Expeditionary motor-sailing vessel “Seal. See what a “sail-motor vessel” is in other dictionaries

Basic data of the yacht "Dugong"
Maximum length, m 5,90
Length according to vertical line, m 5,34
Maximum width, m 2,30
Width along the vertical line, m 2,00
Minimum freeboard/at the bow, m 0,73/1,00
Total displacement, t about 1.5
Sail area, mainsail + staysail, m² 13,05
Engine power, l. With. 12-25
Passenger capacity, persons 6

The major rivers of Russia for the most part represent a chain of vast reservoirs connected by sections of the channel of limited width and with a strong current. For tourist voyages along such rivers, motorized vehicles are very convenient and most economical. sailing ships, equipped with both a fairly powerful engine with a good fuel supply, which allows you to overcome purely river sections (especially against the current), and developed sailing weapons, making it possible to use free wind energy when crossing large reservoirs, lakes and reaches. The distinctive features of such vessels should be increased seaworthiness and high habitability, so that the crew can make passages even in fresh winds, when planing motor boats and motorboats are forced to wait out bad weather offshore.

Note that sailing ships, as a rule, are relatively slow; their speed is limited by an upper limit V = 5.25 V - L km/h, where L- length along the waterline, m. The “power” provided by the sails is not enough to overcome this barrier caused by the sharp growth wave resistance water.

For a sailboat, the same laws apply as for a motor vessel. In particular, in order for a ship to go into planing mode under sail, it must be relatively light and carry at least 60 m² of sail for every ton of displacement (compare with the engine power required for this - 40 hp per ton). It is impossible to increase the sail area arbitrarily - only depending on the displacement of the vessel: the more sails, the greater the risk that a gust of wind will cause the vessel to tilt to a dangerous limit or even capsize. To counteract the heeling moment from wind pressure, the vessel must be equipped with a heavy ballast keel, i.e., its displacement and draft must be further increased, which is associated with an increase in water resistance. Therefore, the actual speed that a boat with a length along the waterline of about 6 m can develop under sails usually does not exceed 5 knots - i.e. 9-11 km/h, and the average speed during the passage of such a sailboat is 6-7 km/h. To cover this distance of 6-7 km, a planing boat of the same displacement and size as, for example, the one offered to your attention motor-sailing mini-yacht “Dugong”, will spend approximately 12 minutes of time and 6 liters of fuel. The owner of the boat, of course, will gain time - he will cover the same path five times faster, but the gain for the crew of the sailboat will be calm, silent sailing, which, moreover, will not have to spend a drop of fuel. The motor-sailing option allows you to combine the advantages of both types of vessels.

Having a sail on the mast, the navigator is freed from constant worries about refueling along the route; there is less danger of being left without power if the engine malfunctions; it becomes possible to relax on the boat itself, and not necessarily on the shore. With a favorable wind, a 6-meter sailboat can cover 100-150 km of travel in a day, and with the combined use of engine and sails, these figures become guaranteed.

Yacht "Dugong" - an economical motor-sailing vessel of minimal dimensions, carrying a moderate sail area with a shallow draft (0.75 m), which does not limit the captain too much when sailing in inland waters. At the same time, there is no centreboard, which requires constant attention from the crew and creates certain inconveniences - the well takes up space in the cabin. The Dugong's armament is designed to be controlled by a person who may not be experienced enough in sailing, but who wants to use a fresh tailwind. There is no point in tacking on such a motor sailboat, especially on short tacks and in the presence of a countercurrent - it is easier to start the engine and overcome the unfavorable section over the shortest distance. Therefore in in this case one can put up with a developed (relative to the hull) cutting that worsens the tacking qualities, which, naturally, would be unacceptable in a purely sailing ship. The high deckhouse, open from the stern and being a weather-protected part of the cockpit, turns out to be convenient for placing the ship's control station and a small galley, which can be equipped with a gas stove. It is well ventilated; the person on duty can supervise the preparation of food; The dining table is located nearby - in the cockpit.

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1 - rudder blade glued from boards δ=30 mm; 2 - steering sector; 3 - cockpit coaming with internal lining made of plywood δ=6 mm; 4 - side niche; 5 - rack 60X28; 6 - handrail made of aluminum pipe or oak, Ø23 mm; 7 - side porthole, plexiglass δ=6-8; 8 - upper porthole, plexiglass, δ=6-8; 9 - mast steps; 10 - jib sheet shoulder strap; 11 - reinforced beam; 12 - mooring and towing bollard; 13 - bow rail made of pipe Ø22-25 mm; 14 - staysail butt; 15 - double bed; 16 - locker; 17 - galley table with drawers; 18 - false keel weighing 150 kg; 19 - bed flooring, plywood, δ=6 mm; 20 - gas stove; 21 - shelf for dishes; 22 - galley table, cabinet below; 23 - folding seat; 24 - removable table; 25 - divai; 26 - afterpeak - engine compartment; 27 - engine; 28 - control cable wiring blocks; 29 - muffler and exhaust pipe; 30 - semi-bulkhead; 31 - wardrobe; 32 - helmsman seat; 33 - steering gear; 34 - shelf for glasses; 35 - door to the bow cockpit; 36 - opening porthole.

