Moscow water public transport (river trams). Moscow River Shipping Company Dress code Moscow Oka River Shipping Company Department


Taxpayer Identification Number: 6910021613

Type of activity (according to OKVED): 68.20 - Rent and management of own or leased real estate

Type of ownership: 16 - Private property

Organizational and legal form: 12300 - Limited liability companies

Reporting prepared in thousand rubles

See detailed verification of the counterparty

Accounting statements for 2012-2017.

1. Balance sheet

Indicator name Code #DATE#
Intangible assets 1110 #1110#
Research and development results 1120 #1120#
Intangible search assets 1130 #1130#
Material prospecting assets 1140 #1140#
Fixed assets 1150 #1150#
Profitable investments in material assets 1160 #1160#
Financial investments 1170 #1170#
Deferred tax assets 1180 #1180#
Other noncurrent assets 1190 #1190#
Total for Section I 1100 #1100#
Reserves 1210 #1210#
Value added tax on purchased assets 1220 #1220#
Accounts receivable 1230 #1230#
Financial investments (excluding cash equivalents) 1240 #1240#
Cash and cash equivalents 1250 #1250#
Other current assets 1260 #1260#
Total for Section II 1200 #1200#
BALANCE 1600 #1600#
Authorized capital (share capital, authorized capital, contributions of partners) 1310 #1310#
Own shares purchased from shareholders 1320 #1320#
Revaluation of non-current assets 1340 #1340#
Additional capital (without revaluation) 1350 #1350#
Reserve capital 1360 #1360#
Retained earnings (uncovered loss) 1370 #1370#
Total for Section III 1300 #1300#
Borrowed funds 1410 #1410#
Deferred tax liabilities 1420 #1420#
Estimated liabilities 1430 #1430#
Other obligations 1450 #1450#
Total for Section IV 1400 #1400#
Borrowed funds 1510 #1510#
Accounts payable 1520 #1520#
revenue of the future periods 1530 #1530#
Estimated liabilities 1540 #1540#
Other obligations 1550 #1550#
Total for Section V 1500 #1500#
BALANCE 1700 #1700#

Brief balance sheet analysis

Chart of changes in non-current assets, total assets and capital and reserves by year

Financial indicator 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2015 31.12.2016 31.12.2017
Net assets 1 0 5200 5605 5963 6325 6445
Autonomy coefficient (norm: 0.5 or more) - 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 1
Current liquidity ratio (norm: 1.5-2 and above) - 3.2 9.9 15.9 14.7 -

1 without taking into account the debt of the founders for contributions to the authorized capital

2. Profit and loss statement

Indicator name Code #PERIOD#
Revenue 2110 #2110#
Cost of sales 2120 #2120#
Gross profit (loss) 2100 #2100#
Business expenses 2210 #2210#
Administrative expenses 2220 #2220#
Profit (loss) from sales 2200 #2200#
Income from participation in other organizations 2310 #2310#
Interest receivable 2320 #2320#
Percentage to be paid 2330 #2330#
Other income 2340 #2340#
other expenses 2350 #2350#
Profit (loss) before tax 2300 #2300#
Current income tax 2410 #2410#
incl. permanent tax liabilities (assets) 2421 #2421#
Change in deferred tax liabilities 2430 #2430#
Change in deferred tax assets 2450 #2450#
Other 2460 #2460#
Net income (loss) 2400 #2400#
Result from the revaluation of non-current assets, not included in the net profit (loss) of the period 2510 #2510#
Result from other operations not included in the net profit (loss) of the period 2520 #2520#
Total financial result of the period 2500 #2500#

Brief analysis of financial results

Graph of changes in revenue and net profit by year

Financial indicator 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
EBIT 121 506 449 456 529
Return on sales (profit from sales in each ruble of revenue) 57.8% 59.5% 52.2% 53.3% 61.6%
Return on equity (ROE) 4% 7% 6% 6% 7%
Return on assets (ROA) 3.7% 7.4% 6.1% 5.8% 6.5%

