How to quickly get to the southwest. Night bus to Vnukovo airport. What is better to choose

The Aeroexpress train to Vnukovo takes approximately 35 minutes without stops from the Kievsky railway station in Moscow. Trains run in both directions daily from 6 am to midnight.

How much does Aeroexpress cost to Vnukovo?

The cost of travel one way in a standard carriage is:

  1. 450 rub. when purchasing a ticket online or mobile application in 4 days before the trip.
  2. 500 rub. when purchasing at ticket offices and ticket machines, when paying at turnstiles bank cards Visa payWave and MasterCard PayPass, as well as the Troika card.


Business class travel costs 1500 rub. regardless of the method of purchase.

Aeroexpress ticket price

Standard500 rubles1 trip in Standard class, you can purchase a ticket at any time.
Preliminary450 rubles1 trip in Standard class, purchase from 4 to 90 days before the trip, purchase on the website or through the mobile application.
Business1500 rubles1 trip in Business class strictly in accordance with the date, time and route.
Back and forth850 rubles2 trips in Standard class (1 trip to the airport, 1 trip from the airport) on any Aeroexpress route within 30 days.
Pair850 rubles1 trip in Standard class for a group of passengers of no more than 2 people on any Aeroexpress route within 30 days.
Couple Back and forth1450 rubles2 trips in Standard class (1 trip to the airport, 1 trip from the airport) for a group of passengers of no more than 2 people on any Aeroexpress route within 30 days
Family and friends950 rubles1 trip in Standard class for a group of passengers of no more than 4 people on any Aeroexpress route for 30 days
Family and friends. Back and forth1700 rubles2 trips in Standard class (1 trip to the airport, 1 trip from the airport) for a group of passengers of no more than 4 people on any Aeroexpress route within 30 days

Where is the Aeroexpress at Kievsky Station?

The Aeroexpress train to Vnukovo departs from the Kievsky railway station; the entrance to the terminal is located opposite the Evropeisky shopping center.

There are three metro stations at the Kievsky railway station - “ Kyiv-ring " (brown), " Kyiv-radial "(blue branch) and " Kyiv» Filyovskaya line (blue line).

How to get to the Aeroexpress from Kyiv-Koltsevaya station

At the station Kyiv-ring » approximately in the center of the hall you need to find a transition to Filevskaya line
(scoreboard with blue stripe).

The passage leads to a long escalator to the surface. After taking the escalator, you will find yourself in a hall with turnstiles. Keep left and go to the turnstiles farthest from you, which are located next to the glass doors. The doors are the exit to the underground passage.

In the underground passage you need to go straight to the end and turn right. As you rise from the underground passage, you will see the Kievsky railway station building on your left. You need to walk straight along the building, after a few meters on the left you will see the entrance to the Aeroexpress terminal.

How to get to the Aeroexpress from Kyiv-Radialnaya station

At the station Kyiv-radial » blue line (Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya) you need to find an exit to the city and a transition to Filevskaya line . It is located at the end of the station approximately opposite the stop of the first train car from the center (from Smolenskaya).

You need to get to the escalators: to the left - escalators to Circle line, to the right - 4 escalators leading to the exit to the city. When you go upstairs you will see shopping mall“European”, and behind your back there will be Kyiv railway station. You need to turn right and walk about 50 meters - the entrance to the Aeroexpress terminal will be on the right.

How to get to the Aeroexpress from Kyiv station on the Filevskaya line

At the station Kyiv» The Filyovskaya line (blue line) needs to find an exit to the city. It is located near the first carriage of the train heading towards Smolenskaya.

Go up the steps from the station, the exit will be in the common hall to the right (you need to go through the turnstile).

After the glass doors you need to go through the underground passage, just like from the Circle Line.

Where is the Aeroexpress at Vnukovo airport?

The Aeroexpress terminal at Vnukovo Airport is located underground and looks like a metro station. The entrance is located opposite Terminal A. Also, from Terminal A you can go down to the “zero” level, which is connected to the Aeroexpress station.

From Terminals B and D you need to walk on the surface, but this is a short distance.

