Phu Quoc - full review of all places. Phu Quoc: reviews. What effect did Phu Quoc have on us in the first days? Is it worth going to Phu Quoc in November?

Phu Quoc is an island in Vietnam that is becoming increasingly popular among travelers. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, holidays in Fukuoka are quite cheap when compared with other resort islands. At the same time, in beauty local nature Phu Quoc is in no way inferior to recognized holiday destinations. Secondly, there is something to do there. May be, excursion program will not seem very rich to those who walk along historical places from morning to evening. But if you plan to combine excursions with a beach holiday, you definitely won’t be bored!

Weather in Fukuoka in November

Phu Quoc opens the holiday season in November. It is worth saying that in the south of Vietnam (and this is where this island is located) the high season most likely begins in December. But Fukuoka is lucky with the weather: it becomes dry here already in November.

The tropical climate boasts high temperatures at any time of the year. Therefore, rain is determined. The wet season in southern Vietnam ends in November. The chance of precipitation remains high this month. And on the island of Phu Quoc there is very little rain at this time, especially in the second half of the month.

A little more about the weather in November. In the first half of the month, rain is possible, but not as prolonged as during the wet season. There are many sunny days. It often happens that it will rain in the morning, and by lunchtime everything will dry out under the hot sun. Temperatures at this time are as follows:

  • +30°C – daytime air temperature,
  • +22°C – at night,
  • +27°C – temperature in coastal waters.

During the rainy season in Fukuoka, the sea is also warm, but storms at this time make it cloudy and dirty. And already in early November, the coastal water becomes cleaner and suitable for swimming.

In the second half of November there is practically no rain in Fukuoka. There are very few cloudy days, mostly sunny. And the ambient temperature and sea ​​water still happy:

  • +31°C – during the daytime,
  • +23°C – at night,
  • +27°C – at sea.

As you can see, it is best to go to fairy island at the end of November. But there is one caveat: prices for tours may become more expensive. This is the law of the high season - at its height the cost of flights and rental housing increases. So, hurry up to catch last-minute offers from travel agencies!

Phu Quoc on your own in November

Is it possible to go to Phu Quoc on your own? Certainly! The island has its own airport, which recently underwent reconstruction. This is convenient for Russian tourists, because regular planes fly there from Moscow with transfers. It is most convenient to choose a transfer in Hanoi; you will have to fly about 9 hours to get there, and then another 2 hours to the island. But you can get to Phu Quoc by other routes, for example, through Ho Chi Minh City or Bangkok. Choose a convenient or profitable flight!

Getting to your hotel is also not difficult. Fukuoka is not big by world standards; it takes no more than 20 minutes to drive from the airport to any hotel. WITH regular buses the island is very bad, but they are not needed when there are cheap taxis! For 5-10 dollars you can travel comfortably to the hotel. There is another option - a motorbike. This is a popular means of transportation on the island (and throughout Vietnam), so it’s worth considering whether to rent one? You can travel all over Phu Quoc whenever you want!

Beach holiday in November on Phu Quoc island

Hotels on the island are concentrated near wide beach stripes. Everything is thought out there for tourist recreation: sun loungers, umbrellas or sun canopies. The beaches in Fukuoka are sandy with easy entry into the water. This cannot but please the guests of the island.

In Phu Quoc (Vietnam), November is already the holiday season, so there will be no problems with cafes and some beach activities. Although in Vietnam, animation on beaches and in hotels is not very common. There are no daily performances, exercises on the seashore and other delights. But many hotels offer spa services to their guests. Be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to undergo a relaxing massage and other treatments.

The best beaches in Fukuoka:

Phu Quoc is also famous for its wild beaches. You won’t find luxurious infrastructure there (in some places there is none at all), but it is very picturesque there. In the water off the coast you can find colorful fish or starfish! Grab your mat, sandwiches, rent a scooter and go find new places to relax.

Excursions in November in Fukuoka

There will be no problems with the cultural program on the island in November either. All tourist places are already working, and some do not stop working all year. Here's what's worth visiting:

Just don’t forget that for most tourists from Europe the temple is a tourist attraction, but for local residents- shrine. Follow the rules for visiting the temple that are indicated (there are signs in English, and often in Russian).

