Names of scientists who studied dolmens. Dolmens: wiki: Facts about Russia. How ancient dolmens were built

Dolmens are one of the most amazing secrets of the planet. Huge stone structures of impeccable geometric shape, built thousands of years ago - who created them and why? Why did ancient people need to make enormous efforts to cut down, complexly transport, process the strongest blocks and install them in a strict order with incredible precision? There is no answer to these questions yet.

Dolmens are ancient megalithic (from Greek “mega” - huge, “cast” - stone) structures of a certain shape. In the simplest version, these are three stones placed in the shape of the letter P. The origin of the word “dolmen” is associated with a historical misconception: the French archaeologist Woden, who did not know the true age of the structures, attributed them to the Celts (in the Celtic dialect “dol” means table, “tep” - stone). In reality, the dolmens are much older: from 8000 BC. in India before 1400 BC. in the Caucasus. Although the dating is imprecise, and scientists suggest that the buildings may be even older. The Mingrelians called dolmens “odzvale”, “sadzvale” (containers of bones), as well as “mdishkude” (houses of giants), the Abkhazians called them “adamra” (ancient burial houses). Dolmens can be seen in England, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, Africa and even in India and Korea; there are many well-preserved dolmens in Russia and the North Caucasus.

The Adyghe people used the word “ispyun” (“ispun”, “spyun”) to designate them, which means “house of the dwarf”. According to legend, in ancient times tribes of dwarfs and giants lived in the mountains. Small and weak dwarfs were not able to build their own homes to shelter from the weather. The giants, looking at how hard their lives were, felt sorry for their tiny neighbors. Each giant easily broke out a stone slab in the mountains and, putting it on his shoulders, carried it to the construction site. Instead of doors, a hole in the shape of a rectangle or arch was punched in the front slab. Through them, the dwarfs allegedly rode into the “house” riding hares.

This is just one of many legends regarding the origin and construction of dolmens. What was the real method of their construction and purpose - scientists can only guess.

Burials were found in many dolmens: ancient bones, household items, arrowheads, amber beads, flint axes, and shards of pottery. All these finds belong to different historical eras, from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages, so it is difficult to determine the exact period of origin of the dolmens. But the version about using them for ritual purposes found many supporters. It is supported by the fact that sometimes builders imitated the entrance using fake plugs, while the real one was on the other side. This looks a lot like an attempt to protect graves from desecration. And if this is so, then it is quite understandable why the entrances are oriented to the cardinal points - this is how ancient people performed religious rites associated with the cult of the dead. However, many modern researchers say that they began to arrange burials in dolmens much later, when the original purpose of the mysterious structures had already been forgotten.

Sometimes on the roofs of dolmens there are round platforms with sides along the edges that cast a shadow in clear weather. It is possible that in this way the priests observed the Sun and compiled a calendar. Or maybe these heavy stone buildings served as a kind of symbol of the power of the people, such as temples or tombs?

There are a lot of assumptions about how the dolmen builders moved the stone masses. Some researchers are convinced that the dolmens were assembled from erratic boulders transported by glaciers over considerable distances. The builders rolled natural blocks over wooden rollers using leather belts, and made a mound of sand and clay to install the top slab. Perhaps a certain number of dolmens could have been collected in this way. But it is very doubtful that the last ice age left our ancestors with hundreds of thousands of identical plates measuring 2x3 meters. Most likely, the builders extracted material from quarries. According to researcher Yu.N. Voronov, “the breaking of the slabs was carried out using wooden pegs driven into holes hollowed out along the contour. The pegs were watered: as they swelled, they broke off slabs of the required size.” Despite the popularity of this version, it remains unclear where the traces of holes and chips that should have remained from the work went.

Trying to solve this mystery, scientists conducted an experiment to build a dolmen. The experiment showed that not so many people were required to erect a stone structure; they also needed the ability to use simple tools. But then why weren’t other buildings erected in this way? Why were dolmens needed in such quantities?

The experimenters themselves believe that everything is quite trivial: dolmens were used to store food and weapons. Unfortunately, this hypothesis is weak - the dolmens are located too far from the supposed settlement sites. But every year scientists receive more and more reliable information, which will one day allow them to solve the riddle of the Dolmens.

On the territory of the North-Western Caucasus, presumably in the 4th-2nd millennium BC, there existed an unknown civilization, from which we have come down to megalithic structures(megalith - from the Greek mega - huge, lithos - stone.), later called dolmens.

Outwardly they look like stone houses, where each wall can weigh tens of tons. From the people who created these places of worship We are separated by approximately 4-6 thousand years. The oral tradition of an ethnic group exists on average for about 2000 years. Then his traces disappear in the great whirlpool of migration of peoples.

Only ancient Adyghe legends have reached us about dwarf people who used hares for riding, for whom the giants built houses from stones.

The study of dolmens in the Caucasus began at the end of the 16th century. Academician Peter Simon Pallas, an employee of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in 1803 published notes about his journey along the outskirts of the Russian state and did not fail to mention the dolmens he discovered on the Taman Peninsula.

In 1818, the geographer K. Tausha and the Frenchman Tebu de Marigny, who served in the Russian army, discovered and described a group of dolmens in the Pshada River basin. Somewhat later, a more detailed description of the Pshad dolmens was given by the director of the Kerch Museum, the Russified Serb Anton Baltazarovich Ashik.

Interest in dolmens increased among scientists. Already by the middle of the 19th century, in scientific works the word “dolmen” was assigned to the megalithic buildings of the Caucasus. The Cossacks called dolmens “heroic huts.”

The indigenous population, the Adygeis and Abkhazians, called dolmens “ispun” and “spyun” (dwarf houses, caves), the Abkhazians called them “keuezh” and “adamra” (ancient burial houses). The Mingrelians called them “mdishkude”, “odzvale”, “sadavale” (houses of giants, receptacle for bones).