The length of the sailboat was chosen to be minimal with the expectation of using standard length lumber to build the hull. At the same time, remembering the dependence of the maximum speed of the yacht on the length along the waterline, we can advise, if appropriate materials are available, to slightly increase the length of the Dugong (up to 7.5-8.0 m).

Performance characteristics corresponding to the speed developed under sail, i.e., about 10-11 km/h, could be achieved with an engine of very low power, but developing a torque sufficient to use a propeller of increased diameter. Abroad, similar vessels are equipped with diesel engines with a capacity of 7-12 hp. With. However, domestic diesel engines installed on lifeboats and fishing vessels will be too heavy and large in size for the Dugong. From stationary engines, the 13.5-horsepower “SM-557L” (now out of production) and various gasoline engines from motor pumps and portable power plants can be used. It is important that such engines are not too bulky and that there is a device for reversing (for example, a controlled pitch propeller or gearbox), since without it the vessel will not be allowed to sail.

The most realistic, although less economical, option is to use outboard motors “Neptune-23”, “Whirlwind” and “Privet”. A 20-25 horsepower engine with a well-chosen propeller will allow you to reach a speed of about 15 km/h; in this case, the operating mode should be operation at slightly lower speeds, ensuring the greatest efficiency. The 12-horsepower “Veterok”, although it will allow you to get a speed of about 10 km/h in calm water, will not have the power reserve necessary to overcome a fresh headwind and current. Sometimes the efficiency of this motor when installed on sailing yachts can be increased by increasing the gear ratio or using an annular profiled propeller attachment.

The builder is given the choice of one of three options for installing an outboard motor. The simplest one is to hang it on the transom, making a recess in it. In this case, it will be necessary to either move the motor from the DP to the side, or make a steering device with two rudders located on the sides of the motor. A positive feature of installing a motor on the transom is the ability to tilt the motor when sailing, but we should not forget about such disadvantages as the vulnerability of the motor when mooring, the low location of the engine relative to the water, and inconvenience during repair and startup.

It seems most appropriate to do power plant according to the “Saildrive” type, disconnecting the motor head from the gearbox. The gearbox with the propeller is attached to the bottom from the outside, and the engine is mounted inside the hull on a simple spacer-foundation. The installation is compact, well protected from damage and flooding, and convenient for maintenance. An additional reduction gear can be mounted in the spacer. Since in this case the exhaust pipe of the motor is deeply submerged under water, it is necessary to install a separate exhaust pipe with a muffler and remove the exhaust through the transom. To prevent water from entering the engine, the pipeline should be bent in the form of an elbow almost to deck level.

Not every amateur boatbuilder is capable of making such an installation, so we can offer an intermediate option - placing the outboard motor in a special well mounted in the cockpit. In this case, it is not difficult to make some kind of sliding suspension for the motor, which will allow it to be raised above the level of the bottom when sailing and to close the lower hole of the well with special flaps or a shield. The well should be placed as close as possible to the transom so that the recess of the exhaust pipe is not too large.

The hull contours, designed for sailing in the area of ​​the upper speed limit (13-15 km/h), have a full stern and a slightly submerged transom; the large width of the hull provides the necessary stability and comfort of the vessel.

Theoretical drawing of the hull of the yacht "Dugong". Projections: half-latitude and side

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Completeness coefficients: δ=0.42; α=0.73; β=0.68.

Table of plasma ordinates

Line Frame No.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Tr.
Heights from KVL, mm
Side line - LB 950 890 646 808 780 759 746 732 726 732 746
Buttox B3 - - - 256 11 - 65 - 89 - 63 27 237 -
Buttox B2 - 673 68 - 122 - 171 - 205 - 210 - 178 - 133 - 56 66
Buttox B1 753 11 - 179 - 253 - 274 - 288 - 271 - 230 - 193 - 137 - 48
Kiel - LC 0 - 248 - 312 - 343 - 344 - 332 - 304 - 260 - 214 - 154 - 86
Half-latitudes from DP, mm
Side line - LB 392 684 897 1040 1120 1152 1150 1130 1070 992 876
Waterline 7 176 511 766 944 1063 1125 1130 1112 1045 952 835
Waterline 6 110 473 733 919 1045 1160 1130 1096 1030 930 800
Waterline 5 96 426 696 890 1015 1080 1110 1078 1006 896 753
Waterline 4 55 364 638 835 970 1045 1070 1040 959 826 660
Waterline 3 20 295 549 753 892 980 1000 970 876 718 493
Waterline 2 - 199 418 616 740 821 870 815 677 426 -
Waterline 1 - 55 233 397 480 573 602 411 - - -
Kiel - LC 15 25 48 69 69 69 69 69 69 62 55

The main place for the crew to stay while underway is the cockpit and wheelhouse. The height under the “hard awning” is 1.6 m. The helmsman’s position is equipped with a folding seat. It is advisable to make the side glass of the cabin sliding for better review along the course during a roll. When sailing, you can switch to steering the tiller from the cockpit, and if the helmsman prefers to remain in the wheelhouse, then a plexiglass window is made in the roof to view the sails. Behind the back of the helmsman's seat there is a wardrobe, the upper part of which can serve as a table for a map.

