Unusual ideas for a bath. Unusual baths - exoticism at its finest Unusual bath

Bath of the peoples of the world, what a huge variety of traditions and customs among different peoples and countries. Among the peoples of Africa, water has always been considered sacred; they widely used hydrotherapy in their mystical rites and rituals. In countries that had sand, they dug a hole in it the size of a person, and in this hole they made a fire from branches and twigs. Then they removed the remains of the fire from the pit and poured dry heated sand into it, placed various useful herbs and leaves, depending on what diseases the person was complaining of. Sometimes the fire was not lit, but boiling water was poured over the pit.

A person lay down in a hole (or lay down), covered it with various medicinal herbs, and sand hot from the sun was raked on top of the body.

The time a person spent in such a bath was determined by his well-being.

Snow bathhouse...

IN glorious city In Baikalsk, Andrey Pylyukh and Vladimir Zolotchenko built an ice bathhouse. Baikalsk is small town in the south of Baikal, not far from Irkutsk.

All walls are lined with ice. Up to 15 people can be accommodated inside. The thickness of the walls of the bathhouse is only 2 cm, if you do not take into account the ice. The technology, according to the author, is unique; oligarchs sometimes order such bathhouses for their dachas.

Not far from the bathhouse there is a font. Everything, of course, is made of ice.

The cost of a 2-hour bathhouse rental is 5,000 rubles

The bathhouse accommodates 15 people.

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Floating sauna in the middle of the Vltava River in Prague...

Many big cities have a river that divides them into parts, creating, at the same time, an incredible atmosphere and a huge number of problems in terms of transport and infrastructure. The Czech capital Prague also has a river! And architects Andrea Kubna and Ondrej Lipensky propose a way to use these water spaces usefully, they propose to create a floating bathhouse on the Vltava.

In the very center of Prague, there may also be a floating bathhouse Floating bath on Vltava river.

This structure will have a diameter of 50 meters. Inside it there will be a reservoir open to the sky with a depth of 165 centimeters. It will be separated from the Vlatava River itself by a special textile membrane that filters debris, dirt, algae and bacteria. This pool can accommodate up to 300 people at a time. And around it there will be cabins for vacationers (24 cabins in total).

People will come here on public and private boats. Here they can take a steam bath, swim in the pool, eat in a restaurant, or just sit and relax on sun loungers or in the lounge. A closed circular structure will protect the internal space of Floating bath on Vltava river from the noise, dust and bustle of Prague, the center of which is very close.

IN winter time year, it will be possible to create an ice skating rink inside the Floating bath on Vltava river complex - after all, in winter there are severe frosts in Prague, and the Vltava River completely freezes.

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Transcarpathian bathhouse. Steaming in a vat.

The first hydropathic clinic in Transcarpathia (Lumshory village) was built back in the 17th century (about 1600). Mineral water in the village flows directly from the rock, which was used by local princes and merchants to treat their battered bodies.

Cold mineral water was poured into large wooden troughs, and then, with the help of hot stones, the temperature was brought to the desired level. Then two large cast iron vats were cast, one of which is now in the Vienna Museum, and the second is in the possession of a local resident.

The organization of the process is very simple. Pours into a cast iron vat mineral water. A fire is lit under it. Flat river stones are placed at the bottom of the vat so that the hot bottom does not burn. And the temperature slowly rises to 45-50 degrees. The vat is quite spacious (diameter 2.5 m, depth 0.8 m, wall thickness from 40 to 60 mm). The four of us can feel quite comfortable. A small mountain river with ice-cold water flows two steps away. There are small dams in it so that you can plunge your head into it. The procedure takes no more than one hour. It is very effective in winter, when there is snow all around and the banks of the river are covered in ice. And you lie in hot mineral water, drink tea infused with mountain herbs with honey.

