For the first time at the airport - detailed instructions for beginners with photos. First flight on an airplane - instructions and what you need to know First time flying on an airplane, what to do

Many of us, when we are about to take our first flight on an airplane for the first time in our lives, are worried - we don’t know what to do and how to behave correctly at the airport and on the airplane. Upon entering the airport terminal for the first time, passengers experience a certain amount of stress and disorientation. There are several procedures that you must go through before boarding your airliner. You should follow safety rules in the aircraft cabin.

Buying flight tickets

Air travel begins with the purchase of tickets. You must first select a flight and air carrier. You can purchase an air ticket online on the airline’s website, at the airport ticket office, or through a travel agency. An electronic version of the purchased travel document is stored in the database of the selected air carrier. When purchasing an air ticket online, the electronic sample should be printed on paper.

Aeroflot e-ticket

A plane ticket contains information about the passenger, the name of the air carrier, and flight information. Purchased at the airport ticket office travel document It looks like an oblong paper book, one page of which is a flight coupon. The ticket must be registered before departure. After check-in, each passenger receives their own boarding pass.

If a passenger is making his first flight on an airplane, he needs to properly pack his things for the trip. Bags and suitcases are divided into light hand luggage(takes with you into the cabin) and luggage (will fly separately in the cargo compartment). The carry-on bag contains a wallet, documents, airline ticket, gadgets, chargers, phones, napkins, and motion sickness pills.

Preparing for a flight also includes choosing the right clothes. When going on an air trip, it is advisable to wear jeans, a light T-shirt, and grab a warm sweater. Shoes should be comfortable and have low heels.

Step-by-step instructions for passengers at the airport

Step-by-step instructions for passengers wishing to fly:

  1. Arrive at the airport 2 hours before your flight.
  2. Complete check-in and receive your boarding pass.
  3. Place your suitcase in the cargo hold.
  4. Go through security before departure.
  5. For international flights, you must go through mandatory passport control.
  6. Go to the waiting room and wait for your flight there.

Arrival at the airport

You must arrive at the airport 2 hours before your flight to check in. A person who is going to fly on an airplane for the first time needs to think about how he will get to the terminal. Any type of transport, taking into account traffic jams, will take you to the airport in at least 1 hour. This means you need to leave the house 3 hours before the airliner departs.

Airport entrance

Large airports are divided into several terminals. Any of them, located on the territory of the air port, can be reached on foot or by internal transport. Information about the terminal from which the plane will depart can be found on the air ticket. Those who are flying on an airplane for the first time need to know that at the entrance to some Russian airports there is a preliminary security control. All people entering the building will be asked to go through a metal detector frame and have their personal belongings scanned.

Scoreboard and registration area

Before your flight, you need to find the departures board at the airport terminal. It is usually presented in the form of a huge electronic screen and hangs on the wall. It displays information about the upcoming flight, as well as the number of the counter to which you need to go to check in for passengers. For any flight, check-in begins 2 hours before departure and ends 45 minutes before departure. Passengers search for their flight only by the flight number, and not by the name of the destination. The start of check-in is indicated by the “check-in” sign opposite the flight number.

Baggage preparation

Baggage check-in is carried out at the counter. At this point you must check all your suitcases and bags into the luggage (cargo) compartment. At each counter, luggage is weighed, inspected and collected. The passenger is given a tag to collect the suitcase upon arrival at the destination port.

The weight of luggage must not exceed 20 kg. Air transportation within Russia allows for excess baggage. True, you will have to pay extra for every kilogram of excess weight. You are allowed to take hand luggage with you into the cabin. Its weight is up to 10 kg. The bag should not contain liquids, aerosols, or sharp objects. It is recommended to put your boarding pass, luggage tag, money, phone and your documents in your hand luggage.

Registration procedure

When checking in, you must present your ticket and passport to the airport terminal employee. After checking, each passenger at the counter receives their boarding pass. If a person arrives at the airport before everyone else, he can ask to be given any seat in the cabin. The boarding pass indicates the passenger's seat and boarding gate number. You can find your exit if you follow the signs on the walls of the airport terminal.

