Where is the best place to book? Where is it cheaper to book hotels? Sign up for airline alerts

In this article we will tell you which sites you can book accommodation on yourself and give step by step instructions how to do it.

Have you ever had to search for accommodation around the world on your own or do you trust this task to travel agencies? The latter will draw up all the documents for you - this is a plus. However, you will pay them more money, the only exception is last-minute travel packages. In addition, you will be accommodated in one of the typical hotels where all package tourists are taken. And if you want to go on the trip of your dreams, then no one can organize it better than you.

Today we will tell you how to book accommodation yourself. To get started, we recommend reading this article. It will help you navigate housing rental sites around the world. And if you like it, sign up for ours.

Where to book an apartment yourself: the best English-language accommodation search sites for travelers

Previously, in order to rent an apartment in our city, we read advertisements on poles and in newspapers in the “For Rent” section. We asked friends if they had friends who were looking for lodgers. And renting a home abroad, before arriving in another country, seemed like a daunting task. Thanks to the Internet, everything has changed - home rental sites around the world will help you.

1. Airbnb

These Airbnbs Will Blow Your Mind (Not Your Budget) features 79 of the world's most unique travel accommodations, from luxurious treehouses and small trailers to fairytale mansions.

2. 9flats

3. Wimdu

5. Tripping




12.Private Islands Inc.


Wherever you plan to go on vacation - be it Italy, Turkey or a dacha in the Moscow region, the main thing is to take a good mood with you. And then unpleasant little things, even if they exist, will not be able to ruin such a long-awaited vacation for you.

Many people have asked me how I choose hotels in other cities and countries. The secret is simple: I just book the most expensive hotel. Not really)

Each traveler has his own requirements for comfort and the required level of a hotel. On average I stay in maybe fifty per year different hotels, so there is something to compare with. Here are a few rules that I use myself.

1. It is better to book hotels not directly, but through an intermediary.

Choose any aggregator, for example Booking, or Agoda, or... Whatever you like best. Preferably large. Firstly, it will be guaranteed to be cheaper than booking directly. Secondly, if there are any problems, they will help you solve them. For example, I once booked a hotel in Baku through Booking.com. I arrive and there are no rooms. I immediately called Booking and... They apologized and suggested that I find a replacement. After 20 minutes, they found a hotel that was more expensive, and they promised to compensate the difference. After some time, I received a letter asking for my card details so that they could return the difference. And they really did return it!)

2. Location

When you rent a hotel, immediately think about where you will be going. Sometimes it is better to pay more for a room, but then save a lot of time and money on the road. After all, time is the most precious thing when traveling;)

3. Airport hotel

It often happens that hotels near the airport are much cheaper than hotels in the city. Near airports, brands of all international chains are usually represented. If you come for a couple of days, then sometimes it’s easier to rent a hotel near the airport and take a taxi or a couple of trips into the city public transport. And the main advantage of an airport hotel is that before departure you don’t have to go anywhere in advance for fear of getting stuck in a traffic jam.

4. It is always better to book a hotel from an international chain.

Large chains monitor the quality of service, so a chain hotel, even in the most asshole of the world, will meet your expectations. It's like McDonald's, which is pretty much the same everywhere. So it’s better to rent a simple Holiday Inn and be sure that you will have a normal bed and a clean room than to take risks with local hotels. But most importantly, a large chain has something to complain about. If the owner of a small hotel is rude to you, then the maximum you can do is write a bad review on the Internet. If the hotel is managed by a large chain, then you can arrange problems for them through the main office.

When you live in chain hotels, after checking out you receive a survey on the topic “Was everything great?” Reviews are usually monitored at the central office and conclusions are drawn about the quality of management and level of service in a particular hotel.

If something goes wrong, it is better to first write to the manager of your particular hotel (asking for a business card at the counter) and explain the situation, offering to somehow resolve this issue. Some hotels may give you some bonuses, enroll you in a loyalty program, and so on. For example, several hotels that screwed up gave me 10,000 bonus points - that’s practically one free night. The hotel manager is always interested in resolving the issue with you on the spot so that you do not write a complaint to the central office, since this directly threatens his career.

