How to return a non-refundable ticket s7. Tariffs for S7 Airlines tickets. Is it possible to return for a full refund?

did it indicate on the ticket that it was “refundable” or another indication – “non-refundable”? The essence of a “non-refundable” ticket is that it is sold at a greatly reduced price, but cannot be exchanged or returned at the passenger’s initiative.
Karhu Boris

In case of illness of the passenger and if he confirms this with documents, the money will be returned to him in any case. Regardless of whether the ticket is refundable or non-refundable.

"Article 108. Termination of the contract at the initiative of the passenger air transportation passenger
1. If a passenger refuses air transportation for reasons not provided for in paragraph 2 of this article, the return of the carriage fee to the passenger is carried out in the following order:
1) if the passenger has entered into an agreement for the air carriage of a passenger, which provides for the return of the carriage charge upon termination of the agreement for the air carriage of the passenger, the passenger shall be refunded the carriage charge paid for the air carriage (except for the amount of the carrier’s expenses actually incurred by him and related to the fulfillment of obligations under the air carriage agreement passenger) provided that the passenger notified the carrier of the refusal of air transportation no later than twenty-four hours before the end of the passenger check-in time established in accordance with federal aviation rules for the flight indicated on the ticket;
2) if the passenger notifies the carrier of the refusal of air transportation in violation of the deadlines established in accordance with subparagraph 1 of this paragraph, before the end of the passenger check-in time established in accordance with the federal aviation rules for the flight indicated on the ticket, the passenger will be refunded the carriage fee paid for air transportation with the collection of a penalty in the amount of twenty-five percent of the fare paid for air transportation of a passenger and the amount of the carrier’s expenses actually incurred by him and related to the fulfillment of obligations under the passenger air transportation agreement. The carrier has the right to reduce the amount of the specified penalty;
3) if the passenger notifies the carrier about the refusal of air transportation after the end of the passenger check-in time established in accordance with federal aviation rules for the flight indicated on the ticket, the passenger will not be refunded the fare paid for air transportation;
4) if the passenger has entered into an agreement for the air carriage of a passenger, which provides for the condition of non-refund of the carriage charge upon termination of the agreement for the air carriage of the passenger, the carriage charge paid for the air carriage of the passenger is not refunded, with the exception of unused amounts collected by the carrier in favor of other organizations in accordance with the legislation of foreign states , from the territories on or through the territories of which the air transportation of passengers is carried out.
2. In case of forced refusal of a passenger from air transportation due to illness of the passenger or a member of his family or a close relative traveling with him on aircraft, which is confirmed by medical documents, or in connection with the death of a member of his family or a close relative, which is documented, and notification of this to the carrier before the end of the check-in time for passengers for the flight specified in the ticket, established in accordance with the federal aviation rules, or in connection with the delay in the departure of the aircraft, other actions (inaction) of the carrier provided for by the federal aviation rules, entailing non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the passenger air carriage agreement, the passenger is refunded the fare paid for air transportation.
3. For the purposes of paragraph 2 of this article, family members mean spouses, parents and children (adoptive parents and adopted children), close relatives - grandparents and grandchildren, full and half brothers and sisters."

Purchasing online tickets has a number of advantages, for example, saving time, no commission fees, choosing the optimal price, the ability to buy a ticket not only for yourself, but also for relatives and friends, as well as a number of other advantages. However, in some cases it is necessary to return S7 tickets. This may be due to personal reasons or the fault of the carrier.

Return Terms and Conditions

A ticket can be returned in the following cases:

  • cancellation or postponement of a scheduled flight;
  • changing the route the plane was originally supposed to take;
  • lack of places according to class;
  • returning the aircraft back to the airport if for some reason it was not allowed into the airspace of a certain country;
  • transportation from the connecting airport was not carried out;
  • landing was carried out at an airport not originally indicated on the route.

Pay attention! If the flight was partially completed, the amount for the ticket will also not be fully refunded.

Ticket refund rules depend on what class the passenger is flying in. The company offers several tariff plans.

S7 airline ticket

Tariff "Business Flexible"

The passenger can return the ticket or exchange it for another date if he is late for the flight without losing cash. The YR rate is refunded; the YQ rate is not refundable or exchangeable.

Tariff "Business Basic"

If the passenger has previously contacted the carrier with a request to return or exchange the ticket, a fee must be paid. If a flight is missed, the traveler is also required to pay a fee to change the departure date. In fact, tickets in this tariff plan are non-refundable; there is no way to return the ticket and receive a refund.

Tariff "Economy Flexible"

A passenger under this tariff plan has the opportunity to change the departure date or return the ticket without paying fees. The only thing is that an additional payment is required for a ticket if it costs more than the previous one. If a passenger misses a flight, does not depart and wants to change the departure date, a fee must be paid.