Passengers on international flights must go through passport control. During this procedure, a person must present his passport. Airport employees also check the availability of a visa and other information allowing you to freely leave the country.

The passenger may be asked questions about the purpose of his trip abroad. During the conversation, you need to look into the eyes of the airport employee. You need to answer questions honestly and without jokes. Next, the passenger will be asked to go customs control. If he does not have any items prohibited for export or subject to duty, he goes into the green corridor. If there are prohibited items, they are sent to the red corridor. At this point, the passenger fills out a customs declaration.


Pre-flight inspection is carried out before each flight. The passenger and his belongings are subject to inspection by airport security. The man himself goes through a metal detector. His things are x-rayed.

During this procedure, airport workers look for items that cannot be brought into the aircraft cabin. You can take out all the metal things and put them in a plastic box. What to do when inspecting personal belongings? Comply with all security requirements. If necessary, empty your pockets, take off your shoes, and show the contents of your bags.

Waiting area

After registration and inspection, the person goes to the waiting room. Here the passenger waits until his flight is announced. This place is considered neutral territory. Duty-free shopping takes place here. Before boarding is announced, passengers can go shopping and cafes, or sit in the waiting room and read the rules of conduct on the plane.

While waiting for departure, you need to listen to announcements and not miss your flight. When you hear that boarding has begun, you must go to your gate indicated on your boarding pass. At the exit, the airport employee tears off part of the coupon and leaves the passenger a stub indicating the number of his seat and row.

You can get on board the plane by internal bus or via a special telescopic ladder. In small airports, you may be asked to walk to the plane's ramp.

At the airport of the country of arrival

Once on board the airliner, the passenger will fly on the plane for some time. After landing, he will be at the airport of the city (country) of arrival. The same activities await him as before departure. A ramp will be provided to the exit of the plane. Passengers descend along it to the ground and board a bus, which takes them to the airport premises. You can immediately go along the long sleeve-stairway to the airport terminal. Then you need to go through passport control (for international flights) and get your luggage.

Baggage claim

Upon arrival at your destination port, you must collect your luggage from the cargo area and check its contents. If things were damaged during the flight, you need to write a complaint. In case of missing luggage, the owner receives compensation. You can first make a list of the things you put in your suitcase and photograph them before departure. Having a photo will help you get full compensation for your missing items.

First time on a plane

Once on board the plane, passengers take their seats. It will be a few more minutes before the plane starts to take off. The flight attendant will tell you about the rules of conduct for passengers on the plane. Passengers are required to sit in their seats, turn off their mobile phones and fasten your seat belts tightly.

During the first flight on an airplane, every person experiences a range of sensations - from delight to horror. You shouldn't be afraid of flying. According to statistics, no more than 100 people die as a result of plane crashes in Russia every year. This is less than the number of people killed in traffic accidents in one month.


How to fly in an airliner? Which places are considered the best? Each person sits where he likes. Those who like to view the landscapes from above can sit at the window. You need to choose a place during registration. If a passenger is afraid of heights, it is better for him to net away from the window. For children, it is advisable to choose aisle seats. During the flight, the child will often ask to go to the toilet.

When there is turbulence or roughness, the airliner will shake violently. The closer the passengers' seats are to the head of the plane, the less the shaking is noticeable. The plane shakes the most in the tail section. All the loads that the plane receives during flight do not cause any damage to it. The liners are still tested at the factory and checked for resistance to vibrations caused by vortex wind flows.

The best seats are near the emergency exit. The distance to the next chair is very large, so you can stretch your legs and relax. However, in the event of an emergency, the passenger located at the emergency exit will have to open the door and help passengers evacuate.


Flight rules often require meals on board. Passengers are fed on the plane if the flight lasts more than three hours. The cost of food is included in the ticket price. How cheaper ticket, the simpler the menu. Food is served in sealed packaging. The menu includes meat or fish, a vegetable side dish, salad, fruit, and a bun with jam. The flight attendant will offer you a choice of juice, mineral water, tea, coffee or glass of wine.