You can add decoctions and infusions of herbs to the water. You can put a couple of armfuls of fragrant herbs in the water. And the procedure is not as tough as when steaming in traditional steam rooms. Warming up of body tissues occurs at a deeper level and more evenly, sparingly. The heat capacity of water is much greater than that of air and does not require high temperatures.
In the vat you relax more, you get pleasure from contemplating the world around you from the vat. If it overheats, there is a pond with cold water nearby. As a rule, two or three visits to the vat followed by immersion in water occur in one hour. And this happens so naturally, without violence to the body, that you already begin to think about betraying the traditional bathhouse with a broom.

A water bath cannot be compared with other types of baths. After it there is an incomparable sensation, a slight tingling sensation, like needles, evenly throughout the body.
After several trips (into the vat and then into the river), you get the feeling that your muscles and bones have been replaced with new, younger ones. The body breathes health, and the nervous system plunges into a state of complete calm and contemplation. It is clear that hot mineral water treats problems of the musculoskeletal system, and contrasting cold water from a living river triggers hidden rejuvenation mechanisms.

When building such a bathhouse, you will need to build a font with a water cooling system.

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Architects from the Canadian firm Partisans implemented an original project for a sauna made entirely of wood. In addition to being entirely wooden, the project is integrated into the rock and is located in a picturesque region rich in artesian springs. The project is called The Grotto.

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Located in an active volcanic zone, the Japanese archipelago has a huge number of geothermal water outlets. Practical Japanese use them to heat houses, greenhouses, supply water to public baths, and also to create tourist centers. Staying in a hotel built on a hot spring is quite expensive. But this does not deter visitors. Rooms in such hotels for weekends must be booked a couple of weeks in advance.

Hotels often have entire cascades of “rotenburo” - bathtubs under open air, where the views of swimmers are not limited by walls and fences, but, on the contrary, they have magnificent views of mountains, valleys, and copses. The Japanese, like the Russians, love to warm bones. And here the young mountains of the Japanese archipelago serve well, supplying hot mineralized geothermal water. A hotel located at a spring will certainly have a list of elements contained in the water.

Somewhere in this hotel there is sure to be a pool into which healing water constantly flows, often smelling of sulfur or something else equally pungent. The Japanese believe that the range of these underground aromas turns an ordinary bath into a truly health-improving event. It is believed that it is the water from mountain springs especially useful for general strengthening of the body. There are no brooms, however. How do you bathe in a hot spring? In general, exactly the same as in a regular bath or bath. Upon entering the dressing room, you take off your clothes and put them in a plastic basket. In return you receive a small towel. Then you go to the “bathhouse” itself. Shower devices are built into the wall, under which, sitting on a bench, you wash off the first dirt, using a towel as a washcloth. Then it's the pool's turn.

The water there is usually much hotter than what we are used to. But the Japanese tolerate it completely calmly. The Russian man climbs into it centimeter by centimeter, cursing and moaning, until he finally settles to the bottom. During all these procedures, you use a small towel for its other function - like a fig leaf. With a generally calm attitude towards everything bodily, for some reason it is considered decent to carelessly cover the painful area while bathing in these very hot springs. True, the owners of some hotels located on the springs began to prohibit this practice, since hot mineral water corrodes these towels and this makes the quality of the water worse. After soaking in hot water, you return to the shower and wash yourself completely. “Rotenburo” are located in secluded corners of parks and gardens, on mountain slopes, where there are usually no passers-by.

The craving for nature, for the natural, is wonderful, but in Japan they know how to take this feeling to the absolute level, offering the client very exotic, from a European point of view, onsen entertainment. For example, in winter in Hokkaido, those who wish can take a hot mineral bath directly in the ice. Wooden tubs are frozen into the icy surface of a frozen lake and hot water from a natural spring is supplied to them through bamboo pipes. The client, looking around the snow-covered surface of the lake, can sip warm sake rice wine while basking in warm mineral water.