In the second half of the 19th century, dolmens were studied by F.S. Bayern, N.L. Kamenev, A.S. Uvarov and P.S. Uvarova, E.D. Felitsyna, G.N. Sorokhtin, A.Ya. Kolosov and many others. In the pre-war period L.I. Lavrov, V.I. Strazhev, A.A. Jessen. The first systematization of the dolmens of the Caucasus was carried out by L.I. Lavrov.

He collected all the data on the location of dolmens that were ever located in the Caucasus. His work described information about 1139 dolmens, known since the travel of P.S. Pallas and until 1960.

It was L.I. Lavrov who proposed the classification of dolmens, which scientists still use today. Dolmens are classified according to construction technology and on this basis there are four types of dolmens:

1). Tiled - was built from 6 multi-ton slabs - one foundation or heel stone, two side slabs, a portal slab, a back slab and a floor slab (according to V.I. Markovin, 92% of all dolmens are tiled).

2). composite - made up of several large blocks.

3). Semi-monolithic or trough-shaped dolmen - hollowed out entirely in a rock block and covered with a slab on top.

4). monolithic - completely carved into the rock through a hole.

V.I. is considered one of the largest modern researchers of dolmen culture. Markovin. In his monograph “Dolmens of the Western Caucasus”, V.I. Markovin determined the distribution of dolmens throughout the Caucasus region, studied them in detail and described them based on the study of archival materials and the results of expeditions of 2308 dolmens.

But, most likely, the history of the study of dolmens is just beginning. Every year brings new finds and discoveries.


What to write about? Am I worthy, can I express and convey in my own words all the feelings from touching this secret? I remember my last visit. My favorite dolmen... I stand next to it, and my soul is so calm, peaceful, such silence that I don’t want to go anywhere. My soul flies up into the light in delight, my arms naturally throw myself up, and I almost shout: “Lord, how good! Thank you!.."

I learned about dolmens ten years ago. Then I read V. Megre’s book “Anastasia”. I read it in one fell swoop. The impression was twofold: it was good, gentle, warm from the words of Anastasia, the main character, and painful from Maigret’s rudeness. From the book I remember the place where the Siberian sorceress talked about dolmens, about mysterious stone structures built many thousands of years ago. She told V. Megre that living people who had not lost the ability to use the Wisdom of the Universe went to the dolmens to die (more precisely, into eternal meditation); they did this so that the survivors could comprehend the truth of the original sources, get answers to questions, which the person was interested in. And I thought that if I go to Gelendzhik, it will be just to see them, to see what it is.

Before this trip there were 7 years of active spiritual search: a philosophical circle at the university, where my comrades and I read Vl. Solovyov, Nietzsche, Berdyaev, then reading the four Gospels and discovering prayer, Agni Yoga, Rose of the World, Richard Bach, Castaneda, studying the Vedas, meditation, trips to India and meeting with saints, with people studying light and love. And now a new page of the Fate of the River called Dolmens.

How different and dissimilar they turned out to be. Some are decorated with patterns in the form of waves, vertical, horizontal, others even show U-shaped gates, the entrance to an unknown world. Still others - and their majority - are modest and unpretentious, without any patterns, unless some darling tourist writes another nonsense “Here I was, the fool”, not understanding the entire truthfulness of this inscription.

For me, the first one was the dolmen at the 13th kilometer, next to the cemetery in the village of Vozrozhdeniya.

We had an excursion to Dzhanhot, and on the way back the guide asked the driver to stop by the dolmen.

We had 15 minutes at our disposal. The first feeling was a sense of mystery. Massive stone slabs, unusual shapes, silence... What is hidden behind these stones, why are we here, who built the dolmens and why? No, I guess I didn’t ask these questions.

I sat down next to the dolmen, tried to relax and dissolve in this place, tried to merge with the dolmen: incomprehensible sensations came from these stone slabs. The words spoken by the Disciple of the ancient Druid priests surfaced in my memory: “Who, if not me, will unravel the secret of the dolmens.”

Time flew by instantly, it seemed to me that 3 minutes had passed, but the vigilant guide, looking at his watch, said that 15 minutes had passed and the bus was waiting for us. I was not the only one who noticed the effect of changing the speed of time - and my other companions (later we were amazed at other dolmens - we seemed to be sitting for 10-15 minutes, but the clock showed that an hour had passed). Where our consciousness hovered for the remaining time remained a mystery.

Mother's heart

I usually didn’t have any special questions near the dolmens; a state of Bliss came. And that was enough for me. Although after meeting them, questions began to arise and answers came in a beautiful form. V. Megre, writing about Grandmother’s dolmen, said that the person next to him can get information about how to raise a child, but did not indicate the place where this dolmen is located. (V. Megre said that this information can be obtained without a dolmen, at a distance, i.e. the author of the book was worried that crowds of tourists could simply destroy this place - this, I think, is the reason for the refusal to indicate the exact location).

And the guides started to get excited - people were asking, but they didn’t know where this dolmen was. There were many versions. Some said - this dolmen is there, others indicated a different place. It didn't bother me much. But the question itself, which was in the air, apparently captured my consciousness. And I mentally turned to the spirit of Grandmother. It was in Gelendzhik, there were no dolmens nearby, but suddenly I felt a kind of tenderness, love, I felt very good - as if the spirit of Grandmother touched and spoke to me.

I saw a woman, glowing with love, with her hair flowing, in whose arms was her baby - her Child. This was the God she gave birth to.

And she, the Mother of the Universe, fed her Child. Their bodies radiated great love, and the space around them seemed to glow as well. Multi-colored rays passed through the holo-

wu and the Woman's body and connected in her chest, uniting in her nipple. And her nipple, like a small volcano, contained all the energies of the Universe.

Take the energies that are useful to you, my child, they go through me. My Son, my God, Creator of the Universe! Grow to the joy of our Father and all people!

This is a state of complete Faith in yourself, in your strengths and in God. The state of the river, which gives its moisture to everyone, the state of the Sun, which gives everyone its light and warmth.

In this state, the woman is Pure and Free, Chaste, that is, Wise - because she knows that her son is the Son of God. Fearless - because nothing can happen without the will of the Father. The woman who imagines this will enter this state and become a real Mother of God. This is probably the goal of every woman’s earthly journey. I sincerely believe in this. The spirit of the dolmen “Mother’s Heart” told me about this.