Takeoff and landing

During takeoff and landing, all passengers flying on board an airliner must adhere to aircraft safety rules. At such moments, you cannot walk around the salon or talk on the phone. You must sit in your seats. The backs of chairs must be in a strictly vertical position. You need to remove the folding tables and hide your gadgets in your bag.

During takeoff or landing, you must fasten your seat belts tightly. The flight attendant will definitely ask you to turn off your phones. After all mobile communications may interfere with the operation of aircraft navigation instruments. You can open the porthole curtains, look out the window and relax. The lights in the salon will be turned off. At such moments, you should reduce the volume of the music in your headphones and carefully monitor what is happening on board the aircraft in order to orient yourself in time in the event of a sudden accident.

Rules of conduct on an airplane when entering a turbulence zone

While gaining altitude or descending, the airliner finds itself in the troposphere. In this zone in bad weather the plane begins to throw in different directions. The liner, especially its tail, begins to vibrate strongly. How to behave on an airplane when you first encounter turbulence?

There is no need to be afraid of anything. Passengers should only follow the rules of conduct on the plane. At such moments, you need to listen to the recommendations of the crew members. Take your seats and fasten your seat belts tightly. You need to bend your head to your knees and clasp it with both hands. Until the situation normalizes, it is forbidden to leave your place.

What passengers need to know who are on a plane for the first time:

  1. Shaking during turbulence is less noticeable in the head and center of the airliner. It is in these areas that you should choose your place.
  2. For people suffering from claustrophobia, it is better to sit near the aisle.
  3. When taking off or landing, you need to chew something, for example, chewing gum. This way you can prevent motion sickness and ear congestion. You can get rid of tinnitus by yawning deeply, drinking a sip of water, or chewing menthol candy.
  4. During the flight, you need to breathe properly. You should take deep breaths and exhale slowly.
  5. On board an airliner, you need to set yourself up for the positive. After all, thoughts, as you know, are material. Nothing bad will happen if a person is confident in a successful flight and landing.

Questions frequently asked by beginners on the topic of the first flight

When newcomers board a plane for the first time, they don’t understand a lot. Lack of awareness about flight safety gives rise to fantasies and unreasonable fears. There's really nothing wrong with flying. Passengers can find out information of interest about the technical condition of the aircraft from the flight attendant.

Is it possible to use a telephone on board an airliner?

Mobile devices must be turned off during takeoff and landing. During the flight you are allowed to call your family. However, this service is paid and not provided by every airline.

Why is it hard to breathe on a plane?

There really isn't much oxygen in the cabin. It comes through engine cleaning systems. During a 6-hour flight, the amount of oxygen in a person’s blood drops by 10%. People suffering from heart disease should avoid this type of travel. Physically healthy passengers usually feel a little tired after a flight.

What to do if you're scared to sit at the window?

The rules of conduct on board an aircraft usually do not allow you to change your seat without permission. If a passenger suddenly becomes afraid to sit at the window, he can ask the flight attendant to change his seat.

What days of the week have the least number of passengers?

People most often fly by plane on Mondays and Fridays. At the end of the week, many people fly away for the weekend. In the beginning, on the contrary, they return to work. It is better to choose Wednesday or Thursday morning for travel.

There is nothing to be afraid of when traveling by plane. Passengers will not have problems if they arrive at the airport on time and do not forget their ticket, documents and money. For the trip you need to pack only things that are permitted for transportation. It is better not to take any prohibited items on board the plane. If you follow all the instructions and safety rules for flight, your air travel will be comfortable.

You need to think about luggage at the stage of purchasing tickets. Please note that only hand luggage is sold free of charge and by default in the ticket - a small and light bag that you will take with you on the plane. For a large and heavy suitcase, space in the luggage compartment must be purchased additionally.

During the purchase, the site will most likely give you the basic rules - what can and cannot be carried in luggage, what weight and dimensions are permissible. First of all, make sure that there is nothing prohibited among your things - among household items, this list includes, for example, fireworks, some flammable liquids and explosive substances.

