Where to stay on Lake Svetloyar. Lake Svetloyar is a Russian looking glass. Nature, history, recreation. Annual celebration on Lake Svetloyar


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The legend about the city of Kitezh, which is hidden under the waters of Lake Svetloyar, has long excited the minds of scientists and science fiction writers. This year I was able to visit the legendary lake for the second time in my life. Perhaps I'm too impressionable, but... Thoughts from two years ago about the unusualness and mystery of this place again surfaced in my head.

There is still no consensus on the history of the lake, although dozens of expeditions were sent to Svetloyar in the Nizhny Novgorod region. These were mainly “dry” scientific research - water intake, soil analysis and vegetation study. But one of the expeditions was quite interesting - scientists were looking for Kitezh-grad, which, according to legend, went under water during Batu’s attack.

The expedition did find something, but I’ll tell you about this a little later; first we need to get acquainted with the lake itself.

Lake Svetloyar (photo and description)

A beautiful birch alley leads to Svetloyar, which immediately puts you in a positive mood.

We walk along the alley and it opens before us beautiful view. Lake Svetloyar is small, almost perfectly round in shape. The area of ​​the mirror is 12 hectares, and the depth is about 30 meters.

The shore is equipped, there is a small beach. The water is not just clean….. it is clean and very soft. They say that water from the lake can be stored in a container for several years without losing its purity and taste.

Lake Svetloyar is a protected area. You are not allowed to litter, make fires or pitch tents. This special place. The name of the lake speaks for itself - Svetly Yar (Yarilo - Slavic sun god). True, there is another translation. Yar is a cliff, that is, a Bright cliff.

There is a trail and wooden decking around the lake. At all times, people walked around Lake Svetloyar, prayed and asked for something of their own.

The tradition has been preserved. According to legend, on the night of Ivan Kupala, you need to make a wish and walk around the lake three times with a lit candle.

It remains a mystery to me where paganism ends and Orthodoxy begins. July 6 is both a bright holiday of the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir, to which pilgrims come, and the night of Ivan Kupala, when they jump over the fire and float wreaths on the water. Truly an intricacy of faith, legends and paganism.

In ancient times, people did not swim in Lake Svetloyar, they only washed and drank the water. Now there is no ban, so we gladly swam in the clean lake.

Near our resting place, someone lost his pectoral cross. Good people hung him on a tree branch, maybe the owner will be found...

Kibelek Key

Not far from Lake Svetloyar there is the Kibelek spring and the grave of three saints. If you wish, you can walk to the key. “Nearby” is about 2 km (40-50 minutes), so plan on your strength.

There is such a sign near the wooden church. We go around the temple and go deeper into the forest.

Two years ago, there was a gorgeous chamomile field in this place, where the girls and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves - taking pictures and weaving chamomile wreaths. This year the field was sown with oats. There will be another sign at the edge of the field, the main thing is to stick to the path. It’s called the Pilgrim’s Path. Along the way you will come across benches for rest and wooden platforms; it is difficult to get lost.

And here is the key. You can wash your face, drink water and take some with you.

Legends of Lake Svetloyar

Since I touched on the topic of legends and tales, it’s time to try to understand all the twists and turns of fairy tales, myths and scientific research.

So... how real is the city of Kitezh?

There is a mention of the city of Kitezh in a book of the 18th century, which is called “Kitezh Chronicler” -

“The Grand Duke of Vladimir Georgy Vsevolodovich set up the city of Maly Kitezh on the banks of the Volga, and then retreated deep into the forests... On the banks beautiful lake He ordered the construction of the city of Greater Kitezh in Svetloyar.”

(Maly Kitezh - presumably Gorodets).

“And that city, Big Kitezh, was a hundred fathoms long and wide, and this measure was small. And the noble Prince George ordered to add another hundred fathoms to the length…..And they began to build that stone city in the year 6673, the month of May on the first day…..And that city was built for three years….”

If Kitezh is just a legend, then where do such details about its construction come from? No, completely abandon the idea of ​​existence ancient city not worth it.