About the names of dolmens

After the publication of the first and second books of V. Maigret, thousands of people from different corners countries made a pilgrimage to the dolmens of Gelendzhik. And since the secret of the dolmens was revealed and they were no longer just stones, but living Spirits with whom you could communicate, people tried to give names to the dolmens to which they addressed. So, for example, a group of like-minded people from A.V. Solntsev from the Anastasia center in Moscow made several trips to the dolmens, as a result of which the names of the dolmens appeared: Thor, Khan, Inf, Horus, etc. In parallel with them, other names appeared: dolmen of Love, Tenderness, Solar and Lunar, etc. It was great! Each new dolmen received its own name.

At the 1999 conference, Maigret’s criticism of this work came out like a bolt from the blue. Maigret said that new names can lead a person away from the true purpose of dolmens.

I agree that names do not reflect the fullness that a dolmen has, and I tell people that the spirit of a dolmen is multifaceted, that many properties can be revealed through it, so don’t get hung up on the name. The name is like the facet of a crystal, like one shade from all the colors of the rainbow. But even through one facet we can understand the essence of the entire Crystal; through one color we can come to other colors of the rainbow. Therefore, let the names remain, especially since they direct a person to his Divine essence. In any case, Dolmen of Wisdom, Tenderness, Love sounds better than Dolmen No. 1, No. 2, No. 3.

Dar mountain

Mount Nexis. Evening. Olya, the guide, led us to this wonderful place. And, as a tactful and understanding person, she left us alone with the dolmens... The wind carried light clouds, which, sliding along the mountain, sometimes enveloped us in their downy robe. We sat in a circle and began to sing our favorite songs, dedicated to God, and then went to the dolmens.

Sunny dolmen. He stands out among everyone. It stands on a mountain, surrounded by ramparts, as if the dolmen itself fell from the sky, and waves began to spread along the ground in all directions, which suddenly froze. Although in fact, without any mysticism, the forestry department gave the order to make bulldozers to protect against fires so that trees and grass would not burn during the dry, hot season. But it’s surprising how even the circles turned out to be, what kind of invisible hand guided the creator (I don’t want to say the tractor driver) of these earthen ramparts.

So, having walked around the dolmen, I leaned my back against the stone slab and it was as if I had entered another dimension. Some images came. I saw an old man blessing young people. He sat sternly, but at the same time light flowed from his entire being. The young men approached him one by one. It was dedication. The vision lasted a second, then disappeared. It's probably too early for me to look further. But after the vision disappeared, music appeared inside, a wonderful melody was heard. It sounded and sounded the whole time we were on the mountain... It was incredible. And only a few days later, on the way home, already on the train, poems came to this melody.

In the mountains, in a sunny meadow,

Among the winds, heavenly waters

He's worth it- made of stone,

And to my liking - Love itself!

Dolmen. Simple and perfect

Child of great sages.

They are gone, and you are imperishable

You stand for many centuries

You carry your destiny,

You give your divine Gift!

Who needs insight, inspiration,

For whom is holy healing,

And fortunately you were given to me.

Doubts have gone somewhere,

Sorrows are gone and Peace is gone

Penetrated wide river

Into my mind.

And the Muse of inspiration

Now he whispers to me

Divine chants.

And I sing

About what's happening again

I will come to you

Oh Light!

Oh, Genius!

In harmony,

Ecumenical Unity

Dolmen of Love!

Later, remembering the mountains and the dolmen, I could again feel music inside and write poetry. But sometimes words were not enough. The words were too tight to convey all the facets of the joy of my soul.

After my first visit to the dolmens, I decided that I would take care of leading people to Them. And since then, every summer I become a guide to these places.

I don’t keep statistics on how dolmens influenced people, but the results sometimes amaze me.

For many, life events have accelerated. Dolmens seemed to become an important step in their lives. My childhood friend Alexey K. met his half Svetlana at the dolmens. And I was invited to the wedding as a witness. Now they have a girl, and they are thinking about the family estate.

Another person, Olga U., after the dolmens, went to India and found her spiritual teacher there. Many - people dear to me - have found themselves in Orthodoxy. Volodya S. left for the Vissarion community. Their spiritual search accelerated, their spiritual aspiration grew.

Poems at dolmens are common. In almost every group, someone will write a poem. Apparently, the muse of versification is always next to the dolmens. Although the majority, approximately 80% of people, do not write poetry, subtle plan they don’t see, and when you ask them about their feelings, they say: “We just feel good here, we feel peace and quiet.” And, perhaps, this is the highest assessment of these places: they give us a state of Peace - and then, over time, we come to the awareness of every step of our lives.

How it was

Dolmens began to be built about 5,000 years ago. At that time, there were sages who lived a divine life, the life of the Golden Age of humanity, when people communicated directly with God, lived in the Gardens of Eden and possessed amazing energies and abilities. But even then there were signs of the Iron Age of humanity, the age of suffering. Humanity has taken the path of degradation, and the sages foresaw that this period, having reached its apogee, would end. And then new, awakened people will need the knowledge of the sages. They decided to leave this knowledge on Earth. These secrets are in the dolmens.

Information came about how the care process took place. After all, living people went into a stone chamber. For what? In order to pass on knowledge to future generations. This can be compared with the feat of Jesus, who also sacrificed his body for the sake of people.

A special place was chosen for the dolmen - harmonious to this Man, and a stone was prepared that He liked and was suitable for the place where the dolmen was installed. The stone slabs were then processed, dried in the sun, and then moved - perhaps using the ability of the Initiates to lighten the weight of objects. And so the dolmen was installed. The person had to choose the time to leave. Perhaps this was done with the help of stars and planets, calculated astrologically.

And, most likely, the sage intuitively knew the moment, the time of his departure.

And then the appointed Day came. Friends and relatives with solemn joy accompanied him to the feat of the Soul, there was no sadness or sorrow, they lifted the lid of the dolmen, and he entered this stone chamber. What happened next? The slabs hermetically sealed the Man inside, the noise and light remained outside. There was darkness and silence inside. The air and oxygen became less and less with each sip. What happened to the Man next?