Bow The hull serves as a “sleeping cabin.” By covering the space between the bunks with a removable shield, you can lay out sleeping place for three people. Two more can sleep in the cockpit for the night, especially if the top is covered with at least a sail draped over the boom. Of course, it is best to sew a special canvas awning, which will be useful when parked and on the move (under a motor) both in hot sunny and inclement weather.

It is important to provide the bow cabin with ventilation - make an opening porthole in the front coaming or a small hatch in the cabin roof. It would not hurt to have a small, hermetically sealed ventilation hole in the bow itself during bad weather (for example, combined with a beater), which removes stagnant air from the area near the stem. This is important to prevent rotting of the wooden frame.

Although the drawing shows an option for equipping the cockpit with an aft sofa and two folding seats on the sides, longitudinal cans are more convenient when sailing; Here you need to provide slots for installing a removable table.

It is advisable to place the main fuel supply in flat gas tanks closer to the midsection - under the cockpit floorboards between the shanks. 5 and 6 or along the sides under the lining. Their total capacity should be 80-100 liters. It is convenient to store additional reserves in canisters in the aft compartment, securing them from moving when heeling.

The sheets of the main sails - the mainsail with an area of ​​9.15 m² and the jib with an area of ​​3.9 m² - are carried to transverse shoulder straps made of pipe or steel cable. To increase speed in light winds, it is useful to additionally have a large jib - a genoa with an area of ​​7.0 m².

Details sailing equipment and some practical deck items can be made according to the drawings of the Sea Urchin dinghy (). The mast is installed in a step on the roof of the cabin; its design must be reinforced with an additional reinforced beam on the sp. 3. The book “15 Projects of Ships for Amateur Construction” (L., “Shipbuilding”, 1974 and 1976) can serve as a guide for building a hull. The hull design is almost identical to the Tyulen boat.

It is best to build with slatted sheathing on bent-glued or bent frames (see kit specification) followed by gluing the outside of the hull with one or two layers of fiberglass on epoxy or polyester resin. To increase the stability of the sailboat, a ballast false keel weighing 150 kg, which can be made of reinforced concrete, is attached to the bow of the outer keel. The outer layer of concrete is strengthened with a thin steel mesh, and after installation on the body, the false keel is covered with a layer of fiberglass. To attach the false pin to the body, four pins with a diameter of 10 mm, passed through the reinforced flora of the pin, are sufficient. 3-5. The studs can be bent in pairs from one rod in the shape of the letter P, to the “crossbar” of which it is advisable to weld plates or steel rods embedded in concrete.

Body Parts Specification:

Keel: section in the middle part - 120x25; in the bow and stern - 80x25; resinquil - 160x25 (120x25);
Internal fender - 25x60;
Zygomatic stringer (with bent frames) - 25x40;
Beads - 25x25, oak; glazing beads - δ=22, oak;
Wheelhouse and cockpit frames - 25x40;
Bent-glued frames - 25x40; spacing - 535;
Bent frames (oak) - 16x30; spacing - about 300;
Sheathing - lath 20x60 or boards 18 thick; make the workpieces 2-3 mm thicker for final gouging of the body;
Deck flooring, deckhouse coamings and transom - waterproof plywood δ=8;
Cabin roof and bulkheads - plywood δ=6;
Cabin strapping - slats 24X40;
The rudder is made from boards 28 thick;
Floorboards - plywood δ=8 or boards 14 thick.


