Tax Free shopping in Italy. Tax Free refund in Rome - how to make shopping more profitable The principle of receiving Tax Free for passengers who travel

Tax-Free is a system now known throughout the world for returning a certain percentage of purchases made abroad. This percentage is VAT, and in Italy it is 22%. But before you rejoice, it’s worth learning about some of the nuances and conditions of this refund, which, by the way, can be very strict.

The first thing to remember when counting on Tax-Free in Italy is that not all stores work with this system. Everything is explained by elementary benefits - not every store owner agrees to give part of the profit back to the buyer, even if this will attract many more tourists to his store. Information about Tax-free is most often available right at the entrance to the store, or at the checkout.

The second important point will be the minimum purchase amount for a Tax-Free refund. In Italy this amount is 154 euros on every shop. Even if the purchase amount is a few euro cents less, a refund automatically becomes impossible.

Also, with each purchase you must have with you passport for filling special formtax-free. It is issued immediately in the store, but you can fill it out at a time convenient for you. You just have to remember that the validity period of the form with a check is 3 months, after which the amount of your Tax-free expires.

IMPORTANT: A form filled out with errors or not completely filled out is considered invalid!

Return Tax-Free

You can return that same 22% of a purchase made in Italy in several ways, which are not all mentioned Russian tourists know. It is not always necessary to stand in a long line at the airport; there are more efficient ways.

In the shop

Tourists who value their own time can apply for a VAT refund directly in the store; to do this, you just need to make sure that the department you choose offers such a service. Just look at the signs at the store checkout and see one of the logos of the so-called Tax-free companies on it.

IMPORTANT: In total, there are 3 companies in Italy that are responsible for issuing Tax-free and refunding money. These are: Global Blue (headquartered in Sweden), Premier Tax Free"(Irish company) and "Tax Refund" (Italian company). As a rule, tourists turn mainly to Global Blue, which is not always correct - they have the longest queues.

But, even if you applied for Tax-free immediately upon purchase, you only saved yours and others’ time at the airport; in order to get your money back, you will have to stand in line and go through the standard check procedure with a customs officer.

Return Tax-free completely and immediately in the shop It is possible only for a certain category of goods - exclusive clothing, vintage perfume, jewelry and fur coats. In this case, you will receive a special form indicating that the product is “exempt” from VAT.

In the city

You can also get your money back after filling out the form in the store at special offices of intermediaries - companies under whose logo the forms were issued to you. In recent years, the number of such offices has been increasing, and now they represent a fully formed network in Italy.

Today, the offices of Tax-free companies are located in the following Italian cities:

  • Florence
  • Milan
  • Venice
  • Bologna
  • Rimini
  • Catania

When going to one of these offices, you must have with you a passport, receipts for absolutely all purchases along with completed Tax-free forms, as well as a copy of the return ticket (or better yet, the original). You will need a ticket so that the company has information about the date of your departure, which they will transfer to the airport.

After this, all you have to do is stand in line (sometimes quite long) and submit documents to the window for consideration of the application. The whole procedure will take no more than half an hour if the queue does not start from the street.

IMPORTANT: All Tax-free companies scattered across cities charge a commission for their services, which can amount to up to 50% of the refund amount. That is, the final value of Tax-free will not be 22%, but only 11%, you definitely shouldn’t be surprised and create scandals in offices. The exact amount of the commission will depend on the final purchase amount.

Global Blue office at the airport

In an Aeroport

The classic Tax-free refund algorithm directly on the day of departure back home will begin immediately after the registration procedure. Once you have received your boarding pass, you will need to queue for customs control.

If the customs officer is satisfied with the presentation of the items declared on the forms, and the documents themselves do not have any violations, all you have to do is stand in line at the counter of the Tax-free company that issued you the form.

After standing in line and submitting a stamped form to the operator, you will hear an offer to return the money in cash or by bank transfer to the card. If you choose the second option, the money will be transferred to you within 14 working days.

