The main attractions of Paris. Sights of Paris - tourism with admiration Sights of Paris study guide

The sights of the city of Paris are amazing, majestic and multifaceted. In the capital of France, every corner is imbued with a special enchanting atmosphere with rich history. This place became a source of inspiration for many creative people who dedicated their paintings and works of art to it.

The main attractions of Paris include the central garden called the Tuileries, which is located between the Place de la Concorde and the Rue de Rivoli. It covers an area of ​​more than 25 hectares and is the largest in the country.

The oldest garden was founded in the 16th century by order of Queen Catherine de Medici, who owned the Tuileries Castle. To implement the idea, ceramic artist Bernard Palissy was invited to plan the future park. The area adjacent to the castle was chosen as the location of the garden area.

In the mid-19th century, the royal palace was almost completely destroyed by the Parisian communards, and only some of its fragments were able to reach the present day.

On the territory of the garden and park complex there are architectural monuments and many sculptures with which the history of Paris is connected. Attractions in the most picturesque corner of the city include:

  • Orangerie Museum;
  • National Gallery of the Jeu de Paume;
  • Statue of Rodin's Kiss.

The Orangerie Museum was built in the middle of the same century and was a building for exhibitions and festive events. Nowadays a large collection of unique art exhibits is concentrated here.

The National Gallery of the Jeu de Paume is a museum contemporary art. The building was erected in 1861; previously it was intended for playing tennis.

Star Square

The most important transport interchange of the city is Star Square, later renamed Charles de Gaulle Square. 12 avenues depart from it, including the Champs Elysees.

The main decoration of this place is Arc de Triomphe. It was erected at the beginning of the 19th century by order of Napoleon I and was considered a symbol of the victories won by the emperor.

Place de la Concorde

Between the Champs Elysees and the Tuileries Park is located one of the most beautiful squares in the city, which previously bore the name of Louis XV.

The following deserve special attention:

  • Luxor Obelisk;
  • Hittorf fountains;
  • monumental statues.

The pink granite obelisk that now adorns the square was given to France by the Viceroy of Egypt, Mehmet Ali. The age of the monument is more than three thousand years. It is decorated with ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs glorifying the pharaohs. The height of the Luxor Obelisk is 23 meters. In order to deliver the relic to the country, a special ship was built.

On both sides, the historical landmark is decorated with nine-meter high Hittorf fountains, decorated with sculptures of mythical characters.

Eight monumental statues located on Place de la Liberté symbolize the largest and most significant French cities.

Eiffel Tower

The main attraction of Paris is located on the outskirts of the Champ de Mars, in the western part of the city. One of the tallest buildings in the country was erected in 1889. From a height of 324 meters there are amazing panoramic views of the capital of France.

It is noteworthy that the symbol of Paris can be seen from almost any part of the city.

Montmartre - "Mountain of Martyrs"

Famous landmarks of Paris are located on the small Montmartre hill, which is the highest point of the city.

The top of the hill is crowned by the Sacre Coeur Basilica, which means Cathedral of the Sacred Heart. The hundred-meter-tall architectural structure was built at the end of the 19th century by the Catholic Church in honor of those who fell during the Franco-Prussian War.

In order to get to the basilica you need to overcome 237 steps. At the entrance to the temple there are bronze statues of Joan of Arc and St. Louis.

In addition to the cathedral, the area of ​​interest in this area is Tertra Square, where buildings from the 18th century have been preserved. Such outstanding artists as Pablo Picasso and Maurice Utrillo lived here.

The next square, Pigalle, is famous for the Salvador Dali Museum, where the unique works of the master of painting are concentrated.

On the hill is the world-famous Moulin Rouge cabaret, where enchanting performances with the participation of first-class dancers take place every evening. Otherwise, the establishment is called the Red Mill. One of the most popular and visited places in Paris is something between an elite nightclub and a museum.

Luxembourg Gardens

The main attractions of Paris include palace and park ensemble called the Luxembourg Garden, located in the Latin Quarter.

The main local pride is the Luxembourg Palace, which is an architectural monument of France. The building was built by order of Queen Marie de' Medici. Near the historical building there are beautiful fountains and numerous sculptures.

On the territory of 26 hectares there are not only architectural monuments, but also places for recreation. These include cafes, attractions, as well as sports and playgrounds.