ship, sailing vessel with an auxiliary engine used to propel the vessel in calm weather in port waters and fairways where maneuvering under sail is difficult. As engines for modern P.-m. With. Typically, diesel engines drive the propeller. Most P.-m. With. - small fishing, transport, educational, tourist.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what a SAILING-MOTOR VESSEL is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • VESSEL in the One-Volume Large Legal Dictionary:
  • VESSEL in the Big Legal Dictionary:
    - a floating structure for the transportation of goods and passengers, water fishing, mining, sports competitions, as well as for military purposes. ...
  • VESSEL in the Dictionary of Financial Terms:
    (legal status) an appropriately organized and managed shipping company unit, operating, as a rule, on the basis of internal self-financing, having its own production and financial plan...
  • VESSEL in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • VESSEL in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • VESSEL in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • VESSEL in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • VESSEL in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    - an independent production unit of a shipping company or other enterprise, operating, as a rule, on the basis of internal self-financing, having its own production and financial plan, organization...
    ship, floating structure designed to perform certain economic and military tasks, scientific research, water sports and others. Classification S. By ...
  • VESSEL in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    1, -a, pl. vessel, -den, -dnam, cf. A container for excrement and urine. Podkladnoe village (for bedridden patients). II adj. ship, ...
    RESEARCH VESSEL (RV), a sea, river or lake vessel designed and built (or rebuilt from a vessel of another type) to carry out scientific research. ...
  • VESSEL in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    A hydrofoil, a vessel whose hull, when moving, rises above the water under the influence of lift created by those immersed in water...
  • VESSEL in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    AIR Cushion Vessel, a vessel lifted above the surface of the water by air pumped under the bottom. The design was proposed in 1716 by the Swedes. scientists E. ...
  • VESSEL in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    SHIP, a floating structure for transporting goods and passengers, water. fishing, mining, sports. competitions, etc., as well as for...
  • MOTOR in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    MOTOR FUEL, gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, liquefied petroleum. gas (a mixture of propane and butane) used in piston, jet, gas turbine engines internal. ...
    su"dna, su"dna, su"dna, su"den, su"dna, su"dnam, su"dno, su"dna, su"dna, su"dna, su"dne, ...
  • VESSEL in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    su"bottom, court", su"bottom, sudo"in, su"bottom, court"m, su"bottom, court", su"bottom, court"mi, su"day, ...
  • VESSEL in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
    Both a tanker and a spaceship...
  • VESSEL in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
    Sick leave…
  • VESSEL in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
    Syn: ...
  • VESSEL in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    Syn: ...
  • VESSEL in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    Syn: ...
  • VESSEL in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    1. Wed. 1) outdated Vessel, utensils. 2) A vessel for feces and urine. 2. Wed. A structure adapted for navigation and transportation of people...
  • VESSEL in the Spelling Dictionary:
    s`udno 2, -a, pl. s`udna, s`uden, s`udnam...
  • VESSEL in the Spelling Dictionary:
    s'udno 1, -a, pl. court, -s...
  • VESSEL in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    2 floating vehicle for transportation of people and cargo, for military purposes, water fishing, sports competitions Self-propelled. Non-self-propelled village ...
  • VESSEL in Dahl's Dictionary:
    see courts...
  • VESSEL in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    a floating structure for the transportation of goods and passengers, water fishing, mining, sports competitions, etc., as well as for the military...
    ship, plural vessel, vessels, vessels, cf. 1. Vessel, utensils (reg.). 2. A vessel for feces, for urine. Bedpan for...
  • VESSEL in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    vessel, and (less often) VESSEL, vessel, plural. court, courts, cf. A floating structure for moving on water. Sailing ship. Steam ships. Military...
  • MOTOR DEVELOPMENT in the Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , 1) the process of formation of voluntary human movements, including the maturation of nerve centers for controlling movements, motor units and metabolic properties of skeletal muscle fibers...
  • YACHT in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from Dutch jacht) a sailing, sail-motor or motor vessel for water sports and walks. Sports sailing yachts distinguished by the design of the body, ...
  • MAUD in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (“Maud”) is a Norwegian motor-sailing vessel. Built in 1917. Displacement approx. 800 tons. In 1918-20, under the leadership of R. Amundsen, a through voyage was completed ...
  • YACHT in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Dutch jacht, from jagen - to drive, to pursue), a sailing motor or sailing-motor vessel with a displacement of up to 3000 tons, intended for sports, ...
  • SCHOONER in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    schooner (from the English schooner), a sailing vessel that has at least two masts and carries oblique sailing rigs on all masts. ...
  • MOTOR FUEL in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    fuel, liquid or gaseous fuel used in internal combustion engines (piston, jet, gas turbine). M. t. are divided into groups: carburetor, ...
  • MAUD in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (“Maud”), a motor-sailing vessel of R. Amundsen’s polar expedition. Built in 1917 in Norway. Length 29.8 m, width 10.6 m, displacement ...
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    sail-screw corvette, built in 1886 on Galerny Island in St. Petersburg. Displacement 3200 tons, speed 14 knots (26 km/h...
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    (TBN) - shows the total alkalinity of the oil, including that contributed by detergents and dispersants that have alkaline properties. Expressed in terms of the amount of hydroxide...
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    (TAN) - both engine and transmission oil may contain acidic components, the content of which can be determined separately; acid components...
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It's good that the British have a sense of humor. Their subtle humor sometimes manifests itself in the most unexpected ways, including for themselves. For example, such a serious matter as a competition for the best yacht design for a given trip - Yachting World Design 2000 Competition. The organizers started joking from the very beginning, publishing the conditions for its holding on... a black background. The “black” beginning determined the same ending. Instead of at least some results in one of the three categories of the competition and the publication of serious projects (certainly presented), the magazine "Yachting World" published five options for yachts that (I quote the article) "...cannot be taken seriously for this competition." And again on a black background!

And now jokes aside - we are going to sea far and for a long time. IN virtual trip on an imaginary yacht. The proposed tasks were very interesting for me. Navigation conditions at different stages of the route determined the technical requirements that had to be transformed into a chain of compromise solutions and, as a result, a viable vessel was obtained. Of the three competition categories - complete design, vessel concept and design of a single part or device - I chose the second: yacht idea.

What does a captain think about when he plans to spend three or four years at sea on a yacht? About the route, about the weather, about the crew, about myself, poor man, and about my ship.

The route is more or less clear - it has been set. Such a breathtaking, layered cocktail of sailing on the Ocean, on the roaring Ocean, on the tropical Ocean, on coastal voyages in shallow waters, on the wild and muddy Amazon, on lakes and inland waterways. The cocktail must be served with ice - with icebergs and ice porridge. We need to come up with something like this!

After a few weeks of sailing, the romance will fade. The crew will get lazy. Life will pass in three states: sleep-eating-watch. If the captain does not have to constantly think about making sure that something on the yacht does not come off or fall off, then he will sometimes be able to sleep peacefully.

