Where is the city of Shenzhen in China? Shenzhen, China: independent budget holiday and opportunity to earn money. Other routes and prices for cargo transportation

Do you believe that a huge metropolis, with a population of over 10 million people, will be a worthy place to spend your vacation? A full-fledged vacation: with the beach, sea, shopping, viewing wonderful sights?! Don't believe me?! In vain! There is such a city in the mysterious, wise Celestial Empire!

What kind of strength, intelligence, creativity do people who have managed to do such things need to have? short time build, equip such a city, make the world talk about it. Ah, this fishing town, which back in the 70s of the last century was inhabited by only 30 thousand people, today captivates, impresses, delights!

Shenzhen! Today it is a multimillion-dollar colossus that attracts the attention of tourists, investors, manufacturers, buyers, and whoever is not attracted to Shenzhen! It’s difficult to evaluate its merits and beauty in a short note! Moreover, we Far Easterners are probably closer to the land, culture, and people of the Celestial Empire!

And it’s easier for us to go on a trip to China, after all, it’s nearby, which simplifies the journey and requires much less cash costs. Russians living in the European part are more often heading to countries Western Europe, Turkey, Egypt. They probably don’t realize that China is not a small dirty province, but a large-scale, modern state developing at incredible speed!

Oh, what sentimentality, I love these loud-mouthed, tirelessly working people. Nowadays, Shenzhen is like a funnel attracting investments and new technologies. This is one of the cities in China, whose rapid development has taken one of the first places in terms of export volume.

I will not praise - I will admire! On the coast of the South China Sea, where Shenzhen is located, it is a wonderful place to relax; there is the cleanest sea: swim, sunbathe! If you go out into the city - please, public transport is at your service, for those who want to move quickly - a taxi that will take you in an unfamiliar city to any park, store, exhibition!

Did you know that Shenzhen is a concentration of various exhibitions, a concentration of electronic and electrical industries? But this city is considered the youngest city not only in Guangdong province, but also in China. Yes, on bus stops- maps showing your location, so you won’t get lost. Well, aren’t you already eager to “rush” to this miracle of China at the first opportunity?!

Shenzhen began its development as a special economic zone, which naturally allowed technical and cultural development to take off. Created in close proximity to Shenzhen, it became a kind of response to Hong Kong, which in 1979 was still a British colony (until 1997). Already in 1999, the first high-tech fair was held in Shenzhen, which has been held annually since then.

Climate and weather in Shenzhen

Since Shenzhen is located in a subtropical zone with a mild climate, you can relax here all year round. “There are no comrades according to taste!” says the saying. Therefore, despite the change in weather, the abundance of rain and typhoons in summer season, dryness of winter and spring - everyone who wants to visit Shenzhen will be able to choose the time of year and month in which they want to visit this Chinese miracle.

What month is best to go to Shenzhen?

It is believed that the most favorable time of year for a holiday in Shenzhen is from October to December. The weather here is cooler and drier at this time.

The city is simply surrounded by greenery, breathing its clean air is a pleasure. Walking around the city, it is impossible to get lost. It is narrow and long. The streets in the city are straightforward - so walking along unfamiliar city simple and easy. Shenzhen stretches along the coast for tens of kilometers. And Shenzhen's waterfront lives up to its promise. It's nice to walk along it.

Beaches and hotels of Shenzhen

The length of the city along the coast provides an excellent opportunity to relax on the coast, on which the beaches are located: Da mei sha, Xiao mei sha (main beaches), Xichun, Defu, Shuishatou, Siyun. Much has been written about Dameisha. There are many hotels here. However, so many hotels mean a lot of vacationers, so lovers of secluded relaxation can reach the Si Chong Peninsula in just two hours.

More things to do in Shenzhen

You know, we have different preferences: some people just like to wander along beautiful unfamiliar streets, some like to spend almost all their time on the beach, swimming and sunbathing, others “wander around until they drop” shopping. Such lovers simply need to visit the streets of Renmin Nanlu and Jiangshe Lu.

Expectation will not deceive you: electronics, tea, clothes, fur coats, national goods - everyone will find something interesting and necessary for themselves. There are fans of club and restaurant entertainment; for them there are numerous dance halls, karaoke, bars, tea houses; and someone “squeaks” from all sorts of attractions. They will be interested in: the ethnographic village of China, the Window of the World park the World), OCT (East) park, botanical garden " Magic Lake", oceanarium "Ocean Park.

