Where did the Malaysian Boeing 777, latest versions, go? "Call sign: Twin Towers." The mystery of the pilot of the missing Malaysian Boeing. Walked along the border

The disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 in March 2014 shocked the whole world. The most varied versions of what happened were put forward. But until now nothing really is known about the fate of the plane.

Was the flight “normal”?

On March 8, 2014, Boeing flew a joint flight with China Southern Airlines flight MH370, traveling from the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur to Beijing (China). On board there were 227 passengers from different countries and 12 crew members. The crew commander was experienced 53-year-old pilot Zachary Ahmad Shah, and the co-pilot was 27-year-old co-pilot Farik Ab Namid. The airliner took off from Kuala Lumpur at 0.41 local time and was scheduled to land at Beijing airport at 6.30. [C-BLOCK]

At 02.40 Malaysia time, the plane disappeared from radar screens. At the same time, the dispatchers did not receive any information about technical problems, course changes or other problems. The last message received from the crew read: "Everything is fine, Good night" At that moment, the liner was over the South China Sea, 220 kilometers from east coast Malaysia. [C-BLOCK]

In search and rescue

This operation was attended by 26 countries, including Russia. But no traces of the missing airliner were found. At the end of January 2015, the department civil aviation Malaysia officially declared everyone on board the plane dead. [C-BLOCK]

July 29, 2015 at French island Reunion in Indian Ocean, near the city of San Andre, beach cleaners found a fragment of the wing of an unidentified aircraft, covered with shells. Experts have confirmed that this fragment most likely belongs to the missing airliner. Later, other fragments were discovered, but it was never possible to prove their indisputable belonging to the disappeared Boeing.


Meanwhile, the investigation, which was carried out by Malaysia together with seven other countries - the United States, Great Britain, France, China, Singapore, Indonesia and Australia, showed that after the plane became inaccessible to radar, it spent another 7 hours in flight. The last contact took place over the Gulf of Malacca, south of Kuala Lumpur. After approximately 40 minutes, communications with ground services were lost, including the ACARS system, accessible only from the cockpit. Only electronic messages continued to arrive from the on-board terminal to the Inmarsat satellites. It was thanks to them that it became known that over the Malaysian city of Kota Bharu, the Boeing changed course, crossed Malaysia for the second time in a southwestern direction and headed south. The flight is believed to have ended in the southern Indian Ocean. The last signal from the board was received by satellites at 8:15 local time. The black box signals were never recorded.

Was the plane hijacked by the Americans?

During a search of Captain Ahmad Shah's house, a homemade Boeing flight simulator was found. It turned out that for some reason the Shah was training to land the airliner at five airfields in the Indian Ocean region. He also erased all entries from his electronic diary. [C-BLOCK]

Therefore, the main version of the investigation was the hijacking of the airliner by unknown persons who were allegedly in collusion with the pilots. Another argument in favor of the crew’s involvement in the disappearance of the plane was the fact that a few minutes before departure, Ahmad Shah spoke on his mobile phone with a woman who had purchased a SIM card using forged documents. [C-BLOCK]

It was the hijackers who could turn off the devices. But where was the plane hijacked? One of the points where Ahmad Shah “planted” him with the help of a simulator - military base USA "Diego Garcia", located on an island-atoll with an area of ​​​​about 27 square kilometers, part of the Chagos archipelago. [C-BLOCK]

Why did the American military need to hijack the Boeing? President of the Institute for Scientific Research of the Third Millennium Ilya Belous points out that among the passengers were 20 employees of the American company Freescale Semiconductor, which produces chips, semiconductors and other electronic equipment, including military technologies. Moreover, these employees were not Americans. 12 of them were Malaysians, 8 were Chinese. And they had a number of patents in the military field. Perhaps they wanted to force them to work for the American government under supervision. And the plane with the remaining passengers was simply liquidated. [C-BLOCK]

But if all this is so, then it is very unlikely that we will ever learn about the true fate of the fatal Boeing. After all, the special services know how to hide loose ends.

Mysterious disappearance Boeing 777-200 aircraft in the Indian Ocean still haunts specialists and conspiracy theorists. The case of the missing Malaysian airliner is becoming more and more incredible.