On such a trip, the yacht should have plenty of everything: fuel, fresh water, food, the inside should be spacious, light, warm when it’s cold outside, and cool when it’s hot.

This is roughly what I thought before formulating my idea of ​​a yacht for the competition on paper.

So, "Seal" is a small expeditionary sailing and motor vessel. The main design solutions that needed to be agreed upon when developing the concept of such a vessel are the following: high seaworthiness and hull strength, large sail area ensuring good performance under sail, stability, draft limitation, reliable steering gear, powerful engine, placement of large fuel reserves , water and food, the availability of comfortable cabins for all crew members.

Yacht dimensions

Construction: hull, deck and superstructure material - steel, longitudinal framing system with powerful frames and bulkheads. The plastic protective canopy is bolted to the superstructure. Hull plating thicknesses: underwater part - 6 mm, surface part - 4-5 mm, deck - 4 mm, superstructure - 3 mm. The hull is divided by three watertight bulkheads.

To reduce the draft, a heavy lifting bulb keel weighing 4 tons was used. In the raised state, the bulb remains outside the hull and is placed between two fins, which contain additional ballast, 2 tons each. This ensures sufficient stability of the yacht even with the keel raised.

Each fin has a rudder attached to it, which, with a shallow draft, ensures their reliable protection and sufficient total area necessary for good handling - even if one steering wheel is broken or lost.

The tunnel formed by the fins covers the propeller from the sides and allows you to protect it with removable grilles at the front and back (for example, when swimming in ice). With fins, the yacht can remain standing on the bottom during low tide, which can be used for inspection or repair.

Thanks to four eyelets welded into the hull, it is easy to lift the ship ashore in any port, as long as a truck crane can drive up to the pier.

Equipment, systems and fittings of the yacht: Perkins Saber M130C engine with a power of 130 hp. Sources of electricity: two groups of batteries (plus a separate one for starting the engine) and two diesel generators (7.8 and 2 kW). The batteries are recharged from solar panels, a wind generator, through a charger operating from the shore network, from any of the diesel generators or, with the engine running, from three generators mounted on it. The desire to install two diesel generators of different power on the yacht is not accidental: it is advisable to use a low-power diesel generator for recharging, and a large one for operating the air conditioner and household electrical equipment.

Fuel reserves are 4600 liters in four separate built-in tanks.

Fresh water reserves are 1200 liters in four separate stainless steel tanks located forward of the engine room. To replenish fresh water supplies, an electric desalinator and, in addition, an emergency manual one are installed. Hot and cold water is supplied under pressure to the galley and all toilets, as well as to the deck shower. Two inset soft tanks for wastewater are located one in the bow and aft yachts.

Sails: main main with three rows of reefs 51.5 m 2 , storm main 29 m 2 , trysail 16 m 2 , genoa 94 m 2 , staysail No. 1 70 m 2 , staysail No. 2 50 m 2 , baby staysail 24 m 2 , storm staysail 20 m2, gennaker. The genoa and jib are furled.

There are two control stations equipped with a hydraulic drive. The first one, providing good review, located immediately behind the cockpit on the main deck level; the second is at the level of the cockpit deck under the protective canopy.

The anchor device consists of two electric capstans, two 34 kg anchors, a 10 mm anchor chain for each anchor and an additional 17 kg aluminum anchor with nylon rope. This lightweight anchor with good holding force is used as a stern or imported anchor.

Yacht layout and household equipment: over large and convenient for servicing the engine and mechanisms engine room in the central part of the yacht there is a salon. On the starboard side there is a large chart table; on the left there is a dining table and a U-shaped sofa.

The yacht has three double cabins, each with toilet and shower. Aft on the starboard side there is a large storage room with an automatic washing machine. Gas cylinders in sealed containers with external ventilation are placed above the waterline, also in the pantry. There is enough space here to store food supplies, some sails, ends, and a folded inflatable boat. In general, storing an inflatable boat is always a problem. Conventional davits disfigure the yacht and prevent it from having a comfortable gangway and outboard ladder. And during a storm, a boat dangling on davits is easy to lose. Store at Tyulen inflatable boat possible in three places: rolled up in the already mentioned pantry, on the deck in front of the mast, or on a U-shaped crossbar that folds down from the stern beam.

The fully equipped galley is located forward of the salon on the starboard side.

When working on the Tyulen, I was limited by the conditions of the competition - the length of the yacht should not exceed 15 m. When developing a real project, I would lengthen it by 0.5-1 m, modify the hull lines, increase the distance between the fins, and carefully consider the lifting device keel.

In general, the concept of "Seal" as a yacht with an unlimited navigation area, capable of withstanding any weather conditions, easy to maintain and with long term exploitation, I still like it now, a year after the end of the competition.

Motor sailing vessel- a sailing vessel with an auxiliary mechanical installation (internal combustion engine), operating mainly in calm conditions and during maneuvering. Most sailing and motor vessels are small fishing, training, and tourist vessels. (Great Soviet Encyclopedia)

In recent years, our fleet has been replenished with a significant number of small motor-sailing vessels of wooden construction. These vessels are successfully used in the fishing fleet and for coastal shipping. In addition, on motor-sailing vessels, students of maritime educational institutions acquire the first skills necessary for every sailor. Currently, the most widespread are motor-sailing vessels such as barquentines and schooners.

