Giant human bones - fact or fiction. Skeletons of giants. How sensations are falsified. Kentucky Giant - Museum Exhibit

"...a gentle giant, a giant of giants,
great of nature, but with the kindest nature
and a heart as true and tender as ever beat."
William J. Day

Sometimes you need to be silent. No one needs it, you. So I’m silent. To clenched jaws, which you remember only when your facial muscles begin to cramp... But here it fell out of the Chinese Internet, and it’s a pity to ignore it, because it’s so interesting. I'm sharing.

So, the second half of the 19th century, Jiangxi province ( according to other sources - Fujian province), Wuyuan County, Hong Guan Village, where Zhang Shichai ( 詹世釵; the pro-Southern British called him Chang Woo Gow), a man known as the "Giant of China". Legend has it that just a month after birth he weighed as much as a six-year-old child, and at the age of two he was of such impressive height that his mother had to justify herself to unwitting witnesses as to why this big baby was suddenly asking for the breast...

With my first wife.

European citizens, eager for a show, found it in 1865 at an ink factory somewhere near Shanghai and decided to take it around the world like a curiosity ( his height by that time was 2.48 cm). They got to the point that Zhang learned ten (!) foreign languages, cut his braid, put on a frock coat and even got himself a British wife - Catherine Santley from Liverpool, who bore him three children.

After retiring, ahem, from the scene, around 1878, Mr. Shichai opened a Chinese tea shop, the Oriental Bazaar, in Bournemouth, selling antiques, Chinese bronzes and silks along the way. He died in 1893, outliving his wife by four months. In the title of the obituary they wrote: death of a famous giant.

Some sources indicate that Zhang's height was 319 cm, but this is not true; the reason for the discrepancies lies in the difference in the translation of measures - Chinese and English.

As contemporaries assured, Zhang’s abnormal growth was not a consequence of illness. According to the giant Han's fellow countrymen, both his father and his brothers were all over two meters tall. Their family’s house was called “the house of the giants”, 长人之家 ( It’s interesting that from Chinese into Russian the wordtranslated both “high” and “long”; "house of the long people" J).

But there were other giants in China in the 19th century...

The Chinese write that in this photo from 1876 we see a nameless Qing giant and a nameless Englishman, but in fact it is the Chinese giant Chonkwicsee and companions. Photographer - A. U. Burman.

1894, Yunnan Province, giant Zhang Yanming 常严明, 2.41 m tall. Photographer - Australian J. E. Morrison.

1900, Jiangsu province. Giant Lika Erdun with photographer James.

Bonus: comparison of Zhang Shichai with famous Chinese basketball players - Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian.

People's ability to believe in miracles has long been a reliable source of income for various types of scammers. This time the forger was not chasing a long dollar - he worked for the love of art...

In this article I would like to analyze in detail the fairly large-scale falsification of the last decade. Its essence is that archaeologists allegedly find the remains of giant people all over the Earth, up to 2, 3, 4 and even 10 meters tall. This has become a tasty morsel for lovers of various kinds of sensations and conspiracy theories. Many sites, starting with those who simply love sensations of any kind (very “yellow” sites), and ending with sites of a creationist orientation, are actively publishing more and more photographs of the found “remains”, “exposing the theory of evolution of official science” by demonstrating these same “ photographs of giants. Immediately, lovers of everything mystical and mysterious began to put forward versions that it was he who built the pyramids, placed the stones of Stonehenge - in a word, created all the ancient Wonders of the World, which were supposedly beyond the power of an ordinary person.

It is not surprising that in our time people believe, to put it mildly, unreliable rumors. I want secrets, I want riddles, even where there are none. What is surprising is not that there are lovers of sensations, but how many of them there are. By typing the query “giant skeleton” into Google, we will see a sea of ​​sites where photographs of “remains” are posted; hundreds of people enthusiastically write in the comments: “now I believe!” and curse modern science for hiding the truth.

Adding powder to the fire is the fact that in some religions and myths of antiquity giants and giants are mentioned. “So here it is, the lost link!” - gullible people exclaim. Meanwhile, using false facts to prove any hypothesis, even the most correct one, can only ruin both your reputation and the credibility of the hypothesis.

Let's look at what these amazing “photos” are and where they came from. Let's start with the very first and most famous of them.

Return to the valley of the giants is a photo montage depicting an archaeological excavation of a giant humanoid skeleton, which took third place in the 2002 graphic design competition “Archaeological Anomalies 2”, which was held on the website www.worth1000. com. . Soon after its publication, the photo was widely circulated on the Internet and, with accompanying articles, was published by some media as evidence of the existence of an ancient race of giants, references to which are contained in the Bible and the myths of many peoples. After the misunderstanding was discovered, the author of the photomontage, known under the pseudonym IronKite, gained some fame in the communities of graphic designers and researchers of anomalous phenomena.