When a person stops breathing, the Kundalini energy from the base of the spine begins to automatically rise up the spinal column, that is, all the energy centers of the person’s subtle body are revealed. And at this moment of the highest energy rise, the Human Spirit gives the order to leave his old body. A person's intention determines the future of his spirit. The dolmen’s masonry becomes the habitat of the spirit, thanks to which the Spirit of the Millennium remained in this place, preserving the knowledge of the original sources and passing it on to the next generations of people.

When will their Mission be completed? Why did they condemn themselves to not incarnate among people? Perhaps, with the advent of the New Golden Age of Humanity, the Spirits of the dolmens will become free. In the meantime, they stand and patiently wait for the main questions of a person: Who am I? Where am I going? And how quickly can I get to my goal?

Dead dolmen

One day I thought that perhaps with the destruction of the dolmen’s slabs its Spirit was also freed. But experience has shown the opposite. In some destroyed dolmens the energy of the place was much stronger than in many intact dolmens. The exception to the rule was the dolmen in the Shapshug Valley, from which the spirit left. When I approached him, I was amazed that nothing inside me responded. There was neither joy nor sadness. The soul remained completely indifferent. The dolmen was empty. I decided to test myself and asked my friends about their feelings. “It’s a dead dolmen, we don’t feel anything,” they confirmed. Near the dolmen we saw mysterious signs - traces of some kind of magical operation, which may have been the reason for the departure of the dolmen spirit. The Shapshuga Valley is often visited by groups of psychics, esotericists of all stripes, magicians and sorcerers. Black and white are close together here. You have to be careful here...

Once upon a time there was an artist

One artist from Moscow comes to Gelendzhik every summer, paints portraits of people, and sometimes goes to the mountains to dolmens to relax his soul. One day he shared his experience with me: “There, at the dolmens, pure thoughts come to me. This is probably how the spirits of dolmens talk to people. The last time they told me: “Don’t draw for fame and money...”.

Money is a painful topic, especially for Gelendzhik, where some come to spend it, and others to earn money. Shrine and money are incompatible concepts. You cannot go to shrines just for the sake of money. They will close themselves off from you (judging from my experience). If you think about money, then brighter thoughts are blocked. Although, if the goals are good and money is not the main thing, then payment is allowed. In addition to paying the guides, there is also an environmental fee on the farm of S. Bambakov, and you also have to pay for passage to the valley of the Zhenya River, where there are also dolmens. Of course, churches use donations, but here, if this system is introduced, only 1% of the people visiting will probably donate some amount. But in reality, who will clean up the trash for 99% of tourists? Therefore, the environmental fee is the right measure. Although here an exception should be made. For people who are on a budget and want to visit these places, you need to make a free entrance. In Egypt, for example, for viewing pyramids, tombs or temples they charge about 20-40 Egyptian pounds, which in our money is 200-400 rubles.

And if you compare dolmens with pyramids, and I recently visited Egypt, then dolmens win. I feel pleasant and good around them. The pyramids have cold energy, you feel anxiety - you don’t want to go inside. There is danger there. The Sphinx is a different matter. It's warm and good next to him. He, like a guard, stands next to the pyramids and looks with his wise eyes at the civilization of people.

What did these ten years with dolmens give me? Bliss and once again bliss from communicating with these pure Souls. People and money stopped bothering me. Let me explain: previously, solitude was required to concentrate on the energy of the place, on the Guardian of the Dolmen, but now sometimes hundreds of meters away I feel the flow of energies and can communicate with the Spirit of the Dolmen. And hundreds of tourists no longer bother me at all. But if you come for the first (and even the second or third) time, of course, it is best to choose a time that is inconvenient for mass tourist groups. It's early morning hours. When you are alone with Nature and with the One to whom you have come.

Money. It seems that I have found that golden mean, where I understand where to take money and where not to. And when we go to dolmens to communicate or get acquainted, I try not to take money. And when I do this selflessly, I feel how the dolmens rejoice, they accept me as if they were their own, I feel how my soul rejoices. Once, in such a state, I was on a farm near the dolmen of Tenderness. It seemed to me that he himself showed me the place where I should sit. I sat down in this place, closed my eyes and imagined myself as a vessel open to the whole space, the whole Universe. And - lo and behold! I saw a white shining ball that entered my vessel.

Light and purity were the essence of this ball. Bliss spread throughout my entire body. I realized that I was pregnant! Pregnant Light. Maybe someone will call me crazy. Man - and pregnancy. But that's how it was! And it was excellent! Oh people! If you feel this state or state of bliss, try not to spill it. Try not to speak for as long as possible, stay in silence, limit your diet, and carefully carry this condition further.

A few hours later, having arrived in Gelendzhik, I was full. The essence of my body remains the same gluttonous one. All my bliss disappeared. I’m going to the dolmens again - what should I do? “There is a seed left in you, but it will grow if you spend at least three hours every day in the state you experienced,” was the answer. You can come to shrines hundreds of times and then return to square one again, without changing anything. We need to create new habits, a new way of life. I remember the hero from Mark Zakharov’s film “That Same Munchausen”, who performed a feat every day at 10 am. A feat is a state of the soul, a state of its flight.

Lord, how great and beautiful is Your world! Lord, give me strength to always be with you! To be in the ocean of Your Grace, in the ocean of Your Love!


There was a dolmen on the Zhenya River, whom I met like a brother. I and his Spirit rose into the clouds, and we circled and rejoiced at each other. And once, trying to protect him from human aggression, I mentally created for him a golden protection from luminous rays, which, like a basket, were woven around his stone body.

The Geneva River Valley is a very busy tourist destination. Often groups of people walk one after another. Some stop and try to get energy, health, etc. from the dolmen. Sometimes guides provoke this, saying, for example, the following words: “And here we can recharge ourselves with energy and health. Let's ask Dolmen for health." And at this moment something terrible happens: they lean against the dolmens and try to take as much energy from it as possible. At this moment people turn into vampires. And although after some time the energy of the dolmen is restored, the sight is disgusting. That's why I tried to help him. But it didn’t help against an even greater problem - archaeologists.