Aeroexpress schedule from Vnukovo Airport - Kyiv Station

Departure↓ Arrival
06:00 06:35
07:00 07:40
08:00 08:40
09:00 09:35
09:38 10:15
10:00 10:34
11:00 11:38
12:00 12:38
13:00 13:34
14:00 14:38
15:00 15:36
16:00 16:38
16:30 17:06
17:00 17:40
18:00 18:36
18:30 19:06
19:00 19:37
20:00 20:39
21:00 21:38
22:00 22:39
23:00 23:37
00:00 00:34

Aeroexpress schedule Kyiv station to Vnukovo airport

Departure↓ Arrival
06:00 06:35
07:00 07:40
08:00 08:40
09:00 09:35
09:38 10:15
10:00 10:34
11:00 11:38
12:00 12:38
13:00 13:34
14:00 14:38
15:00 15:36
16:00 16:38
16:30 17:06
17:00 17:40
18:00 18:36
18:30 19:06
19:00 19:37
20:00 20:39
21:00 21:38
22:00 22:39
23:00 23:37
00:00 00:34

Here, you can find out how to get to Vnukovo Airport by public transport or taxi, at night or during the day. We hope you find the information below helpful.

Vnukovo Airport is the fourth largest airport in terms of passenger traffic in Russia and one of five airports in the Moscow region. It has international status and is the largest airport terminal in the country in terms of area. The airport is located in the southwest of Moscow, 10 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road.

When should you come to the airport?

It is better to get to Vnukovo an hour and a half before departure. Registration for international flights ends 40 minutes, for intercity flights - 20 minutes before departure. Please note that you will need to find check-in counters, stand in line at the counter and register, and go through security. If you have never flown and are afraid that you will not be able to figure it out right away, it is better to leave yourself another 30-60 minutes.

How long will it take to get to Vnukovo?

You can get to Vnukovo by regular buses, minibus, an Aeroexpress electric train, a personal car or a regular taxi. Depending on what you choose and what budget you have, you can get to Vnukovo in 25-100 minutes. Sometimes the travel time is two hours. Much depends on the time of day, traffic congestion, and departure point.

How to get to Vnukovo during the day, and how at night?

At night you can choose any option, taking into account the public transport schedule. Please note that this type of transport, such as Aeroexpress, will be unavailable from midnight to four in the morning. At night, the roads of Moscow are empty, and it will not be difficult to get to the airport by private car or taxi.

During the day, it is easier to get to Vnukovo Airport by public transport. The fastest way is Aeroexpress. Having a dedicated lane, the electric train will not be delayed due to traffic jams, and therefore it is better to choose it if you intend to travel during rush hour.

How to get to Vnukovo airport by bus?

Regular buses No. 611 and 611с go to Vnukovo. The stop is located at the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station. By bus you can get to the airport in 30 minutes, at certain times the travel time can reach 90 minutes. No. 611 runs with stops, 611c stops only at Teplostansky Proezd, between Rumyantsev and the airport.

Bus number 272 will take you to the Hotel stop. The airport is only 200 meters away.

The airport is served by minibus No. 45, as well as buses 611f and 526.

Buses do not travel at night, but during the day they operate on a schedule, with intervals of up to one hour. The cost ranges from 45 to 100 rubles, depending on the chosen flight.

Low cost. Free transportation luggage (in most cases). Stop next to the metro station.

No flights at night. The need to transport luggage on the subway yourself.

How to get to Vnukovo by train?

Near the Vnukovo complex there is a ground station "Airport", which you can get to from the Kievsky railway station. Electric trains run twice a day, in one direction or the other, exclusively on weekdays.

The train is cheaper than the Aeroexpress, the departure station is at the station, which is convenient for those who come to Moscow by train, the arrival station is near the airport.

The train runs rarely, and it is not always possible to figure out the time to get to Vnukovo. It is impossible to use this method on weekends.

How to get to Vnukovo by Aeroexpress?

Aeroexpress electric trains depart from Kievsky Station and go directly to Vnukovo. Unlike a regular train, they run every hour and do not make stops.

Minimum travel time in any traffic situation. Convenience for those arriving by train. Possibility of departure at a convenient time (every hour).

High cost. Inconvenient to move with large luggage. It's not always a convenient time to travel: if you're a few minutes late, you'll have to wait for an hour.

How to get to Vnukovo by taxi?

If you decide to take a taxi to Vnukovo, you won’t have to think about how to get there on time. All issues, including stowage of your luggage and parking, will be resolved by the taxi driver. He will be able to meet you at the station with a sign.

The driver will assess the traffic situation and choose the shortest and fastest route.

Absence of any problems. You put them on the shoulders of the driver, and he is responsible for timely and fast delivery. He will also help with your luggage.