Experts scrupulously study everything that can somehow lead to a solution. Entire dossiers have been collected on crew members and passengers. Despite this, more and more inconsistencies appear in the case. Some experts are of the opinion that they are trying to mislead the investigation. Someone is doing their best to prevent the Boeing from being found.

The identity of the captain, 53-year-old Zachary Ahmad Shah, remains mysterious. The version of his suicide is unofficially almost the main one. However, does a person who wants to die need to drag more than two hundred passengers with him?

"...suicide is still either an impulsive or a well-thought-out, but quick act. When we wrote the book, we very carefully studied everything that we could “dig up” about the captain - 53-year-old Zachary Ahmad Shah. And we came to conclusion that suicide is not in his character type, especially suicide with so many innocent victims - ordinary passengers,” says Pavel Tyapkin, a former physicist, specialist in radar installations and air defense systems. Together with Sergei Melnichenko, general director of the International Consulting and Analytical Agency "Flight Safety", he wrote a book "Flight MH370: flight to nowhere. What the investigation is silent about." In the process, both had to study a lot of data.

Pavel spoke about a strange detail that emerged during the investigation.

“When the airliner was flying back through Malaysia with the communication systems turned off, for some reason it made a semicircle around the city of Penang. And this hometown Zachary Ahmad Shah. It felt like he was saying goodbye to his home,” he said.

And this is where the fun begins. According to unofficial data, at the same time someone tried to call from the plane. As it turned out, one of the mobile phones contacted a cellular station in Penang. It would seem impossible. However, experts note that if the plane flies slowly and low, there is a chance of getting through. In experiments carried out by the Malaysian police using a small aircraft, it turned out that a cell phone could pick up a network at an altitude of three to five kilometers. The call from the Boeing failed, but there was a connection. This made it possible to determine the number. It belonged to the co-pilot, Pavel Tyapkin said on Komsomolskaya Pravda radio.

What Zachary's partner Ahmad Shah wanted to say will forever remain a mystery. However, experts hope sooner or later to find out the truth about missing Malaysian Boeing. Debris will probably help with this: there is a chance of finding them on deserted islands and shallows in the center of the Indian Ocean.

Summer 2014 head of the International Association air transport(IATA) Tony Tyler They asked which case from his practice was the most difficult. Mr Tyler, who had now worked for IATA for more than 35 years, said: "This is MH370."


In the 21st century, humanity has become accustomed to living in a situation of total surveillance, when the level of technology seemed to forever exclude the very possibility of a modern passenger airliner disappearing without a trace.

But the history of flight MH370 has proven that even the latest electronic systems are powerless against the conscious interference in their work of a person pursuing his own goals.

On the night of March 8, 2014, a Boeing 777 passenger airliner belonging to Malaysia Airlines, operating flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, disappeared upon entering Vietnamese airspace.

“MH370, operate Ho Chi Minh City, 120.9, good night,” the controller said.

“Good night, MH370,” these words from the crew were the last news from 239 people - 12 crew members and 227 passengers.

Among those who disappeared along with the plane was a Russian, 43-year-old entrepreneur Nikolai Brodsky from Irkutsk, returning home from vacation.

Last trip with disabled transponders

In the first hours after the disappearance, they worked out a tragic but ordinary version: the plane crashed due to a crew error or a technical malfunction.

But no traces of the crash could be found, but it became known that shortly after the crew’s last contact, someone on board turned off the transponder devices transmitting information about the location of the aircraft and its identification data.

Analysis of the radar station data made it possible to establish that after the transponders were turned off, the airliner changed course. Having deviated hundreds of kilometers from the route, it was last recorded when passing the MEKAR waypoint on air route No. 571 northwest of the island of Pulau Perak at an altitude of 10,900 meters.

The aircraft's further route was calculated based on data on the operation of Rolls-Royce engines, which the airliner's terminals transmitted through Inmarsat satellites to ground services.

Based on these reports, as well as using calculations of the possible flight path, the investigative team concluded that the Boeing 777 had been in the air for another 7 hours since its disappearance. The plane finished its last trip in the southern Indian Ocean, falling after using up all its fuel reserves.

Mr. Ferrier's find

In January 2015, everyone on board flight MH370 was declared dead in an "accident".

Two large-scale search operations involving representatives of several countries led, essentially, to nothing.

July 29, 2015 Nicolas Ferrier, an employee of a beach cleaning team on the French island of Reunion discovered a two-meter long piece of debris that looked like part of an airplane wing. The fragment was found near the city of Saint-André.