Once I came and discovered a sad picture: the trees that grew next to the dolmen had been cut down, the stones had been torn apart. The unfortunate archaeologists from St. Petersburg destroyed all the harmony that reigned here. Barbarians with academic degrees wanted to get to the bottom of it, to find something. Of course, everyone seeks the Truth in their own way, everyone earns their bread in their own way. But how can we explain to people with hardened hearts that they are destroying Beauty? How to convey the groans and sadness of the dolmen spirits, the spirits of the forest over what they have done? They will laugh. Let... Nature itself will punish. Nothing is left without payment. The head of a group of archaeologists who did excavations in the village of Anastasievka, Tuapse region, suffered a heart attack. The megaliths that they excavated were called the Temple of the Sun. The monument was more luxurious than Stone Henge, but the sign was deciphered correctly and after all the measurements and photographs everything was buried again. Everything has its time…

These lines were written 6 years ago. Since then, the wounds have healed somewhat, and I have begun to understand some of the positive aspects. For example, if it weren’t for archaeologists, many dolmens would simply be stolen for housing and other buildings. That is, they care about the preservation of dolmens, in which they need a lot of help. And, to be honest, 20 years ago I was an archaeologist, a student, I took part in an archaeological expedition, washed shards, dug. Well-known academicians Shipov and Akimov also used to be involved in science and... discovered torsion fields, and now they remove the aura of people, saints, they say that science has come close to God. Yes, and Meg-re always looks back at scientists, even in his book he described an experiment with radiation devices that showed a decrease in radiation in the Dolmens. So science is not so hopeless, and maybe lyricists and physicists will unite in the end.

One archaeologist once admitted: “In 50 years of my communication with ancient slab sanctuaries, I never noticed anything supernatural, did not feel any ebb or flow of energy, did not get sick because of them and did not recover thanks to them. I have always seen in them only stones into which enormous human labor has been invested, traces of some unknown idea that made me do this work.”

Since the 18th century, scientists have been describing dolmens, measuring their length, width, determining their weight, age, and disassembling the cultural layer by bones (i.e., looking at both the tail and the teeth). For which we thank them very much. And they look smart with glasses. So let them make a museum under open air, let them talk about their discoveries and achievements at meetings. This is also probably important, this is also a divine plan. In the end, the flesh does not prevent the spirit from communicating with the spirit, and no archaeologists can become an obstacle here. Although many of them continue to caustically ridicule those who lay flowers at the dolmens, who bow to the memory of the Great Ancestors, who carefully, barefoot, approach the stone shrines and try to concentrate on their question or simply silently be with the spirit of the dolmen.

I remember how, as a child, I went on excursions to Orthodox churches, which the previous regime left as historical monuments. I remember how the guide, pointing to the altar and frescoes, talked about the cult nature of the building. He talked about the height and breadth of the temple, how long and how it was built, how skillfully they deceived the people, and so on. Now the churches are being transferred back to the church. And, probably, such excursions would now be perceived as blasphemy. But there were times...

The story is similar with dolmens. Thousands of years of oblivion - and only now their purpose is being revealed. Although many peoples revealed the essence of these structures in their legends. The Mingrelians, for example, called them “houses of giants,” the Cossacks called them “heroic huts,” and the Circassians preserved legends that dolmens were built by giants for dwarfs. The Spirit Giants built dolmens for the Spirit Dwarfs. What amazing insight! Now this dwarf lives in every person - a dwarf of doubt, disbelief, selfishness, and the decision depends on each person - to remain a dwarf or become a giant.

Wake up, People! The choice is yours!

I first learned about dolmens about four years ago, when my friend returned from vacation from Anapa, where he was visiting his parents, and brought back a small souvenir in the form of a box of flat stones with a round hole in one of the sides. After his brief story, I got the feeling that these structures were used by people in the past in a completely different way than they think about them (at that time I was not yet familiar with the wonderful books of A. Novykh). Time passed and my re-acquaintance with dolmens occurred after reading “Ezoosmos”. Visually, I already had at least an idea of ​​what they look like. The question of detailed study arose, but as always, thousands of reasons prevented us from delving into and understanding it. I hope today, with our joint efforts, we will be able to prepare more or less worthwhile introductory material.

I'll go off topic a little. The entire process of creating an article, from collecting information to putting everything together, was accompanied by the most severe attacks of the animal nature and all sorts of septic barriers. From initial thoughts like: “Here you showed initiative, what do you need it for, let someone else do it, it won’t work, quit, etc.”, after the light infantry was ignored, heavy artillery entered the battle in the form of often a non-working Internet, a slow computer, a loss of collected information, even a near-fire on the landing due to problems with electrical wiring. When this did not stop, ZhN began to attack through my loved ones and relatives - my daughter and wife. Quarrels arose over trifles, but knowing where the roots grew, I tried to withstand the blow, so to speak. Well, okay, as Leopold the cat sang: “We will survive this trouble.”

So, let's go.

General description and where they are located.

Ancient peoples from Britain to India built no less amazing structures from huge slabs - dolmens. Dolmens belong to the group of ancient megaliths (translated from the Greek word “ megalith" means "huge stone") and are man-made structures of a certain shape, made of massive stone slabs or stone blocks. These ancient mystical structures, the age of which, according to some estimates, ranges from 2 thousand years to 7-8 thousand years (sometimes they even call the figure 10,000 years!) are distributed throughout the world, in the most different countries and cultures. Some scientists believe that the first dolmens were built on the Iberian Peninsula in 4000-3500. BC e. Other researchers argue that the earlier center of construction is Balearic Islands, Sardinia and Corsica.

