The tallest monument. The tallest statues in the world. Which statue is the tallest? Guan Yin statue in China

To perpetuate something by creating a monument has always been considered a noble deed. Every country has monuments of different sizes, beautiful and ugly, there are historical monuments, and there are humorous ones.

The largest monument to Lenin

There are still many monuments to Lenin throughout the former Soviet Union. In some places they have, of course, been demolished, but some still stand. There are such monuments abroad.

The largest is located in the city of Volgograd. It is installed on the banks of the Volga and faces it. The overall height is fifty-seven meters. The sculpture itself is twenty-seven meters high, and the pedestal rises thirty meters. This monument is recognized as the largest, which is why it was included in the Guinness Book of Records. It is included in the section of monuments erected to real people.

The opening took place in the spring of 1973. The material from which the sculpture is made is monolithic reinforced concrete. Rigidity was achieved thanks to steel ropes stretched inside. The pedestal is built on stilts and completely covered with granite blocks. Its weight is nine and a half thousand tons.

On the site of this monument, from 1952 until the early seventies, there stood a monument to Stalin, made of the rarest native copper. After it was demolished, the pedestal remained empty for several years. It turns out that the pedestal is much older than the Lenin monument.

The largest monuments in Russia

Of the huge number of monuments in Russia, the monument to Peter the Great is recognized as the largest. It is also called “300 years of the Russian fleet” and is located in Moscow. Its height is ninety-eight meters. The sculptor is Zurab Tsereteli.

Before the monument to Peter the Great appeared, the largest in Russia was the Motherland, standing in Volgograd. Its height is only two meters lower and is ninety-six meters. The sculpture is called “The Motherland Calls!” This is part architectural ensemble and its compositional center. The total weight of the sculpture is eight thousand tons.

A monument to Alyosha was erected in the city of Murmansk. It rises, standing on the Cape Verde hill. Year of installation: 1974. He looks at the valley, which is called the Valley of Glory, where bloody battles took place. A similar monument was erected in Bulgaria. The height of “Murmansk Alyosha” together with the pedestal is forty-two and a half meters. Alyosha is a broad-shouldered warrior in a raincoat. It can be seen from anywhere in the city, since the cape on which it stands rises one hundred and seventy-three meters above sea level.

One of the symbols of the USSR era is the monument “Worker and Collective Farm Woman”. Its height with the pedestal is fifty meters. It is installed in Moscow. There is also a monument to Gagarin, cast from titanium, installed on a forty-meter pedestal.

The ugliest monuments

Not all monuments are beautiful. There is a rating of the ugliest and strangest. The monument to Abbot Faria in India in Goa is recognized as such. He portrays the abbot during a hypnotic session with a patient.

The metronome located in New York is considered an ugly monument. This “work of art” was created in 1999. There is a monument to Michael Jackson in the UK. It is installed near the stadium of one of the football clubs. The customer of such a terrible statue is the owner football club Al-Fayed.

The monument to Peter the Great, which is located in Moscow, is also recognized as ugly. They even wanted to dismantle it, but the cost of dismantling is too high. In the city of Seoul there is a monument whose name is “Amabel”. The monument is a strange metal structure. She resembles a rose. Since it turned out to be expensive to dismantle and send this monument to a museum, it was decided to hide it with the help of several trees.

In the city of Prague there is “Pissing Men” - a fountain in the form of two men more than two meters high who urinate in a pool. In the city of Diesburg in Germany there is a disgusting monument “Savior of Life”. This multi-colored, tasteless creation is a plump woman dressed in a swimsuit, who merged in ecstasy with an incomprehensible creature resembling a bird on thick legs. A monument to the twelve-meter finger was erected in Paris.

Tallest monument in the world

Of all the tall monuments on the planet, the champion for several years was the statue of Buddha, which was installed in Japan. The opening took place in 1995. The material used to make this giant is bronze. Its height is one hundred and twenty meters, of which ten meters is the height of the base and ten meters is the height of the lotus platform. The observation platform was built at an altitude of eighty meters. A special elevator takes those who wish there.