IMPORTANT: The stage with the queue at the Tax-free counter at the airport is the longest. The wait alone can take 3 hours or more, depending on the number of people in line and how busy the airport itself is. To avoid missing your flight, it is best to arrive at the airport a few hours early.

Upon arrival in Russia

If you don’t want to stand in line at the airport or at city offices of Tax-free return companies, you can arrange everything upon arrival in Russia. The main condition is that all checks and forms must in any case have Italian customs clearance stamp.

After arrival, within 3 months from the date of purchase, you can contact one of the banks that works with European Tax-free companies. It will be enough to bring the forms with checks to the bank branch and wait for a response to the request. This takes quite a long time – responses from the Tax-free company come within 2 hours.

IMPORTANT: It is worth remembering that it will not always be possible to return money in cash - some Russian banks specifically do not provide such a service in order to charge the client a larger percentage of the commission for a wire transfer.

Queue at the Tax-free counter at the airport

  • When going through customs inspection for your return flight, you must make sure that all Tax-free receipts are saved and purchased goods are packed, and they show no obvious signs of use. If any of these conditions are not met, the return of money is considered illegal.
  • All goods for which Tax-free returns are made must be carried in hand luggage. The exception is large items and goods that are prohibited from being carried on board the aircraft. If your product falls under this exception, you need to prepare for a full inspection of your luggage, which may take several hours.
  • Highly recommended make copies all checks and completed Tax-free forms immediately upon receipt. It won’t take a lot of time or money, but it can save you from unpleasant situations later.
  • For minor tourists, some Italian shops may refuse in tax-free registration - this is done for reasons of basic security. To avoid such situations, you just need to have one of your parents or an official accompanying person who is already 18 years old with you.
  • When purchasing any equipment Apple(including iPhones) in Italy Tax-free returns only on return flight and only on non-cash basis. This is a company policy that applies to all countries where there are sales points for popular equipment.
  • In the European Union, books, magazines and other printed products VAT is not a subject to a tax, so you shouldn’t even try to find out how you can get Tax-free back when purchasing in bookstores.
  • Few people know about this, but in Italy Tax-free can be returned even from purchases of exported food. The return on milk and fruit is 4%, on other products – 10%.

Italy provides all tourists who are not residents of Eurozone countries with the right to receive TAX FREE. You can use this service if:

  • make a purchase in stores where you will see company logos on the windows: Global Blue TAX FREE (the most popular), TAX REFUND or PREMIER tax free. If you don't see them, don't hesitate to ask the seller if they issue TAX FREE.
  • make purchases with one receipt for an amount of at least 154.94 euros. If you were unable to pay for all your purchases with one check, then when making several purchases on the same day in one store, you can add up all the checks to create the minimum amount above.

Registration of TAX FREE:

At the checkout, using your passport, the seller will issue you a TAX FREE check. Please carefully check that your information is correct: last name, first name, country of residence, address and passport number.

It is important to remember that the TAX FREE check is valid only for 3 months!!!

Return TAX FREE:

METHOD #1: a tourist can return TAX FREE without waiting for the day of departure from the country at one of the offices of the above-mentioned companies located in the center of Rome. You must have with you: receipts for purchases, a passport, the purchases themselves unpacked with all tags and price tags, return ticket. They will fill out the paperwork and give you the money. When leaving the country at the airport, you will need to stamp previously issued checks at the customs point (Dogan in Italian) and present your purchases.

Addresses of TAX FREE Global Blue points in Rome:

  • ACCORD FOREXCHANGE. Via del Lavatore 88/a. Opening hours: Mon-Sat 10.30-19.30, Sun 11.30-18.30. Maximum return Money- 500 Euro.
  • MACCORP FOREXCHANGE. Via del Caravita 6. Opening hours: Mon-Sat 10.30-19.30, Sun 11.30-18.30.
  • MACCORP FOREXCHANGE. Piazza della Rotonda 68/b. Opening hours: Mon-Sat 9.00-20.30, Sun 9.30-20.00.