In 2004, a photograph from an archaeological excavation of a giant humanoid skeleton circulated on the Internet and some print media. Based on the size of the archaeologists’ figures in the same photograph, the length of the skeleton was estimated at 18-24 meters. The first online reports claimed that the discovery was made in the desert in western India by a National Geographic expedition. According to the source, the excavation area is cordoned off by the Indian army, and all details are classified. The report also spoke of the discovery of stone tablets with ancient inscriptions in Sanskrit, according to which the skeletons belonged to the mythical giants Rakshasas, who challenged the gods and were destroyed by them.

Another version of this story was published on April 24, 2004 in the Bangladeshi newspaper The New Nation. According to this newspaper, the discovery was made in the desert in southeastern Saudi Arabia by a Saudi Aramco search team searching for natural gas deposits. It was also alleged that tablets with inscriptions in Arabic were found in the burial, according to which the remains belonged to representatives ancient tribe Aad, the descendants of the Old Testament prophet Noah mentioned in the Bible and the Koran. The tribe defied the plans of Allah and was destroyed by him. The location of the discovery was cordoned off by Saudi troops; the photo was taken from a military helicopter.

Similar articles were published in the March 2007 issue of Hindu Voice, an Indian magazine published in Mumbai, and subsequently in several other print media.

Basic photography examination done by the study center paranormal phenomena Rationalist International discovered that there are no independent sources of information about the find, and the image itself bears traces of software processing using a graphic editor. The most obvious sign of a fake was the different direction and intensity of the shadows cast by the giant skeleton and the objects surrounding it. A more detailed study showed that the photo is a montage of fragments of several images. Apparently, this was a photograph of a real archaeological excavation, in central part which contains an enlarged image of a human skeleton.

Subsequently, the source of the photomontage was identified.

Society spokesman James Owen conducted the investigation. And I found, pardon the pun, “where the legs grow from” on this skeleton.
As the investigation showed, the photograph of the giant came from the famous website, where a graphic design competition called “Archaeological Anomalies” was held. The goal of the competition participants was to create images illustrating fictional archaeological finds. The site publishes works of various types, ranging from frankly humorous to high-quality imitations of photographs of archaeological excavations. The author of the work is a Canadian illustrator known under the pseudonym IronKite (Russian: iron kite), told National Geographic magazine in an email that he did not intend to mislead anyone. However, the image fell on fertile ground - many have no doubt that giants once lived on Earth.

Here is a direct link to the work itself with Giants by IronKite on the website

Soon one of the original photographs was discovered, which served as material for editing. It was taken on September 16, 2000 in the town of Hyde Park, New York, where a paleontological group at Cornell University led by Professor John Chiment was excavating the remains of a mastodon aged 14 to 11 thousand years

The National Geographic Society, created back in 1888 in the USA, is one of the oldest in the world. Since that time, it has been publishing the famous National Geographic magazine. And now, keeping up with the times, he also publishes news on the Internet every day on his National Geographic News portal.
Society is the most authoritative organization. They trust her. This is why there are a lot of people who believe that the photos of a giant skeleton that have been circulating on the Internet for several years are authentic. They excite the imagination and make one believe in conspiracies of scientists against civilization. After all, the discovery of the gigantic skeleton is “hung” specifically on the geographical society. Allegedly, its specialists participated in the excavations.

Any sane person can easily guess that the photos are fake, says National Geographic News illustration editor Sebastian John. “However, we regularly receive requests that come in the hundreds by email from all over the world. Like, tell me, what kind of skeleton is this? Is it true that they found it? Where is he now? Is it hidden from prying eyes?

National Geographic could not resist, and in 2007 published a refutation of these photographs - but things are still there. More and more “remains” are being created, and I would not be surprised if they tell me: “Well, look, there are so many photographs! It can’t all be fake!” Alas, all this is really the fruit of the creativity of people who masterfully (and sometimes very poorly) use Photoshop. And the beginning of this story surprisingly coincides with the publication of creativity on The multitude of photographs can easily be explained by the multitude of “workers” looking for “remains” in the Photoshop environment.

The pioneer IronKite seems to have attracted followers. And now the Internet is full of giant skeletons.

These classic "photos of giants" are now literally circulating from one yellow site to another, via email, blogs and forums to excite the imagination of the ignorant man in the street.

Many do not doubt the authenticity of the images. In fact, the "giant skeleton" is not a photograph of a real discovery. However, observations suggest that the high quality of the fake images, coupled with the vaguely plausible explanations that accompany them, is apparently sufficient to convince many recipients. that the “discoveries” are genuine.

By the way, IronKite’s work was even shown on YouTube. The video's creator is using IronKite's giant skeleton, along with other dubious images, as "proof" that giants once lived on Earth. The well-documented image deception, in addition to the number of logical flaws, has caused the series to be bagged by YouTube users.