Lastly, eat seafood on the island! They are really fresh in Fukuoka. Your holiday experience on the island in November will be unforgettable!

I have already tried to talk about the disadvantages of Phu Quoc and Vietnam, but in the general flow of Nastya and I’s enthusiastic stories about life and, all the disadvantages somehow fade. However, there are points that you need to remember when getting ready. This is what I want to write about today. By the way, at the end of the article there is a video - for those who do not like “a lot of letters”. So if you don’t have limited traffic and you’re not tired of my beard, then you can immediately scroll down.

Be sure to check out the new series of articles: there’s a lot of useful stuff here

Dedicated to everyone who loves to read or perceives textual information more easily. I decided to start the story with package tourists, because this year there have been a lot more of them. According to eyewitnesses in Russia, especially in those cities from which charters fly to the island, our wonderful Phu Quoc is very actively advertised. Yes, that's right. I continue to like the island, but Nastya and I’s requirements are not as high as those of a vacationer accustomed to Turkish comfort.

Fukuoka advertising posters are full of pictures blue lagoons with white sand, deserted beaches, cleanliness and serenity. In practice, most tourists are settled on Long Beach, where there is nothing like this. By the way, really - Bai Sao. And that one is littered enough that after the first visit you don’t want to return to it, although there are a couple great places, but not everyone gets there.

Pay attention to the new series of advice articles about package holidays in Fukuoka. In the new cycle, I try to collect all the most useful information for those flying to the island for a couple of weeks:

  • - for those who are flying for a couple of weeks
  • — getting to know the island

Arriving in Phu Quoc, vacationers are often disappointed. The tale of the bounty did not work out, nor did the Persian tale with dozens of service personnel. A narrow strip of beach appears before them, with the same tourists watching the drains from the hotels and a lonely floating plastic bag. I'm exaggerating a bit, so let's go into more detail.

Myths about holidays in Fukuoka

I’ll say right away that, in my unpretentious opinion, the skeleton - good place. However, when choosing a holiday here, you need to take off your rose-colored glasses and look at reality clearly. I'll tell you about several features of Fukuoka.

Clean beaches on Phu Quoc island

There are beautiful bays in the north of the island in the closed areas of expensive hotels, where there is almost nothing except the hotels themselves and in the evening you can die of boredom. Long Beach, unfortunately, cannot boast of particularly clean and transparent water. I will return to it a little later.

For lovers clean water there are excursions to Southern Islands by ship or by Cable car(the longest in the world - I’ll talk about it separately another time). However, this is not the cheapest pleasure - you can ride once or twice, but definitely not every day. In addition, there are a couple of problems with excursions in Fukuoka:

  • The tour operator who brings people to Phu Quoc first intimidates vacationers with “terrible street excursions”, and then at a significant markup he transfers tourists to the local agency, which receives the most complaints: excursions in the wrong direction, crowded ships, where people are like herrings in barrels , guides who have lived on the island for a couple of weeks (by the way, according to my information, guides really don’t stay for long - it’s difficult to tolerate a constant stream of complaints)
  • Local guides and agencies do not make the situation much easier: almost every agency unnecessarily criticizes its competitors, further confusing tourists about the price and quality of services

In order not to get into trouble with prices for excursions, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with all the popular trips on the website PhuQuoc24, which collaborates with many local agencies and private guides, providing not only information about current prices, but also the opportunity to pre-order. However, no one forbids you, already knowing the real prices, to walk down the street or listen to the guide who meets you.

Attitude of Vietnamese staff towards tourists

Vacationers often forget that they flew to Asia, and not to their beloved Turkey, where everyone is ready to lick you. Vietnam is a proud country, and Phu Quoc is not yet spoiled by tourists. Not so long ago there was an ordinary village here and people were not used to fawning over white vacationers. Moreover, sometimes you can even encounter negative attitudes from older people, for whom all whites are indistinguishable from Americans. Therefore, I often advise starting a dialogue with a simple Russian “hello”, rather than a foreign hello.