Tariff "Economy Basic"

If a passenger does not fly on an economy fare, he can change the date and route, subject to payment of box office fees. The traveler can also pay an additional amount of money to purchase tickets at the “Business Basic” and “Economy Flexible” tariffs of S7. It is not possible to return the ticket, since the ticket for this tariff plan is non-refundable.

Pay attention! In all cases, if the ticket is refundable, the traveler can receive the full amount of money only if he cancels the flight no later than 24 hours in advance.

According to Art. 108 of the Air Code, provides for the possibility of a passenger to refuse a flight and establishes the rules for the return of funds paid for a ticket. In accordance with this law, the amount due for refund depends on how much time before departure:

  • if no later than 24 hours before the end of registration, the cost of the ticket is returned to him minus the expenses incurred by the company to provide the service;
  • if later than the specified period - minus the air carrier's expenses and 25% of the cost as a commission;
  • If after registration is completed, a refund is not possible.

Air Code

Cases when you can get a refund for a ticket

If a passenger wants to return a ticket for a reason related to the carrier, there is a list of cases in which this can be done, approved by S7. You can return your ticket if:

  • Airline flight cancellation or delay after check-in. You can apply for a refund after registration. It is also necessary to obtain flight ticket coupons from the employee. If this is not done, the ticket will be considered used, despite the fact that the flight was delayed or cancelled.
  • Illness of the passenger, members of his family or death of close relatives. Close relatives - husband or wife, mother or father, grandmother or grandfather, brothers and sisters. In this case, documentation of illness or death is required.
  • Refunds for S7 airline tickets are carried out if there is a change in the route by the carrier. The airline must warn the passenger of all accessible ways. Next, he decides whether to fly or not. If the traveler refuses, the amount of money is returned in full.
  • Incorrect air ticket registration. If a passenger notices a typo in filling out documents, he needs to contact the carrier to coordinate further actions.
  • The airline's inability to provide a seat to the passenger. If a ticket for economy class was purchased, but there were no seats in it, the passenger must be seated in business class. If there was ticket purchased in business class and there are also no seats in it, the passenger is transferred to economy class and the difference in the cost of the ticket is returned. Tickets can also be returned to S7.
  • The flight has been rescheduled to an earlier or later date. The passenger must provide documents confirming losses. The company must reimburse.

How to return a ticket

In this case, it is necessary to provide the operator with personal data, the first and last two digits of the card from which the ticket was paid, as well as the reason that forced the ticket to be returned. The call is free. S7 Contact Center: phone 8 800 700–0707.

If a passenger is interested in how to return a ticket to S7 purchased via the Internet, you must go to the user’s personal account, select the ticket and click “Cancel booking.”

Bonus card with miles accrual from S7

You can contact the support service using the feedback form, which is located on the official website of the S7 organization. So you can return tickets electronically. Communication is carried out through the user's email; information regarding the stage of progress will also be sent to the address.

Refunds, in accordance with legislative acts, must be made no later than 20 days from the date of submitting the application to S7 Airline.

Pay attention! When contacting the airline ticket sales office in person, where the ticket was purchased, you should remember that employees deal with these issues from 9:00 to 13:00. If the ticket was purchased not by someone who applied to the department, but by a friend or relative, you must present a power of attorney upon delivery.

In what cases is the ticket not refundable?

Money for a ticket will not be returned by the carrier if:

The amount for a non-refundable ticket can be refunded only in two cases:

  • serious illness, which is confirmed by a medical certificate;
  • death of a passenger - relatives may apply for a refund.

If the company refuses to return the money, the issue can be resolved pre-trial or in court. First, you need to send a claim to the carrier's address; if no measures have been taken, the statement of claim is delivered to the judicial authorities. In any case, you need to hire a good lawyer who will negotiate and protect the interests of the passenger. In most cases, the court sides with the traveler.

Pay attention! If the passenger decides to buy a ticket using miles, they should also be returned to the account.

The rules for refunding S7 air tickets are similar to those of other air carriers. The main thing is to contact the company as early as possible to process a return. If the carrier refuses, and the passenger has documents confirming the impossibility of departure, a statement of claim can be filed in court.

It provides four tariff groups - Economy Basic, Economy Flexible, Business Basic and Business Flexible. Fares differ in the available included services, such as the possibility of returning an air ticket or changing the flight or flight date, free baggage allowance, free choice of seat on board upon check-in or purchase.

For the first time in Russian civil aviation a baggage-free fare was proposed: “Basic Economy” includes only 10 kg of hand luggage. Meanwhile, FAP (Federal Aviation Regulations), mandatory for use by all Russian airlines, contain the following paragraph: “An aircraft passenger has the right to carry his baggage within the established norm without additional payment (hereinafter referred to as the free baggage allowance). , including things carried by the passenger, are established by the carrier depending on the type of aircraft and cannot be less than ten kilograms per passenger.” S7 notes that hand luggage also fits the definition of luggage; at the same time, its weight was increased from 7 to 10 kg specifically to comply with the FAP. Moreover, you can additionally carry certain items with you in excess of the norm without putting them in luggage. This is the standard list from the FAP:

  • handbag or briefcase;
  • folder for papers;
  • umbrella;
  • cane;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • outerwear;
  • printed materials for in-flight reading;
  • baby food for the child during the flight;
  • cell phone;
  • camera;
  • camcorder;
  • laptop;
  • suit in a suitcase;
  • baby cradle when transporting a child;
  • crutches, stretcher or wheelchair when transporting a passenger with limited mobility.