Even if you believe that a race of giants existed on Earth, you can be sure that these photographs do not reflect some of their remains. They take their original origins from the Worth1000 competition, and the image's status as a purely fictional "archaeological discovery" is understandable.

Not only do objects cast shadows in different directions, but the skeleton does not fit into the panorama of the image at all due to the difference in angles. The skeleton lacks perspective, most likely due to the fact that the source was a photograph of an ordinary skeleton, shot vertically, while the landscape in which it was placed was shot at an angle with perspective.

A giant Atlas skeleton has been found in the ocean again!

1. The color border on the left side of the photo immediately catches your eye. The skeleton is simply pasted onto a background with a coral reef.

2. The lower right part of the school of fish is translucent - this indicates a low professional level of the photoshopper. Instead of carefully cutting out the fish onto a new layer, he applied feathering and reduced the layer's opacity.

3. And as always, symmetry violations. The size of the skull is disproportionate to the size of the femurs. Apparently, to emphasize the size of the skeleton, the skull was enlarged.

A seasoned photoshopper who knows his job worked here. He got burned because of his ignorance of the anatomy of the human body. The vertebrae are too large for the size of the skull.

The edges of a black and white image of a skeleton pasted into the pit can be clearly seen. In addition, the quality of the source image with skeletons is much worse than the main image, this is especially noticeable when enlarging

Verdict: a good craft in Photoshop.

Allegedly, various finds of giant skulls, which themselves are very mediocre fakes, when compared with images, provide more information

This is the same normal size skull, if we take both skulls and compare them as shown in the picture, we will see that they are identical. Even if we imagine for a second that these are the same excavations, then why did the skull change its size by 3 times? .

On the left in the photograph, the skull is larger than the sitting person, and if we take into account that the person is closer to us than the skull, then in reality the skull would be even larger.
On the right we also see a skull, but this time it is significantly smaller than a sitting person, while the skull is in the foreground, if it is placed next to a person it will be 2 times smaller.

In the left picture, the skull literally sank into the plane of the earth; the frame hanging in the air is no less smiling. Besides, where has it been seen that unique finds are literally trampled under boots?

Verdict: not the best fakes of a giant, using an ordinary skull.

Considering the various options for fake giants, I became curious if I could repeat something similar using only the most basic skills in the graphics program Adobe Photoshop. I decided to create several similar images.

As you can see, creating something like this is not difficult

Note: “Photos of giants” floating around the Internet are distinguished by their individuality. You won't find a "photo of a giant's skeleton" taken several times from different angles. Single images everywhere. I can’t believe that such a unique find was taken only once from one position. This once again confirms the individuality of the work on producing “photographs of giants.” The creators from the site simply did not have the goal of misleading the public, so each of them limited themselves to a single work. It is not surprising that the network does not have diverse images of at least one giant, “shot” from different angles. Moreover, creating such an image is much more difficult.

Another fact is not in favor of the giants. Giant human bones are not exhibited in any museum in the world. But enthusiasts led by historian Michael Baigent, author of the acclaimed book “Forbidden Archaeology,” blame representatives of traditional science for this. They say they hid unique finds on purpose. Move away from sin. Because otherwise we would have to change our views on evolution, and on the entire history of mankind.

The entire absurdity of this “argument” can be realized after reading the article
Pseudoscience as it is

Often from parascientific works one can learn about certain “forbidden” discoveries that pose a threat to established ideas and are therefore hidden from the public.
Without exception, all such messages are fiction. A researcher who stumbles upon something truly remarkable will strive to report his discovery in order to immortalize his name for centuries. If for some reason he delays publication, envious colleagues will certainly not miss the opportunity to attribute the discovery to themselves. Even if the government intervenes, for some reason wanting to hide the truth, then unfriendly states, having found out the secret with the help of their intelligence services, will immediately stop this attempt.

And yet there is something gigantic in museums - teeth. They look almost human, but are 6 times larger than ours. First discovered in 1935 by the Dutch paleontologist Koenigswald in... one of the pharmacies in Hong Kong. According to estimates, their owners should weigh 350-400 kilograms.
Many “giantists” still “show off” these teeth, attributing them to mythical giants - the predecessors of people. However, it is known that in 1956 in Southern China, in the Guangxi province, archaeologists dug up three huge jaws with exactly the same teeth. And they determined that they belonged to apes - the so-called Gigantopithecus. Yes, these primates were huge - almost four meters tall. Sort of like mini King Kongs. But not by people.

What about myths?

Giant enthusiasts continue to trumpet the former existence of giants; they first of all refer to countless myths. Naturally, it is difficult to find a people who would not have written legends about giants - just listing their national names would take up an entire book page.
What about myths? Here are lines from the Bible: “At that time there were giants on the earth, especially from the time when the sons of God began to come in to the daughters of men, and they began to give birth...”
Elsewhere in the Bible, the “report” of the spies sent by Moses to Palestine is given: “... There we saw giants..., from a giant race; and we were... before them like locusts...”.