In 2008, a statue of Shakyamuni Buddha was opened in Myanmar, which, together with the pedestal, rises one hundred and thirty meters, its height without the pedestal is one hundred and sixteen meters. It was built with donations ordinary people for twelve years.

The tallest monument in the world is the Buddha of the Spring Temple, made of copper. It is installed in one of Chinese provinces. Its height with the pedestal is one hundred and fifty-three meters. The total height of the complex, taking into account the hill on which the statue stands, is two hundred and eight meters.

Monuments are fundamental creations. And there is beauty that is very easy to destroy - for example, fragile butterflies. But these creatures can also be quite large. For example, according to the website, the wingspan of the world's largest butterflies exceeds 30 cm.
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Any country in the world tries to show its uniqueness and stand out from other states, glorify itself, its gods and great figures who played a significant historical role. Exist different ways attracting the interest of a large number of people, one of which is the erection of statues, so colossal that they can be seen from the far corners of the planet. The tallest statues in the world are erected for centuries, as a sign of the steadfastness and power of the country, as well as as historical value for subsequent generations.

The Statue of Liberty and the Washington Monument are the pride of Americans

Many people believe that the Statue of Liberty is the tallest statue in the world. Indeed, this majestic monument, an American symbol, evokes awe and admiration.

However, its height of 93 meters today does not cause the same surprise, because there are higher monuments in the world. Which statue is the tallest in the world?

Against the backdrop of monuments existing on Earth, the monument to the first President of the United States of America, George Washington, stands out in its enormous size, which was considered the tallest building on the planet before its construction Eiffel Tower. Located between the Capitol and the White House, it is a giant marble-clad stele. Its base is surrounded by fifty flags representing the 50 states of the Union. The shape of the obelisk resembles a pencil, which is why it is called that among Americans.

History of the Washington Monument

The design of the monument lasted almost a hundred years, including a 25-year break due to Civil War and the slow recovery of the country. The first call for construction took place back in 1738, when the Continental Congress decided that in honor of the American victory under George Washington in the Revolutionary War, an equestrian statue should be erected in his honor. Due to limited resources in those days, the monument was never built. Implementation old dream Americans about the creation of a monument that the world had not yet seen, found its continuation in 1838, when a collection of donations for its construction was started and a competition was announced for best idea. Robert Mills won, proposing a stunning project that turned out to be unaffordable, but was nevertheless taken as the basis.

The first stone of the future masterpiece was laid on July 4, 1848, using a shovel that was used to lay the foundation for the Capitol half a century before the event described by Washington himself. Construction was completed in 1884, and the monument was officially opened in October 1888. At the same time, a steam elevator was installed on it, which gave way to an electric one in 1901. From the top of the monument on the observation deck you can see the Capitol building, Thomas Jefferson, and the White House.

Victory Memorial - the pride of Russia

What is the tallest statue in the world after the Washington Monument? With a difference of 30 meters, this is the Victory Monument, erected in 1995 on May 9th. It is part of the one located in Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill. The height of the monument - 141.8 meters - was chosen deliberately: 10 centimeters for every day of the war.

The shape of the obelisk resembles a triangular bayonet covered with bronze bas-reliefs. On a granite podium at the foot of the monument there is a statue of St. George the Victorious, slaying a snake with a spear - a symbol of evil. At the 100-meter mark there is a 25-ton group of sculptures, which includes a bronze figure of Nike, the goddess of Victory, bearing a crown, and two cupids proclaiming a joyful event.

Tallest statues in the world: Spring Temple Buddha

The statues of the world, which are huge in size, mostly depict Buddha. For example, the height of the tallest statue in the world, the Buddha of the Spring Temple, is 128 meters, of which 28 meters are given to the lotus-shaped pedestal. Such a grandiose structure is located on a 25-meter pedestal, to which a staircase leads, consisting of 365 steps and 12 flights, symbolizing the number of days and months in a year. Erected in 2002, the tallest Buddha statue in the world rises above the village of Zhaocun in Henan Province, China.

