable maturity? I think the answer to this question can be given by the commercial director of Avalon Trade, Andrei Nikolaevich Vasyutin.

11.20 - Andrei Nikolaevich gives a speech, everyone drinks and has a snack.

In the meantime, while you are all getting used to our wonderful ship, I offer you a little warm-up game. This will be a short acquaintance between you and me based on the signs of the zodiac, I will read a quatrain to you, and you will guess for which sign this forecast is for. And first, I want to introduce myself, my name is Olga, and Sergey will play the music and help me. Well, let's go.

And as I already said, we are here not only to have fun on a boat, but not to forget that today is our favorite company “Avalon Trade”’s birthday! I once witnessed how, at a corporate party, which naturally was not hosted by us, because this cannot happen here, at the end of the celebration, one of the employees pulled his face out of the salad where he had been sleeping and asked in surprise: “Who’s getting married?” -That?". And then, in order to figure out who was getting married, he began to shout: “Bitter!”

To prevent this from happening to you and me, during the trip we will “grow” our “Avalon Trade” from infancy until the age of nine. But we will not grow it just like that, but by playing various exciting games related to the upbringing and development of baby Avalon as a person.

The most active participants in the games will be rewarded with banknotes, which we called “avalons” in honor of the company. Upon returning from the voyage, we will hold an auction of expensive prizes that are on display here, which you can redeem exclusively with these same “avalons.” Other banknotes will not be accepted for payment at the auction.

My dear friends, and now I would like you all to fill your glasses so that.....

Synonyms for drink. We have our last drink and give the floor to the Head of Direct Sales, Alexander Borozdin, and his deputy, Viktor Rybakov.

(accept, shudder, grunt, rattle, aggravate, rejoice...)

"Maternity hospital"

And we will begin our fun competition, of course, from the very birth of our “baby”. I need a man and a woman who will play the role of husband and wife for us. Well, not in the sense that you thought, but in the good way.

But I would like, I hope you will all support me, to have Alexander Borozdin play the role of the betrothed because... I know that it was on this wonderful day that he became the father of a beautiful son, and the role of the young wife was played by one of the old-timers of the Avalon Trade company, Irina Solovyova. If you all don’t mind, then let’s ask Alexander and Irina to come out to me with friendly applause and play these wonderful roles.

Imagine that you are suddenly informed that your wife has given birth. You drop everything, rush to the maternity hospital and see your wife behind the glass window of the maternity hospital. But the glass is double, soundproof, and you can only guess what your wife wants to tell you just by facial expressions and gestures. Now I give our “mother” a cheat sheet, according to which she will explain to her “husband” what she wants to tell him, and he will guess and tell us what exactly his wife wants from him. And then you and I will read this cheat sheet and find out whether our “new father” understood his “betrothed” correctly.

The game is underway. (For participation of 200 avalons) 2 people MJ participate

A year flew by quickly and now our newborn Avalonchik has already grown up, began to walk independently and speak his first words. And parents have more worries - they need to feed the baby, change his diapers, get up to the crib at night to lull him to sleep. And let's see if the new parents are ready to cope with their responsibilities of caring for their son?

I need 2 teams of 6 people, please don’t be shy, an equal number of men and women is not necessary. Both girls and boys can participate in this competition. As soon as the teams gather, I will explain your task, the competition is very fun and funny.

Game “Dress the Baby” (12 people participate). (Winners receive 600 Avalons)

And now I again offer to fill my glasses, and for the solemn speech (I ask you to come to me or I will come to you) to the head of the Department for Work with Hotels, Bars, and Casinos, Tigran Yeremyan.

Only a few minutes have passed since our last game, but in fact another whole year has passed and our Avalon has already grown significantly. Today he turned two years old, and now parents need to take care of the baby so that he develops, grows up as an intelligent and well-mannered boy, reads poems to him with expression and sings songs to him. The parents decided to hire a nanny who would read poetry to the baby.

And our incorruptible and impartial judges in the person of Vladimir Konstantinovich and Andrei Nikolaevich will help us choose the winner.

And don’t forget that for active participation in the games you will receive avalons, which you can use to buy the item you like on your way back to Moscow at our auction!!!

Our Avalonchik is TWO years old, and let's listen to what Alexander Denisov and his deputy Vladimir Zhuravsky from the commercial department can tell us about this. In the meantime, I look for them and approach them, please fill your glasses and get ready to listen to a wonderful toast.