Last season I wrote two articles entitled fly in the ointment— I recommend reading both, where I was talking about the peculiarities of Vietnamese life on the island of Phu Quoc:

In general, when arriving in Phu Quoc, be prepared that you will not receive much attention. Tourists here are not very interesting: sometimes the taxi driver is too lazy to take you night market, and the seller will not open his eyes during lunchtime nap, and the favorite “light bulb” gesture of the locals, in case of any misunderstanding and unwillingness to communicate, you will very quickly get tired of it - although personally I am already accustomed to it. I even use it myself sometimes.

The Myth of Cheap Food in Fukuoka

This is generally a separate topic for discussion. I have already been accused of insincerity and embellishment of the winter budget. I haven’t failed the 2017-2018 budget yet, but what’s the point in lying to me? So here it is. There are people who fly to Phu Quoc, having read my stories every other line and immediately go to expensive restaurants, fearfully averting their eyes from my favorite locales. For comparison: a set lunch in a local restaurant costs from 65 rubles per person (first course, main course and tea), the cost of a dish in a restaurant can reach up to 500 rubles, and the total bill can be several thousand. I’m not saying that restaurants are bad, on the contrary, I even wrote several articles about where to go to eat in Fukuoka. But let's differentiate. There is affordable food in local canteens, there are inexpensive dishes in local cafes, and there is borscht and other exotic dishes in a restaurant, where your budget decides:

If you are a little bolder, like to taste the local flavor and do not want to spend a lot, feel free to go to local canteens (places with a fixed price and a couple of dishes without a menu), neither I nor my friends were poisoned in them (however, there were cases of poisoning in local cafe, so you have to be more careful there). If your budget allows, and you flew to Phu Quoc specifically to try Vietnamese borscht, then choose a cafe with the whitest tablecloths.

A few more unpleasant moments

You should definitely remember a few more nuances so as not to be upset when you arrive on Phu Quoc Island in Vietnam. Speaking about the advantages of the island, I often forget that not all tourists have the basics safe travels so obvious. I wrote an article - be sure to read the simple rules of safe behavior in a foreign country, and in your own. Perhaps after reading the following information will not be so relevant to you.

Safety on Phu Quoc Island

Island life is relaxing. Here they don’t always close the doors, don’t keep money in safes, leave keys in bikes, and leave bags quietly on the beach. I wrote it as an advertisement for thieves... However, we should not forget that a mass gathering of relaxed people always attracts the criminal element. Where there is a lot of money, there appear those who want to take possession of it.

No, of course you won’t be robbed on the street and the taxi driver won’t take you into the hands of bandits. The island is safe for simple walks, even for single girls; fortunately, in Vietnam, unlike India, there are no problems with female violence. You can run into a local conflict by pissing off local residents, but this is not easy to do, especially if you remember that we are guests here.

However, your money may be of interest to those who come to work, and while some try to earn money honestly or almost honestly, only slightly increasing prices, others act more brazenly:

  • There have been complaints of theft from vacationers and guests of the island, so try to keep money and valuables out of reach.
  • There have been cases of robberies in several hotels, but this is rather nonsense. I am sure that having found the culprits, the hoteliers themselves will carry out swift reprisals
  • Recently in the Telegram chat I saw a complaint about change with a counterfeit (ritual banknote)

In general, take care of yourself and valuables, especially in crowded places.

There are no usual supermarkets in Fukuoka

I want to end this article with a cry of universal pain. Every second person who comes to Phu Quoc and ends up in one of the island’s groups (links in the sidebar) or telegram channel is asked about a large supermarket where there is everything. Alas, on the island of Phu Quoc, unlike mainland Vietnam, there are no hypermarkets. There are small and medium-sized stores, but the selection of goods is limited. Although this year it has become much better. I wrote about the changes in Fukuoka in a separate article, which I also recommend reading:

Therefore, the old-timers are already a little tired of answering the question about stores. The main difference between Fukuoka and Thailand is the absence of stores where you can come once a week and shop. However, I will write about them in a separate article.