This fragment turned out to be the aileron flap of the missing Boeing - experts confirmed that it belonged to the plane.

Nicolas Ferrier admitted that he had previously found suitcases full of things and a seat similar to an airplane or bus. He burned all this, considering it ordinary garbage. Ferrier admitted that he does not watch TV or listen to the radio, so he knew nothing about the search for MH370.

Reunion Island is located 4,000 kilometers from the area where the plane crashed, but experts from the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) confirmed that the debris could have been brought to Reunion as a result of a long drift.

Other debris was later found. Thus, in December 2015 and February 2016, a fragment of a flap guide fairing flap and a panel of the right horizontal tail stabilizer were found on the coast of Mozambique.

In the spring of 2016, segments of an engine fairing and a fragment of the R1 interior door trim were discovered on the Mossel Bay beach (South Africa) and the coast of Rodrigues Island (Republic of Mauritius). A fragment of the trailing edge of the wing was also found on the island of Mauritius.

The findings somewhat cooled the ardor of lovers of mysticism and conspiracy theories - the Boeing was not kidnapped by intelligence agents, it did not fly away with aliens and did not fall into a parallel world.

"Unlawful interference"

The plane crashed, but its causes are still unclear.

Who turned off the transponders and why? Why did the plane change course? What was he looking for away from the main air routes?

The final report of the International Investigation Team, published in the summer of 2018, covers 1,500 pages. The investigation has not established what exactly happened to the plane, but the available evidence “irrefutably points to unlawful interference, as a result of which the communication systems stopped working and the plane was manually deployed.”

The lives of the pilots, flight attendants and passengers on MH370 have been examined under a microscope. It was established that the 53-year-old Zachary Ahmad Shah, commander of the ship, one of the most experienced airline pilots, had a homemade flight simulator at home. There was a suspicion that he was using it to practice the skills necessary to hijack an airplane and direct the Boeing along an unplanned route.

However, investigators came to the conclusion that there was nothing criminal in the actions of Zachary Ahmad Shah, and his passion for flight simulators does not mean that he was harboring some sinister plans.

Co-pilot Farik Abdul Hamid, as it turned out, he violated job descriptions. A photograph was found in which the brave pilot invites pretty passengers into the cockpit. But these pranks could not in any way affect the tragic outcome of the flight on the night of March 8, 2014.

The investigation was initially very attentive to the identities of the two Iranians who found themselves on board using fictitious documents. But then it was established that 18-year-old Iranian Puriya Nur Mohammad Merdad and 29-year-old Iranian Seyed Mohammed Reza Delavar, having left their homeland, sought to get to one of the developed countries where they wanted to settle. No connections with terrorist groups were found among passengers with foreign passports.

Actually, the absence of any statements or demands from the terrorists after the disappearance of the Boeing 777 suggests that they also had nothing to do with the disappearance of MH370.

Crazy pilot or depressurization?

In March 2015, the 27-year-old Germanwings Airbus A320-211 co-pilot Andreas Lubitz deliberately caused the crash of the plane, which led to the death of all 150 people on board.

Such cases, albeit infrequently, have occurred in the history of world aviation before.

Could one of the pilots of flight MH370, or anyone else on board, have done something similar?

Theoretically, this can be imagined. But why did the attacker need this strange 7-hour flight to nowhere? Why did none of the passengers or crew members try to raise the alarm? What actually happened on board the plane in its last hours?

In August 2005, a HeliosAirways Boeing 737-31S, operating flight HCY522 on the Larnaca-Athens-Prague route, stopped communicating 17 minutes after takeoff. The plane continued to fly until it ran out of fuel, after which it crashed into a mountain 40 kilometers north of Athens. The crash killed 115 passengers and 6 crew members. As it turned out later, the cause of the tragedy was depressurization.

It is possible that flight MH370 was flying depressurized for the last few hours, when no one on board could intervene in its fate. But this version doesn’t fit well with Boeing’s deliberate turn around and turning off its transponders.

Five years after the incident the last secret Flight MH370 remains unsolved.

MOSCOW, March 8 - RIA Novosti, Ksenia Melnikova. Five years ago, a Malaysia Airlines Boeing disappeared from radar while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. There were 239 people on board. All were declared dead, but neither the remains nor the plane itself were ever found. About how the search operation took place and why it did not produce results, see the RIA Novosti material.