Luxembourg Gardens - favorite place Parisians and tourists.


One of the main attractions of Paris is the Louvre Museum, which has gained worldwide fame thanks to its rich and unique collection of works of art. Its walls contain 35 thousand valuable exhibits, including Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa and the ancient Greek sculpture Venus de Milo. All the rare treasures are located in an area equivalent to 20 football fields. In order to examine the entire exhibit, it will take 10 hours, provided that you spend no more than 1 second on one item.

There are about 10 million people a year who want to visit the Louvre.

Ile de la Cité

The historical heart of the city, representing one of the surviving islands of the Seine, is a repository for open air, where the best architectural monuments of the country are concentrated. Here are the main attractions of Paris, the very best that the Cité has to offer.

It will take a whole day to get acquainted with the best architectural monuments of the island. The following deserve special attention:

  • Notre Dame Cathedral;
  • Conciergerie Castle;
  • chapel of Sainte-Chapelle.

Notre Dame Cathedral or Notre Dame de Paris is a masterpiece of world architecture. Its construction lasted for almost 2 centuries: from 1160 to 1345. The cathedral received “elite” status only after the coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte here. At that time the building survived better times and was in need of major renovation.

The beginning of the restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris was facilitated by Victor Hugo, who described in detail the condition of the historical building in his novel. The writer was in awe of Gothic-style architecture and wanted to draw public attention to the problem.

The cathedral acquired its modern appearance thanks to the architect Viollet-le-Duc, who approached the work with incredible enthusiasm. He managed to recreate most of the statues of the facade, which were lost during the French Revolution.

The Concierge Castle has a long history that dates back to 508. For centuries, the majestic palace was in the possession of kings. But in the middle of the 14th century, after a popular uprising, it was transferred to the hands of the judicial department and became a prison. It was here that such famous figures as Marie Antoinette, Emile Zola and the spy Mata Hari were imprisoned and sentenced to execution.

Chapel Sainte-Chapelle, which means Holy Chapel, is part of palace complex. It was created to store religious relics by order of Saint Louis in the 13th century. It took about 6 years to build the Holy Chapel. It survived the revolution of the 18th century, was looted and partially destroyed. But skilled architects managed to restore exactly all the fragments of the historical masterpiece. Now Sainte-Chapelle is included in the list of UNESCO world heritage and national historical monuments of France.

"Paris is a holiday..."

American writer Ernest Hemingway expressed the essence of the French capital with just one phrase: “Paris is a holiday that is always with you.” The amazing city of dreams will captivate you with its enchantment and spirit of romance. It is one whole attraction that should definitely be visited.

Wander through the old streets here, climb the Eiffel Tower and enjoy the picturesque panoramic views from a bird's eye view, and then have a cup of coffee in one of the local old cafes, which are also a kind of attraction here, where world artists and writers spent their evenings.

Paris is truly romantic France. The capital has a unique charm, which is expressed even in morning coffee with croissants, small bistros in the evening, roasted chestnuts.

Paris's ancient architecture and amazing cultural potential only add to the value French city, which attracts a large number of travelers with different countries peace. Even for experienced tourists, the attractions are not only architectural buildings, but also squares, bridges, and streets. Cultural leisure turns out to be truly rich and memorable.

Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is considered one of the most elegant landmarks in France. Its construction took place in 1889, and it was initially assumed that the facility would be temporary. It was planned that demolition would take place in 20 years, but the tower was saved from this by radio antennas that were installed at the very top.

The Eiffel Tower is placed on four large pylons with a cement base. At the same time, the object is divided into three levels, with restaurants and bars located on the first two, and a lighthouse with a dome and an observation deck on the third.

Location: Avenue Anatole France - 5, Champ de Mars.

The Louvre is considered one of the largest, oldest and most famous art museums in the world. Visits were first allowed on November 8th, 1793, during the French Revolution. Then visitors were able to see an exhibition consisting of 537 paintings. Active replenishment of the exhibition took place during the reign of Napoleon, when the museum center was temporarily renamed.

These days the collections number more than 300 thousand exhibits, but only 35 thousand are shown in the halls. It's no surprise that the Louvre is one of the largest and most visited museums in the world.

Location: Rue de Rivoli.

Notre Dame Cathedral, built in the Gothic style, is located in the very center of Paris. The religious landmark initially became famous thanks to the work of the same name by Victor Hugo. The cathedral was founded in 1163. However, it took more than 150 years to build.