In some hotels in America, for example, at the Marriott, you can refuse room cleaning and get an additional 1000 bonus points for it. If you only come for two nights, then this option may come in handy.

5. Don't be shy!

Don't be shy about asking for the impossible; it often works. Don't be shy to complain if you don't like something. For example, you can bargain and bring down the price of a room if you don’t have a prior reservation. You can make pitiful eyes and ask for a room with good view. If you have a good tongue, you can even get an upgraded room for the price of a regular one;) And also, if there is something wrong with the room, for example, it is poorly cleaned or something does not work, complain immediately. If the hotel is good, then they can change your room and give you, for example, a bottle of wine as compensation.

6. Loyalty programs

Always get loyalty cards that chain hotels have. Even if you do not plan to permanently live in hotels of this chain. Often, having even a basic level card gives you the right to free internet or early check-in.

7. The price of the room is not as important as the price of additional services.

This is especially true for resort hotels. Many people choose hotels based only on the price of the room. And then they are surprised to learn that the hotel makes most of its money not from accommodation, but from additional services. Laundry, food in the room, minibar, SPA, etc. can cost absolutely inadequate money. I've been to hotels where they asked for $15 for a bottle of water) And if in a city hotel you can go to the same dinner at a restaurant across the street, then in resort hotel You will most likely have to pay extra)

This especially applies to the Internet. Please note how much internet costs at the hotel - sometimes they ask for 30 dollars (!!!) per day. In this case, it is easier to buy a local SIM card and carry a mobile router with you. By the way, almost all hotels have very low Internet speeds, so mobile internet(especially if the country you are visiting has 4G) it will be both better and cheaper.

8. It is better not to take breakfast at the hotel.

I try to book a room without breakfast so as not to overeat. There's nothing worse than a buffet ( buffet) in the morning, where there is a lot of delicious food, and you cannot deny yourself anything. Then you walk for half a day and suffer because you overate) Well, it all depends on the person. If you have the willpower, then you can take breakfast at the hotel;). And one more thing: breakfast at the hotel will be guaranteed to be more expensive than breakfast at the same Starbucks across the street.

The same goes for dinners. An à la carte dinner, even in a hotel restaurant, will be better and cheaper than a buffet. No hotel has a proper buffet! The buffet is evil!

9. Tipping

I always tip the porters, but I never tip the maid. I don’t know how correct this is, but it’s difficult for me to tip a person I don’t see in person.

10. Legendary hotels

If possible, it is better to spend at least one night in a legendary hotel. In every big city there is one. For example, or. A night in such a hotel may cost $500, but the experience will last a lifetime). I especially love old, iconic hotels with history. It’s better to overpay, but then tell your grandchildren that you lived in Marilyn Monroe’s room.

11. Little trick

One of my friends, when he goes to a hotel with a girl, first writes a letter saying that they have a very important date, a wedding/acquaintance anniversary, and they are going to celebrate it at this particular hotel. Usually after this a free bottle of champagne and other surprises appear in the room. I've never done this myself, so I don't know how effectively the theme works.

Also, sometimes before a trip you can write a touching letter to the hotel on a different topic: they say, you know, I’m generally a traveler, but I’m going to your city for the first time, I’ve never been here, and if you manage to book me a room with a good view, I’ll I am very grateful to you, because I want me to have a good impression of your city and your hotel, blah blah blah. Hotels often listen to such appeals and give you a better room.

12. Photo of the hotel

Remember, the hotel will ALWAYS be worse than in the photo on the Internet. The photographs are taken by a professional photographer who successfully selects angles, adjusts the light and processes the photographs. In real life, the hotel will ALWAYS be worse, and the rooms will ALWAYS be smaller than they look in the photo. There are no exceptions to this rule.

Sign up for airline alerts

Don't forget to monitor carriers' websites. Sales are usually held in February - March and October - November. During such periods the servers may be down. But a little patience, and a cheap ticket is in your pocket. And some airlines offer to send messages if the price drops. Agree so you can buy the right ticket.

Subscribe to Telegram channels

To search for profitable offers, use Telegram channels. Information about discounts comes in the form of a personal notification. It’s better to subscribe to several at once and monitor them, comparing prices. Here are three useful channels from cheap air tickets: Samokatus, Travelradar and PassOnBoard.