But in Wakayama Prefecture, the owners of the Arita Kanko Hotel came up with hot baths in a hanging trailer cable car A large iron container, divided into several baths, is moved along ropes thrown over a gorge on the seashore from the top of one mountain to another. They are flooded hot water from the onsen. Clients each climb into their own bathtub, and an aerial flight over the abyss begins. Unforgettable impressions leaves not only an unusual combination of a hot bath and goosebumps that involuntarily run through the body when looking down. A body that has lost its weight in water seems to float in the sky.

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This unique health establishment has so far only one specific location - the city of Tbilisi. The capital of Georgia was named so because it was located near warm sulfur springs flowing from under Mount Tabor.

The average temperature of the source is 37 degrees. You might think, what kind of bathhouse is this? However, Georgian architects designed special rooms located below ground level. Only the unique domed roofs are visible on the surface. In the center of the hall there are pools lined with marble or local porous stone, into which hot water from a sulfur spring flows through clay pipes. This device is somewhat reminiscent of Japanese sento.

Griboyedov and Pushkin visited these baths, who immensely praised the health spa treatments and the skill of the bathhouse attendants.
The benefits of sulfur baths

Water enriched with sulfur has different effects on people suffering from various diseases. Its main advantage is that it dilates blood vessels gently, without sudden jumps. Regular use of sulfur-alkaline waters normalizes many processes in the human body. Thus, hypertensive patients moderately and calmly lower their blood pressure, while hypotensive patients, on the contrary, raise it to normal. Sulfur waters are recommended for patients suffering from various joint diseases. Increased blood flow helps accelerate metabolism in these places and, as a result, tissue restoration, pain relief and increased motor activity. Sulfuric water sources also have an anti-inflammatory effect: they heal wounds, relieve skin inflammation and accelerate skin regeneration.

A sulfur bath is not only water filled with a sulfur component. This is moderately hot water, which, in combination with sulfur, has a relaxing and at the same time mild tonic effect.

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Unusual baths

There are Russian baths, there are Turkish, there are Japanese, and there are unusual baths, those that are used in narrow circles, not so common, and some may not even know about their existence and that such a bath can bring any benefit. Next, we will consider in more detail the popular non-traditional unusual baths.

Sand bath

The bathhouse is unusual - sand bathhouse is quite common, river and sea sand have their own healing properties, which our ancestors knew about. Sand in direct sunlight heats up and releases heat and chemical elements. During the unusual sand procedure, the sand heats up and retains heat, and thanks to its crushed particles, sweat is absorbed quickly when sweating is continuous. Sweat is absorbed evenly, and in one such procedure you can lose about 600 grams of weight. With this procedure, the body avoids sharp changes temperatures, therefore the load on the body is minimized. Taking a sand bath goes something like this: it forms a hole with a small depression, the length is the height of a person, the body is covered with sand, preferably up to the neck, and do not forget to cover your head or put up an umbrella, your head should remain in the shade. The procedure lasts about 10 minutes, and then take a swim in the river or sea ​​water. This unusual sand bath is useful for people with a weakened body, for diseases such as arthritis, nephritis, and women's diseases. Contraindicated for neoplasms, anemia, tuberculosis and depletion of the body.

Bath in a bag with birch leaves

A sauna in a bag with leaves is simple and unusual; a person is placed in a bag filled with birch leaves. The peculiarity of this procedure is that a special microclimate is formed inside the bag, and birch leaves have excellent medicinal properties. With profuse sweating, all toxins are simultaneously released from the body and at the same time healing microelements of the leaves enter. The same thing can be done not with birch leaves, but with flower hay, the effect will also be beneficial, and the aroma will be divine!

Bathhouse in a dung heap

A bathhouse in a dung heap, an even more exotic and unusual bathhouse probably cannot be imagined, but such a thing exists. This bath is useful for people with radiculitis and painful joints. A person is buried in manure for a couple of hours, the rotting process has a beneficial effect on the body, and visiting it about 20 times will show incredible results. Therefore, if you overcome yourself and place yourself in an unusual bathhouse - a bath with a smell, the healing effect will not be long in coming.

