World Civil Aviation Flight Attendant Day. Holiday of the air profession - Civil Aviation Flight Attendant Day International Flight Attendant Day: who celebrates

Who among us can imagine flying on board an airplane without a flight attendant? From the outside it seems that this is a simple profession, but yet it combines many functions. This is a manager who can quickly organize the boarding of passengers, a psychologist, a service specialist, and, in extreme cases, a rescuer. The history of this profession began in 1928, when they began to hire a separate person on board an airplane to provide service during the flight, a steward. Mostly these were waiters - men from expensive restaurants. Before this, the co-pilot handled the passengers, which was not entirely convenient. Nowadays, the task of a flight attendant has not changed; the main thing is to ensure the comfort and safety of the flight for passengers. As a tribute to society's respect for this romantic but difficult profession, Flight Attendant Day is celebrated on July 12.

In full dress and with a smile
You meet passengers
Flight attendant - sounds decent,
The profession of your dreams!

Today we congratulate you
And we wish you to live without troubles,
Only safe flights,
Happy, long, long years.

The whole team of flight attendants
Sings praises.
Unearthly beauty -
The pride of our board.

Passengers will be reassured
Everyone will be seated.
He will arrange a fashion show for them,
Rising to the skies.

Can this day be for you
Shall we say a few phrases?
May all takeoffs and landings
They happen softly and smoothly.

Let work be a joy
Let the patch give goodness,
Well, every passenger
Let it bring only peace.

Happy Flight Attendant Day. May there always be order and tranquility on board, may good luck and success always await you along the course, may you meet the smiles of kind people along the way, may every flight of life have a happy ending.

You fly higher than the birds every day,
One hundred flights on your account,
For us you are a heavenly princess,
And always, like a warrior, on duty!

You give smiles to passengers
You help brighten up their flight,
And you may even be their idol,
People love flight attendants!

Let love carry you on its wings,
Gives a lot of happiness and warmth,
And he brings surprises more often,
Unselfish heartfelt kindness!

Flight attendant job
I know it's definitely not easy,
But you make it easy
You fly high into the sky!

I wish you colorful flights,
Stable and large incomes,
Achieve success in everything
Soar higher day after day!

Happy Flight Attendant Day!
I wish you good luck,
So that on earth and in the sky
All problems were solved.

Let the open spaces beckon,
The dream calls forward
Let joy surround you
Love and kindness.

Let there be work
An outlet for you
And let the happy shine
Does not leave the eye.

You are an excellent flight attendant
I can say this with confidence!
You're definitely used to flying by now,
Doing what you love!

May your flights be successful
Let your salary only go up!
Always get pleasure from work
And have success in this life!

Flight Attendant Holiday
So precious to you.
You're flying in the clouds
In sunny spaces.

Passenger is always for you
I can only be happy.
The plane is in your destiny
Let him fly like a bird.

Happiness, devoted love
Without a doubt with the prince,
So that together you can
Find yourself in a fairy tale.

Flight attendants,
Soar under the clouds -
Nice solution.

On your holiday we wish
Beautiful bright takeoffs,
Calm and cheerful
You'll have flights throughout your life.

We wish you a salary
We're just great
And let everything be great
And in your personal life.

You soar in the clouds every day,
Not in a figurative sense - at work,
And there is no more beautiful flight attendant,
May you be lucky on every new flight.

Let your passengers appreciate your work
And in the sky they won’t cause any inconvenience,
And dozens of awards await ahead,
And may success lead your destiny!

A simple story about a flight attendant.

Even now, when asked about her future profession, a little girl can answer – flight attendant.

And earlier, at the dawn of the development of aviation, it was the most popular and most unattainable dream of many girls and young women! Although the first stewards were men. Their duties included assisting passengers when boarding and disembarking from the plane. And servicing them during the flight. Back then they were recruited from waiters in fashionable restaurants. And they had nothing to do with technology. Already on the Zeppelin airships there were specially trained specialists in the crew to help passengers with accommodation and to create comfort.

With the rapid growth of aviation, and in particular civil aviation, the urgent question arose about the need for an assistant pilot, a steward, who deals only with passengers, their safety, provides medical assistance, in general, tries to ensure that demanding, capricious and inquisitive passengers do not interfere to the pilot.

So the first steward was a man invited by Lufthansa in 1928. He was flying a Junkers F-13 with four passengers on board.

