Entrance to hell on earth. Yellowstone National Park, USA. circles of hell in The Divine Comedy

The French say: “Hell is other people,” but only the Norwegians know that Hell is just small town near Stjördal. Well, to be serious, many believe that there are places on Earth that lead straight to the Underworld. They are scattered all over the planet, and getting to them is not at all that difficult.

Námaskarð, Iceland

Naumaskard, mysterious place in Iceland, which is better known simply as the "Gateway to Hell". Despite its “cold” name, Iceland is a country of stormy volcanic activity. In Naumaskard there are thermal springs that stink so unbearably of sulfur that a normal person cannot hold out for more than a few minutes without a gas mask. The smell literally knocks you off your feet. A sign stuck into the ground not far from this tourist attraction says that the temperature of the source is 100 degrees, you cannot put your hands there or even come close, and the salt deposits threaten to collapse at any moment and drag the unwary poor fellow straight into fiery Gehenna.

Sibun Caves, Belize

According to the sacred Mayan text Popul Vuh, the dead go to underworld Sibalba through a system of caves through which flows a river full of scorpions, blood and hungry jaguars. There are many theories about where exactly Sibalba is located, but the most similar to the truth is that the Sibun caves in Belize are the entrance to Sibalba. Despite the fact that archaeologists are working here with all their might, they are disturbed by crowds of tourists who dream of seeing Hell with their own eyes.

Darvaz, Turkmenistan

In the middle of the Karakum desert, flames burst out of the ground, and the unbearable heat forces them to flee. Locals (and not so locals) call this place “The Door to Hell.” Although the appearance of these “doors” is a banal human stupidity: in 1971, a well was drilled here, and they accidentally drilled into a large underground cave. The drilling rig with all its equipment literally collapsed, and gas began to emerge to the surface quite rapidly. In order not to spoil the environmental (ha-ha) situation in the region, the gas was set on fire, deciding that the field was not so large, it would burn out for a couple of days and everything would calm down. So it’s been burning for more than 40 years now, and it’s not going to go out. Gazprom is crying over its losses.

Beppu, Japan

The sacred hot springs on the island of Kushu are also called “Beppu Hell”. There are nine springs, and each “hell” has its own name: blue - Sea Hell (depth 120 meters, water temperature 90C), Chinoiki Zhigoku, or Blood Pond(from large quantity iron, the water here has turned red), the “Shaved Head” spring (just gurgling warm mud), the White Pond (the boiling water here is milky due to an excess of calcium), Hell Mountain - a volcano spewing hot mud, “Hell’s Cauldron” (in which you can really be boiled alive), the “Devil Mountain” spring (Oniyama Zhigoku) - the abode of hundreds of crocodiles, releases steam with such force that it can lift a car into the air, as well as the “Golden Dragon” and simply “Fountain” geysers, spitting jets hot water to a height of 20 meters every 30 minutes.

Yellowstone National Park, USA

One of the first to explore Yellowstone National Park was John Colter, and he described in such detail the clouds of steam escaping from the ground and boiling lakes of water that the place was immediately dubbed “Colter’s Hell.” No one really believed the naturalist, and they began to study the park closely only after graduation. Civil War V late XIX century. Now millions of tourists come to see “Hell”.

Danakil Desert, Ethiopia

One of the most inhospitable places on Earth. Danakil is full of terrible volcanoes, scorching air, toxic gases and, traditionally, sulfur lakes. At this point, the Arabian tectonic plate breaks down and continues to break down, due to volcanic activity, earthquakes have become more frequent, failures regularly appear along the entire length of the fault, allowing lava to form real lakes of fire, so picturesquely depicted in the Revelations of John the Theologian.

St. Patrick's Purgatory, Ireland

One of the "official" entrances to Hell is located on Station Island in County Donegal. According to legend, Jesus showed the patron saint of Ireland the entrance to other world, because local population didn’t really believe in Patrick’s holiness, and certainly didn’t want to be baptized. Christ allegedly led him into Purgatory through a deep black hole near Lough Derg, and then brought him back. St. Patrick immediately founded a church here and quickly made the Irish Christians. At the moment, however, the entrance to the hole is closed.