Shenzhen is a city for every taste and desire! Don't forget that, among other things, China is a delicious gastronomic paradise! And we all love to eat! There is only one conclusion: beautiful place for relaxation, especially if you have not been to China. Let your acquaintance with it begin with Shenzhen; it is no coincidence that it is considered one of the cleanest and most pleasant cities for living and relaxing!

Shenzhen is located in Guangdong Province in southern China People's Republic, borders Hong Kong. Population 14 million people.



30 years ago Shenzhen was a small fishing village. The development of the region began in 1978, when the leader of the People's Republic of China, Deng Xiaoping, chose it as one of the special economic zones as part of a new course of market reforms. In addition to a platform for economic reforms, Shenzhen was then considered by the PRC authorities as “China’s answer to Hong Kong,” the issue of transferring it from the rule of the British crown to China had not yet been finally resolved.

The name of the city comes from a combination of two hieroglyphs “shen” and “zhen”, which translated means “deep boundary” or “deep drainage” (as local residents call the system of irrigation canals in flooded rice fields). Ancient name settlement- Pengcheng, which means “eagle city”.

Before the reforms began, Shenzhen was part of Bao'an County. In November 1979, Shenzhen was placed under direct control of the provincial government. In May 1980, Shenzhen officially became the first special economic zone of the People's Republic of China. Since November 1988, Shenzhen has become an administrative unit with provincial level of economic powers.


There are over fifty attractions in the city and its surroundings. Among them: theme parks“China in miniature” and “Window to the World”, ethnic village, Shenzhen water park, Lianhuashan Park, on the territory of which there is a statue of Deng Xiaoping, the “architect” of Chinese reforms; Shenzhen Sculpture Park, Xianhu Botanical Garden (Magic Lake), Shenzhen Wild World Safari Zoo; panorama of Shenzhen from the very beginning tall building the city “King of the Earth” (height 384 meters); Dapeng Fortress, Dongshan Monastery and Bell Tower in the suburbs of Dapeng; ancient city Nantou (Nanshan District), etc.

Shenzhen won the fight for the right to host the 2011 Summer Universiade.

The city is home to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

The city is home to the headquarters of the largest Chinese companies

  • Huawei (telecommunications equipment manufacturer)
  • ZTE (ZTI) (manufacturer of telecommunications equipment)

Shenzhen is one of the five hundred cities in the world that is included in the list of the cleanest and most comfortable cities to live in. There are only two of these in China - Dalian and Shenzhen proper (in Russia, by the way, not a single one!) But just 30 years ago in its place there was a small fishing village and the name of the city, and if literally - “deep boundary” is more suitable village, but in 1978, just two years after Mao's death, Deng Xiaoping decided to make its Chinese equivalent on the border with Hong Kong, and Shenzhen became one of the special economic zones. It received the status of China's first free economic zone in 1980, and a year earlier the town was directly subordinate to the government of Guangdong Province.

This explains the fact that there are no ancient attractions in Shenzhen, but tourists can visit ethnoparks, theme parks “China in Miniature”, “Window to the World” and others. But Shenzhen itself is an interesting attraction. Here there is a constant mild climate and only the rainy seasons in spring cause inconvenience, there is a rectangular street layout, so it is difficult to get lost in Shenzhen, the city is surrounded by greenery, and its skyscrapers are not overwhelming. Naturally, public transport works like clockwork, and taxis will take you where you need to go quickly, relatively cheaply and extremely safely.

There are quite a few foreigners here, but not as many as in Hong Kong or Shanghai, so they are not as snobby as in these cities.

What is striking about Shenzhen, besides the skyscrapers, greenery and magnificent roads, is its magnificent embankment from which you can see egrets fishing on the rocks.

The gap between the new Chinese and the Chinese from the hinterland is especially noticeable here. Right against the background of huge office skyscrapers and employees hurrying somewhere, beggars sit and lie on the streets, of which there are many on the streets of southern cities in winter and spring, when it is frosty in most of China. Here, a mixed feeling arises when you see how a poor Chinese man delivers on his bicycle drinking water. This is a thankless job - it is not only hard, but also does not allow one to ever escape from a state of extreme poverty.