This sculpture represents one of the five sacred Buddhas, embodying Wisdom. It was made from separate parts (about 1100 pieces), then folded into one whole. 15 thousand tons of steel, 33 tons of copper and about 108 kilograms of gold were spent on its production, and the total cost of the entire project was about $55 million. The idea of ​​erecting such a colossus arose after the Taliban blew up two of the world's tallest statues of Buddha in Afghanistan. In 2010, the hill on which the giant statue sits was converted into two stone steps, increasing the height of the sculpture to 208 meters. This served as the basis for its inclusion in the Guinness Book of Records.

Japanese Buddha

No less impressive in its size is the tallest Buddha statue in the world located in Japan in the city of Ushiku (after the Spring Temple Buddha) - 120 - meter statue Buddha Amitahba, created in 1995. Its construction took about 600 bronze plates connected to each other; The weight of the graceful colossus, according to rough estimates, is about 4000 tons.

A true work of art and a living embodiment of modern engineering thought, the sculpture inside is equipped with museums and observation decks that offer stunning views of the world around us. There are also special rooms inside the monument; You can leave a sign with your innermost desires in them. There are also small tombs, a place in which can be purchased by any Japanese at a price of 3,000 to 10,000 euros. Each tomb is marked with a plaque with the names of the buried people. The place for the statue was chosen deliberately: it was in Usika, after many years of solitary life and meditation, that Dharmakara received enlightenment and became Buddha Amitabha. By the pose of the statue, one can determine that the Buddha passes on his knowledge and teachings to his followers, helping them achieve enlightenment.

The Buddha's headdress is not an ordinary one; on his head is a hat in the shape of his reduced face.

Lezhong Sasaja - 116-meter Buddha

A religious sculpture in Myanmar (Sikaing District) is the statue of Lezhong Sasazha. The 116-meter tall Buddha statue, mounted on a 13.4-meter-high pedestal, stands next to another Buddha that was built 17 years earlier.

Officially, the monument, which took 12 years to build, was opened in 2008 and was the tallest sculpture at that time. The predominant color of the architectural structure is yellow.

Tallest statues in the world: Goddess Guanyin

The pride is the beautiful statue of the Goddess Guanyin, erected in 2006. Its height is 108 meters. This majestic sculpture is located on an artificially created island, to which an originally designed road leads through green Park. The three-faced goddess, whose white color harmoniously combines with the blue sea and water, attracts many tourists from all over the world.

One face of the goddess is facing the island of Hainan, the other two are directed into the sea, symbolizing the protection of the whole world. In her hands the goddess holds a rosary, the number of beads of which is 108. According to Feng Shui, this is a sacred number, considered auspicious by the Chinese. By the way, 108 monks were also present at the opening of the monument in 2008. On the other hand, the goddess holds a book in her hands and the name Guanyin means “looking at the suffering of the world,” and the goddess personifies mercy and wisdom. People come to her to pray for the children; at the foot of the statue there is even a certain place where you can stand and ask the goddess for the most secret things.

Humanity has always sought to perpetuate its best representatives. This tradition has been preserved since ancient times. It was then that man began to create huge monuments. And today there are creations of human hands that are impressive in their size. Among them is the tallest monument in the world. He and others like him will be discussed in the article.

Whose is the tallest monument in the world?

Before giving the palm, we note that the heroes who found their embodiment in the form giant statues, as a rule, are deities. For example, there are about ten Buddha statues alone among the tallest. Sometimes these are collective images or figures of prominent figures who have left their mark on the history of their people, country or the whole world.

In such an incarnation of a revered or, at times, beloved hero, there is a hidden desire for him to remain in our lives even after his death. But at the same time, it is also obvious - to preserve his image in the memory of not just one people or generation, but many that will follow him. All of them are cultural monuments of their era.

Buddha Monument

Today, the tallest sculpture on earth is the Buddha of the Spring Temple. Its height is 128 meters. The monument is quite young - it is only thirteen years old. It was built in China, in a province called Hennan, which is located in the Pingdingshan district.