The bathhouse has long and firmly entered into our lives, not only as a place where you can relieve stress and improve your health. U modern man a bathhouse with a steam room near the water has already become the same attribute as a car or Vacation home or an apartment. And in most cases, authors and customers try not to limit themselves to a boring box or extension in the apartment in order to put their whole soul into it and please their friends and family with the originality of the design.

How to design a bathhouse

The most original and unusual baths are always built from wood. Firstly, this is the tradition and vast centuries-old experience of building a bathhouse on the ground, next to nature and water. Secondly, wood is rightly considered the most convenient material for any building, especially since it is impossible to make a real steam room from materials other than wood.

What types of wooden baths are there? There are good and bad, there are much fewer ugly buildings in nature, because even when building the simplest hewn bathhouse from timber or round logs, the craftsmen put so much imagination and soul into it that it would be hard to call it ugly.

The structures can be roughly divided into main groups of baths:

In addition to those listed, there are many buildings that are difficult to attribute to any of the groups; they are interesting and unusual, sometimes they look like a joke, but for the most part these are real baths, in which you can perfectly take a steam bath and relax by the water, despite their unusual appearance.

Wooden baths

The possibilities of using wood in the design and construction of steam rooms are almost unlimited, even in an apartment. At the same time, it is often difficult at first glance to even understand that in front of you is a bathhouse made of timber or a residential building.

Saunas made of timber and logs

Most often, these types of baths are either simplified to a log house, reminiscent of an old hut from a Russian fairy tale, or built on a large scale in the most bizarre shapes. The simplest would be a bathhouse made of timber, specially treated and profiled material with a cross-section of at least 150x150 mm. From such material you can build as complex and beautiful structures as you like, even for an apartment; they will all be strong and durable.

Buildings in the form of barrels, various figures or unusual piles look interesting.

Unusual design solutions of the structure force the paired rooms to be designed accordingly in the same unusual shapes and bends.

A bathhouse made from debarked and rounded logs, especially near the water, looks somehow more exotic and brighter. But in construction it is much more difficult, since it is formed using old techniques for connecting log houses. If you wish, you can always build something unusual with pronounced antique features. Against their background, a bathhouse made of timber looks somehow too ordinary and boring.

Unlike timber, a log vault requires a lot of additional protective and thermal insulation measures. But in design and expressiveness, the log version looks more picturesque, especially if it stands somewhere near the water, on the edge of a pine forest.

Designs for recreation on the water

A water bath is more unusual for our perception. Most often, the purpose of installing a building in close proximity to the shore is the so-called contrast swimming in cold water. According to the old Russian method, you need to run from the hot steam room and plunge into the soft lake or river water. After such stress in cold water, the body seems to acquire new reserves of strength and energy. Not everyone can run to free water and not get killed on a slippery clay or muddy bank. Therefore, a water bath is taken as far into the water as possible or special wooden paths are built for access to clean water.

For example, in Finland there is a dugout bathhouse with an exit directly into the water of the lake. In terms of popularity, such a bathhouse is not inferior modern saunas, and, interestingly, it has been smoking near the water since 1906, for more than a hundred years.

Such buildings near the water can be modular, in the form of mobile houses, containers or even barrels. They are easy to bring and install near the water, at the beginning of the season, in your favorite place in the river or bay.

The desire to go as far from the shore as possible has grown into a new form of water bath. In fact, this is no longer a self-propelled craft, on which a wooden house with a stove and a pipe is installed. This approach makes it possible to be closer to clean water, away from mosquitoes and coastal vegetation. It is clear that there are a great many options for building for water recreation, with cauldron-shaped baths and antique Japanese water barrels.

Relaxing on the water in such an unusual bathhouse requires extremely stringent fire safety measures, because a fire, especially at a distance from the shore, can lead to fatal consequences within a few minutes.