It is known that Batu Khan ravaged Russian cities one after another, but Kitezh was not a trading city and did not play any significant military or political role. Why did the Khan suddenly become interested in him? According to the description, almost the entire city consisted of churches, being the great spiritual center of the native Russian faith (not to be confused with Christianity!).

That is why Khan Batu sent his forces to Kitezh in order to destroy the shrine. Many peoples believed that with the destruction of shrines, the people themselves perish, for shrines are the soul of the people. The city's residents were not prepared for the attack; they could only pray and hope for a miracle. The Russian gods preserved the city by plunging it into the waters of Lake Svetloyar. Only a pure soul can see the city. So says the legend.

Expeditions to Lake Svetloyar. What did scientists discover?

During the expedition from Literaturnaya Gazeta, bottom silt was drilled five times. One of the zaburs brought an interesting find - pieces of hard wood with noticeable oblique cuts. It could be the mark of an ax or knife. Geologists in this place discovered another anomaly - bottom silt of a special composition. An oval anomaly was clearly visible on the echogram, and the geolocator recorded an area at the bottom that did not transmit sound.

Divers descended to the bottom of the lake. But they didn’t add any information, but there was even more idle talk. According to some sources, the divers did not see the bottom; in other words, the lake has a double bottom, i.e. there is another bottom, much lower than 30 meters. According to others, the divers generally refused to say anything about the dive.

Few? I’ll add a couple more myths - stories of local residents. According to another belief, Kitezh is not hidden at the bottom of Svetloyar, but under the hills next to the lake. If you lean against the ground at night and listen, you can hear a quiet bell ringing.

Relatively recently, a legend circulated in the surrounding villages about a miracle fish living in the lake - “A big fish walks around Svetloyar and scares people”. Adam Olearius, who traveled around Rus' in the 17th century, left interesting notes. Olearius encountered pagan tribes and described the sanctuary of a certain water deity, similar to a crocodile. Here's your miracle fish.

In conclusion, I can’t help but tell you about another hypothesis - the lake arose as a result of a meteorite fall. Interestingly, not far from Svetloyar there are two more lakes with similar configurations. They are also bordered by hills. The meteorite could split and fall in three pieces. Why not?

Ivan Kupala holiday in Svetloyar

Every year, from July 6 to 7, a folk festival of pagan origin is celebrated on the lake. Two years ago, we came to Svetloyar for the first time on July 6th.

During the day, in the village of Vladimirskoye, Nizhny Novgorod region, various master classes are organized, and in the evening they organize something like a folk performance-legend about the city of Kitezh. The night of Ivan Kupala is the shortest of the year, and on Lake Svetloyar it is also magical. I, succumbing to the general bacchanalia, walked around the lake with a candle, and then until the morning we swam in the holy lake. You can't put tents next to the lake, so people slept right on the ground.

Svetloyar is one of the most mysterious lakes Russian Federation. Despite the fact that for more than 40 years researchers have been trying to understand how this body of water came into being, they have not yet come to a conclusion unanimous opinion. We can say with confidence that it is precisely this source of strength and health that is famous Nizhny Novgorod region. Lake Svetloyar causes a lot of discussions about its origin, the usefulness of the water and legends that have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries.

The Legend of the City of Kitezh

One of the most ancient legends is based on the fact that even before the Tatars came here, the city of Kitezh stood near the shore. It was small town, in the center of which stood six churches. At this time, near the city of Maly Kitezh, a battle took place between Khan Batu and Prince Vsevolodich. In an unequal battle, the Russian heroes were forced to retreat into the depths of the forests, where Greater Kitezh stood. After the Tatars reached Svetloyar, the final battle took place, as a result of which the Russian commander died. But the enemies did not get the city; it disappeared under the overflowing waters of the lake. The Nizhny Novgorod region is known for this glorious place. Lake Svetloyar, whose history is so mysterious, still hides in its depths the city of Kitezh, which, they say, can be seen in the crystal clear waters.