The Buddha of the Spring Temple owes its name to the hot healing spring, which is located nearby. Its name literally translated into Russian means “hot spring”. This fact is confirmed by the 60-degree water of the source.

In addition to the name known throughout the world, there are also such as Buddha Vairochana (“the one who personifies the wisest”), and Buddha Foshana (on behalf of the temple located here).

The Chinese are very proud of their creation and strive in every possible way to maintain their superiority in height. That is why the monument is constantly gaining height. But since it is practically quite difficult to do this from above, the restless Chinese are catching up from below, increasing the height of the Buddha at the expense of pedestals. Originally it was only a lotus flower, twenty meters high. Then a 25-meter pedestal was added. Later, two more steps were built, fifteen meters each. Fearing competition from India, which also built its own tall Buddha, the Chinese transformed the hill at the foot of the monument into a huge pedestal. The ascent to it consists of twelve flights, and the total number of steps is equal to the number of days in a year.

Monument to the Future

This is supposed to be the tallest monument in the world, and its construction began in 2013 in India, in the state of Gujarat. The monument, which will reach a height of 182 meters, and together with the pedestal will rise to a height of 240, will immortalize one of the Indian politicians - Vallabhai Patel. His name is better known in the world as Sardar. Translated, this word means "leader". This is how Patel was called by the Indian people for those invaluable services that made it possible to preserve the integrity of India as a state. Perhaps that is why the name of the monument is the Statue of Unity. It will overlook the Indian Narmada River. You can get to it by boat.

So in India they decided to pay tribute to the national hero and at the same time remind their contemporaries what a real politician should be. The launch of the project was announced by Narendra Modi, the Chief Minister of Gujarat. As the leader of the Indian People's Party in 2013, he was just preparing to go to parliamentary elections and was named among the candidates for the post of prime minister.

His party's success in the 2014 elections was clear. This was preceded by a huge amount of work by both party members and Modi himself. In May 2014, Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister of India. There is hope that, having taken the coveted seat, the politician will continue the announced construction and remain true to his election promises.

Memory of Jesus Christ

Christians have their tallest monument in the world. It is located in the Polish town of Swiebodzin and was built in 2010, although the proposal for construction was received back in 2001.

It was initiated by one of the local priests, Sylvester Zavadsky. Later, in 2006, local councils, taking into account that the townspeople chose Jesus Christ as their patron, decided to implement it in the form of the largest monument. However, its construction started only in 2009. And in the fall of 2010 it was completed.

The height of Jesus from Swiebodzin is 53 meters. In size, it surpassed the world-famous Brazilian statue of Jesus (30 meters).

Tallest monuments

One of the tallest monuments in the world is the Victory Monument located in the heart of Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill. Its height is more than 141.8 meters. These sizes were not chosen by chance. They symbolize the duration of the entire Great Patriotic War- ten centimeters for each day, for a total of 14,180 centimeters. Today it is the tallest monument in Russia and the second in the world.

It is preceded by the Washington Monument, which measures 169 meters in size.

It was opened in 1995, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the event of the same name, and is part of the entire Victory memorial complex.

The design of the obelisk is noteworthy. It is presented in the form of a triangular bayonet, the surface of which is covered with continuous bas-reliefs. They depict warriors, war scenes and inscriptions of the names of cities that were subjected to fascist attacks. The material for the obelisk was special steel, which is not subject to corrosion.

At a height of more than a hundred meters, a figure symbolizing Victory is attached to a bayonet. Such an original design of the obelisk is at the same time very problematic due to the fact that the statue located at a huge height displaces its center of gravity and requires special fortifications to ensure the stability of the thousand-ton monument. This is done by an entire service located in the depths of the hill on which this monument rises.

The most famous tall monuments

Among them are the world-famous ones in Brazil, the Statue of Liberty in the USA, the Motherland in Russia and Ukraine. These historical monuments have already become widely known far beyond the borders of their states. The territory on which they are located was also a wonderful addition. For example, the Brazilian Jesus stands on top of which offers stunning views of the surrounding Rio de Janeiro. His figure with his arms outstretched seems to be trying to embrace the whole world. Thanks to this, from a distance the outline of the statue resembles a cross.