IN late XIX V. Due to the rapid growth of technology, sailing ships can no longer meet the new increased demands placed on transport. The sailing fleet is being replaced by the steam fleet. Since 1870, the number of sailing ships built has sharply declined. At this time, ships were mainly built with simplified equipment and a steam engine with several boilers on board, mainly schooners. By the 90s of the 19th century. The steam fleet finally replaced sailing ships. But the combined ships continued to be built. Currently, sailing ships are used only in the fishing fleet, coastal shipping, and for training purposes. As a rule, these vessels are small in size, with mechanical engines. For coastal shipping and fishing fleets, the most common vessels are schooners, and for training purposes - barquentines or barques.

When the first sailing-motor vessels appeared in the water area naval battles, they had an undeniable advantage since they could always, in any wind, take a position advantageous to themselves. Or quickly escape against the wind from superior enemy forces. Unfortunately, progress is not achieved overnight and therefore, when testing the first sailing-motor vessels, there were a lot of accidents and incidents.

Today there are 3 favorites among sailing and screw vessels, these are:

1st place Royal Clipper ship

Flag: Luxembourg

After 70 years of leadership of the barque "Sedov", the five-masted ship Royal Clipper took over the baton. The author of his project is Sigmund Horen, the same one who built several other ships from the TOP 10. The model was taken from the early 20th century ship “Prussia”, which was then considered the first in the world for some time. But unlike her, which performed only cargo functions, Royal Clipper was originally built as a cruise ship. Owned by Star Clippers along with two other large sailing ships - Star Clipper and Star Flyer. In summer, as a rule, he travels around the Mediterranean, in winter - in the Caribbean. In the off-season she makes transatlantic cruises. In addition to the sails, under which it develops about 20 knots, it is equipped with auxiliary diesel and electric engines (speed with the machine is 8 knots). A crew of one hundred provides a pleasant sailing experience for 227 passengers. Some consider it not only the largest sailing ship in operation, but also the most beautiful sailing ship ever built. Length, m 134.8 Width, m 16.5 Displacement, t 8000 Sail area, sq.m 5050

2nd place Bark "Sedov"

Flag: Russia

Launched in the city of Kiel in March 1921. At first it was called Magdalene Vinnen II, after the owner's daughter. At that time it was the fourth largest sailing ship in the world. How the merchant ship sailed South America and Australia. In 1936 she changed ownership, received the name Kommodore Johnsen and became a training ship. During World War II, she became a warship and was engaged in supplying troops. After the war, reparations passed to the USSR. It underwent repairs and returned to training activities, instructing military sailors (until 1966 it belonged to the Navy). From 1975 to 1981 it underwent major repairs and modernization due to enormous wear and tear, then returned to service and is now based in Murmansk. He regularly participates in regattas, in 1991 and 1995 he won the prestigious “Cutty Sark” Tall Ships" Races. Under sail, he develops up to 18 knots, moving only with machines with a power of 2176 hp - 10 knots. He has undergone many adventures not only in sailing : in 2000, he was arrested in the French city of Brest for debts to the Russian government, but was safely released. In 2012-2013, the ship with more than 90 years of history made its first circumnavigation. From 1928 to 1999, it was considered the world's largest operating sailboat. , m 117.5 Width, m 14.6 Displacement, t 7320 Sail area, sq.m 4192

3rd place Bark "Kruzenshtern"

Flag: Russia

Now called in honor of the famous navigator I.F. Kruzenshtern, the barque previously sailed under a different name and with a different purpose. When completed in 1926, the ship was named "Padua" and was a private cargo carrier. He served in this capacity for several years until he was commissioned into the navy of Nazi Germany. In 1946, due to reparations, it became the property of the USSR and received a new name. It served as an expeditionary oceanographic vessel and provided naval practice to Navy cadets. Then it adopted the pennant of the fishing fleet with its home port of Riga. With the collapse of the Union, it changed its home port to Kaliningrad and again became part of the navy, and then again raised its fishing pennant. For the first quarter of the 20th century, such a construction was quite common, and the Padua is only one hull from the Flying-P-Liner series. However, now not a single vessel from the series has survived. For its time it was one of the best sailors, and even now it develops an impressive 17 knots under sail, and about 10 knots under a car (power 2 x 1000 hp). Permanent crew of 70 people, cadets - 120. Made several circumnavigation of the world, successfully participated in various international regattas. Length, m 114.5 Width, m 14.4 Displacement, t 6400 Sail area, sq.m 3900

The invention relates to water transport and can be used in the construction of sailing and motor vessels for transporting passengers across seas and lakes. A motor-sailing vessel has a hull from 24 to 36 meters long with internal cavities, at least one propeller driven by at least one diesel engine, at least one fuel tank, at least one fuel tank drinking water, a desalination plant, at least one mast with sails, a means of promoting unsinkability, made of a non-wettable, closed porosity material that fills the internal cavities of the hull, batteries, refrigerator chambers for storing food. The volume of the fuel tank or the total volume of fuel tanks is at least 8 cubic meters. meters. The volume of the tank or the total volume of fresh water tanks is at least 6 cubic meters. meters. The volume of refrigerated chambers for food storage is at least 4 cubic meters. meters. Inside the hull there is a hold and storage rooms for cars, boats, fishing and underwater equipment. The vessel is equipped with inflatable cylinders attached to the hull and batteries. The reliability and safety of navigation increases, and the autonomy of navigation is ensured. 5 salary f-ly.