Addresses of TAX REFUND points in Rome:

  • Best and Fast. Via Nazionale, 19. Opening hours: Mon-Sun 7.45-21.00.
  • ROMA Via Veneto. Via Lazio, 10. Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9.30-19.00, Sat 9.30-13.00, Sun - closed.
  • ROME Piazza di Spagna. Piazza di Spagna, 38. Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9.00-17.30, Sat 9.00-12.30, Sun - closed.
  • ROME Piazza di Spagna. Piazza di Spagna, 80. Opening hours: Mon-Sun 9.30-20.00.

Addresses of PREMIER Tax Free points in Rome:

  • Premier Tax Free. Via Gregoriana, 54. Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9.00-18.00.
  • Forexchange. Via della Conciliazone, 43/A. Opening hours: Mon-Sun 8.30-20.00.
  • Forexchange. Termini Train Station, opposite platform 4. Opening hours: Mon-Sun 7.00-20.00.
  • Forexchange. Via del Caravita, 6. Opening hours: Mon-Sun 9.00-20.00.
  • Bank of China. Via Barberini, 97/103. Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8.45-16.00.

METHOD No. 2. TAX FREE can be returned at Fiumicino Airport (Aeroporto nazionale Leonardo da Vinci Fiumiccino). In this case, I advise you to arrive early, because very often there is a long queue at the TAX FREE issuing points.

The procedure for obtaining TAX FREE is as follows:

  1. go to the passenger check-in counter and take your boarding pass, tell the woman at the counter that you want to get TAX FREE, she shows you where the customs point is (DOGANA in Italian).
  2. after receiving boarding pass you take your luggage and approach the customs point. Items for which you want a tax refund need to be prepared in advance so as not to waste time. Do not remove tags and price tags from them, and it is better not to unpack them.
  3. The customs officer, at his discretion, may ask you to present all purchases according to the receipts provided. If there are no questions, he will stamp your checks.
  4. with stamped checks, you go to Global Blue TAX FREE, TAX REFUND or PREMIER tax free points, where you can receive money in cash immediately or on bank card within 3-5 working days. I advise you to keep the papers that the customs officer gives you until the money is transferred to your card. If the money does not arrive, you will need to call the phone number indicated on the papers to obtain information.

Customs (DOGANA) at Fiumicino Airport are:

  • in the center of the first floor. After passing through customs, upon presentation of your boarding pass, you check your items as luggage,
  • in the center of the hall passport control. For orientation: pass the Salvatore Ferragamo boutique, then the bar, on the right you will see the TAX FREE issuing points of all the above companies, behind them there is a customs point. After passing this customs, you take your things into the cabin of the plane.

TAX FREE Global Blue points at Fiumicino Airport are located:

  • Global Blue Italia srl. Terminal 3, next to registration desk 326. Opening hours: Mon-Sun 09.00-21.00. TAX FREE refund to credit card only.
  • Global Blue Italia srl. Terminal 3 - Gate H1 (non-Schengen area). Opening hours: Mon-Sun 07.00-22.00. The maximum refund is 999.50 euros.
  • Global Blue Italia srl. Terminal 5. Opening hours: Mon-Sun 07.00-12.00. The maximum refund is 999.50 euros.

TAX REFUND points at Fiumicino Airport are located:

  • Terminal 3 (Check-in Area). Opening hours: Mon-Sun 7.00-22.00.
  • Terminal 3 (Departures Area). Opening hours: Mon-Sun 7.00-22.00.
  • Gate C20 (Departures Area). Opening hours: Mon-Sun 7.00-22.00.

PREMIER Tax Free points at the airport are located:

  • Terminal 3 - Gate H1. Opening hours: Mon-Sun 7.00-22.00.
  • Terminal 5. Opening hours: Mon-Sun 7.30-24.00.