Legends of the lake and reviews from tourists

The most fantastic stories about this reservoir can be heard from local residents. They claim that there is some kind of underground bottom connecting Svetloyar with Baikal. It’s hard to believe, but to date there are no refutations or confirmations. This, of course, does not take into account that quite recently a group of divers dived to explore the bottom of Svetloyar. But there is no data on this matter. Reviews from tourists indicate that the water here is crystal clear and healing. After swimming in a pond, your health improves and your mood improves.

There was a lot of talk about the fact that the scuba divers never reached the bottom, which scared them very much. There is another ancient belief, according to which the depths of the lake are guarded by a miracle fish, which protects Kitezh from uninvited guests. Locals they claim that Svetloyar, a lake whose legends are simply amazing, has miraculous powers, but it’s up to you to believe in it or not. However, today there are rumors about cases of incredible healing from various diseases at this reservoir. For example, tourists have repeatedly said that after visiting the lake, all their ailments disappeared.

When and under what circumstances did Svetloyar appear?

According to many researchers, the reservoir appeared approximately 14 thousand years ago. This time can be attributed to the end of the Ice Age. But in practice it turns out that in this area everything glacial lakes have long disappeared. This confirms the version that Svetloyar, the lake whose legends attract tourists, is of karst origin. As an argument, facts are cited, if you can call them that, from as far back as 1903. One of the local newspapers wrote that the residents of the nearest village called Shary, not far from Svetloyar, were very alarmed. One day in the middle of the night there was a loud noise and crash. But it was not thunder, since the sounds came from underground. All the residents of the village ran towards the sounds and, to their surprise, saw a huge failure, on which Svetloyar was formed. The lake, a photo of which you can see in this article, according to eyewitnesses, appeared in an instant. It was so deep that not a single tree that had grown in this place before was visible.

Expert opinions on anomalous phenomena

But many researchers and scientists reject the version of karst origin. This is due to several factors. Firstly, there are no easily soluble rocks on the shore that are washed away by the waters of Svetloyar. Secondly, according to research data, the center of the European part of the Russian Federation lies on very strong rocks. In some places, cracks form under the influence of shear. According to Nikishin, it is at the intersection of two similar faults that the lake is located today. This is quite logical, especially considering that failure in such a place can happen very quickly. As for healing waters, experts do not deny this. The fact is that high energy coming from the depths of planet Earth can have a wide variety of effects on the human body. Hence the mirages, the sounds of bells, and periodically appearing UFOs. But the most interesting thing is that if you take some water from this reservoir home with you, it will stand for several years and will not deteriorate at all.

Are there pagan temples at the bottom of the lake?

About 50 years ago, a complex scientific expedition visited Svetloyar. It was found that underwater world The reservoir was not created all at once, but in stages. This is due to the fact that the lake has a large number of ledges, which are located at a depth of 9 to 20 meters. The latter is only 700 years old. Around this time, Khan Batu came to these lands. Based on this, experts concluded that the monastery must be located almost at the very bottom, which is practically unexplored. In their opinion, there used to be a pagan temple here, which sank to the bottom when the waters flooded. In the center of the lake, a small island was formed, to which Christians came for the purpose of solitude. They created the temple, which also went into the abyss of the reservoir. It is these amazing legends and attracts tourists Lake Svetloyar is always the center of attention of visitors. Especially after a wooden fragment was found there, indicating that it was a building from ancient times, which was miraculously preserved.


Currently, recreation on Lake Svetloyar is very popular. Mostly tourists come here from all over Russia, but sometimes from other countries. Many people believe that the waters of the reservoir are healing and give vitality. In addition, almost everyone is not averse to taking “living” water from Svetloyar with them. A huge number of hypotheses that exist today suggest that there is something alluring about this place. Legends don't just happen. They may not always be reliable, but there is definitely some truth in them. In the end, faith matters a lot. According to local residents, only those who believe in the miracle of the reservoir will be able to discover all its secrets. By the way, ufologists say that Svetloyar) is the fourth dimension, or an energy column that is not visible to the naked eye. And only believers can see it. Despite the fact that this place is not a resort, those who have been here want to see Svetloyar again and advise others to visit this magical place.