The invention relates to shipbuilding. The goal is to create a vessel with an unlimited navigation area that has no analogues in terms of safety and autonomy.

From the level of technology (RU 2200118 and according to media reports) it is known that in a number of countries the construction of ships with autonomy of tens of years, nuclear power plants, means for the extraction of seafood, compartments for livestock, poultry, vegetable gardens, etc. has begun.

These vessels have significant disadvantages:

High price (up to 2,500,000 US dollars per passenger seat);

Large sizes, in which the skin for unsinkability upon impact, for example, on reefs must have a thickness of up to 300 mm and a correspondingly reinforced frame, which will increase the price of a passenger seat to 5-6 million dollars.

But this design will not ensure safety:

In the event of an impact, depressurization of compartments is possible, which will be impossible to repair outside a specialized plant;

If such a ship hits a tsunami, it will inevitably capsize and, even if it is not broken, will not restore its position on the water. The designers of the most durable ships - battleships - were unable to give them similar properties.

For these reasons, the length of the hull of a motor-sailing vessel of the Ark-1 type is limited to 36 meters.

Widely known are motor-sailing vessels with a length of 24 to 36 meters (URL: //www.vachting2000.ru/produkcija/ot-24m-do-40/) with internal cavities, having at least one propeller driven by at least than one engine (" Marine dictionary", page 332, ed. " Water transport", 1965), at least one fuel tank, at least one folding or telescopic mast with sails (RU 2041120) for passage, for example, under low bridges, at least one tank and at least one desalination plant (RU 42998) to supply the crew with drinking (fresh) water, at least one diesel or gasoline electric generator (RU 1320120), wind electric generator (RU 1134479, RU 2200118), hydroelectric generator (RU 2038264), solar (RU 2195754) and battery (RU 2038263, RU 2038264) batteries for providing the ship with electricity, refrigeration chambers (RU 86717, SU 1101380) for storing crew food, a means of promoting unsinkability, made of non-wettable, closed-porous material, which fills the internal cavities of the hull (RU 2252144, SU 338441, RU 2245816, RU 2175619, RU 13558) or which covers the hull plating (RU 71316) and inflatable tanks (RU 61677) located inside the ship's premises, filled with gas in the event of a threat of flooding.

In accordance with the rules of the Maritime Register (“Register of Shipping of Russia”, 1999), sailing-motor vessels up to 36 meters in length are equipped with tanks for liquid fuel with a volume of up to 0.8 cubic meters. meters. This fuel supply is sufficient to power the ship for 8 days. However, in cases of failure of wind generators and solar panels due to, for example, powerful magnetic storms and the simultaneous impossibility of using hydro generators due to weather conditions, this time may not be enough to repair (replace) the equipment or establish favorable weather conditions. The ship's power supply will cease.

On a motor-sailing vessel of the "Ark-1" type, energy security is achieved by placing fuel tanks with a volume of at least 8 cubic meters in the hull. meters, which is enough to power the ship for at least 80 days.

According to the same rules, the capacity of fresh water tanks of motor-sailing vessels up to 36 meters in length is no more than 2 cubic meters. meters. This is a reserve for 6 days, which, if the desalination plant fails, may not be enough to replenish water supplies.

On a motor-sailing vessel of the "Ark-1" type, the crew is supplied with water from containers with a volume of at least 6 cubic meters. meters. This water is enough for 24 days, during which time the desalination plant can be repaired or reached the most remote shores.

Vessels up to 36 meters in length are equipped, according to the rules of the Maritime Register, with batteries with a capacity of up to 10,000 Ah. However, if, due to technical or weather conditions, it is not possible to use other sources of electricity, such a capacity is sufficient to power the ship only for a day, which may not be enough to repair generators, replenish fuel reserves, or establish more favorable weather conditions.

The motor-sailing vessel "Ark-1" is equipped with batteries with a capacity of at least 50,000 Ah, which increases energy security fivefold.

To supply the crew with perishable food products while simultaneously saving energy consumed by refrigeration units, chambers located one inside the other, the spaces inside of which are ventilated, are used. However, in practice and according to the rules of the Maritime Register, passenger ships up to 36 meters in length are equipped with refrigeration chambers with a volume of up to 0.6 cubic meters. meters. The food that can be placed in them is enough to feed the crew for 33 days, which is normal under normal conditions, but not enough under extreme conditions.

The design of the motor-sailing vessel of the “Ark-1” type includes refrigeration chambers with a volume of at least 4 cubic meters. meters, which increases the autonomy of navigation in terms of food supplies to 320 days, and taking into account the use of seafood and commercial hunting products - up to 1100 days.

In order to ensure the buoyancy of the vessel even if it is completely flooded with water, foam materials and inflatable containers are used, filled with gas in the event of a threat of flooding. However, these methods do not solve the problem of quickly restoring the vessel to its normal position in the event of a capsize(s).