4. Cash flow statement

Indicator name Code #PERIOD#
Cash flows from current operations
Receipts - total 4110 #4110#
from the sale of products, goods, works and services
4111 #4111#
lease payments, license fees, royalties, commissions and other similar payments 4112 #4112#
from resale of financial investments 4113 #4113#
other supply 4119 #4119#
Payments - total 4120 #4120#
to suppliers (contractors) for raw materials, materials, works, services
4121 #4121#
in connection with the remuneration of employees 4122 #4122#
interest on debt obligations 4123 #4123#
corporate income tax 4124 #4124#
other payments 4129 #4129#
Balance of cash flows from current operations 4100 #4100#
Cash flows from investment operations
Receipts - total 4210 #4210#
from the sale of non-current assets (except financial investments)
4211 #4211#
from the sale of shares of other organizations (participatory interests) 4212 #4212#
from the repayment of loans provided, from the sale of debt securities (claims Money to other persons) 4213 #4213#
dividends, interest on debt financial investments and similar income from equity participation in other organizations 4214 #4214#
other supply 4219 #4219#
Payments - total 4220 #4220#
in connection with the acquisition, creation, modernization, reconstruction and preparation for use of non-current assets
4221 #4221#
in connection with the acquisition of shares of other organizations (participatory interests) 4222 #4222#
in connection with the acquisition of debt securities (rights to claim funds against other persons), provision of loans to other persons 4223 #4223#
interest on debt obligations included in the cost of an investment asset 4224 #4224#
other payments 4229 #4229#
Balance of cash flows from investment operations 4200 #4200#
Cash flows from financial transactions
Receipts - total 4310 #4310#
obtaining credits and loans
4311 #4311#
cash deposits of owners (participants) 4312 #4312#
from issuing shares, increasing participation shares 4313 #4313#
from the issue of bonds, bills and other debt securities, etc. 4314 #4314#
other supply 4319 #4319#
Payments - total 4320 #4320#
owners (participants) in connection with the repurchase of shares (participatory interests) of the organization from them or their withdrawal from the membership of participants
4321 #4321#
for payment of dividends and other payments 4322 #4322#
on the distribution of profits in favor of owners (participants) in connection with the repayment (redemption) of bills and other debt securities, repayment of loans and borrowings 4323 #4323#
other payments 4329 #4329#
Balance of cash flows from financial transactions 4300 #4300#
Balance of cash flows for the reporting period 4400 #4400#
Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the reporting period 4450 #4450#
Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the reporting period 4500 #4500#
The magnitude of the impact of changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the ruble 4490 #4490#

6. Report on the intended use of funds

Indicator name Code #PERIOD#
Balance of funds at the beginning of the reporting year 6100 #6100#
Funds received
Entry fees 6210 #6210#
Membership fee 6215 #6215#
Targeted contributions 6220 #6220#
Voluntary property contributions and donations 6230 #6230#
Profit from the organization's income-generating activities 6240 #6240#
Others 6250 #6250#
Total funds received 6200 #6200#
Funds used
Expenses for targeted activities 6310 #6310#
social and charitable assistance 6311 #6311#
holding conferences, meetings, seminars, etc. 6312 #6312#
other events 6313 #6313#
Expenses for maintaining the management staff 6320 #6320#
expenses related to wages (including accruals) 6321 #6321#
non-wage payments 6322 #6322#
expenses for official travel and business trips 6323 #6323#
maintenance of premises, buildings, road transport and other property (except repairs) 6324 #6324#
repair of fixed assets and other property 6325 #6325#
other 6326 #6326#
Acquisition of fixed assets, inventory and other property 6330 #6330#
Others 6350 #6350#
Total funds used 6300 #6300#
Balance of funds at the end of the reporting year 6400 #6400#

No data for this period

Indicator name Code Authorized capital Own shares,
purchased from shareholders
Extra capital Reserve capital retained earnings
(uncovered loss)
The amount of capital per 3200
Capital increase - total:
net profit
3311 X X X X
property revaluation 3312 X X X
income attributable directly to capital increase 3313 X X X
additional issue of shares 3314 X X
increase in the par value of shares 3315 X X
Reduction of capital - total: 3320
3321 X X X X
property revaluation 3322 X X X
expenses directly attributable to reduction of capital 3323 X X X
reduction in the par value of shares 3324 X
reduction in the number of shares 3325 X
reorganization of a legal entity 3326
dividends 3327 X X X X
Change in additional capital 3330 X X X
Change in reserve capital 3340 X X X X
The amount of capital per 3300

Additional checks

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* Indicators that are adjusted in comparison with Rosstat data are marked with an asterisk. The adjustment is necessary to eliminate obvious formal inconsistencies in reporting indicators (discrepancy between the sum of lines and the total value, typos) and is carried out according to an algorithm specially developed by us.

Reference: The financial statements are presented according to Rosstat data disclosed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The accuracy of the data provided depends on the accuracy of the submission of data to Rosstat and the processing of this data by the statistical agency. When using this reporting, we strongly recommend that you check the figures with the data of a paper (electronic) copy of the reporting posted on the official website of the organization or obtained from the organization itself. Financial analysis of the presented data is not part of Rosstat information and was performed using specialized


Before the October Revolution

On January 26, 1857, guard captain and resident of the city of Kasimov Gennady Nikolaevich Lvov submitted a petition to organize a shipping company on the Moscow, Oka and Volga rivers. The petition was granted on May 29 of the same year by order “of the Department of Transport and Public Buildings No. 105.” Officially, the Moscow River Shipping Company dates its history back to 1858, when the first regular voyages began. On April 29, the steamship "Moscow" and on May 4, the steamship "Nikolai" departed with cargo and passengers from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod and Kolomna.