The world-famous Statue of Liberty in the USA has become a unique symbol of this country, although it was originally presented to the state as a gift from French citizens. The height of the figure of this statue is 46 meters.

Domestic sculptures are no less interesting in this regard. in Kyiv is also one of the highest. The height of this sculpture from the base to the tip of the weapon is 62 meters. The famous Volgograd monument, called “The Motherland Calls,” is somewhat smaller in size. Its height is 52 meters.

All these cultural and historical monuments were viewed differently when compared. It should be noted that, as a rule, the dimensions of the sculpture also take into account the height of the pedestal on which it is located. When comparing monuments, the latter was not taken into account.

Frozen giants: the largest monuments in the world

Monuments must be monumental. 47 years ago in the United States, the construction of the tallest monument in the world was completed - the steel arch "West Gate" with a height of 192 meters. Inside the arch, which resembles half of the McDonald's icon, there is an elevator that takes visitors to the very top, to the observation deck. However, such structures should be tall - this is their purpose. What about the monuments? Seems, many sculptors also try to make them “the bigger the better.” Sometimes, even between different countries, a “race of monuments” arises, similar to the “race of skyscrapers.” I suggest you overview of the giant sculptures located in different countries

Most of the largest and tallest monuments are located in China and depict Buddha. Therefore, in my rating I will allow myself to move away from mathematical precision and skip some of them so as not to bore you with repetitions. In addition, in the rating I include sculptures depicting people, gods or animals. We will not consider stelae and other geometric structures. So, let's go!

Spring Temple Buddha, China, 128 meters

The tallest statue in the world is, of course, in China. And depicts, of course, Buddha. It is located in Zhaocun Township, Henan Province. The sculpture of the Buddha of the Spring Temple is now 128 meters tall, the total height including the pedestal is 153 meters. The giant is only 10 years old, but in the near future it should “grow up” - it is planned to transform the hill on which it is located into a pedestal. If these works are completed, the total height of the monument will be 208 meters. Why is this necessary? It’s very simple, the fact is that in India, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, a Buddha monument is also now being built... more than 150 meters high. The Chinese, of course, do not want to lose their championship.

Ushiku Daibutsu, Japan, 100 m

The next 7 points in the rankings are occupied by various Buddha monuments located in China, Japan, Myanmar and Thailand. But I want to mention the bronze statue of Buddha Ushiku Daibutsu, located in the Japanese city of Ushiku. It was built in 1995. The height of the statue itself is 100 meters, and if you take into account the lotus-shaped pedestal and the lower platform, the total is 120 meters. The arm length of this statue is 18 meters, the width of the smile is 2.5 meters, the length of the nose is 1.2 meters.

Inside the statue there is an elevator that takes visitors up to observation deck, equipped at a height of 85 meters above the ground.

Motherland, Russia, 82 meters

Having missed several Buddhas, we safely reach the famous sculptural composition"To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad", located on Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd. Statue "The Motherland Calls!" has its own height of 82 meters, and if you take into account the pedestal, it comes out to about 87. The height of the woman’s figure is 52 meters, her arms are 20 meters long, and the sword is another 33. There are 200 steps leading to the monument - that’s how many days the Battle of Stalingrad lasted.

The statue was unveiled in October 1967 and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records: At that time this monument was the tallest in the world. Interestingly, the huge statue is not attached to the foundation in any way: it simply stands on it, like a chess piece on a game board. Unfortunately, there are no tours inside this monument. And it would be very interesting to get there.

Monument to Peter I, Russia, 98 meters

Who loves big sculptures is Zurab Tsereteli. The total height of Peter the Great, together with the ship, which flaunts not far from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, is 98 meters. The history of this monument is more comical than great. Evil tongues say that at first it was Columbus, whom Tsereteli unsuccessfully tried to sell to America. But it turned out to be easier to come to an agreement with the Moscow authorities than with the American ones; Columbus turned into Peter and installed himself in the center of Moscow.