Lake Svetloyar (Nizhny Novgorod region) is one of the most fantastic corners of the Voskresensky district, located in the village of Vladimirskoye. This natural monument with federal status attracts tourists from all over the world. The area is 12 hectares, and the depth reaches 36 meters. It's mysterious and mysterious place, about which there are many controversial stories. Scientists also cannot determine the exact origin of the object. One of the legends is the mysterious sinking of the city of Kitezh, which stubbornly resisted the khan’s troops. By the way, this story served as inspiration for large quantity artists. Among them were Vasnetsov, Nesterov, Roerich.

How to get there?

The Family Suitcase company conducts excursions to the lake in the summer.

You can do some exciting things here tourist trip, turning to professionals for help or getting there on your own. A bus runs regularly from Nizhny Novgorod to the village of Voskresenskoye. You can also come on the excursion by train, which goes in the Kirov direction.

It is also convenient to arrive by private car. From the city to the village, your travel time will be 130 kilometers. There are special parking spaces on the birch alley for vehicles. Address - Nizhny Novgorod region, Voskresensky district, village. Vladimirskoe. The highways are of high quality.

General information and legends

If you believe the legend, then Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich established Little Kitezh on the lake. Later it received another name Gorodets. Soon the prince crossed to the other side and discovered a more suitable place there. Greater Kitezh was created near Londa and Svetloyar. This hail was the largest. It was in high demand; in its center there was a six-domed temple. The city's prosperity in Rus' lasted until Batogo's attack. The conqueror set up his camp on the Sit River. Unfortunately, the forces turned out to be unequal. Maly Kitezh was taken, and it was hard for the prisoners. One of the prisoners, under the burden of torture, nevertheless agreed to lead enemy troops through the taiga. Residents defended the settlement for a long time and tried to save it. And when my strength was running out, a miracle happened. The city seemed to go downhill. On top, like a huge cap, hills and a lake formed. The Mongols retreated, frightened by the unusual phenomenon.

The reservoir was systematically subjected to research by scuba divers. Various anomalies were periodically discovered in it. There are all kinds of terraces under the flow, similar to stairs. Gentle slopes are combined with excessively steep ones. This fact suggests that the formation of the reservoir occurred in parts. From time to time, objects made of wood or metal from the 18th century are discovered at the bottom. So far, no other traces of civilization have been identified.

From time to time, various sounds emanated from the recess. During the full moon and before sunrise, a strange, gurgling sound was sometimes heard. Believers say that it is during this period that they can see snow-white churches with golden domes of incredible beauty.

The path that goes to the lake is called the Batu Trail. There is such a legend about him that only a person who has pure thoughts can walk along such a road. The hail is invisible. And only the righteous have the opportunity to see the lights at the very bottom. Psychics believe that this is the place where spirits come from.

Features of origin

There are many hypotheses about how the lake appeared. Most of them are just legends. The depth of the pit is 36 meters. The bottom has a funnel-shaped structure. The shape of the recess is an oval, as close as possible to a circle. Expeditions of geologists indicate that the lake is of karst origin. Researchers also believe that the reservoir is a former element ancient river Lunda. It is fed by a spring. In this regard, the water is characterized by extraordinary purity.

There is religious information about the appearance. They think it's holy place. Believers from all over the world come here, as well as people who are not indifferent to the mysteries of nature. A chapel in the name of the Kazan Mother of God was organized here. There is also a grave of three saints, a spring with healing water and a monument with the footprint of the Virgin Mary.

The territory is used for the celebration of Ivan Kupala. The event takes place on July 6-7. You can also take part in this event if you wish. The pagan holiday is filled with a variety of ancient rituals.