Today in the world there are about at least 9000 dolmens. These buildings are found in Bulgaria and Turkey, on the coast Mediterranean Sea, on the islands of Corsica and Malta, in Spain and Portugal. Many dolmens have been discovered on the territory of modern England and France. Even on the islands of Polynesia many of them have been found. Also, dolmen structures were discovered in North Africa in Roknia, India, Palestine and North Korea (more than 50% of all dolmens in the world are located on the Korean Peninsula and most of them are located in Gochang, Hwasun and on the island of Ganghwa; before the start of the war of 1950-1953 There were about 80,000 of them, at least 30,000 have survived to date, but this in no way proves that Korea is the birthplace of dolmens). A large cluster of dolmens is located along the Black Sea coast, especially in the Caucasus, where they are found in the coastal strip and stretch along the coast for 400 km from Anapa, Novorossiysk to Abkhazia. The width of this strip towards Novorossiysk is 75 km and in this territory, at the moment, archaeologists have found about 3000 dolmens. It is believed that the earliest dolmens were built here at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC.

These are huge flat stone slabs, four of which are installed vertically and covered with a fifth slab on top. The weight of this cover can reach tens of tons, dimensions - up to 10 meters. The further from the sea, the smaller the stone buildings become. There is a small oval or round hole in the front plate. The stone blocks from which the dolmens are made are practically unprocessed on the outside, but on the inside they are leveled and almost polished.

Dolmens are common in many countries of the world. As noted above, they gravitate towards watersheds, karst areas, slopes with a river, and mountainous and forested areas. Currently, more and more previously unknown dolmens are being discovered in many countries around the world:

Map of the location of dolmen zones in the Western Caucasus. List of dolmen zones. Markovin V.I.

It is unknown which of his contemporaries discovered dolmens. But the first descriptions were made by foreigners. In 1794, the German Peter Simon Pallas visited Taman and described the stone houses he discovered. In 1818, the Frenchman Tebu de Marigny, a sailor in Russian service, recorded in writing a group of 6 dolmens on the Pshada River. And during the Caucasian War in 1839, the English intelligence officer James Bell, who lived among the Shapsugs, made picturesque sketches of the mountaineers against the backdrop of dolmens.

What does the word "Dolmen" mean?

Different peoples have many definitions and meanings. Since we have already undertaken to find out more about them, I will give what we managed to find. The name “dolmen” comes from the combination of two words in the Breton language, namely “toal”, “dol” - “table” and “men” - “stone”, which literally means “stone table”. There are also other interpretations of the word “dolmen” - “changing share”...

"The All-Knowing Wikipedia" gives the following definitions of dolmens among different peoples:

  • Abkhazians: psaun - house of the soul, human soul; adamra, ahatgun - burial houses.
  • Adygea: ispun, ispyun, spyun (shapsugs); kheunezh - houses for living in the afterlife ah'retun.
  • Kabardians: isp-une - house of isp.
  • Mingrelians: mdishkude, odzvale, sadzvale - houses of giants, receptacle for bones.
  • Cossacks: heroic huts or huts, didov's and devil's huts.
  • In Portugal, dolmens are usually called "anta", in Scandinavia - "röse"; these words are part of the names of local dolmens.

We also came across these versions:

Adyghe people call Caucasian dolmens “syrp-un”, which means houses of dwarfs. Ossetians have a legend about a people of dwarfs - Bitsenta, who are endowed with supernatural traits. For example, the bicenta dwarf is capable of knocking down a huge tree with one glance. According to legend, dwarfs live in the sea. Ossetians claim that the ancestors of the Caucasian peoples - the mythical Narts - also came out of the sea and gave people culture.

V. Yashkardin describes it this way on his website:

The word "Dolmen" appeared in Russian archeology after the 1840s. For example, Felitsyn E.D. in 1879 he uses the word “Dolmen” in his work, and in later works he uses the word “Dolmen”. Until this time, in the scientific works of Pallas P.S., Tebu de Marigny E., Ashik A.B., Dubois de Montpere, James Bell S. and others, the following words were used to designate a dolmen:
Graber (grave), Hugel (mound), de petits tumulus ( small tumulus), coffres en pierres (stone box), pays maison (hut), tombeaux (grave), tombe (tomb), etc.

The first person to describe the origin of the word “dolmen” in Russia was the famous Russian archaeologist, Count Uvarov A.S. In his work "Megalithic Monuments in Russia", he outlined in detail the origin of this word. Uvarov A.S. claims that the word "dolmen" was invented by the French scientist Bodin, from the Celtic words tol (table) and men (stone). Jean-Francis talks wonderfully about the megalithic monuments of Saumur: dolmens, cromlechs, menhirs, etc. He confidently uses these terms, without any explanation of the origin of these words. This is what he calls the ancient stone buildings of the Celts. There are no Celtic stone tables (tol-men) here either, so Boden doesn’t know about it. It can be assumed that Uvarov A.S. I haven’t read Jean-Francis Bodin, but use criticism from the encyclopedia.

Since Uvarov A.S. - one of the main archaeologists in Russia at that time, his opinion is accepted a priori. For example, Felitsyn E.D. repeats this story in his work, which is the basis of all further research. To the credit of Soviet archaeologists, they do not mention J.-F. Bodin. in that way. Leonid Ivanovich Lavrov does not mention tol-men (stone table). Vladimir Ivanovich Markovin, in his main work on dolmens, very carefully described this term. He gave a link to a French encyclopedia from 1966, but indicated the time of the term “dolmen” at the end of the 18th century (this is definitely not Bodin J.-F.)

Let's clarify the words of V.I. Markovin. about the end of the 18th century. The word "dolmen" was already used in the works of French scientists of the late 18th century: Pierre Jean-Baptiste Legrand d'Aussy (1737-1800), Theophile Malo Corret de la Tour d'Auvergne (1743-1800).

Particularly noteworthy is the book of the famous “Celtoman” (collector of short stories) Théophile Malo, “Galian Origin” of 1792, in which he defines the word as the ancient name of the top stone of the Gaul sanctuary. From this it becomes clear that the word “dolmen” or “dolmin” is of ancient origin. Now about the “stone table” (tol-men). The story is even more confusing and meaningless. In the English and French Wikipedia, this version, among etymologists, raises great doubts. From Celtic, tol-men is a stone circle, not a stone table, although these concepts are close to them. In English and French There is no "Tol-man", so the Celtic language is mentioned.