Once your items have been selected, pack them into your suitcase. If you are not sure of its reliability and strength, it is better to additionally wrap it with ordinary cling film - this way it will definitely not open during transportation. Our compatriots have a stereotype that luggage needs to be rewound so that no one gets into it. But in fact, no airport employee has the right to open your luggage without your personal presence, but if it has a bad lock, then it may simply not withstand transportation from the plane to the baggage claim area.

When to arrive at the airport

Find out in advance how to get to the airport and how long it usually takes. Please note that there may be traffic jams along the way.

When going to the airport, pay attention to your clothes. The plane is not the best comfortable place, there is very dry air inside and little space. It is better that your clothes are comfortable, spacious, and made from natural materials. If immediately after your flight you need to attend an event with a specific dress code, take your items in your hand luggage. You can easily change clothes in the toilet of an airplane or airport.

One of the main differences between flying by plane and traveling by train or car is arriving at the airport in advance. Ideally, this is 2-3 hours before departure - check-in begins around this time:

  • At large airports, the first inspection is carried out at the entrance. Employees will ask you to place your bag in a special box so that it can pass under the scanner. After this, you need to remove outer clothing, remove all metal and electronics from the basket - all these things also pass under the scanner.
  • Now you are examined by an employee - you will be quickly “felt.”
  • Now comes the registration itself. You skip this step if you check in online in advance - many airlines try to encourage passengers to do this themselves.
  • You need to find a queue for your flight. There, airport employees will weigh and check your luggage and check your boarding passes.
  • The last stage is passport control. Here you will need to present your passport, visa (if needed) and, possibly, some other documents.
  • Check-in for a flight usually ends half an hour before departure - after this time you most likely will not get on board, despite the fact that the plane itself has not yet departed.

If you are flying for the first time, it is better to arrive very early - then you will have time to spare. It will come in handy if any problems suddenly arise and need to be resolved urgently.

Inside airports there are usually numerous shops, restaurants, cafes and due-free shops - so there is always something to do while waiting for your flight.

What to do on the plane?

First of all, think about what you will do during the flight. Even before takeoff, all passengers are asked to turn on airplane mode on their phones, but there is no network in the sky, so you won’t be able to surf the Internet. The most common entertainment options are books, movies or music. So prepare in advance so you don't get bored on the road.

Many people get stuffy ears on an airplane. This phenomenon occurs due to changes in pressure and manifests itself differently for everyone - for some it is practically not felt, while for others wild pain accompanies even several hours after the flight. To avoid this unpleasant moment, you can try the following measures:

  • Take lollipops with you in advance and suck them during the flight.
  • Buy special earplugs designed for flying at the pharmacy. By the way, they will also protect you from noise - there is no escape on the plane if your neighbors suddenly turn out to be babies screaming at the entire plane.
  • Massage your ears. There are no specific principles here - just rub your ears intensively and twirl them. Blood circulation will become more intense and the pain should go away.
  • The simplest recipes are to periodically open your mouth and make swallowing movements. From the outside it looks funny, but it helps with ear congestion very well.
  • If your ears are already blocked, cover your nose and mouth with your hand and exhale forcefully - the eardrum should fall into place.

Many people are afraid of flying and drink alcohol to somehow dull their fear. It's not very good idea- any flight is a huge load on the cardiovascular system, so the harm of alcohol in such a situation increases greatly.

But bringing a snack with you is a good idea. There is usually food on the plane, but it is not always tasty, and on short flights there may not be any at all. There are no rules prohibiting you from bringing food on board, and this is a great way to calm your nerves.

In any case, try to remain calm and not worry. Trust the statistics - airplanes are the most safe transport Accidents are extremely rare in the world.

