How to use a bedpan. How to choose a vessel (duck) for bedridden patients. Carrying out a hygienic shower

- this is the most important condition his speedy recovery or maintaining good health long time. In modern conditions, it is not difficult to choose a care product that will be most comfortable for such a patient, as well as convenient for his family, friends and medical personnel providing care. One of the necessary means is a bedpan (duck) for bedridden patients.

Types of care products for bedridden patients

People of different ages and genders quite often find themselves bedridden for a certain period of time due to complete or partial loss of the ability to move. In such a situation, it is not possible to go to the toilet, and you have to use special duck devices.

Until a few years ago, a medical bedpan was an enamel-coated metal tank that was used to collect food from men and women and to collect urine from women. The second variety was a duck for bedridden male patients, which was an enameled metal urinal. These two types of care products still exist, but are represented by a variety of models. For example, there are design options made of plastic.

Important! Good care and regular hygiene procedures improve not only the physical but also the psychological condition of the patient.

How to choose a care product for a bedridden patient

If you need a vessel for bedridden patients at home, then when choosing you need to take into account several aspects:

  • a form that best suits the individual characteristics of the patient and does not cause inconvenience or pain;
  • ease of use and disinfection of the vessel (duck) for a bedridden patient;
  • design corresponding to the patient’s weight characteristics;
  • material, its flexibility and elasticity, etc.

To ensure that the collection of waste products is not perceived by the patient as an unpleasant procedure, it is necessary to carefully select the necessary materials. in this case models of special medical equipment.

There are various modifications for patients of different sexes: for example, a duck or a bedpan for women is made in accordance with the anatomical features and is intended for use as comfortable as possible from a physiological and psychological point of view.

If your patient has bedsores or there is a danger of their occurrence, then you need to purchase a rubber bedspread for bedridden patients. In addition, to choose the right product, it is important to consult a doctor about the characteristics of the condition and the course of the disease.

Types of medical vessel (ducks)

Medical equipment intended for receiving human waste products is available in several varieties, for example, you can choose a duck or a bedpan for bedridden sick men, as well as for women.

The first type is the vessel itself, that is, an oval (or round) shaped container-tray placed under the pelvic area and used to empty both the bladder and intestines at the same time. The boat vessel for bedridden patients is used in the care of men and women. Modern bed models are made from materials that make care minimally painful. You can place a bedpan under a bedridden patient if he is in a supine position. For severe illnesses, this is a very convenient and ergonomic option, since there is no need to turn the patient on his side. Comparison of the characteristics of a vessel (duck) for bedridden patients made from various materials will help you choose best option(table).

Parameter Enameled metal Rubber Synthetic material (plastic, polypropylene)
Weight 1200-1500 300-400 g 500-700 g
Material properties rigidity, long-term preservation of air temperature flexibility, plasticity atraumatic, flexible
How to disinfect sterilized in an autoclave or washed with a disinfectant solution soaked in a special solution cleaned with special cleaners
Advantages strength, durability, ease of sanitization takes the shape of the body, does not put pressure on the tissue, it is possible to adjust the height of the vessel does not cause discomfort or pain, does not put pressure on the sacral area
Flaws the need to warm up before serving to the patient fragility the appearance of an unpleasant odor with prolonged use

Each of the presented models has its own characteristics. For example, a rubber inflatable for bedridden patients is not suitable for patients with a large body weight, as it may deflate. In addition, a rubber boat is not as durable as equipment made from other materials. A plastic duck or bedpan for bedridden patients combines several advantages such as long service life and strength, but is distinguished by its ability to absorb even with regular treatment and disinfection. An enameled metal bed for a bedridden patient cannot be used for bedsores or after injuries to the lumbosacral region or femoral neck.

The soft rubber bedpan for bedridden patients is available in three sizes and has a special valve for inflation. Reservoirs made of plastic or metal are made with lids; you can also optionally purchase a cover or comfortable hygroscopic pads that increase the comfort of defecation or urination.

Duck models for women and men

Medical equipment with a long neck for receiving secretions from the bladder is popularly called a duck. Modern manufacturers of medical equipment offer a wide range of products for the care of women and men. Such devices are convenient and can be used not only when the patient is turned on his side, but also in a supine position. Ducks, like vessels for bedridden patients, are made from different materials: metal, glass, plastic.

Important! It is convenient to use a duck for bedridden patients, since special modifications have been developed for males and females that correspond to the anatomical structure of their genitourinary organs.