The exterior turned out to be quite gloomy. The façade is decorated with gargoyles and chimeras. In addition, you can see scenes from the Last Judgment. The interior is also gloomy. There is no wall painting inside at all. The frescoes have been replaced only by multi-colored stained glass windows.

Notre Dame Cathedral is an ancient religious site that attracts thousands of tourists from around the world.

Location: Parvis Notre-Dame - Pl. - 6, Jean-Paul II.

The Champs Elysees is the main street in Paris, which is divided into a park and business area. Festive processions and ceremonial parades are regularly held here.

The fields were established only in the 17th century. There used to be a swamp here where French kings hunted. Subsequently, construction began on this site Royal Palace, which led to the emergence of luxurious estates. In 1838, large-scale improvement efforts began. The Champs Elysees visually remained virtually unchanged.

The Arc de Triomphe is a true symbol of Paris. Its construction took place at the beginning of the 19th century. The project was implemented at the direction of Napoleon I Bonaparte, who decided to perpetuate the glory of the military army after the victory at Austerlitz.

The Arc de Triomphe represents tall monument, made taking into account the best principles of antique style. The main difference is the wide arched doorway, decorated with bas-reliefs depicting angels. On the walls of the arch you can see images recreating the chronology of the victories of the French army. This architectural design evokes real admiration even among the most experienced tourists.

Location: Place Charles de Gaulle.

Montmartre is the highest point in Paris and was once the site of an ancient Roman settlement. In order to climb the hill, you must overcome 237 steps. Montmartre is home to the Sacre Coeur Basilica, the Salvador Dali Museum and an urban area that surprises with its unique architecture.

Basilica of Sacré-Coeur

The Sacré-Coeur Basilica, which is also known as the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, is recognized as one of the most important religious sites in Paris. The white stone temple was created in 1876 - 1914.

The basilica, crowned with 4 small domes and one large dome, surprises with its grandeur. Behind the main building is a square bell tower. The basilica is famous for its 19-ton bell, which is the largest in Paris.

The interior of the temple is richly decorated with ancient mosaics, which also deserve admiration. The Sacré-Coeur Basilica is one of the most significant religious landmarks in Paris.

Location: Rue du Chevalier de la Barre - 35.

The home for the disabled is the first such institution in Europe. The year of foundation is 1670, and a significant event took place thanks to Louis XIV. It took 33 years to carry out construction activities.

The home for the disabled was designed for war veterans who were disabled or lost a roof over their heads due to military events. The Home for the Invalids continues to cope successfully with its charitable function.

The building surprises with its beauty. Moreover, its special feature is its golden dome, which can be seen even from a distance. There is also an Artillery Museum here.

Location: Place des Invalides.

Place de la Concorde is one of the best places in all of Paris. The area represents important monument urban planning, dating back to the era of classicism. Construction began in 1755, after which it was carried out in several stages. Architectural ensemble surprises many travelers today.

Place Trocadéro is located in the central part of Paris. There used to be a monastery and a castle here. Napoleon decided to build a palace on Trocadéro for his own son. The implementation of the project was delayed, as a result of which it was completed only in the 19th century. Local residents were sure that the palace was terrible and it was demolished. In its place, the Chaillot Palace was built, which still delights tourists today.

Place Trocadero offers a wonderful view of the Eiffel Tower. It's no wonder that people gather here in the evenings and enjoy the sparkling tower.

The Tuileries Garden appeared thanks to Queen Catherine de Medici. In the 15th century, this area was the outskirts of the city, where a landfill was located and active clay mining was carried out. However, in the middle of the 16th century, everything changed dramatically, thanks to which it was possible to begin work on landscaping the territory.

The garden has a heterogeneous structure, since the gardeners of each king remade the created object taking into account the wishes of their owner. Despite this history of creation, it was still possible to create terraces, fountains, ponds, alleys, statues and sculptures, and flower beds.

In 1667, the garden was made available to the public. Today, the Tuileries Garden is still a favorite place for walks for Parisians and tourists.

Location: 113 - Rue de Rivoli.

The building where the Orsay Museum is located today was originally built as a station, but 40 years after the completion of construction activities, this station turned out to be unnecessary. For this reason, the building was supposed to be demolished, but it was nevertheless classified as a monument of French architecture.