And of course, use cheap air ticket aggregators such as Aviasales, Skyscanner, Momondo, OneTwoTrip. They are not tied to a specific airline, but compare prices from different sites and give you best option. These search engines also have convenient price charts and calendars. With their help, you can move the date of your trip and save a significant amount.

Most of these search engines have mobile applications.

2. Clear cookies and cache

If you have already searched cheap flights, the aggregator or airline website remembers both the country of departure and approximate cost roads. As a result, you may see old price, even if the tickets have fallen in price. In addition, the site will rush you and assure you that there are almost no seats left on the plane. Even if this is not true at all.

5. Buy tickets in advance

It is more profitable to buy tickets in advance. Airlines typically open sales 330 days in advance. But, as practice shows, the most optimal booking time is 50–60 days before departure.

The fact is that when sales start, the program is guided by last year’s prices, and then demand determines the price and, as a rule, it decreases. A couple of months before departure there are not many bookings. And the more empty seats on the plane, the lower the price.

When buying a ticket, you should also take into account the time of day. Most people buy tickets in the middle of the day. So book your flight late at night or early in the morning. There are not many visitors to aggregators, demand is falling, prices are starting to creep down.

6. Keep documents handy

Carry your passport information with you at all times. It is not necessary to carry a passport with you. It is enough to take a photo of the necessary pages or write down the data in notes. Special offers usually come at the most inopportune times. AND cheap tickets, most likely, will not live until evening. So when planning your trip, be prepared to book your tickets at a moment's notice. And, of course, don’t forget about the money on your bank card.

The ticket price directly depends on the flow of tourists. On holidays, school holidays and high season, the cost of flights usually increases. So be sure to check prices for other dates. Sometimes departures within a couple of weeks are several times cheaper.

So, in Asian countries a ticket departing at the end of December is almost twice as expensive as at the beginning of the month.

And don’t shy away from traveling in the off-season. Firstly, it's much cheaper. Secondly, there are no crowds of tourists or queues at museums. In Europe, for example, everyone goes to New Year holidays. It is much more profitable to fly there in early autumn.

8. Buy round-trip tickets

Buy tickets in both directions at once, don’t delay until later. Firstly, when you buy round-trip tickets you save about 20%. Secondly, remember: the closer the departure, the more expensive ticket. For example, tickets Moscow - Paris and back cost 14,000 rubles, and if you take them separately, you will have to overpay more than 2,000 rubles.

9. Don't limit yourself to the capital

If you want to get to France, for example, you don’t have to fly directly to Paris. Look at tickets to neighboring cities: sometimes you can get there much cheaper than to the capital.

Then you can travel by trains, trains, buses or planes. Just remember: when abroad, it is better to book tickets for intercity trains and buses in advance, at least a couple of weeks in advance. It will be cheaper this way. In Europe, this can be done online, through the carriers' websites.

You will think that this topic is no longer relevant for you, that you know everything. But believe me, this is far from the case. My selection will be relevant for those who are just starting to discover this amazing world, and experienced travelers. I will tell you about the most convenient sites with hotels and apartments, and I will tell you about the nuances of booking. And I will share a selection of sites where you can find unique housing: castles, estates, chalets and ancient villas! I’ll start with the most popular and end with sites that, most likely, you haven’t even heard of!


This is the largest aggregator and my favorite for booking accommodation. There are mainly hotels, B&Bs, hostels, and apartments. I come to this site specifically to search for hotels. In my opinion, booking gives the most good prices. It is simple and convenient.

And here’s my advice, always book with the possibility of cancellation, as a rule it’s $5-10 more expensive, but if the trip is canceled, you’ll get your money back (if the cancellation is not one day in advance).

If this is your first time on Booking.com, here is a link to register and a 10% discount on your first trip (the money will be returned after the trip is completed)!

Here you can also find unique boutique hotels, chateaus, chalets, etc., but searching for them is very problematic, the exception is if you know the name of that very boutique hotel! And if not, at the very end I will tell you where to look for luxury housing (and believe me, the prices are often more than adequate)!

Good to know!