Bathhouse in the apartment

In trying to adapt a bathhouse for an apartment, a city dweller turned out to be no less inventive than those who like to relax in a steam room in nature. But, unlike in rural areas, where there is a supply of water and a place to jump out in case of fire, a ignited steam room in an apartment can destroy not only the owner’s home, but also the apartments of neighbors.

The advantages of such pairs are obvious:

  1. You can steam your bones and muscles in your apartment at any time of the day or night; it’s much more convenient than wasting a lot of time traveling out of town to a dacha or a public steam room;
  2. The apartment option is an ideal means for preventing rheumatism and combating autumn colds;
  3. Having your own steam room in the apartment is a guarantee of hygiene and cleanliness.

Modern bathhouses for apartments are almost always made to order by specialized companies or purchased as ready-made kits. Branded designs are much safer and more reliable for an apartment, given the fact that heating air and steam using electric heaters in such a bath always requires very reliable wiring and protection against electric shock in water.

Most often these are box-shaped structures made of wood, some of them resemble an old telephone booth, but the external appearance and design of such options do not spoil the decor of the apartment. Most often, for reasons of convenience, baths are placed as close as possible to the water source - near the bathtub or shower in the apartment.

Rare, but can still be found interesting designs bathhouses - homemade products for an apartment, designed for a couple of people. Despite all the inconveniences, their creators are happy to use the steam room in their own apartment. Some of them can even be placed in the living room of an apartment.

The design looks interesting. You can stay in such a bathhouse for an apartment for a long time without experiencing problems with breathing or overheating from hot water.

Without hesitation, you can call the design for an apartment shown in the photo the simplest and smallest sauna. This bathhouse design can, if desired, even be stored on the mezzanine or in any other place in the apartment.

Unusual shapes of baths

The shape and design can be the most unusual or even unexpected in its decision. So you can find a design in the form of a cable car cabin or in the shape of a pyramid. But such design options are not always aimed at getting full-fledged steam and relaxation by the water; rather, it is a way of self-expression.

Separately, we can recall the category of designs in the style of “ wildlife by the water." This can be a building in the form of a pile of stones or hidden in the crown of trees, on branches.

Baths in the form of unusual extensions in the apartment look exotic.

Bathhouse from a gun carriage

Among the many types of baths, this one is especially popular among novice builders. As a rule, installing a sauna box from a log with your own hands is beyond the capabilities of a DIYer. It is necessary to use an unusual material - a carriage, or a carriage block. Essentially, this is a debarked log, 35-40 cm in diameter, whose side “cheeks” are cut off, and the lower and upper supporting surfaces are profiled with an arc.

One of the options for a bathhouse made from a gun carriage is shown in the photo; at first glance, there is nothing unusual about it. The box resembles one of the types of timber construction, but this is only at first glance.

In practice, the use of such an unusual material provides considerable advantages:

  • The corner lock pattern is significantly simplified;
  • Good sealing at inter-crown joints, no need to caulk the carriage every year;
  • After completion of the shrinkage processes, the walls of the bathhouse made of unusual material are much stronger than traditional log ones;
  • The smooth flat surface of the walls simplifies finishing; you can easily hang furniture, a shelf, a picture, or cover it with clapboard with virtually no loss of useful space in the bathhouse.

For your information! Craftsmen say that 300 years ago ships and fortresses were built from gun carriages, so you can easily imagine how durable bathhouses made from unusual material can be.

The most important thing is that building a bathhouse from a gun carriage has a completely different look than a timber or log structure. It cannot be called cheap, since you have to cut the log on a sawmill, but in many respects the unusual material turns out to be more preferable, especially if this type of bathhouse is built in a warm climate.

Bathhouse underground

Building a steam room underground today looks like an outlandish or unusual solution, but half a century ago, most types of “black” baths were made in the form of a dugout.

This steam room looks like a village cellar; it was unusual to see a chimney and ventilation hood above the dugout.