Natalia Markhinina

Refunds start at the store when you make a purchase. If you make a one-time purchase in one store for an amount equal to or greater 155 euros, then you can ask at the checkout to prepare documents for Tax Free (not all stores do this, but it never hurts to ask!). Those documents must contain your name, surname, passport details, number credit card(in case you want the money to be returned to your account). Not all stores fill this out, so you can fill in all the details yourself later with a pen.
Shopping is over, it's time for you to fly home...
In theory, if you are flying home with a transfer to another European country, then the TAX FREE refund should be received there, but practice shows that everything can be done in Rome. We'll tell you how!
The action takes place in Terminal 3 of Fiumicino Airport.
The first thing you need to understand is: are you checking your purchases in your luggage or are they traveling with you in your hand luggage!

  • Do you want to check your purchases in your luggage?
  1. It is necessary to place all purchased items into suitcases (items must have labels and be unworn)
  2. Next, we check in for the flight (if you checked in online, you still need to go to the airline counter and check in your luggage). When registering, please indicate that you have TAX FREE items in your suitcase. Your luggage will be checked in and returned to you.
  3. WITH checked baggage you need to go to the DOGANA or CUSTOM counter, where the border guards will look at your purchases and, if everything is in order, they will stamp you on the documents that the store gave you
  4. After the stamps have been affixed, luggage with purchases can be checked in.
  5. If you want to receive money by transfer to a card, then when leaving the border guards, there is a small TAX REFUND booth, there was a nice Russian-speaking girl sitting there, who in 3 minutes looked through the documents with stamps, asked for a credit card and that’s it! After about 2 weeks, the money arrives in the account. If you want to get money in cash, then after the border guards you need to go through all the controls, and then follow the TAX REFUND sign (which is located in zone H and is open from 7 to 22) and present documents with stamps there. The money will be returned to you immediately in cash.
  • Your purchases will travel with you in your hand luggage
  1. You check in and check in your luggage.
  2. Pass all controls.
  3. Follow the Tax Refund signs
  4. There, you first need to go to the booth with the inscription DOGANA or CUSTOM and show your purchases and TAX FREE documents issued by the store. The customs officer checks everything with a serious look and stamps it.
  5. With documents with stamps, go to the next window and decide whether you want to receive money in cash or on a card. That's it, there is happiness!

The procedure is actually not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

Tax free can also be obtained in the city itself.

Long gone Soviet era total deficit. Domestic counters are literally “groaning” from imported abundance. The era has passed, but the harmful bacillus, which encourages our compatriots to look for exclusive items in the West, has taken root in our consciousness forever. And it doesn’t matter that you have to overpay for this “exclusive” (which has ceased to be such for 20 years now). Do the math: air tickets, visas, hotels, transfers - all of this ultimately adds up to solid numbers. Maybe that’s why (in order to sweeten the expensive pill), the leadership of the EU countries came up with an idea for the Russians, Chinese, Japanese TAX FREE?

And the EU leadership is also making sure that we remember for a long time the long tails of queues “for something” in beautiful Soviet time. After all, it is almost impossible to get a refund after a shopping spree in Italy without tedious waiting. But, jokes aside, our story is on a serious topic. So…

Dedicated to all Russians shopping in Italy...

What is TAX FREE?

International VAT refund system for people not residing in EU countries. This means that Russians (Chinese, Arabs, Japanese) making a trip to Italian stores can soften the bitterness of losing their money by returning a small percentage.

What is the refund amount?

IN different countries TAX FREE percentage varies. Tax free in Italy - 22%. It's official. In fact, its value varies greatly. Stores enter into unfavorable agreements with intermediaries for tourists, which we will talk about later. As a result, a Russian citizen receives 11-13%, instead of 22%. The exception is exclusive stores (jewelry, fur). In them, the returned amount sometimes reaches several thousand euros.

Minimum purchase price

The total amount of purchases is above 155 €. They must be completed during the day and certainly in one store, less often - in one trading house. For example, Milan Center La Rinascente At the Global Blue office, a general tax free invoice is issued for all purchases in different boutiques.

Which stores offer Tax Free?