You can book accommodation on Booking and pay on the spot upon arrival! Convenient and not scary if you are just a beginner in this matter)


Airbnb ideal option, if you are looking for a room at local resident, apartment, house or entire mansion! All owners of this property are usually ordinary people. And unfortunately, conscientious owners are not always found. But that's what reviews are for! Always read them, so you will understand what to expect. If the apartment is poorly cleaned, the owner is constantly late and postpones check-in - you will most likely learn about this from the reviews. And for this reason, I always say that you need to leave truthful reviews, do not be afraid of the “wrath” of the owner!

But I'm all about the minuses, let's talk about the pluses. Airbnb is an amazing opportunity to live in... amazing places, designer apartments, 17th century houses and period apartments, such as those of a Parisian artist...

Unfortunately, on Airbnb you have to pay for your accommodation right away, but if you cancel you will get your money back! The main thing is to read the cancellation conditions, there are 3 types of them: flexible(free cancellation within 48 hours. If you cancel within 48 hours of booking, you will receive full refund), moderate(if you cancel your reservation up to 5 days before arrival, you will receive a full refund (minus service fees), strict(free cancellation up to 30 days before arrival If you cancel up to 30 days before arrival, you will receive a full refund including all fees). On the website in the info box about each housing you will find detailed information! Since it is a little different everywhere, each owner sets the severity of the cancellation himself!

And here are a couple more...

Malibu Dream Airstream, Malibu, California

Airbnb Plus

Few people know about the new branch of the aggregator Airbnb. Airbnb Plus offers beautiful accommodations, top-notch hosts and proven quality. Airbnb Plus hosts have high ratings (4.8 or higher) and good reviews. Airbnb checks properties on more than 100 parameters to ensure a high level of comfort, compliance with quality standards and harmonious design. Everything has been thought out there: high-quality bed linen, comfortable beds, thick curtains and exclusive bathroom cosmetics. Airbnb Plus hosts strive to make every guest feel at home. The surrounding area is also well-groomed (unlike a regular Airbnb - as a rule).

Here's a good video about Airbnb Plus!

This is a really cool opportunity not just to live with a local resident or rent a house from him, but to live with a local resident with impeccable taste!

And here I can’t help but write about the price! Reading all this, you probably thought that this accommodation costs more than $500 per night! And although you are partially right, such housing also exists (at $1,000 and even $2,500 per night), but among Airbnb Plus you can also find very affordable housing!

Now, would you think that this perfect apartment with an ocean view in Cape Town can be rented for just 110 € per night?

Or live in the center of London in a 19th century brick townhouse in the Pimlico area bordering on luxurious Belgravia (one of the most expensive areas of London, where Arab sheikhs, Russian oligarchs and billionaires from all over the world live). For only 150€!! Look for hotels in this area, and for the money you will only find a run-down room with a view of a garbage dump (just kidding, but in general it is true).

Overall, this is a godsend for me! It’s a pity that Airbnb Plus is currently only available in 9 cities around the world.
  • Los Angeles
  • Austin
  • London
  • Sydney
  • Melbourne
  • Shanghai
  • Toronto
  • Chicago
  • Cape Town

Airbnb Luxe

A completely new and unique line of homes from Airbnb. Airbnb Luxury is an expertly designed, pristinely maintained home with luxurious amenities, services and a personal trip manager.

From vineyards in the Tuscan countryside to secluded villas in Bali, every Airbnb Luxe property is carefully vetted to create the perfect destination.

When you book with Airbnb Luxe, you get a personal trip manager who can arrange five-star accommodations and can even book a table at a Michelin-starred restaurant.

As an example, I will give the luxurious villa The Casina in Tuscany. The cost of one night is about 1000 euros. This medieval tower house is considered one of the best villas in the world for couples according to Condé Nast Traveler.

Relais & Châteaux

One of my favorite sites is Relais & Châteaux, which contains some of the most luxurious and prestigious hotels (and gastronomic restaurants) around the world. Here you will find a 16th century castle near Paris, a boutique hotel in Rome and a villa in Tuscany.