The main advantage of these types of baths is the unusual low price the buildings. For the walls of the steam room, slabs or dead wood trunks are used; dried moss, branches of fruit trees and shrubs are used for insulation. One thing can be said - such an unusual sauna is not inferior in quality to an expensive log sauna, and its construction will cost a couple of thousand plus a stove and waterproofing material.

Bathhouse from a barn

The first thing that all summer residents try to do before building a full-fledged bathhouse is to turn the existing barn into something like a simple steam room. In the summer, as a rule, for such an unusual transformation of a utility block into a sauna, it is enough to cover the walls with a tarpaulin and foil polyethylene foam using a stapler.

The heater is made from a potbelly stove, with the pipe leading out into the barn window. In fact, this type of bathhouse is considered the most numerous, since all temporary steam rooms on construction sites and summer cottages are built on a similar principle.

Polycarbonate bath

Assembling a steam room made of transparent plastic is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Moreover, cellular polycarbonate retains heat perfectly. An unusual bathhouse can be made in a mini factor, as in the photo, or you can make a full-fledged steam room in the form of an extension to a barn or house.

In the latter case, you will need to first assemble the wooden frame of the unusual bathhouse, and secure the polycarbonate itself with an overlap and gluing the joints with tape or polyethylene.

According to reviews, the process of steaming in a transparent bath in the middle of snow and frost gives a very unusual sensation.

Kung sauna

Making a steam room from an aluminum car booth will require a lot of effort in order to find a suitable sample. After being written off, good-quality, insulated cabins or shift shelters are sold out like hot cakes.

No special modifications are required to equip such an unusual bathhouse. The change house is installed on a columnar foundation and the interior is lined with clapboard.

In the side niches of the kung there is always enough space to install a stove, a supply of firewood and even a small gasoline generator, if the place for an unusual bathhouse is chosen somewhere in the forest or on the shore of a lake.

Of all the listed types of baths, this one is best suited for fishermen, hunters and simply those who like to relax in nature.

Beautiful bathhouse projects: a non-standard approach to traditional construction, unusual solutions to standard projects, a new look at the design of bathhouses, a video selection about the construction of beautiful bathhouses.

About the log house and frame

The most popular building material used for the construction of baths remains wood. The greatest demand is for two types of structures, constructed from a frame or. The history of log construction goes back many thousands of years. There were log buildings in areas densely covered with forest. The log houses were built mainly by residents of poorer classes. The wealthier ones built stone chambers for themselves.

Today, not everyone can afford to build a log structure. The market dictates demand, which has recently increased significantly, and wood has acquired a very high price. Log houses are considered the most expensive buildings. In addition, the technology for manufacturing a log structure is quite uneconomical. During the construction of a log house, a a large number of waste that has no use anywhere else and must be disposed of as construction waste.

The technology of constructing wooden houses from a frame, followed by filling the internal cavities with special materials and subsequent cladding of the finished structure, was developed in the West. It came to us under the name “Canadian technology” and contains the concept of building wooden houses using an almost waste-free method.

Interesting solutions in wooden construction

Very often the following picture is observed in a person’s behavior when he acquires a plot of land in a suburban area. As a rule, the very first step for many is laying the foundation for a future bathhouse. Note, not buildings in which you can live, but rooms where there is an opportunity to rest, relax and get pleasure for the soul and body.

A Russian person and a steam room are practically inseparable concepts. The existing tribute to the traditions of bathing events has firmly settled in the Russian consciousness, and a comfortable rest at the end of the working week for many becomes a kind of fetish, goal and aspiration. But this is not surprising. As a result, plans, diagrams and projects of country wooden baths are born. They can be included in the calculation of the construction of the main houses, representing a small house with a small wood-burning bathhouse, or, or a completely separate, separate building.

A classic of the genre is a traditional country wooden building, erected on a coastal strip near a river or on the edge of a picturesque lake. The material for such buildings are various variations of natural wood. Depending on the financial status of the owner of the steam room, the erected object of “cult” can be made of logs. A small percentage of log buildings are laid by hand. A little more often you will see buildings made of rounded logs. The most common buildings are made of glued or profiled timber in the form of small ones. This is obvious, since timber buildings are considered the most affordable in terms of pricing.