1) Before the flight

To navigate to your seat on the plane, in the most general case, you will need 5 things:

    name of the airport (in some cities there are several)

    terminal (this can be a letter, number or name; the terminals can be far from each other, especially important if you get there by taxi)

    check-in counter number for the flight (you can find out by finding your flight in the departures board, which is in each terminal; at large airports, airlines usually have a whole series of check-in counters for all of their flights)

    gate number (boarding gate) - it will be indicated on the ticket, but can be changed ( up-to-date information can be seen on the board in the departure areas)

    seat number on the plane (also indicated on the ticket)

Check-in for the flight ends 40 minutes before departure, but it’s best to go through online registration on the airline’s website - this most often allows you to select a seat on the plane in advance, and can also save time at the airport. When choosing a seat, I prefer to sit by the window (there you don’t have to get up to let passengers out - you can sleep peacefully).

If you don't have luggage, you can print electronic ticket(at home in advance, or if you find a printing device at the airport) and immediately go to the departure area (then you do not need the check-in counter, but just the gate number). If there is such a possibility, then it is better not to check things in as luggage - this will save time upon arrival and guarantee that your luggage will not be lost (this happens extremely rarely, so there is no need to be afraid either).

You cannot take sharps or liquids in containers larger than 100 ml into your hand luggage.

If you have luggage, but you have already checked in, there are usually separate baggage drop-off counters (they will also print out a ticket for you if you have not done so).

When checking in at the counter, ask to be seated by the window (or in the aisle).

I had a case when I overslept the flight already sitting at the gate, but in general, after you have checked in, they will really try not to fly off without you (especially if you checked in your luggage, because it will need to be unloaded if they don’t wait for you at the gate ). IN Russian airports It is customary to call late passengers by their last names (you don’t need to get used to this - this doesn’t happen everywhere).

There is absolutely no need to stand in line for boarding - you can calmly wait until it passes. The exception is if you have a lot of carry-on luggage/duty free purchases, for which you may have to search for a long time for a seat on the plane if you are the last one to board it. If boarding occurs through a “sleeve” in addition to the queue in front of the boarding gate, a queue usually forms in the sleeve at the entrance to the plane itself, so it is better to either get in at the beginning or wait longer so as not to wait in two lines.

If you are being taken to the plane by bus, it is better to stay at the door with right side bus - usually it approaches the plane on this side and you will be one of the first to get off the bus and board the plane.

2) On the plane

We have already written about plugging your ears during takeoff and landing; for me, the most effective way is to pinch your nose with your fingers and blow air out through your ears.

The use of electronic devices is prohibited during takeoff and landing. If you listen to music, then when flight attendants pass by, take the headphones out of your ears.

3) After the flight

When the plane finishes moving, do not rush to get up unless you want to wait standing in a narrow aisle. You will get off the plane not much later if you get up from your seat after the disembarkation begins. If the exit is not through the “sleeve”, but by bus, then you will most likely end up on the same bus anyway (you already know which seat to occupy on the bus).

In Russia, it is better not to use the services of taxi drivers who meet you upon arrival at the airport - their prices are always greatly inflated. If you want to get there by car, it is best to order through mobile application(in Moscow and St. Petersburg I use Gett - if you register, you can use my promo code GTARASL1, and there is also Uber and Yandex).

Will you be flying on an airplane for the first time in your life? Are you worried and worried? How we understand you! Those who fly for the first time on an airplane are immediately visible, and sometimes newcomers only cause irritation or laughter from other passengers.

The newcomer, of course, arrives at the airport later than necessary, having decided, by analogy with the train, that half an hour before the departure time is still a car of time. Meanwhile, the departure time on the schedule is the time the plane doors close, and before this moment you need to go through security at least twice (once at the entrance to the airport terminal, the second time before boarding), passport control, and also check in your luggage. Beginners need to arrive at least 2 hours before departure - then you will have time to figure everything out.

In this case, the first thing a newcomer to the airport does is go to the queue at the check-in counter, where there are newcomers like him. After all, he had never heard of online check-in, and if he had heard of it, where had he seen it, so that they would be allowed on a plane using a piece of paper printed on a home printer? What if they don’t let me in? No, it’s better to go to the counter - where there are more people, it’s more reliable. This let all sorts of advanced air passengers carry luggage on drop-off rack They rent out without a queue. Self check-in kiosks? Nope! It’s too difficult to enter your last name and reservation number.