The Orsay Museum began its work in 1986. The current exhibition is located on 5 floors, each of which exhibits certain areas of art. Most of the exhibits are directly related to impressionism and post-impressionism. The Orsay Museum also regularly hosts performances and concerts.

Location: 62 - rue de Lille.

The Pompidou Center in Paris is one of the most popular attractions in the French capital. It consists of a large library, concert and exhibition halls, the Institute for Research and Coordination of Acoustics and Music, and a museum of modern art. In addition, the building is distinguished by its extraordinary architectural design, which turns out to be closest to industrial buildings and even oil refineries.

All communications, painted in different colors, are located outside. The main goal was the desire to free up space in the interior. Reinforcement connections are painted white, ventilation system pipes are blue, water pipes are green, electrical wires are yellow, escalators and elevators are red. As a result, from the outside the Pompidou Center looks like an unusual web of communication and an art object, but inside you can enjoy the special facets of modern art.

The square in front of the building is a favorite place for artists, musicians, performers and circus performers.

Location: place Georges Pompidou.

The Church of the Holy Trinity is Catholic. Construction began in 1861. After 7 years, the church became accessible to all believers. The author of the implemented project was Theodore Ballu, who spent only 4 million francs. However, the façade and interior surprise with their rich decor.

The Church of the Holy Trinity attracts with the following features:

  • To paint the main nave, original frescoes were used, which were an imitation of antique mosaics.
  • The stained glass windows have been preserved from the 19th century.
  • The facade is divided into 3 parts, with a bell tower rising above the central one.

Such architectural execution is truly admirable.

A cozy park has been created on the territory of the temple, where everyone can relax.

Location: Place d'Estienne d'Orves.

The Sewerage Museum is a place where you can learn about the Paris sewer system. The capital of France was buried in sewage until the middle of the 19th century. However, subsequently the situation with sewerage changed dramatically, thanks to which the modern water supply system leaves the best impressions of itself.

It is interesting that the underground canals are a kind of mirror image of the city, because all the tunnels have signs indicating the name of the street and house number. The unique Sewerage Museum turns out to be truly interesting even for experienced tourists.

Location: Place de la Resistance.

The Basilica of Saint Clotilde is considered one of the most famous in Paris. Construction was carried out in 1846 – 1857. However, the temple acquired the status of a minor basilica only in 1896.

The basilica is made in the neo-Gothic style. Interestingly, the temple is made in the shape of a Latin cross, which immediately makes it unique. The appearance is emphasized by two towers located on the sides of the main facade. The basilica features truly beautiful stained glass windows from the 19th century, which add special value to the religious site.

Location: 23B - Rue las Cases.

The Museum of the Middle Ages is considered one of the most famous in Paris. It is located in the central part of the famous Latin Quarter.

The exhibition includes tapestries, stained glass windows, sculptures made of stone and wood, and antique furniture. The exhibits have won particular value among history buffs.

Location: 6 - Place Paul Painlevé.

The Museum of Magic is a private institution located in the basement of the house where the Marquis de Sade previously lived. The museum center includes only three small halls, but at the same time you can see the props of illusionists and magicians, objects of optical illusion, old advertising posters, and slot machines.

Sometimes the museum hosts magic shows on French, which will be of interest to adults and their children. However, the museum center dedicated to magic is still an institution for everyone.

Location: 11 - Rue Saint-Paul.

Paris is truly amazing city France, which has retained a rich cultural potential and has an extremely interesting history.

Paris! The city that attracts with its romance, gives inspiration to everyone who needs it, fascinates with the interweaving of streets and alleys, enchants with cathedrals and palaces, gives a feeling of peace in street cafes, the tables of which are so close to everything that happens, people and cars! Feel the atmosphere of Paris, join the world cultural heritage, just to become part of this city - that’s why people from all over the world come here!

Paris is the capital of France, located in the north-central part of France, belongs to the Ile-de-France region, stretches 18 km from east to west, and 9.5 km from north to south. 2.2 million people live in Paris.

Paris got its name from the Celtic tribe - the Parisians, whose representatives founded the city in the 3rd century BC on the Ile de la Cité on the Seine River.

Paris is located in a zone of temperate continental climate; the proximity of the Atlantic makes the climate in Paris quite comfortable, Temperatures very rarely drop below zero, at a temperature of minus 10º, Parisians declare an emergency.