We all know that wood belongs to the category of the most environmentally friendly building material with a unique air exchange system, a low thermal conductivity coefficient, thanks to which the premises retain heat perfectly, do not release steam to the outside and emit a unique aroma of wood, full of charm and attributed to medicinal properties.

All about the variety of projects

Designing wooden baths today represents an entire branch of production. Among the huge number of ready-made standard projects, you can find both small buildings, 3x3 or 3x4 in size, containing a standard set of premises - steam room, washing room and dressing room, as well as luxurious two or three-story apartments bath complex. The project may include premises with the most diverse and fantastic purposes and functionality.

Video project of one of the most beautiful modern log baths “Elena the Beautiful”, now put into operation. The video mentions how the project was conceived and some design features during the construction of the facility:

The construction of baths has long gone beyond the framework of standard projects containing traditional elements, such as a steam room, a washing room and a dressing room. More and more, customers are giving preference to buildings equipped with spacious terraces with the possibility of a barbecue or a large fireplace, wide gyms with treadmills, swimming pools and a plunge pool. Original, mostly non-standard projects are submitted for development by modern customers.

Original sauna with barbecue oven

An original combination of a bath complex equipped with a barbecue oven, located on a wide terrace. The result of the design is the creation of conditions for a comfortable stay surrounded by close relatives and friends. The stove is built-in, one side opens into the rest room. This solution eliminates the question of having a heating system for the relaxation area.

Original sauna with swimming pool

The most popular megaproject at the present stage. The existing mythical idea of ​​​​the excessively expensive construction of a swimming pool has sunk into oblivion, thanks to the mass of information that developers and builders have disseminated. A small free-standing swimming pool without a heating system, equipped with a canopy and a log structure, is an affordable pleasure for almost everyone.

Wooden two-story bath complexes with a swimming pool are the crowning achievement of the architectural solution. Here you will find the most unexpected finds of bold design ideas. Each is a unique ensemble of wood and stone.

Original bathhouse with billiards room

Very interesting projects with the placement of a billiards room. In all the plans presented, the rooms equipped for billiards have different areas - from 20 to 40 sq.m and above. As a rule, the billiard room is located on the attic floor, leaving the lower floor for the bath complex, which includes the main relaxation area.

Original bathhouse with veranda

Many projects with different locations of extensions in the form of verandas, terraces and patios emphasize the uniqueness of each individual scheme. can be located frontally, or along the entire facade or wall. Each solution has its own style and is business card baths

Original bathhouse with terrace

Standard projects are often equipped with terraces. A terrace with a corner bathhouse erected in one of the corners of the building site will look beautiful and carry the full functional load. A building with a terrace gives a special coziness to the owner’s territory.

Original bathhouse with attic

An unsurpassed opportunity to increase the usable area of ​​a building without changing the boundaries of the foundation. At the same time, you can truly change the look of an old steam room, giving it an unsurpassed original appearance. The attic is the most popular decision made when building a guest house-bath.

Original solution! Mobile barrel sauna on wheels

    Built back in the 19th century, the Krasnopresnensky baths have turned into a huge modern health complex, which carefully preserves all the bathhouse traditions of the past. In the early 2000s, a large-scale reconstruction and redevelopment of the premises was carried out here, and now there are many women's and men's departments of various categories, as well as Russian steam rooms, Finnish saunas, spacious swimming pools, hot tubs, its own gym, solarium, laundry and salon beauty. In terms of price-quality ratio, perhaps the best baths in Moscow. Perfect place for a male or female company, family vacation, youth and elderly people. Clean, cozy and very friendly.