Relais & Châteaux is not just a website, it is an organization that has been elevating the art of living to the rank of the tenth art form for 60 years! Chefs and House Managers invite us into a universe created by their passion and their characters. As Philippe Gombert, President of Relais & Châteaux, says: “Our task is to welcome you to unique places and make you the center of our attention with the help of people who master the art of delicate service. Our art of living is based on our Restaurants with Chefs and their teams, as well as with local producers, farmers, cheese makers, fishermen, winegrowers and all those people who turn every meal into a celebration of the senses and shared happiness. By immersing you in the culture of each region, our family would like, first of all, to lead you to explore the world.”

Matakauri Lodge, New Zealand, Queenstown

Relais & Châteaux has 552 hotels, 101 villas and family houses, 129 Routes du Bonheur.

They even have their own online magazine (which I really enjoy reading).

Advice! You can book all the villas and hotels you find on Booking, this is what I do most often!

Would you like to stay in the cozy Summer Lodge Country House hotel in the picturesque English village of Dorset?

In the heart of the Wessex hills and within walking distance of the mighty cliffs and fossils of the world famous Jurassic Coast. Little has changed here since the area was immortalized in the novels of Thomas Hardy. Summer Lodge is a Georgian mansion. It's a whole world unto itself set in almost two hectares of idyllic gardens with croquet games, an indoor pool, spa and richly appointed rooms and suites.

For the sake of such hotels, people organize trips, choosing not a country and then a hotel, but, on the contrary, finding a hotel and adjusting to the available dates in the Book list) . Honestly, I’m that kind of person!

The price of a Claasic room + breakfast is 190 €. And the room as in the photo in beige style with a canopy is 470 €.


Or maybe you dream of living in a French chateau, feeling like royalty in the era of Louis XVII and Marie Antoinette?)

The atmosphere of Château de Noizay (Indre-et-Loire) in the heart of the Loire Valley, with its majestic stained glass windows, carved wood and impressive gardens, will take you back to the time of 1560, when the Château de Noizay was the scene of a decisive episode in the Wars of Religion. It was here that a group of Huguenots organized what later became known as the Amboise Conspiracy, which had as its goal the overthrow of the young king Francis II. Each of the castle's rooms is uniquely decorated and features authentic antique furniture. This is the ideal starting point to discover the sights and flavors of the legendary Loire Valley.

Standard room price in the Castle + breakfast – 230 €. It seems to me that the price for a room in a castle is quite reasonable!

For the coming year, I have already booked something from Relais & Châteaux, and I plan to do this more often, because the places are really incredibly atmospheric and unique. And if you consider that a room in a good chain hotel costs at least 100-150 €, the choice is obvious.

Luxury Hotels

Luxury Hotels - One of the largest chains of luxury hotels. Luxury hotels from 75 countries. In essence, the site is very similar to Relais & Chateaux. Here you can also find a castle, a hotel with a wonderful restaurant, a hotel on the beach, a hotel with a golf course, an old estate and hotels like the Ritz-Carlton and Grand Hôtel. and so on. The Get Inspired section deserves special attention, where you can go for inspiration and new routes. Here, as you understand, the price tags are very high, but if you are looking for something for a comfortable stay, excellent service and a price with three zeros (just kidding), then this is what you need.

Secret Escapes

A site where you can find luxury hotels at good discounts! And believe me6 this is not a 10% discount!

For example, you can stay in a castle at Swinton Park Hotel & Spa Masham (North Yorkshire) with a 56% discount! For only 280 € per night (regular price on the hotel website 634 €) - you will get accommodation in a room of knights or barons 2+1 (two people + child), dinner, B&B (English breakfast) - spa treatment (Country Club & Spa) + welcome drink. The offer, of course, is not valid all year round, in this hotel, for example, within 10 days from the moment you click show prices (stays until the end of September)! HOW to see such offers? To see prices on the site, you just need to register!

Autograph Collection Hotels

Autograph Collection Hotels - This portal collects boutique hotels around the world and packages them into several categories. Autograph Collection Hotels ranks only luxury accommodations based on breathtaking design, local character and Marriott International membership. These are luxury hotels. What is interesting about the site? On it, hotels are divided into collections: Foodie havens, Design Icons, Boutique Business Travel, Team Retreats and Urban Living. On the personal page of each hotel, points are marked: why it got here and why it was awarded a particular number in the rating.