The beginner, of course, carries his luggage exclusively on himself. The fact that luggage trolleys are mostly relatively major airports a) are present and b) are provided free of charge, he does not know.

Then the newcomer finally runs to passport control, and then look at the duty-free store. Your eyes are wide open, you want to try everything, everything, everything, and the prices seem to be attractive... Girls, as usual, go to the right for perfume, boys - to the left for alcohol. It doesn’t matter that everything except a certain small limit such as 2 liters per person will be taken away by customs officers upon arrival, and the cost of what you buy in a regular store abroad may be lower - here, apparently, the process itself is more important.

There it is, the plane, very close! At the boarding gate, the newcomer immediately takes a turn, glad that there is almost no one in front of him. But - bad luck - it turns out that you will need to go to the plane by bus (the smaller the plane, the greater the probability), and so the passenger finds himself in the very middle of the cabin and waits, waits, waits until everyone else comes to board, including those who are late - the bus will leave only after that. However, some are lucky: when the plane is large, several buses depart, and boarding the first few speeds up getting on board. True, those who boarded the bus last will still be the first to board the plane.

Of course, by the time the newcomer approaches the boarding ramp, he has already put his boarding pass somewhere away, and now, when asked to show it, he begins to frantically rummage through his things. Fortunately, today, most often, the tear-off coupon is confiscated at the gate, so the process is no longer repeated near the plane. But even here, the newcomer manages to hide the stub somewhere (or even leave it in the pocket of the seat in front), providing himself and others with many fun minutes when collecting luggage upon arrival: it’s good, of course, when luggage tags are not checked, but in Russia this is , rather an exception than a rule.

In the cabin of an airplane, a first-time passenger is very upset when he sees that there is very little space left in the overhead bin above his row of seats. Of course, now he's trying his best to stuff his carry-on luggage in there. It’s good if other things don’t fall out and fall on your neighbors’ heads: a newcomer doesn’t realize that hand luggage can be placed not only above your shelf, but anywhere. And if you want to have it with you, it fits perfectly under the chair in front.

Having sat down in the chair, the novice passenger immediately reclines the back and gets comfortable. If the same newcomer is sitting in the back, a chain reaction occurs, after which the flight attendants have to approach everyone and ask them to lift it back - after all, you can only recline after turning off the “Fasten your seat belts” sign.

Immediately after touching the runway during landing, the newcomer begins to clap furiously. Absolutely all of them give themselves away by this: an experienced passenger knows that pilots still don’t hear applause, and certainly not the developers of the glide path system, who themselves clap every time they get out of the elevator at home. Only the automatic brakes tense up a little at this moment - the passengers are already clapping, what if, God forbid, we roll off the runway? But again no one notices his work and he is quietly sad while the plane taxis to the parking lot.

At this moment, of course, the newcomers are already jumping up from their chairs and starting to take their luggage from the shelves. After all, they are flying for the first time and do not yet know how painful it is to fly through the cabin hugging a backpack all the way to the door to the cockpit during a sudden sharp braking or, even more so, a collision with an obstacle. They want to sit on the bus longer again...

Want more details? Read the section

An airplane is perhaps one of the fastest means of transportation to get from one point on Earth to another in a short time. Of course, there are those who fly constantly with a huge amount of knowledge about the rules of conduct on airplanes and airports, navigating them as if they were at home. But there are also those who have never flown in their lives. This article will be useful to those who intend to take their first flight on an airplane.

It's no secret that wherever we go, we must show a ticket, and the plane is no exception. Tickets can be purchased online, at ticket offices, at the airport, or even through travel agencies or agencies that book and sell them. Be that as it may, the ticket you purchase will be stored electronically in the air carrier’s database.

If you are purchasing a ticket from home, it is important to enter your passport details correctly using an international or civil passport (depending on where you are going), after which the ticket purchased on the website should be printed. You can, of course, not print it out, because this will not be a reason to refuse the trip, however, it is better to have a printout with you.