Shrouded in mystery

The Boeing of Malaysia Airlines took off from Kuala Lumpur airport on March 8, 2014 at 00:41 local time (20:41 Moscow time March 7). In six hours he was scheduled to land in Beijing. There were 239 people on board, including 12 crew members. Mostly Chinese, Malaysians and Taiwanese.

There were no signs of trouble. Ten days before the flight, the plane underwent a full check. stood good weather. Everything was calm on board: the crew did not send alarming messages. 40 minutes after takeoff, the airliner disappeared from radar.

© AP Photo/Joshua Paul

© AP Photo/Joshua Paul

Subsequently it turned out that everything was done with a delay. For some reason, Ho Chi Minh City air traffic controllers reported that the plane did not enter their airspace only 20 minutes after it disappeared from radar, and not within two minutes, as required by regulations. Malaysia Airlines itself reacted belatedly, declaring an emergency five hours after the last contact with the crew. As a result, the rescue operation was launched only ten hours after the airliner went missing. Representatives of 26 states whose passengers were on board hastily sent military and fishing vessels and helicopters to a search operation.

We tried everything. They tried to determine the location of the aircraft even by signals from smartphones belonging to passengers, but to no avail. Soon, oil spills were discovered near the coast of Vietnam, and after some time, debris was discovered. Oddly enough, all this had nothing to do with the missing plane.

The scope of the search operation expanded, but did not bring any results. Rescuers combed the sea and land for days on end. There were no clues, more and more unexpected versions of what happened were put forward.

One of the main ones is an explosion on board. This explained the lack of noticeable debris. But other questions arose: why did not a single satellite detect the explosion? The possibility of the airliner being hijacked was also not discounted. Thus, it turned out that two passengers boarded the plane using stolen passports. Italian Luigi Maraldi and Austrian Christian Kotzel had their documents stolen in Thailand in 2012-2013. But this, too, was not related to the disaster - according to European documents, two Iranians were flying, hoping to settle in the European Union.

What has been accomplished during this time?

The search operation for flight MH370 has already been called the largest in the history of aviation. In total, over $150 million was spent on it. Over the course of five years, six fragments of the airliner’s hull were discovered. The first was found by a scavenger in July 2015 on the island of Reunion - four thousand kilometers from the supposed crash site. According to him, he also came across suitcases and a chair that looked like an airplane, but he burned it all, “like all the garbage.” But the garbage man didn’t hear anything about the missing plane because he doesn’t watch TV.

A couple more pieces of debris were found on the coast of Mozambique, Mauritius and on a beach in South Africa. Authorities admitted that these were indeed fragments of the missing plane.

Relatives dead passengers They repeatedly complained about the international investigative team and tried to organize their own searches. We launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise five million dollars. However, they collected a little more than 100 thousand dollars, and this was only enough for several months of investigation, which, however, also led to nothing.

An international investigative team published a 1,500-page final report last year, admitting there was still a lack of clarity. But there is evidence that "unlawful interference was committed, as a result of which the communication systems stopped working and the aircraft was deployed manually."

The airliner was piloted by the aircraft's commander, 53-year-old Malaysian Zachary Ahmad Shah, who had flown 18,500 hours, and 27-year-old co-pilot Farik Ab Namid, for whom this flight was a test flight.

Various accusations were made against Zachary. Former Canadian head of the Transportation Safety Bureau, Larry Vance, suggested that the first pilot committed suicide and killed the rest of the passengers and crew along with him. Australian experts hypothesized that the ship's commander was trying to confuse air traffic controllers. Allegedly, to do this, he turned off the detection systems and flew the plane on the border of the areas of responsibility of Thailand and Malaysia, which is considered a blind spot. And near the Malaysian state he made an unnecessary detour, as if saying goodbye to the house in which he was born. No one has officially confirmed this information.

As the general director of the ICAA "Flight Safety", a member, told RIA Novosti World Fund flight safety (FSF) Sergey Melnichenko, the pilots were not found guilty - there are no sufficient grounds. But the crew commander is a truly interesting person. With his own hands, he assembled a special simulator, on which he trained to fly an aircraft in the basement of his house. The route included in the simulator coincided with flight MH370.

