Romania map in Russian. Capital of Romania, flag, history of the country. Detailed map of Romania with cities and roads. Map of Romania Road map of Romania in Russian

General information

Geographical position. Romania is a country in southeastern Europe. In the north it borders with Ukraine, in the east with Moldova, in the south with Bulgaria, in the southwest with Serbia, and in the west with Hungary. In the southeast it is washed by the Black Sea.

Square. The territory of Romania is 237,500 square meters. km.

Main cities Administrative division. The capital is Bucharest. Largest cities: Bucharest (2,090 thousand people), Constanta (350 thousand people), Iasi (343 thousand people), Timisoara (334 thousand people), Cluj-Napoca (328 thousand people), Ploesti (252 thousand people).

Administratively, Romania is divided into 39 counties; the capital of the country is separated into an independent administrative-territorial unit.

Political system

Romania is a republic. The head of state is the president, the head of government is the prime minister. The legislative body is a bicameral parliament consisting of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies).

Relief. Central part The country is occupied by the Transylvanian basin, almost completely surrounded by mountains: in the north and east by the Carpathians; in the south - the Transylvanian Alps, where the highest point of the country is located - Mount Moldoveanul (2544 m), in the west - small mountains Vikhor. The rest of Romania's territory is mostly flat. The most extensive plains are located on the border with Serbia - the Tisha Valley; between the Transylvanian Alps and Bulgaria - Wallachia; to the east of the Carpathians-Moldova and on the Black Sea coast-Dobruzha.

Geological structure and minerals. On the territory of Romania there are deposits of oil, natural gas, coal, iron ore, and non-ferrous metals.

Climate. The Transylvanian Basin, the Carpathians and the western valleys have warm summers and cold winters. Temperatures in summer sometimes reach +38°C, and in winter drop to -32°C. In Wallachia, Moldavia and Dobruzha, summers are warmer and winters are not so cold.

Inland waters. Main river Romania-Danube, forming part of the border with Serbia and almost the entire border with Bulgaria. The rivers Mures, Prut, Olt and Sires are part of the Danube system and are its tributaries. There are many small freshwater lakes in Romania, but the largest are saltwater lagoons of the Black Sea, the largest of which is Lake Razelm.

Soils and vegetation. In the Moldavian and Wallachian steppes, vegetation is sparse, only fruit trees grow on the hillsides. At the foot of the mountains there are deciduous forests, dominated by oak, birch and beech. Above are coniferous forests, mainly pine and spruce.

Animal world. Large wild animals - wild boar, wolf, lynx, fox, bear, chamois, mountain goat and deer - live in Carpathian mountains. The valleys are home to squirrel, hare, badger and ferret. There are many birds in Romania, and the Danube Valley, which is partly a nature reserve, is a stopover for migratory birds. In the rivers a large number of fish (pike, sturgeon, salmon, perch, eel).

Population and language

The country's population is about 22.396 million people, the average population density is about 94 people per 1 sq. km. Ethnic groups: Romanians - 89%, Hungarians - 9%, Germans - 0.4%, Ukrainians, Jews, Russians, Serbs, Gypsies, Croats, Turks, Bulgarians, Tatars, Slovaks. Languages: Romanian (state), German, Hungarian, Turkish, Serbo-Croatian, Yiddish.


Romanian Orthodox Church- 70%, Catholic Church - 6%, Protestants - 6%, Jews, Muslims.

Brief historical sketch

In 106, the territory of modern Romania was conquered by the Roman emperor Trajan and annexed to the Roman Empire as the province of Dacia.

Since the 3rd century. the territory of Dacia was subject to constant raids by neighboring tribes of the Goths, Huns and Bulgars.

In the 9th century. Romania was under Bulgarian rule and was baptized into Orthodoxy.

In the 13th century Two Romanian principalities were formed - Wallachia and Moldavia, which were in vassal dependence on the Hungarian and Polish kings.

In 1526, Hungary was defeated by the Ottoman Turks; Wallachia and Moldavia came under the rule of the Ottoman Empire.

At the end of the 16th century. After an unsuccessful attempt to free himself from the rule of the Ottoman Empire, a system of Phanariot rule was established in Wallachia and Moldavia, ruled by Greek lords appointed by the Turks. At that time state language Romania became Greek.

In the middle of the 18th century. As a result of the Russian-Turkish wars, the influence of the Ottoman Empire weakened significantly, and the Phanariot system was abolished, Moldavia and Wallachia received greater autonomy, and Russia became the de facto overlord of these states. After Russia's defeat in the Crimean War (1853-1856), its influence on Wallachia and Moldavia weakened.

In 1859, both states crowned a common prince, and in 1861 they united and were recognized by the Turkish Sultan as the autonomous principality of Romania.

In 1878, Romania declared independence.

In 1881, the Kingdom of Romania was proclaimed.

In the 30s of the XX century. A pro-fascist regime was established in Romania, led by Corneliu Jelea Codreanu, leader of the Iron Guard, and later by Antonescu. In 1947, a republic was proclaimed in Romania.

On April 13, 1948, a new constitution of the country was adopted, based on the constitution of the USSR. The communist regime of Ceausescu was in power in the country until December 1989.

On December 22, 1989, power in the country passed to the National Salvation Council, and on December 25, Ceausescu and his wife Elena were executed.

Brief Economic Sketch

Romania is an industrial-agrarian country. Extraction of coal, oil, natural and associated gas. Leading industries: mechanical engineering (transport, agricultural, electrical, production of industrial equipment) and metalworking, ferrous and non-ferrous (smelting of aluminum, zinc, lead, copper) metallurgy, chemical (production of acids, alkalis, mineral fertilizers, etc.) and petrochemical. The woodworking, pulp and paper, furniture, textile, clothing, and food industries are developed. In agriculture, grain crop production predominates, the main grain crops being corn and wheat, technical sugar beets, sunflowers; vegetable growing, viticulture, fruit growing. In livestock farming, breeding cattle, pigs, sheep, and poultry. Beekeeping. Export: machinery and equipment, vehicles, chemical products.