Access to beaches in Fukuoka

A small nuisance that fortunately does not affect everyone, but may soon become a widespread problem is access to the beaches of Fukuoka. The tour operator often accommodates tourists in a hotel on the second line (on the side of the road farthest from the sea), forgetting to say that it is not possible to get close to the sea everywhere. Very often, the passage is blocked by a large hotel, whose security does not always let vacationers through, arguing that this is private territory. It turns out that the beach itself is public, but there is no approach to it.

For example, in our Long Beach area of ​​residence there are two options to get to the sea:

  • Past a construction site on the territory of an abandoned resort. You must be there before 17:00, otherwise the entrance will be closed and you will have to look for workarounds.
  • Trying to get through the hotel area. They let us and the stroller through, but precedents have already happened. And to the nearest entrance that is not closed by hotels, the walk is about a kilometer and a half - but the promenade is useful.

Finally, another video, this time about the disadvantages of Fukuoka

As you can see, not everything is so scary in Fukuoka, some of the problems are not problems at all, so I personally am already thinking about the third season of Fukuoka. Until next time.

Consent to the processing of personal data

I hereby, being the Customer of tourist services included in the tourism product, and the authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, give consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of persons (tourists) contained in the Application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; residence and registration address; home and mobile phone; email address; as well as any other data relating to my identity and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourism services, including those included in the tourism product generated by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and the data of the persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as carrying out any other actions provided for by current legislation Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without the use of such tools corresponds to the nature of the actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows for in accordance with a given algorithm, searching for personal data recorded on a tangible medium and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and/or access to such personal data, as well as transfer (including cross-border) of this personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and Tour Operator.

The processing of personal data is carried out by the Agent and his authorized representatives (Tour Operator and direct service providers) for the purpose of fulfilling this agreement (including, depending on the terms of the agreement, for the purpose of processing travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation facilities and with carriers, transferring data to the consulate of a foreign state, resolving claims issues when they arise, submitting information to authorized government bodies (including at the request of courts and internal affairs bodies)).

I hereby confirm that the personal data provided by me to the Agent is reliable and can be processed by the Agent and his authorized representatives.

I hereby give my consent to the Agent and Tour Operator to send me emails/information messages to the email address and/or mobile phone number I have provided.

I hereby confirm that I have the authority to provide personal data of the persons specified in the Application, and undertake the obligation to reimburse the Agent for any costs associated with my lack of appropriate authority, including losses associated with sanctions of inspection authorities.

I agree that the text of my consent to the processing of personal data, given by me of my own free will, in my interests and in the interests of the persons specified in the Application, is stored electronically in a database and/or on paper and confirms the fact of consent to process and transfer personal data in accordance with the above provisions and take responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of personal data.

This consent is given for an indefinite period and can be withdrawn by me at any time, and insofar as it concerns a specific person, the subject of personal data specified in the Application, by the specified person by sending a written notice to the Agent by mail.

I hereby confirm that my rights as a subject of personal data have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

I hereby confirm that the consequences of withdrawing this consent have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

This Consent is an annex to this Application.

Phu Quoc is the most big island, owned by Vietnam. And most favorite place recreation for the Vietnamese middle class.
Usually Vietnamese vacation in Phu Quoc in the summer. But in winter it's full there foreign tourists who also want to soak up the sun on Vietnamese beaches, swim in the clear sea of ​​Phu Coc and enjoy almost untouched nature islands.
This article contains the following information about Phu Quoc:

When we were planning our first trip to Vietnam, the question of where to go to the sea was not raised. Of course, Phu Quoc! After reading many reviews about Fukuoka, we decided to go to this island. And they were right!

  • First of all, there the cleanest sea in Vietnam.
  • Secondly, it is easily accessible from Saigon.
  • And thirdly, there inexpensive prices for hotels, despite the proximity of the sea. Information about hotels can be found. There are not many reviews there, but I saw all the hotels in person, swam in the pools on the hotel grounds, sunbathed on the beaches, so the reviews are first-person and real.