Rules for leaving with a vessel

In order not to create additional discomfort for a sick person, you need to use a bedpan carefully and quickly, following a few simple rules:

  • If possible, ensure the confidentiality of the procedure by using a medical screen;
  • before placing the bedpan on a bedridden patient, you must put on medical gloves, prepare oilcloth (or), wet wipes for intimate hygiene, cotton wool, warm water, toilet soap, a towel or soft cloth;
  • warm up and wipe the vessel (duck) dry and make sure that the surface temperature is equal to ;
  • remove the blanket;
  • ask the patient to lift the pelvis and bend the knees to place the oilcloth, or, in case of immobility, perform these manipulations independently;
  • It is necessary to correctly position the vessel for a bedridden patient by lifting or supporting the sacral part with one hand, and with the other hand, carefully bringing the vessel so that the buttocks are located above the hole;
  • make sure that the patient is lying comfortably, cover him with a blanket or sheet and give him time to empty his bowels and bladder;
  • at the end of the procedure, after defecation and urination, it is necessary to clean the skin from residual feces and urine with toilet paper or wet wipes, then wash the genital area warm water with soap, carefully wipe dry, then remove the vessel (duck) and oilcloth.

In some cases, it is not possible to empty the intestines while lying on your back, so you will need to turn the patient on his side and protect his skin from contamination with a diaper or napkin. After the procedure, you can lubricate the surface of the skin with cream or treat it with powder.

Important! The vessel (duck) for bedridden patients is washed, disinfected and dried immediately after the manipulation.

Rules for caring for a bedridden patient using a duck

However, if the condition is serious, it is necessary to place a duck in a bedridden patient, based on knowledge of several rules:

  1. Before manipulation, you must wash your hands and put on medical gloves;
  2. to place a duck on a bedridden patient, you need to fold back the blanket, provide access to the genitourinary organs and bring the reservoir so as to prevent urine from leaking onto bedding or clothing;
  3. After use, the duck should be washed immediately using a stiff brush and a disinfectant solution of chloramine or other substances.

When purchasing, those who have suffered injuries and other diseases, or an elderly person, you need to carefully study technical specifications and instructions that tell you how to properly position the bedpan for a bedridden patient. In addition, you can invite medical worker and get specialist advice. It must be remembered that good care will help the patient recover faster and feel comfortable even in the most difficult condition.


A seriously ill patient performs all physiological functions without leaving his bed, so he needs to be helped in such a way as not to cause unnecessary concern and not to pollute the bed.

One of necessary items patient care is a vessel that can have different shapes and designs. It is made of earthenware, enamel-coated metal, plastic or rubber. Rubber vessels are inflated with air through a special hole in a metal frame, which is treated with alcohol; These vessels are most convenient at home. Most often, the vessel is flat, round in shape, with a large round hole on top, closed by a lid, and a small hole in the tube extending from the side surface and serving to release the contents. A clean vessel should fit under the bed on the bench.

Providing a vessel to a seriously ill patient, disinfecting the vessel

While using the bedpan, the patient must be separated from other patients with a screen. The vessel is first warmed by rinsing with warm water, some of which is left so that the feces do not stick to the walls of the vessel.

The bed is covered with oilcloth where the vessel will be placed. When placing a bedpan, the hand is placed under the patient’s sacrum, the pelvis is raised upward, and a bedpan is placed between the legs spread to the side and the knees bent.

The vessel is placed under the buttocks so that the perineum is above the large hole, and the tube is between the thighs towards the knees. The vessel is removed in the reverse order.

The patient is washed, the perineum is wiped with a gauze napkin and lubricated with boric petroleum jelly or. baby cream The used vessel is emptied of its contents, thoroughly washed with a brush, disinfected with a 3% solution of chloramine or bleach and rinsed.

Various events lead to a serious condition of a person in a hospital bed, and the most difficult thing in this situation is to ensure cleanliness and comfort when performing natural needs.

Care for seriously ill patients is carried out in accordance with the localization of the problem, trying not to aggravate the pain - this applies to the choice of positions for sleeping, resting, eating and using the toilet.

Types of medical vessel

In most cases, for bedridden patients who are unable to move independently and do not use crutches or walkers for the disabled, there is a special system for the discharge of natural needs, for which a medical vessel is used.

The special design of the vessel bowl allows the patient to get rid of urine and feces in an acceptable form, without contaminating bed linen and clothing.

Medical vessels are manufactured in a wide range of designs from various materials:

  • enameled metal;
  • faience;
  • rubber;
  • plastic.

All vessels are more or less similar in shape - smoothed round shapes, low height, an oval hole in the center, closed with a lid and a side pipe for draining the contents. The choice of the type of vessel should be made depending on the age and weight of the patient. Processing and disinfection of all types is the same. The vessel should be stored on a stool under the patient’s bed.

Vessel feeding technique

Before starting sanitary measures, the patient’s bed is fenced off with a screen, the place under the vessel is lined with waterproof oilcloth, and the vessel is rinsed with warm water. Gently moving your hand under the patient's sacrum, slowly raise the pelvis, while the patient's legs are directed upward and bent at the knees. The narrow part of the vessel is placed under the sacrum until the opening of the vessel is aligned with the perineum.