Houska Castle, Czech Republic

This is a strange castle, built far from roads, cities and borders, where you need to fight enemies. Why? Because the locals have always believed that under the rock on which the castle is now located there is an entrance to hell. One day, the rock split, the characteristic smell of sulfur was heard, and all sorts of freaks, monsters, and other strange creatures began to wander around the area. Of course, people did not want such a neighborhood: they filled the crack with earth and filled it with stone. They even lowered a criminal sentenced to death into the crack, with a promise to release him if he reached the end and told what he saw. The poor guy returned a couple of minutes later, gray as a harrier, drooling, screaming hysterically, and demanding to be killed immediately. Then a chapel and a castle were erected on the fault. The entire architecture of the castle suggests that it was built not so much in order to fight an external enemy, but rather in order to not let anything out. They also say that the castle has extensive and branched dungeons, which are now, however, blocked and filled up. But if, for example, something does come out of these dungeons, it will inevitably end up in the courtyard, from where it is very convenient to fire at it from the upper balconies-galleries.

Plouaret, France

In Brittany there is a small church dedicated to the “Seven Sleepers” (sort of seven saints who wait for the end of times and guard the entrance to the other world - either so that no one enters there by misunderstanding, or so that from there, God forbid, someone didn't come out). But this church is interesting to others: it is built into the structure of a prehistoric dolmen, that is, in fact, built inside a dolmen, which, as they say local residents, “has existed here since the creation of times and was built by the hand of Almighty God in the process of creating the world, and connects our world and the next.”

Mount Osore, Japan

Osorezan (Mount Osore) is most often called “Mountain of Fear” by locals. Here, near the lake, which, according to the old tradition, stinks unbearably of sulfur, is located Buddhist monastery- a place of pilgrimage for the Japanese and others like them. They believe that you need to come here twice - the first to take away the spirit that will stick to you, the second to bring the spirit back. In addition to the “joy” of the hellish smell, visitors should carefully watch their step, because the place is full of “hellish creatures” in the form of poisonous snakes. Why is this place called the “Gateway to Hell”. Well, we dealt with the sulfur and snakes, and the Japanese also believe that when a person dies, he needs to cross the Sanzu River. Before crossing the river, a person encounters two demons who take off the person's clothes and hang them on a tree branch. Based on where the branch deviated, it is determined whether a person led a righteous lifestyle. If led, then a person can cross the river on a bridge. The bridge is right here.


In the capital of Guatemala (which bears the same name), in 2010 a sinkhole, 31.5 meters wide in diameter, suddenly formed, swallowing several houses and, for some reason, sparing people. The sinkhole appeared suddenly, although scientists believe it was caused by Hurricane Agatha. There are no screams coming from there, there is no smell of sulfur, but still, it’s terribly unpleasant.

Me'arat HaTeomim, Israel

Archaeologists have recently been poking around in the “twin caves” near Jerusalem, and then they declared that it was here that Hades, the entrance to the ancient Roman Hell, was located. According to Haaretz, archaeologists do not deny that the Romans believed that Hell was located here because the caves were “dark and deep, and could well have served as a place for rituals dedicated to pagan gods.” Although they deny the fact that Hell exists at all. But what will you take from them? They're scientists.

Wang Saeng Suk, Taiwan

Hell's Garden near Bangkok is technically part of Buddhist temple, with many sculptures depicting the hellish torment of sinners in the next world. Not exactly the gates to Hell, but a very vivid illustration of it.

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Lava, dead birds, dead Mayans, demeters... In general, mysticism. Don't go there.

Masaya, Nicaragua

Masaya is a volcano in western Nicaragua. Historians talk about it as one of the centers paranormal phenomena. In the 16th century, the volcano constantly spewed hot flames and lava. The spectacle was so epic and terrible that local residents started a rumor that Masaya was the place where Satan himself settled.

Source: ashbillinghay.co.uk

Pluto's Gate, Türkiye

Recently, Türkiye has been attracting not only resort lovers, but also archaeologists. All because on the territory ancient city The Gate of Pluto was found at Hierapolis. They were built in 190 BC. There is an opinion that this architecture is the entrance to the underworld. Reason: poisonous gases constantly evaporating from the cave. Dead birds can often be seen around the Gate. The birds think it is warm, fly towards it and die from suffocation.