No matter how they criticized it, no matter how they tried to demolish it or at least move it. But Peter is still there. A Muscovites now have their own giant monument.Whether they are happy about it or not is another question.

However, there is a pattern here. In this place (or rather, on the site of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior) another grandiose monument could stand: The 400-meter Palace of the Soviets, which serves as a pedestal for the huge monument to Lenin. It even began to be built in 1937. But then the war began, the metal structures were dismantled into anti-tank hedgehogs. After the end of the war, the USSR also had no time for palaces, and the project was successfully forgotten.

Buddha statue in Leshan, China, 71 meters

Well, again a little about Buddhas. I would like to mention the statue carved into the Lingyunshan rock at the confluence of three rivers primarily due to its venerable age: Its construction began in 713, construction lasted 90 years. With a total height of 71 meters, the length of her fingers reaches 8 meters, and the length of her nose is 5.5 meters.

Motherland, Ukraine, 62 meters

Although the overall height with the pedestal of the Kyiv Motherland monument exceeds the Volgograd one (102 meters versus 87), I like the sculpture on Mamayev Kurgan much better. She looks more beautiful, more natural and more organic. But the Kyiv “Motherland” has one advantage: it has elevators with which you can climb to the top of the shield, get to the observation deck and admire the panorama of the Dnieper.

Statue of Liberty, USA, 46 meters

When assessing monuments, it is very important whether the pedestal is taken into account. For example, The “height” of the girl with the torch is only 46 meters. If we take into account the column on which the symbol of America stands, the height of the monument more than doubles and becomes 93 meters.

The famous sculpture is a gift from French citizens on the centenary of the American Revolutionary War. It was opened on October 28, 1886(so the gift arrived a little late) . Inside the pedestal there is a museum with an exhibition dedicated to the history of the statue. Using an internal elevator, tourists can get to the top of the monument and see New York City through the windows located on the crown. But, unfortunately, it’s impossible to go to the torch now:

The staircase there has been closed to visitors for a century now.

Genghis Khan statue, Mongolia, 40 meters Mongolia is home to the largest and tallest equestrian statue in the world. The height of Genghis Khan on horseback is 40 meters, the pedestal adds another 10. It is located 54 kilometers from Ulaanbaatar. According to legend, in this place Genghis found a golden whip. The monument was built just 4 years ago for obvious tourist purposes. Inside the pedestal there is not only a museum and an art gallery, but also restaurants, entertainment centers

and souvenir shops. On the square around the monument it is planned to create theme park

, dedicated to Mongolian life of the 13th century.

Statue of Christ the King, Poland, 36 meters

The famous statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, built in 1931, has long been no longer considered the tallest monument depicting the Savior. In 1994, the 30-meter palm statue was deprived of primacy by its 34-meter counterpart in Bolivia. But this monument did not last long at the top - literally two years ago a 36-meter high one was built in Poland. If the stone Jesus competition continues, many more similar statues may appear in Christian countries.

The height of the monument erected in the city of Swiebodzin is 36 meters, together with the pedestal - 52. On the head of the Savior there is a gilded crown three meters high.

Alyosha, Russia, 35.5 meters Well, I propose to finish with a monument located in Murmansk"To the defenders of the Soviet Arctic during the Great Patriotic War." People call such statues “Alyosha”. The Murmansk monument is the largest. The height of “Alyosha” itself is 35.5 meters, and the height of the monument with its pedestal is 42.5 meters. "Alyosha" looks at the city from the hill Cape Verde

, 173 meters above the bay.

The opening of the memorial was timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi troops in the Arctic.

And one is the smallest Finally, I offer a bonus to the most patient readers: the world's smallest monument . A 10 cm monument can be find in Stockholm. He is 1 cm lower than our "Chizhik-Pyzhik". The miniature figurine is none other than Nils from the fairy tale "Nils's Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese", reduced by a gnome wizard . He sits with his hands wrapped around his knees and looks at the sky. The baby looks quite unhappy. Therefore, probably tourists and local residents they leave candy, coins, or even children's toys at the monument. And in winter, some especially compassionate citizens wearmonument.

What are your favorite monuments?