A short dance break, anyone who wishes can sing.

I give the floor to the chief accountant Elena Alekseevna Semenova. TOAST.

13.30 - Landing, connecting equipment.

13.40 I give the floor to Irina Solovyova from the accounting and financial department. TOAST.

Now I propose to continue raising our Avalon, because another year has passed and he is already 3 years old. And at 3 years old, children really love when they are told fairy tales, and they love even more when they are shown them. I ask 10 willing people to come to me who want to cheer and console Avalon.

Game "Teremok"

14.00 And now I would like to give the floor to Vladimir Filtsev, control automation department

Do you know how, for example, a carpenter gets drunk? (on the board). Let's remember the different professions that exist and guess who can get drunk.

Now let's remember who loves how?

Glazier - to pieces

The cab driver goes into the arc

Fireman - in the haze

Shoemaker - insole

Tailor - in rags

Undertaker - to death

Football player - out

Hunter - into the snipe

Railroad worker - in the handcar

Cook - into the sausage

Cooper - in a barrel

The forester is a big deal

Musician - to the tune

Electrician - passed out

Sportsman - lying down

Medic - until he loses his pulse

Physicist - until resistance is lost

Journalist - to the point

Chemist - before precipitation

Writer - up to the handle

Astronomer - up to the stars from the eyes

Glazier - to pieces

The cab driver goes into the arc

Fireman - in the haze

Shoemaker - insole

Tailor - in rags

Undertaker - to death

Pig farm - until the pig squeals

Football player - out

Hunter - into the snipe

Railroad worker - in the handcar

Cook - into the sausage

Cooper - in a barrel

Olga Krikun
Holiday script " Sea cruise Around the World" (for children of senior and preparatory groups)

Target: Organization active recreation children.

Secure interest children to exercise in the pool.

Help improve motor skills.

Strengthen spatial orientation skills.

Nurture friendly relationships between children, create a positive emotional mood.

Duration. 60 minutes.

Equipment: 2 bananas, 2 balls, 2 basins of water, pebbles, 2 plastic mugs, 2 saucepans, 2-4 fish, 2 potatoes, 2 carrots, 2 onions, 2 apples, 2 oranges, mermaid costumes, soundtrack of children's songs; costumes of pirates and Neptune.

The progress of the holiday

Leading: Hello guys! Today we are going with you to sea ​​cruise around the world - around the world sailing is a journey across the seas and oceans. Our ships will sail at some distance from each other. If we need to transmit any message to a neighboring ship, you and I will develop special signals that will help us, but in order to understand these signs, we must be very careful.

Game "Signals" (music – track number 5)

The presenter shows his palm to the children:

1. straight line - normal walking

2. up – down – jumping

3. wave - lunges

4. circular movements - running

Leading: our ships are setting off on a long voyage. Sailors must be strong and agile, so I suggest all the guys warm up and practice.

Warm-up (music – track No. 6 "About the Giraffe")

Leading: Our ships sailed many miles and the sailors saw the land - Africa. And here's the first stop. The sailors went ashore. Who do you think lives in Africa? That's right, monkeys. And now you and I will turn into little monkeys and hold monkey competitions.

Relay "Pass the banana" (teams of 6-7 people)– (music – track number 7 "Monkey").

Leading:Thank you guys for playing with the monkeys. It's time to sail on. Guys, we are sailing through cold Antarctica. Show how cold it is in Antarctica. Let's make a stop. Who lives in Antarctica? (penguins) What are they? Now we'll play

into penguins and show how they walk.

Relay "Penguins with a ball" (music – track number 8)

Leading:But the storm has subsided, the ship needs to moor to the shore, and the sailors need to rest a little. And here is the land - we sailed to Asia. The sailors went ashore, and the water was so clean and transparent that all the pebbles on the seabed. You know guys, in Asia many women collect pearls on seabed. They dive deep into the sea to get pearls. So we will imagine that we "Pearl Fishers" and take turns taking the pebbles out of the water.

Relay "Pearl Fishers" (music – track number 10)

Leading: Well done, guys. They completed the task quickly and deftly. Our ships set off on their return journey to kindergarten. But what is this island on our way, it’s not on the map? Let's stop on this island.

Music is playing (track No. 11 – Neptune’s exit)

Neptune: Who disturbed my peace?

Who made the noise and howl?

Get out of my possessions!