High delivery speed provided that the road is clear.

High cost. The risk of getting stuck in a traffic jam: alas, even an experienced driver is not immune from this.

How to get to Vnukovo Airport by private car?

If you have a personal car and know the routes well or have a navigator, you can easily and comfortably get to Vnukovo Airport. Moreover, the drive from the Moscow Ring Road is not so long. The main thing is to get to the ring road without any problems.

More problems will arise not with the road itself, but with parking. You won’t just abandon your car, and all parking in the complex is paid. This is at least 600 rubles per day.

When leaving your car, please note that parking spaces are divided into two parts: for short-term and long-term parking. In the first case, you are paid every hour, and the cost of the place is higher. Try not to confuse one type of parking with another, otherwise you risk losing a lot of money.

It’s easier and more convenient to ask a relative or friend to take you by car: in this case, parking will be possible for no more than an hour.

Maximum comfort, high speed on free roads.

Questionable savings: you may pay more for parking than for a taxi or Aeroexpress. The possibility of getting stuck in a traffic jam, the need to find a route on your own.

If you don’t know how to get to Vnukovo, it will be easier and more convenient to take a taxi. At night the car will take you there very quickly. It is better to use public transport during the day, while during rush hour the Aeroexpress will be most convenient, since even buses can be significantly delayed on the road due to traffic jams.

Vnukovo Airport can be reached by Aeroexpress, which departs from Kievsky Station. You can view the Aeroexpress schedule online in the bottom menu of the website.

You can also get to the airport by minibus, which departs from the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station. Travel time to the airport by minibus is from 20 minutes.

If you belong to the category of transit passenger and arrive at one of three stations - Leningradsky, Kazansky, Yaroslavsky - you can get to the Oktyabrskaya metro station and from there you can take a minibus to Vnukovo in 40 minutes.

Many passengers travel by bus or minibus from the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station. This station is conveniently accessible from Komsomolskaya, the nearest station to the Square of Three Stations. In half an hour you will already be there, and you will not need to change to another branch. It is enough to immediately switch to the red one, at Komsomolskaya.

How long does it take to get from Yugo-Zapadnaya to Vnukovo? The journey from this station by bus or minibus to Vnukovo will take only 25-40 minutes. This is not so much, considering that the journey from other stations can take much longer. How to get to Vnukovo from Yugo-Zapadnaya public transport? This will be discussed in more detail below.

They come from Yugo-Zapadnaya buses No. 611, No. 611S. The fare will be 50 rubles. for 1 trip.

You can also purchase ticket “90 minutes”, which will allow you to use it for one and a half hours for a free transfer to another type of transport, including the metro.

Or you can issue Troika travel ticket. You can use it to buy any number of trips. The ticket office is located right there, at the bus stop.

Bus number 611.

In the metro, sit immediately in the first car in the direction from the center of the city. When leaving there, immediately head right, through the underground passage.

How to get from Vnukovo airport to Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station on these buses? The stop is located opposite Terminal D.

No. 611 is running from 05:30 to 00:30, every 35-45 minutes. No. 611C has a different schedule - 06:00 - 22:00. The movement interval is 25-30 minutes.

A more detailed schedule can be found on the Mosgortrans website. There you simply indicate the number of the transport you are interested in, and the full schedule will appear on the screen.


They stop at the same stop minibuses No. 611F and 45. Their fares are already higher - 150 rub. You can pay directly to the minibus driver.

Route No. 45.

No. 611F comes with 09:00 to 20:00 at intervals in 20-25 minutes. №45 — from 07:00 to 22:00, every 15-20 minutes.

The Yugo-Zapadnaya-Vnukovo minibus will take you to the airport in half an hour, without traffic jams.

On the way back from the airport, you can take any except No. 526. She goes to the metro “ Teply Stan" On this route total 49 stops, so you will spend hour 44 minutes.

Which is better to choose?

As a rule, minibuses get to the airport faster, since it is easier for them to maneuver in traffic jams and on highways. Large and clumsy buses require much more time for this.

Minibuses are more suitable for those passengers who travel without a lot of luggage, since there will simply be nowhere to put it. Especially if you have a large and heavy suitcase. On the bus, you can find a place for it and put it in a position convenient for you.

The disadvantage of buses is that there are usually a lot of people there, which means there may not always be free seats. You will definitely sit in a minibus and you won’t have to stand on your feet the whole way.