Shenzhen is a provincial city, but it is also the center of several districts and satellite cities. Directly adjacent to Hong Kong are Nanshan ( South Mountain) and Futian (Happy Field), in Nanshan there is a passenger port from which you can go to Macau or Guangzhou, but the Yantian region is especially interesting for Russian tourists. Judging by the name, which translates as salt pans, this is exactly what they did here for a long time before the rise of Shenzhen. Yantian is only 10-15 kilometers from Shenzhen, but the road to it is covered by rather steep mountains, which were a serious obstacle until they were pierced by tunnels. Now there is a huge container port, its size can impress anyone. Only the territory of a container site can accommodate a medium-sized Russian city. There is also one of the most famous cutting factories in the Celestial Empire. precious stones, watch production. Shenzhen is worth visiting and worth staying in for your entire holiday. There are beaches here interesting places, it's really beautiful and modern here. The fact that it was Shenzhen that won the right to host the Universiade in 2011 from Moscow speaks in favor of the city.

Shenzhen from A to Z: map, hotels, attractions, restaurants, entertainment. Shopping, shops. Photos, videos and reviews about Shenzhen.

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Shenzhen (Shēnzhèn) is a city in Guangdong province in the south of the People's Republic of China, next to Hong Kong. Once a small fishing village, Shenzhen has grown into a major industrial, financial and transport center of the delta economic region in a short period of time (around 1980). Pearl River and the whole country as a whole. However, the development of Shenzhen has been heavily invested both from China and from abroad. Today we can safely say that Shenzhen is one of the ten most actively developing cities in China, and at the same time leads in terms of export volume. In addition, it is a city with a high standard of living.

Shenzhen is a city of magnificent skyscrapers, natural parks and one of the most famous and largest centers of the electronics and electrical industries. In 2008, UNESCO awarded Shenzhen the title of “Creative City of Design”, and in 2011 the XXVI World Summer Universiade was held here, which also contributed to the renovation and expansion of infrastructure.

How to get there

The easiest way to get to Shenzhen is from its neighboring Hong Kong, arriving at the airport of which you can get to your destination as follows:

  • by ferry, which departs from the pier of Hong Kong airport “SkyPier” and sails to Shenzhen for half an hour;
  • by direct bus that departs from Coach Station. During the trip, passengers will have to cross borders twice, go through passport and customs control;
  • on regular bus A43;
  • by metro to Lo Wu station, where you can go through passport and customs control before entering the city;
  • by taxi to the Lok Ma Chau / Huanggang border crossing.

There are a total of six border crossings between Hong Kong and Shenzhen: Lok Ma Chau/Huanggang, Lok Ma Chau/Futian Kou'an, Lo Wu/Luohu, Sha Tau Kok/Shatoujiao, Man Kam To/Wenjindu and Shenzhen Wan. They have dual names: one in Cantonese (from the Hong Kong side), the other in Mandarin (from the mainland China).

Search for flights to Hong Kong (closest airport to Shenzhen)

Weather in Shenzhen

Shenzhen lies in the subtropical zone, the climate here is hot and humid. On weather The proximity of the sea also influences: thanks to it, the winter here is mild, without large quantity precipitation and frost are very rare.

The rainy season in this part of China lasts from April to mid-October, summer months Strong monsoons blow here. Shenzhen is often hit by typhoons that come from the east.

The most pleasant time to travel to Shenzhen is from October to December, when cool and dry weather prevails. average temperature air in winter is +15-17°C, in spring - +18-26°C, in summer - +28-30°C, in autumn - +27-21°C ( average annual temperature fluctuates around +22.4-22.9°C).

Shenzhen Hotels

There are many hotels in Shenzhen to suit a wide range of tastes and budgets. Price per Double Room V inexpensive hotel is approximately 200 CNY. The most famous cheap hotels: Binjiang Hotel (Binjiang Dajiudian) on Hongling Lu Street; Yat Wah Hotel (Rihua Binguan) on the northwest corner of Shennan Lu and Heping Lu; Jing Peng Hotel (Jingpeng Binguan); Shenzhen Hotel (Shenzhen Jiudian) on Shennan Donglu Road.

Mid-level hotels will cost you 200-300 CNY per night, including: Airlines Hotel (Hangkong Binguan) on Shennan Dong Street (Shennan Donglu); Bamboo Garden Hotel (Zhuyuan Binguan) on Dongmen Beilu near the intersection with Aiguo Lu; Guangdong Hotel (Yuehai Jiudian) is a gleaming concrete and glass building on Shennan Dong Street.