Zachary's call sign was " Twin Towers 777" ("Twin Towers 777"). "Many knew him as a person who could be relied upon, who would give good advice in a difficult life situation. Interestingly, he supported the opposition in Malaysia. A year before the plane disappeared, there were elections there, the opposition lost. There is a photo of him on the Internet with the words “June 13 - the end of democracy.” He had a distant relative - one of the opposition leaders,” the expert says.

An old, forgotten story. In this post I will try to remember how the search for the ill-fated plane took place and voice one of the versions of what happened to it.

Interesting version nominated by the former head of the French airlines Proteus Airlines, Marc Dugen. In his opinion, the plane was deliberately shot down by the American military. This was done because the US Security Service suspected that the airliner had been hijacked by terrorists and, in order to prevent terrorist attacks similar to the September 11 attacks, the Americans were forced to shoot down the plane.
Ground controllers lost contact with the aircraft while it was over South China Sea and entered Chinese airspace.
Malaysian officials say the airliner turned west and was last seen over the Strait of Malacca, according to military radar, heading in the opposite direction from its original route. Based on these arguments, it can be concluded that the aircraft changed course after contact was lost.

According to Dugen, the United States even knows where to look for the wreckage of the Boeing 777-200, so they are officially searching in another place, distant from where the plane actually crashed. He suggests that the airliner crashed near a US military base located in the Indian Ocean on the island of Diego Garcia.

In order not to be held responsible for the murder of 227 passengers and 12 crew members, the Americans are trying to lead the search for the missing Boeing to a dead end. And perhaps we would never have known the truth about this disaster if the wreckage of the plane had not been washed ashore on Reunion Island.
By the way, searches in this area have been suspended, and they lasted only 10 days.
This raises a completely logical question: If the search for the plane took months in the South China Sea, then why in this case was the search completed so quickly?
Don't you think this is strange? And maybe there really is something upstream?

UPD 03/24/16
Wreckage of missing Boeing found in Mozambique

The found debris was sent for examination to Australia. A number on one of the recovered aircraft pieces indicates it belongs to the missing Boeing 777 flight MH370.

Now everything comes together.
The wreckage of the plane was carried away by the current. Some of them were carried by the Mozambique Current.

It doesn’t take several years to come to this conclusion. It’s just that over time, the secret still becomes apparent and the intention to hide the facts becomes obvious.

UPD 04/20/16
An examination confirmed that the wreckage found in Mozambique belonged to the missing Malaysian Boeing.

05/13/16 Malaysia refuses to search for the missing Boeing in the area where the wreckage of the missing plane was found.

The FBI has revealed the secret of the commander of the missing Malaysian Boeing.

The US FBI has released one version of the plane crash of a Malaysian Boeing flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in March 2014, TASS reports citing the American magazine New York.
According to the FBI, crew commander Zachary Ahmad Shah had a simulator installed at home that simulates the cockpit of an airliner and allows him to practice flying on it. A few weeks before the incident, he was practicing a route that would lead to a crash - the ship falling into the Indian Ocean. Investigators believe that the path worked out by the commander resembles the one that the plane could actually take. The wreckage of MH370 is currently being searched for at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.
The FBI managed to find out this by recovering data related to the use of the simulator from the hard drives.
In June, a fragment of an airplane wing with its flaps down was found off the coast of Tanzania. This indicates that the pilot could have sent the plane into the ocean on purpose. This fact fits perfectly into the version about the deliberate crash of a Boeing in the Indian Ocean, for which the pilot prepared by training on a simulator at home.

On the liner were 20 highly qualified scientists working for Freescale Semiconductor. They were developing stealth technologies for aircraft and camouflage devices. It is probably necessary to clarify somewhat what “cloaking devices” are - we are not talking only about radar invisibility, but about invisibility as such, visual invisibility. The main target was information held by employees of a private company. Government intelligence agencies could also be hunting for her.

Steal a plane from the best specialists- the idea is crazy. It is unlikely that amateurs could cope with this task. Employees of Freescale Semiconductor were kidnapped by specialists. The plan is flawless. Even if the Boeing on flight MH370 is found, it is unlikely that any of the passengers will be identified. Who knows, perhaps some of these specialists are still alive and working somewhere in secret laboratories.

On January 17, 2017, it became known that the search for MH370 had been stopped. For three years, the crash site of the airliner could not be found.