You now know how to get from Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station to Vnukovo airport. This means you can easily find both the stop and the bus you need.

You can also find out how to get to Vnukovo from, from or train stations on our website.

Vnukovo is one of oldest airports country, in terms of passenger volume it ranks 3rd after Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo. But its status is significant: it serves flights of the presidential and government apparatus of Russia, Roscosmos aviation and visits of international government flights. Vnukovo has the encoding VKO or UUWW. This is the biggest and modern airport capitals.

Moscow Vnukovo Airport consists of three terminals. From international and domestic airlines you will get to Terminal A of Vnukovo-1, Terminal B is not working and is being prepared for reconstruction, Terminal D is used for post-flight inspection of individual passengers and baggage. The airport's VIP lounge is located in a separate building nearby. Terminals B and D are connected by an internal walkway. From Terminal A you can only get to Terminals B and D across the street.

How the airport works

Terminal A of Vnukovo has three floors and a zero level - an underground Aeroexpress station. From the ground level from the glass doors of the station, turn right and go up to the terminal itself by elevator. If you turn left and left again, you will find yourself on the street to the main entrance to the terminal. Luggage storage and self-check-in counters are located on level -1 of Vnukovo Airport.
From the parking lot or public transport, enter the first floor; getting out of the car on the overpass (entrance to it is free) will take you directly to the departure area of ​​the second floor, but parking there is prohibited and you will not be able to exit through the same door from the terminal onto the street.

On the ground floor of the Vnukovo terminal, in addition to the entrance and exit, there are baggage claim areas with 10 conveyor belts. There is also a Lost & Found service, a 24-hour bank branch and ATMs, transagency counters, taxis and car rental services. In the waiting room for greeting passengers there is a café and a communications salon.

We take off from the second floor, where the check-in counters are located, customs control and departure gate. Conveniently, check-in counters are assigned to specific airlines. It doesn't matter whether it's a domestic flight or an international one, search by the airline's name. In the same place you can pack your luggage and pay for overload. There are self-registration kiosks near each island with counters.
For passengers on the 2nd floor there are food outlets and shops, a first-aid post, bank branches and ATMs, and a police station.

The boarding gates are located just behind the check-in counters, go through the security area and you will be in a sterile area. On the left side there is boarding for domestic flights, on the right there are waiting rooms and gates for international flights. At the entrance opposite gate 2828A there is a transfer area for domestic flights.

There are shops in the sterile area Duty Free(international flights area) and Duty Paid shops (domestic flights area), children's playground, business lounge.

On the 3rd floor of the terminal there are airline offices, a waiting room with a Mu-Mu cafe, and the Vnukovo Pririty Pass business lounge.

Getting to Vnukovo by Aeroexpress: comfortable and fast

Aeroexpress trains run from Kievsky Station to Vnukovo without stops. To get to the station at the airport, go down to the ground floor in Terminal A; the ground entrance to the station is located opposite the entrance to Terminal A.

A family ticket will cost 950 rubles, a child from 5-7 years old will cost 130 rubles, children under 5 years old travel for free without a separate seat.

Travel time: 35 minutes.
Cost: 420-500 rub.
Opening hours from 6-00 to 23-00
Movement interval every hour, traffic break from 11-13

Where to buy an Aeroexpress ticket to Vnukovo

The cheapest way to buy a ticket is through a mobile application or online on the aeroexpress website, the cost is minimal - 420 rubles. When purchasing at the Kievsky Station ticket office or at the Aeroexpress ticket sales terminal, you will have to pay 500 rubles for a standard ticket.

A round-trip ticket at the box office will cost 1000 rubles, in the app and on the website – 840 rubles. The cost of a business ticket does not depend on the place of purchase and will be 1000 rubles one way.

You can buy a ticket at the turnstile, also for 500 rubles. To pay for travel at the turnstile, touch your card or phone with payment options to the yellow circle at the top of the turnstile. You can pay for Aeroexpress at the turnstile:

  • Contactless bank card
  • Troika transport card
  • Using a phone that supports Samsung Pay and Apple Pay

Kyiv Station - Vnukovo, how to get there by Aeroexpress

The express departs from the Kievsky railway station. To get there by metro, take the Koltsevaya (brown) line of the metro, when you get to Kyiv station, look for the blue sign for the transition to the Filevskaya line in the main hall. Go up the escalator and keep left, after passing the turnstile, you will find yourself in a long underground passage, at the end of it turn right and go out into the street.