Stalin's yacht will be left in Moscow

The Moscow Canal Federal State Budgetary Institution will buy it for 20 million rubles. The Moscow River Shipping Company (MRS) has the motor ship "Maxim Gorky", built in 1934 and known as "Stalin's yacht". It is planned to restore the ship, moor it in Moscow's Gorky Park and turn it into a museum dedicated to the history of the canal. The Federal State Budgetary Institution intends to find an external investor who will invest another 50 million rubles in modernization, but it is unclear whether the funds will be returned. Thus, the MRP considered the idea of ​​a “museum ship” to be good, but only as an “educational project”

"Stalin's Yacht" can be sold to Azerbaijan for 20 million rubles

The Moscow River Shipping Company (MRP) intends to sell the motor ship “Maxim Gorky”, built in 1934, known as “Stalin’s yacht”. Its operation has become unprofitable due to its high cost.

Negotiations on the sale of the vessel are underway with the Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company, which can create a maritime museum on it, MRP General Director Konstantin Anisimov told Kommersant.

The administration also lays claim to the ship Nizhny Novgorod. For the city, according to Anisimov, the Maxim Gorky is a “signature ship”, since it was built at local shipyards, and in 2018 the 150th anniversary of the writer’s birth is celebrated.

The history of the Moscow River Shipping Company began in 1858, when Guard Captain G.N. Lvov opened shipping on the Moscow River on the first voyage of the steamships "Moscow" and "Nikolai". By order of May 29, 1857 No. 105 of the Department of Communications and Public Buildings, he was allowed to establish a shipping company within the boundaries of the city of Moscow along the Moscow River to its mouth, along the Oka River from Orel to Nizhny Novgorod and along the Volga River from Tver to Simbirsk.

The development of navigation on the Moscow River was facilitated by the construction in 1874-1877 of six dams with locks (Perervinskaya, Besedinskaya (now named after Trudkommuny), Andreevskaya, Sofinskaya, Faustovskaya and Severskaya), which ensured the passage of ships with a draft of up to 90 cm from the mouth of the river to the city of Moscow .

Progressive steam traction gradually replaced the navigation of ships by barge haulers and horses. The construction of steamships for the Moscow-Oka basin was mainly carried out in Vyksa, Kolomna, Murom, Rybinsk, Gorokhovets. In 1900, there were 106 steam ships here, and 96 of them were built at domestic factories.

In 1903, the first motor ship in the world appeared in Russia - 3 marine diesel engines, each with a capacity of 120 hp, were installed on the oil river barge "Vandal". pp., which set the propellers in motion using an electric transmission consisting of three generators and electric motors. In a relatively short time, Russian industry successfully mastered the production of motor ships, and by 1914 there were already about two hundred of them on the Volga, and the number of large motor ships was 48 (passenger and cargo ships - 16, cargo ships - 12, tugboats - 20). Compared to steamships, motor ships had the following advantages: higher efficiency, lower fuel consumption (and, consequently, greater payload capacity and greater range), higher engine reliability. They transported along the rivers of the basin mainly timber and firewood - 42%, building materials - 21%, oil and petroleum products - 13%, grain cargo - about 5%. By the beginning of navigation in 1918, 165 self-propelled and 814 non-self-propelled vessels were nationalized in the Moscow-Oka basin, which were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Main Directorate of Water Transport of the People's Commissariat of Railways. Only at the end of the 20s did the rise begin river transport, destroyed civil war. In 1931, the Moscow-Oka River Shipping Company Department (MOURP) was organized. After the construction of the Moscow-Volga canal (1932-1937), the role of water transport in the Moscow region increased significantly. New ship repair yards and ports, repair bases and winter mooring points for the fleet were put into operation, and the a large number of new vessels specially designed to navigate the newly built canal and rivers of the region. To operate this fleet, the Moscow-Volga Canal Shipping Company (MVK) was created.

During the Great Patriotic War The main task of the Moscow rivermen was the evacuation of the population and equipment of industrial enterprises to the rear, the delivery of food and ammunition to the front. They played a special role in providing the capital with firewood. Shipbuilding enterprises belonging to the shipping company switched to the production of military products (shells, cartridges, snowmobiles, etc.). Ships with wooden hulls became part of the Volga military flotilla and were used as minesweepers in the defense of Stalingrad. Moscow rivermen fought in the ranks of the Soviet Army and Navy. Their glorious deeds and exploits were marked with orders and medals of the USSR, nineteen were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, three became full holders of the Order of Glory.

The post-war restoration of the national economy gave impetus to the development of river transport. Equipment for restored and new enterprises, construction materials and fuel were transported to Moscow via waterways. Ports, hydraulic structures, factories were reconstructed, ships and housing for river workers were built. In 1954, MOURP and the Moscow-Volga Canal Shipping Company were merged into the Moscow River Shipping Company.