Protected area

Arriving here, you will immediately see a well-groomed alley in front of you, which offers a delightful view of the reservoir. The small oval-shaped formation has a well-equipped shore. There is even a small beach. The water is clean and soft. Local residents say that it can be stored in a container for a long time without spoiling. Its taste is excellent.

If you come here, then take into account the fact that this area is a protected area. Therefore, try not to litter and clean up after yourself after a picnic. It is prohibited to make fires or pitch tents. The place is special and is protected. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the established rules.

If you rise a little higher, you can see the Church of the Kazan Mother of God. The shrine is made of wood and is small in size. Nearby there is a stone with a trace of the Virgin Mary's foot. If you like to take walks in the forest, then you have the opportunity to walk to the Kibilek spring. The source is located nearby. The water in it is holy. Therefore, when you go, do not forget to take a container with you to collect. According to the legend, heroes who were defenders of the lands from Batu Khan were buried in the spring.

You can see wooden decking around the pond. It was not by chance that he appeared here. In past times, believers walked around the tank, praying for help. Everyone asked for something different.

By the way, this tradition still exists today. On the holiday of Ivan Kupala, to fulfill a wish, the circle must be completed three times, while holding a lit candle in your hand. During the festival, young men and women jump over bonfires and lower wreaths into the water.

In ancient times the water was not used for bathing. It was used only for washing and cooking. Today such a ban does not exist. Anyone can take a dip or dive.
It's cozy, beautiful and special picturesque place. If you are tired of the city bustle or beach holiday, then you need to come here.

Walking through the local area, you will see a gorgeous chamomile field. There is a sign at the edge of the plantings. You need to rely on it in order not to go astray. This is the Pilgrim's Path. Also, during your travel you may come across a variety of estates and rest shops. The chance of getting lost is low.

Mysterious facts

An expedition of the Literary Gazette was carried out. During its implementation, drilling of natural silt was carried out. This procedure allowed us to discover one amazing find - pieces of hard wood with oblique cuts. The cut was probably the result of an ax or knife.

Later, another anomaly was discovered - naturally formed silt of a special composition. A section was found at the bottom that did not have the ability to transmit sound.

Divers carried out diagnostics of the bottom. Regarding the results of the examination, two opinions emerged - the presence of a double bottom or its complete absence. Both assumptions have not been precisely confirmed.

Local residents also tell many interesting stories. They say that Svetloyara lives under the hills. If you put your ear to the ground at night, you can hear the ringing of a bell.

There is also a legend about a magic fish. It is incredibly large and scares people at night. In addition, they say that Adam Olearius, traveling throughout Rus', compiled chronicles. During his adventures, he encountered unusual tribes and once came across a deity similar in appearance to a crocodile.

The most modern hypothesis for the appearance of water accumulation is a meteorite fall. No scientific evidence found. But this thought, like others, has an equal right to exist. After all, there are two other lakes in the area, which are similar in configuration to this one. After all, a huge meteorite could break into several pieces, forming huge holes in the ground.

Today research papers stopped because many attempts were unsuccessful. Moreover, all sorts of troubles periodically happened to those who tried to solve the mystery. So, a hydrobiologist who was descending to depth suddenly had a sharp rise in temperature. He turned to doctors for treatment, but they were unable to make an accurate diagnosis. Soon the disease went away on its own without treatment.

Once a villager was picking mushrooms in the local plantings. The mushroom picker did not return home. Relatives began an active search, but to no avail. The police got to work. A few days later, the lost man himself returned back, explaining the incident by saying that he simply accidentally got lost and suddenly lost his memory. But after some period of time, the wanderer admitted in a conversation with a friend that the elders gave him the drug. The mushroom picker took out a small piece of bread that the old people had treated him to. This piece instantly turned into stone in the palm of my hand.

There is also a letter in Old Church Slavonic. It is kept in one of the museums. It contains information from son to father. Its content is that the young man came to Kitezh in a strange way, he is alive, healthy and asks not to bury him ahead of time.

Where to stay for the night?