On the right you will see the European shopping center, on the left the Kievsky railway station building, all you have to do is walk 10 meters to the wooden doors and enter the building. Turning first right, then left, you will get to the Aeroexpress ticket office and ticket sales terminals. There, to the left of the ticket office, there is a door to the train platform, they let you in 20 minutes before boarding.

How to get to Vnukovo by public transport

Regular bus route 611.
Number 611 travels with stops, and number 611c stops only when calling passengers. The bus moves along a dedicated lane, so it passes through the traffic jam quite quickly.

From Rumyantsevo to Vnukovo: Rumyantsevo is the closest metro station to the airport; when you get to the final one, look for a bus stop 16 meters from the exit.

From Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station to Vnukovo: After leaving the metro, follow the passage to the right, then take the stairs on the left, there are signs to Vnukovo. Walk a little along the street and you will find a parking lot for minibuses and buses. Find the correct stop based on the number plates.

From Troparevo metro station to Vnukovo: after exiting the train, keep to the right, after passing the passage, turn right and follow up the stairs. Walking along the roadway you will see a stop.

Travel time: up to 45 minutes
Cost of a single trip: 60 rubles
Opening hours from 5-30 to 01-00
Movement interval 15-30 minutes depending on intensity

Regular bus route 911.
It goes by express without stopping on the way from Salaryevo. Bus stop 15 m from the metro. Find the elevator at the end of the platform when large quantities luggage Cross the road using a covered overpass.

Travel time: 25 minutes
Cost: 60 rub.
Working hours from 6-40 to 23-40
Movement interval 7-15 minutes

Please note that you can only buy a ticket from the driver for 60 rubles for one trip. Single tickets Drivers do not sell Troika cards either.

Regular bus route 272 and 272K.
This bus route goes around the village of Vnukovo, so the ride takes longer. Get off at the Hotel stop, from there walk 450 m along 1st Route Street to the terminal and enter the building through the passage. All that remains is to go up to the terminal on the 2nd floor to the registration area.

Travel time: 35-40 minutes
Cost: 60 rub.
Opening hours from 5-00 to 00-00
Movement interval 11 minutes

Minibus to Vnukovo from Yugozapadnaya metro station

Minibuses 45 depart to the airport from the same stops as buses, parking a little to the side, but they are hard to miss. Look for signs to Vnukovo with number 45 or listen, they are actively inviting passengers. They leave frequently, about once every 10-15 minutes as they fill up. There is no schedule as such, but you won’t have to wait long. They maneuver quickly and even during rush hour they make their way to the airport in 20 minutes, and they also deliver you directly to the terminal, which is very convenient. For large bags you will be asked to pay an additional 10 rubles.

Travel time: 15-20 minutes
Cost: 150 rubles, children without a seat will be allowed to travel for free
Opening hours from 7-00 to 22-30
Movement interval 12 minutes

How to quickly leave Vnukovo towards Moscow

If you walk 450 m from the terminal along 1st Reisovaya to Tsentralnaya, you will get to the Hotel stop on three routes 611/911/272. Buses 911 and 272 will take you to the Salaryevo metro station, and 611 to Troparevo or Yugo-Zapadnaya. You can also get off at Rumyantsevo, but the path to the metro is not close and along the highway, with bulky luggage we do not recommend this option: cross the overpass, walk a little forward along the road and to the left towards the office buildings, on the right hand side there will be a station.

The airport bus stop is located to the side behind multi-storey parking lots. After leaving the building, go forward, going around the parking lot, to the overpass. After passing under it, cross 2 roads and you will go straight to two stops. The necessary stop towards Moscow is located further from the intersection, follow the route indicated on the bus, you need an inscription to the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station. Use this stop to board the empty bus at the terminus.

Near Terminal A of the airport there are only minibuses, which depart as they fill with passengers, approximately once every half hour. When traveling from Vnukovo to Moscow, stay away from route 526 to the Teply Stan metro station; it takes 1 hour 44 minutes to reach the metro station, making 49 stops.

Opposite Terminal A you will find a parking lot for 45 minibuses, which for 150 rubles will take you to the Yugo-Zapadnoye metro station in 20 minutes: fast, but not the most economical option.