Progressive labor methods have become widespread: driving non-self-propelled vessels using the pushing method (for which new pusher tugs and specialized non-self-propelled fleets were built), the team method of working ships, combining professions on ships, extracting construction sand from river beds using dredgers and loading it into specialized court. Passenger transport lines also developed, new ships were built for suburban passenger traffic and for recreation of the population. New types of “river-sea” fleet appeared, which made it possible to transport goods without transshipment on through flights from the Volga to the sea and back. In 1976, for its great contribution to the development of river transport, the Moscow River Shipping Company was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. At this time, the shipping company was a powerful transport association, which included 13 ports, passenger management and 6 industrial enterprises. The volume of cargo transportation reached 66 million tons, passengers - 10 million people. The shipping company entered the international tourism market and began to independently organize river cruises for tourists from Germany, USA, Poland and other countries. In 1994, during the process carried out in Russian Federation large-scale privatization of state property, the Moscow River Shipping Company was transformed into an open joint-stock company with a controlling stake in federal ownership. The economic crisis of the country in these years also affected the activities of the shipping company. High rates of inflation, non-payments, and a lack of working capital caused disruptions in the supply of ships with fuel and materials, and long delays in the payment of wages. But since 1996, thanks to the intensification of construction activity in Moscow, the construction of the Moscow Ring Road and the creation of the largest district of the capital in Maryino, the volume of river transport of sand and crushed stone has grown at a high rate. And a significant share of these cargoes was delivered by ships of the Moscow River Shipping Company. Development economic activity made it possible to stabilize the financial condition of the shipping company, create the necessary reserves for the repair and modernization of ships and port equipment, and eliminate wage arrears to personnel. By the beginning of the 21st century, the shipping company was firmly on its feet, fulfilling contractual obligations and meeting the needs of enterprises in Moscow and nearby regions in transportation of goods, providing services to passengers on local and tourist lines.

Today, the Moscow River Shipping Company is a large transport enterprise in the Moscow basin, which has modern passenger airliners, pleasure and banquet ships, a powerful cargo fleet.

River tram "Friendship"

Water public transport (water buses) - one of the types of urban transport in Moscow, which is more of an excursion and recreational transport than public passenger transport. It represents a collection route traffic along the Moscow River in three independent sections, movement along the Canal. Moscow (by the 90s having only a recreational role) and water crossings across the Moscow River (the latter have been closed one after another since the early 2000s). Currently, Moscow Mayor Luzhkov repeatedly expresses the idea of ​​​​developing water transport in order to relieve congestion on other types of public transport.

Water buses appeared in Moscow in 1923. Initially, they were managed by the Moscow-Oka River Transport Administration, and in 1933 a specialized Moscow Suburban Shipping Company was organized. The shipping company's fleet consisted of 70 small boats produced by the Gorodets shipyard, carrying 40 - 100 passengers. In pre-war Moscow, routes were popular A stone bridge- Zaozerye and Dorogomilovsky Bridge - AMO plant.

Since the sixties, commuter lines operated, served by high-speed hydrofoils; for example, lines along the Moscow Canal to Radosti Bay and the Pestovsky Reservoir were popular.

Gradually water transport in Moscow, it ceased to play a public role and moved into an excursion and walking niche. The operator of Moscow regular river trams is the Capital Shipping Company.

After the Great Patriotic War, river trams of the Moskvich type (which were built right there in Moscow) became widespread in Moscow. Then they were replaced by more modern ships of the Moskva type.

The Raketa high-speed boats operated on suburban lines.


Moscow River

The only route regularly operating during the entire navigation: Kyiv Station - Novospassky Bridge(works daily, traffic interval is approx. 50):

  • Kyiv railway station
  • Sparrow Hills(800 m from Vorobyovy Gory metro station)
  • Frunzenskaya embankment, in 2009, ships do not stop at this pier
  • Park of Culture
  • Crimean Bridge(400 m from the Park Kultury metro station)
  • Variety Theater (Bolshoi Kamenny Bridge) (on Bersenevskaya Embankment, currently regular ships do not stop at this pier)
  • Bolshoi Ustinsky Bridge (on Moskvoretskaya Embankment)
  • Novospassky Bridge (750 m from Proletarskaya metro station)

In 2009, the price of a ticket for the route “Kyiv Station - Novospassky Bridge” is 400 rubles for adults and 150 for children. Benefits are not provided to anyone.

Weekend route (3 - 4 flights per day) Park of Culture - Pechatniki with a stop at the Southern River Station.

Route Kolomenskoye - Brateevo - Maryino. It is actively used to deliver residents of the districts of the same name to the recreation area and the historical complex Kolomenskoye.