That is, there is no fundamental difference here, for example, with “Victory”, which: the only difference is that in hand luggage you can take a bag of almost any type (even a bag, even a backpack) and even a small suitcase (there are special quite roomy suitcases in the Cabin Bag/Cabin Trolley format), but checking in anything other than a hard plastic suitcase as luggage is dangerous for its contents; but you can put more different items in your luggage, including, for example, liquids.

According to the airline, about a third of S7 Airlines passengers fly only with hand luggage, on some routes this figure exceeds 50%.

“We found out that, for example, on flights Moscow – Kazan, 55% of passengers travel only with hand luggage. Business class passengers often fly on short business trips, and only 5.5% of them take two pieces of luggage with them, although business class is allowed free transportation two bags of 32 kg each. However, the cost of all these services is initially included in the price of the air ticket. As a result, we decided to switch to a more flexible tariff system that takes into account the interests of different categories of passengers and allows us to pay only for those services that the passenger actually uses,” notes Natalya Popova, Deputy General Director and Director of the S7 Group Commercial Directorate.

The presence without a business lounge is explained by the fact that many business class passengers do not use their services, especially before short flights, preferring to check in online and arrive at the airport shortly before departure.

The most interesting thing is that the required fare will always be available on the website as long as there are empty seats on the flight in the selected class. That is, if a couple of hours before departure there is at least one free seat in economy class, then it can be purchased at the basic economy class fare.

True, it is important to understand that this does not mean that now there is no difference when to buy tickets - in advance or before departure. The fact is that within each tariff group there are, as before, several reservation classes (RBD, reservation booking designers), designated by letters. In the case of the S7, there are 14 of them for the basic economy class: Y, B, H, K, M, L, V, T, R, S, N, Q, O and W, and for the flexible economy class there are 15 (class A appears ), and for “business” - 3 (J, C, D). And each of these tariffs has a certain price; at the beginning of the opening of sales, all classes are available, and as the departure date approaches, more expensive ones remain. With the new tariff system, for each “letter” there will be not one tariff available, but two: basic and flexible. The basic one will always be 2 thousand rubles per segment cheaper than the flexible one due to non-returnability and baggage-free status. We will be able to compare for whom tickets have become more expensive and for whom they have fallen in price a little later, when specific fares are published.

With the new tariff system, the conditions for accruing miles in the program are improved. Currently, the minimum amount of miles accrued for a flight is 25% of the distance between cities in miles. At new system The minimum percentage for a basic economy class fare will be 50%, but not less than 500 miles. For a flight on a flexible economy class fare, a passenger will receive 100% of miles; business class passengers will be able to accumulate 150% and 250%, respectively.

Status participants of the S7 Priority program and loyalty programs of other alliance airlines one world, regardless of the chosen tariff, all privileges corresponding to the level in the program are available, in particular, free. Additional free baggage space is now available not only to Gold and Platinum members, but also to Silver members. Holders of gold and platinum cards, regardless of the chosen tariff, also receive access to the halls increased comfort with a travel companion.

S7 Airlines has radically changed its approach to setting tariffs for air tickets. The innovation provides passengers with a wider choice of tickets and will make flights more affordable. Main feature became the new baggage-free tariff “Economy Basic”. Now it will be cheaper to fly with S7.

Differences in airfare

S7 Airlines has introduced 4 new types of fares for air tickets: “Economy Basic”, “Economy Flexible”, “Business Basic” and “Business Flexible”.

The Economy Basic fare is designed for budget travelers who fly light without luggage. Air tickets at this fare are similar to tickets for low-cost airlines (budget airlines), the price of which does not include luggage, the flight is only possible with hand luggage up to 10 kg and check-in of the ticket is not possible. The Economy Basic tariff has paid options: choosing a seat when purchasing or registering - 300 rubles, paid luggage— one piece up to 23 kg will cost 2000 rubles. Loyalty card holders from silver level One World— Silver Ruby and “S7 Priority” bonus baggage allowance remains the same: 1 piece and weight up to 23 kg.

The baggage-free Economy Basic tariff was created to provide transport accessibility passengers and competition with the new Russian low-cost airline. This will allow S7 Airlines to offer more competitive prices for air tickets.

The rest of the S7 Airlines fares are more classic: “Economy Flexible” is a standard fare with the ability to carry luggage up to 23 kg, hand luggage up to 10 kg and change flight dates. “Business Basic” implies increased baggage and business class, “Business Flexible” - allows you to change flight dates, use the business lounge and business class, and also allows for increased baggage weight.