There are, of course, in Shenzhen and expensive hotels, the cost of a night starts from 300 CNY. Nam Fong International Hotel (Nanfang Guoji Dajiudian) - eastern end of Shennan Dong Street; Century Plaza Hotel(Xindu Jiudian) on Cunfeng Lu, between Jianshe Lu and Renmin Lu; Shangri-La Hotel (Xiangge Lila Dajiudian), opposite the railway station.

A separate link in the classification of hotels - whole resort complexes, in which upscale hotels are accompanied by amusement parks, shopping centers, various sports activities, expensive restaurants and delightful parks. The most popular resorts Shenzhen: Honey Lake Resort (Xiangmi Hu Dujia Cun) west of the city; Shenzhen Bay Hotel (Shenzhen Wan Dajiudian) in the city where he lives top class- foreign investors, north of “Magnificent China”; Shiyan Lake Hot Springs Resort (Shiyan Hu Wenquan Dujia Cun) 5 km northwest of Shenzhen, outside the Zone; Xili Lake Resort (Xili Hu). Prices on the page are for October 2018.


Many tourists rightly believe that one of Shenzhen's best attractions is its shopping - the city is a great shopping destination. The city can be figuratively divided into four commercial districts. It is best to buy textiles in the area around the railway station; electronics - between Shanghai Hotel and SEG Electronics Co. Products from well-known brands can be purchased at the chic shopping centers Xiwu Department Store and International Commercial Market.

Very popular pedestrian shopping mall Dongjie with its elegant wooden stands, and Old center The city is dotted with shops pressed closely together. Seafood Street is located in Longgang District and is famous for its trade in dried seafood products.

Entertainment and attractions in Shenzhen

Shenzhen is famous for its theme parks, the most interesting of which is called “Window of the World,” which contains about 150 world attractions, only in a smaller copy. Here in one place you can see the Eiffel Tower and Piazza San Marco, the Roman Colosseum and Egyptian pyramids. As darkness falls, guests of the park will be treated to a magnificent light show. There is also a similar park in the city dedicated only to Chinese attractions - “Magnificent China”. Here you will find the Great Chinese Wall and Terracotta Warriors.

A very interesting eco-park - OCT (Overseas Chinese Town) East - is located in the east of the city, in the Dameisha area. Here you can admire the incredible beauty of orchids and pumpkins the size of cars, colorful butterflies and trained parrots. An entire pavilion is dedicated to tea: you will not only visit tea plantations, but also learn everything related to the production, preparation of tea and tea ceremonies. There is also an amusement park and golf course on site.

In Shenzhen, as in many Chinese cities, there is an “Artists Village”: it is called Dafeng, and a walk along its streets overlooking copies of paintings by great artists painted by talented residents is very impressive. You can also purchase these paintings here at very reasonable prices.

Of course, fresh and green Shenzhen has a huge number of parks. You can visit Botanical Garden Fairy Lake, where the Hong Fa Temple stands, or relax at Lotus Hill Park (Lianhua Shan Yuan), where you can often admire hundreds of children flying kites into the sky.

Shenzhen is the most actively developing city in China, a center for attracting culture and modern business systems to its region. In 2016, it was included in the list of the most technologically advanced cities according to Business Insider.

Shenzhen received city status forty years ago. Before that, it was a small village that appeared on this territory in the 4th century. Locals, who numbered no more than 25 thousand people, mined salt and fished. After 1980, when Shenzhen was declared the first free economic zone, the city began to grow and develop rapidly. In 2008, UNESCO awarded it the title of “City of Design” and included it in UNESCO’s Creative Cities Network.

Climate and weather

Shenzhen has a humid tropical climate. Thanks to its close location to South China Sea, winter here is mild. The air temperature does not fall below +15°C. Most of the precipitation falls in the spring and summer, when monsoons and typhoons arrive in the region. In summer the air temperature is about +28°C. The most favorable time to travel to Shenzhen is considered very favorable. From October to December the weather is pleasantly cool.

Where to stay and shop

Since the city receives most of its profits from retail trade, there are several thousand retail sites operating in Shenzhen. In addition to the local Rainbow and Maoye, Western Metro, Wal-Mart and Carrefoure are also open here. The main commercial points are in the Shanghai Hotel area, near the KK100 Tower and near the Shenzhen Grand Theatre. The main shopping street of Dongmeng is located in the Lo Hu area. Twenty years ago it was turned into a pedestrian zone. In the Huaqiangbei shopping area in Futian County, you can buy locally made appliances and clothing. Traditional Chinese stalls and shops where tourists can buy souvenirs and try local street food are located in the open markets in the Yantan district.