Another argument is the strange cyclopean buildings. And the most amazing of them is the Baalbek Terrace in Lebanon, located about a hundred kilometers from Beirut. At its base, archaeologists discovered monolithic stone blocks measuring 21 by 5 by 4 meters. Some weigh 800 tons. And they are fitted so neatly that it is difficult to even insert a needle between the edges. Who else but the giant tilers was able to lay them?

However, according to skeptics, Baalbek is not the best argument in favor of the existence of giants, says anthropologist Andrei Grinevsky. - Yes, no one can yet explain how the 800-ton stone blocks were laid. But it is naive to assume that they were carried by 20-meter giants. With such growth, a maximum of six people can grab the monolith. Total, more than 100 tons “per brother”. Don't lift it.

There are huge footprints, the most famous of which is located in South Africa. It was found by local farmer Stoffel Coetzee at the beginning of the last century. A “left foot print” is imprinted into the almost vertical wall to a depth of approximately 12 centimeters. Its length is 1m 28 centimeters. They claim that it was “inherited” by a man about 10 meters tall. Came here hundreds of millions of years ago, when the rock was soft. Then it froze, turned into granite and stood upright due to geological processes.
In my opinion, the footprint only looks like a human one. But there are no undeniable signs. It could have been left behind by a stone that later fell out. And a dinosaur.

What if giants really lived on Earth?

Excavations indicate that there was a time when giants lived on Earth. And not lizards, but mammals. Some became extinct long ago - during the last ice age. Others - much later - about a thousand years BC. And people could see them
Giant short-faced bear,
living in Alaska and Chukotka, reached almost 5 meters if he stood on his hind legs. By the way, I ran on them at a speed of almost 70 kilometers per hour.

The 5-ton giant sloth was no less fast-moving than the bear.

And beavers and rats grew to the size of the current hippopotamus. In a word, gigantism is not alien to nature. So why should people be an exception?

The answer lies in the very structure and proportions of the human body. If you look at typical representatives of giants (dinosaurs, elephants and others), they all have one thing in common: a horizontal spine, a relatively small head, and the center of mass is concentrated in the lower part of the body.

The legs of a typical mammal support the weight of its body, and as the animal's mass increases, the strength of the support must correspondingly increase. Let us assume that all the linear dimensions of the animal have doubled. The mass of such an enlarged animal will then increase 8 times, i.e., like a cube of linear dimensions, which should affect the strength of the supporting structures. To prevent these structures from collapsing, their cross-sectional area must increase in proportion to the eightfold increase in load, but if all dimensions are simply doubled, the cross-sectional area of ​​the bones will only increase by a factor of four. This is clearly not enough, and in order to support eight times the increased weight, the bones must increase disproportionately.

A threefold increase in linear dimensions gives a 27-fold increase in mass, and the cross-sectional area of ​​the bone must be increased by a factor of 27.

Measurements of the ultimate strength of mammalian bones of different masses from 0.05 to 700 kg (14,000-fold difference) did not reveal any significant differences (233 ± 53 MN/m2 in small animals and 200 ± 28 in large animals) (Biewener, 1982) .

Moreover, the mass of a mammal’s skeleton does not fit into schemes that take into account only gravitational loads. During movement, forces always arise due to acceleration or braking, which twist and bend the skeleton, and its elements must withstand these forces and not break primarily under the influence of bending.

Those. if a person has linear dimensions of 20 meters (i.e. more than 10 times larger than normal), then his volume (and mass) increases 1000 (10 cubed) times, i.e. it weighs about 80 tons (80,000 kg). And this is not compatible with life, because he will simply be crushed (even in a supine position, the chest will collapse) under our gravity.

Thus... Yes, there may be giants, but they will not look like people, and their skeletons will not look like human ones. Let's give another simple example. If a person with a height of 180 cm and a weight of 80 kg is increased four times to 720 cm, then his weight will be 5120 kg, and bones with such dimensions in human proportions will be optimally adapted only to 1280 kg, that is, the additional mass above the optimal will be 3840 kg (i.e. the area the cross-section of the bones will increase by 16 times, but the body weight will increase by 64 times), the bones simply cannot withstand such an overload, this is equivalent to the fact that a person 180 cm tall and weighing 80 kg, with the same muscles and bones, will hang a load of 240 kg for life, and what will happen to his joints and spine? What I mean is that with gigantic sizes, the cross-section of the bones should be proportionally much larger, depending on the magnification factor. Therefore, if there were human giants, then their skeletons will look completely different from the photoshopped photos from the sites of Photoshop enthusiasts. That's all. Well, the skeletons of giants were actually found - these are dinosaurs that, despite such dimensions, had powerful bones and could not do without a tail, and their center of gravity was completely different, as was the principle of constructing a skeleton for such a mass.