How to get to Fukuoka

  1. Method one is the fastest. The best way to get to Fukuoka is by plane. Vietnam Airlines planes fly from Saigon to the island and back several times a day. The flight is only an hour. Before you even have time to get scared, boarding is announced. A ticket from Ho Chi Minh City to Phu Quoc costs 40-50 dollars. We took tickets several months in advance; if you take them the day before departure, they will be more expensive, but not several times more expensive. The airport in Fukuoka is very small, clean and somewhat rustic. Small planes fly there. Also clean, cozy and cute. And what kind of flight attendants there are!
  2. The second method is the cheapest. Fukuoka can also be reached by sea. True, you still need to come to Ho Chi Minh City first. There you sit down night bus at the Ho Chi Minh City bus station to Rach Gia city. Rach Tse has a small port from where ferries depart twice a day to Phu Quoc Island. The entire journey to Phu Quoc from Ho Chi Minh City will take approximately 15-20 dollars.

Fukuoka beaches

There are many attractions in Fukuoka - a pearl factory, a museum, several waterfalls, a pepper plantation, many hotels, but the most important thing why thousands of tourists come to the island is the beaches!

  • The largest beach in Phu Quoc is Bai Truong or Long Beach or central beach. Its length is over 18 km. And along the strip of sand by the sea there are hotels, guest houses, cafes and bungalows. This is the most tourist place Fukuoka. But even in high season there are not too many people on the island. There is enough sea, sun, sand and cold beer for everyone!
  • Bai Sao Beach is located further away, as you go to the port. The sand there is snow-white and crispy, and the sea is an incredibly blue color. Our camera was simply unable to convey all the beauty of this beach. There are very few people there. It’s true that sometimes the wind blows and brings a lot of garbage into the sea. Then the most beautiful beach in Fukuoka becomes not so beautiful. Those who find themselves on Bai Sao at this time will be unlucky. Well, no problem, this is not the only beautiful beach on the island!

There are no beaches as such on the other side of the island. Absolutely wild places. You can swim, but be careful. There are rocks and the waves on the other side of the island are almost always big.
But the photographs turn out wonderful, and in general there is an air of some kind of primitive power and wildness. And Cambodia is visible in clear weather.

  • If you take the road to the north-west of Fukuoka, you will pass fishing villages, and then almost run into wild beach- Gan Dau. It is not entirely wild - on the shore there is a single cafe, a couple of hammocks and - the sea. Very clean, very calm and incredibly beautiful beach. I like him much more than even the famous Bai Sao. There we caught starfish with teeth, octopuses and small fish. No one was hurt and everyone was released back into the sea.

None shopping complexes, entertainment centers, there are no water parks or zoos in Fukuoka. Phu Quoc Vietnam is quiet, clean and extremely beautiful and cubby. Therefore, if entertainment and nightlife are important to you stormy life, it is better to choose another place to stay. But lovers of sea walks, privacy and vibrant colors will love Phu Quoc.

However, do not think that there is absolutely nothing to see in Fukuoka! There is

  • Coconut Prison (now a museum)
  • Famous fish sauce factory
  • Waterfalls and lakes
  • Pagodas
  • Night market
  • Pearl Factory
  • Pepper plantations

Weather and climate of Phu Quoc Island

Fukuoka has good season and a great season. The best time to holiday in Fukuoka is winter, or rather from November to March. But you can also have a wonderful time there from April to October. It may rain during these months, but the sea is still very warm. The weather table shows sea water temperature in Fukuoka and air temperature by month.

month average air temperature average temperature of sea water
January 30 26
February 31 27
March 32 28
April 33 29
May 32 29
June 31 29
July 30 28
August 30 28
September 30 28
October 30 27
november 30 27
December 30 26

Shopping in Fukuoka

What do you usually bring from Phu Quoc Island?

First of all, these are pearls. Products made from local Vietnamese pearls are considered the best in Vietnam. Just beware of fakes. A very cheap pearl necklace will not be of high quality and real!

Souvenirs - magnets, figurines, Vietnamese lacquer paintings and boxes, jewelry made from shells and coconut - you will find all this in the markets of Phu Quoc.