About the meaning of the words:
DOLMEN - long-changing, remembering,
DOLMEN - changing share,
TOLMAN - a circle of men, a gathering point for people changing the world, a stone circle.

A word means what its sound image carries and does not depend on the date of its creation. All other (local) names of dolmens are less ancient (my opinion), and were never called that in the original sources.

Examples of local names of dolmens:

  • Adygeans, Abkhazians: Ispun (houses of dwarfs), Spyun (cave), Keunezh (ancient grave houses), Adamara,
  • Mingrelians: Mdishkude (house of giants, repository of bones), Odzvale (receptacle of bones), Sadzvale,
  • Cossacks: Bogatyrsky huts, Didova hut,
  • English: table-stone (stone table),
  • Celts: Dolmin (top heavy stone of the sanctuary),
  • Irish: Dolmain (sanctuary),
  • Türks: Dolmatas...

We see that many who called dolmens that way had no idea what they were. Houses of dwarfs, giants, tables... Also the word Pyramid can be called “a pile of stones” and we can say that this is an ancient name. Open Google translator, there is a pronunciation of Words from any language. Listen to the word PYRAMID, it sounds exactly like that in all languages, although it is spelled differently. Words sound the same in all languages ​​only when they were created in the common information space of the Earth. For example, the Russian word created in the 20th century is “Sputnik” (with a traveler, walking together). The sound image of this word denotes its essence, and it sounds the same all over the world. So, the word Pyramid was created in the general information space of the Earth, which existed before our era. This is how this word sounded before the great flood, and during the construction of the pyramids (we read Herodotus, he called the Pyramids Pyramids, and he lived before our era). It is possible that the word “Dolmen,” like “Pyramid,” came to us from a previous civilization, and this remains to be seen. The peoples of our civilization who lived near dolmens may not have built them. And some were even afraid of them. For example, the Adyghe people called the dolmen ISPUN (from the pun that frightens us).

History of dolmen research.

Since the purpose of this article is mostly for informational purposes (in my opinion, it is better to pay more attention to the principle of operation and why these things were actually built).

Why were the recesses for the front slabs of the dolmen adjusted so precisely to the shape???

7. The ratio of the dimensions of the dolmen chamber.

Researchers have identified some patterns in the ratio of the dimensions of the internal chamber. The ratio of the width of the chamber in the front part to the length of the chamber and the width in the rear part is related as:

Tiled, Type 1, Option 1 (no holes): approximately 10/10/10, about 11 dolmens in total. Tiled, Type 1, Option 2 (portal): 10/12/8, 10/12/9, about 48 dolmens in total.

Tiled, Type 1, Option 3 (with portal projections): the pattern is not established, there are about 7 dolmens in total. Tiled, Type 1, Option 4 Variety 1 (false portal with square base): 10/10/8, 10/10/9

Tiled, Type 1, Option 4 Variety 2 (false portal with trapezoidal base): 10/9/8

Tiled, Type 1, Option 4 Variety 3 (false-portal simplified): 10/8/7, 10/8/6, the pattern is poorly studied.

That is, there are several groups with a characteristic ratio of the length and width of the chamber. Any official or alternative hypothesis must explain the typical aspect ratio.

Why were dolmens built with a given aspect ratio?

8. The presence of a platform leveled to the horizon in front of the dolmen.

For dolmens, platforms were made leveled to the horizon, which exceeded the size of the foundation itself. That is, it is necessary to explain the purpose of these platforms, since for stability it was enough to level only the platform under the base of the dolmen.

Lavrov L.I. [Dolmens of the North-West Caucasus, 1960]:

"Researchers of Caucasian dolmens, as a rule, did not pay attention to the obligatory presence of a level platform in front of the facade. Only one A.F. Leshchenko gives an indication of the platform. At the same time, the platform can be noted in all of them known cases. If the dolmen stands on a flat surface, then the role of the indicated platform was played entirely by an unmarked space adjacent to the facade. In such cases it is really difficult to notice. But if the dolmen stands on the slope of a mountain, then the platform catches the eye. In such cases, there is usually sometimes a natural and sometimes artificial small flat space in front of the facade, while immediately behind the back wall of the dolmen a more or less steep uphill climb begins.

There are 9 known dolmens, in which the area in front of the facade is fenced with menhirs, and in 1 dolmen (the village of Dzhubga) - with a fence made of large hewn stone blocks. The platform at the dolmen-monolith on the Godlik River (size 2.5x2.5 m) was carved out of the same stone as the dolmen itself and, being on the same level with the floor of the latter, is located at a height of 3 m above the ground."

Why did they make flat areas in front of the dolmen façade, level with the dolmen floor?

Any hypothesis about the purpose of dolmens should give a simple and understandable answer to the questions asked above, without any exaggeration or verbiage (they wanted it, they thought, but in reality... etc.).

There is repeatability, which means there is manufacturability and there must be logic in actions...

To be continued...

Prepared by: Alexander N (Ukraine)

These mysterious stone structures are found throughout Eurasia - from Spain to Korea. The most ancient of them appeared earlier than Egyptian pyramids. Who, when and why built them is unknown. People endow them with mystical properties. These are dolmens.

Peers of the pyramids

It is believed that the name “dolmen” came from the Breton language: toal - “table” and men - “stone”, which literally means “stone table”. Allegedly, these ancient megaliths were first discovered by scientists, studied and described in Brittany. This hypothesis is not without foundation. Indeed, Western European dolmens, most often represented by roughly processed stone slabs, the largest of which - horizontal - are placed on two or three smaller ones, placed vertically, are a bit like tables, but it would be extremely inconvenient to feast at them.

Caucasian dolmens look much more elegant. These are neat stone houses made up of five or six massive stone slabs. Four slabs are the walls, the fifth is the roof, and the sixth (not always the case) is the floor. There is a round hole on the front wall of the dolmen. It could be closed with a stone plug shaped like a mushroom.