Source: amanda38.deviantart.com

Cave of the Twins, Israel

The Holy Land, in addition to Judaism, Christianity and Islam, has another religion on its territory - Satanism. This was proven by Daniel Schowalter, an archaeologist and professor of historical sciences at the University of Wisconsin. During regular research, the scientist discovered 42 clay lamps and a huge vertical shaft in the Gemini cave.

The archaeologist believes that with the help of luminaries, ancient people in the 4th-2nd centuries BC searched for the daughter of Demeter here. Other scientists believe: this place served as one of center points collection for devil worship.

Source: deviantart.com

Hekla, Iceland

Hekla is Iceland's most active volcanic ridge and has erupted more than 20 times since 874. Research has shown that this giant, 1,488 meters high and 40 kilometers long, has been active for more than 6,600 years. The most dangerous point is Mount Heklugja with a crack almost 6 kilometers long. If you want to get into another world (throw away your skates, that is), take a ride on dangerous mountain Iceland.

Source: thejourney-vanessak.com

St. Patrick's Purgatory, Ireland

There is a place where Jesus Christ showed St. Patrick the entrance to the other world. This is a cave on Station Island. Unfortunately, an ordinary pilgrim cannot find the entrance to it. But so that the poor people would not be too upset by the pointless waste of time, the local priests built a chapel for them.

Source: bulletin.kenyon.edu

Houska, Czech Republic

Houska - gothic castle in the Czech Republic, or another gate to hell. The structure was built on numerous catacombs that lead to a deep underground well. Once upon a time, one of the owners (the castle was built back in the 13th century) ordered a man sentenced to death to go down and fetch water from the depths of the dungeon. The suicide bomber barely walked ten meters, after which he instantly turned gray and ran back screaming. And a few days later he died.

Maybe there really are places in the world that are better not to go to?

Source: dafrizell.com

Lake Curtia

The young warrior Marcus Curtius threw himself into the abyss in the name of Rome, sacrificing himself to the underground gods. One of the most mysterious lakes on the planet was named after him. Another story - during the battle between the Sabines and the Romans, another warrior with the same name, Mettius Curtius, got stuck on his horse. In 69 AD, Emperor Galba was killed near a reservoir. In general, complete death and mysticism around the dried-up lake, which became another gathering place for pilgrims.

Many Russian and foreign researchers have long been haunted by the question of where exactly hell is located, which has been used to scare believers for two thousand years. Many people have carried out research in this direction, but perhaps the furthest advanced were specialists from the International Institute of Theology in Florida.

He who seeks will always find

To begin with, the learned men carefully read the Bible, or rather Revelation 21.8. There it was written in black and white: “But the fearful, the unbelieving, the abominable, the murderers, the fornicators, the sorcerers, the idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone.” Scientists immediately began to ask themselves questions like: “Where could there be a lake of molten sulfur? If it exists, then the temperature environment, that is, hell, must correspond to the boiling point of sulfur? If it is lower, the sulfur will solidify, and if it is higher, will it evaporate?” The conclusion was obvious - hellish heat corresponds to 444.6 degrees Celsius. After all, it is at this temperature that sulfur boils. Using mathematical calculations and physical formulas, the researchers calculated that such a high temperature can only be maintained in the bowels of the earth, or more precisely, at a depth of 14.4 km.

America or Tajikistan?

After this sensational statement, even citizens far from theology joined in the search for hell. The director of the Italian Institute of Paranormal Phenomena, Professor Giuseppe Scacchi, gave an interview to local media in which he stated that he had been studying this issue for many years, and, according to his latest data, the underworld is located in the American Cordillera. Journalists refused to take the professor's word for it. He is, of course, a scientist, but his statement seems painfully incredible. Giuseppe Scacchi was not at a loss and provided the incredulous public with recordings of echo sounders, with the help of which the institute’s employees allegedly recorded sounds in the bowels of the earth that resembled the groans of people. The public was skeptical about the recordings, considering the evidence base to be weak. And how could it be otherwise? Today, with the help of computers and other miracle technology, it is possible to falsify any recording, be it the voice of God or the laughter of Satan.