Arrival at the airport

So, the day of departure. It is important to understand that you must arrive at the airport two hours before the plane departs. And to do everything slowly, you still need to add half an hour. This is especially true for those who are forced to fly from an unfamiliar airport. Plus, you need to take into account the congestion of the route.

If you are new to flying and the question “I’m flying on an airplane for the first time, what should I do at the airport?” relevant for you, subsequent information will be extremely important for you. If you are at a large airport, it is often divided into several terminals. From which terminal you are scheduled to depart is indicated on your ticket.

Arrival at the airport must be 2 hours before departure

So what should you do when you arrive at your terminal? First of all, you need to go through security control. To do this, you place your suitcases on a special scanner and pass through the frame. It is advisable to put all personal belongings - wallet, keys, mobile phone - in a separate handbag, since during inspection you need to take everything out of your pockets.

Registration procedure

You find a departures board - the latest information about the flight, as well as the numbers of the necessary counters for making the flight.

Luggage is checked in at the counter where check-in takes place, and you take hand luggage on board. For this purpose you will be given a boarding pass. Often, you take hand luggage with you and check in a suitcase (its weight should not exceed 20 kg). The air carrier indicates on the ticket or on the website.

Moreover, if you arrive early, you can ask for the desired seat, for example near the window. For those who are afraid of heights, it is best to take an aisle seat. If you are tall, a seat near the emergency exit will suit you. It is always better to keep your boarding pass handy, as you will be showing it more than once.

Luggage is checked in at the counter where check-in takes place, and you take hand luggage on board.

The boarding pass indicates the gate number. You must follow the signs. Some airports also use sector numbers. Therefore, you first need to find your sector, and then the boarding gate.

Passport control

Before boarding, you must go through security and passport control if you are crossing the border. Airport screening has certain rules set by the country. Often you need to take off your shoes, remove your belt, and empty your pockets. Some people ask you to take all electronics out of your bags and turn them on. When going through inspection, you should listen carefully to the employees who explain the inspection rules.

If you are taking medications, they are transported according to certain rules and you must read about this in advance on the carrier’s website. If you are flying to another country, you go through passport control. Border service officers check the availability of a visa in order to have the right to leave the country and freely visit the host country. You should also go through customs - the so-called green corridor. You walk along it without things that need to be declared, or with already declared ones.

Passage procedure passport control and inspection when crossing the border


After all security checks, you proceed to the departure area. It’s better to find your gate right away, even if you have a lot of time before your flight and decide to go shopping. Remember that the departure may be announced either over the speakerphone or invited near the exit, so you should keep an eye on the time.

Before boarding, you will be required to show your boarding pass and passport again. You will be given a counterfoil from boarding pass, where your row and place will be indicated. And then, you will either be taken to the plane by bus, or you will walk to the plane along a telescopic ramp.

You will walk to the plane via a telescopic bridge.

If the question is “I’m flying on an airplane for the first time, what do I need to know?” is bothering you and you are afraid of getting lost, remember that every airport has a convenient navigation system and is full of signs, every airport employee will always help you.

“I’m afraid to fly on an airplane for the first time.” — If you recognize yourself, below we will describe the basic principles of behavior on board for those who are afraid.