The average dimensions of Caucasian dolmens are three meters in length, two in width and two in height. The diameter of the round hole is about 40 centimeters. Each stone plate weighs from three to eight tons. The side walls and roof can extend forward to form a portal above the front slab with an opening. The rear wall may be lower than the front, and then the roof slopes back. All parts of the dolmen are carefully processed and adjusted to each other. Outside and inside the walls can be decorated with ornaments and some mysterious signs.

To date, about nine thousand dolmens have been identified in the world. They are found in England and France, Bulgaria and Turkey, in Mediterranean countries, Corsica and Malta, as well as in India, Palestine, North Korea... But most of the dolmens are located along Black Sea coast Caucasus, from Anapa to Abkhazia. On this coastal strip up to 75 kilometers wide, archaeologists have found about three thousand dolmens, of which a hundred are in the Gelendzhik region alone.

It has been established that the age of the most ancient of these amazing structures- more than 10 thousand years old (that is, they are the same age as the pyramids, which are also older than is commonly believed). No less striking is the fact that the older the dolmens, the more perfect their architectural forms and the greater the magical power they possess. One gets the impression that they were erected by some ancient highly developed civilization, and subsequent dolmens, built in the 11th-1st millennia BC and later, are only a cruder imitation of ancient models.

Adyghe people call Caucasian dolmens “syrpun”, which means “houses of dwarfs”. Ossetians have a legend about a people of dwarfs - the Bitsenta, who are endowed with supernatural traits. For example, the bicenta is capable of felling a large tree with one glance. He is also able to lift and move huge blocks of stone with the power of his gaze. And these people live in the sea. Ossetians claim that the ancestors of the Caucasian peoples - the Narts - also came out of the sea and gave people culture. The Cossacks call dolmens “heroic huts.” There is another original version of the origin of this name - “changer of share”. And it is also not without reason, which will be discussed below.

Do you know that…

In Brittany (France), women deliberately spent nights in dolmens to cure themselves of infertility or to beg for a happy marriage. This is evidenced by the relief on the back wall of one of them.

Purpose of dolmens

There are several versions of the purpose of dolmens.

Version 1. Dolmens are part of a single world structure, which also includes other megaliths and Egyptian pyramids. The locations of the dolmens were not chosen by chance. They act as a kind of conductor connecting the earth with the information grid responsible for the development of earthly civilization.

Version 2. Dolmens store in encrypted form ancient Vedic knowledge about a unified perception of the world. The wisest man of the tribe went into the dolmen, after which he was closed with a stone stopper. certain time. While in the dolmen, a person received Vedic knowledge, and the megalith itself absorbed the knowledge of his tribe and clan. And now our contemporary, who has extrasensory abilities, can obtain this information. Having tuned in to the desired wave with the help of meditation, he is able to literally change his lot, that is, his destiny.

Version 3. Dolmens are portals that open the way to other worlds and dimensions. With the help of certain techniques, a person’s consciousness could leave his body and make such transitions. The journey itself could take a long time, and the closed chamber of the dolmen, protected from the elements, was perfectly suited to the role of storing the body.

Version 4. Dolmens are tombs used for burial by many peoples. Leaders, sages, shamans, that is, the most honored members of society, were buried in them. At the same time, they performed some mystical rituals. Before the next burial, the old remains were removed from the dolmens. Therefore, it is almost impossible to find a tomb with an undisturbed early burial.

Version 5. Dolmens were used for psychogenic effects on humans. By tuning the dolmen to a certain frequency, it is possible to ensure that a person enters a special state of trance and can prophesy (as shamans do).

Version 6. Dolmens were used for technological purposes, for example, for ultrasonic welding of jewelry. There are a number of antique jewelry that are made using an unknown technology of attaching small parts to a base, reminiscent of high-frequency or ultrasonic welding.

Ancient Internet

As a rule, the building blocks of the ancient dolmens of the Caucasus consist of quartz sandstone, which is quite hard and difficult to process. And quartz is a mineral that has quite interesting properties. It has become widespread in radio engineering due to the fact that under the influence of compression the so-called piezoelectric effect occurs. That is, quartz is capable of generating electric current, as well as stabilizing the frequency, maintaining constant oscillations. In addition, under mechanical stress, quartz can emit radio waves. Most dolmens are located in seismically active zones of faults in the earth’s crust, which at a certain moment can serve as waveguides, and the structures themselves can become receivers and transmitters. Such an activated dolmen is capable of capturing the radiation of a person inside it and converting it into ultrasonic vibrations, and then transmitting them along waveguide faults to other dolmens. If there are people there who are tuned to the same wavelength, they can receive the transmitted information.

Thus, the dolmen system was a global information system of the ancients, a prototype of the modern Internet, only much more advanced, because the transfer of information occurred instantly, at the subconscious level, and instead of digital packages and files, mental and visual images were transmitted. In addition, according to supporters of this theory, dolmens could also serve as a database in which the knowledge and wisdom of the ancients was accumulated and stored.

Dolmen researchers are perplexed by the question of how our ancestors, who did not have modern machines and tools, could cut, process, lift and deliver multi-ton stone blocks to remote mountain areas. But if we assume that these “houses” were not built by Neanderthals, but by the powerful Aryan (Vedic) or Atlantic civilizations, they had enough knowledge and technology to create a worldwide information network by installing receivers and transmitters in the form of dolmens at energetically active points Earth.

Unfortunately, at present this network cannot function because the vast majority of ancient dolmens were destroyed as a result of wars and natural disasters. And in our time, their destruction continues by modern humanity, which has lost respect for ancient shrines.

By the way, the dolmen builders did not have to move the stone blocks at all. It was possible to make formwork, pour in concrete interspersed with quartz - and the structure was ready without any extra effort. By the way, traces of such formwork were imprinted on some dolmen walls. And applying images to unhardened concrete is much easier than chiseling hard stone. By the way, there is a theory that the famous Egyptian pyramids were built in the same way. It is quite possible that they were built at the same time as the dolmens and served the same purpose of maintaining the global information network.