Aeroexpress Vnukovo schedule:

Where to eat in Vnukovo

Vnukovo is actually located in the city, so it’s easy to find shops and inexpensive cafes near the airport. During the day, have a tasty meal in Vnukovo by going to the budget cafe at the hotel (Tsentralnaya 2 - 1A) or in the canteen nearby (1 Reisovaya 4A). Another canteen is hidden between terminals B and D (from B we follow the corridor then up the stairs). At late times you will have to go further into the city to grocery stores or Fast Food kiosks.

There are a lot of establishments at the airport, the most popular: the Mu-Mu canteen chain, Air Buffet, Just grill bar, Kroshka Potato, Orient Express. After passing security, you can sit at Burger King, Shokoladnitsa, Grenkipub beer establishment and Mu-mu (domestic airlines). In the departure area for international flights there are Shokoladnitsa, Burger King, Heineken bar, Zyu cafe and Mu-Mu. The cheapest of the airport establishments is still Mu-Mu: don’t forget to buy a drink, it comes with a free Korovka candy.

Where to charge your phone for free

To find electrical outlet Follow the signs of the Shokoladnitsa cafe; there are accessible sockets nearby to charge your computer or phone. There is an outlet next to the toilets.
In the departure area there are several power outlets opposite gate 88A in the domestic airlines lounge. The socket is in the international part on the side of gate 1818A under the stairs in the cafe and opposite gate 2525A near the fire hydrant. On the third floor to the left of the escalator in the Mu-Mu cafe there is a convenient table with an outlet, but you’ll have to guard this place.

How to find a toilet

There are enough toilets at the airport, they are in the common part of Terminal A and are provided with signs: on the ground level on the left, on the second level a small toilet on the left and the main toilets on the right side of the second floor of the terminal. On the 3rd floor you will find toilets right side at the end.

In the international departures area, there are toilets opposite gates 2121A, 2323A and 2525A (the changing room is located right there). In the domestic sterile area, toilets are located opposite gates 1111A, 1212A and 1414A.

What to do with a child in Vnukovo

Near the toilets in the common and free areas there are changing rooms where you can change your baby's clothes. They are marked with signs and are easy to find. At the airport, on the 2nd floor of Terminal A, there is a children's room on the left. For those departing, its services are free; a child under 7 years of age will be allowed in with an accompanying adult for a maximum of 6 hours. The room is filled with toys, there are playgrounds and a slide, you can read, draw, watch cartoons. For very young passengers there is an area with a crib, changing table and high chair.

In the domestic airline waiting room after the shops there is a paid children's area with toys and cartoons, prices start from 300 rubles, but here you can leave your child under supervision or watch him while sitting in the waiting chair.
Go up to level 2 of Terminal D and you will find the mother and child room. It works around the clock and is free. Pregnant women also use its services. Children under 7 with one adult will have a great time in play area, although you first need to get a certificate from the first-aid post (2nd floor, terminal A). You are not allowed to bring your luggage here, leave your bags in the storage room (Terminal A, ground floor)

The cheapest air tickets to Moscow in 24 hours:

From - Where Price Find a ticket

Kaluga → Moscow


Pskov → Moscow


Burgas → Moscow


Petrozavodsk → Moscow

1 019

Kazan → Moscow

1 019

St. Petersburg → Moscow

1 019

Nazran → Moscow

1 223

Varna → Moscow

1 272

Debrecen → Moscow

1 463

Adler → Moscow

1 529

Anapa → Moscow

1 529

Cheboksary → Moscow

1 733

Samara → Moscow

1 749

Bryansk → Moscow

1 828

Kirov → Moscow

2 039

BAK → Moscow

2 089

Novosibirsk → Moscow

2 094

Mineralnye Vody→ Moscow

2 141

Naberezhnye Chelny → Moscow

2 141

Gelendzhik → Moscow

2 141

Kaliningrad → Moscow

2 141

Tyumen → Moscow

2 141

Ulyanovsk → Moscow

2 141

Vladikavkaz → Moscow

2 141

Rostov-on-Don → Moscow

2 175

Krasnodar → Moscow

2 240

Volgograd → Moscow

2 243

Rimini → Moscow

2 265

Elista → Moscow

2 280

Ufa → Moscow

2 390

Simferopol → Moscow

2 415

Budapest → Moscow

2 560

Astrakhan → Moscow

2 590

Makhachkala → Moscow

2 652

Saransk → Moscow

2 712

Bratislava → Moscow

2 791

Memmingen → Moscow

2 791

Dalaman → Moscow

2 799

Catania → Moscow

2 799

Eindhoven → Moscow

2 799

Larnaca → Moscow

2 799

Tivat → Moscow

2 799

Antalya → Moscow

2 799

Bruges → Moscow

2 799

Alania → Moscow

2 799

Palermo → Moscow

2 799

Pisa → Moscow

2 799

Perm → Moscow

2 804

Minsk → Moscow

2 831

Ganja → Moscow

2 839

Bodrum → Moscow

2 882

Izhevsk → Moscow

2 906

Ekaterinburg → Moscow

3 059

Surgut → Moscow

3 059

Tomsk → Moscow

3 059

Chelyabinsk → Moscow

3 059

Gyumri → Moscow

3 232

Dortmund → Moscow

3 254

Leipzig-Halle → Moscow

3 351

Karlovy Vary → Moscow

3 351

Genoa → Moscow

3 351

Berlin → Moscow

3 351

Karlsruhe → Moscow

3 351

Bari → Moscow

3 351

Orenburg → Moscow

3 361

Arkhangelsk → Moscow

3 375

Murmansk → Moscow

3 440

Enfidha → Moscow

3 512

Rome → Moscow

3 525

Milan → Moscow

3 526

Large Russian airport Vnukovo, ranked 3rd in the country in terms of passenger service. A characteristic feature of the airport is its advantageous geographical location. If you don’t know where Vnukovo airport is located - within the city limits or outside it, then we note that it is located 27 km from historical center Moscow, just 6 km from the geographical center of the capital and 11 km from the Moscow Ring Road.

Moreover, Vnukovo also has additional priority in the event of unfavorable weather conditions– location above sea level 205 m. Many planes leave and land from the airport every day for short and long distances. Therefore, if you are flying from this airport, you need to know how to get to Vnukovo by metro and Aeroexpress.

There are several options for conveniently getting to the airport using public and private transport.

How to get to the airport by Aeroexpress

It is the most reliable method that allows you to reasonable price. The electric train departs from the Kievsky railway station. Express trains run daily and hourly from 6.00 to 0.00. More detailed information can be found on the Aeroexpress website. It should be taken into account that express trains do not run from 11.00 to 13.00, so when buying tickets and calculating the departure of your plane, you need to know and take this into account so as not to be late for your flight. You can get to the airport by express train in 35-40 minutes.

Aeroexpress is a great solution to get to the airport in Moscow

If you have time, you can have a snack at the Kievsky station in the cafe, there is a newsstand, or just sit in the waiting room. If you do not know how to purchase an express ticket, you can purchase them on the Internet, through mobile cashiers, directly using machines, at the box office, or even make a payment in cash. You can go through the turnstiles with travel ticket Troika, MasterCard or Visa credit cards with PayPass/PayWave.

It should be noted that the company offers discount tickets for students, elderly people, disabled people and children. As for comfort, there is no need to purchase a business class ticket, since all Aeroexpress carriages are very convenient and comfortable.

At the airport terminal there is a passage from the underground platform where the Aeroexpress train arrives at the terminals. You can get to Terminal A using an underground passage, and to Terminal B through the street.

Using a car or taxi

Today, traveling by car or taxi is one of the risky options due to heavy traffic. You risk being stuck in traffic for more than an hour and missing your flight. Such options are not only risky, but also nerve-wracking, which is not good for your health. Therefore, even if Yandex plans a route in 40 minutes, you may be stuck in traffic for 2-3 hours. Remember that the airliner may fly away without you. However, speaking about such an option as using a car, then from Moscow you can get to Vnukovo by highway:

  • Kievsky - 12 km from the Moscow Ring Road;
  • Borovsky - 12 km from the Moscow Ring Road;
  • Minsk - 19 km from the Moscow Ring Road.

Directions by car to the Vnukovo station square

If you are planning a route with a Yandex map, do not forget to check the box that takes into account traffic jams, so that as a result you will get the correct time that will await you on the way.

Parking spaces in Vnukovo

If you are moving to the airport by car, you should understand that Vnukovo is located on the territory of Moscow, and fines are also levied if parking rules are violated, with the subsequent evacuation of your car, so be vigilant.

Paid both hourly and long-term. Short-term prices for a parking space – from 100 rubles/hour. If you want to leave your car for a long time, use the designated parking lot. Park&Fly. The daily price for a car is 250 rubles. or 225 rubles if you purchase a club card. The advantages are free escort to the building and back, packing of suitcases.