What do giants get sick with?

In ancient times, myths and legends associated high growth with some kind of superpowers, and “giants” have always enjoyed great respect. However, according to doctors, high growth can result in poor health, and this is especially true for women. The tallest woman in the world, Sandy Allen, recently died at the age of just 53 - and she, alas, suffered from many chronic diseases.

American Sandy Allen's height was 2 meters 32 centimeters - that is, three centimeters higher than the famous Chinese basketball player Yao Ming.

She was only slightly inferior to the other tallest people in the world - Ukrainian Leonid Stadnik (2 meters 53 centimeters) and Tunisian Radhuan Charbib (2 meters 36 centimeters). The cause of Allen's death is still unknown, but in the hospital where she was, she was given numerous dangerous diagnoses.

These include diabetes, susceptibility to infections and kidney failure. In addition, she had difficulty walking, so she spent the last years of her life in a wheelchair.

A person is destroyed by gravity - after all, his muscles and bones are simply not adapted for such growth. In such people, the proportions of the skull are disturbed, the feet and hands increase to enormous sizes, the tongue becomes huge - and because of this, giants very often suffer from shortness of breath.


Today on the Internet it is not difficult to come across sites full of bright headlines about the discovery of the millennium, about a hidden sensation. Demand creates supply. People believe, to put it mildly, unreliable rumors that excite the imagination. I want secrets, I want riddles, even where there are none. What is surprising is not that there are lovers of sensations, but how many of them there are.

However, if you carefully approach the issue of giants under consideration, carry out an analysis of information and elementary logical calculations, an unambiguous conclusion arises that, for certain reasons, the existence of people of gigantic stature is simply impossible, it is not surprising that real evidence there is no former existence of giants. Just myths, dubious evidence and fraud.

At different periods, gigantic remains were discovered all over the world, each of which was immediately credited with the title of the largest human skeleton in the world. Dozens of photographs of the largest skeletons are circulating online, but there is fierce debate about their authenticity. Nevertheless, there are several finds of the largest human skeletons in the world, the origin of which is beyond doubt.

Top 10 largest human skeletons in the world

There are many legends about giants, whose remains are supposedly discovered in different parts of the world. However, most of these messages are fake and do not reflect the real state of affairs.

Big skull

The top 10 giant remains include:

  1. The Castelnau giant is the largest bone in the world.
  2. 18 skeletons in Wisconsin - a mysterious story of archaeologists.
  3. Giant skull from Peru - there are alternative versions.
  4. A five-meter skeleton from Australia is a discovery of recent years.
  5. The Roman giant is simply tall by today's standards.
  6. Cemetery of Giants in China - considered giants in the Medieval world.
  7. The giantess from Poland is an unusual woman of the Middle Ages.
  8. The giant from Kentucky is not the tallest, but he is famous.
  9. Robert Wadlow is a giant of our time.
  10. Irish giant- against his last wishes, in the museum.

The Giant of Castelnau is one of the giants of France

The expression "Giant of Castelnau" refers to three parts of the incredibly large human skeleton: the humerus, the tibia, and the femur. According to scientists, the finds were located in a Bronze Age mound, possibly dating back to the Neolithic era. According to archaeologists working on the excavation, the skeleton found may belong to one of the largest people in the world ever known to exist. Based on the size of the skeletal bones of this large man, scientists estimate that he could have been about 3.5 meters tall.

Photo of the remains of the giant from Castelnau

One of the largest human skeletons in the world was discovered by anthropologist Georges Vache de Lapouge in the Bronze Age cemetery at Castelnau-les-Lezes in France in the winter of 1890. The volumes of the bones were more than twice the size of normal skeletal parts. Judging by the usual spacing of anatomical points, they were also nearly twice the length of a normal skeleton.

The bones of the giant from Castelnau were studied at the University of Montpellier and examined by professor of zoology M. Sabatier and professor of paleontology M. Delage, as well as other anatomists. In 1892, the bones were carefully studied by Dr. Paul Louis André Keener, professor of pathological anatomy at the Montpellier Medical School, who recognized that they represented "a very high race." However, he called them abnormal in size and hypothesized that such a large size of the human skeleton was caused by disease.

It is of interest that in 1894 press reports mentioned a further discovery of bones of human giants discovered in a prehistoric cemetery in Montpellier. Skulls "28, 31 and 32 inches in circumference" were found along with other bones of gigantic size, indicating that they belonged to a race of people ranging in height from 305 to 457 cm, but there is no real evidence for this.

18 skeletons in Wisconsin - number is in doubt

In 1912, the New York Times reported the discovery of 18 of the world's largest human skeletons. archaeological excavations near Lake Delavan in Wisconsin. Their heights ranged from 231 to 304 cm, and their skulls were much larger than those of any race inhabiting America today. They had a double row of teeth, 6 fingers and toes.