  • Ostrovok.ru is an analogue of Booking, sometimes you can compare prices. I booked through him once, the price on the island was 30% lower. Usually it's the other way around)
  • Homeaway is one of the world's largest sites where property owners can find tenants for short term. Essentially, it’s a large bulletin board where, having found what you need, you contact the owner directly and then send him money for your stay. In all other respects, the resource is similar to airbnb.com. Homeaway has many offers in the States.
  • Homelidays.com - Very useful in finding houses and apartments in Spain, France, Italy. This is where you can find great options in Sicily, France, around Barcelona, ​​and Portugal. In essence, this, like the previous site, is a large bulletin board; you also pay directly to the owner. Each apartment or house has reviews and photos that help you get a complete picture of the property.
  • Tablethotels.com - A resource dedicated to boutique hotels around the world. The descriptions here are very well written: they are thoughtful, detailed, imaginative, and very literate. The site has an excellent Russian version! Here you can find unusual small hotels or hotels with interesting concepts that are part of large hotel chains in the world. Many of the hotels listed here are on booking.com and other booking systems, but if you are looking for something unusual, then it makes sense to go here straight away. For a fee, you can join the tablethotels club and receive privileges in many hotels that cooperate with the resource: early check-in, a glass of champagne or free breakfast.
  • Quirkyaccom is one of the largest and most convenient online directories where you can find unusual hotels in any country. You can book a tree house, choose a castle or even a cave for an overnight stay. The geography is wide - there are locations from Italy to Panama and Zambia. You can customize the prices in the search to suit yourself by choosing one of the following items: up to £85, £85 – £220, more than £220.
  • Great Small Hotels - The site will show more than 3,500 global boutique hotels that have been assembled since 2003. Here you can find small hotels in the countries of Africa, Asia, Central, South and North America, Europe, and in addition – the Pacific and Caribbean Islands. On Great Small Hotels you can find luxury rooms no more expensive than average apartments on Airbnb. One interesting thing is that you can search for rooms in a specific location, ranking them by price, rating, and even style.
  • Hip Hotels is a site with truly stylish hotels, which contains not just apartments in the “expensive-rich” style, but places that are truly inspiring. Here you can choose places for those who are interested in kayaking, surfing or yoga. Unfortunately, you cannot book a hotel directly: you need to contact the reception through a special form on Hip Hotels or go to the location’s website.
  • European Best Destinations is a great guide to all the hotels in Europe. In the information for each city there is a small cultural and historical background, local events, activities and attractions - all the main musts. And for dessert - a detailed photo report for inspiration. The hotel part of the site is similar to Booking.com.
  • Bio Hotels - And this site will especially appeal to eco-lovers. The hotel menu includes only organic food, a huge vegetarian and vegan menu. Garbage in hotels is sorted, and there is always a lot of greenery in the area around the hotels. On bio hotels there are only European countries.
  • Hotels For Hope - Charity site for booking 300+ thousand hotels around the world. When you make an online reservation for a hotel room that is included in this program, every $2 goes to help various children's funds. Since 2010, approximately $630,000 has been raised.
  • Bring Fido and Pet Friendly Holidays - Sites for finding hotels AnimalFriendly& In general, if you are going on a trip with a pet, look for accommodation here, because you will get tired of searching at booking, believe me. In some hotels you will have to pay extra for a pet - up to € 25, but usually the fee is included in the room price. In addition to hotels, the site also selects other places in the city where pets are welcome: restaurants, playgrounds, and with them events, and various additional services for children and animals. Even the rating of establishments on the website is measured by bones instead of stars. The Pet Friendly Holidays website works on the same principle, where you can click on a country in the list and choose a hotel for yourself and your four-legged friend.
  • Kinderhotels - A convenient site for finding hotels if you are traveling with children. The hotels in his catalog do their best to provide a classy experience. family vacation. They always have theaters, cinemas, swimming pools, SPA centers and various activities from horse riding and skiing experiments to a magic school. Unfortunately, there are not many countries: Austria, Germany, Croatia, Italy and Portugal. More interesting: Hotel Sidi Driss

    Greetings, dear readers of the blog site. Today we’ll try to figure out: are there any pitfalls? self-booking or is it just a phobia of most people who are accustomed to the services of travel agencies. Let me immediately draw your attention to the fact that in this the article goes We are talking about a tourist package (package tour) and how to purchase it (either on the operator’s website or through a travel agency). Please do not confuse with independent travel, the preparation for which was dedicated.