Researchers “discovered” another location of hell in Tajikistan. There, on the banks of the Vakhsh River, there is a mysterious mound made of huge boulders. Scientists have been arguing about his age for many years. Some say that this eight-meter embankment was built by the soldiers of Alexander the Great, whose army passed through those places. Others claim that the mound is much older.

Be that as it may, local residents claim that under the mound there is an entrance to a fiery underground kingdom, from which black smoke and the smell of sulfur sometimes emanate.

"Gates of the Underworld"

There are also many fans of the theory according to which hell is under Mariana Trench. Until now, only one person has descended to the bottom of the deepest point of the globe - American Don Walsh. The dive, which lasted about five hours, ended at 10,918 meters. But, alas, he did not find any signs that it was there that the underworld was located. Perhaps because he was unable to overcome another seventy-six meters to the coveted mark of 10.994 m - the very bottom of the depression?

The “hellish” claims of Turkmenistan are much more justified: the real “Gates of Hell” are located near the small town of Darvaz. But their origin is not divine, but most man-made. 35 years ago, geologists began drilling wells here in search of gas. While drilling they discovered underground caves. One of them was so large that all the drilling rigs and the camp collapsed. And since the cave was filled with gas, it instantly flared up. And for 35 years without any break it continues to burn, giving rise to rumors that this is hell.

Top secret

But NASA experts discovered hell not on Earth, but on the Sun. And so it was.

On August 9, 1973, astronauts aboard the Skylab 2 spacecraft examined solar flares using a spectroheliograph, which recorded all changes on photographic film. He captured the enormous explosion that occurred on the luminary. From the depths of the fireball, a column of helium rushed upward 800 thousand kilometers. And suddenly, in front of the stunned observers, the liquid gas stream froze. For a full 70 seconds, the device recorded a nightmarish vision: hundreds of human faces appeared in this column of fire, exhausted by torture in the eternal flame.

For many years this information was kept top secret. But you can’t hide a sew in a bag, and in 1985 this story was published in one of the American scientific journals.

Ten years later, The Washington Post told readers about another fantastic event. Using specially created equipment and a telescope for observations in infrared radiation, NASA researchers captured on film a strange phenomenon: the ghosts of dead people and animals floating in outer space.

Needless to say, these photographs unusually excited scientists, parapsychologists, church ministers, and the public. Members of the official expert commission confirmed the authenticity of the photographs. And an unofficial source at NASA even said: “We have long known about the existence of hell and ghosts. Back in May 1993, we were able to see these creatures in space using the Hubble telescope... However, NASA management was quick to call all this nonsense and classify the information.


In 1970, Soviet scientists began an ambitious project whose goal was to study the Earth's lithosphere. Then no one could have imagined that the Kola superdeep well would give rise to the legend about the “road to hell.”

According to legend, in the very thickness of the earth, at a depth of 12 thousand meters, microphones of scientists recorded screams and moans. Christians believe that this is a “voice from hell.” The Kola superdeep well began to be called “the road to hell” - every new kilometer drilled brought misfortune to the country. When the drillers were excavating thirteen thousand meters, the USSR collapsed. Shortly before this terrible depths, which no one in the world had yet achieved, chilling sounds were heard, similar to the groans and screams of hundreds of martyrs. And then - a powerful roar and explosion in the depths. The drillers later told in fear how disembodied beings flew out of the mine, inspiring horror. Drilling work was stopped allegedly due to insufficient funding. They were stopped despite the fact that many international funds were ready to invest in a unique project. In fact, one of the main reasons for mothballing the ultra-deep well was fear. Many specialists did not want to work at the site and hurried to go home.

Lava, dead birds, dead Mayans, demeters... In general, mysticism. Don't go there.

Masaya, Nicaragua

Masaya is a volcano in western Nicaragua. Historians talk about it as one of the centers of paranormal phenomena. In the 16th century, the volcano constantly spewed hot flames and lava. The spectacle was so epic and terrible that local residents started a rumor that Masaya was the place where Satan himself settled.