When it comes to organizing an overnight stay, there are many interesting options. A suitable solution can be found for any budget. You will not be allowed to spend the night in tents on the shore, as this is a protected area. It is recommended to book a hotel in Nizhny Novgorod or Vladimirsky in advance. The prices are quite affordable.
There are many obvious and incredible facts about this amazing place. There is a legend that a pioneer camp was once organized here. A wide variety of people could freely travel here. ground transport. Almost everyone wanted to visit this unusual site and no expense stopped them from achieving this goal. During the Great Patriotic War Various pilgrimages were held for those who went bravely to fight for their homeland.


The area is quite picturesque. Lots of plants and animals. Reed, water lily, egg capsule, Lezel's elk orchid, shrubs, sundew, etc. grow. The reservoir contains worms and plankton. Previously, you could see the muskrat. Today there are hedgehogs, cranes, owls, kites, hawks, owls, erils, wolves, foxes, hares, lynxes, bears, moles and others. Among the reptiles there are viper, toad, lizard, frog. Fish also swim - pike, catfish, ruffe, crucian carp, roach. Recreational fishing is permitted. Hunting is also in demand. But you can't light fires.

There are practically no meadows here, mainly forests, wetlands and taiga. Coniferous trees predominate. The forest is mixed - birch, spruce, pine, larch.
The air is incredibly clean. It is especially comfortable to relax in summer and spring, when the vegetation comes to life. The reservoir serves as entertainment for those who love swimming, diving, and picnics in nature. You will be able to take photos with high artistic value against the backdrop of amazing landscapes. If you plan to hike the trails, take a map with you just in case. There are signs around, but there is a risk of getting lost.

When coming to Nizhny Novgorod, be sure to visit this holy and mysterious place. Perhaps you will be able to discover something new or find confirmation of existing guesses.

How to get to Lake Svetloyar from Nizhny Novgorod
To Svetloyar by bus or by train+bus

By bus Nizhny Novgorod - Voskresenskoye from the Kanavinskaya bus station. Before reaching Voskresensky, get off at the village of Vladimirsky. Travel time to Vladimirsky is 2-2.5 hours.

On commuter train Nizhny Novgorod - Semenov or Nizhny Novgorod - Uren to Semenov, then by bus Semenov - Voskresenskoye to the village of Vladimirskoye.

To Svetloyar by car

Along the Kirov highway. Pass Semenov, get to Bokovaya station (a busy place, there are a lot of trucks, a cafe, a motel), then turn right following the sign for Vladimirskoye and Voskresenskoye, get to the village of Vladimirskoye (turn right), drive through the village to a large parking lot. Next - along the birch alley on foot. Distance from Nizhny Novgorod - 130 km.

Driving directions Nizhny Novgorod - Lake Svetloyar

You can combine a trip to Lake Svetloyar with an excursion to the Levashov estate in Galibikhe, in the village of Troitskoye, in Yurino.

Museum of Epochs and Rusenikhinskoye Settlement

If you drive further from the village of Vladimirskoye towards the village of Voskresenskoye, you can stop by Museum of Ages. Between the village of Vladimirskoye and the village of Voskresenskoye there is a left turn with a sign to Tekun and the Museum of Epochs. The museum is located 7 km from this turn, in the village of Rusenikha (there are signs along the way).

IN Museum of Epochs contains exhibitions dedicated to the history of the Vetluga region, including the existence of a mysterious creature that once lived in these areas - the “vetlugosaurus”, as well as exhibitions of paintings by local artists. Excursions are available for any number of people interested. Near the museum there are the remains of the ancient Rusenikhinsky settlement and an observation deck with wonderful view to the Vetluzhskie distance. The museum itself is located in an ordinary village house. Close to the museum and on observation deck There are stands with a description and map of the route of the ethno-ecological trail, which you can follow if you wish.

Museum opening hours(data for 2014): Tuesday-Friday from 11 to 17 hours (lunch 13-14 hours), Sunday from 14 to 16 hours. Saturday and Monday are days off.
Phones 8-908-7213166, 8-904-9097875.