Ile de la Cite

The Ile de la Cité, surrounded by the waters of the Seine, is birthplace of Paris. Experienced guides begin the tour from the island, as historical and architectural monuments are concentrated there. The atmosphere of antiquity and involvement in significant historical events in France surrounds visitors to the Cité. The island is connected to the banks of the Seine by nine bridges, each of which reveals the French capital from its own special side.

You can visit the island at any time, but to explore the cultural and historical sites located there, it is better to do it during the day or early in the morning. To enjoy all the beauties of the island, you need to spend a whole day on the excursion.

Interesting objects of the island deserve special attention.

Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral

Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is Catholic, Gothic cathedral, located in the eastern part of the Ile de la Cité. The cathedral was built on the site of the older Christian Church of St. Stephen in the 12th-14th centuries. The cathedral is surrounded by a romantic flair, which Victor Hugo created around it in his famous novel “Notre Dame de Paris” and cemented the modern musical of the same name.

The facade of the cathedral is divided into three parts, vertically and into three parts horizontally. Lower part of the cathedral has three portals: in the middle is a portal dedicated to paintings of the Last Judgment, the right portal of St. Anne, the left portal of the Virgin Mary. Above the portals is the gallery of kings, consisting of twenty-eight statues of Jewish rulers. You can look at the cathedral from the outside for a long time; it is no less interesting inside. While inside the cathedral, you must pay attention to the stained glass windows, which are beautiful in themselves and create a unique flickering light inside the cathedral.

Cathedral address: Rue du cloitre Notre-Dame, Paris 4e.

The cathedral is open from 10 am to 5.30 pm in the winter months, from 10 am to 6.30 pm in summer months. During July and August, when there is the largest influx of tourists, on Friday and Saturday it is open until 23.

Entrance to the cathedral is free.

Cathedral Square (parvis Notre Dame, place Jean-Paul-II)

The square in front of the cathedral on the Ile de la Cité allows you to enjoy views of ancient Parisian buildings along the banks of the Seine: the walls of the city's oldest hospital and prefecture.

The square itself attracts tourists with the opportunity to be on zero reference point, from where the kilometers of all roads in France are counted, admire the sculpture of Charlemagne, founder of the Carolingian dynasty. You cannot ignore the Crypt of the Notre Dame porch - an archaeological museum where the history of Paris is presented, starting from ancient times.

Crypte archeologique du parvis Notre-Dame

The museum was opened on the site of excavations made by chance in the second half of the twentieth century during the construction of an underground parking lot. This ancient city, preserved underground. The exhibition, 120 meters long, allows you to plunge into ancient history and see with your own eyes the streets, walls, and engineering structures of the ancient city.

Address: place Jean-Paul-II, 6.

The museum is open every day except Mondays from 10 to 17.45.

Entrance to the museum with tickets is 3.5 euros, children under 14 years old are free.

9th arrondissement of Paris (Arrondissement de l’Opera)

Paris is divided into 20 districts, all of them are of varying degrees of interest to tourists, some are historical, some are just residential areas. But the 9th arrondissement of Paris is interesting for tourists and local residents. This is the area of ​​the city located around the famous Parisian Opera Garnier. The streets, squares and boulevards of this district create the romantic atmosphere of Paris. Place Saint-Georges with a fountain that retains water troughs for horses. Writers, artists, and musicians lived in the vicinity of the square. Among them were Alexandre Dumas, Georges Sand, Chopin. Rue Laffitte leads to the famous Notre-Dame de Lorret cathedral. A walk along the Rue Saint-Lazare reveals the amazing Church of the Holy Trinity.

The streets of the 9th arrondissement are attractive for lovers of shopping, famous throughout the world for Galeries Lafayette.

Galeries Lafayette

Galeries Lafayette includes 7 floors of women's clothing and 5 floors of men's clothing, where clothes from popular and not very famous brands are sold, restaurants and cafes are located.

But the gallery is interesting not only for its shops, it represents historical and architectural value. The glass dome and galleries under the dome make it possible to enjoy beautiful views Paris.

Address: Boulevard Haussmann 40.

Open from 9.30 to 20.30, on Sunday until 19.30.