Source: ashbillinghay.co.uk

Pluto's Gate, Türkiye

Recently, Türkiye has been attracting not only resort lovers, but also archaeologists. This is because the Gates of Pluto were found on the territory of the ancient city of Hierapolis. They were built in 190 BC. There is an opinion that this architecture is the entrance to the underworld. Reason: poisonous gases constantly evaporating from the cave. Dead birds can often be seen around the Gate. The birds think it is warm, fly towards it and die from suffocation.

Source: amanda38.deviantart.com

Cave of the Twins, Israel

The Holy Land, in addition to Judaism, Christianity and Islam, has another religion on its territory - Satanism. This was proven by Daniel Schowalter, an archaeologist and professor of historical sciences at the University of Wisconsin. During regular research, the scientist discovered 42 clay lamps and a huge vertical shaft in the Gemini cave.

The archaeologist believes that with the help of luminaries, ancient people in the 4th-2nd centuries BC searched for the daughter of Demeter here. Other scientists believe that this place served as one of the central gathering points for devil worship.

Source: deviantart.com

Hekla, Iceland

Hekla is Iceland's most active volcanic ridge and has erupted more than 20 times since 874. Research has shown that this giant, 1,488 meters high and 40 kilometers long, has been active for more than 6,600 years. The most dangerous point is Mount Heklugja with a crack almost 6 kilometers long. If you want to get into another world (throw away your skates, that is), take a ride up a dangerous mountain in Iceland.

Source: thejourney-vanessak.com

St. Patrick's Purgatory, Ireland

There is a place where Jesus Christ showed St. Patrick the entrance to the other world. This is a cave on Station Island. Unfortunately, an ordinary pilgrim cannot find the entrance to it. But so that the poor people would not be too upset by the pointless waste of time, the local priests built a chapel for them.

Source: bulletin.kenyon.edu

Houska, Czech Republic

Houska is a Gothic castle in the Czech Republic, or another gate to hell. The structure was built on numerous catacombs that lead to a deep underground well. Once upon a time, one of the owners (the castle was built back in the 13th century) ordered a man sentenced to death to go down and fetch water from the depths of the dungeon. The suicide bomber barely walked ten meters, after which he instantly turned gray and ran back screaming. And a few days later he died.

Maybe there really are places in the world that are better not to go to?

Source: dafrizell.com

Lake Curtia

The young warrior Marcus Curtius threw himself into the abyss in the name of Rome, sacrificing himself to the underground gods. One of the most mysterious lakes on the planet was named after him. Another story - during the battle between the Sabines and the Romans, another warrior with the same name, Mettius Curtius, got stuck on his horse. In 69 AD, Emperor Galba was killed near a reservoir. In general, complete death and mysticism around the dried-up lake, which became another gathering place for pilgrims.

Many Russian and foreign researchers have long been haunted by the question of where exactly hell is located, which has been used to scare believers for two thousand years. Many people have carried out research in this direction, but perhaps the furthest advanced were specialists from the International Institute of Theology in Florida.

He who seeks will always find

To begin with, the learned men carefully read the Bible, or rather Revelation 21.8. There it was written in black and white: “But the fearful, the unbelieving, the abominable, the murderers, the fornicators, the sorcerers, the idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone.” Scientists immediately began to ask themselves questions like: “Where could there be a lake of molten sulfur? If it exists, then the temperature of the environment, that is, hell, must correspond to the boiling point of sulfur? If it is lower, the sulfur will solidify, and if it is higher, will it evaporate?” The conclusion was obvious - hellish heat corresponds to 444.6 degrees Celsius. After all, it is at this temperature that sulfur boils. Using mathematical calculations and physical formulas, the researchers calculated that such a high temperature can only be maintained in the bowels of the earth, or more precisely, at a depth of 14.4 km.

America or Tajikistan?