Otherwise night will come,

I want you too by morning

I will wipe everyone off the face of the earth!

Leading:Don’t be angry with the commands

Let's figure it out better

Look at the guys -

A kindergarten has gone to sea!

Neptune: Proud ruler of the seas I am,

Pisces, dolphin lord.

My palace is at the bottom sea

All covered with amber!

I'll give you a competition

I'll check my mind and diligence.

Neptune:First, I’ll play a game with you "Fishing rod"(plays with children senior preschool age) . And now I tell you guys I want to make riddles:

1. What can’t you hold in your hands, what can’t be carried away in a sieve? (water)

2. he walks and walks along the shore, but when he doesn’t reach the shore, he disappears (wave)

3. no arms, no legs, but runs. (river)

4. A bag of water flew over you, over me.

It flew into a distant forest, lost weight and disappeared. (cloud)

Neptune:I tested your intelligence, and now I want to see it. How do you carry water?

Relay "Don't spill the water" (music – track number 12)

Neptune: Yes, I see you guys are careful, you don’t waste water. This is very good. You know, while I was playing with you, I seemed to get very hungry.

Leading: And we, Neptune, will now cook fish soup for you - tasty and rich. Really, guys?

Relay “Who can cook fish soup faster?”(music – track number 13 – "Cooks")

Neptune:Now I will try the fish soup and I ask you all to remain silent! (checks what foods the children put in their ears)

Leading: Dear Neptune, where is your daughter the Little Mermaid? Isn't she with you?

Neptune:I didn’t come to you alone. My daughter sailed with me. But for some reason she hasn’t been around for a long time. Something must have happened to her on the way. Maybe she was attacked sea ​​robbers - pirates? Are there any daredevils among you who are not afraid to fight the pirates and free the Little Mermaid?

(children answer)

Music is heard (track number 14 "Song of Wild Guitars", pirates enter with a tied up Little Mermaid.

1 pirate: Where did we go? I have never seen such island inhabitants before. How pretty!

2 pirate: And the chubby ones probably eat well.

1 pirate Let's steal them, and then demand a ransom for them.

2 pirate: Yes! And mothers and fathers will cry for their children and pay us such a ransom!

1 pirate Come on, pull out your pistols and nets, we’ll catch them now (trying to catch children) (music track number 15 "Criminals Hiding")

Leading: suggests attacking the pirates with water pistols and saving the Little Mermaid. Children spray pirates with water.

1 pirate Oh, save me!

2 pirate: Help!

1 pirateWe won't do this anymore!

2 pirate: We will give you everything you want - gold, silver...

Leading:No, no, no! We don't need your gold and silver. Give us the little mermaid!

Neptune:Oh, you robbers! Why was the Little Mermaid kidnapped? I command that the pirates be punished!

1 pirate (fall to their knees) Forgive us, great Neptune!

2 pirate: We will never rob or mistreat again!

1 pirate We will become good, like these children.

Neptune: Well, Little Mermaid, shall we forgive them?

Little Mermaid:We'll forgive you if you guess my riddles (children help guess):

1. At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark, there lies a mustachioed log. (som)

2. She had a drink in her mouth, lived under water, scared everyone, swallowed everyone, and now it got into her ear. (pike)

3. I don’t walk or fly, but try to catch up! I can be golden, come on, look into a fairy tale! (goldfish)

Neptune: And now, Little Mermaid, please me and our guests by dancing with your girlfriends - the little mermaids.

Dance of the Little Mermaids (music track No. 16 "To Eliza")

Little Mermaid Guys, listen to another riddle:

In the summer in the swamp you you will find, green frog, who is it? (frog)

Leading: And now we’ll see which of our little frogs can jump to the swamp faster.

Relay "Frogs" (music track no. 17)

Neptune: I am pleased with you, friends, brave men and women!

Prowess and agility were shown, everyone did well today!

Soon you will you go to school,But I will give one piece of advice:

Forever with water sea You need to make friends!

And for saving my Little Mermaid, I want to reward you with sweets! music track number 18)

Little Mermaid It's time for us to go to the sea,

Goodbye, kids! (leave) (music track no. 19)

Leading: And again the tempting waves are calling to you,

And friendly hearts are full of united strength!

Under the canopy of sails we hurry back,

We cannot deviate from the planned course!

And so we sailed to our kindergarten, our ship is at the pier and all the sailors go ashore.