Opera Garnier (Opera Garnier, Opera de Paris, Grand Opera)

The Opera Garnier is the world's most famous opera and ballet theater, founded in 1862. The opera attracts tourists not only for its performances, but also as a museum. Grand staircase made of multi-colored marble amazes everyone who enters with its splendor. At the base of the staircase there are figures of women holding a bouquet of chandeliers in their hands.

The theater foyer is decorated with no less luxury, the combination of windows and mirrors makes it more sparkling and spacious. The 1,900-seat auditorium is decorated in red and gold tones and is shaped like a horseshoe. Deserves special attention the ceiling of the auditorium, the ceiling of which was painted by Marc Chagall and opened to the public in 1964.

Address: Rue Scribe 8.

The ticket office is open Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 18.00, on Saturdays from 9.00 to 13.00.

The cost of an excursion ticket is 11 euros, the cost of a performance is up to 250 euros.

Latin Quarter

The Latin Quarter is a student quarter located in the 5th and 6th arrondissements of Paris around the Sorbonne University and hence its name. The fact is that teaching, in one of the oldest universities in Europe, was conducted in Latin, and the students and teachers who lived in this quarter spoke Latin.

Now it's the noisiest, most crowded quarter of Paris, filled not only with students, but also with crowds of tourists eager to join the bohemian and student life of Paris. You can stroll along cozy streets with many cafes and restaurants, sit on the square in front of the Sorbonne, enter the university, entry is free. The ancient chapel of St. Ursula is interesting to visit, inside which is the tomb of its founder Richelieu.

Fisherman's Cat Street (Rue du chat qui pêche)

One of the most ancient and narrow streets of Paris, located in the Latin Quarter and near Notre Dame Cathedral. Its width is only 180 centimeters, length 26 meters. Walking along this street, you can get an idea of ​​what Paris was like in the 15th century.


Montmartre is area of ​​Paris belonging to the 18th arrondissement and received its name from the name of the hill and the ancient Roman settlement located there. This is the most high point Paris, where the Sacre Coeur Basilica is located. You can get there by stairs or by cable car.

Tourists come to the boat to feel the bohemian atmosphere of Paris, touch the heritage of the creative people who lived here: Vincent Van Gogh, Emile Zola, Henri Matisse, Amedeo Modigliani, etc. And now the streets of Montmartre are full of artists ready to capture anyone in a portrait for 15-20 euros.

Here tourists can see the famous wall of love in the Jean Rectus square, on which the words “I love you” are written in more than two hundred and fifty languages ​​of the world.

Montmartre became famous as the red light district; it is in Montmartre that the famous Moulin Rouge cabaret is located.

Cabaret "Moulin Rouge"

Moulin Rouge is a cabaret famous since the 19th century, located in the area of ​​Clichy Boulevard and Place Pigalle, famous for its cancan and the world's first striptease. The legendary cabaret is decorated with a large red windmill, which gives the establishment its name and emphasizes its belonging to the red light district. Currently there is a revue called “Extravaganza”, which attracts large number tourists. Spectators sit around the stage at tables, and waiters serve champagne. There are a lot of people who want to visit the cabaret, so you should worry about tickets in advance.

Address: Boulevard de Clichy 82.

Open from 19.00 to 01.00.

Tickets cost from 92 to 200 euros, depending on whether dinner is booked or not.

Eiffel Tower (Tour Eiffel)

located in the center of Paris on the Champ de Mars, is its symbol. It got its name from its creator, Gustave Eiffel, who called it very prosaically “a three-hundred-meter tower.” It was originally built as an entrance to the Paris Universal Exhibition in 1889. It was received ambiguously and there were even plans to demolish it. But unexpectedly, it began to be popular with the public, and it was decided to leave it.

Since then, it has been a center of attraction for tourists, thanks to its unique architecture and the presence of observation platforms with views of the whole of Paris. Parisians love their tower; it decorates Paris not only during the day, but also at night, when, sparkling and shimmering with thousands of lights, it rises above Paris. The tower has its own color, which is called Eiffel brown.

The Eiffel Tower is the most popular destination for tourists from all over the world; access to the observation decks of the first and second levels is open.

Address: Champ de Mars, Avenue Anatole France, 5.

The tower is open to the public every day from 9.30 to 23.00, on Fridays and Saturdays it is open until 24.00.

Entrance fee is from 11 to 17 euros, depending on the level to which the climb will be made.