  1. If you are afraid of heights, choose a place near the aisle. If you are afraid of turbulence, do not choose a seat at the back of the plane, as the shaking is more noticeable there. For people who suffer from claustrophobia, it is better to sit near the emergency exit or aisle. In order to choose the desired seat, ask at the airport during check-in for the desired seat, or carefully book your ticket online.
  2. Dress casually and comfortably for the flight. You may even want to bring slippers with you, especially if the flight is 10-12 hours. Don't be afraid that you won't change your clothes, that's not true. Remember the trains. You can also always ask the flight attendant for a pillow and blanket.
  3. Psychologists and doctors advise that you should take lollipops with you. Delicious fun will distract you and prevent ear congestion and motion sickness during the flight. Chewing gum has the same effect.
  4. Also, those who are afraid of flying should never think badly. But if bad thoughts overwhelm you, you just need to create a comic book in your head where your fear turns into the sweetest creature, and you land favorably. Clouds may protrude balloons, cotton blankets or spring mattresses that throw you up. It is enough to turn on your imagination.
  5. Psychologists also advise breathing properly on an airplane. Deep breathing will immerse you in a peaceful atmosphere. Take deep breaths through your stomach and exhale through your mouth. This breathing will slow down your heart rate and relax your muscles. To quickly achieve relaxation, you can also concentrate on breathing.
  6. You can also look out the window during the flight, so to speak, to control the situation overboard when everything is stable. After all, a person with control of the situation always behaves confidently.
  7. You can also take your favorite toy with you so that you always have it in your hands; it is in the limbs that there are nerve endings, thereby distracting the brain from obsessive thoughts and fear.

Clothes on the plane should be comfortable and loose so that you feel comfortable

And finally, don't panic. After all, nothing can compare with the beauty of the earth when you look at it from above, and flying above the clouds and the sun, and a magnificent sunset, you will hardly ever be able to see such beauties, and the question “is it scary to fly on an airplane for the first time?” once" at the sight of such beauties will disappear by itself.

Frequently asked questions by beginners on the topic of the first flight

Many “airspace pioneers” often ask the question of how to fly an airplane for the first time, what to take, what to leave, whether they will be allowed through or not, and so on. Below we will try to answer the main ones and give useful tips for a comfortable flight.

  1. Will a metal detector detect crowns in teeth? – as a rule, the device does not respond to them. Moreover, when you are in front of the frame, you do not need to take off your rings or earrings. But the detector can react to cigarettes and even condoms (after all, the packages contain aluminum). Therefore, it would be more appropriate to put them out of your pockets.
  2. As for hand luggage, you need to be careful when selecting items, since in some countries even cosmetics may be confiscated from you during control.
  3. Boarding begins 40 minutes before departure. If you have plenty of time, you can go to duty-free.
  4. Also, do not wait in line long before the plane departs. You shouldn't sit, especially before a long flight. Go ahead and shake yourself up.
  5. What clothes should you take on the plane? — On all planes average temperature+22 degrees. It is worth focusing on the weather, as well as the point of arrival. If you're flying from cold to hot, bring a jacket that will fit easily into your pack when you arrive. Don’t take sheepskin coats and fur coats with you, it’s of no use, and they’ll only get in the way in the chair. The same applies to the opposite option, when you fly from hot to cold. Take the jacket as hand luggage, and just throw it on before boarding.
  6. Many also take a change of clothes and shoes with them to the salon. You can change clothes in the aircraft toilet. This is better than arriving in the tropics in a down jacket and getting cooked in it. For long distances, slippers and socks are perfect. You will be comfortable and comfortable, and you won’t get boiled in your boots.
  7. You should not fly on a plane in tight shoes. The loads are already considerable, plus you also create pressure on the vessels with tight shoes, increasing the risk of vein thrombosis.
  8. The air on the plane is dry. Therefore, those who wear contact lenses, either stock up on eye drops or fly with glasses.
  9. If you are flying for the first time, you should not drink alcohol. Test how your vestibular system will react during the flight. Many may experience nausea and dizziness. And drinking alcohol on a plane will only increase your body’s reactions.
  10. If you are suffering " seasickness“First of all, a place near the wings is suitable, and take some sour candies with you. Do not drink alcohol under any circumstances, as you will experience dizziness and nausea. Additionally, smoking is prohibited on airplanes, but is sometimes permitted on board.
  11. What to do on the plane? – It’s no secret that the liners are equipped with LCD monitors for watching movies or cartoons. So you choose what you want to watch, put on your headphones and enjoy watching. You can also take your favorite book, crossword puzzles, or just ask for a blanket, pillow and sleep. This way, time on the plane will fly by.

We hope that with the help of our tips you will make your first trip without fear.