The monetary unit is lei.

Brief sketch of culture

Art and architecture. Bucharest. Art Museum of Romania with a fine collection of Romanian, Western and Eastern art; National History Museum; Palace of Justice (1864); Stirbey Palace (1835); National Bank building (1885); presidential palace in a 17th century building; Konstakudilo Palace (1900); Royal Palace (1935); Triumphal Arch(1920); Antim monasteries (1715); Patriarchal Church (1665). Cluj-Napoca. Church of St. Michael (1396-1432); Reformed Church 1486; Batanui Palace - the former residence of the Transylvanian princes; Ethnographic Museum, located in a house where in the 15th century. Hungarian King Matt Corvinus was born. Alba Iulia. Citadel built by Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI in 1716-1735; Cathedral of the 11th century, rebuilt in the 15th century. in Gothic style; oldest museum Romania (opened in 1794). Bratov. Remains of the citadel from 1553, a church from the 14th century. in Gothic style; Church of St. Bartholomew (XIII century); town hall 1420; Historical Museum in a 15th century building. Iasi. Cathedral and two churches of the 15th century. Oradea. The parish church in which the Hungarian king Laszlo the Saint is buried. Targu Mures. Gothic church of the 15th century; Teleki Palace Timi-shoara. Castle of the 18th century; Orthodox Cathedral; pseudo-Gothic column in the city center, erected in 1851 by the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I as a sign of the fortitude of the Timisoara people, who held out for 107 days against the army of the Hungarian revolutionaries in 1849.

The science. D. Cantemir (1673-1723) - scientist, writer and politician, author of works on the history and geography of Moldavia, Ottoman Empire and etc.; V. Babesh (1854-1926) - microbiologist, one of the founders of serotherapy and vaccination.

Literature. I. Agirbiceanu (1882-1963) - writer, in whose work

realistic depiction of life in Transylvania in the 1st half of the 20th century. combines

with the Affirmation of Christian Morality (novels “Archangels”, “Sectarians”, “The Law of the Flesh”).

Where is Romania located on the world map. Detailed map Romania in Russian online. Satellite map Romania with cities and resorts. Romania on the world map - European country in its southeastern part, which is washed by the Black Sea in the south and through which flows one of the largest rivers in the world - the Danube River. The capital of Romania is Bucharest. The official language is Romanian, but almost all residents also speak French and English.

Detailed map of Romania in Russian with cities:

Romania - Wikipedia:

Population of Romania- 19,638,000 people (2017)
Capital of Romania- Bucharest
Largest cities in Romania- Bucharest, Constanta, Brasov, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara, Craiova
Romania dialing code - 40
Internet domains in Romania- .ro

Climate of Romania- temperate continental, which is characterized by a clear demarcation of seasons. Summer in Romania is warm but not too hot thanks to the constant sea breeze. The winter climate is relatively mild, with average temperatures - -5...-3 C on the plains and frosts down to -20 C in mountainous regions. The swimming season in Romania is quite long: it begins in May and ends only in October.

Romania Most tourists associate primarily with Transylvania and the famous castle of Count Dracula located there, the legend of which is still relevant both in Romania and abroad. In addition to Dracula's Castle, such castles in Romania are also known as Peles Castle - one of the most beautiful medieval buildings in Europe, and Corvinesti Castle - a majestic Gothic building. Romania is also famous for its ancient monasteries, which are located in the north of the country, centuries-old traditions, delicious wines and the hospitality of the local people.

Holidays in Romania attracts tourists with its diversity. In Romania you can engage in ecological, educational, cultural, health tourism, bird watching, skiing, visiting mineral springs or going to the Black Sea coast - to one of the many Black Sea resorts. From beach resorts the oldest and most famous is Mamaia, which offers vacationers various possibilities for relax. The most famous health resorts are Baile Felix, Eforie Nord, Slanic Moldova and others, and the ski resorts are Sinaia, Predeal, Busteni.

What to see in Romania:

Sea resorts, Ski resorts, Balneological resorts of Romania, Bran Castle, Corvinov Castle, Poenari Castle, Fagaras Castle, Sighisoara Fortress, Palace of Parliament, Cotroceni Palace, Cantacuzino Palace, Romanian Athenaeum, Peles Castle, Monasteries of Southern Bukovina, Wooden churches of Maramures, Merry Cemetery, Carpathians, Bigar Waterfall , Danube Delta.

Where is Romania located on the world map? The state of Romania with its capital Bucharest, located in South Eastern Europe. Located in the east of the Balkan Peninsula. From the southeast the coast is washed by the Black Sea. It borders with Ukraine, Hungary, Bulgaria and Moldova.

You can find out about flight times to Romania by reading Additional information in the article: How long does it take to fly to Romania from Moscow and other Russian cities?

This country occupies equal parts of mountainous, hilly and flat terrain. Across the entire country from Ukraine to Serbia are the Carpathian Mountains, which in Romania have 14 mountain ranges. Most high point is Mount Moldoveanu (height 2544 meters above sea level).

A detailed map of Romania with cities and main attractions in Russian is located on our website. Here you can find the most popular resorts and cities of the country such as Brasov, Sighisoara, Constanta, Bran, Sibiu, Sinaia. On the map you can also find the main attractions of the country: Bran Castle, built in the 14th century, Peles Castle - the most beautiful architecture Romania, Botanical Garden in Bucharest, the palace in Cantacuzino, Cotroceni, Fagaras, Poenari, Pelisor, as well as many other castles and fortresses.