    Using the Internet sites of large operators is a tempting business. Detailed information about prices and current special offers for the destination of interest, a photo gallery of countries and hotels, flight schedules and frequency, weather forecast, as well as detailed instructions about the rules for self-booking - all this today allows the average tourist to avoid calling and visiting travel agencies in his city to arrange a trip. The convenience of this option is beyond doubt and has its fans. However, this method of design also has its own characteristics.

    1) Even the most “advanced” website cannot compare with the emotional story about a given resort by a travel agency manager who has experienced sending numerous clients there, especially if the manager himself has visited this resort personally and is ready to give advice, the value of which you will definitely appreciate in practice.

    2) When booking on your own via the Internet, you will inevitably encounter the problem of paperwork (for example, the signing of a service agreement by the parties). If you are not a Muscovite, but the tour operator is a Moscow company, you will have to resolve this important issue with the reservation manager. His reaction to your desire to draw up an agreement and send it to you by mail is not at all easy to predict, especially if we are talking about a “last minute” trip and a “high” season, when everyone has a lot of work to do without these additional difficulties.

    3) Booked tour sooner or later you will have to pay. Of course, in this case, everyone will be able to use the bank’s services, if only the company you choose agrees to issue an invoice for payment by email. All you have to do is check that the company has received money and this issue can be considered resolved.

    How do travel agencies make money?

    And here it is worth noting that the cost of the tour in both cases will be approximately the same, since each travel agency has its own discount on the purchase of tours from a tour operator, which is their marginal income (for example, 30%). By offering a tour at the same price as the tour operator, and then selling it, the agency will earn its interest. By the way, when communicating with the travel agency manager, you can always ask for an additional discount, which in turn will be taken from the same 30%. Many agencies, in order to retain a client, go to meet him!

    The disadvantages include the difficulties that you will have with sending documents if you are going to visit a country with which Russia has an existing visa regime entry Calculate the costs of numerous long-distance telephone calls, payment for the services of a guide and courier, and think about whether all this is really profitable and safe enough to refuse the services of professionals. It is also useful to imagine the process of filing a claim against a company located in another city in the event of poor organization of your voyage and the measures that you are going to take in order to hold those responsible accountable and receive monetary compensation for services not provided.

    Everyone should mind their own business

    Independence and computer literacy are valuable qualities. However, let's not forget the well-known fact - everyone should do the work in which he is a professional: a shoemaker - sew boots, a dentist - treat bad teeth, and a travel agency employee - registers his clients and represents their interests in proceedings with the tour operator in the event of an emergency. problems and unforeseen situations during the trip. The tourism business, like any job, has a lot of secrets and nuances that you don’t even suspect exist. In total, a lot of people are involved in the implementation of your trip (airlines, hotel staff, embassies, guides and translators, etc.). Carefully connecting all these links into one strong, reliable chain and ensuring that it remains so until your return is not an easy task at all and is not always up to amateurs.

    So I advise Internet lovers to remain so in everything related to obtaining preliminary information on the upcoming trip, but I recommend entrusting the registration to those for whom this responsible procedure is a profession. And you must agree - it’s always more convenient and calmer when you communicate face to face with the person who is sending you on your next trip, especially if this person is sitting in the house opposite, or across the road!

    What I would like to say as a result - if you are confident in yourself, and the above disadvantages are not for you - go for it, get your hands on booking tourist packages on your own. Who knows, maybe later you will want to open your own travel agency. And so, I will say that currently on the market there are many aggregator sites or services for comparing tourist packages, such as Onlinetours, Sletat, Travelata, etc. (), in which you can choose the appropriate destination, date, and then the system will direct you to a page with the choice of a travel agency office convenient for you in your city. Where you can meet with your personal manager and discuss all the conditions. P.S. don't forget about additional discounts 😉

    You can see what such services look like using the form below, there is nothing complicated about them, I think you’ll figure it out...

    If anyone has encountered the pros and cons of booking tours on their own that are not described in this article, please write about them in the comments, to help those who have not yet decided. I would be very grateful!