Pictured are skeletons of giants from Wisconsin.

Many reports say that the largest human skeletons were sent to the Smithsonian Institution, but officials at the institution deny these claims.

Giant skull from Peru - a dark story with DNA

In one of the Peruvian forests, scientist Renato Davila Riquelm found one of the largest skeletons known to the world. The bones of the giant are still kept in the Privado Ritos Andinos Museum in Peru: every visitor to the exhibition can see them.

Large skeleton found in Peru considered alien

Scientists around the world have conducted DNA tests based on materials from this skeleton, but reliable data on their results has never been made public. This gives rise to a number of theories about the alien origin of the largest skeleton.

Is the five-meter skeleton from Australia a fake?

A giant human skeleton, reaching 5.3 meters in height, was discovered near the ancient ruins of the only megalithic civilization, discovered in Australia, making the discovery twice as surprising. “Theoretically, a five-meter hominid cannot exist. But how then is this possible? While this discovery is exciting, we are left with more questions than answers,” admits Professor Hans Zimmer from the University of Adelaide.

The world's largest skeleton may be a fake

Some experts have hypothesized that who lived in ancient world the person could suffer from an extreme case of gigantism: a condition caused by overproduction of growth hormones. Another part of researchers and ordinary Internet users are inclined to believe that this news is fake, so the photo of the giant is carefully studied.

Roman giant - records of the past

At 202 centimeters tall, the man was considered a giant in third-century AD Rome, where men averaged about 167 centimeters tall. However, today such growth characteristics are not surprising, because in modern world the tallest person is 251 centimeters tall.

Nevertheless, such skeletons are discovered extremely rarely, because the fact of gigantism itself is rare: today only about three people per million worldwide suffer from this disease. Changes begin in childhood when malfunctioning pituitary gland causes abnormal growth.

Skeletal bones of a Roman giant

The unusual skeleton was found in 1991 during excavations in the necropolis of Fidenae, an area administered by Rome. Even at the time of the initial excavations, the archaeological department of Rome, which led the project, noted that the found human tomb was abnormally long. However, it was only during a later anthropological examination that the bones were also recognized as unusual. Soon after, they were sent for further analysis to the team of Simon Minozzi, who led this archaeological research. To find out whether the skeleton had gigantism, the team examined the bones and found evidence of skull changes that were consistent with a pituitary tumor. It destroys the organ by causing an excess of human growth hormone.

Cemetery of Giants in China - large for the period

In 2016, archaeologists began excavating a late Neolithic settlement at Jiaojia in China - a village in Chinese province Shandong. They found many interesting finds there - including the ruins of 104 houses, 205 graves and 20 sacrificial pits - but the latest discovery took experts by surprise. According to scientist Mark Molloy, the bodies of several men ranging in height from 152 to 190 centimeters were discovered in a cemetery in Jiaojia. At first glance, even the minimum numbers may not seem like much, but in fact men would have been exceptionally tall during the period in which they lived.

5,000-year-old human skeletons from China

The remains, dating back to around 5,000 years ago, were buried in large graves. One of the people found in the cemetery was even taller than his leggy peers: based on the size of the large skeleton, scientists concluded that this person was about 1.9 meters tall. The people at Jiaojia Cemetery would have seemed giants to the average person 5,000 years ago. In Europe, by comparison, the average height of the Neolithic population was about 1.67 meters.

A giantess from Poland - the difficult fate of an unknown giantess

In 2016, archaeologists discovered a large skeleton of a medieval giantess - a 219 cm tall woman. Mysterious remains from the 12th century were discovered buried next to a church on the island of Ostrów Lednicki in Poland. This large skeleton also had one of the largest human skulls ever found.

The largest female skeleton found in Poland

Researchers analyzing what remains of the woman's skeleton say she lived short life, full of past injuries and illnesses:

  • the giantess suffered from acromegaly, a rare condition associated with the overproduction of growth hormone from the pituitary gland, which makes the bones of the head especially large;
  • her spine also showed signs of degenerative joint disease, likely as a result of her enormous growth and body weight.

The location of her burial in the cemetery is also curious. While the heads of all other bodies were buried facing west, her head was located towards the east. Both of her arms were bent rather than fully extended.

Kentucky Giant - Museum Exhibit

The Mütter Museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, founded in 1858 thanks to the generous donation of Thomas Dent Mütter, has an amazing display of human body parts and medical equipment. The collection was originally intended to be used as teaching aid for surgical students, which is why it is so unusual. Since its founding, the museum has opened its doors to the public so that those interested can view various bones, organs and unusual creatures, as well as ancient medical equipment.

In the photo, Queen Elizabeth examines a large skeleton from Kentucky.