    A real palace of bath art, built in 1808 and still not losing its popularity among Muscovites and visitors. The interiors amaze with their splendor; you can come here as if on an excursion to a museum and immediately immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the century before last. There are three men's and two women's bathhouses, there are spacious relaxation rooms, many showers, deep pools under huge stucco vaults, and real Russian steam rooms. The Sanduny restaurant always serves cold beer, mead, rye kvass with horseradish, ice-cold vodka, and dishes of Russian, Uzbek and Chinese cuisine.

    The oldest three-story bath complex in Moscow, which has been under reconstruction for a long time. But after the Gizma Project company acquired it and carried out major renovations, a restaurant was located on the ground floor. The women's department occupies the entire second floor, the men's department on the third. The bath rooms are huge and very clean. There is a small pool where you can take a dip after the steam room. Tuesday is a visiting day only for privileged categories of citizens. On other days, visits are at full price. And although the prices cannot be called low, you can purchase a subscription for 5 or 10 visits.

    There are three bath sections: women's and two men's (first and second category). The steam rooms are made of deciduous wood (oak, ash, larch, linden) and equipped with gas stoves with cast iron blocks, which create the atmosphere of a real traditional Russian bath. The establishment operates all year round without interruption, despite summer water outages, there is always hot water here. On Sunday mornings, they serve a special steam with eucalyptus, horseradish and wormwood - the best remedy from a cold. There are containers with boiling water everywhere, you can brew tea for free. There is a swimming pool with ice water, massage tables and its own restaurant, where the food is very tasty.

    The oldest baths in Moscow, built in 1888, are included in the list of “14 most interesting baths in the world”, according to Forbes. The soaring procedure has been elevated to a real ritual here. Thanks to the unique atmosphere of the vaulted steam rooms, which have not been rebuilt since their founding, you can always try real “light steam” here. And thanks to our own boiler room, it is possible to constantly maintain the correct temperature in the steam rooms. There are women's and men's departments, as well as superior rooms.

    The bath complex is located in several buildings built by Stalin in 1938. Despite this, modest but high-quality renovations have been made in all departments. However, true connoisseurs loved this place for its high-quality steam, cold pools and plunge pools, and at very affordable prices. In addition to the public section, there are several VIP lounges with private booths. One of the few places in Moscow where visiting time is not taken into account, and you can relax even the whole day.

    The Izmailovo baths have been famous for many years for their chic interior, perfect cleanliness and order. That is why it is customary to come here with children, especially since children under 7 years old have free admission, from 7 to 12 years old - a 50% discount. In the bathhouse building there is a hairdresser, a body philosophy studio, and a solarium. Here you can get a manicure and pedicure, or visit spa treatments. Two large halls welcome visitors, divided into “men’s” and “women’s” days. It is better to clarify the schedule and coordinate a visit in advance by phone.

    A public bathhouse popular since Soviet times. Simple and cozy interior, calm pleasant music, spacious and bright rooms, unlimited visiting hours. Friendly staff, professional massage therapists and bathhouse attendants greet and escort any client as a member of the family. In the building of the bath complex there is a beauty salon, hairdresser, Finnish sauna, Russian bath, and Turkish bath. A large selection of aromatic oils for the steam room, a spacious deep pool with ice-cold water, separate changing cabins where tea and dishes from a cafe with Russian cuisine are served.

    The bathhouse has existed since 1936 and consists of 6 halls, designed in different styles. The establishment is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Steaming in a Russian bath is carried out using birch wood. Three large renovated halls can accommodate large groups of up to 25 people. There are two small family saunas for 2-6 people. Professional bathhouse attendants soar with oak and birch brooms and give massages. The complex has 10 lounges, its own gym, karaoke, large swimming pools and a billiards room.

    Baths appeared back in the 18th century; water for them was taken from the nearby Neglinensky ponds. The Seleznevsky baths, along with the Sandunovsky baths, were favorite place recreation. The Seleznevskie baths are unique in their design - the red brick bath buildings stand not on a foundation, but on oak piles, under which small rivers flow.