Excursions to Svetloyar from Nizhny Novgorod

What to see in Svetloyar

History of Lake Svetloyar

Svetloyar is one of the most legendary and mysterious lakes in Russia: scientists have still not come to a consensus regarding its origin. The legend about the miraculous immersion of the city of Kitezh in its waters, which did not surrender to Batu Khan, formed the basis of Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera “The Legend of invisible city Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia” served as material for paintings by Vasnetsov, Nesterov, and Roerich.

The Legend of the City of Kitezh

A long time ago, even before the advent of the Tatars, Grand Duke Georgy Vsevolodovich built the city of Maly Kitezh (present-day Gorodets) on the Volga, and then, “crossing the quiet and rusty rivers Uzola, Sandu and Kerzhenets,” he went to Lunda and Svetloyar for “very beautiful "The place where the city of Kitezh Bolshoi was located. This is how the glorious Kitezh city appeared on the shore of the lake. Six domes of churches towered in the center of the city. And Greater Kitezh was great and famous.

But the black year came - Batya’s invasion swept across Rus'. In 1238, after the destruction of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, Batu Khan set up a camp on the City River. After another unequal battle, Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich with the remnants of his troops retreated to Maly Kitezh. However, Batu took it by storm, and the prince and the remnants of his army miraculously managed to escape to Greater Kitezh. The Mongol-Tatars burned Little Kitezh, filled it with blood, and tortured the prisoners: where is Big Kitezh, in which the prince took refuge, how to find the way there? One of them could not stand the torment - he led his enemies through the Trans-Volga taiga. But Kitezh, when it was surrounded by enemies, did not surrender to them: its inhabitants prayed to God, and he protected them. The city sank down, and it was covered from above by earthen caps - hills and a lake. Horror seized the enemies, and they fled away from this miracle.

Now there is a path to the lake, which is called the Batu Trail. It can lead to glorious city Kitezh, but not for everyone, but only for those who are pure in heart and soul. Since then, the city has been invisible, but intact, and the especially righteous can see the lights of religious processions in the depths of the lake and hear the ringing of its bells.

In fact, the great depth of Lake Svetloyar (up to 36 m), its oval shape with a funnel-shaped bottom, and the purity of the water make the origin of this lake mysterious and were the basis for the widespread belief about its karst origin. However, studies carried out in the area of ​​Lake Svetloyar by the geological survey party of the Gorky geological exploration expedition did not confirm this. An almost 300-meter well drilled near the lake showed that to a depth of about 250 meters there are no rocks susceptible to karst. This quarter-kilometer thickness is represented mainly by rocks such as loams, clays, sandstones, and marls. And the deeper-lying limestones, gypsum, and anhydrites are not affected by karst processes. The expedition's research led to the conclusion that Svetloyar is a remnant of the ancient bed of the Lunda River (the right tributary of the Vetluga), half a kilometer from which it is located. The lake has a flow into Lyunda and abundant spring feeding, which explains the purity and freshness of its water.

Kibelek Key and the Tomb of the Three Saints

As you go up to the church on the hill, you will see a path to the right of the church and a sign “Kibelek Key”. The path will lead to the barrier. Behind the barrier you need to go right along highway. The road through the field will lead to the forest. Then go into the forest along the same road. There are signs along the way. Soon the road will end and there will be a path. Walk along the path - platforms should appear on the path. Follow them all the way to the spring. The distance from Lake Svetloyar to the Kibelek spring is about 2 km. The water in the Kibelek spring is holy.

History of the Kibelek key and the tombs of the three saints

According to legend, a battle between the Kitezh squad and the Tatars took place in this place. Three Kitezh heroes died here in an unequal battle, defending the Russian land.

There is also a well here, the water from which is also considered holy, and nearby there are three crosses in memory of the fallen soldiers. A little further, in the forest, there is a clearing with three graves of warriors. From these graves, believers take earth, which helps to heal from various ailments.