In 1930, the American transport company Boeing Air Transport (United Airlines) became interested in the experience of its German colleagues and decided to create a similar service on its lines. Ellen Church, a nurse from San Francisco, contributed greatly to this. She took private flying lessons. And after completing the course, she came to the Boeing manager with a request to hire her as a pilot. Na received an offer to gather and lead the first small team of female nurses to work as flight attendants on airlines. The company's management made the right bet.

The fact is that, in those years, aviation passenger transportation were not only new, but also quite dangerous. And the presence on board, during the flight, of a fragile, pretty girl, as a crew member, calmed even the most nervous and fearful passengers. And Ellen’s main profession could come in handy during the flight. Low flight altitudes led to strong turbulence in surface wind currents. Few people endured such an ordeal well. This is where Ellen Church's training as a nurse came in handy.

The selection of seven nurses for the first group of flight attendants was very cruel, even by modern standards. Professional nurse. Not older than 25 years. Weighing no more than 115 pounds, which is about 52 kg. Smaller height was desirable. No higher than 163 cm. And the first uniform for girls was a simple medical gown. There were also conditions that people in America don’t really like to remember now. Girls did not have the right to marry and have children. They were paid, by those standards, a very decent amount, $125 a month. But there were also a lot of responsibilities that the current “goddesses of the air” are not even aware of. For example, their duties included helping the crew roll the plane out of the hangar and refuel. Loading luggage and cleaning the aircraft. They were guides and told passengers about the places over which the flight took place.

In addition, they provided medical services and fed everyone. And they even caught flies, handed out chewing gum and cleaned shoes for clients! As you can see, there was a lot of work. And, nevertheless, when other airlines followed the example of Boeing Air Transport, there were a huge number of those wishing to become “sky girls” (as they were called then)! Only during the Second World War, due to the massive recruitment of nurses into the army, the selection criteria for girls were somewhat softened. And they began to recruit any suitable girls.

IT IS CURIOUS that in a country of “developed democracy”,

The age criterion was abolished only in the 70s.

And the ban on marriage and children dates back to the 80s!

Today, it is wrong to perceive a flight attendant as a servant who feeds and cares for you. First and foremost, a flight attendant must ensure your safety. And the training program for modern flight attendants is reminiscent of special forces training! Remember, the flight attendant on board is a hospitable hostess who is temporarily hosting you at home. She is not a “give-and-fetch” servant, but a full-fledged member of the aircraft crew. If necessary, she can even fly an airplane; such courses are also included in the training program. Act like you are visiting good friends. And happy flight to you!

This is interesting:

    * The deadline for working as a flight attendant in Russia is 45 years.

    * The girls of the American airline Hooters Air had the most provocative uniform. Under the motto “fly hot.” The girls were dressed in T-shirts and short boxer panties. The company closed in 2006, but all of America still remembers the orange shorts and deep necklines of the flight attendants.

    * The Thai airline P.C/ Air employs transsexuals with a “third gender” badge. Be careful!

    * Yugoslav flight attendant Vulovich Vesna, survived a fall from 10,000 meters!

    * It takes 2-3 months for flight attendants to train in Russia. Each company has its own methods.

    * In 2008, a Canadian flight attendant landed a plane with passengers at Shannon Airport. The commander went crazy, and the co-pilot was injured while trying to reason with his colleague.

On July 12, flight attendants around the world celebrate their professional holiday. In the aviation industry, the overwhelming majority of flight attendants have long been women and all passengers are accustomed to calling them flight attendants. Our site is pleased to congratulate all flight attendants and wish them pleasant flights and soft landings!

  • The snow-white plane takes flight,
  • The stewardess meets us on board - simply classy!
  • He will fasten everyone’s straps and pour water for everyone,
  • Happy holiday to you, beauty, aviation godsend!

A little history and facts

  • During the first flights passenger aircraft, the co-pilot was working with the people on board. However, aircraft owners quickly realized that this was not at all safe.
  • Beginning in 1928, Germany began adding a third person to the crew—a steward or flight attendant.
  • Initially, only men were hired as stewards.
  • In 1930, the United States realized that young girls were much more suitable for this job. And for two reasons at once:
    • Girls weighed less, which was a powerful argument in those years.
    • The passengers at that time were predominantly men, whom young girls were much more comfortable with.
  • It is officially considered that the first flight attendant on aircraft is Ellen Church, who boarded a United Airlines flight on May 15, 1930.
  • Contrary to popular belief, the main task of a flight attendant is not to serve passengers, but to monitor their safety.
  • At the moment, increased demands are being placed on flight attendants. In particular, it is required that they have such qualities as sociability, diplomacy, tolerance, and emotional restraint. In the largest Russian airlines The flight attendant is required to know one or more foreign languages.