Undoubtedly, one of the most impressive objects is the largest human skeleton on display in North America. The skeleton, nicknamed the "American Giant" or "Kentucky Giant", measures an impressive 232 cm and is displayed alongside another skeleton of normal height, as well as the skeleton of a dwarf named Mary Ashberry.

Robert Wadlow - a devastating disease

The largest human skeleton in the world, the authenticity of which is certainly not in doubt, was “found” inside a man named Robert Wadlow, the tallest recorded person in history. His height reached a height of 2.72 m, and his weight was more than 200 kg at the time of death: the numerous photographs of this man are truly impressive. He had a problem with his pituitary gland, which caused his skeleton to become so large.

The one in the photo big man world height 2.72 m

Surely many people believe that giants are extremely strong, but most of them are actually quite fragile: the large height and weight of a person does not correspond to the normal load-bearing properties of the human skeleton. So the man with the largest skeleton, Wadlow, died at the age of 22.

Irish giant - controversy surrounding remains

Born in Northern Ireland In the 18th century, a boy named Byrne began to develop rapidly physically during his teenage years. He soon reached a fairly high height of 235 cm, which made him famous all over the world and provided numerous mentions in the media. After gaining fame, he set off with a friend across the Irish Sea in search of fame and fortune, discovering his remarkable human curiosity.

The largest skeleton comes from the 18th century

According to the memoirs of Dr. Thomas Muinzer, who researched Byrne's life, there were many remarkable reports in the newspapers of that time about how he lit his pipe from lamps in the streets in Edinburgh because he was so tall. He arrived in London in his early 20s and continued to exhibit himself in public, collecting a tidy income as crowds flocked to witness his gigantic stature for themselves. Lifetime images of the giant have been preserved, but in the photo you can only see his skeleton.

Documents from the time reported that he told friends he wanted to be buried at sea out of fear that surgeons might locate his body if he was buried in the cemetery. However, despite this, after his death his remains were taken to London Museum Royal College of Surgeons, where they were reduced to bare bones. Despite calls from scientists and human rights activists to honor Byrne's last wishes, his large skeleton remains on public display.


The Bible, Vedas and myths of various peoples mention a race of giants who once inhabited our planet. Ancient legends say that these were Atlantean giants who relied on their physical strength and challenged higher beings or God. For which the heavens punished this race by wiping it off the face of the Earth. Many "grammarists" who wished to interpret sacred texts literally, constantly sought evidence for these quotations. From time to time, people came across huge vertebrae or fragments of other large remains. These finds gave food for speculation that these were giant human skeletons.

Adherents of the extraterrestrial (extraterrestrial) hypothesis also made their contribution. But the public’s interest in the ancient giants was further fueled by pseudo-scientific publications, which from time to time published articles about supposedly sensational discoveries. In order not to be branded as unfounded, they also published photographs from the discovery site, which clearly showed the skeletons of giant people. The photos showed the resting remains of a well-preserved giant, and next to him were small figures of archaeologists. Based on the average height of modern people looking at such a photograph, one can easily imagine the height of the deceased - about 20 meters.

However, a strange trend is alarming. Despite various regions, in which the skeletons of giant people were allegedly found - India, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Greece, South Africa, Portugal and Kenya - everything followed the same pattern. The remains were stumbled across by chance, during geological exploration or while laying roads. The military immediately arrived at the excavation site, cordoned off the region and hid the find from the eyes of the general public. Therefore, in the hands of scientists there was no other evidence left except for a photograph taken from a helicopter.

At the same time, both articles and photographs allegedly confirming the findings multiplied. The gigantic ones were either three meters, then eight, then a record 24. Moreover (as if photographs were not enough) clay tablets began to be found at the burial sites - either in Sanskrit or in Arabic - stating that the giants belonged to one or another mentioned in Vedas or Bible. The inscriptions, naturally, were also confiscated by the evil military, who for some reason were interested in hiding the historical truth.

Finally, National Geographic conducted its own investigation of one of the images in 2007. It turned out that the background for the excavations, during which giant human skeletons were found, was an archaeological expedition from Cornell University. However, in fact, in the town of Hyde Park, New York, on September 16, 2000, scientists found not the remains of an ancient giant, but fragments of the skeleton... of a mastodon that lived 13 thousand years ago.

Soon the author of the “sensational photograph” was discovered. It turned out to be a certain Iron Kite. Moreover, this man did not want to mislead anyone. He simply submitted his photomontage to a graphic design competition held by one of the websites. And he even won an award there - third place. Various Photoshop masters took part in the competition, presenting their works to the jury - from frankly funny to such “almost serious”. In 2007 the National Geographical Society issued a statement that no remains of giants had been found, that giant human skeletons were a myth and a falsification of esotericists.

Legends about giants are spread all over the world. In the epics of many nations, three-meter-tall people are mentioned. Some believe that giant structures like the English Stonehenge are the graves of giants buried at colossal depths. Throughout human history, evidence has been found that incredibly tall people actually lived on Earth in ancient times.