In 2011, the city was the capital of the Universiade. The hotel stock was updated for this event. In addition to expensive five-star hotels, hostels have appeared in the city. The city has hotels that belong to large international corporations, for example, Crown Plaza, Marriott, Ritz-Carlton, Holiday Inn. Popular local hotels include Kingkey Palace, Hui hotel, Grand Skylight and Nanfang International.

Urban transport

In 2004, the first metro line was launched in Shenzhen; today there are eight of them. About 350 thousand people use the subway every day. Tourists can take the metro any day of the week, from 6:30 to 23:00 at weekdays and until 0:00 - on weekends. The fare depends on the distance. Boarding costs 2 yuan. If a passenger has traveled less than 12 km, he will pay 1 yuan for every 4 km; if more, then 1 yuan for every 6 km. At the Luohu and Huanggang terminal stations there are transitions to the Hong Kong Metro Eastern Line.

Shenzhen metro map

Ground transport is represented by 20 thousand units public transport, including buses and taxis - all electric. There are several transport companies in the city that provide electric buses, including in areas where there are no metro stations yet. The bus fare is 2 yuan. An alternative to public ground transport Can serve as a taxi. It is easily recognized by its bright red, green and yellow colors.


The modern and technological city of Shenzhen is growing and developing rapidly. Over the past three decades, it has changed beyond recognition. You can verify this at the observation deck of one of the most tall skyscrapers city ​​- Xinxing Tower, whose height is 384 meters. For a more detailed acquaintance, visitors can use the services of an accredited guide, who can be found in any tourist center.

Nantou Old Town is located in Nanshan District. It was erected several centuries ago. Here you can see a Ming Dynasty gate, an opium den, active temple Guan Yu, residence of local officials. Near the fortress walls there is a two-story State Museum old city, the exhibition of which tells about the history of Shenzhen starting from the 6th century.

Not far from the walls of Nantou city stands Tianhou Temple. Founded at the beginning of the 15th century, it was dedicated to the goddess Mazu, who patronized sailors and fishermen. The temple was built at the expense of Admiral Zheng He, who became famous for surviving a terrible storm with his team.

In the east, the Dapeng fortress remains. At the end of the 14th century, it defended the settlement from pirates, and two centuries later it withstood a siege by corsairs from Japan. During the First Opium War, she was able to withstand the onslaught of British troops.

In addition to traditional attractions, the city has many theme parks:

  • The “Splendid Chinese Folk Village” occupies a significant area. The “Magnificent China” sector displays the main architectural monuments, and the “Chinese Village” folk culture" - typical settlements of local ethnic groups.
  • “Window of the world” stores the collection architectural monuments in reduced copies, ranging from huge Eiffel Tower, ending with the Moscow Kremlin. Visitors can take the monorail.
  • “Happy Valley” includes several dozen sports areas and entertainment - “Cartoon City”, “Typhoon Bay”, “Park” water activities Playa Maya.” Performances and celebrations are held daily for guests.
  • The main highlight of the Sea World Shekou theme park is the Minghua ship, which served General Charles de Gaulle in the middle of the last century. There is a hotel, a cinema, an entertainment club, a restaurant, and a gym here.

For the convenience of tourists, the “Happy Line” monorail was launched between the parks.

Green Zone

A special place in the lives of Shenzhen residents is occupied by gardens and parks, which succinctly fit into the modern landscape of the fast-growing metropolis.

In the Lo Hu area near Xianhao Lake there is a Botanical Garden. The Museum of Paleontology, exhibition pavilions and a tea house operate here. The Petrified Forest Park, which contains petrified plants from the Mesozoic era found in China, deserves special attention. In the 80s of the last century, the Hongfa Buddhist Temple was erected in the Botanical Garden - the largest religious building in the country. In addition, an azalea garden was laid out in the park. Nearby is the Wutoshan National Park, divided into a sports and forest area. Climbing Wutong Hill, you can see Shenzhen and Hong Kong nearby.
Futian area is famous big amount green spaces, including the Flower Exhibition Center, Dianhuashan Park and Shenzhen Garden. They were created specifically for the garden exhibition. Local authorities organize picnics and city festivals here.