  • Aviation makes it possible to move goods and people over significant distances in a short time. Despite the common misconception, this type of transport is one of the safest. It is an important part of the economy of developed countries. An international professional holiday is dedicated to specialists working in this industry.

    Who's celebrating

    Flight attendants take part in the event civil aviation. The holiday is celebrated by employees aviation enterprises, teachers, students, course participants, graduates of specialized educational institutions. Their relatives, friends, acquaintances and close people join the action.

    History and traditions of the holiday

    The holiday appeared after the formation of a similar profession in the 20s of the 20th century. It first appeared in Germany in 1928, where the functions of serving passengers were transferred from the co-pilot to a specially trained person. This decision was dictated by security considerations. Thus, the crew was freed from performing extraneous tasks.

    The purpose of the event is to increase the prestige of flight attendants, draw attention to their problems, and introduce them to their ranks. This action demonstrates the high role of workers in the competitive struggle of companies.

    International Flight Attendant Day 2020 brings together specialists in many countries around the world, including Russia. Colleagues and their acquaintances, relatives, friends, and loved ones gather at festive tables in cafes and restaurants. Participants exchange experiences and discuss innovations. There are congratulations, wishes for health, success in responsible work. An invariable attribute of the celebrations is the pronunciation of the traditional toast so that the number of takeoffs coincides with the number of landings.

    Distinguished employees are awarded certificates of honor and valuable gifts. Management notes the important role of employees in providing high service.

    The media are preparing programs about the history of the industry. The main characters of the stories and interviews are civil aviation veterans, former and current flight attendants. They talk about their life journey and interesting incidents during flights. Events often take place outdoors, if the weather summer month favorable. A picnic is accompanied by swimming in ponds, fishing and cooking over an open fire.

    About the profession

    Civil aviation flight attendants perform passenger service tasks during flights. They are required to provide advice and provide the prescribed food and drinks.

    The path to the profession begins after completing courses or an educational institution. The graduate masters the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Only those who have passed the required exams are allowed to work.

    Employees are subject to strict requirements regarding knowledge of foreign languages ​​and level of service. The steward must have first aid skills.

    The activity is classified as hazardous to life and health. It is caused not only by significant stress and possible disasters, but also by prolonged radiation exposure. Its background during flight in the upper layers of the atmosphere is much higher than on the surface of the Earth. In the West, the profession of boat attendant is highly paid and in demand thanks to big park aircraft of numerous airlines.

    Every year, representatives of one of the most romantic professions in the world, better known to us as stewards and stewardesses, celebrate their professional holiday.

    It may seem surprising, but this profession has been around for over 80 years. It is believed that it originated in Germany in 1928, when they began to take a special person on board the plane, whose duties included providing service during the flight - a steward. Previously, this was done by the second pilot of the aircraft, which was risky from a flight safety point of view.

    At first, the functions of flight attendants were performed by men - most often they were former waiters of expensive restaurants. However, already in 1930 in the United States, the idea arose of attracting attractive girls to work - this was supposed to be additional advertising passenger air transportation. There was another argument in favor of the fair sex: they weighed less, which was of great importance for the aircraft of that time.

    The first flight attendant in the history of aviation is called Ellen Church (Ellen Church, 1904 - 1965) from Iowa. She took her first flight in this capacity in 1930 on a flight from Oakland to Chicago for air transport Boeing.

    Ellen Church (standing in the doorway, left) became the world's first flight attendant

    Ellen completed nursing courses, and also took private lessons in flying an airplane - this served as a decisive argument in her favor: the girl herself offered her services to the airline. Moreover, it was Miss Church who was tasked with recruiting the first group to train future flight attendants; they were seven nurses under the age of 25 and weighing no more than 52 kilograms.

    The weight of a flight attendant is not that important these days. But when recruiting personnel, the “three E” principle is often used: this is an external image (speech, facial expressions, makeup, external attractiveness); internal image (presence of necessary character traits); professional image (professional knowledge and skills).

    The main responsibility of a modern flight attendant is to ensure the safety of passengers during the flight. In addition, stewards and flight attendants do everything to make passengers feel comfortable.

    If you want to see the world -
    It's best to fly by plane.
    There is coziness and comfort on board the aircraft,
    The flight attendant creates it!

    May everything in your life be in order,
    May takeoffs and landings be safe,
    Flight weather, happiness and patience,
    Always good luck and luck in everything!