Montparnasse Tower (Tour Montparnasse)

the only skyscraper built in the historical part of Paris. It was erected on the site of the old station. The attitude towards the tower is contradictory; it does not fit into the atmosphere of Paris, but the view from the observation deck compensates for this shortcoming. From there you have a view of 40 km, allowing you to see not only Paris, but also the suburbs. The advantages of this tower are that the queue is observation deck much less than Eiffel Tower. A high-speed elevator takes tourists to the 56th floor, further to observation deck you have to climb on foot. There is a glazed area and an open one on the roof.

Address: Avenue du Maine 33.

Open from 9.30 to 22.30, in summer the opening hours are extended to 23.30.

Tickets from 7 to 15 euros.

House of Invalids (Hotel des invalides)

The Invalides' Home is a 17th-century building designed to house wounded and maimed soldiers. Today it also houses veterans and houses the Army Museum and Necropolis. The Invalides' Home is famous for its there is a sarcophagus with the body of Napoleon, brought from St. Helena.

Address: Rue de Grenelle. 129.

Open: in summer from 10.00 to 18.00, on Tuesdays until 21.00, in winter from 10.00 to 17.00.

Prices from 8 to 12 euros.

Louvre Museum (Musee du Louvre)

The Louvre Museum is famous artistic and historical museum , located in the palace of the kings of France, in the first arrondissement of Paris. The collections of the Louvre represent all world history, masterpieces of world art. A few days are not enough to view the entire exhibition, so it is better to immediately decide what exactly you would like to see and focus on that.

Address: Rue de Rivoli.

Open on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Thursday from 9.00 to 18.00, on Wednesday and Friday from 9.00 to 22.00, the museum is closed on Tuesdays.

Tickets 15 euros.

City map

We have brought you far full list sights of Paris, but only briefly described best places. But the city is rich in interesting things, and you can create your own path, including non-standard attractions.

Even more unusual places You will find on the map of Paris in Russian:

You will also definitely need a map Paris metro with stations:

Paris leaves no one indifferent; it is not without reason that it has been the center of attraction for many creative people who reflect the charm of Paris in their works.

Watch a video about Paris.

Stretching on both sides of the Seine River, Paris attracts romantics from all over the world with its elegant beauty and magical aura. This city cannot be compared with any other city in the world, as it is unique and inimitable, full of grandiose historical monuments and the best museums in the world. There is no person on Earth who would not recognize the legendary sights of Paris, including the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees and Notre Dame Cathedral. The charm of Paris is also evident in the small details - cobbled streets, original topiary trees, French gardens and parks, mini-bakeries, tea salons, and art galleries. The whole city is a complete open-air museum, where every building can be called a piece of art.

Parisian fashion is worthy of the covers of the best magazines in the world. With everything from stylish boutiques to fine dining, the French capital is synonymous with the best things in the world. The city exalts its historical heritage, reverently protecting historical monuments and replenishing the best collections of world masterpieces of art. Visit the Louvre with its Mona Lisa and Monet's masterpieces, admire the medieval Latin Quarter and the legendary bohemian atmosphere of Montmartre. Every corner of Paris hides something historical fact, making this city truly extraordinary.

Notre Dame Cathedral (Notre Dame de Paris)

Articles in this place:

France is one of the most mysterious, beautiful and picturesque countries in the world. There are many architectural monuments here that are of historical value. Paris is the capital of France and is considered one of the the most beautiful cities in Europe.

Below are the 25 most popular attractions in the capital - the city of Paris.

This most popular building among travelers is the tallest in the entire city. It amazes with its lightness and sophistication. The height of the tower is 320 meters. It consists of three levels. During construction amazing building steel and glass were used. The choice of such material gives a light and delicate look to the entire tower.

2. Palace of Versailles

The grandiose structure is one of the main attractions of the city of Paris. Millions of tourists and travelers strive to get here. About a thousand rooms of the palace are open to visitors, Hall of Mirrors, royal chambers and much more. The outside of the Palace of Versailles is lined with multi-colored marble, and there is a picturesque garden with ponds.

The Champs Elysees is one of the largest and busiest streets in the city, which stretches from the Place de la Concorde to the Arc de Triomphe. Property prices here are very high, so only millionaires can afford to live on this street. There are mainly restaurants, cafes, office premises, boutiques and cinemas, branded stores.