Here you can also buy flip flops, T-shirts, shorts, towels and small items necessary for relaxation. But it is better to look for branded clothing or shoes in Ho Chi Minh City or Nha Trang. True shopaholics will be bored in Fukuoka.

Tours to Phu Quoc in November 2018 - the beginning of the season on the island. The rains are over, the off-season has passed, the tourist season. IN will be in great demand, and in November you can still get caught in a torrential downpour.

At the same time, the Phuket season begins in November, so Thailand and Vietnam are always competing. Also in November is the beginning of the high season in Goa, but this is a slightly different holiday. According to statistics, tours to Thailand in November are chosen by 17% of those traveling abroad, and to Vietnam by 8%. But every year Vietnam is gaining momentum. Moreover, Phu Quoc is a relatively new destination for package tours.

Tours to Phu Quoc from Moscow in November with direct flights are most suitable for those looking for a lazy beach holiday, or for those who have already seen many Asian countries and want something new.

All tours to Vietnam

Promotional codes for a discount when purchasing a tour from:

      • - discount 300 rub. for any tour, costing from 20,000 rubles.
      • - discount 500 rub. for any tour, costing from 40,000 rubles.
      • - 600 ₽ discount on all tours from 50,000 rubles. V mobile application And .
      • I want a promotional code for 1000 rubles. - “tour for a ruble” promotion, all participants receive a discount 1000 rub. when purchasing a tour from 30,000 rubles.
      • NEW! discount 2000 rub. for tours to Turkey from 100,000 rubles.

Tours to Phu Quoc in November: prices

Average prices for tours to Phu Quoc in November for two for 11 nights are as follows: 2-star hotel, departure from Moscow 90,000 rubles, 3-star hotel 95,000 rubles, 4-star hotel 107,000 rubles, 5-star hotel 150,000 rubles. There are discounts from tour operators "Sunmar" and " Coral Travel"(which is essentially one company), when tours to Phu Quoc in November from Moscow for two for 11 nights can be bought from 70,000 rubles. (in summer there are super discounts from 56,000 rubles). On average, tours to Phu Quoc are more expensive than to Phuket or Goa. Inside the island, prices are also a little higher, but it all depends on what establishments you visit. You can find expensive and cheap places everywhere.

Other tours to Vietnam

It is also worth comparing prices for tours on the website

Prices for tours to Phu Quoc from Moscow in November

  • Tours to Phu Quoc Aroma Hotel and Spa 2*, 11 nights, 91961 rub.
  • Tours to Phu Quoc Victoria Phu Quoc 2*, 11 nights, 93,426 rub.
  • Tours to Phu Quoc Ngoc Chau 3*, 11 nights, 97,819 rub.
  • Tours to Phu Quoc Dreamland Phu Quoc Resort 4*, 11 nights, 107,377 rub.
  • Tours to Phu Quoc Novotel Phu Quoc Resort 5*, 11 nights, 150,059 rub.


During the day the temperature is +30+32 degrees, at night +27 degrees. Water temperature +28 degrees. There are about 20 sunny days in November in Fukuoka, 10 cloudy and rainy days. That is, about a third of the month will be cloudy. The rains may be short-lived, but they will still happen. It will not rain all day, most often there are showers for 15-30 minutes. You can still relax and sunbathe, after the rain the sun appears.


Since November is the beginning of the season, there are more tourists in Fukuoka than in the off-season. Tours to Phu Quoc are sold more actively in November, which means more people come to the island. But the peak will be at the end of December and at New Year holidays. At this time, tours to Phu Quoc cost 2 times more.

Which beaches to choose

There is not a large selection of beaches in Fukuoka. More precisely, there are beaches, but there are no hotels nearby. For example, on Bai Sao - near the very beautiful beach Fukuoka has no choice of accommodation. Therefore, tours to Phu Quoc in November and other months are traditionally sold on Long Beach, and less often on Ong Lang and Cua Kan. All other beaches are being built up, while there is no place to live there.


  • The beginning of the season, the weather calms down
  • Cleaning the area around hotels
  • If possible, construction is completed during the season


  • Prices for tours to Phu Quoc are increasing in November
  • Garbage