Upon completion of emptying, the vessel is removed from under the patient in a similar way, closed with a lid and placed on a stool. The patient's perineum is cleaned with a damp cloth and treated with baby cream or Vaseline.

The bedpan is emptied by emptying the contents into the toilet, after which it is rinsed with water for final cleaning, disinfected with chloramine, and put away under the bed.

If the patient is prohibited from walking even to the toilet, he must perform all physiological functions in bed. To empty the bowels, they use bedpans, which can be enameled, earthenware or rubber. A bedpan is given to a bedridden patient. The vessel should be rinsed before serving. hot water, since it must be clean and warm. The vessel should be handled very carefully.

Rice. 8. Correct position of the backing circle.

The left hand is brought under the patient’s sacrum and at the same time lifted, and with the right hand, a vessel is carefully placed and brought under the sacrum with the cape forward, so that the buttocks hang slightly over its opening (Fig. 8). Then the patient is covered with a blanket, and after bowel movements, the vessel is immediately taken away. It is advisable to isolate the patient with a screen during bowel movements. After defecation, the bedpan is carefully removed from under the patient so as not to spill the contents, covered with oilcloth or newspaper and taken to the toilet room. The patient is washed and the anus area is wiped dry. The contents of the vessel are poured into the toilet. The vessel is washed well with hot water and “Hygiene” and “News” powders. After this, the vessel is disinfected with a 2% chloramine solution or a 0.5% clarified bleach solution. Weak patients with a small subcutaneous fat layer, a tendency to form bedsores, and also with fecal incontinence should be given inflatable rubber bedpans, which, due to their elasticity, exert the least pressure on the sacrum and at the same time protect against contact with secretions, which is the prevention of bedsores. The vessel should not be tightly inflated. The bedpan should not be placed directly on the sheet, but an oilcloth should be placed under it. It must be emptied in a timely manner. Currently, there are special machines that wash and dry ships. The junior nurse constantly monitors the cleanliness and proper storage of the vessels. To empty the bladder, men and patients with urinary incontinence are given urinals, i.e. (ducks), they are placed between the patient’s legs, and the penis is lowered into the hole. These urinals can be glass or enameled. After each urination, they are emptied and washed well with one of the “Hygiene” or “News” products. to remove sediment from the walls, it is necessary to periodically wash it with a weak solution hydrochloric acid. Before giving it to the patient, the urine bag should be rinsed with warm water. Each bedridden patient must have an individual urinal, which is located at the bedside, and a bedpan, which is stored in a special nest under the bed.

Did you know that: + + + + + OBROSOV Pavel Nikolaevich (1880-1937), one of the organizers of healthcare in the USSR. Since 1922 he headed the Kremlin Medical Directorate, Institute named after. N. V. Sklifosovsky, department of the 1st Moscow medical institute. Repressed; rehabilitated posthumously.
"OVERLORD" (English overlord - supreme ruler, overlord), code name of the Normandy landing operation.
RADIATION, exposure to radiation (infrared, ultraviolet, ionizing) on ​​a substance or biological objects for therapeutic purposes (eg, ultraviolet, radiation therapy), accidental (eg, during an accident) and in persons working with a radiation source.
ENCOATING DRUGS, medicinal substances that form colloidal solutions with water that protect the nerve endings of the mucous membranes and skin from the action of irritating substances and complicate their absorption. Used for diseases of the stomach, intestines, and skin.
OSIPOV Viktor Petrovich (1871-1947), Russian psychiatrist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939), academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences (1944), lieutenant general of the medical service (1943). He developed the pathophysiological direction in psychiatry. Works on military psychiatry, etc.
OBRAZTSOV Vasily Parmenovich (1851-1920), Russian therapist, founder of a scientific school. Gave a classic description of the clinical picture of myocardial infarction (1910, together with N.D. Strazhesko). He developed a palpation method for examining the abdominal organs.

Now I will show you how to properly feed a bedpan to a bedridden patient. Place a rolled blanket under your shoulder and hip. The height of the blanket should be the same as the ship. We bend our knees.

If the girl can hold on with her hand, let her hold on to the side. Using the sheet and my body weight, I help her turn onto her side so that her hip is on the folded blanket. I'm setting up the vessel.

There's a space between the bed and my thigh so I don't have to push the bedpan underneath. I apply the bedpan and turn her on her back. You can raise the head of the bed. If you have a different type of boat, the blanket needs to be folded so that they match in height.

In order to pick up the bedpan, I turn the girl on her side again - with her thigh on the edge of the blanket - and easily pick up the bedpan. I don't need to lift the girl and move her from the height of the vessel down onto the bed. Thus, there is less chance of hitting and knocking over its contents.