In a motor-sailing vessel of the "Ark-1" type, the problem of quickly restoring to a normal position after a capsize is solved by attaching inflatable cylinders to the upper edges of the sides, into which compressed gas is supplied only in the event of a capsize.

Designs of passenger ships of the specified length, according to the rules of the Maritime Register, do not provide for the presence of holds. However, in the event of an emergency, the crew will need a significant amount of materials, equipment, spare parts, clothing, etc., which are not taken on a normal trip.

On a motor-sailing vessel of the “Ark-1” type, supplies are also placed in a hold with a volume of at least 8 cubic meters. meters.

On passenger ships of the specified sizes, according to the rules of the Maritime Register, rescue and traveling craft are located on the upper decks, and loading of a vehicle is not provided for at all. However, if the ship capsizes, any equipment will be washed away from the outer decks and the crew will find themselves without watercraft, and in the event of landing on an uninhabited shore, without a vehicle.

Inside the hull of a motor-sailing vessel of the “Ark-1” type, there is a special compartment for storing a car and a boat, located mainly in the stern at the waterline level and equipped primarily with a gate that lowers into the water - a ramp, which is rigidly pressed against the hull during the vessel’s passages.

As a rule, all passenger ships have lockers (boxes) for storing fishing and underwater equipment for sport fishing and scuba diving. However, if you are forced to spend a long time in autonomous navigation, the production of seafood will turn into an urgent need and the existing lockers will not be enough to store professional equipment.

On a motor-sailing vessel of the “Ark-1” type, stocks of fishing and underwater equipment are stored in special rooms with a volume of at least 4 cubic meters. meters.

The listed essential features of a motor-sailing vessel of the “Ark-1” type require the presence of rooms and cavities inside the hull, the volume of which limits the minimum length of the vessel to 24 meters.

A motor-sailing vessel of the "Ark-1" type is located at the pier seaport or on a roadstead in a fully equipped state. Its tanks are filled with fuel and water, the refrigeration chambers are loaded with food, and the hold is filled with supplies of equipment, spare parts, clothing, etc. A special compartment contains a car and a boat, rigidly secured in all planes between the bulkheads and decks. In the storage room for fishing and underwater equipment, its professional kit is folded and secured. The crew cabins are fully prepared for living. All mechanisms and systems have been checked.

If information is received about the threat of an emergency, the crew arrives on the ship, and it immediately goes to sea (ocean), heading towards the greatest depths.

In the event of receiving information about the occurrence of an emergency, the crew immediately lowers the masts and rigidly fastens them to the deck, after which they are located in the interior, closing all external doors and portholes, as well as watertight doors and hatches in bulkheads and decks.

If an approaching wave with a height three times lower than the length of the vessel is detected, the crew directs the vessel towards the wave.

If a wave of greater height is detected, the crew turns the ship sideways towards the wave, which capsizes it one or more times.

When the ship's overturns stop, the crew opens the valve for filling elastic containers attached to the upper edges of the sides with gas from cylinders previously filled with it. The containers quickly fill, facilitating the vessel's ascent from under the water in a normal position.

After the threats disappear, the crew goes to the upper decks, deflates the air from the elastic containers, again securing them along the sides in a folded state, installs the masts, raises the sails and begins to move the ship in the safest direction.

When the vessel is moving, wind, solar and hydroelectric generators are used to the maximum to save fuel.

To save food supplies, professional sets of fishing, underwater and hunting equipment are used to the maximum.

If it is necessary to survey a shore that is promising for landing, the gate - the ramp - is depressurized and lowered onto the water (shore), and a boat or car is unloaded from a special compartment.

If it is necessary to accommodate the crew on shore, the necessary equipment, equipment, etc. are removed from the holds.

In general, the design of the motor-sailing vessel of the “Ark-1” type allows the crew to sail autonomously for up to 3 years, choosing a place to live on the shores of the seas (oceans).

1. A motor-sailing vessel, characterized by the fact that it contains a hull with a length of 24 to 36 m with internal cavities, at least one propeller driven by at least one diesel engine, at least one fuel tank, at least one tank for drinking water and a desalination plant, at least one mast with sails, a means of promoting unsinkability, made of a non-wettable, closed-porous material that fills the internal cavities of the hull, batteries, refrigerated chambers for storing food, and the volume of the fuel tank or the total volume fuel tanks are at least 8 m3, the tank volume or total volume of fresh water tanks is at least 6 m3, and the volume of refrigerator compartments for food storage is at least 4 m3.

2. The vessel according to claim 1, characterized in that it has at least one hold with a volume of at least 8 m 3.

3. The vessel according to claim 1, characterized in that it has inside the hull a storage room for a car or boat with a volume of at least 8 m 3 .

4. The vessel according to claim 1, characterized in that it has premises inside the hull for storing fishing and underwater equipment with a volume of at least 4 m 3 .

5. The vessel according to claim 1, characterized in that it is equipped with inflatable cylinders attached to the hull and intended for an emergency emergency increase in the vessel's displacement.

6. The vessel according to claim 1, characterized in that it is equipped with batteries with a total capacity of at least 50,000 Ah.