Getting there by public transport

If you want to save on travel, you should use a bus or minibus. However, you should understand that the bus may get stuck in a traffic jam or get stuck, so you need to allow time for the journey. Without traffic jams, you can get to your destination in an average of 30-40 minutes. So, how to get to Vnukovo Airport by metro? There are options for using metro + bus.

Access to Vnukovo by bus

  1. From metro station Southwestern sent:
  • bus No. 611 to the Vnukovo plant, and the Airport stop is only an intermediate stop;
  • express bus No. 611С;
  • minibus No. 611f.

To find buses on Yugo-Zapadnaya, you should get out of the 1st metro car and turn right into the underground passage, then left to the stairs, and then walk along the street. The stop is 20 steps from the metro exit.

It is worth knowing that the minibus without a number and with the inscription “To Vnukovo”, which travels from the metro, then through the village of Vnukovo along the street. Central, but does not go to the terminals.

  1. From metro station Teply Stan Route No. 526 runs, but it makes 49 stops and the travel time without traffic jams reaches 1 hour and 45 minutes.
  2. From Art. m Rumyantsevo get out of the last carriage and follow to the city. Buses No. 611, 611c are located 15 meters from the metro, and the ride takes 10 minutes. to the airport.
  3. From Art. m Salaryevo you rush to the bus stop, which is located in close proximity to the metro - 15 meters away, take bus No. 611k, which takes you to the air terminal. You can also take the short route of bus No. 272K “Nasosnaya Street - Salaryevo Metro Station”.
  4. From metro station Troparevo. Coming out of the final car, turn right towards the subway, then take the stairs to the right and along the street. 10 meters from the metro there is a stop with buses No. 611. They take you to the airport.

These are optimal and pricing policy options for how to get there by public transport

So, if you are wondering what is the nearest metro to Vnukovo Airport, it depends on how you want to get to the airport station. If you use Aeroexpress, then the nearest one can be called metro station. Kyiv, if by bus - then Salaryevo.

To Vnukovo from Kursky station

Upon arrival in Moscow at Kursky Station, you are wondering how to get to Vnukovo, you can use the following scheme.

WITH Kursky railway station take the metro to the station. m. Kyiv, there is the Kyiv station from which every hour, except from 11.0 to 13.00, Aeroexpress trains depart, which will take you to Vnukovo without delay. It is also possible to use the metro+bus scheme. From the Kursky station from the station. m. Kurskaya you get to the station. m. Salaryevo, then change to bus No. 611k and get there in 10-15 minutes. to the airport on an uncongested road.

If you are wondering how to get from Vnukovo Airport to Vnukovo, there are several options: either by taxi or using public transport. For example, buses No. 32, which run from the air terminal in the Vnukovo district, routes No. 611, 611s, 611k, 272. They run along Tsentralnaya, Vokzalnaya, 1st Reisovaya streets.

How to leave the airport

If you are at the airport, you can easily leave by any public transport. So, how to get from Vnukovo airport to the metro? To do this, you should use minibuses or buses No. 611, 611K. They depart from the station square, located behind the parking lots and overpass, 130 m from the terminals. You can get to them on the right side of multi-storey parking lot No. 1. You can also go to the metro stations Salaryevo, Troparevo, Rumyantsevo and Yugo-Zapadnaya, everyone can get on them at the left, farthest stop.

You can also use bus route No. 272K “Nasosnaya Street - Salaryevo Metro Station”.

How to get to Vnukovo - graphic image

The most comfortable route from Vnukovo airport to old Moscow is public transport, which goes to Salaryevo metro station, Rumyantsevo metro station, Troparevo metro station and Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station.

If you want to get to Rumyantsevo metro station, use the ground crossing on Kievskoye Highway to Dudkino station.

The Mosgortrans ticket office is located in the airport terminal near multi-level parking lot No. 1, which is located opposite the terminals. Here you can buy tickets both regular and with discounts.

The price of one trip on Moscow public transport is 50 rubles.

60 rub. – ticket 90 min. for any ground transport + 1 metro ride.

If you buy a ticket on the bus itself, then 50 rubles. pay for one seat on Moscow public transport and 100 rubles for 2 trips to travel on ground transport cities.

Remember that when buying tickets, it is important to understand the traffic situation.