Race of giants

Thus, in 1931, the imprint of a gigantic human foot was discovered in Mexico City. The existence of a race of giants is also evidenced by eyewitness accounts who traveled in Patagonia (South America) in the 16th century.

A huge copper ax weighing about 30 kilograms was found in an ancient burial ground in Ohio (USA). Another ax was found stuck in the ground in the US state of Wisconsin. Its weight and size leave no doubt - only a very tall person, who also had remarkable strength, could operate such a tool. This ax is now in the collection of the Missouri Historical Society.

During excavations in Siberia in the 60s, Soviet archaeologists became the owners of another unique find: dinosaur bones with a huge arrowhead sticking out of them.

Footprints in the sand

Not far from the city of Carson City (Nevada, USA), prints of a whole chain of footprints of bare feet were discovered in sandstone. The prints are very clear, and even a non-specialist can see that these are human footprints. The only thing that confuses scientists is the length of the foot, forever imprinted in sandstone, is almost 60 centimeters! The age of the find is about 248 million years!

But the imprint of a human foot discovered in Turkmenistan is 150 million years old. Scientists testify that the foot of our distant ancestor is different from the foot modern man only by its incredible size. Next to this print there is a clear trace of a three-toed dinosaur paw! All this indicates only one thing - our ancestors could well have been giants. They existed in prehistoric times and hunted giant lizards, which looked not so huge next to these people.

The Man from Wilmington and the Giant from Cern

And images of giant people can be found in almost all countries. The most famous of them are the giants of Britain. These are the 70-meter “Man from Wilmington” (Sussex County) and the 50-meter “Giant from Cern” (Doroeth County), the figures of the giants are located on the chalk hills. The ancient people removed the turf and grass there in such a way that the white base of the hills was exposed. The white outline of huge human figures is clearly visible against the green background when viewed from an airplane.

Residents of Atlantis

So who were these giant people? According to anthropologists, powerful people distinguished by their gigantic growth, or, as they are commonly called, Atlanteans, inhabited America, Europe, Asia Minor and the South Caucasus in prehistoric times.

The “Caucasian branch” of the Atlantean civilization, whose heyday was in the tenth millennium BC, was adjacent to the Aryan tribes in the north who settled in Eastern Europe, the Black Sea region and the Volga region.

Six thousand years ago, the Aryans moved to Western Asia and India. In the Black Sea region they encountered the Atlanteans. The civilized Atlanteans, who, judging by the myths, did not even eat meat, began to be crowded out by barbarians. This is apparently where the legends about the fight against the titans came from. So the history of the Atlanteans before the flood is a century of struggle with the Aryans.

Amazing ending

Scientists determine the date of the flood as 3247 BC. It was because of this monstrous catastrophe that Atlantis perished.

A terrible earthquake destroyed the Dardanelles Isthmus, and the waters of the Mediterranean flooded the coasts of the Marmara and Black Seas. Many Atlantean cities were under water. This was the end ancient civilization. However, the Atlanteans did not disappear without a trace. A huge number of myths among different peoples tell about the giants of antiquity. The Atlanteans also had a great influence on the culture of the Slavs. After all, it was the giant Triptolemus who helped the Scythian-Slavs switch to agriculture. Most likely, the hero Svyatogor was also an Atlantean.

Caucasian crypt

As already mentioned, the remains of an ancient civilization are found here and there. So, in 1912, in one of the gorges North Caucasus(in the current territory Stavropol Territory) a crypt with the remains of giant people was found. The huge stone crypt had a low ceiling, and its interior walls were lined with tightly fitted stones. Four human skeletons lay exactly in the center. The bones amazed scientists with their size. People who found last refuge in the “Caucasian crypt”, were one and a half times taller than a modern person. All four skeletons were positioned with their heads to the west. Apparently, the giants were buried naked, since scientists did not find the remains of clothing in the crypt. Archaeologists were also struck by the peculiarity of the giants’ cranial bones. Just above the temples, the skulls had spherical growths the size of a little finger, which scientists dubbed “horns.”

Unfortunately, reports of this sensational discovery were soon replaced by even more sensational news of the sinking of the Titanic. The author was unable to clarify where the remains of the giants went...

Resident of Ukraine Leonid Stadnyuk.

56-year-old resident of the autonomous region Inner Mongolia Bao Xishun, who is two meters 36 centimeters tall, met his fiancee Xia Shujuan, who is only one meter 68 centimeters tall, at the beginning of the year. Bao began his worldwide search for a bride in 2006 and even received more than 20 responses from interested girls from different parts of the country, but he found his destiny in his home region.

Late 19th century. American Anna Swan's height is 2 meters 36 cm.

20th century. The height of a person is 2 meters 28 cm.