We noticed shop windows with a logo or Global Blue, or Tax Refund or Premier Tax Free- that way. There are more than 18,000 such outlets in Italy.

How to ask a seller about Tax Free?

After choosing a product and going to the checkout, say: "Tax Free, per favor". Say the phrase before making a purchase.

What documents are required?

Personally, you need a passport. For large purchases, branded equipment (for example, Apple) without a passport, a discount will not be issued.

The store is obliged to issue:

  • Fattura- a special invoice, which indicates: the purchase amount (as in the receipt) and the return amount (without this figure, customs officers will not put the required stamp). Sellers may fill out your personal information themselves or ask you to do so.

Return methods

  1. In the city before leaving.
  2. At the airport of Rome, Milan, Naples, Rimini, Verona, Pisa, Bologna.
  3. In Moscow.

Return in the city

Without waiting for the return flight, you can return the taxi free at the city offices of the return points. A list of Global Blue offices is available on A list of TAX Refund points is available on the website When going for money, take:

  1. Product.
  2. Fattura.
  3. Passport.
  4. Return ticket.
  5. Credit card.

The tax-free return procedure looks like this. Employees, after checking the checks, pay out the money, while recording their credit card details. You undertake, in turn, to send stamped checks to the office address on time. Otherwise, the amount paid and a fine for failure to fulfill the agreement will be debited from the card.

Expensive fur and jewelry boutiques provide a similar service without intermediaries. This is the most profitable return for the buyer. Such stores return the maximum percentage (22%). That is, you are buying a product that is “cleared” of value added tax (VAT).

There are special boxes at the airport for stamped checks in a branded envelope (issued along with the fattura). The envelope can be sent from Russia by post, having attached the necessary stamps.

Standard return procedure at Italian airports

  1. Take your boarding pass.
  2. Approach the dogana (customs point) with documents (coupon, passport, checks, fattura) and with things purchased in the country. Do not cut off labels from products.
  3. The customs officer, after checking the purchases and receipts, puts a stamp.
  4. Find items Global Blue, or Tax Refund or Premier Tax Free and present stamped receipts.
  5. You receive the money in cash or leave your credit card details, to which the entire amount will be transferred in 3-5 days.

Yaroslav, St. Petersburg:

“I left my card details at the Rome airport (in January 2019). I waited 2 weeks in vain. I thought my blood was crying! It’s good that I kept the piece of paper with the phone number from Premier Tax Free. I called. I had to “growl” in Italian-English. I received mine after 3 weeks. Unpleasant story."

Rome. Tax Free at Aeroporto di Fiumicino

There are 2 customs offices in the building. The first is intended for passengers wishing to send items purchased in Italy as luggage. Huge queues, in which it is easy to lose 2 hours, is 100% inevitable. The undoubted advantage of this item is a superficial inspection of purchases.

Olga, Petrozavodsk:

“I once received TAX FREE by showing a used Naf Naf dress instead of a purchased Max Mara outfit.”

You will see the second dogana behind the store Salvatore Ferragamo after going through passport control. This dogana undergoes the procedure for those who “prefer to carry everything they own with them” rather than check it in as luggage. The queue here is small, but things are examined more carefully.

Opposite this customs house there is a crowd of people at the window Global Blue. Direct refunds occur in this window. Be patient and take time (the final step will take another 40 minutes).

Milan. Tax Free at Aeroporto di Milano - Malpensa

The first customs office (registration hall) checks checks more quickly than the passport control point. In the window Premier Tax Free(return) for some reason there are always fewer people than in the other two. Experienced shopping lovers in Milan know this and initially look for stores that have entered into contracts with this intermediary company. Return office hours are available at

Vera, Tula:

“The worst airport in terms of refunds! Active Arabs and disciplined Chinese visit Milan with the only mission - to collect more goods. Three-hour queues, noise, hassle. You wouldn't wish it on your enemy! Passengers who get lost in queues are often called over the loudspeaker, and they drop everything and run to the plane.”