After this sensational statement, even citizens far from theology joined in the search for hell. The director of the Italian Institute of Paranormal Phenomena, Professor Giuseppe Scacchi, gave an interview to local media in which he stated that he had been studying this issue for many years, and, according to his latest data, the underworld is located in the American Cordillera. Journalists refused to take the professor's word for it. He is, of course, a scientist, but his statement seems painfully incredible. Giuseppe Scacchi was not at a loss and provided the incredulous public with recordings of echo sounders, with the help of which the institute’s employees allegedly recorded sounds in the bowels of the earth that resembled the groans of people. The public was skeptical about the recordings, considering the evidence base to be weak. And how could it be otherwise? Today, with the help of computers and other miracle technology, it is possible to falsify any recording, be it the voice of God or the laughter of Satan.

Researchers “discovered” another location of hell in Tajikistan. There, on the banks of the Vakhsh River, there is a mysterious mound made of huge boulders. Scientists have been arguing about his age for many years. Some say that this eight-meter embankment was built by the soldiers of Alexander the Great, whose army passed through those places. Others claim that the mound is much older.

Be that as it may, local residents claim that under the mound there is an entrance to a fiery underground kingdom, from which black smoke and the smell of sulfur sometimes emanate.

"Gates of the Underworld"

There are also many fans of the theory that it is located under the Mariana Trench. Until now, only one person has descended to the bottom of the deepest point of the globe - American Don Walsh. The dive, which lasted about five hours, ended at 10,918 meters. But, alas, he did not find any signs that it was there that the underworld was located. Perhaps because he was unable to overcome another seventy-six meters to the coveted mark of 10.994 m - the very bottom of the depression?

The “hellish” claims of Turkmenistan are much more justified: the real “Gates of Hell” are located near the small town of Darvaz. But their origin is not divine, but most man-made. 35 years ago, geologists began drilling wells here in search of gas. While drilling, they discovered underground caves. One of them was so large that all the drilling rigs and the camp collapsed. And since the cave was filled with gas, it instantly flared up. And for 35 years without any break it continues to burn, giving rise to rumors that this is hell.

Top secret

But NASA experts discovered hell not on Earth, but on the Sun. And so it was.

On August 9, 1973, astronauts aboard the Skylab 2 spacecraft examined solar flares using a spectroheliograph, which recorded all changes on photographic film. He captured the enormous explosion that occurred on the luminary. From the depths of the fireball, a column of helium rushed upward 800 thousand kilometers. And suddenly, in front of the stunned observers, the liquid gas stream froze. For a full 70 seconds, the device recorded a nightmarish vision: hundreds of human faces appeared in this column of fire, exhausted by torture in the eternal flame.

For many years this information was kept top secret. But you can’t hide a sew in a bag, and in 1985 this story was published in one of the American scientific journals.

Ten years later, The Washington Post told readers about another fantastic event. Using specially created equipment and a telescope for observations in infrared radiation, NASA researchers captured on film a strange phenomenon: the ghosts of dead people and animals floating in outer space.

Needless to say, these photographs unusually excited scientists, parapsychologists, church ministers, and the public. Members of the official expert commission confirmed the authenticity of the photographs. And an unofficial source at NASA even said: “We have long known about the existence of hell and ghosts. Back in May 1993, we were able to see these creatures in space using the Hubble telescope... However, NASA management was quick to call all this nonsense and classify the information.


In 1970, Soviet scientists began an ambitious project whose goal was to study the Earth's lithosphere. Then no one could have imagined that the Kola superdeep well would give rise to the legend about the “road to hell.”

According to legend, in the very thickness of the earth, at a depth of 12 thousand meters, microphones of scientists recorded screams and moans. Christians believe that this is a “voice from hell.” The Kola superdeep well began to be called “the road to hell” - every new kilometer drilled brought misfortune to the country. When the drillers were excavating thirteen thousand meters, the USSR collapsed. Shortly before this, at a terrible depth that no one in the world had ever reached, chilling sounds were heard, similar to the groans and screams of hundreds of martyrs. And then - a powerful roar and explosion in the depths. The drillers later told in fear how disembodied beings flew out of the mine, inspiring horror. Drilling work was stopped allegedly due to insufficient funding. They were stopped despite the fact that many international funds were ready to invest in a unique project. In fact, one of the main reasons for mothballing the ultra-deep well was fear. Many specialists did not want to work at the site and hurried to go home.