Disneyland is on the list of attractions in Paris for children. This huge territory is located 30 kilometers from Paris and includes a golf course, residential and office complexes, Disneyland Park, Walt Disney Studios Park. Adults and children will be able to visit attractions, castles, admire their favorite characters from famous cartoons and just have fun. There are also restaurants, hotels and shops here.

Notre Dame Cathedral was built in 1345. During further wars and battles appearance The building changed significantly and was completely restored in 1864. Inside the cathedral there is a huge hall that seats about 9,000 people, five columns of impressive size. The external and internal appearance of the building leaves a lasting impression on visitors. A staircase has also been built that takes you up to the North Tower. Near the cathedral there is a “zero kilometer” mark. From here they calculate the distance to any point in the country.

6. Louvre

The Louvre is considered the largest and most famous museum on the entire planet. On a huge area of ​​22 football fields There are many sculptures, several thousand paintings, jewelry, and ceramics on display. Millions of tourists dream of visiting this mysterious place to plunge into the world of art. Ten hours is not enough to completely walk through all the rooms. You need to have a plan of the building with you so as not to get lost in the numerous rooms. It is handed out at the entrance. Before visiting the Louvre, you will have to stand in a long line for tickets, but it is worth visiting the main attraction of Paris in any case.

The most interesting sights of Paris are the Luxembourg Gardens. It is located in the Latin Quarter and is represented by a combination of a marvelous garden and the Luxembourg Palace.

The palace itself is an architectural monument in Paris. In front of it are picturesque fountains, an open stage where many musical performers perform, playgrounds and attractions. The area is 25 hectares. Numerous tourists and city residents spend time and enjoy their holidays here.

It was originally called the Church of Saint Genevieve. Then historical monument began to be called the burial room for great people. Its construction lasted about thirty years. His architectural style has never been determined, but the architect's drawings are unimaginable. The most famous and outstanding personalities who entered the history of France and the whole world rest here. An interesting and mysterious part of the Pantheon is the Foucault pendulum. With its help, the scientist was able to prove to people that the earth rotates. Professional guides will tell you a lot interesting facts about this unique structure from 1789.

9. Picasso Museum

This museum is one of the most famous attractions in Paris. It presents works by an outstanding artist of his time, as well as other equally famous personalities in the history of painting. The artist’s large collection includes 2,000 items, namely paintings, sculptures, collages, drawings, and ceramics. It also houses a collection of photographs of Picasso and his family, friends and relatives. His work inspires, surprises and leaves a lasting impression. Many tourists strive to visit this famous place.

10. Arc de Triomphe

Construction of this architectural monument began during the reign of Napoleon and lasted about thirty years. Unfortunately, the emperor himself and the creator of the arch could not live to see the completion of construction. The monument was made in the Roman style, a massive structure in the shape of a rectangle and an opening carved into it. The main attraction of Paris is considered the most grandiose building among similar buildings in the world.

On all sides, the Arc de Triomphe is decorated with bas-reliefs and painted with the names of officers who died as a result of hostilities. Now near the arch there is eternal flame. Parades are held here and wreaths are laid in memory of veterans. Inside the arch is small museum, which anyone can visit and get acquainted with the history of its creation.

11. Place de la Concorde

It's legendary and amazing place located between the Champs Elysees and the Tuileries Garden. A luxurious fountain, beautiful statues and an obelisk will not leave any visitor indifferent. Two fountains 9 meters high are located at the base of the obelisk. Gilded design elements give a majestic and luxurious look, and the figures mythical creatures and the characters are fabulously beautiful and delight the eyes of those around them. The fountains are especially beautiful after sunset, when the streams of water are illuminated by spotlights.

The legendary obelisk of Luxor is made of pink marble and reaches a height of 23 meters. It took several years to deliver it to the square. The square is also home to eight monuments that surround the entire square and are the best attractions in Paris.

12. Grand Opera

Another name is Opera Garnier. It is located near the Louvre and is one of the main attractions in the center of Paris. An amazing element of the building is the luxurious staircase made of multi-colored marble. The theater has many rooms, staircases and corridors, dressing rooms for famous ballet and theater artists. The spacious and luxuriously decorated foyer of the theater attracts much attention. The interior is created in golden tones, which gives it an elegant and luxurious look. There is also a Mirror Salon. Here theater visitors can relax and just spend time.