Rimini. Tax Free at Aeroporto di "Federico Fellini"

Map of Federico Fellini airport.

Customs is located next to the check-in counters for planes flying to Russia. Customs officers are extremely picky: they open the boxes, check the letters on the store receipt with the letters on the product label. The inspection takes 20 (at least) minutes.

Cash pick-up points are located on the second floor. You need to get to them before going through passport control.

Moscow. Return Tax Free

In Moscow, refunds are made by:

  • First Czech-Russian Bank;
  • SMP Bank;
  • Intesa;
  • Promsvyazbank;
  • MDM Bank.

Not all Moscow bank branches can make payments., therefore, before you go for hard-earned money, call and check the address of the desired branch. The receipts you present must be stamped by Italian customs officers.

Do not forget!

  • TAX FREE checks for Italian purchases are valid for 3 months. Make sure you meet this deadline!
  • For each Fattura, upon receipt of cash, a commission of 3 € is charged.

Farewell parable

At the planning meeting, the director of the holding instructs managers:
- Ask the client what he wants more: a discount or the product itself. If a discount is more important to him, offer the product for triple the price with a 50% markdown - let him be happy!

Sometimes, when picking up an item worth more than 155 €, an excited customer does not notice that she is choosing an unnecessary item (skirt, trousers). At home she sighs in disappointment: “Why did I grab this?” The resulting benefit is zero. Don't make mistakes!

Tax Free in Rome – the opportunity to return the money spent. By applying for Tax Free, you can return up to 15% of the amount spent. If you plan to get Tax Free, then keep in mind that the purchase amount is one mall should be from 155 euros.

You can return part of the amount at any Tax Free point of delivery in. Tax Free points are located near duty free or in the general area.

The sign by which you will find a store working with Tax Free in Rome is a very noticeable stand (color - white and blue) with the inscription Global Refund Tax Free Shopping, sometimes the color of the stand is yellow. Some small ones will help you avoid the Tax Free return procedure by making a discount on the VAT figure (in Italy IVA).

If you want to return funds using the Tax Free service in Rome, you need to make sure that the invoice is filled out correctly by the store cashier. The check must be attached to the issued Tax Free. Often stores use automatic invoice filling using your card details.

How can I get Tax Free back in Rome?

In order for the Tax Free return procedure to go through without any special delays, it is better to take the items purchased for its return to hand luggage. Once you have completed the pre-flight steps of check-in, receiving your boarding pass and baggage tags, you will proceed to customs (Dogana) to receive a stamp. This mark confirms that the product was purchased for export from the country.

Next, to apply for Tax Free, go to the duty free area, where, using the signs, you will find a collection point (Global Refund). What you need to have with you to receive money is a passport, an air ticket, a completed invoice or a long Tax Free check. Tax Free is transferred to a credit card or issued in cash.

Places where you can get Tax Free in Rome have their own opening hours. If suddenly your flight does not coincide with the Tax Free work schedule in Rome, you can contact Global Refund after landing in the country where you arrived. In this case, the documents for issuing Tax Free are standard: passport, check and invoice.

Currency exchanges in Rome: the best places

If necessary, you can use the services in Rome exchange offices. The best rates in Rome are offered in Piazza Spagna or Santa Maria Maggiore. The currency exchange option in Rome at the bank and at the Cassa di Risparmio has time restrictions; they close at four o'clock in the afternoon.

In Rome, a number of exchange offices exchange a specific amount for you instead of a commission; this is beneficial if you have a large amount for these purposes. At Rome airport, according to reviews, the exchange is also profitable. But under no circumstances change funds in hotels and train stations, where you can lose up to ten percent of commissions. Most often, when exchanging currency, you will be asked for your passport, which is common when performing this procedure.

Our tips for Rome:

  • How to avoid queues at Rome attractions. Tickets to the Colosseum bypassing the queue.
  • How not to be deceived by local taxi drivers. Book a taxi in advance with fixed rates online. The most reliable service for ordering a taxi -