The tiniest national park country was founded in 2000. During the development of the area, the city administration decided to preserve the mangroves and turn this place into a wild garden. Every year, birds fly to the Mangrove Park for the winter.

How to get to Shenzhen

Shenzhen Bao'an Airport, located 30 km from the city, receives local and international flights. Tourists from Russia can get here with a transfer in Beijing. You can get from the airport to the center by metro or bus.

Passes through the city railway line Guangzhou - Shenzhen connecting main station Shenzhen Luohu Zhan from Guangzhou. The Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong high-speed railway passes through the North Station, through which the Guangshengang Express runs.

You can get to Shenzhen from almost anywhere large city China:

  • The main station (Shenzhen Zhan) receives trains from Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Jiujian, Guilin, Shantou, Palitra.
  • Trains from Tianjin, Lanzhou, Jinan, Chengdu, Nanjing, Hefei Huaihua, Yuen arrive at the platforms of the West Station (Shenzhen Xi).
  • You can get to Shenzhen North Station (Shenzhen Bei) from Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Fuzhou.
Name in Chinese:深圳 / ShēnZhèn / Shumchun, which translated means “Deep ditch”.
Alternative title:鹏城 / PengCheng.
Population of Shenzhen: 13,026,600 (According to the Bureau of Statistics for 2018).
Total area: 1997 m3.
Shenzhen Postal Code: 518000
Year of foundation: 1979
Airport: Shenzhen Baoan international airport

History of Shenzhen

The development of the coastal lands of the region began even before our era, with the arrival of colonists. They established salt mining as a state monopoly under the protection of the emperor. Initially, the lands of Shenzhen were included within the boundaries of Bolo County.

In fact, the city was registered as an administrative unit only in 1979. At first, its population was only 30,000 people. At this time, new market reforms began in China, in particular, economic transformations with the creation of special economic zones (SEZs). Deng Xiaoping believed it was necessary to create an alternative to nearby Hong Kong, which was then under the jurisdiction of the British crown.

As a result, China's first Shenzhen Special Economic Zone was established in 1980, which received various government subsidies and preferences. This was the start of the development of the city, where industrial facilities, high-rise architecture, roads and bridges, theme parks, and housing complexes began to be created.

Currently, Shenzhen is one of the four largest cities China, and is the main center for the development of high technology in China - the so-called "Silicon Valley of China". The Chinese authorities are doing their best to promote the relocation of electronics manufacturers and IT companies to Shenzhen.

The population (mostly young people) grew to 12 million in 2015, and by 2018 the population had grown by another 1 million. The area of ​​the city is estimated at two thousand square kilometers.

A visit to Shenzhen and its environs is recommended for tourists who not only love to travel, but also want to get acquainted with the history and life of modern China, and see with their own eyes the unique sights of the country’s major regional centers.

Weather in Shenzhen

Shenzhen is a city in the very south of the mainland of the People's Republic of China, located near the border with Hong Kong, near the sea coast.
The city is located in the subtropical region. Winter here is short, dry and warm. Rains begin in April and continue until autumn. Air temperature: winter - up to +17C, spring - up to +26C, summer - up to +30C, autumn - up to +27C. Favorable dry weather season for tourism: October - February.

Shenzhen is the youngest city in China, it is only a little over 35 years old, which is why it is not rich in historical places. Modern architectural structures reflect the legends and myths of ancient China, as well as the trends of modern development. Of the old buildings, the ruins of ancient dwellings, temples, and fragments of streets paved with local building materials have survived.

The city is famous for skyscrapers up to 442 m high, which were erected in the Nianshan, Futian, and Luohu districts. From the platform located on the Shuang Hin Tower (384 m.), a panorama of the city opens, which is replete with fragments of landscape design - a combination of greenery and concrete, one of business cards cities.

Main attractions:

  • Amusement Park - Happy Valley
    This modern park entertainment, which is spread over an area of ​​more than 350 thousand square kilometers, which are divided into 9 thematic zones. Here you will find dozens of breathtaking attractions for both adults and children.
    Address: Located near the metro station: Window of the world. Price entrance tickets: adult 230 yuan, children 120, evening - 100. Name in Chinese: 欢乐谷
  • Miniature Park of the World - "Window to the World"
    This is one of the most famous attractions in Shenzhen. There are miniature reproductions of world famous attractions here, such as: the Eiffel Tower, Angkor Wat, Ancient Athens, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Big Ben, Egyptian pyramids and even Niagara Falls.
    Metro station: Window of the World. Ticket price: 220 yuan, evening ticket: 100 yuan (after 19:30). Name in Chinese: 世界之窗
  • China Miniature Park - "Folk Culture Village"
    Since Shenzhen does not have its own historical attractions, a park was created here where all the sights of China were recreated in miniature. Here you can see such famous Chinese attractions as: Great Wall, Terracotta Army, forbidden city, Shaolin, Potala Tibetan Temple, Huangshan, stone forest and others.
    Address:Huaqiaocheng metro station. Prices: 200 yuan ticket for adults, and 100 for children. Name in Chinese: 中国民俗文化村.
  • Chung Ying Street
    The street is famous for the fact that one half of it is in China, and the other in Hong Kong. Street name in Chinese: 中英街, which translates to: Chinese-English street.

Natural parks and gardens in Shenzhen

Shenzhen, as a southern subtropical city, is literally full of parks, gardens and natural complexes, attracting people of different ages. One can note the main recreation areas, which are a striking example of how the authorities are engaged in beautification and greening of the city.
  • Xianhu / Xianhu- a garden of 590 hectares, which was founded in 1982. The name, translated from Chinese, means: Fairy Lake. Garden surrounds big lake in the Lohu zone. Posted here Buddhist temple on the site where there once was a sanctuary. The lake is surrounded by pavilions, catering points, and teahouses. Gardens medicinal herbs, azaleas have no analogues in the world.
  • Wutongshan– the park is located among the hills near the Pearl River. Co observation deck You can enjoy stunning views of the bay with fishing boats and the skyscrapers of Hong Kong.
  • Lianhuashan / Lianhuashan- the park is a green oasis in the middle of a bustling city. There is a huge monument to Deng Xiaoping made of bronze. Favorite place townspeople for recreation and entertainment, picnics.
  • Shenzhen City Garden- created in the Futian region in 2004 to hold international exhibitions. It is full of artificial ponds, various gardens, and statues along the paths.
  • Shenzhen Bay Park includes recreation areas with infrastructure. It is located along a sea bay with a nine-kilometer-long embankment. The mangroves along the coast provide habitat for a variety of birds.
  • Safari Park(Nanshan zone) is a zoo with rare animals, a zoological center. It has been operating since 1993.
  • Lake Sile Resort(Nanshan zone) is surrounded by a picturesque embankment with stained glass windows, a green area where waterfalls are installed.
  • Zhongshan Park- has existed for decades in Nanshan. Its ponds, lakes and sculptures create an atmosphere of comfort, warmth and peace.
  • Yantaishan- forest park high mountain Yantai in Bao'an Zone. There is a reservoir nearby and resort area, which is famous for its geothermal springs.


Shenzhen is a famous center for festivals, carnivals and exhibitions. The program of these events is varied: music and entertainment shows, art, architecture, folk art. Thematic cultural centers and palaces for children's and youth creativity are concentrated in the Futian and Nianshan regions. The Longgang area is famous as a center for artists. They primarily engage in copying paintings by famous artists on an industrial scale. There are hundreds of studios here, where over 15 thousand artists work.

In the Futian, Nianshan, and Longgang districts, ten museums and galleries are open, dedicated to the history of the region's coastal settlements, archaeological artifacts, fish farming, masters of painting, art, design, and technical achievements.

There are great opportunities for musical and theatrical creativity in Shenzhen. The doors of major theaters and concert halls, Cantonese Opera, Concert Hall with a symphony hall, Nianshan - a theater for circus performances. The city's symphony orchestra is widely known outside the country and performs on tour in many countries.

Transport in Shenzhen

Air transportation

international Airport Shenzhen - Bao'an, is located 35 kilometers from the city center. The annual volume of traffic is more than 30 million passengers and more than a million tons of cargo. Air transportation routes are very different: to European countries, Asia-Pacific countries, Russia, within China. Passengers are provided with various, comfortable views transport for their delivery from the city to the airport and back.


Shenzhen ports provide container and Passenger Transportation and are among the top five world leaders in this service sector. For the convenience of passengers, they operate in port waters. sea ​​vessels various categories along routes along the coast and with access to the ocean. To transport people to Hong Kong, ferries and airships of ultra-modern classes operate within hourly availability. Passenger traffic in local ports reaches an impressive figure - five million people annually.

Current Shenzhen Subway Map for 2018 - Shenzhen Subway Map