Over almost three years of operations, the vessels combed an area of ​​120 thousand square kilometers, both in the South China Sea and west of Australia in the Indian Ocean. The search operation cost $160 million.

From all this we can conclude that some people decided to prevent the development of camouflage technologies in order to maintain a monopoly on their ownership or, conversely, to steal scientists along with the technologies. In any case, it is clear that someone is slowing down the investigation and leading on the wrong trail.

06 01 18 The Malaysian government approved a new attempt to find the wreckage of flight MH 370. The Ocean Infinity campaign will do this. The costs of searching for the missing aircraft will only be paid if it is found. Ocean Infinity will search near Australian waters over an area of ​​25,000 km².

For comparison, the search area for this aircraft in the Indian Ocean was 710,000 km². According to the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), it was the largest aviation search in history. At the same time, a study was carried out satellite images and the study of ocean drifts. The ATSB report said the chances of finding the plane were now much higher. Let's see what happens.

Now let's try to develop the version about the disappearance of Freescale Semiconductor workers. Believing that everything happened because of them.

They are somehow connected with the US military complex. We were flying to a business meeting in Beijing. 12 of them were Malaysian citizens, 8 were Chinese. All 20 specialists are smart, as if they were a good choice. Apparently, it took a long time to form and select this particular team of scientists, whose brains are most valuable to Incognito, who is interested in acquiring these brains. You can imagine the “accident”, the “coincidence”, when 20 of the most powerful specialists gathered on one plane, and all 20 registered patents in the military-industrial complex. Of course, there is no accident in the disappearance, essentially kidnapping of scientists, when you realize that all the patents listed below have a connection with the operation and transfer of energies at a distance and control over technologies: computer science, pesticides, mass control, nuclear. Each topic is unique with its new developments.

Reference: Freescale Semiconductor is an Austin-based company. She works in defense force support. Freescale's commercial products cover various sectors:
-Communication on the battlefield
-On-board equipment
-Radar tapes HF-L and S
-Electronic warfare
-Identification, Friend or Foe (IFF)

A convention in this area of ​​research was to be held on March 20, 2014. And this is also an accident?

2 days before the Boeing 777 took off, 1 patent was registered, which had 5 owners. The 4 Chinese who were on board and the American company, which is now the only owner thanks to the disappearance of the plane. This patent is about technology that allows you to disappear from the radar of an aircraft and take control of it from a distance.

The death of a Boeing with such a “filling” is excluded. There was too valuable cargo on board. Let's look at the route and assess the situation, WHAT is located along the plane's route.

The Diego Garcia military base is located along the plane's route. Secret base with a military prison where torture is practiced. The island is completely closed from people. Many years ago they were forcibly evicted local residents, who then sued and won in the UK in 2006, hoping to return home. But the decision is not implemented. Americans spit on British court decisions.

The prison on Diego Garcia is the same as in Guantanamo. Far from civilization, nowhere to run. It is likely that all 239 passengers and the plane landed on this island. Moreover, as evidence you can cite the simulator on which the pilot trained of this aircraft. His training included landing the plane on a 1000 m runway, and the simulator flights included the Diego Garcia military base.

A low-flying plane was seen on two small islands relatively close to Diego Garcia. In particular, residents of the island of Kuva Huvad Hu say that they have never seen such a thing. big plane flying over their heads. People rushed out of their houses to see what was making such a noise. It appears that the missing Boeing 777 was landing. It was the same day from March 7 to 8.

As we know, some passengers' phones were ringing in the next few days after the plane disappeared. An image was sent from one iPhone, the geologization of which pointed to the Diego Garcia base. This photo is at the top of the article. 19 families have signed a petition to request the investment of an aircraft at the Diego Garcia military base.

I hope that people around the world understand that 239 passengers from such a base will never return home. Civilians who accidentally found themselves on the same plane with 20 scientists, according to military law, must be eliminated as witnesses.

P.S. An interesting remark appears in the foreign press that “Russia was tracking the movement of this Boeing.” What does this mean? Hard to say. There were suggestions that Yanukovych was exporting gold reserves on this plane, especially since Yanukovych and Crimean Prime Minister Anatoly Mogilev actively interacted with Chinese businessmen. This fact, of course, could be the reason for tracking him from Russia.